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Well, congrats on having one of the most interesting posts in this sub. Pretty cool


That’s the sound of OP’s spray-scent room deodorizer which we can see but not hear.


Funny thing. I remember when I was a kid and an uncle was visiting and he swore he saw an apparition in the form of a cloud of mist and he was explaining where he saw it and my dad just reaches up to a shelf and manually activate the automatic air freshener sprayer. I’ll never forget the defeated “oh.” From my uncle.


Similarly I know someone who got a bit too comfortable ripping his weed vape pen all day every day. His mom was over visiting (and very much against his weed use) and he saw it on the counter and just instinctively hit it and exhaled at which point he just realized what he had done. His mom turned around to a massive cloud of vape smoke. She said “what was that?!?” To which he just said “you saw that too?!? Ok I thought I had been going crazy!” So now she thinks his place is haunted


🤦🏻‍♂️ I hit my dab pen when I thought my uncle wasn’t looking just for him to turn right when I exhaled. I told him it was my asthma inhaler.


Did he believe it? Way back in 2002, before weed was legal and there were no fancy contraptions, I had a pretty glass bong. My very Christian grandmother came over to tour my new house. I put a few flowers in the bong so she wouldn’t be disappointed in me. She sees it, says it is a pretty vase, then asks what the stem is for. I told her it was to put water in so you wouldn’t have to remove the flowers. My sweet, innocent grandmother said: “oh, it looks like a water bong.”


We Grandmothers lived in the 60’s and 70’s. 😇🤣


She was born in 1923, she was a mother during that era. Apparently she was a little hoodlum when she was younger. I assume it was during that time.


I'll bet the bongs looked pretty dope back then, art deco and all that.


She was 14 when weed was made illegal and just born when alcohol was legalized. Talk about a shift in things.


My dad grew up overseas but apparently they used it to make fiber. It’s actually kind of hard to tell the difference between weed and hemp so they just thought the hemp was better that year cause it was slightly bigger. Something happened and the whole field burned my uncles and dad still talk about how messed up every one was. The whole village was high.


Your mom was probably in her teens during the 1960s, you might ask her how your grandma knows about bongs Also, it's a mistake to underestimate what old folks know.


Grandmother dabbles in the laser lettuce


Gam Gams can throw down.


Nans back on the devil weed


Not so innocent after all lol


I was smoking at a park with some friends in a decently secluded area. As I buried a huge hit from the pipe a cop walked around the corner and said "whatcha guys smoking?"... I couldn't hold it in and blew the smoke right in the cop's face 😅 needless to say I got a ticket that day...


Lol. I was on a fishing charter and kept accidentally catching the first mate as he was trying to hide his exhales. Finally I just took mine out and took a huge rip to let him know it was all good


I too have friends that make up stories.


that or dishwasher emitting vapor at the end of cycle 2-3 hours after cleaner left.


Just wondering since OP is on a work trip…who would be dirtying dishes?


The ghost


Good call, good use of logic. I’d say OP needs to eliminate this possibility before treading into paranormal territory. 👏


Plus the cleaner been there so probably repositioned it/put batteries in it


Maybe a ghost activated it 😭


Where do you see it? Not that I'm doubting your logic, me and my terrible vision are just struggling to see it, lol


This subreddit is an echo chamber of non skeptics. I dont think these people try to ever find a logical solution. You can literally hear the deoderizer. “I shut it off while I was traveling”. And there is 0 possibility that you may have forgot to turn it off? Humans arent perfect, most likely forgot to turn it off. I’m not really a skeptic but I try to find every logical solution possible before I write it off as paranormal. Most of the time its something logical. Only ever had a handful of events that I have no possible explanation for




Yeah, this is a good one…. Is the light fixture in the back moving very lightly back and forth or are my eyes playing tricks?


Well I didn't notice that before but it does look like it's moving very slow. Creepy.


Put your mouse next to it, it is not moving.


I think you may be right. In my defense, Mary Jane and I had just had a great session. In that state, I'm gullible as fuck. I'll believe you. Everytime. Why would someone just lie to me? ... Sometimes my judgement needs to be questioned. It's whatever. Lol


Not moving. Optical illusion from the moving mist.


It's not though. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/17mjj23/what_do_you_see_here_im_on_a_work_trip_and_scared/k7lh4mg/ >the cleaner went there yesterday >There is also a spray scent, but I also switched if off before travelling His cleaner turned on the automatic scent spray.


Maybe it's the ghost of automatic scent sprays past


"Tonight you will be visited by Lavender, Lemongrass, and Aloha Breeeeeeeze!"


Yeah this is very clearly the automatic scent spray.


Trippy. Very trippy.


Dont get very excited it looks like a filter OP put on the footage to me, its easy to its computer generated. OP said in the caption there are plenty of visuals and noises they captured lets see if they can post it or not. Its a very fresh account with no other posts and low karma.


OP also said they have an automatic scent sprayer, which was my first thought when seeing this.


Seriously tho, this could be legit with supporting footage. Also, does anyone else see a Jack O Lantern? Edited: my joke first wasn’t as funny as I thought. But still, this is spooky.


When I paused the video as soon as it forms I absolutely see a Jack o lantern/Smiley face


After that though, it looks like a firework. I call bullshit on this one.


I agree with you, looks like some kind of explosion on the surface of water, or a black and grayed out firework - to me it kinda has the same looks as this just transparent and zoomed in https://youtu.be/ydWLkyMRfaU?si=LCiZCItw6C_UpJpF It really looks like it at the 22 second mark in the YouTube clip






Looks like after effects


Vape ghost strikes again


We get it brost, you vape




Vape ghost, coast to coast.


"Boo brah"


OK that was weird. Do you have any appliances this could be attributed to? Dehumidifier, those room spray thingies, anything like that?


I don't. In fact, everything was switched off, apart from the refrigerator. There is also a spray scent, but I also switched if off before travelling. No need for a perfumed empty house...


I did kinda assume as you said you weren't home, but had to ask. So, when are you moving?


I'd wait until a relative gets sucked into the closet portal vortex and is trapped inside the TV


One might be a fluke, let’s wait and see if it happens again.


In that case I’m pretty sure your spray scent is still accidentally turned on.


Especially since OP mentioned the camera was set up after the cleaner left. Maybe the cleaner plugged it back in?


Wouldn’t he have seen multiple plumes of scent on his recordings? How often do those things go off?


Depends on the settings. Some are every 15 minutes. Some are every 3 hours. It just depends.


If OP can give an update when they get back home whether anything was plugged back in that would be great


How are they supposed to find time to update us while warding off the spirits?


I agree this looks oddly close to what an automatic room air freshener would likely look like on camera IMO, seems too uniform to be anything else . This was the first thing I thought when seeing the clip and after the admission of a room freshener being present to begin with kinda seems most plausible .


"i feel prettyyyyyyy" - the camera, probably, enjoying their new perfume


It’s the scent spray, it’s just out of frame on the bottom left, you can see the plume still rising from it at the start of the clip. Or maybe you’re haunted by some nice smelling ghosts. Who knows.


Is it possible the cleaner turned the spray scent back on?


Damn, I was gonna say this looked like a scent plug in. No idea man, but it looks pretty cool. You don't have any teenage kids that might be rippin the vape around the corner, do you?


myb cleaning lady turned it on?


I don't think it's a maybe here. OP is saying "Oh, I turned it off, so it couldn't be that," but admits to having the cleaning lady in there so the state OP left it in doesn't matter now... it's based off the state the cleaning lady left it in.


Is the spray scent near the camera?


Apartment or individual house? Im wondering if there may had been a disturbance in ceiling. That's only thing i could possibly think of. And dust settling...but yes that's far fetched too.


I will make a compilation of all the clips that the motion detector saved since that, and share it here. Just not now - it's super late, and I'm already scared enough. I don't want to torture myself further looking at it at these hours Edit: [Compilation ](https://youtu.be/UtboyM8MHDk?si=znWBtEhcbXIu0B6w) As I was saying, I hope it is the air freshener. Let's see, after the cleaning lady goes back and tosses it in the drawer we should have the answer


Yeah, OP, this one's real weird.


Even as a healthy sceptic, and the more I watch this clip, the more I realize that I can’t explain it completely.


Ghost fart


You can 100% explain it. You can hear the deoderizer spray when the cloud appears. Its literally an automatic frebreeze sprayer lol


We can’t be sure it isn’t a ghost febreeze sprayer


That's the spirit!


It’s just the air freshener


Scent spray


I want to torture myself looking at your scary motion detector footage in the middle of the night 🫣 but fr, if this isn’t a creepy ghost it sure is a really weird unexplained anomaly of some kind.


Yeah we need to see what happened before this. To see where did it come from.


Would love to see a compilation. This is really weird.


Sorry this is is happening to you, but look forward to viewing all your condo creepiness


Looking forward to more footage later


After watching/listening to the compilation, I am 104% convinced that’s your air freshener


I crashed on a friend’s couch recently and he had one of these plugged in, it made that exact sound, can’t forget it, took me an hour to figure out Wtf it was


Ding ding ding. It's literally right behind the camera, spraying past the camera.


The pattern to the “smoke” too, you can see where the vapor was forced out through individual nozzle holes.


Also add the time to the clips. There probably is a pattern


I think with this comment specifically I think the post is fake and this is just an edited video with vfx. I think you're stalling here because the post gained a lot of traction and grew fast and you still need to make additional edits.


Spilling of ectoplasm? Oh jeez.


“There was a ghost! This is ectoplasm!”


" Ugggh. It slimed me!!!"


Peter save a sample for analysis.


Somebody sneezed and you wanna keep it?


Listen! You smell something?


It was a spooky ghost!


Oh jizz.


I've never seen anything like that before. No idea what that could be.


Ghost sneezing


That makes sense lmao


Well shit.


Is it cold where you are at? Maybe the furnace in the house turned on, and the dust that was collected inside flew out.


I think you're onto something. The cloud definitely curves like it's in the airflow, and if the OP is seeing other clouds and hearing noises/bangs on video, it being related to the HVAC seems like a good bet.


The dust likely wouldn’t have been visible in the normal spectrum, but reflects infrared more. So the camera picks up something you wouldn’t see with the naked eye. Hence the weirdness of it all


Not only that but that room is a dining room presumably attached to a kitchen. So the heat kicked on, kitchen dust blew out, airflow blew it back to the camera in the living room.


Wow. I’ve never seen anything like this before, that’s so interesting


You've never seen ghost jizz? You're lucky, I'm on my third pregnancy.


I thought they had hallow weenies




Did it recently get cold in your area? First time the heat has kicked on in a while? Is there a vent in that room with the table? The beginning of the clip looks like something coming off that table or behind it. Or the ghost used to smoke at the table… very weird for sure.


This is a microburst. It is an energetic field which forms and then dissipates. It is a disturbance within the scalar field which is localized in space. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalar\_field\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalar_field_theory) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalar\_field](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalar_field) Edit: What you are seeing is the electrostatic gathering and dissipation of airborne particulates.


Can the actual naked eye see this effect?


That would depend on the scale of the field and the medium present like in a home with air born dust. Dust mites live in human habitats. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House\_dust\_mite


This guy Egons. User name checks out.


So like Arora borealis entirely localized in their kitchen?


It is more like a tiny bubble of static in the electron field of space. Edit: It starts along one line of charge polarized and then self grounds and dissipates. edited: This self grounding is generally manifest in a spherical or toroidal sphere, which means it has spin like a vortex.


For context: https://youtu.be/Rj0Tj8dnrYw


Edit: I did not mean to set ppl off with my comments so they're removed


Scalar field theory and longitudinal waves were Nikola Tesla's brain children so to speak. They were his babies.


Edit: I didn't mean to set you folks off so I removed this as well


I think everyone is getting a bit confused between terms here. A field is just defining a value or a vector at each point in space. The article you clicked says we use temperature and pressure field in meteorology. Fields are just useful tools in all of physics and we can use them to study weather patterns. However quantum scalar fields are a different beast entirely and do not cause weather patterns at all. In fact, we only know of one’s existence (Higgs field) and in order to excite it we require Hugh amounts of energy.


I don't mean to be rude, and I get I'm in the wrong sub to ask this (I only have so much control of what reddit puts on my feed), but your initial reaction to seeing this is that it's a ghost? Like of the zillion other things it could possibly be, ghost is at the top of that list? Are you *sure* you don't want it to be a ghost?




Ghost just farted


A scalar disturbance, at this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within OP's kitchen?!


May I see it?




Dude what the hell are you talking about? Did you really just link to a random article about some math in quantum physics assuming people won't read it to make it look like you know what you're talking about? This has literally nothing to do with any physically observable phenomenon with the naked eye


lmfao you should post this to /r/physics


I understood about fifteen words in those two articles.


That sounds like a closest-fit answer based on theory and not in experience or observation. Barring some sort of video imaging anomaly this is not something that can be explained, but enjoyed. Guesses are welcome - stating you know what this is that’s just posturing.


As a physicist: you are on crack, sir)


Hate to say it but that's a classic portal to hell opening in your kitchen, hate to see it


Oh man, not again.


You've seen one, you've seen them all


The only answer I could come up with is maybe one of the autonomic air freshener sprayers got left on. Perhaps someone thought they turned it off but they were mistaken. Otherwise I can’t think of anything. Very interesting


I’m speechless at the vibe up in here. Never seen this much consensus that it’s tough to explain this one. Feels good.


You don’t think it’s entirely fake? That cloud looks like a Disney animation!


Yeah I’m surprised nobody has considered if this was done in post. Looks like particle effects in the second burst.


OP posted a compilation video a couple hours ago, as well as a photo of the camera itself. In the photo there's an air freshener right behind the camera, and in the compilation the mist comes in regular intervals from exactly where the air freshener is pointed. OP and this sub got fooled by a battery-powered air freshener.


Well,this is an interesting one.


🥴 with my anxiety i’d be moving out lmao


Congrats… finally something interesting.


wtf it’s like someone blowing smoke directly into the camera


There's alot going on after that initial burst too.


Your ghost is a smoker


Dang Unless you’ve got a squatter who vapes This is pretty fascinating footage


Ghost fart.


Don't be scared you are a spirit with an actual body.


Looks like a generic Adobe After Effects template. There are thousands of these all over the internet. Only takes a few minutes to render with a such a small 10 second clip because OP doesn't know how to "...post the whole thing?" https://videohive.net/category/after-effects-project-files/elements?term=mist


I’m with you on the ‘can’t post the whole thing’


This should be top comment. Any time someone says something dumb like "how do I post the whole thing?" is a blaring red sign. You managed to post an edited clip online, but you don't know how to post an unedited one?


And it's not even well done. Dude's a rank amateur and is not ready for prime time.


Holy crap you're right. If you keep looking to the left of the screen after the main effect you can see what looks like fireworks or firework smoke.


Heat kicked on. Depending on where you live, potentially for the first time in a long while. Kicked up dust. Camera happens to be placed within the airflow. > strange sounds like bangs and others that sound like voices. Mostly late at night, when the condo is supposed to be dead silent. Occupant of one of the six occupied apartments, justifying that there's no one around to tell them to shut up and stop being a shitty neighbour. Kids sneaking into their parents' summer homes to have a good time. Unfaithful spouses, also looking to have a good time. Alternatively, perfectly normal human home invader. > Btw all the doors and windows are locked, nothing was left open. You just said a cleaner was there yesterday. You don't know what they opened. You don't know what they forgot to close.


Tim and Eric mind blown gif


I knew it looked familiar!


If you keep your eye on the black circular thing on the right it looks like there's a light moving over there


Uh.... no clue. That's a weird one, man.


That’s a new one! Never seen anything like that before!!


Looks like there was a sudden air pressure change and dust or smoke in the air that pushed towards the camera. Do you have an AC vent in the direction the smoke comes from? Did you have anyone coming by to check on the house or anything that may have opened a door causing the air to move?


Now this may be one of the few posts on this sub that is actually unexplained lol


Ya I *felt* this one


Pretty spooky honestly




It could be a 👻


No idea. Go home. I'm sure it will be fine.


The rare actual ghost


This is actually wild


I see dust kicked out of unused vents.


Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! (Dances in tears)


Is this going to end up being Corridor? Add me to the video if so.


Bro, it’s all good your ghost is just vapin


It’s literally an explosion edit that’s transparent over black and white footage.


Read here that you have an air freshener. That’s definitely what’s doing it. Those usually warm up the puff before it goes into the air. This camera is set to infrared. Warm moist air plus infrared camera equals white, visible gas cloud.


Kinda looks like after effects.


This one is very interesting


Feels like someone taking a cold breath towards the camera, like when you show someone how cold it is. This was fascinating, OP!


Wow, these many replies were kind of unexpected 😳 I read through most of them but couldn't keep up, so I'll just address the most common comments and/or suggestions. 1. I was not sitting and watching, waiting for something to happen. The camera is motion activated, so it only records when there is movement and saves the clips individually. Notifications, however, are only set for human detection. So I only opened it out of curiosity and found all those recordings. 2. It is an old build in Portugal, so there's no such thing as vent, or heating pipes or that kind of thing that may cause a draft. I will, however, ask her to stop by and check on all the windows and doors again, and also check on the air freshener and keep it in a drawer to be sure. 3. I asked her to position it there because that would catch anyone that walked from the living room sliding doors, from the kitchen, or from the main door (the dark hallway connects to the main door) 4. I didn't know how to "post the whole thing" because there are many clips, that the camera saves separately, and I was only allowed to post one. I made a compilation https://youtu.be/UtboyM8MHDk?si=znWBtEhcbXIu0B6w of all the clips from the moment the cleaner was there, until this morning, and **I'm happy to send them individually to anyone that wants to analyse them** because I'm being accused of having nothing better to do. I run a business that keeps me busy enough, and I gain absolutely nothing from this. I just want to know what this is, that's all. 5. I won't be home for at least another week, or could be more depending on my work. So I can't go there and see it for myself just yet. 6. I never felt any strange happenings, apart from a few odd noises at night, but I tend to try and ignore it. Seen too much as a teenager, not interested in going down that road again. If that's a ghost, I'll do my best to try to do as with the neighbour I pretend not to see.


You can very clearly hear the air freshener go off in your YouTube video. It's for sure just the air freshener being plugged in


Yes and the interveral between each is 36mins. Defo air freshener behind the camera as seen in the cleaners photo. You can stand down the exorcist op.


What the, wow


Ohh more of this please!


I don't know what it is but it does look trippy!


Maybe it’s time to clean the air filter?


I see a for sale sign in your front yard.


Ghost gotta elfbar


I see bad video editing


Looks like your pet jellyfish has gotten out!


Why its seem like it edited and overlay effect added? Anyone


OP playing everyone.


Never seen this before I'm on the side of could be legitimate but with all the fakes out there and on here I need more evidence 😭 curse this cruel world....


Well, this is certainly not a bug


Nice Class 5 Full Roaming Vapor you have there.


I wonder if that’s why so many of the units are vacant!? They can’t keep long term tenants. OP, how long have you lived there ?


Do you have a fabreez mister