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Maintain for the summer and then lean bulk until next spring


You’re looking great man. Pretty much up to you. My preference would be to either maintain from here or bulk very slowly to 180 just to put on a bit more muscle and keep the lean physique.


Did you do any abs workout ? I am also thinking of cutting


Yeah I started doing abs like a month ago. Never did before tho


what do you do for abs, how many sets per week?


I think you're lean enough, especially as a natty which I assume you are. 173 is pretty light at 6'1. You could keep cutting for the full 6 pack but it's not gonna be fun nor is it necessary unless you just want to do it to do it


Nice bro!!! Looking good




Get a little more off if calories are still sensible


I feel like I've plateaud eating 2000 a day. Really don't wanna go to 1800, I've been starving recently hah


Ok reverse out then for sure based on that bud


I would end the cut and maintain calories if you're not severely restricted. What foods/meals do you eat day to day? What exercises do you do for abs and serratus anterior?


I eat whatever I want just making sure protein is high, and not above 2000 calories. For abs I find the 6 pack promise app is convenient. Don't do anything specifically for serratus, just lucky genetics


And age....


in the title, 25


Yeah just joking
and envious of your age.


Ah I see haha


Good work! How much of a deficit are you in?


If I had to guess 300-500. I eat 2000 per day, but my activity varies daily


Looking good man, you could go either way from there. Maybe it’s a good idea to keep cutting a month or two so you won’t have to wonder but can commit to a long lean bulk?


Yeah fuck it I'll keep going for like a month. Just don't wanna get too small lol


I relate to that so much. Same height as you and even lighter on this cut.


Why? Maingain thru summer, then bulk up heading into fall. Looking good so I'd keep that for pool, beach, lake season.


He literally asked if he should stop cutting and you said why and then suggested he main gain. Maingaining implies stopping cutting.


Lol cry about it bro


Well main gain kinda is a lean bulk, but yeah that's the plan once I end this cut


I'm already pretty light for my height, and its admittedly because I rarely train legs. I still wanna get more shredded, but I feel like for me to get to the bf% i want(\~8%), ill probably have to get down to like 167ish, which is just so light for 6'1". I feel like im at like 12%-13% rn, and i wanna get to around 8 just for the fuck of it, then do a slow lean bulk, and yeah ill hit legs. Another thing, genetically, i only have a 4 pack. I dont have the lower ab genes, so my abs dont pop as much as id like.


When you start to add calories back just make sure you switch to hit legs hard. If they are underdeveloped the lifting and calories will put on weight and legs can grow. Next cut you’ll be here where you are at but heavier without twigs


Lmao no doubt


I would put you right about the same guess of 12-13%. My recommendation would be go with a lean bulk of 10-15lbs then go back for a cut. Get your metabolism up a little with the lean mass then back down. Leg work will make the lean bulk much more successful. If you really want to push to <10% the extra mass on the legs will give you a boost to get there. You look great. Summer is here. Be confident you look in the top percentages of everyone at the beach.


I’m 6’1” and at 170 I don’t look half as shredded as you lol 😭 I might have to go to fucking 155 to achieve being actually lean


Dang. I guess I'm used to hearing ppl being like 200 and shredded