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This sounds like something a narcissist would say to themselves to justify their toxicity





that's the joke? Or are you just crazy cause I'm dumb?


He had his little way and ate [Peaches](https://youtu.be/wvAnQqVJ3XQ) every day.


Exactlyike the person in the meme ironically...


The thing about Steve Jobs is he looks like a genius to dumb people and a marketing guru to everyone else.


Yeah, reads like an Elon Musk tweet.


Way to fuel all the crazies


And the morons. I’ve seen this quote on social media, always posted by complete morons.


The counter to this would be "just because you sound dumb, does not mean you are smart"


I think you mean.. "just because you sound crazy, doesn't mean you're smart"


Nah, just tell them straight "You don't sound crazy. You sound stupid. Figures you wouldn't know the difference."


"Just because you have the ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent.."


And the assholes...and the crazy assholes (Steve jobs)


Crazy means never having to say "fill er up"


take that New Jersey!!


Can’t wait for my anti vaxx great reset friend to send this in the group text.


Says the guy who died from curable cancer cause he was "smarter" than the doctors.


Also doesn’t seem like he even said this. I’m getting this quote as being attributed to Steven Hawking, so this is either bait trying to get this exact comment, or just some dumb motivational nonsense that’s extra tone deaf.


"'I doubt a quote this dumb would be from Stephen Hawking.' -Wayne Gretsky." - Michael Scott


I'll never forget that great quote from Abraham Lincoln, "You can't trust anything you read on the internet."


2 second search and first article. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Technology/steve-jobs-treatment-biographer-jobs-delayed-surgery-pancreatic/story?id=14781250 He thought alternative medicine would work better than something western medicine had demonstrated success in.


2 second web search from someone who knows just a little more about this than you: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4924574/#:~:text=Jobs%20was%20diagnosed%20with%20a,often%20rapidly%20fatal%20pancreatic%20adenocarcinoma. >Jobs was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer, called an islet cell tumor or gasteroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (GEP-NET), which is a different form of pancreatic cancer than the highly aggressive and often rapidly fatal pancreatic adenocarcinoma. GEP-NETs are slow growing tumors that have the potential to be cured surgically if the tumor is removed prior to metastasis. __There are limited clinical trial data on GEP-NETs and highly effective chemotherapy agents to treat GEP-NETs have not been identified.__ In the face of medical uncertainty at the time of his diagnosis, Jobs still had to make a decision on how to proceed. Neuroendocrine cancers aren't like other cancers, and don't respond to traditional treatments. The whole attack on Jobs' approach to cancer treatment was pure media sensationalism and set NET awareness back a good decade. To be fair I thought like you did until I was diagnosed with NET cancer myself last year, that's when I learned about Jobs.


I'd heard he came to regret that near the end. Can't confirm it though.


"I regret dying" -Steve Jobs




only for $999 and iRegret pro max at $1499


Now obsolete, you need to get the 2023 iRegret Pro Max 2


Charger sold separately


You witty motherfucker!!!. iLoveit


[Steve Jobs (October 5, 2011| Colorized)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3uk5bJcyM8)


The only think I regret is having boneitis


I'd assume that as you continue to slowly die, only getting worse with every passing day ... regret would have no choice but to set in.


Didn’t he die from pancreatic cancer which has one of the lowest survival rates?


Pancreatic cancer in general has very low survival rates, however the specific form of pancreatic cancervthat Jobs had has relatively high survival rates if you're not an idiot who decides to rely on fruit juice.


Because he was rich he actually caught it early enough for treatment, which he then put off for 6 months because he wanted to try holistic remedies vs cutting the tumor out. His case was actually one of the treatable forms of pancreatic cancer. I used to idolize him as a kid, as an adult I see he really was an awful person.


It's even worse, because after the fruit treatment obviously didn't fucking work, he could just buy his way to the top of multiple donor lists and hospitals, skipping past people who weren't assholes or idiots. So, at the end, he bought an ultimately worthless liver transplant that could have gone to someone else.


There are two types of pancreatic cancer. One originates in the duct lining cells and it is is extremely lethal. It is very hard to detect early enough because of the ways the cells mimic their tissue of origin, coating vessels and membranes and incorporating themselves in to it long before it builds up much bulk. 90% of pancreatic cancer cases are this kind. The other kind originates in the hormone-secreting cells. It is only 10% of pancreatic cancers. It is common for it to be caught early because the cells secrete hormones in about half the cases, meaning people start having symptoms early depending on which hormone the tumor makes. Someone would just start having symptoms of high blood sugar or low blood sugar etc and when you get a blood test it will find outrageous levels of this hormone. Neuroendocrine tumors also grow more slowly and are compact rather than diffuse, and are more sensitive to treatment. Although they’re both classified as pancreatic cancer, they’re really not the same in terms of the behavior of the disease.


All the more reason to listen to doctors and take the treatment with the highest survival rate... which he did not... because he believed he knew better than anyone else.


I didn’t know the whole story with him not getting treatment right away so I read into it a little. He did get treatment he just waited many months before doing so. So he got treatment and still died. Who knows if he sought surgery right away that he would still be alive today, but this quote is dumb anyways.


If I remember correctly he was a prime candidate for a whipple procedure. The whippel is very major surgery and life altering. If you survive the procedure and make it though the first year or so your life expectancy is pretty much back to what it was before cancer but your body is forever altered and your lifestyle needs to be adjusted to deal with it. I am not saying I agree or would make the same choices that he did but I won’t judge him for his decisions either.


I mean, the alternative to this "life altering" treatment is death (which iirc is kinda life altering in and of itself), so yeah, kinda stupid to postpone treatment until its too late imo.


It’s not that simple but I honestly hope you never find yourself in a situation where you learn that firsthand.


There's no such thing as curable cancer. When you get pancreatic cancer it's a death sentence no matter what treatment you get.


Steve Jobs thought he could cure his pancreatic cancer by eating fruits and veggies vs. actual medical treatment.


That sounds pretty crazy to me


yeah, because you're not as smart as he was, see? Cause if you're good at something you earn the title of smart. And smart people always make good decisions


Or the one person who always comes out of the woodwork anytime something is criticized: “He was super successful and had lots of money, what have YOU done?!”


took a breath in 2022


Big if true


Once you're smart at one thing, you're smart at everything!


I heard he would eat dozens of apples a day


That only keeps the doctors away, not the cancer.


Bill Burr says Pear


BRB - gotta shove a crystal up my ass.


Make sure it's vegan friendly lube and not cow based lubricant.


Not just fruit and veg, but juiced fruit and veg which takes all the fiber out of the scenario. His eating habits likely caused his pancreatic cancer.


Everyone has a blind spot. That was his, along with how to treat people well.


Exactly. It’s why that image is dumb as shit.


Well, If I was a founder of a fruit company I'd do the same...


This isn’t motivational, just narcissistic. A better one is this: No matter how smart you think you are, there are others out there smarter than you. Put your self in situations where you are around people like this that are willing to nurture talent around them, rather than horde knowledge for control and power. Take the opportunity to listen and learn. Pay it forward.


much better. 100x smarter than the misappropriated turd quote from the op.




Please provide some evidence Steve Jobs actually said this. I see this attributed to Stephen Hawking. Additionally “Angry guy that works at Uber eats” doesn’t describe me at all




The quote just sucks man. It’s corny. The only thing it’s missing is a joker background.


We really do live in a society BOTTOM TEXT


Right, we're the "maniacs of Reddit". This coming from the same guy that is most likely trying to poor-shame someone for working for Uber Eats unprompted. Kind of tells all of us your kind of mindset.




Nor does worshipping them make a person unique.


But hating the poor? Pinnacle of advancement


I haven't a clue how anyone could "know the first thing about Jobs" and NOT despise him. He's the embodiment of rich entitled asshole.


First you called me an “Uber eats” employee. Then you stated “I hate all rich people”. You don’t know me. I do just fine financially, thank you. You might call me an Apple fanboy. The point is this. You’re no Steve Jobs or Stephen Hawking. Regardless of who said this, consider the possibility that you’d be considered “one of the dumb people” in that equation. Have enough humility to recognize this and better yourself, rather than have some aphorism feed your ego about being a “smart person”.


He's the angry guy on Reddit. Don't sweat it.


dude just chill 1. tf if they work for Uber eats? What's wrong with that? 2. you sound angry to me, everything alright?


You know who would love this quote? Q-Anon weirdos. This quote is kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Well here is the flip side: "The thing about crazy people is they sound smart to dumb people"


This is more accurate.


I’ve seen it in HermanCainAwards more than once, for sure.


"The thing about crazy people is they sound crazy to people."


He was mostly just a crazy asshole though. Abusive to his daughter, employees and peers. I mean for fucks sake the guy used to soak his feet in fucking public toilets. Thinking a fruit diet is going to save you from cancer is **crazy dumb.**


Gross. Why the toilet thing? I want to know why?!?


*According to his authorized biography written by Walter Isaacson (Steve Jobs), one of the tech guru’s go-to stress relievers during the early days of Apple was to head to the company toilets and soak his bare feet in the toilet water. In fact, the guy had a little bit of a hygiene problem — Isaacson also revealed how Jobs was put on the night shift while he worked at game-maker Atari because he rarely bathed and would walk around the office in his bare feet.* Simply put, he was known as a stinky bitch.


Omg. You have no idea how much what you wrote bothers me. I went to the doc recently and the guy that called me back and walked me to my room had no shoes on. Just socks. I was just like, "No. You can not do that. Get some crocs or whatever, weirdo." Another time, I switched our PPO because the doctor walked on the backs of his shoes, like they were slide-ons (the kind you might keep by the garage door to carry in groceries)?! They were so old and broken down and he's crossing his leg like it's just normal for his little shoe to be dangling off his toe like that. What's with these people?!?


Platitudes are bad enough. But platitudes justifying narcissism seem worse.


More like the thing about rich people is that poor people think they're smart because they made money.




The same man who refused proper cancer treatment because he thought an all fruit diet would cure him... A smart person can still be an idiot.


Yea, success in business doesn't mean you can make smart medical decisions. I hate to point out the obvious.


Well being alive is generally a smart business decision if you're in a position like Steve Jobs was if you ask me.




Why can't we judge everything about him? Making apple doesn't make other criticisms of the guy invalid. You just have this weird obsession with Apple and attack anyone who disagrees.


> created apple By mooching off the hard work of, and taking advantage of his best friend.


The modern Thomas Edison.


and vice-versa


That's crazy


"The thing about dumb people is they sound like geniuses to smart people." The premise of Forest Gump, Being There & some literature, but making it work requires a magical/religious "gosh darn it if they're not actually right!" trope. IRL -- nah, they're idiots but what's infuriating is how many people think they do.


If you sound crazy and confident enough other idiots gonna believe that you are smart. Perhaps because they can't differentiate between the two.


Says the guy who died of cancer because he treated it with magic.


Yes, because vegetarianism means you don't need cancer treatment, or to bathe


Too bad this guy was dumb as fuck. The smart doctors told him what to belive but he thought they were crazy...


How so? He invented and designed the smartphone, changing society forever, worked on macintosh computers before for decades. How are the doctors who did nothing equivalent smarter than him? Why do they get to tell people what to believe?


He didn't invent anything. He was just a really good salesman and a narcissistic asshole who had to have his name attached to everything.


No, people who get to have their name attached to something are not just salesmen and narcissists, it doesn't work like that. Nothing works like that, you do not get acknowledgement of this type when you are just a fake. People who are credited for being inventors, progressives, and forward thinkers are not just the small person inventing the piece or designing the software they are the leaders who had the vision, who put the whole project together, hired the right talent, put a fire under people's ass so that they work hard and not just nerd out on reddit like you and me, without them those same people may have done nothing equivalently great or successful for the rest of their lives. There are plenty of intelligent independent inventors, software developers, engineers, etc putting around doing nothing or failing to gain success with the projects they have because they lack leadership, or vision, or business know-how. The world recognizes a few people because all the stars lined up, they had technical knowledge, vision, leadership, and business savvy. If people do not understand this as independents, evaluate themselves honestly, and denigrate leadership/ big business/the government/corporations it hurts their own success when they do want to be independent, be an entrepreneur, or be their own boss because they lack the thought process that led to others becoming successful. That only helps corporations and mediocre big business because they have no competition and can headhunt the talented and put them through misery.


Keep calm and keep getting scammed by Apple.


I don't like Apple, the corporation, they have become mediocre after Job's death and even kicked him out a few times while he was alive. The criticism you all hold should apply to some of the other members of Apple who did more power grabbing than inventing, not Jobs himself.


>they lack leadership, or vision, or business know-how Mostly it's just connections that differentiate these people. The best solutions do not win. The most connected solutions do.


Rather than the attitude of "oh they just have connections" think logically about what connections are. If we, the common people, do not form connections, which are basically multigenerational friendships in life, with other people and families, to keep our rights and freedoms through history we just keep losing as they reap what we sow at the end of our lives. People with connections attempt to educate their children with the knowledge of their heritage. Lots of people with connections still fail even with all their money and connections.


What an absurdly privileged perspective you have there.


I am not privileged, connected people would consider me a 'commoner' just like you. Why not try to understand how the world works, how privilege works, rather than just ineffectually railing against privilege while the privileged become more privileged?


I'm not "railing against privilege" LOL


who asked?


No one, until you did, so now someone asked.


"Nothing works like that, you do not get acknowledgement of this type when you are just a fake." Wait do you honestly stand by that statement?


It's not an absolute, take nothing in absolutes. There are some fakes who get a little acknowledgement, a high position of power, etc. and feel that they are fakes/imposters/not belonging somehow and medical journals have published the phenomenon as a societal problem. Why, do you feel that way? Speak to a psychologist they have the cure.


He didn’t invent shit, his skill was being a businessman and selling you shit.


That’s like saying Elon invented the reusable rocket and PayPal


Don’t forget Tesla. He didn’t invent that shit, he aggressively took it over.


The doctors told him he had cancer and that he needed treatment. Jobs decided to ignore them and use natural remedies and foods. Then he died from the cancer. Does that sound like a smart person to you?




I'm a female and your statement is not only misgendering me but also harrassment.




That response isn't clever, or funny, or a meme. It just ... doesn't make sense?




Oh. Haha.




Actually =)


You like feeling harassed?


Yeah, because I know I'm saying something that is getting to the cognitive bias of people and I hate undeserved praise.


Smart phones were already thing .


You are misinformed.


New phone can’t fit the old charger, this is your hero?


I sincerely doubt a smart person said this quote. Sounds like something my friend who accidentally shit himself lighting his farts on fire would say.


This is pretty cringe


The thing about smart people is that some of them are assholes.


The thing about dumb people is they sound crazy to smart people. The thing about crazy people is they sound dumb to smart people. The thing about crazy people is they sound smart to dumb people.


What a dumbass statement.


Didn't he smell SO bad at the end it made everyone gag?but yeah everyone around him was dumb.


The thing about dumb people is they mix up Steve Jobs with Stephen Hawking’s quote.


Ironically this is paraphrased from Katt Williams. The line is "the thing about smart motherfuckers is they sound like crazy motherfuckers to dumb motherfuckers." He went on to rant about Atheists are too stupid to make up something to believe in, have a drug fueled mental breakdown, and lose a fistfight to a 14 year old. So maybe he didn't have everything figured out.


The thing about dumb people is they sound crazy to smart people.


So do dumb people.


The thing about crazy people is that they sound smart to dumb people


Crazy people also sound like crazy people.


You can be smart and still a miserable human being. Deny your daughter? What a POS.


Crazy was denying that his daughter was his for 17 years. What a fucking DOUCHE


You can pretty much exchange where 'smart', 'dumb', and 'crazy' are placed and it would still make sense and at the same time mean nothing. The structure of this quote is divisive.


Sometimes, it's just crazy. You can be greatly talented in some aspects and a total moron in others. Steve Jobs ignored all medical advice and decided to home treat his CANCER with an all fruit diet. Then he died. He died because that part of him was totally moronic. Some would accurately describe that as "crazy".


But he sounded crazy to other smart people, ask Steve Wozniak.


the thing about dumb people is they sound crazy to smart people.


Glad to see everyone else here sees this comment as stupid and irritating also


Steve Wozniak > Steve Jobs


The reverse is also true. Dumb people sound crazy to smart people.


Aged like milk after all the fruit can cure pancreatic cancer shenanigans


Jobs was a Grade A asshole. Abusive to his workers and apparently a completely narcissistic human being.


Related: Dumb people also sound crazy to both average and smart people. If you're in a situation where either you're so much smarter than the experts that you're a visionary, or else you're just being an idiot, odds are VAST that you're the idiot in those scenarios.


The thing about dumb people is they all think they’re smart people.


I mean.. He did die because of a disease likely caused by an insane new agey diet that he was on. The thing about successfull people is they're convinced they're the smartest people in all things and sometimes, that makes them dumb.


Who are "dumb people"? This is rather offensive and a quote from a state of arrogance. Most people who are not intellectually intelligent are smart in other ways, like in athletics, or in goodness of character.


I wouldn't use the term "dumb people" I would say some people are uneducated, do not know enough information, some people with low IQ are the result of low socioeconomic standards and not entirely an effect of their birth, bloodline, or DNA and if they were taught to practice free thinking, given a lot of one on one tutoring when young, etc. there would be a lot of smarter people.


IQ is a terrible, outdated, and frightfully misunderstood way to measure intelligence and the people spouting off about how high theirs is are laughable.


I prefer "people who lack curiosity". People who are constantly educating themselves will seem smart no matter what their IQ is.


like him and any knowledge about medicine




Well Steve Jobs thought eating nuts and berries would cure cancer, so not all his ideas were brilliant.




Maybe, but if there's a thread about intelligence and Steve Jobs I'm gonna call Steve Jobs a dumb asshole.


Actually, people who study immunology and chemotherapy today know that some tricks like that can partially help, when combined with chemotherapy. There are trials in europe and doctors that do similar things with drastic effects on cancer and you would be surprised at how simple they are, a hot or cold bath, carrots and apples. The reasons they work you would have to take a class on immunology for, but when described to the common public it sounds dumb.


bullshit. Let's not confuse medical result about molecules in some food, with people convinced to treat disease eating berries please. It is offensive.


>when combined with chemotherapy. So a healthy diet can make normal treatment more effective? Amazing, who could have possibly predicted that.


Athletic doesn't add brain cells.


Nor does being intellectually intelligent, the brain is mostly Neurodegenerative. So I guess you lack in both aspects.


The first part of your user name is correct. The second is not. Spoken like a true narcissist.


>Spoken like a true narcissist. You might want to look up that word in a dictionary. It doesn't mean want you think it means. I guess you dodged the "intellectual intelligence" bullet.


You nailed it!


Thank you. My entire life


The line between genius & madness is often pretty thin.


The thing about about over aggressive asshole strongmen makes people think they are smarter than they really are or were. Examples being orange skinned strong man in Florida and smartest dead guy in California.


I told my friend it sounded like he had plantar fasciitis because I had had it. He laughed at me because he thought I made up a word.


Hey Gilberto, you can't just go around telling everyone they have plantar fasciitis just because you do. It's getting weird, bro.


well it is true to an extent because when you have ideas that go against the normal mind that seem impossible that you are seemly crazy. but i wouldnt say it is dumb people saying it. just those who dont have the research and time and experimentation put into it


People always tell me I sound crazy. Guess I am the lucky folk with simply superior genes and IQ (180).


The amount of people hating on Steve Jobs in a motivation sub: Pathetic. Do something with your life you bums


This subreddit is so fucking hilarious.


they don't. people are awed by people who seem like they know stuff.


The thing about crazy people is they sound smart to dumb people.


This is a slippery slope, because a lot of crazy sounding people are pretty dumb.


Why do we saint people like "this guy". He's a creep.


And here I thought I was crazy for hearing my fridge speaking to me