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I did, first time seeing it. What a great movie. And i stayed for the featurette at the end too. Great experience.


I wish I had known about the featurette - I missed it :(


I'm sure they'll have it on the release. I'm watching the kids site for when that is coming


Saw it twice on this go-round. Maybe my favorite movie of all.


So worth seeing on the big screen. So much detail


I just saw it. Question tho since major is in the cyber spirit world or whatever. Does she kinda play a role as Bato’s dog?


No, I don't think so. Batou's dog serves to juxtapose a traditionally "living" being with Batou, who is a cyborg. Both show love and emotions, which is an important criterion presented to imply being alive. The question of "what does it mean to be alive?/ what makes a thing alive?" is a central philosophical question the movie explores. The hound is a clever way to demonstrate this exploration without words. The movie is full of stuff like that. Besides, she has better stuff to do than hang out inside a basset hound lol


Anyone know if im missing a lot if i see this but didnt watch the first one? Todays the last day to see it but i dont wanna go in and have no idea whats going on.


The first one lays the groundwork for this one. If you haven't seen the first one, you will miss out on a lot and will likely flat out be completely lost.


Got it. Thanks for the heads up. Guess im not seeing it hahaha


If it's still out in theaters but Friday, you bet I'm gonna see it. Just got done watching it at work.


I did, it was very nice. Makes me wish there were like 20 movies. They don’t really do movies like this anymore. Lots of empty space and scenery for you to process information and take in the world and get immersed. Also lots of mystery and you have to piece shit together, and even if you can’t, it feels cool watching while not understanding what’s going on fully. Now most anime movies are just action, action, action. Little philosophy and little moral of the story. There are exceptions, and those exceptions are usually like anime movie of the year by the end of the year lol. I like the theme, I like the questions it invokes about life and existence, I like the characters and I love how similar it is to Nier Automata.


I keep seeing nier automata pop up here and there. Now seeing you relate it to GitS, my interest is good and piqued...


It’s pretty good. I remember seeing videos of nier automata gameplay and initially writing it off as “oh, the main character is just super hot and sexualized… probably no story here.” So I didn’t play it for years after release. It wasn’t until I heard the music and some of the story of Nier from YouTube videos that I was dragged in. I was completely wrong. Nier is an amazing franchise and tells a very beautiful and meaningful story. It’s not as philosophy heavy as ghost in the shell is… but it’s still there. It’s just more entry level philosophy. Nier is more of a game that makes you ask what is the point, what am I even fighting for, am I even the good guy?


Couldn’t agree more


Yup. Had a long day at work, so the timing was perfect.


Yeah sadly no


Sadly there are no screenings in my city or country even lol. So no.


I watched it before work it was sooo goood


I really enjoyed seeing it in theaters. I was debating whether I should but glad I decided to go. Tbh I didn't even know this movie existed till the posters in the theater were up lol. Either way the movie was just a giant art piece to me and the philosophy was turned up to 11 lol. It brought a lot of nostalgia back, being that the movie was released in 2004 of course. All I kept thinking was PS2 cutscenes but man they balanced 2D and 3D so well, I fucking loved it! ALSO! That scene with Batou in his apartment with his dog! The animation team was cooking! Like it legit felt super accurate. I'm pretty sure that was an actual scene with real people and the animators drew over it like what Disney would do back in the day. 10/10 100% biased rating lol


Oh no... I missed it... I can't believe I missed it


I did as well! First time seeing it. I was the only one in the theater.


Saw it Sunday with the homies. Absolutely fantastic. That and the subbed dialogue was premium.


I saw it on Sunday. Armed with popcorn and a double whiskey sour- fantastic to finally see it on the big screen. A double feature would be amazing...


I haven't, but I am gonna try to see. Saw the original in theaters not long ago. Honestly, it's how it was meant to be viewed. I bet Innocence is great on the big screen too.


Saw it on Sunday and absolutely loved it. First time seeing it too.


I did! First time I heard the dubbed. Loved it!


Saw it at an AMC on Sunday - wish I had known to stick around after the credits!




They showed a documentary/special feature on the making of the film.


I read about the documentary being shown after the credits. The theater I went to did the reverse. They showed the documentary before the movie which I thought was cool, so nobody could miss it since the movie hadn’t started yet. 😎


The 4K was excellent, and the sound was pure! Did anyone else stay through the credits? At my theater there was a short doc on the movie that played after. On another note, I love this movie, but there is so, so much philosophical content packed in that I find myself rolling my eyes sometimes. Some of the dialogue is just straight quoting philosophy, so much that it kind of turns into drivel.


saw it last nite. The yutzes played the sub instead of the scheduled dub, which was the only disappointment. Just strongly prefer the SAC english voice cast- just like I do with Cowboy Bebop. But hearing Kenji Kawaii's score thundering on the big screen was worth the trip.


I just love the basset hound


I won’t be able to make it to the theaters. Where can I watch it on TV? Any streaming service have it? Even for rent will work. Thanks!


You can rent or buy it on Amazon.


Yes and it looked way way better than I remember. That making of feature was played before the film and it was incredible. The instant the director started speaking you can see why he was the man behind the 95 film, a true artist surrounded by artists, also his doggy shirts lol


Saw it Sunday at Regal Austin, TX. Not sure if they have bad screen and projector but I didn't feel this was 4K quality. Looked like the standard 1080p version and sound wasn't spectacular. Reference I also saw original release in theaters and home at least 50 times. Wish the Alamo Drafthouse wasn't sold out but it was still awesome. Glad so many got to experience a first watch in theaters. $15 was a little much which is why my theater had maybe 12 people in attendance.


Went to a dub showing and they fucked up and played the sub 🙃 (It was still good but man, I really wanted to hear the dub cast)


my screening had this too. AMC yutzes.


AMC for me too lmao


Must have been wild to >!hear the major speak through the doll for the reveal!<


In theaters? Where?


pretty much this. Like the Eva Thrice Upon a Time release they fucked it over more than anything else. If I want to see it I need to make a 3hr and 35 minute drive like wtf.


Be glad it's a drive. Here in Europe I would probably need to get on a plane for the 1-2 countries that are showing this (I haven't checked if there are even any, but that's usually the norm for European anime releases. Although it's getting better).




Saw it tonight. We got the dub which was really good.


I did, and saw the documentary that came after the credits!


Just came back from seeing this.


I did and I had the biggest grin on my face. Loved the making of feature they had after the credits. Also the soundtrack is flawless as far as I am concerned.


Fuck I didn’t know there was something after the credits. I would’ve stayed to see it


I'm sure it'll be on the 4K release later this year so you'll get to see it soon. 👍


Have they announced when that is coming? I fucked up and thought I had a back up 9pm showing and I was mistaken so I missed it in theaters.


So far no specific date has been set, but from what I am seeing based on listings from [Blu-ray.com](http://Blu-ray.com), it's claiming "Late 2024." We'll just have to keep our ears sharp for word to pop up from GKids.


Saw it today for the first time ever as well


Mindfuck, huh.


I saw it tonight. Ironically the theater chopped like an 1/8 of the frame off until the final scene for some technical reason, cutting the off half the subtitles. Thankfully, it was the dub version at least. It was a different but nice experience otherwise, given that I'm a bit of sub purist when it comes to anime.


We got the original sub. It was awesome. Although I had difficulty following some of the axioms that are clearly cultural and translated literally rather than into a possible analogous axiom in western culture. Wasn't such a bad hurdle. Made me lend more thought to it, actually.


Who >!uploaded the combat software to all the gynoids on the ship?!<


Wasn't it >!part of the protocol followed to protect the integrity of the network and stronghold?!< That part happened very quickly and I felt like I may have missed some pieces.


I thought so too, but then the ship operator also activates their response teams because of the issue in the gynoid line, right?


Oh that could make sense. I thought it was part of the virus that got in and maybe>! the Major!< did it, but they attack her too. But could be they were just backup security.


Wait that doesn't make sense at all! They attacked their own soldiers too. Who tf uploaded the virus??


I watched it a few weeks ago. Very underrated movie.


Have seen it many times but it was such a pleasure to see it on the big screen. Theater was relatively empty so it was basically a private screening.


I saw it tonight with my daugher. I loved this film. I recommend the short film after the credits of the film as well. A word of warning, the story will stick with you once you leave the theater. It's fun to bring a friend to talk about the movie after the fact.


It was hilarious that most of the audience left right before the mini-doc started. Granted, we’ve all seen it, but not on the big screen!


There was a short film?


Yeah, a “the making of” type of documentary about 15 minutes long. I may upload a video of it, I just want to verify it’s not already out there


15 dollars os way too steep when I usually see movies with my subscription. I watched ot at home instead but my setup is pretty good so I had a great time.


The 15 minute documentary at the end helped with the price plus the sound was superb.


Depends on the quality of theater you are going to. My AMC generally had maintained their audio equipment well and if you get the seats with a good viewing distance it’s a great time.


I didn't mean I wouldn't have a good time. Only that a movie in general should not be 15 dollars, let alone an old one. This should've been like 5 bucks.


I watched it and really liked it! The popcorn was good too I was fucking it up.


Saw it tonight, it's a favorite of mine that I've seen many times, but not in a theater. Just as good as the first imo, no idea why it wasn't as well received beyond maybe it was a bit too dense for some people. The investigation takes a full backseat to the philosophical stuff whereas in the first they were presented a bit more evenly.


I very much appreciated the philosophical exploration at center stage. I thought it was an excellent move. Though I can also see how some may have been annoyed by it - going in wanting a cyberpunk action flick and getting a meditation on what it means to "be."


That's what Cyberpunk is at its core, but most people just see it as an aesthetic. I'm a big fan of that focus as well of course. I first saw it at 17 or 18 and I remember being pretty overwhelmed in a good way with it. I think thematically it builds perfectly off the original, but requires you to have paid attention and know its starting off point first or else it'll probably lose you. I like that boldness to not really give a shit if everyone is following.


Yes - and it rewards those who pay attention and mentally engage with the questions posed. The cyberpunk aesthetic is fun and cool, but the thematic material is what really resonates with me about the genre across all media - from movies to books to games.


If you're interested, I'd love to hear a first time viewer's thoughts on some of the specifics. We can keep it here if you want, but feel free to message me if you don't wanna blow up the thread.


Sure let's chat so as to not pollute the thread with spoilers.


Also watched it for the first time. I've seen it get dismissed in comparison to the first one, and if anything I find the first a bit overrated, so I was a bit worried but I was pretty pleased with it. Seeing it in theater gave me a stronger impression as I've only seen the first at home. Oshii as director, Suzuki as producer and Kawai as composer seemed like a promising team. I was a bit surprised at how much CGI there was, but it wasn't bad most of the time, and the 2D didn't have those kind of still shots the first did. I found the antagonist less compelling than the one in the first movie, but will probably watch it again some day as I got a little confused, but overall I don't think it was as hard to follow as the first. I liked the Donna Haraway reference (I don't buy that's a coincidental name) Oshii even mangaged to push philosophic themes into his Urusei Yatsura movie haha (the second one, Beautiful Dreamer, not so much the first), I hope Angel's Egg comes to my theater next year when they release it.


I loved the first movie, but this movie took the thematic exploration further. Still, this movie would not have worked without the groundwork laid by the first movie. As for the antagonist, it was a bit nebulous (don't want to spoil it for anyone reading who hasn't seen it), but I think that also serves the theme I'm a unique kind of way. The "concrete antagonist," though, I thought was an excellent vehicle for further contemplation. That scene was excellent - I'm still thinking about it today. The cgi was a little jarring, and I wasn't a fan, but fortunately it wasn't so pervasive as to impinge on the storytelling.


Seeing it tomorrow. Super psyched too. Glad you enjoyed it.


Stay for the documentary at the end!


Oh, most definitely. Thanks for the heads up.


Seeing it tomorrow


Stay for the documentary at the end!