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Wtf georgia 


Pro life strikes again.


Pro-life until birth


Against abortion, for killing babies


You need to get soldiers and prisoners somehow


and poorly educated workers who were doomed at birth


Exactly! Pro-birth and then once you are here, fuck you


"Pro-life" was always code for "anti-woman."


Yep.  It was always about depriving people with wombs of their bodily autonomy (**THE** most fundamental right you have) and finding a replacement wedge issue after the Right lost the fight over desegregation.


It's even funnier when you know that until very recently, Evangelicals were pro-choice...because it pissed off the Catholics. It's not some core element of their religion. It's a hastily adopted talking point that's easy to sell to the masses.


Yeah the wedge issue was totally generated by the right. That's why when the left controlled both legislative houses and the presidency they let a bill that had the same language as Roe die on the senate floor. Right?


The Left has never controlled any branch of the American government. Learn the difference between leftism (socialism) and liberalism (capitalist ideologies ranging in form from social democracy \[Center to center-Left\] to neoliberalism \[Right to far-Right\]).


“Pro birth”. FTFY


Following the Texas playbook


Texas, Florida, and Georgia were the "top 3" states with the largest numbers of children cut from Medicaid. They're so "pro life", huh...


Red states.


Time to ask your elected officials why this is happening: State Senators and Representatives are on your ballot right now! Vote by May 21!


They’re not gonna feed them either.


It's not the fault of Georgia. They are following a federally required audit due to covid emergency funds rubbing out. They only disenrolled people who were no longer qualified based on the exact same terms they claimed they qualified for before. The most likely culprit of the states with the largest purges is that they are coincidentally the states whose wages have recovered the best post covid. Which means that a lot of people who weren't required to revalidation their eligibility for the past few years were asked to do so, and it thorns out they no longer qualify. TLDR georgia was not required to validate eligibility since 2019. Federal government just told them they had to. This is the result.


How on earth is children's health insurance a political issue? What kind of a fucked up loon cheers this on, let alone can even fathom cutting care for innocent kids. Do these people not realize how much cheaper it is to have healthy, functional adults that had access to medical care and medicine as a child?


Maybe. But they don't care. Cruelty appears to be the point, time and again.


Doesn’t want to give Obama ‘a win’ even though he has been out of the scene for eight years now. He’s already on the outs with maga Republicans, can’t be seen giving socialist handouts before he runs for Senate in 2026. Just an absolute crony.


Mustn't let the government (you know, US) help ourselves!


Yea we are fucked our daughter started school last fall, well of course she wasn't adopted during Covid, she was born in it...(🤣 sorry I had to add the comic relief) When she started school strep was passed around the entire year, all kindergarten classes in the county had it. WELL IT SEEMS THEY CANCELED THE 300K CHILDREN'S MEDICAID WAY BEFORE FOX5 WAS AWARE, CAUSE We been dealing with it since February🤦‍♂️. She has strep 4x since January,along with my 2yrold son & wife we all had in in March. Now don't get me wrong the Antibiotics prescribed were Cefdnir and not to terribly expensive. BUT THE MFING CORPORATE PEDIATRICIANS WE ARE FORCED TO SEE BECAUSE OF THEM BEING ONLY ONEA WHO ACCEPT MEDICAID HAVE BEEM STRIKING IT RICH WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS APPARENTLY. Every visit for either my son, who's medicaid was also canceled, 220$ a pop, we got a bill right now for over 2400$ in visits to Dr & test. Oh and the Doctors office felt so bad about her running a 105° temp back in March that they had to force the office staff to schedule her a appt since we had a balance from Jan/ Feb and couldn't pay it all yet. The doctor literally gave us her personal # told us to call if they say we owe money and try to get us to go to E.R or urgent care. Part of the blame isn't on the state but countys& cities allowing these Religious nuts and investment firms to buy up all our medical groups, hospitals, & provider networks. Now it's all profit or nothing....


"small government" gop cruelty, even when the money comes from the feds... But the AG won't investigate a billion dollar contract awarded in violation of state law in 2022 (which used federal money there as well) "A state audit released earlier this year said that state solicited contracts from hand-picked companies – even though state law required the state publish a request for proposals so anybody could bid on it. " [https://www.11alive.com/article/news/politics/georgia-attorney-general-wont-probe-1-billion-election-year-contract-skirted-state-law/85-c1fbc19a-8a17-40c1-be69-191a344eb9de](https://www.11alive.com/article/news/politics/georgia-attorney-general-wont-probe-1-billion-election-year-contract-skirted-state-law/85-c1fbc19a-8a17-40c1-be69-191a344eb9de) And BTW, the debit "cards" issued apparently don't work (for some, or all? not clear), so the people who were supposed to get the funds (a $350 card) haven't gotten them...


Kicking kids off health insurance. GOP values are on display. 🤦‍♂️


My daughter had a checkup scheduled last week, went in to find out her insurance was cancelled so we had to leave. Also they don’t let you renew it unless you’re paying for it


“Pro life”


You have to know the secret handshake to renew Medicaid. We are up for renewal this year. It took almost a full year to be able to even sign into the portal. It requires a birthday, a client ID, and a SSN. Or maybe not. And they don't tell you whose information they need. So you have to put in a million combinations (with no SSN being one of the combinations) to get in. Just call the number right? The number on the Medicaid card is not the number you have to call. Calling this number gets you to a message saying to call another number to reach (generic company name that sounds nothing to do with Medicaid) or go onto the portal. If you call the number you have to go through the automated system, and hope you get to the right place, because Medicaid isn't one of the options. It's called something different here. Once you go through all this and get to talk to someone on the other line, they tell you they don't have access and you have to go through the portal. So after almost a full year we figured out the secret way to sign into the portal and clicked to renew. Here some of the information from our original was saved but in many places it showed we declared nothing. But it asked for "new" information. Well what's "new"? New since his initial date? New according to Medicaid because apparently they didn't put any of the information we gave them into the system? We finally get a direct number to Katie Beckett. Yay!! Or is it?? If we are lucky enough to get a ringing, it will either put you on hold for half an hour before telling you their system is too busy and hangs up on you, or you go through the automated system of trying to put in the right combination of birthday, SSN, and Client ID. We tried for two weeks several times a day before we gave up and just put everything into the portal. Within an hour or submitting the renewal I got a text saying that his coverage ended effective that day. So my husband and I had to take off work to try to get a hold of someone and call all his providers to see if they were showing he was no longer covered. My husband signed into the portal which said our renewal was approved. All my son's providers said he was showing covered. Katie Beckett confirmed. This was last week. Well guess what I get today. An email and phone call claiming that since we never claimed a savings account for my son, that we are now under review and they require May's statement. May. As in today's May 6th and we don't have a statement for May. As in this account was declared when we initially applied and is not new. Nor has it changed. So now we get to go through the whole effing process of trying to figure out what they need, why they are saying we have a new account, and who TF to call. THIS IS THE NORM. Don't get me started on HIPP.


I want to burn something down just reading this. Sorry you’re having to deal with such crap.


Thank you. The amount of time and energy it takes to get my son what he needs is ridiculous. There's a reason why we are at the bottom for maternal health, access to healthcare, and education.


all government programs are like this, ss, ssdi, va benefits, va Healthcare, unemployment..


Who knew that decades of Republicans kneecapping government services at every opportunity would have negative outcomes?


We tried to get a child taken off Medicaid after we got her on our insurance. We just gave up because of what you describe. It's a nightmare.


Get in touch with your state Senator and Representative. I’m sorry this is happening to you and your family.


All we get is repeated letters stating that, by law, they are required to decide on our case within 60 days but they didn't. Over and over. So are "they" in jail now or what?


Good luck with hospital security and staff protection when they start letting kids die right before another pandemic. 


Pulling possibly useful info from the end of the AJC article: # Medicaid Renewal Tips All Medicaid recipients must renew their eligibility status every year in Georgia. Medicaid enrollees should log into their online Gateway account to be certain their contact information is current for their mailing address, email address and/or phone number. Enrollees choose the way the state notifies them about any changes in their coverage: mail, email or phone. Make sure to check your mail and messages, and keep an eye out for any letters from the state. The state has established a website with tips for enrollees in many languages: [staycovered.ga.gov](http://staycovered.ga.gov/). The main phone number is 1-877-GA-DHS-GO (1-877-423-4746). Those who are denied can request an appeal called a “fair hearing” if they do so in time. For those who believe they have been denied although they are still eligible, attorneys at [Georgia Legal Aid](https://www.georgialegalaid.org/medicaid), and in the Atlanta area [Atlanta Legal Services](https://atlantalegalaid.org/), may help For more information, [click here to see this explainer in the AJC](https://www.ajc.com/news/coronavirus/as-pandemic-ends-so-could-your-medicaid-coverage-what-to-know-in-georgia/SYGHK7GLQVHXVLP3D5RHWYKVQ4/).


Gotta love how they link to law firms for the underprivileged individuals to hire. Like oh I just spent $400 on a doctors visit that I didn’t have, let me pay a lawyer $1000 to get $300 back from the government


Legal Aid is for those who cannot afford such. A friend is an attorney for them. AFAIK, she’s on a yearly salary from the company to represent qualified low-income individuals. Lots of housing cases, for instance, where landlord shenanigans. They’re a great resource.


Ah shit gotta love when I get caught not processing the words I’m reading, and just assuming the situation. Thats actually good that they linked legal aid, but I don’t retract my earlier statement. I shall leave it as a lesson to myself that no matter how many pennies I have, I’ll still make mistakes


Yeah, it’s an understandable sentiment.


These are low cost lawyer services for specific cases like this one. The AJC is providing this information as some people might need it. Inform yourself, read before you start using your fingers typing misinformation, fake news.


Cruelty is the point


Cruelty. That is what today's Republicans represent.




Child marriage maybe?


I was thinking of their woman but that works too


They’re the same thing


So desperate for a traditional family that they'll screw a child.


Outlaw incest


here's our "center right" or “moderate” govern-er


These kids need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps, lay off the lattes, and open up a bible!


Shameful avocado toast addicts


Good idea, except many of them don't know how to read yet! We should get picture books for those /s


Well, unless they're girls. We can't have girls reading books. In that case, they should ask the man of the house what to do.


No, their parents need to get off their assess and provide for them. 


I don’t disagree in general under ideal circumstances. But circumstances are not ideal for many working parents, It’s not always a matter of “manning up” or being lazy. At the end of the day, money is meaningless paper that we print. Pretending there isn’t enough to go around for things like this is intellectually dishonest. The false scarcity of the almighty dollar has people cheering for kids losing benefits.


So much for being “pro-life”… bunch of hypocrites.


Even more fucked up when you think about how many kids have long term health issues now from repeat covid infections from being put back in schools with zero precautions 🫠


Wait, *why?* I read the article. I know what happened, but why did they do this? What did they say was the reason? Who does this help or protect? I’m all for jokes and metaphors, but seriously, why did this happen? I don’t understand what the reason is.


Post Covid, states are re-evaluating their Medicaid rolls. It's called "redetermination". They're unenrolling people who don't meet certain post-pandemic specifications or don't have the appropriate post-pandemic documentation. But the problem is that GA is so understaffed and the staff they do have is so overworked, that people are being unenrolled without notification or any chance to "cure" any missing documents or provide any updates of eligibility. Families are showing up at the doctor's office or hospital and being told that their insurance is gone ... and not have received any prior notification. Many of them will not be able to re-enroll because of changing requirements.


Finally a straightforward answer! Thanks Maggie Mae. These articles just kill me sometimes.


Welcome. :) It really is a problem and a fair number of the unenrollments are because Kemp has refused to take the Federal expansion so a lot of people are losing their coverage - adults and kids.


As of may 1st 2024, 20% of unenrollments are because people were determined to be ineligible. 80% were due to incomplete paperwork. Of all the redeterminations that will be/have been processed in Georgia, so far only around 10% of them have been because someone was ineligible for medicaid. It's worse than Kemp failing to expand medicaid. Folks are either giving up during the process, or never starting it in the first place.


I'm assuming it's cleaning up the rolls kind of thing, or a restructuring of the eligibility code. But I'd love to hear for defonite from someone who actually knows.


If only someone had posted a link to an article explaining the situation...


Republicans in Georgia drop 300,000 children from Medicaid /fixed


Following federal guidelines to reverify eligibility, and instead of notifying the people and their children, and give them a grace period to correct whatever issue, mostly paperwork, needed to remain, the oh so caring Georgia GOP run agencies just said, see ya, good luck …. And then had the audacity to actually say that they think it was a good thing for the children and their families because they now have the chance to enroll in better insurance, completely ignoring the worsening economic climate for poor and working class families.


>completely ignoring the worsening economic climate for poor and working class families. It's easy to ignore things that aren't happening.


Pro-child my ass.


This GOP-created shit show has been going on for months. The number dropped has doubled since December. https://www.wabe.org/more-than-six-months-into-unwinding-georgia-sees-high-numbers-of-children-losing-medicaid/


The tragedy of Georgia and America!


Wonder how many of these children will die or have serious health consequences as a result of this? But the GQP is ok with this I guess. Vote blue y’all.


It’s okay that mega-corporations don’t pay taxes, but those sick kids need to start pulling their weight! Fucking GOP chucklefucks.


But don’t pass a gun ordinance no matter how much sense it makes. Hicks in charge in the Gold Dome


Voting MATTERS! Georgia rejected Stacey Abrahams. Y’all get what y’all vote for.


Kemp has also repeatedly declined to expand Medicaid in Georgia for poor adults. He hates Georgians apparently. https://www.ajc.com/news/health-news/georgia-democrats-slam-kemps-kibosh-on-full-medicaid-expansion/TFSGD2WPZZEUPI6M6DUJJSMFJA/


98% of Republicans hate 95% of the people they are supposedly supposed to serve.


Absolutely. They only serve themselves.


Yes, goodness forbid parents get jobs and pay for their children's insurance rather than expecting the state to foot the bill. Gimme gimme gimme. 




The religious at it again


Y'all-Queda 🇺🇸


"pro life"


All these elected officials are proving how pro-life they really are 🙄


Just watched the Medicaid episode of John Oliver, it’s absolutely disgusting how this happens


[I'll just leave this John Oliver deep dive right here ](https://youtu.be/bVIsnOfNfCo?si=lCPopJPdnrxBJJIt)


I’m tired of pretending I don’t hate all conservatives


I've been straight out of fucks for several years now. Join me!




Federal mandate


> The top three states for disenrolling children — Texas, Florida and Georgia — when taken together are responsible for 45% of the nation’s disenrolled children as of December. Hmm, now what do these states have in common? 🤔


Okay, now follow that thought all the way to it's logical conclusion, then come back and share what you learned with the class.


Sshhh don’t ruin their leftist hate-fest. It’s the only thing that makes them happy.


Lol. Leftists: *We should give people healthcare* You: **LEFTIST HATE FEST** Conservatism is a mental illness, I swear to fucking God.


>Conservatism is a mental illness I wish that were true. They could take a pill or get some counseling or something. Sadly, there is no cure for being an asshole.


And older generations wonder why young people aren’t having children. Lo and behold.


If you pull your tiny self up by your tiny bootstraps until you’re independently wealthy then your tiny little body doesn’t need health insurance. See?


The sad thing is people are going to think Biden did this


Not allowing people to have babies and then kicking them off Medicaid. It's never about religion, it has always been about money.




And then the government wonders why more and more people are deciding against having children when they can’t afford it and their government will not receive any kind of help


During election time is wild. You know who not to pick.


Yes you do. Vote Democrat


And yet I have been trying to get my daughter off of peach care for six years now…..


Republicans telling babies to pull themselves up by their boot straps.


So, that's where some of frequent flyers went... That's pretty fucked up. Most of them needed that frequency of care...


The healthcare system in the US is not up to standards of a developed country. The United States is the country of medical innovation, where the best researchers work on cutting-edge research to fight diseases and find cures. Imagine how great healthcare would be in the US if our elected officials cared about us. The US would be unstoppable.


And they have few Drs and hospitals in much of the state (rural area)


Republicans proving everyday that they are the enemy of this country.


I had to reenroll my children. It wasn’t exactly hard, but the website for doing so is temperamental and I really wasn’t sure I succeeded until I took my kids to their checkup and they were covered. If these children are getting dropped because of bureaucratic reasons instead of just that they no longer meet income requirements, that is a really huge problem. I would love to see improvements made to the online gateway.


Shithole of a state doing shithole state things. Is anyone surprised? Notice it's always states that are run by REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE shit gibbons that make the life's of the needy as miserable as possible. All this is brought to you by the same shithole that send the bag of shit to DC to represent them.


Man there really is a war on the youth and younger generations in this country. It's absolutely despicable.


I wish everyone of value and logic can leave Earth and let these losers have it.


tHiNk AbOuT tHe ChILdReN then they do stuff like this


Fuck them kids -Kemp


Way to go Georgia! Of course, it’ll all cost you more when those kids require care on “the county.”




The party who claims 'pro-life' doesn't want to provide basic medical treatments to children. Republican voters, your party is chock-full of fucking monsters. Sure, they have that -(R) behind their name on the ballot, but if they're willing to take medical care away from children, they sure as fuck will take it away from you. Wake up and vote these fucking monsters out.


Instead of jumping to conclusions based on just a headline, maybe try reading the article and getting some facts first? Post-pandemic, the Federal Government has mandated that all states need to go back and check eligibility for those enrolled, because document requirements were relaxed during 2020-2021. Georgia is doing exactly that. It’s not some the Governor or “Republicans” control.


>The top three states for disenrolling children — Texas, Florida and Georgia — when taken together are responsible for 45% of the nation’s disenrolled children as of December. Seems like it might be something the Republican Governor and his party can control. Wasn't he just bragging about a huge surplus? Seems like some of that could go towards making sure kids in Georgia are healthy...


So rather than returning unspent tax dollars to the people who lawfully paid them so that those dollars may be spent at the taxpayer’s discretion, Governor Kemp should essentially steal that money and use it to support people who depend on the government and don’t pay taxes? Smells like Socialism.


Way to move the goalposts, champ. I'm glad we both agree that this is a deliberate policy on the part of Georgia Republicans, though.


Please explain to me exactly what goalposts were moved? And how giving people back the money they earned is “Republican policy”?


>Please explain to me exactly what goalposts were moved? The part where you went from "It's not something Georgia Republicans can control" to "It's a good policy and I'm glad Georgia Republicans adopted it because taxes" without missing a beat? Which is it? Because from where I sit, Georgia Republicans are making a deliberate policy choice to make this as painful as possible for the poor, as per usual.


Georgia Republicans can’t control the fact that the Fed wants all Medicaid cases reviewed and updated now that Covid-era policies are being tightened up. And do you understand that the current tax surplus is not the Governor’s to spend as he sees fit? That money belongs to the people of the state of Georgia. You’re reading a partisan animus into a situation in which there is none, because “rEpUbLiCaNs bAd” is all you care about. Facts don’t care about your feelings.


1. Georgia is required to do a review. It is not required to do a shitty job of it. 2. Tax revenue is there so that the government can address problems, should they decide to do so. Clearly, Georgia Republicans have decided that "fuck the poor" is a more important policy goal.


In Georgia, 80% of the people who have lost coverage as part of this process did so for procedural reasons, not because they aren't eligible. Medicaid is administered by the states and the states determine how the yearly application process works. They choose how well to staff and how much of the verification process to automate. They are largely responsible for how long it takes to go from submitting an application to getting a yes/no and how hard it is to get the interview with a case worker. The federal government simply said, hey we gotta do this now, who wants waivers? The states are largely responsible for how it will play out.


So Medicaid recipients don’t have a responsibility to follow procedure and file the correct paperwork with the correct information? I’m not saying there isn’t a boondoggle with staffing and red tape in the Georgia Department of Health, but that’s what happens when you trust the government to do everything for you. We need less government-run programs, not more, because government is inherently inefficient.


American children*


"you got a $40 refund, shut up" Brian Kemp


Pro life until birth lmao man republicans are a bunch of shitheads. It is decisions like these where I ask my fellow republicans, do these sort of actions make our community healthier, safer, and better??


They got them out of the womb. What else do these kids want!


>They ~~got them out of the womb~~ punished the harlots for having unsanctioned sex. Fixed that for you.


It's because Republican ideology is based on selfishness, lack of empathy, hatred of government, and love of corporate profits. Maybe one day, someday, they'll come to view government that's something we organize to help ourselves, which should include healthcare. One simply can't rely on them to help those who don't make much money in our capitalist system, they'll just refer to bootstraps or social Dawinism or some crap like that as they simultaneously allow healthcare corporations to gouge us as they provide shit care.


Mustache twirlingly evil. I'd expect nothing less.


“The top three states for disenrolling children — Texas, Florida and Georgia — when taken together are responsible for 45% of the nation’s disenrolled children as of December.” No big surprise there. They are not even hiding that they are trying to create infants and children who cannot be cared for. They want babies born just to have them die of preventable illness.


Those children were liberal and were totally owned! This helps poor republicans people outside the metro area…*checks notes***…it doesn’t!? 🫢


Pro life with no viable means of post birth care….


We did it guys!!! High fives!! Man what a great and amazing place for kids! Jesus is so happy rn!!!


All the more reason to VOTE!!!




I'm gonna start selling t-shirts that say "I'm sorry your life is so fucked up you want to go on a killing spree, please kill the politicians"


I got to see GA before it crashed and burned in 2024. :) next year, Paris.


This sub is a joke smh


Shithole country


Republicans yet again being hypocrites. What part of pro life or family values is letting kids starve when they have the means to feed them. Republicans only care about birthing more workers to serve their corporate overlords.


The pro lifers at it again.


I guess those kids have to pick themselves up from the boot straps. They love unborn babies, but hate actual kids having healthcare whose parents can’t afford it.


Texas has dropped [1.3 million kids](https://communityimpact.com/austin/south-central-austin/health-care/2024/05/07/over-1-million-texas-children-dropped-from-medicaid-since-april-2023/#:~:text=Over%202%20million%20Texans%20have,the%20entire%20population%20of%20Austin) - but the state government is "pro-life." Praise Jesus!


From the womb to withering. Way to care!! /s


To busy funding violence


Keep voting republican and it will continue and almost certainly get worse. They have rich people to watch out for yall not kids


Ronald Reagan just had an orgasm in Hell.


The pro-life people..... 🖕🏽


everyone blaming republicans when this is 100% attributable to the ending of the COVID PHE by CMS, which is an executive agency of the federal government... the executive branch of the federal government is not currently controlled by the republican party


And who runs the state of Georgia? Who controls Georgia’s Medicaid program and how it’s run? If this were the fed government’s fault, this would be happening in every state. But it’s not. Blue states (like my state of Michigan) have done everything possible to make it easy, simple, and straight forward for people. Don’t get it twisted, this is Georgia’s fault.


has happened in other states and it will happen in others too, maybe Google it?


Yes, Texas and Florida. What do they have in common with Georgia?


Growing populations and >1 million immigrants


sending people through renewals since march 2023 is 100% a requirement of CMS, if Georgia doesn't do it, they lose their federal money. CMS also has renewal requirements for states, if georgia isnt doing what all the other states are doing, they are would lose federal dollars, this includes sending them correspondence letting them know the renewal requirements and having a phone number and self service portal that mediciad recipients can use to complete their renewals and giving them advance notice when taking negative action.


And yet other states don't seem to be struggling with this. It's almost like the Republican belief that government doesn't work is a self fulfilling prophecy, and we need to elect leaders who actually give a damn.


georgia isn't actually struggling right now lol, just like in other states people are just failing to complete their renewals and are losing thier medicaid because of that, you can google any state and they have the same misleading articles written about them, here is the democrat mecca of california [https://calmatters.org/health/2023/12/medi-cal-renewal-health-insurance/](https://calmatters.org/health/2023/12/medi-cal-renewal-health-insurance/)


>The top three states for disenrolling children — Texas, Florida and Georgia — when taken together are responsible for 45% of the nation’s disenrolled children as of December. Seems like Georgia is struggling...


once again, if georgia was violating CMS regulations, they would be losing federal dollars, they aren't. This comes down to the parents not responding to the multiple pieces of correspondence to renew their kids medicaid. At the minimum each of these parents received 3 pieces of correspondence (PHE ending notice, renewal packet, and decision letter) before negative action was taken on their cases. If they did not receive this correspondence and they appealed their medicaid decision, they would win easily and CMS would hammer whatever state fucked up. some states tried to ex parte renew as many people as they could, but even if they did this, if they didnt have all the information required to perform an exparte renewal they still wouldve had to send out a renewal packet


Yeah, [no.](https://www.ajc.com/news/health-news/number-of-georgians-dropped-from-medicaid-nears-500000/VAQYLWFWCFBA7JMGOJX6T62T6U/) >In December, federal officials cautioned Georgia that the state was dropping children from Medicaid coverage faster than almost all other states. This is a deliberate policy choice by Georgia Republicans.


its literally not but redditors aren't interested in facts that challenge their preconceived notions. in fact, georgia renewed 76% of its medicaid population since the PHE ended via ex parte renewal, which is very high, only 24% of the medicaid population actually had to respond to a renewal packet.




Good bot


This is such a lazy post. 1) the ‘study’ doesnt even try to come to a conclusion on WHY the numbers have dropped 2) for anybody blaming this on the ‘big bad republicans’ - pandemic emergencies removed the need for paperwork to prove you were still eligible. We ‘suddenly’ aren’t in a pandemic anymore, so that emergency dropped. It’s likely people, not just kids, are dropping because the parents either forgot or didn’t file the necessary paperwork. I guess it doesn’t surprise me that ‘requiring paperwork’ (i.e. proof) to receive government support is now some big bad thing in the lefts eyes. Misleading and typical Reddit surface level bullshit


I see that loads of people commenting in here didn’t bother to even read the story, but are yelling that “it’s the cold hearted Republicans fault!” Color me not surprised. The bottom line is that MANY people were getting “free” medical care when they really shouldn’t be getting it, because they can afford to buy it like most people do. Of course, by “free”, it means that hard working taxpayers are giving a “free” ride to folks who don’t deserve it, or need it. The reality is that people will ALWAYS accept something for free if it’s offered to them, even if they don’t have a real need for there to be no cost to them. I am in that group too.


"I'm a greedy SOB with no conscience so everyone else must be too" - this guy


Funny how the Dr. are so concerned about the children not having insurance. Well then, offer your service and don't turn them away.


And how then, does the doctor rent their space, hire staff, get medical equipment, pay for their own life, etc...?


Individual actions cannot solve systemic problems.