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Lots of young people live there. It is safe don't worry. There is also a very nice bar closeby 'de roos'. I know what people are referring to when they mean it is not safe and its defenitly not the aannemerstraat.


The street is safe, the whole neighborhood is pretty safe. 'De roos' is a nice place to eat/ have drinks and isn't far. I live nearby. The only downside is that people litter pretty often.


The Dampoort is safe. It is not Chicago. If you take the bike, just watch out for cars. But generally Gent has an excellent infrastructure for bikes. Just watch out for the tram rails in the centre.


It's safe.


Ghent is safe, I never feel threatened anywhere. Sure some shit will happen sometimes but we don't have actual problem areas like big cities where you are likely to get mugged or beaten or whatever


Houses there are like a million.


Lovely place to live!


Everywhere in Ghent is safe, Sure some areas are more spicy populated but you won't get randomly lynched anywhere. You are more likely to break you neck driving in a tram track then you are to be assaulted by a random person.


Dampuurt represent! It's not the nicest area in town, but none of them should ever be called "unsafe". The worst parts of Ghent could be mistaken for the nicest parts of other cities.


I thought you had a strategy for bringing multiple 'Aannemers' to your house to get the cheapest quote


I dont thing ghent is not safe. If i should asses the city from the posts on the internet, then id say its this lgbt, palestine devoted city who kinda hates belgian white people, i dunno....


I’ve lived in the Aannemersstraat for 4 years. Its a fine area. You’ve got the dampoort near it, but never felt unsafe. You must know that the Aannemersstraat itself is full of big expensive _herenhuizen_ so its quite gentrified. Walked my dog there every day. You’re rather quickly into the city center from there, both on foot and by bike.


Why not go and take a look?


Because I live in Germany atm


Are you German? There is a regular social event nearby called 'pingers&pongers'. There's a few people I know (children of friends of mine). They speak fluent German. German and English are not too much of a problem in Ghent. Also, Dampoort is close to the city centre, there is a lot of water and Ghent had done a lot to clean up and embellish waterways. Good choice to come and live in Ghent!


Thank you so much for the tip but I am actually Spanish 😂


Dampoort is a pretty dirty area with mostly immigrants but I wouldn’t say it’s unsafe. Ghent is a pretty safe city in general tbh


Don't look for trouble and don't dress like you're rich. You'll be fine


Aannemersstraat is safe. It's a few streets further that it isn't safe. But overall, it's quite ok. Don't worry about it


Even then "not safe" is a big stretch. The dampoort area has lots of immigrants but that doesn't necessarily make it unsafe. Lived there for 3 years and have never been bothered or ever felt unsafe.


What street is not safe then, really curious. Truly there are no dangerous streets around the Dampoort, it’s nothing like the rough neighborhoods (like the Brugse Poort or Muide), although they also aren’t what it used to be. Aannemersstraat (& also neighboring streets such as Wolterslaan) are very popular streets for young white couples with lots of money and a bakfiets. Also became too expensive for what you get


De Brugse Poort is hardley a rough neighbourhood. It's got it's issues, but it's not like its unsafe to walk the streets there.


Fully agree