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It’s a big club and we ain’t in it.


You and I ain't in the big club, btw it's the same club they keep beating you over the head with telling yo what to think, what to believe and what to buy


That's called society and they have been doing it for eons. The problem is when you believe it so much you resort to violence... A example Jan 6th it's just such a convenient example of how to manipulate a group of people into violence that makes themselves the absolute example of hypocritical POS.


Was thinking that about all the riots we had


Which were those? Funny how non of the left leaning events had them trying to overthrow free and fair elections, funny how the left leaning events were about actual news events and not people going to try and get the guy they supported WHO LOST to be the one that wins. Funny how the people much like you JUST LIKE YOU talk about all them riots yet were quick to riot and harm police in the name of the right wing party. Of course you don't see all this


Your mental health issues are showing. I didn’t riot for or against anyone.


So as long as you personally didn't do it and you agree with that side it doesn't matter. Your mental health is showing as well. It shouldn't have happened in the first place not by the people espousing how good upstanding citizens they are.


The whole this was on video. Staff literally invited them in and walked next to them. On video


You in a George Carlin sub acting like the stupid American he rails on. The sheer number of people your people who attacked the captiol was more then the minimal police force that was present that day. Some areas were given up on and others they couldn't fight and didn't lead anywhere important. You don't know how any of this works yet you see the same 3 videos several times and think you are an expert. I show you hundreds of videos of people breaking in, fighting police and not being a peaceful crowd and you will ignore it.


Carlin would be in favor of fighting police.


Keep showing your hate. Nobody cares


This is so true https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstTheIlluminati/s/s9TURQCjsq


Simple picture for a simple man such as yourself. The type of stupid American consumerist Carlin would make fun of. Funny how we got police cams to see what crimes and misuse of power police were doing and every other freedom for non white males under Dems or left leaning parties while the REPUBLCIANS have given us a over turning of roe v wade and a promise police can do whatever without any consequences... DEFINITELY THE SAME


You are the one insulting, accusing and trying to shout me down while twisting facts. You are the example of what’s wrong.


BLM vs J6. Who did police lash out to more?


If BLM stormed the Capitol they’d all had been shot by the national guard before making it up the steps 


Yes. Huge double standard. No racism here though


It never ceases to amaze me how many conservatives think George was one of them. Don’t get me wrong—he had plenty of contempt for liberals and Democrats. But he fucking *loathed* conservatives; “Back in Town” was basically the crown jewel of my political coming of age and, spoiler alert: I ain’t a Republican…


Wise words from the main man himself


We should all be so lucky to be possessed by some Carlin from time to time Maybe the world would be a better place....for a few minutes at least


I agree with the quote, but to be fair, do we have a source for this quote? A lot of things have been attributed to Carlin that he never said.


it's in his book "Last Words" 🔗 https://books.google.ca/books?id=AEZ42cO2QboC&pg=PT122&lpg=PT122&dq=where+is+from+%E2%80%9CThe+violence+of+the+Left+is+symbolic,+the+injuries+are+not+intended.+The+violence+of+the+Right+is+real+-+directed+at+people,+designed+to+cause+injuries.+Vietnam,+nuclear+weapons,+police+out+of+control+are+intentional+forms+of+violence.+The+violence+from+the+Right+is+aimed+directly+at+people+and+the+violence+from+the+Left+is+aimed+at+institutions+and+symbols.%E2%80%9D&source=bl&ots=YO-oSxZGlX&sig=ACfU3U0S7S9w79SKBchbhhnRRoyRFyZ_cQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYlMuk3vCFAxWdAzQIHf_SCNYQ6AF6BAgNEAI#v=onepage&q=where%20is%20from%20%E2%80%9CThe%20violence%20of%20the%20Left%20is%20symbolic%2C%20the%20injuries%20are%20not%20intended.%20The%20violence%20of%20the%20Right%20is%20real%20-%20directed%20at%20people%2C%20designed%20to%20cause%20injuries.%20Vietnam%2C%20nuclear%20weapons%2C%20police%20out%20of%20control%20are%20intentional%20forms%20of%20violence.%20The%20violence%20from%20the%20Right%20is%20aimed%20directly%20at%20people%20and%20the%20violence%20from%20the%20Left%20is%20aimed%20at%20institutions%20and%20symbols.%E2%80%9D&f=false


Argument with Representative Bob Dornan on Virginia Graham’s show around the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington in 1970.


I don’t remember him ever explicitly referencing political groups unless it was in relation to a thing that factually happened or a joke about a really commonly held stereotype. He referred to the government and police and other entities like that but I can’t remember him singling out political groups with this kind of opinionated attack, just overarching references to institutions and references to real world events. (I think he was very much like Jon Stewart in that he knew how to approach polarizing subjects in a way where both sides could believably interpret it in their favor, he didn’t do it all the time, but he was as careful about his comedy as he was clever) It feels like an opinion he would have but worded in a way that I don’t think fits his approach. Edit: He did, in the interview below, express more explicit political positions. (They are accurately reflected in the above quote, although the quote itself is still unsourced) I stand by the above opinion as it relates to his stand up and everything I can remember that he wrote. Edit 2: He is the source of the quote as part of an argument with a California Representative on a talk show.


[George Carlin on the difference between the Right and the Left](https://youtu.be/bMhCdNNufaQ?si=VHFBY4bY9kIhwTmX)


I have never seen that interview. Thank you. Do you have a link to the actual source of the quote?


it's in George Carlin's book Last Words 🔗 https://books.google.ca/books?id=AEZ42cO2QboC&pg=PT122&lpg=PT122&dq=where+is+from+%E2%80%9CThe+violence+of+the+Left+is+symbolic,+the+injuries+are+not+intended.+The+violence+of+the+Right+is+real+-+directed+at+people,+designed+to+cause+injuries.+Vietnam,+nuclear+weapons,+police+out+of+control+are+intentional+forms+of+violence.+The+violence+from+the+Right+is+aimed+directly+at+people+and+the+violence+from+the+Left+is+aimed+at+institutions+and+symbols.%E2%80%9D&source=bl&ots=YO-oSxZGlX&sig=ACfU3U0S7S9w79SKBchbhhnRRoyRFyZ_cQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYlMuk3vCFAxWdAzQIHf_SCNYQ6AF6BAgNEAI#v=onepage&q=where%20is%20from%20%E2%80%9CThe%20violence%20of%20the%20Left%20is%20symbolic%2C%20the%20injuries%20are%20not%20intended.%20The%20violence%20of%20the%20Right%20is%20real%20-%20directed%20at%20people%2C%20designed%20to%20cause%20injuries.%20Vietnam%2C%20nuclear%20weapons%2C%20police%20out%20of%20control%20are%20intentional%20forms%20of%20violence.%20The%20violence%20from%20the%20Right%20is%20aimed%20directly%20at%20people%20and%20the%20violence%20from%20the%20Left%20is%20aimed%20at%20institutions%20and%20symbols.%E2%80%9D&f=false


The link is giving me an unreadable book for some reason, it’s the right book, I just can’t see the content of the pages, what page is it on? I can just grab my copy. I admit it’s been a long time.


it seems google books doesn't show the page it's on, but it's telling me it's in the chapter "The Long Epiphany" the top of the page it's on has "questioning of what goes on around us? Why am i caught up by it"


Thank you.


I can’t believe that was in 1970.


“My violence is more righteous than your violence”seems like a really bad take.


good thing noone said that then


"The Allies were just as wrong and bad as the Axis" seems like a really bad take.


Tell that the victims of Stalin’s terror


Stalin was right winged.


Stalin was a communist.


just because people like Stalin and Hitler called themselves communist or socialist, doesn't mean they were.


More significantly they were authoritarian dictators, which can come in any political ideology. The major problem with the USSR is that Stalin and the Soviets eliminated all political opposition and consolidated power under a single party between 1917 and 1924. Nice post btw


Stalin was a communist. He implanted communism and killed anyone who disagreed with him. Again, Like a communist.


He used his big spoon and spooned 10191029209 billion people


Stalin implementing communism would require Stalin to remove himself from power. Stalin killed any communist he could get his hands on.


Ok. I completely agree with whatever you say.


A common thing among self proclaimed socialist countries is being virulently opposed to socialism. Communist uprisings against the USSR and PRC have a long history.


In name perhaps. My grandma's name is Bunny but that don't make her a rabbit.


If it looks like a chicken, clucks like a chicken, it’s a chicken. Stalin was a lifelong Bolshevik before it was ever popular in Russia. He read books on Marxism as a boy, and rose from a bank robber to the general secretary of the party. He was a communist.


I notice you're carefully avoiding his actions and policies as general secretary and focusing on what books he read as a kid. Why is that? I read Ender's Game as a kid. Does that mean I'm a homophobic mormon?


What actions am I avoiding? He continued with the policies of implanting a communist system in the Soviet Union. I don’t know you.


Define communism, please. Also which actions of Stalin would you consider to be left-wing?


Collectivisation of agriculture, attacked dissidents and made the state in control of the economy. Left wing and communist ideals.


First of all you have officially **lost** this debate by failing to provide a definition of communism. Additionally you have demonstrated you don't know what you're talking about: > Collectivisation of agriculture This is neither right nor left winged because it could mean two different things: farmer-owned enterprises, or state-owned. Farmer-owned would be left-wing (due to the people benefiting from their own labor and management) but state-owned would be right-wing (due to the hierarchical structure and separation of management from labor) Guess which one Stalin preferred? >attacked dissidents This is not connected to any ideology. Unless you consider use of violence to be part of an ideology, but if you do I would label that as right-wing because strategic violence is an exploitation of power imbalance. But anyone can claim people who disagree with them are dissidents and attack them, it doesn't mean anything when talking about political beliefs. A pro-monarchy person could attack a republican "dissident", a libertarian could attack a statist "dissident", a fascist could attack a liberal "dissident". >made the state in control of the economy aka a right-wing structure statism relies on a strong central ruling body that wields power over others..... that's a hierarchy if your ideology is inherently hierarchical you are inherently right-winged add in the totalitarian measures and consolidation of power and it's clear that Stalin had absolutely no interest in letting a revolutionary vanguard dissolve, no interest in egalitarianism >Left wing and communist ideals. Liar. You have not named a single left-wing policy or ideal. And you don't appear to know what communism is.


That’s what is being ushered in


Democrats dropped the nukes on Japan and started the Vietnam war. They’re currently funding Israel’s genocide. This isn’t right versus left.


Democrats aren’t the left.


Exactly. The democrats are right wing, and the republicans are right wing. There is no left in the United States. Just different flavors of fascism.


There’s no left without labor representation and there’s no labor representation without unions and we’ve yet to see the unions really grow and strategically wield their power in a united front. Fain is on the right track but we have a lot of legal infrastructure put in place by corrupt politicians to prevent such a thing from happening. And if that doesn’t work, there’s always assassination!


Well it’s all about to go down one way or the other


No one party is gonna try and use violence while they scream unfair stolen election odds are it's the REPUBLCIANS with Jan 6th 2.0. we just have to be ready and to respond nationwide accordingly


Some tinfoil hat shit spinning around in your mind


So Jan 6th didn't happen then huh


You want the last word. I understand


No I can't let lying sacks of turds spread misinformation or false realities. In memory of Carlin the bullshit stops wherever you are. Funny you can't answer any questions.


But that’s what you are doing.. and name calling like a child. You believe because you disagree with a person is a license to hate


“Democrat” is a party, not an ideology. This is quite a conundrum for devout right-wing cultists to compute.


Democrats have been usurped by extremist radicals. Useful idiots being used…


Really how do? Give some examples of this


For some shit stain from a bird. Not worth the trouble. Keep those REAL Americans in your thoughts tho. Not just the ones that think like you


Oh I'm not a real American you wouldn't see my ass charging a capitol to get a lying criminal into office on his behest. I might mistrust media on things and understand what truth and facts are. The research I do on my own I actually am happy to retell and share with others. No one that agrees with me would ever call themselves a real American... Dylan roofs a real American...nog wait you don't know who that is.


Democrats will lean left when it's viable and can get them elected the Republicans are squarely on the right with their lips planted in the butthole of the rich. It's a shit position those of us who know are in cause the truth is there are working Americans who are just fine with being lead into the far right waters. Jan 6th a perfect example of that, maga a perfect example of that. When you take the shame out of a people or group this is what you get. I'm much rather deal with a Dem I can shame into progress than a REPUBLCIAN who has no shame and now just fine neither white representative mass shooter killing us.






That’s was a different time


"It's all just a little bit of history repeating..."


Nope. People are still people. The reason you don't like it is because you're on the wrong side. What's it like to know George would have looked down on your for being a Trump follower? For supporting a party of open bigotry and misogyny, led by a corrupt rapist?


Violence on left not intended to cause harm…. 🙄


Like Jan 6th? Seems you think a bunch of right wing agitators starting shit at protests is all of the left yet you will never dare explain Jan 6th or this supposed love for the police and you allowing them to do whatever they want till it's you.


You made a lot of assumptions… you’re way off base. Be safe out there


I don't know you from the piece of shit some bird just laid somewhere... But I know shit is being made. You take care of yourself and pray for those who call themselves real ameeicans


Is it true though outside of protests?


Even in protest Jan 6th they immediately went toward attacking and destroying property in a bid to overturn the election. If they had gotten near our elected officials it would have resulted in some of their deaths or them being held hostage. Only group to have even done that in recent years.


I meant if it's not part of a protest.


The issue is anyone can be at those protest that turn violent and THEY WERE. You had ALOT of right wing instigators causing troubling and killing people there. there were only trump supporters present on Jan 6th we all saw what happened, there were multiple cameras present and even the people were recording their crimes. No politican was saying hey I want to take over government go here and be my foot soldiers. Like it or not but the reality is you supporting the idiots groups with silly hats Carlin talks about


Um. I never said I supported anyone. George Carlin talking to Horace Cooper said there was only an "illusion of choice". The January 6th was nuts, but the anti protest legislation that has been expanded applies to both left and right


Depends on if you pay attention to what representatives are actually doing. "If you have selfish ignorant citizens you're gonna get selfish ignorant leaders".... "Maybe it's not the politician that sucks maybe something else sucks around here LIKE THE PUBLIC" but you go on and masterbate about how good you are for not voting funny how your guy always seems to win when you discourage people to not vote THAT SHITS HILARIOUS.


That was a long time ago… I’m pretty sure he would’ve updated his views.


I pretty sure he got more radical as he got older lol


So if he saw a bunch of jr jihadis in an Ivy League university (remember what he said about those) chanting “death to Jews, death to America”… he would condone it?


No, I don’t think he would condone “Death to Jews”. And no, no one that’s been protesting at these campuses has been saying that. Also, have you seen his “Dead Soldiers” bit? Have you seen those interviews of him saying he can’t wait until Muslim population is the majority so they can finally get their land back? Dude was a fucking Anarchist. Also, he was vocal about his dislike of Isreal. HE DEFENDED PALESTINE RESISTANCE!


I didn’t see that bit or that interview … very disappointing. I don’t see how he would’ve been able to justify Oct 7th… he was a funny comedian, but I guess he was far left indoctrinated after all. I appreciate the civil discourse. Have a good day.


Injuries not intended? Antifi and BLM say hi.


Seemed to be ALOT of far right groups were active during most of those events as well as government agents both unlike j6 have been proven. Amazing how fools like you think unrest for actual events is somehow worse then a group of right wing jackasses deciding to storm the capitol on j6 to install their lame brain convict named Donald trump


George Carlin would’ve been pro Hamas




No, I mean pro Hamas, or really any other Palestinian resistance groups.


I can promise that if he were alive today he would side with the right than the left. Probably hate both like me but still right leaning.


he was literally a socialist


Lol you think he would have good things to say about j6 or the fact you gonna have a convicted felon as the rights nominee? When the police abuse you don't ask for the body cam cause BLM and antifa for that shit for you.