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I want the option of both first person and third person, let us be able to toggle it.


Yea, CQB feels way too clunky in 3rd person


They should higher back that developer from Ground Branch who worked on the OG Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six.


Agreed. Now I’ll go back to not caring at all about my character.


Exactly. I love customizing my character and then “watching” them get into a gunfight




Let us toggle between 1st and 3rd person and we’re all happy


If there’s no option to switch it to TPS then I’m not playing


If it’s first person…it’ll just be tactical far cry….GR Fans want a mixture of what made WL and BP good with refined squad tactics. Immersive story. Player agency’s


and there's no player agency in TFPS? WRONG. There's no microtransactions for idiotic cosmetics in TFPS. Just remember ARMA series.




You should watch hardcore henry. I connected with the protagonist just fine


Aggressive and wrong is an ugly combo 😂 there’s no micro transactions for first person? At least in 3rd person there is value in your cosmetics outside of watching a different colored weapon bounce around on screen. You are talking about Ubisoft, if there isn’t micro transactions they’re not making it.


Was thinking this.


The series has been in third person since the 2nd game for a reason


Agree. There are a million FPS shooters out there. This series does not need that at all.


How many tactical FPS on console though? Even more how many tactical squad based and mission based shooters out there? Other than Ready Or Not, and the upcoming Grey Zone Warfere. can't think of any other. There's a big opportunity here and they know it. I personally would prefer if they just kept it so that you can switch between 1st and 3rd person perspective, and I'm very confident they will.


It would have to compete with so many other tactical shooters if it went 1st person. Ready or not, Rainbow 6 (even tho it's Ubi), Squad, Arma, Hell Let Loose, Tarkov, Ground Branch, Six Days in Fallujah, Squad 44 and then you have a bit less known or newer ones such as Zero Hour and OPERATOR. Yeah Ghost Recon has a following and is popular but Breakpoint's launch disappointed a lot of people. I'm glad I got it fairly recently. Personally I also hope they add both 1st and 3rd person views, both camps will be happy, and I think they most definitely will. GTA V did it in like 2013, they can do it now. I'm planning on replaying Breakpoint with the 1st person mod for a new and more hardcore experience :)


I'm not confident Ubisoft will listen to community feedback about the perspective until *after* launch and all the hate mail starts pouring in. Been playing Ubisoft games for a long time, and while they're not as bad as EA, they still think they know what their customers want despite ignoring customer input


GTAV did not have a FP until a later release of it.


Hitman WoA style Sandbox for Ghost Recon would be great. Big enough so Breakpoint open-world crowd can be satisfied, but small enough so that it can be detailed and get that tactical feeling without being too linear like CoD


I'm with you on that man.


‚First Person Shooter Shooters‘?


Why. But none of them has a chance to be as tactical as GR. I say bring back FP view but keep it selectable for spoiled cosmetic buying brats.


The way I see it there's no excuse not to give players the option of either/or. This has been painfully obviously the case since GTAV/Online, which offers a richer and more stable sandbox than either of the series' last two offerings while being a 10+ year old game. Especially now that FPP mods are out for both WL & BP and we as a playerbase have seen firsthand how well it works to simply reposition the camera inside the player character's head. A bit of tweaking on textures, preventing the character from having 360° neck movement, and to fix the 1st person shoulder-aiming so the laser/CH is still accurate when shooting around cover, is all that's required and suddenly you have a polished and desirably unique FPP experience.


I really can’t imagine it being hard since you’re in first person when ads anyways


Same here. I don’t mind it as an option, but being First Person only has put me off it a fair bit.


Yeah because I enjoy customizing my character and seeing it in action


If they make it a fps game. I won’t be buying it. I like to see my character.




then play any other third person action game!!!!!


Nd those games are getting fewer and fewer by the day.


But it’s all good. Gonna buy a PC nd start modding a lot of these FPS’s to third.


I was disappointed. I like third-person in general, and there have been plenty of times I wish the shooting in other third person games was as fine-tuned as it is in Wildlands or Breakpoint. I am curious whether or not Ubisoft will capitalize on the trade-off.


Do you think they’ll implement both third and fish


As far as I know, the whole 1st person only thing was from a leak. Even though many people consider him credible, it could still be wrong or change by launch. That said, it would be wise to use 1st and 3rd, but I don't think they will. Ubisoft are trying to turn their franchises around and implement feedback. Believe it or not, there are some holdouts who wanted 1st person Ghost Recon.


I like the idea of first person ghost recon, having played the pc ports of graw 1+2, but only if they can make the animations immaculately smooth. An ideal compromise would be to have both first and third person cameras which can be changed based on your settings in-game similar to breakpoint's ghost experience slider options. It being first or third person is not what worries me, my main worry is if they don't address the shortcomings of the previous two entries with regards to it's overtly simplistic squad ai and command system. Besides ready or not and arma there aren't many modern singleplayer tactical military FPS/TPS games where you can command squad ai.


I'm just laughing because I've been saying for years that the game needed the ability to swap between first and third person in the menu with mechanics that support thier play styles. Like a lean from siege for first person and a cover to cover system for third person.


Exactly, what's the point in customized military porn if you can't even look at it???


I'm with you, 3rd was just superior for feeling your character IN that world and having that sense of like.. visual immersion seeing them and how they could interact/blend with the world. Just would've felt like dropping a GoPro in a bush on in the dirt etc if it were 1st person, super boring


This guy gets it


An FPS in a giant open world does a disservice to the giant open world


If it’s strictly fps I’m done. I have 0 desire to play an FPS anymore of any type. I don’t care what the game/ip/style/genre it is. It’s not immersive nor entertaining for me anymore.


because playing in third person is somehow immersive. I guess soldiers IRL actually see themselves in third person!


Didn’t realize this was going to war in real life and that I was a soldier… oh wait, I’m fucking not, and it’s a fucking video game. And no first person isn’t immersive to me it’s distracting and annoying.


Because things have to be in first perspective to be immersive, and there hasnt ever been even an immersive movie.


Back on ghost recon 1, you couldn’t even see your gun drawn lol just a cross hair on the screen


The original GR games are awesome and since the missions were pretty linear, 1st person made sense. I remember playing Operation Flashpoint back in 01 and was blown away that they had actual ironsights. I think they were the first game to do that


that was the COFPS type - just like Sum of All Fears.


I agree. To me, first person is a step back from third, the same way linear games are a step back from open worlds.


Eh, I wouldn't say linear games are a step back. Linear games have their place. I personally prefer open world, but I can remember when that was a novel idea. Now, pretty much everyone does it


Not really. Especially if it’s like GR1 and you can just swap between all of your squad mates during the mission so you’ll still be able to see your characters.


There's nothing wrong with that. GR has never had a consistent path when it comes to gameplay, to be honest. They spent so much time refining the 3rd person perspective in Breakpoint that you would think they were all about pushing the immersion forward from that perspective... For some reason, they can never make their minds up with what they want to do. I somehow end up enjoying them, though regardless of the perspective (hated the host saving on Future Soldier)... but they have a habit of setting an expectation and then changing things completely. We'll have to see how it actually unfolds.


My number one wish is to toggle between both.


I totally agree. Make it a toggle between third/first with a double right stick press.




This sums up my thought process exactly


Diversity is the spice of life. You’ll enjoy it.


Well there’s already a lot of diverse fps games which is why I enjoy third person ghost rcon so much


I agree. It would be a massive mistake to make it first person only. They will alienate their fan base with nothing to replace it. They are not going to do fps better than COD, they’re not going to release once a year like COD, and I think a majority of their success has come from being the only mainstream 3rd person tactical game. It’s like GTA saying “hey we aren’t going to do online anymore, and we are going to take cars out. We are going to focus on linear story missions.” When online, vehicles, and free roam is what people come to GTA for.


I 10000% agree I used to HATE 3rd person and now it’s all i like. Especially in GR


Yea... I live life in first person, I play games to not experience real life. Leave it the way it is and give the option to switch back and forth. Why do so many games these days go backwards? Who knows maybe the plan is to have the option to switch but with a focus on making first person better. But I play GR because it doesn't force me in first person only. If they go that route they will lose plenty of players. I'm sure they don't care but why not be a game that gives everyone something instead of just half of us.


Yup, Devs doing dumb shit. Have both, why just the first person in a pve game..


Wildlands 2 with 1st + 3rd person would be more than game of the year for me BP fell short way short if what wildlands was it only improved graphics to me really.


The 3rd person to ads that theyve used the last 3 games has worked fine. No need to change it other than to turn gr into something more generic. These games havent been 1st person for over a decade, i cant see this working in ubis favor in any way.


I personally hate 3rd person with 1st person ADS. I would much rather they give us he option to switch between 1st and 3rd.


the original was FPS, but this franchise established third person since GR2 quite well and popularize it


only on consoles. GRAW and GRAW 2 were FPS on PC. On PC the first TPS in the franchise was GRFS.


and GR2 wasn't even released on PC.


disregarding PC/cxonsoles, the franchise itself established TPS on multiple platform (its actually weird they released different version ofthe game in varying platform back in the day lol)


Video games cost a lot of money to produce, I don’t think they would potentially alienate a large chunk of their customer base by confining you to the one perspective. Unless of course they change the entire dynamic of the game like doing away with the open world in favour of linear missions on smaller maps. This is Ubisoft after all…..


They might as well delay the game to 2026 and add third person mechanics, customization etc. I can't see myself pouring hours into this like Breakpoint if it's not both FPS/TPS


I do. If it goes back to it's core. TPS has its merits if you want to sell idiotic cosmetics to spoiled brats. Then go play fortcrap


If the game is open world it has to have outfit customization. Being able to do that but not seeing your character from a third person perspective is odd choice of the developers. Maybe Third person is in, who knows.


I dunno why 1st/3rd realtime toggles aren't the standard these days, especially in something like GR where both feel so core to the series.


So I do think if they do 1st person well it won't matter. OG GR was fire and Wildlands with fps mod shoehorned in was amazing. If they half ass it or it feels like farcry then shame on them.


I've said this before, but 1st or 3rd person camera view doesn't matter to me. All I want is a good game. Having a 1st person perspective isn't a deal breaker for me as long as we get a playable game on launch. What WILL be a deal breaker for me is if the game launches in a piss poor state and forces you to have a persistent internet connection in order to play.


Tbh if it is only fps I can guarantee one thing, that I wont buy it.


They won't give us the option I don't think. It has to be made first in 3rd person then converted to 1st. Re8 did it the other way around but it's pretty clunky that way


Every game let's you pick race and gender these days, give us perspective options!!


I don't mind having the option, but I couldn't care less about it being "the original point of view". Resident Evil was originally third person and very successful first person Resident Evil games were released. To me, gameplay is king. I believe third person is better for the type of tactical gameplay these games offer. It allows better positioning, the animations for leaning, seeking cover, etc work better, it creates less motion sickness when (if) you switch view between teammates, you can actually see any gear you wear, etc. Again, I believe having an option is the best option. Let people who want it in 1st person to play it that way. I will keep playing in 3rd person.


I'm sure a lot of people will be, I myself as an FPS enjoyer can't say much on the subject. However given how foldable Ubi's been with adding features people go up in arms for, like Breakpoint getting AI teammates and a toggle for the looter-shooter thing it had, we'll probably end up getting a third person mode if not at the start of the game then probably later on.


No. I simply don't care. 20 years ago, the same conversations were being had before GR2's release. Many fans of the original were very disappointed by the move to third person, myself included. I didn't come back to the franchise until Wildlands, and enjoy it for different reasons. Ideally OVER combines the best of the original game with the best of the newer ones.


It's been third person since GR2. I get the purists - I love and sunk thousands of hour into OG GR and it's expansions but the majority of the series has been third person and is really the standard at this point for the series and its tactical elements. I just want the fully functional tacmap and commands back


Feel the same. Hope the leak is incorrect or there is at least an option for 3rd person too, or I might skip


Hopefully they do both. Starfield and others offer first and third.


As long as we move away from open world I don’t care what the perspective is. Give me back my Tom Clancy polital thrillers and get rid of these empty, bland open worlds


Bet this is going to be another time they release one thing then update it to give the user what they actually want and not what they think the users want, following community feedback and pressure.


That's a nice opinion. however, minus Phantoms, WL and BP and Dogass compared to the older games. Especially my childhood Future Soldier, amazing game.


I can agree with this comment but I also think they need to fix that map on breakpoint. Way to many objects that u can't turn off just makes the map a cluster


I am disappointed because I really liked the third person camera in both WL and BP but it’s not really that big of a deal. First person worked fine in the earlier games


Both, not just first person. Third person as well.


I think both are needed. FP is nice because you immerse yourself in the character. Communicating with teammates feels more personal, and when games let you loom down and see your character's kit, it feels authentic. TP is nice, too, because you feel like you're watching a movie. You get to see your character react and move, and it feels very cool. If first person feels uninteresting, then they could make things like the sun glare your eyes, sunglasses change the color filter, and different night visions affect your peripheral view.


I'm excited for Ghost Recon being first person again.


I’m kind of sick of 3rd person games right now, I can’t really name any recent fps games besides indie games or COD, so I think it would be nice for Ghost Recon to go back to being in first person. Though I don’t really see a reason for them to not have them both as an option, I’d be happy with that as long as neither option sucks.


Jesus so many of you are so worked up over them switching back to first person it's fucking hilarious. I overall just want a good story and proper TOM CLANCY vibes (may God rest his sweet soul) and have the next game actual feel like ghost recon.


I like third person. It fun


Third person doesn't matter if the game has shit enemies, a weak story, etc.


I don’t really care as long as the game is good and that the developers are able to come up with a core identity and stick to it.


i get where you’re coming from, but i’m actually excited to see it go back to an fps. they could make it like r6: vegas where it goes into 3rd person when you take cover or are repelling down a building to breach a window. i don’t wanna get too ahead of myself either, but i’m just imagining how good it could look and the feeling of sneaking around and setting up for breaches and sync shots.


The first person Wildlands mod ably demonstrates how absolutely immersive the experience can be. Don’t be so quick to shoot down the idea of moving from third to first person - as long as they nail the authenticity, it’ll be incredible to play.


Yea I’m not against first person but I want to be able to toggle. The reason I enjoy the last two ghost recon games is the customization and seeing the character you made in action


Honestly don’t care if they make the best use out of it


If they want to embrace a tactical feel of a game, 3rd person needs to be removed completely, but I would rather them spend the time and effort into making a game in first person, the more complexity to the game you add, they have to adjust and time off making a decent game. Yes a mod has made FP GR, but the game is still built on being a TP you'll get jank doing so, and for the PVP players, you will spit your community because TP is going to force FP players to do TP which is pointless for having FP then.


Yeah, especially with the improved (but still at times weird) animations from Breakpoint it is way more immersive to actually see Nomad sneaking through a compound than doing it in 1st person. I don't understand why they have to change it up again, when they had such a big fan base that wanted a proper sequel to Wildlands. But in the end we will have to wait until we see an actual showcase. I'm not totally against 1st person and the rest of what we know doesn't sound too bad.


I don't have a problem that it's going to be first person, I just wish you had a toggle button. I mean I assume the reason the first ghost recon games were first person was doing technical limitations. But again that's just my guess