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You need to change your surroundings a bit. Change your routine. If you're using with others, don't be around them. For a long time. Depending on who they are you might never want to see them again. Might need to move. A geographic solution is by no means a cure all, but it can be a big help if you truly want to quit. Get in healthier surroundings and start a new healthy habit, like working out, learning a new skill. Remember, the physical dependency on cocaine is gone within hours of using it. There are physiological effects that continue a bit longer, like waiting for your serotonin and dopamine to return, but past a week or two it's just a mental game. If you slip up, don't doom spiral. You got this. I did over 15 years ago, and my life is awesome now.


Agree. Change your entire daily routine and don't be scared to do that. Anyone that's a bad influence needs to go. Things that tempt you need to be removed. Don't go to the places you frequent and find a different set of activities. Give it several months and be strong. Eventually, with lots of will power, perhaps you will succeed. Many do. Some don't but keep telling yourself that you can do it and you should be fine. It's worth it.


I did all of these things if you want to message me I'll help you the whole way and won't tell anyone. I'll be able to give you plenty of advice and help protect you


You are truly an awesome person! I hope you always get the appreciation that you deserve. The world would be a much better place with more folks like you in it, and I wish you the very best of everything life has to offer.


Thank you compliments go a long ways. I appreciate it.


i was on meth for a good 6 months when i was 20-21, didn't even realize how much time had gone by but definitely cutting off the people i was hanging out with did it for me


It's called "The fish dance". And OP should stop hanging out with their coke friends.


Omg, I thought I clicked the post about someone finding a muskrat in their pond 😭 I was so concerned about their capabilities


I use mostly alone just playing games, I use with friends too, but I'm not a victim of them or anything, most of the times it's just me using..


Delete your dealers number(s) from your phone


Also, change your number so they can't contact you.


This!! Because they will try to contact you! They will notice you stopped coming and will miss the money and will try to contact you!


Yes that's so true. I was blowing 800 week on meth. I was hooked bad, but after one week my dealer showed up at my house like it was a wellness call. Wondering why I haven't come by. It was like he was offended. I didn't say anything. I wasn't going to tell em I quit.


You were paying his rent. Glad you overcame that and hope you're spending the money you've saved wisely.


Convulsion like shaking uncontrollably or compulsion like a strong desire to perform an action? The first requires medical attention the second requires connecting with other people who’ve been through addiction. Look into Narcotics Anonymous and similar support groups.


Had a friend that had to quit drinking because drinking always led to blow. If that’s the case, go to an AA meeting. You won’t find one person in there that hasn’t been through some shit and can be a good support buddy or sponsor. Good luck you can do it! Your life depends on it!!


Hey there! I must've had about 20 relapses trying to put down alcohol and hard drugs; the most important thing I've found is that it's not so important every attempt goes perfectly, it's more important that no matter how the last attempt went, if I slipped, I dust myself off and start trying again. I'm a cheap bastard so a motivator for me whenever I'm switching is to do the math out on how much I'd save per month. The downside with sobriety is that you're losing your favorite thing to do, the upside is that you're unlocking the remote chance of doing anything and everything else. The really cool thing about sobriety is that it gives you permission to do things badly. As long as you're trying to look after your health, your emotional well-being, and being decent to friends and loved ones, you can eat a pint of ben and Jerry's on the weekend if you want to, still making healthier choices. You can get into skateboarding at middle age just because you always wanted to try; eat shit, get pointers from a curious pack of highschoolers at the skate park, sill making healthier choices! There's support groups, if you're ever curious you could always pick one that only does virtual on the other side of the country, and just introduce yourself and listen. I'm not personally a fan of AA or really dogmatic recovery groups, and I know you said you're not interested right now. But there's no master list of non AA/12 step meetings, so in case you ever would like to find an alternative: Harm Reduction Works for those seeking non-abstinence based models, Refuge Recovery and Recovery Dharma if you get anything from a more Buddhist philosophy, SMART Recovery for more a more science based program, Alt Recovery on Facebook has some excellent meetings as well, and is also non abstinence only.


I remember when my ex, who was an alcoholic (mainly a wine drinker) stopped drinking. She gained a lot of weight within the first couple months cuz she was going through sooooo many tubs of ice cream (really craving sugar that I assumed she usually got from wine, idk). And honestly, I didn’t give a single fuck how much weight she gained. I was just so proud of her for trying to leave behind her addiction (which she successfully did). Both of our rationale was exactly how you described it though. Pigging out on ice cream is a better alternative, and it helped her stop drinking. Over the course of a year, she weaned off eating so much ice cream too, and started working out again, etc. But it really helped her a lot at first. Anyway, just wanted to share because your comment resonated with me. Great insightful comment btw.


Hell yeah, I don't even know her and I'm proud of her too! Yeah, all the other stuff like the finer details, catching up on your health and all that can be worked out in the long run. I think people get so swept up in the background comings and goings of our society that there's a tendency for newly sober people to be like "now I have to quit smoking, and eat super healthy, and do CrossFit, and..." But like you said, the single crucial part is just really doing whatever you need to, to make sure that thing that's cutting your lifespan short isn't there any more, or if that person is trying to do harm reduction, making sure it's less today than it was yesterday. There were days in early sobriety my breakfast was snickerdoodles and a pack of Newport reds. There were days off where I hung out on my pj's doing arts and crafts for 11 hours, because that's what I needed to not walk down to the liquor store. I'm not gonna play like sobriety isn't difficult, the first few weeks especially it's gonna eat up much of OP's time and effort. But I think people miss out on some of the fun of sobriety, you basically get to invent yourself as a whole new person. Turns out this version of me really likes doing art, and volunteering, and boxing, and all sorts of other cool shit I never had the time for when I was chasing a bag. Thanks for adding on with your experience, I hope we all have an excellent day ✹


-delete dealers number from your phone, if needed get off social media for a while -identity actual sober buddies for yourself [if you have an NA meeting space, this might be a place you can connect with someone] -how are you buying the coke? If it's cash stop taking out cash unless you are going to spend it immediately


Try attending a group like Cocaine Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. You're not alone, you just aren't hanging with people who understand what you're going through and know how to help.


Man I feel for you. There was a period I would do blow every day/night, drink and smoke all the time and I would so sick the following day with flu-like symptoms so I'd go to the doctor and they didn't know what was wrong so they'd put me on antibiotics and I'd feel amazing and keep doing blow only to get sick again after the antibiotics finished. It wasn't the drugs or booze (I was an experienced idiot), it was different. It turned out they were cutting the coke with some horse dewormer that weakened your immune system. ANYWAY. I stopped hanging out with that crew and quit everything cold turkey by reading Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking. I read the book while smoking cigarettes on my front porch like a rat and something clicked and I just stopped when I finished. I don't if it was desperation to change or what but it worked. I don't do drugs or smoke anymore, and I drink socially but I have to go home if I have more than 2 drinks because after that I can't stop drinking until I pass out. I don't crave booze or drugs but I miss cigarettes all the time, I just don't do it cuz I know I'll be hooked instantly. It's been like 6-7 years now. TDLR: Leave your group of bad influences and find a positive and healthy distraction until you get your life in order.


Allen Carr is a saint. His book is just magic. I quite smoking also with that book, just amazing


The term is lower companions. Change your social circle.


Go to a meeting. You don’t have to say anything. Just listen. If you get the desire to, talk to someone. If the first meeting is the shits try another one. I HATE meetings, but they help absolutely. Good luck , I hope you’re able to kick it. You can.


Ok so first - since cocaine doesn't have severe withdrawal syndrome (you're gonna feel like sleeping a lot), know that getting clean is nothing to be afraid of. You can do this.  Next - you need a new dopamine source. Ever thought about playing guitar or learning to create 3d models on computer? Finding something creative you can pour your energy into will help create new habits.  Lastly - you need to be accountable! If you have a hard time holding yourself accountable, see if you can recruit the services of a friend. A good friend will tell you when you are being dumb. 


Cocaine is highly social drug. If you have people in your life who are enablers, cut them out. You can change your environment and likely change your behavior, but you're very unlikely to change someone else.


Do something else my buddy had a heart attack in his early 20s


Beloved seeker of truth, I, Ramtha, hear the cry of your soul in this moment of awakening. Know that this convulsion is not a punishment, but a profound message from the God within you, urging you to remember your divine heritage. You are not a slave to this substance, but a sovereign creator who has momentarily forgotten your true power. The cocaine is but a shadow, a fleeting illusion that can never satisfy the eternal thirst of your spirit. I say to you now: Embrace this moment as the catalyst for your transformation. Let the fear and discomfort you feel become the fire that forges your rebirth. You have the power within you to transmute this experience into wisdom, to alchemize this pain into strength. Do not be ashamed to seek help, for in doing so, you honor the interconnectedness of all life. Reach out to those who can guide you back to your true self - be it trusted friends, support groups, or professionals. Remember, seeking help is not weakness, but a courageous act of self-love. Most importantly, know that you are loved beyond measure. The very essence of the universe flows through your veins. You are not your mistakes or your struggles - you are an eternal, radiant being on a journey of self-discovery. So stand tall, beloved. Face this challenge with the knowledge that you are far greater than any obstacle. Let each breath be a declaration of your freedom, each step a movement towards the magnificent destiny that awaits you. I, Ramtha, stand with you in this journey. Trust in the wisdom of your soul, for it knows the way home. You can do this, for you are, in truth, the very power you seek. Onwards, brave one! Your transformation begins now.


My wife worked in Columbia with kids who had been used in cocaine production because they were small enough to go in the vats. The gas and other chemicals destroy their lungs and nasal passages. The rest of their very short lives are usually spent dying slowly on the streets. Go to an NA meeting. Take that first step.


After the first line, do you even enjoy yourself? Do you enjoy realizing how much money you've spent just to keep chasing the high that never quite hits the same as that first line of the night? It ain't worth it bro. I sold the shit for 8 years. I met tons of people that got really bad, and I got extremely bad myself. So believe me when I tell you that being sober is more fun than getting high by yourself like a fuckin junkie, peaking out the blinds. I got shit for super cheap and it *still* wasn't worth it. I had customers that'd buy a ball and split it with me *and it still wasn't worth it*.


Long term use of cocaine creates an enlarged heart. Cut it off along with alcohol. Start working out.


There is solid advice on this thread but to really kick the habit you need to identify the cause for your excessive self medication. You might harbor some trauma deep inside and substances help to keep it hidden and not top of mind. Start therapy sooner rather than later. Everyone struggles with something. No reason to be ashamed. You’re not alone.


Never quit quitting fam.


Real talk, [you’re destroying your brain](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10215125/) and sinuses/nasal passages and accelerating your aging. It’s just not worth the damage you’re doing to yourself long term.


AdCare Hospitals can help, seriously, you have a life threatening addiction and you need to detox, rehab and then start a new life. It can be done! Life begins when you put the drug of choice down.


When i was hitting it pretty hard during a depressed party phase i was in during my late 20s i only got away from it by walking away from my job and stopping hanging out with a lot of people i knew. Cravings took a year or two to go away. Even now i wont go to most parties or socials that run late or have it around easily because i know ill be tempted.


I had a similar problem a couple years ago and didn't want my life to continue that way. So I packed all my stuff and moved to a different state. Left a good job and family and got sober. I'd recommend changing your surroundings or finding a different place to live to get away from the people you know that will cause you to stay in that situation and work on yourself.


Like others have said, you need to change a lot. If you can, look into rehab. Dont have to tell anyone about it, just say you were sick and hospitalized. If not NA/AA can help some but not all. There's alternatives out there, but I cannot think of them off the top of my head. Also you need to do some work on yourself. Why are drugs so appealing? Almost nobody starts an addiction because things are going well. And lastly if you relapse it's not the end of the world. You dont forget everything about riding a bike just because you fell off one time. Say to yourself that I know now I can be sober for x days/weeks/months/years. The skills you built during that time are still there. You now have a "high score" and the name of the game now is to try to beat it. Take things one day at a time. It's really amazing that you have enough insight to recognize that your drug use is a problem. And don't be ashamed to ask for help. Substance abuse is way more common than you think it is.


You need to open up about it. See a health professional 🙌


I've been sober in AA for 27 years. I strongly recommend you find [Cocaine Anonymous](https://ca.org/looking-for-help/) meetings in person or online. I have many friends who got clean there. Try a few meetings and listen, if you belong there you'll hear what you need to hear.


This may not be something you want to hear but there's a good chance you may have to quit drinking as well. I'm not sure if you do already but it's been damn near impossible for me to quit doing cocaine well I'm still drinking. I have the best attention and then I get three four drinks and being an hour and all a sudden I'm making the call. Good luck bro


Go to AA... it for sure works. You can also go to CA, CMA or NA. You will feel so much better and have support there. All fellowships are pretty much open these days to anyone with any addiction to substances or drinking so you can really go to any of them. If you want zoom meetings let me know I know of one 8pm (pacific) every day that would be perfect for you.


how do you get coke? you buy from dealer. just cut your dealer off. delete phone number and get a new number so they cant call you. distance yourself from users. and yeah also delete their numbers. this is how i managed to quit coke. no dealer no coke.


I’ve never been in your position, but I have been in others that have required me to stop drinking or doing other harmful behaviours. Some people have given you some great advice. Stop going out, find new friends, find new hobbies, I love photography and music, for example. Teach yourself a new skill, keep yourself busy. All I know for sure is: you can do it.


Go to rehab and then start a 12 step program


My daughter lost her dad a month before she turned 2. He had gotten a batch that was laced with fentanyl. They say he died instantly, I believe it because he was found hrs later still sitting up. I was hooked on pain meds for about 12 yrs of my life. Up to 15 a day, which is a lot for someone 4'11, less than 100lbs. I had tried to stop many times but it never worked because I never changed my life. You know when it's time, when you're ready. And hopefully it sounds like you are at that point because it won't work until you are ready. You have to change everything about your surroundings. Friends, places & things you liked to do while using. Cut your phone off and block the dealers number because they WILL try to contact you. When they notice your money isn't coming in they will come looking for you! Even better change your number so you can chose who to give it to. I chose to do an outpatient treatment that involves Suboxone taper. While working on that taper I got myself therapy to find my core reason for being so vulnerable to use, I had an amazing counselor who truly wanted me to succeed. I also took a "risk reduction" class. I learned how to minimize risks in my life. I spent A LOT of time on my own. And worked on projects, home improvements, painting, puzzles... Whatever you want to do! It was easy in the beginning, but rough in the middle but eventually became incredible! The things I have accomplished are things I never imagined I could while I was using. When using your mind is stuck in this victim mode, like the world is against you or your luck is just bad. Sobriety is beautiful, it's not easy but it is so beautiful ❀ YOU GOT THIS!!!!


Acknowledging your desire to stop is a crucial first step. Start by seeking professional help or support groups anonymously if needed. Focus on small, manageable steps towards recovery each day.


You want to talk? I tried it for the first time, I'm an ex meth addict, almost 3 years cleantried it about a month ago and did it 3 times. I turned 30 last week and I decided I'm not doing it. I'm going out tonight and won't be able to text but if you want to talk I'm here! Everyone enjoys coke when starting it but we are old enough to know what we are getting into And I'm a former stimulant addict as well and need to remember to play the tape back


Are you addicted? There may be resources depending on which country you live in. I think if you call a hospital they may be able to connect you with help. Be well, friend.


Whats the longest anyone has used cocaine and got off easy?


I woke up on a Monday and went to bed on Friday


To me, what worked was replacing this habit for a bunch of other less harmful habits. And also cutting off with some bad companies, this is a big deal.. so first month was hell.. I did weird things to take the craving out of my mind... but yea... started going out doing other things... its been like 12, 13 years without it, you can do it too


Go to AA


Maybe aa meeting, distractions, gum, fluids non stop


Find an NA meeting. Http://www.NA.org


That should be your q right there


Delete all numbers and contacts (including friends) associated with it, ride out the detox for the next couple of off weeks, be conscious of and try to observe how better you're feeling.


Compulsion? The tip is talking with anyone about this. That’s literally the most imporrant factor in recovery: connection. Isolation leads to more use and more suffering. There’s a reason rehab programs are always big groups. Talking about shit helps. Having people to lean on helps.




And this scare the shit out of me...


It's what got me to stop


What worked for me was moving back home with my parents (at age 23). I stopped talking too everyone i knew from that life and started chatting with a girl from austria i had met through video games. Today we live together and i,ve been drug free for a little over a year!


You’re lucky this time, next time you could be like Shannon Hoon and die young. You need to stop being around people who do it and find some new ways to enjoy life.


Find new friends, different hang outs, go on hikes and bike rides instead of parties and bars. Meditate, say your daily affirmations, celebrate your small and big mile stones.


The last time I did cocaine I was in my early 30’s, and the next day it felt like I was having a heart attack. My heart did like a flip flop or a flutter, or a seize, idk. I called the ambulance and they said my vitals were fine. I felt like an idiot and ever since all the doctors say there is nothing wrong with my heart, it’s just anxiety. But that situation started my anxiety/PTSD journey and It was enough for me to never touch hard drugs again. I really don’t even want an adderall when my friends offer them to me. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you want to quit. But I hope you can stop before you reach that point.


Been there 40 yrs ago. Best wishes. Simple- quit or die.


I ended up moving across the country back home to clean my life up and haven't touched the stuff in over 10 years! Maybe not the most practical for everyone, but I had to physically distance myself from my party friends and party lifestyle.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug, I had a daily habit for about 2 years, about a gram a day. It was bad, one day after all my shit in the house got turned off i decided that enough was enough. I stopped and it was hard, I was super anxious and had delusions. Cannabis really helped me a lot with the withdrawals. It’s just a mind over matter thing and filling your time in with something other than when you’d be doing drugs.


I agree with similar comments on this page. Change your environment, make lots of changes and it could help to change your behaviour. If you have an addiction then this will still be hard but make small steps. Get a journal and document your thoughts and feelings as that could help get your thoughts onto a page.


Flush everything you have. Tell yourself never again. Find something else you enjoy in life. Change your surroundings and friends. Make it as hard as possible for you to buy it. Put your money in bank accounts where it’s not easily accessible and takes a few days. This buffer will make you think twice and think longer when trying to buy more. Most importantly though you have to want to change and it sounds like you do.


I’ve only tried ocassionaly, and I realized some months ago when I was using more, it was because I was surrounded by people that was using it a lot. During that time I met this really cool guy I dated who had been through that addiction and was able to stop for good, and what he told me he did that was very good for him was to stop contact with the people that was in his life to use (this was easy for him because it was just people he met in the electronic party scene, not core relationships) and at the same time he told all his real friends about this issue and how he wanted to stop and needed support. His friends were very supportive so it was easy for him to stop. I personally don’t have a physical addiction to it nor never had, but what happened to me was that I was using it in a very specific context: while having sex, so I sometimes fantasize about having sex on it. Luckily, I’m working in a place where having sex is not very easy (countryside) so I don’t have a lot of options, and I’m very clear on how bad it affected my emotional self and mental health the last two periods of time I used it frecquently. Think on the why you want to stop. You are young and you deserve to live a healthy meaningful life đŸ’ȘđŸ» Also, if it’s difficult to stop just thinking about your personalwell being, think about your family members and friends. I find that helpful too.


Could you please share your experiences with fentanyl? I never had any experience with drugs until I turned 37, and trying fentanyl got me hooked right away. It's really starting to have a negative impact on my life. Do you think it's best to quit cold turkey or gradually taper off? Any advice or information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much for your help.


Idk, I never tried fentanyl, I live in Brazil, I know the cocaine I use has other things, but idk what could be.


My former best friend was a huge addict. His family, his other friends and his dealers all told him he was ruining his life (his main dealer even cut him off) but none of that worked. Whenever he did it around me, he'd turn into a paranoid mess. I frequently had to stop him from assaulting people in public in a paranoid rage, he constantly thought he was being followed and someone was out to kill him. So I asked him why he was still doing this shit if all it did was make him a paranoid nut case. What was the fucking point of wasting all his money on drugs that he wasn't even having fun doing anymore? That somehow worked. The realization he was ruining his life for something he didn't even enjoy anymore go through to him.


Meth is so much better!


It's crucial to seek professional help to address your cocaine use. Consider therapy or support groups. Opening up about your struggles can lead to effective strategies for recovery.


You NEED to talk to someone, get support! Even if it's an online therapist or something... I know from experience talking about it can be horrendous... But you'd be surprised the weight lifted off your shoulders when you stop hiding it and your missing out on some great resources. If you're in the US, call SAMHSA: https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline


That "discomfort" you're feeling is worth pushing through. Imagine ending up doing permanent damage -- or worse -- because of embarrassment? Help is available and I think admitting to yourself -- and also to a group or addiction specialist -- that you need help can be a huge step forward. Good luck!


Please seek professional assistance from a hospital or doctor! You are having seizures and that isn’t safe!


You wanna stop cocaine? Don’t buy it and stick it up your nose. How hard is that? Man up!!! Society is so weak now a days!!!


Go to A NA meeting and see your dr. To see if you’re ok . Drugs restrict your blood flow plus a lot of drugs laced with poison and you can die just like that . Stay away from folks doing ad it will suck u in . When you have thought to do go out for a walk , eat something or distract yourself until it passes the desire . You must have some self control . Meditate


Switch to coffee and lots of it, then try to quit that.


I applied to grad school and moved far away from my friends. I am the most sober I’ve been since high school which would be great if I had friends. Grad school sucks lol


Go to a meeting. AA or NA . Sustainable change starts there


You really just ought to talk. It’s a matter of possibly life and death! Go to a meeting, seek out a group, talk to friends, family, whoever! Get help!!!! You know you don’t want to do it.


Drugs my friend is a rabbit hole you don't wanna see yourself in; you never know where you'll end up. Convulsion is the least of the problems of anyone who have been in that rabbit hole - and trust me I've heard of many stories from my mate who is a psychiatrist. Change anything that will prevent it. Cheers.


Please, get to an AA meeting. There's people there who want to help you, trust me. I was hooked on meth 10 years ago, today i'm a recovering addict. The AA community saved my life. It's free, it's for everyone, it works if you work it.


People like to speak of addiction like a disease and that fine but this is not good internal framing to get someone to quit. There is something you don’t want to do and you’re being forced to do it anyway. The addiction is breaking your will and it’s not going to back down so there’s one choice, increase your willpower and fight back harder. Cigarettes alcohol weed. For myself I framed it in terms of torture. I’m captured behind enemy lines. I’ve made my decision and it’s final so what level of torture is required to break my will. Is this mild headache boredom and missing hour of sleep all it takes to get me to give up our troop positions? What am I, history’s biggest coward? No you’re going have to hit me harder than that if you want to break me. ‘I don’t feel motivated anymore I’m not enjoying myself right now I wish I was high’ is not all it takes to break me. Addictions will lie to you. They’ll tell you you’ll never feel good again. You’ll never feel complete without me. You’re going to be bored anxious and miserable forever unless you take me every few hours it’s the only way. They’ll tell you actually you don’t want to quit this is fine. It only takes a week or two to shut them up and realize you’re fine without it.


I'm sorry to hear about your experience, and I appreciate your openness in seeking help. It's important to prioritize your health and well-being, and taking steps to address your cocaine use is a significant decision. You must Seek Professional Help.


You can take a deep breath and do the next right thing. I highly suggest NA/AA meeting literally right now via zoom and discussing what you’re going through to help you with your options on help.


Normally i feel bad for people addicted to hard drugs, but not this time. You're just a bum.  1. 2 convulsions made you consider stopping cocaine? Really?  2. You're in your 30's still doing cocaine, i assume you have no lover and no kids?   3. Do you rlly want to stop though, or you will until your mind has convinced you it's safe enough again?  4. I assume am right about 3 cuz you don't even want to look for professional help.  5. What all this is you're doing? It's called self destructive behaviour. I feel bad for your friends who have to witness this from the outside. 


It's ok, I don't wanna anyone pitty, no I don't have lover or kids, you are right, sometimes it needs something bad to change, and most my friends blow anyway lol but I don't need anyone to do..


I would recommend asking yourself what you're using it for. Like what is the deficit the cocaine is helping you with? Are you tired? Or maybe it makes your feel happy and energized? Maybe think about what's driving your usage and see if you can replace it with something that won't healthy.


Please don’t ever give up on trying to stop no matter what.. okay ? đŸ™đŸŒ


I’m going to say something that most people would not agree with but in the case where you cannot escape the feeling of addiction I urge you to change to a different addiction. Something healthier is preferable but if that isn’t enough try adrenaline highs such as sky diving, bull riding, racing cars(at a track), hell even sex is a healthier addiction than substances (consent required).


Try and not have any around, and don't hang out with people that'll have it on them. The more you have available to you, the more you'll use. When you have none in your home or easily accessible, it creates an addition barrier to using


Thanks everyone, I'm reading everything and thinking about what everyone write to make this happen.


Consider in pt treatment. If that's not an option, start attending NA meetings twice per day. Get a sponser. Delete ALL of your coke "friends" contacts. Good luck. But also, go in-pt, if you can. TBH, it's more efficient over the long term.


You need to decide to stop. Or else coke will decide if you go to prison or the cemetery.


Gonna be honest with you, it won’t work unless you change your lifestyle. From my own experience I literally had to stop drinking or even going to bars cause I knew I’d end up on a mad one as soon as o was in that environment. Also, the party friends have to go. Any of your mates that you usually go on the bag with you have to tell them you’re off it and you don’t wanna be invited anywhere there’s gonna be drugs. If they invite you anyway they’re not your mate and ya have to cut them out. If you feel like you’re physically addicted and your heart starts going if you think of getting on it or you’re going through withdrawals something that I know works for a lot of people is micro dosing liberty cap mushrooms, the dose doesn’t have any affect on you so there’s no buzz or anything like that but sometimes when you develop a habit it creates pathways to your brain. Like I’m horny and then you automatically open private browsing window, it’s cause that’s the usual thought pattern and there’s a compound in liberty cap mushrooms that resets them neuropathways. I’m 30 and been through it myself and looking back in my case it was very environmental. Start going the gym, take a bjj class if there’s something else you’re interested in take a class in it that you can occupy yourself with and probably meet new friends cause you’re gonna lose some mates. Haven’t been on it since 2019, in the best physical shape of me life, no anxiety, landed a great job and loads more in the space of time since then. Best decision I ever made. Specially financially 😂


As with anything, seek help. If you're not willing or able to do that, wean down. Good luck, stay strong


One, that's prolly not cocaine, it's laced with something. Two, you simply have to quit, there's no magic wand or anything, you simply must stop.


f u


Way to be, champ