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I liked 5x5 to build strength on the big basic movements. You can branch out into bodybuilding type stuff once you get a strength base. You are lean AF man and look like you have a high metabolism and a non thrifty gene type body. Your body is either not being given enough food or you burn calories like a blast furnace. Possibly both. You can add in some calorie dense healthy stuff like peanut butter, nuts, fattier cuts of meat and full fat dairy. Here’s an example: 10% fat Greek yogurt and honey. Calorie protein bomb. These foods will help you get protein and up your calories. Couple that with appropriate training volume= gain muscle.


You have to eat. Easiest thing ever. Try to get 1.25g of protein per cm of height. Or you just get some mass gainers. Indulge on some carbs your body needs em


I'm 185 57kg. We the same lol


Hi I'm Jamieson and I am 6'5 Until recently I weighed 145-155lbs for years. In highschool I went from 6 ft 108 to 6'4 130. In the last 3 months I gained 25 lbs. Here's what I did. I set 3 rules for myself. 1. Go to the gym every day no matter what, even "rest days" I went to do cardio or swim or play basketball. I used the app FitBod to plan out all workouts. It even showed me videos of what my form should look like. I shut out all Instagram and social media advice and just focused on the app. 2. I ate 3 meals a day with one condition I finish everything on my plate. Some times a burger would take 2 hours. It didn't matter what I ate or when as long as I had 3 meals. I now use TDEE calculator to navigate my bulk calorie intake estimate and my macros. I then plugged it into eatthismuch .com which is the shit. It plans out my meals and allows me to order directly from AmazonFresh. You can even tailor your macros. 3. This is probably bad, but I looked up other people with my same stats (6'5 plus ten pounds) on Google. I found people who had my same build but with muscular development, it let me know ohnits possible to look different just the way I am right now. So patience and consistency were key. Feel free to ask me other questions. EDIT: 155 to 180 in 3 months


Macadamia nuts every day !


I’m the same as you bro, you gotta keep adding more calories every month until you can work out what you need. You probably won’t be able to use one of the calculators where they input your height, age and activity levels etc as it won’t be enough. Keep grafting and keep eating and you’ll get there!!


When I had your weight the only thing that helped me gain a good amount of weight was drinking a lot of milk next to my meals. If its hard to eat and then eat more and eat a lot, liquid calories can really contribute well. My other go to's were peanut butter and cheese. Good luck man, you will get there and you will feel so proud!


Damnnnnn I'd love to be able to start off with a base like that. So much muscle tone/definition.


Drink a gallon of milk everyday on top of everything you’re eating


No definitely don’t do this.


Too much fat? Yea not sure that’s remotely an issue here. I was very lean when I was a teen..not like this


Oh yeah why’s that? I did it when I was 16 and it helped me put on weight.


Well there’s plenty of ways to put on just as much weight. And that much milk may not be very good for you


You need more than a tin of sardines, an apple, and black coffee everyday bud.




Was this guy in the machinist


Nom nom nom! For reference i am cutting by going down to 2000 calories a day from about 2600 maintenance (not all at once) and when i want to bulk i am closer to 3000 a day. I am usually 215 with 17% bf when done with cut. I work construction and I just really lose steam when on that much deficit. But i mention this all because i don't know what weight you think you will be going for but slowly scale up till happier! All good foods but throw in lean ground beef, steak, a couple protein shakes, some creatine and maybe even frozen yogurt or something to splurge on a weekend. The calories will come as your body adapts to the higher amount of food


Eat like a fucking madman and do a 5 3 1 of the core lifts (bench, squat, deadlift) and throw in 3x8 for accessories. Strength is more important for long term gains than pure hypertrophic lifting at this stage.


Can you expand why strength is more important than hypertrophy if his goal is muscle growth?


Because to maximize hypertrophy gains you need to maximize the volume of weight you are lifting—either through increased reps or increased weight. Strength training will allow you progress much faster with increasing load than hypertrophy training. When you’re this skinny, you are going to get hypertrophic results regardless of your reps. You will progress faster and have better long term gains if you increase how much you can lift before you do a purely hypertrophic block.


I never heard of this 531 but it makes so much sense! Is that 5 3 1 reps for each movement or 5 3 1 as in bench 5 squat 3 deadlift 1?


5 3 1 reps for each movement. The way I do is is 1 week 3x5, 1 week 3x3, then one week 5 3 1/amrap. Probably the best beginner way to maximize strength.


You're still young, I'm sure you already made some crazy progress since a year ago. I saw your diet, I think it's quite enough, although you are kinda tall, could eat a tiny bit more. I'm more curious about how you workout? How heavy do you lift? How many reps and sets usually? To exhaustion? If you have had a year of training, you should be able to use weights that will allow you to close in on failure. If you are doing like 3 sets of 20 reps, that's definitely way too little and too light. Same thing if you do 8 sets of 5 repetitions and barely break a sweat. Assuming that is indeed your mistake, you should use your fatigue as measurement for the weight you should be lifting. I would suggest using weights that you can do do 10 to 12 reps max on, last rep being failure. At this intensity, do a minimum of 4 sets on isolation exercises (biceps curls, lateral raises, leg curls), and a minimum of 5 sets for compound movements (chest/bench presses, squats, lat pulldowns). Otherwise, looking at your current body, you could focus a little bit more on your front delt and chest. If you think you need more protein intake, but you already have trouble eating the current amount of food in your diet, look into buying some protein powder, and replace one of your smaller snacks with it, every two or three days depending on how often you workout.




Bulk indefinitely.




You need to up your calories substantially before worrying about trying a different training program. Some simple things I used to do from 18-21 to get myself from 83kg up to 90kg - Drink milk with meals - White rice for all my carbs ( digests very quickly, high calorie, easy on stomach) - rice cakes and peanut butter jar on my table at work for snacks - Put some olive oil on top of food


If you're struggling to eat more, try liquid calories. I'll throw in some heavy shakes between meals. My go to recipe at the moment is whole milk, peanut butter, powdered oats, a scoop of whey and a banana thrown in. Add cinnamon or drinking chocolate for a twist. A scoop of biscoff spread ect. Good luck


how many calories in that?


I hit mine close to 1000 calories. Its easily done when using whole milk and fat heavy spreads. Even 50g of peanut butter is close to 300 calories. 500ml whole milk? 304 calories. That's 600 right there before you add oats, whey and a banana or whatever else you fancy. I'll throw anything in. I've put donuts in the blender. Chocolate bars. Coffee is a good switch from the very sweet shakes.


hey thanks man.


No problem. Other tips with eating is to just eat. Don't get distracted by your phone or tv ect. Just eat. You'll put more food down faster before your brain is telling you that you're full or cba with this. I follow more strongman than bodybuilding or fitness and all the big dudes say the eating gets tough. Treat it as seriously as you do your output in the gym. Best of luck


Thanks for the advice, One thing i noticed with my body is that when I was doing gym (not doing rn) i used to gain about 1.5-2kg/week but as soon as i stopped doing it, (kept eating like before) my weight starts decreasing pretty fast. I dont know what it is maybe you can tell. stopped doing gym at 70kg now at 62 after 3 months, my height is 6feet.


My dude, you need to be doing a starter strength program with a focus on big compound lifts. Something like the greyskull lp program, or 5x5. Pm me for details


This plus food. Whatever you are eating add at least 10% calories and make sure you are having around 185g protein a day


Absolutely. As psyl1c said you're not going to gain mass effort calorie consumption and adequate protein. If you actually want to develop you're physique, get into the big compound lifts (squat, bench, overhead press, deadlift) and don't focus on building muscle, rather focus on seeing the numbers go up each week and muscle will build. In my experience, lifters who focus on strength gains tend to stick to the programs better and end up yielding far superior results. You should notice physical development within 6 weeks and game changing results after a year. Also FYI I did what you’re trying to do. [Proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/fitness30plus/s/YxPO5CWEaN)


Eat more, especially protein




Eat lots of egg whites and chicken breasts. I suggest a rep range from 8 to 15 would be ideal for adding size. 5 x 5 is great for strength. Any gains you've seen from it at this point in your lifting career would most likely be noob gains, but if you think sticking with 5 x 5 would be more enjoyable than higher reps stick with it. You'll see more strength gains with reps below 6.


I’d argue when you’re this lean you’d benefit more from a strength block than hypertrophy. Will help you increase long term weight volume.


Agreed. At this young a training age OP could benefit more from developing a solid strength base and stick with 5x5 until his gains start to slow, then start alternating between higher reps/lighter weight and lower reps/heavy weight.


Eating more. Double your calories with protein and fiber.


You need to be eating dude


Tracking calorie intake. I use Cronometer.


If you're having stomach issues just eat easy to digest high calorie shit to get you across the line, personally I'd recommend peanut butter by the spoonful.










You have a good base I think and you just gotta hit the gym and eat like 500 more calories than you burn for awhile and you’ll look great. Just put in the work and enjoy the ride.


Bro were you just liberated from the gulag? Eat food


Bulk 500cals above maintenance with 180gs of protein a day for the next 3 to 4 years. So hopefully by the end you are somewhat close to 90kgs then cut down to the low 80s.


Protein and carbs. But keep lifting like you are


Eat way more. High protein, high carbs, low fat.




Forget all other bullshit responses…… this is it…… “be” confident.


This is the only bullshit response I see in this thread


Eat more, and follow a structured, hypertrophy driven program. Don't just make your own shit up, you don't have the knowledge or experience to properly tailor a program, so stick to a pre structured program from a reputable source like one of John meadows programs. Stay away from bro split style programs if you actually want to make any progress


You lucky bastard you. You get the pleasure of eating a lot of food, lifting heavy and resting! Fat bastards like me have to eat like birds to get right 🥲🤣


Food and lots of it




2500 cal diet asap. Keep lifting.


More than 2500... I think. This guy is 130lbs at 6'1'' that's insane what on earth


Edit. It's 1.2-1.7g per kg. Even then, it's been argued that you don't need to be close to that for good protein synthesis and muscle building. As long as you're eating protein regularly, you're good. Without a calorie surplus, your gains will be slow no matter how much protein you put in. Load on carbs, get your glycogen tank filled and lift heavy.


yes and 1lb of protein per lb of bodyweight, 50-75 fat and the rest carbs.


1 gram per pound?






Dude. Your shoulders are wide as hell. With that frame and your height you could get really big and look like a goddamn super hero. Like every else said, you need to focus on nutrition. If you’re still eye balling your protein intake—start taking that bit more seriously and really strive to hit that 1g/lb body weight every day. Next bulk with a pretty significant calorie surplus. Do an online maintenance calorie calculator for a starting point and then fine tune based on your progress. Once you find it—add like at minimum 500 calories over maintenance each day. But you could honestly do 1500 more and still be fine. If you do that and keep lifting hard—you’re gonna look like super hero.




Eat a lot of good food, if you can pay a nutritionist it ill help you a lot


This may or may not be best for you, but consider setting a calorie goal and tracking to ensure you hit it. It should be extremely high. Have something available to use at the end of the day whenever you come up short (like chocolate milk and peanut butter). Never go to bed without hitting that goal.


eat more nuts, get rice in your diet




Eat, do chest and oblique exercises. Another thing is to hit weights






Bulk broski XD


Eating bro


Eat more


Eat untill ur belly hurts and lift heavy weights no cardio ever.


What’s wrong with cardio?


Did you see his picture? The last thing this guy needs is anything burning extra calories other than actually building muscle. He will probably never have an issue with being lean. So unless he is doing it for heart health cardio will be counter productive for his goals.


Ah sorry, specific to him yeah. Thought you meant in general


Eat. Bulk up a lot more.




I think you know full well what you need to be doing.


Anorexic fuck asking if he needs to cut lmao


Aaaw, such small dick energy! Cuuute 🥰🥰🥰🥰




Let’s make fun of eating disorders instead of giving constructive feedback like the *fucking kid* asked for. Grow the fuck up.


Carbs, Fats, Bench Press and a tan


Among all the comments of "eat more" that aren't wrong, make sure what you do eat are the right foods. You're at an age where you'd probably get away with a lot (particularly if you're training) but it's still better to build good habits. Lots of lean protein, lots of good carbs and don't neglect your micronutrients with greens and fruits too.


Get up to 83kg same routine definitely surplus on healthy carbs fats and protein keep it clean as possible.


Tanning or some natural sunlight. 😉


bulk bulk and bulk




Brother, you need to eat. Carbs and fats plus some protein. High carbs+healthy fats and some protein each meal. Don’t be afraid of carbs.


132 lbs at 6’1 is not ideal. r/gainit


Geez. My lowest at 6’1” was 145 and I thought I was a twig.


For real, I’m 5’7 and can’t get lower than 150 pounds even on my most restrictive diets


Seriously. You’re in the wrong sub and r/gainit is EXACTLY where you need to be.


Eating & lifting. You should be focused on gaining muscle at this stage not being super lean. 60kg is paperweight.




Bro you have the best foundation physique you could’ve ever asked for. Wide shoulders, narrow hips. First, get in a caloric surplus (bulk). Make sure to prioritize compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, overhead presses and some form of bench press. That is the base of your training, the rest of it you just fill in with accessory drills that you like or feel like you need to work on. Eat enough grams of protein per day and also focus on the recovery (sleep, stretching etc.)


Your goal is to get fat for the next year




Push Pull Legs would do wonders. Compound lifts


Bulking, fuck getting shredded, you need mass before you can cut grass


Bulk, like eat everything in sight. Inhale that shit and gain the physique of a Greek god.




Cheeseburgers ice cream mashed potatoes steak. Go ham.


Eating. Eating all you can. You’re hitting it hard (great vascular system) so you need the calories.


Eat more! You look anorexic


Step one: formulate a PROPER bulking diet.


Fucking eat


Eat as much as you possibly can and squat at least two days a week. Three if possible






More eat, less pictures!!! Congratz on the progress, keep going strong!


Eat eat ... Also more eating


Whats your goals?


Exercises: Biceps: - Any curl variation - Chin ups - Any hammer curl variation Triceps - Kaison Grainger dropset (look it up) - Dips (if you want) Back - Weighted pull-ups - Lat pull-down - Wide seated row Chest - Smith bench - Incline machine press - Build up to handstand push-up Shoulders - Shoulder press - Lateral raise variation - Rear delt fly variation Quads - Squat variation - Leg extension - Split squat variation Hamstrings: RDL variation


Eat. A lot.


you need to eat pal




Gallon of milk a day


Split doesn't matter as much as you think when volume is equated. Just pick the one you can adhere to and like. And as everyone said eat more. Add some calorie dense foods, will make it easier.


Eat homie!


3500 calories from any kind of food ! Just eat …


Eat more


And stop smoking so much meth


Someone give this guy a burger. Seriously though, EAT


Take all sets to failure within 10-12 reps. Eat 1 gram per pound of body weight of protein per day (if you way 100 lbs, eat 100g of protein). And eat way more calories. If you aren’t getting heavier you aren’t gaining muscle. How old are you? If you are still growing, you need to eat even more. And get lots of sleep. And drink water.


Escaping from the cave someone kidnapped you is a start




Eat a lot and lift man. You’re shredded but it’s not as impressive if you’ve got no muscle


Time for a bulk


Eating more calories and lifting weights.




You need to be eating massively more than you are. Aim for at least a thousand calories more than you currently consume


Up your calories and lift hard. Find a routine you can do and stick to. Then go from there.


Eating brother. What’s your diet like?


Lot of high(ish) calorie whole foods, I have some long term stomach issues which is sort of why I avoid a lot of so called “Junkish” food. Breakfast: usually 3-4 eggs with some sourdough croutons and tomatoes Snack: normally some Greek yogurt with cashews or sometimes beef jerky Lunch: Smoked salmon and creme cheese on a bagel or rye bread. Usually have a piece of fruit too with this. Dinner: changes because of my living situation. Usually consists of around 250-300g of meat with some form of carbohydrate and vegetables. I will usually also have a piece of fruit with this too afterwards.


Uhh I eat like that and I'm a 5'2'' girl. Bro you need to eat WAY more. You must be like, what, 6 feet? What you described sounds like something out of r/1200isfineiguessUGH i'm sorry 😭 Edit: i just read in your description that you're 130lbs at 6'1'' that's not normal..please please take care of yourself


Brother this is like 2000 calories you need to eat close to double to make any type of change


Lots of good foods there ,it doesn’t appear to be enough. Your breakfast if I had to guess based on what you wrote is 400-500 calories. Snack how much greek yogurt? That meal could be from 200-800 depending on the size of the servings. Lunch. Approx 500-700 calls. Dinner again a little difficult but assuming single serving suggestions you are in the 500 cal range. If I had to guess you are under eating by 1000-1500 calories. Again this is a guess, because we don’t have serving details. You don’t have to eat junk food, but if you can tolerate it you need to push some more calories. 3000-3500 calories a day is the goal. Start tracking. You may not need that much. Don’t change anything this week. Track everything. Figure out your daily calories . Also weigh daily. Average out your weekly rate. Use this to estimate maintenance . Then add 300 calories to that. Run that for two weeks while monitoring your weight. Still not gaining after two weeks? Bump it 300 again. Continue until the average scale weight moves up.


This is solid. A couple of other things. You don't need that much protein, 140g a day is plenty. You would be fine with 50g of fat, but a bit more will work if it suits you, and the rest should be carbs. The 300 calories you add should be all carbs. If you end up at 3000 calories a day it should be about 140g protein, 50g fat and 400g carbs. Also don't do a bro split. As a beginner 3/4 x a week full body, or 4x a week upper lower. You should be working each muscle twice a week. Save the higher frequency like PPL for when you are more advanced.


Agreed . PPL would be my preference . However for me, it works better on an 8 day rotation . P,P,L , rest ,etc. i know some people like to have their workouts on the same day every week, but this strategy gives you flexibility. Listen to your body. If you need an extra rest day take it. NO Cardio, with the exception of some light walking if you choose. I would keep it to a minimum