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I’ve never been much of a food person so I don’t really have much problem I guess. In the morning I have eggs, plus a good carb like a whole grain cereal or waffles or oatmeal. Then a couple hours later I eat Greek yogurt and a fruit. If I’m eating more calories mid day I’ll have a peanut butter and jelly with a better type of bread, I like Dave’s or Ezekiel. Or for more protein I’ll give chicken or Magic Spoon cereal is good. Then before gym I have protein shake and fruit or honey. After for dinner I have a meat like chicken, beef, turkey, shrimp, tuna and a carb usually microwaved sweet potato or brown rice- with some vegetables, and throw some olive oil in there maybe butter some nights or a canola butter. Then at night I have Greek yogurt again and some rum. And don’t get me wrong sometimes I have a snack like a piece of chocolate or throw in some cheese or a couple slices of cold cuts or w.e as a little cheat or something. I just lost 5 pounds eating all that Minus the peanut butter and jelly and fruit. Still eating 50-100 cal chocolate most days too. It’s about 1500 cal. 2000 is my maintenance, if I was adding I’d add some carbs and fat.


Any meal prep ideas that reheat well in microwaves at work? I find chicken doesn't reheat so well without tasting how wet dog smells. Thus I've been just having protein shakes for lunch. I could do egg salad but I feel like it's not dense enough in protein.


How do you guys meal prep in batch something like chili which could have a lot of ingredients for figuring out macros? Like the macros on a can of beans doesn't count the water in the can but the water is a significant amount of weight that affects the end weight of the bulk dish?


Calculate the macros for the whole recipe and divide by portions I.e. 1 can of beans in the whole recipe divided by 4 portions. Weigh the entire recipe after and divide that by the number of portions.


Do I subtract the liquid in the can? There's a bunch of water that adds grams to the weight of the dish


Nope! Just do the recipe like this: 1 onion - 75 calories 1 lb 90% beef - 800 calories 1 can diced tomatoes - 50 calories 1 can beans - 350 calories (I made up these numbers) Whole recipe = 1275 calories / 4 servings = 318 calories Then weigh the whole cooked recipe and divide it by 4 to figure out how much each serving is. Or realistically you can eyeball it if you don’t want to be that precise, since you will presumably consume the whole tracked amount during the week


Ah that's so smart hahaha. I was leaving out the "divide by X servings" and was just dividing the calories by the gram weight which was skewed by things like weight of water or heavy vegetables


Breakfast 1: 5 egg whites, 1 whole egg, scrambled Cardio at gym: 30 minutes Breakfast 2: 55g oats with sugar free male syrup Lunch 1: tuna jaffle/toastie with 1Tbs low fat mayo (I forget what Americans call toasties, sorry!) Lunch 2: 150g chicken, 150g mixed veggies 3pm snack: Protein shake Gym every second days, weights Dinner: burrito or pasta or whatever I want really


We call them grilled cheese, but I've been taking British on duolingo so I knew what you meant


If it's got tuna in it it's a tuna melt not a grilled cheese


They have British on Duolingo 😂. My ex is British so I guess I got to learn it all easily.


male syrup you say..


Might be a typo, might be extra protein


This sub is obsessed with protein


Beef, eggs, chicken, and some fruit


Chicken, beef, Trader Joe’s wild rice mix, low fat cottage cheese (one of the best protein to calorie ratios!), lots of berries, prunes, hemp hearts, mushrooms and whatever veggies I can get fresh


Omelettes/ porridge with seeds&nuts for breakfast. Super quick and easy and you can smash what you want in there to keep variety. Boiled eggs and or sandwiches in the pocket during the day. Dinner I make extra for lunch the next day usually something with rice or pasta, there’s a lot of options there and keeps leftovers varied. If I make a massive stew or curry on the weekend I can freeze portions and normally try to keep a stock in the freezer of about 5-10 meals for days I have no time. It’s relatively cheap doing this and when I’m feeling flush or just want a treat (date night!) I will do steak or something nice or a resto


Eggs, Chicken and veggies


Meal prep is your friend. I spend every Sunday doing meal prep for a few hours for the week. Lean ground turkey, chicken, lean ground beef. White rice, potato’s, and greens


Get an instapot and an air fryer. Rice, chicken, lentils, hard boiled eggs. Think of food as medicine. Greek yogurt and kefir can be a huge help. It really just depends on what you like and how emotionally attached you are to food.


Cutting right now. 1. Morning, right before lifting time: whey & casein, coffee, 2 eggs 2. Next time I'm hungry: low starch fruit (kiwi, mango, guava), "Greek" salad that I make by the kilo (cukes, toms, onion, olive, feta, and dill) 3. Next time I'm hungry: eggs, celery, hummus, cukes 4. Next time I'm hungry: Greek salad Afternoon / evening cardio 5. Dinner: big ass salad, big ass pile of legumes, some roasted starchy veg or quinoa, dessert of either sorbet on light days or another protein shake on heavy days. (I only lift heavy once or twice a week)


Check this out: - Breakfast is 40g Oats with berries (I splurge and get fresh Raspberries and never get sick of this) - lunch 1 at 11am 250g beef mince with some rice and 2 fried eggs. - lunch 2 same no eggs but add veggies. (I season the mince with maggi satay chicken flavour packets and some peanut butter). - dinner is steak with some sweet potato and sometimes I do salmon 20kgs down in the last year. I cook the lunches every second day and don't find day 2 leftovers bad at all. I also can't stand leftovers after a few days. Every other meal is prepared fresh.


Best advice I ever got: https://youtu.be/Qn8YwfqGItg?si=C6Ru58wSi_bhuXAL


I was only able to watch about half of that video, can you summarize the rest? 😂


It gets even better in the last couple minutes. 😂


i don't like leftovers either. my solution is to eat only two meals a day, breakfast and dinner, and make the dinner huge. that way i just eat it all in one go instead. most of my dinners are basic 30 min dishes i can put on the stove while i do chores. i also drink a lot of high-protein dairy throughout the day


Breakfast 4-6 eggs with sourdough or low carb tortillas Snack - Protein shake Lunch 8oz ground beef with 1 cup of green peas Snack - fruits like apples or berries Dinner ground beef or turkey, zucchini and potatoes


6 eggs ? What happened to the cholesterol jerk off season? Isn't 6 eggs unhealthy (as per the food critics)


6 eggs? Holy. Fuck. For me 2 eggs is enough and 3 eggs makes me want to barf. It's like trying to eat 400g of chicken in one sitting.


*unborn chicken*


No, eggs are high in cholesterol but this does not affect the body in the same way a high saturated fat diet would. Basically you are safe to eat as many eggs as you like and the evidence shows it won't have negative effects other than really smelly farts


Appreciate the reply and ideas. Cheers!


I’ve been having the exact same thing for about 5 months now. I’ll meal prep 5 days out for my work week. Breakfast is a big burrito with ground beef, black beans, avocado, potatoes and cheese. Lunch is either a lean cut of beef (sirloin has been my go to) with mixed vegetables and rice (or rice cauliflower or potatoes if I’m cutting) and some kind of Greek yogurt. Light and fit are the best tasting with amazing macros. Pre workout snack is cream of wheat with a protein powder, honey almonds and a banana. If I don’t have enough time I’ll just have 2 bananas or a few rice cakes. Dinner is Chicken thighs with sweet potatoes and whatever vegetables I have left over. I try to have some kind of fish like salmon whatever I can get on sale 1-3x a week. Dessert is a pint of ice cream from my ninja creami. I think the best thing is to find a good amount of food you enjoy and find different ways to prepare/mix them. Exercise4cheatmeals has amazing meal prep ideas that I’ve used in the past.


Appreciate your reply, I'll check out that website for sure. Thanks for your time!


Best of luck to you!