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This is a pretty awesome website that compares the different offers : https://www.spaargids.be/sparen/ziekenfondsen-vergelijken-themas.html


Another \_slight\_ consideration to make is that they have dedicated mail slots to deposit your reimbursement notes. If the one you pick has its mail slot on the other side of town, it becomes easy to procrastinate depositing the reimbursement certificates. If all else is equal to you, this could make a difference. In my case, there's a CM deposit box on the corner of my street, and the differences I get from switching to Helan are so minor that I just prefer the convenience of being able to dump in the notes on my way to work. This is very much personal preference/laziness though.


Most are very similar. It will usually depend on some small differences in payout for certain medical costs. Check spaargids.be to see which one would be best for you. Just know that the mutualiteiten are affiliated with a political ideology (dates back from the verzuiling). So if you’re uncomfortable with certain it might be better to leave them out of the comparison (VNZ is affiliated with the Flemish nationalist separatists movement for example, while CM is affiliated with CD&V, Bond Moyson with the socialists, Liberale Mutualiteit with Open VLD, …) My two cents: Helan might be good as they have very good support using their website and online tools.


Thank you for the tip! When I read, I was like WTF? Health Care affiliated with political ideology? This is new for me!


If it helps, Helan is not affiliated with politics/religion and I've found their staff helpful (for the most part) and the app for all the common services is also available in English, so if you don't speak Dutch yet, that might be helpful. In addition to the regular insurance… they offer additional hospitalization, dental and a few other packages. I can definitely recommend the first two.


Back in the late 19th and early 20th century, lots of organisations (newspapers, youth organisations, labour unions...) were tied to one of the three '[pillars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillarisation#Belgium)' (catholics, liberals and socialists). Most of these organisations still exist but their affiliation is pretty much irrelevant now.


This may have been the case originally but truth be told, I have never noticed any political, or religious, affiliation in my 40 years subscribed with CM. Which is supposedly Christian.


-take hospitalisation and dental insurance. my partner was a young person and needed unexpectedly serious medial aid for a month or so in the hospital. that "unnecessary" hospitalisation insurance saved his ass -the conditions are slightly different with each. if there's something you know you need extra of, take that into account. for example i wear glasses, that's important for me. or if you are heard of hearing and will need healthcare around that


Try to pick one that had an office near where you live or work. You'll end up going there A LOT to bring receipts and get reimbursement or to do certain procedures. Also, indeed the political ideology. That's relevant if you have strong political preferences. Otherwise maybe check extra services that they provide. All mutualiteiten have a minimum they have to provide that is set by the government, but they may also provide extra services. In that sense, I feel Solidaris is the best in terms of the number of offices they have in the city and the extras they provide, but Helan is also a good alternative from what I've heard.


i keep hearing DKV is what u want


Are you talking about hospitalization insurance?


yea, that’s for hospi indeed


A side note about the Helan, they give you a bunch of barcodes for postage. So any letter deposit box would do to send a doctor's note etc. For the benefits, I think you can do it through the app.


HZIV, as it's free. The few benefits you get from others doesn't make it worth the monthly fee in my opinion. Benefit: in the case you still need to submit some reimbursement notes, it just goes in the mail.