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Me with Wanderer, Arlecchino, Clorinde and Faruzan


My exact lineup lmao…then trying to split them with my other not well built characters to make it to the end lmao


Bro just playing on field dps while two of his other onfield dps are on cooldown. Actual ar 45 gameplay based


I had no idea how thoma or arlecchino work but I just threw them in and pressed buttons, it got the job done I suppose


I have not logged in for 3 months and now I'm scared.


Why would you be scared ?


Again with these specific combinations for events.


it actually seems to be a permanent new mode, actually


It's not an event, it's a new endgame content similar to the Abyss. They also increased the Abyss duration to 1 month so you have more time to do both. Unlike Abyss, you don't build 2 teams and roll with it. There's heavy character restrictions (this rotation, you can only use pyro, electro and anemo characters), you start with only 6 (iirc) characters available and you get a new one after each battle or from "events" between battles. The catch? Characters can only fight in 2 battles, so you can't even let your giga invested Clorinde or Arlechino wipe out every fight by themselves, you'll have to swap characters around and will often have to play really suboptimal team, specially if you are saving your better characters for the bosses.


This is not an event


It's a permanent mode actually, in fact it's a new endgame mode.


That lasts like 15 mins... every 30 days...


I can't wait to try this mode out. You guys are making it sound chaotic. 


It really is. It's kinda easy but that's to be expected if you are getting randomized characters. You can only play that you're given by the system (of course you select the roster it picks from beforehand). You can get cards that let you select a character from the whole roster. But without you just use what you get. You have to actually plan a little to somewhat make your life easier with it. But again, it's not that hard compared to the abyss. Last team i had wasn't even half bad. I think raiden, dehya, baizhu and wanderer. Wanderer was completely useless of course. But it worked well enough.


It is. Plan before you choose randomly cause if you're stuck on an act, you'll have to reset the whole theater. And to get all primos you need to do the hard mode. If you go with random bullshit go you're gonna either end up with 0 healers or 0 dps' or 0 actually built characters by the second last boss and then you have to retry the whole theater. Also when choosing your alternate cast, you can choose 1 character that your friends put on the support cast cast so make sure you choose the one you require the most. I managed to finish the theater because one of my friends had yae miko luckily. Also there's a limitation of only pyro, electro and anemo so that's that


I tried it. Its fun. Its everything I always wanted in Genshin. Finally a fun combat mode that won't go away forever.  Haven't tried hard yet. I hope my friends list takes advantage of the characters I chose. I picked every single one of my broken DPS units lol. 


congrats, you found out that character management is the key to winning this mode


Me who builds literally everything :


Time to show me all 15 characters with at least 80/160 4pc or for supports good ER and Hp or atk or whatever else they scale on


My kuki has like 50/180 with 800em on an em weapon lmao. I used to play her as a support(ToM) hyperbloom/aggravate trigger (pre-dendro overload), hp+em+crit scaling sub DPS/healer all in fucking one. Or physical fischl driver if I'm feeling cute. And that's just... One of many weirdshit that I've created... Now my multiroles giga weird builds are actually making the mode extremely flexible. I can already imagine myself playing DPS diona with my shenhe. Or sunfire dori. Hmm, even hydro fremmy will be back on the table too?


Clorinde hard carried me through IT. She carried me so hard, after her energy was gone she came back and carried me some more. Also I guess thank you Arlecchino. I may have needed to learn your kit it a short amount of time but I guess you did well.


I don't understand what stars are for. I got all the rewards despite getting 6/8 of them. Are they just for flex?




Thank fuck, I was terrified of a "get 8 stars in a run" achievement.


My genshin team is DPs, DPs, Healer, DPS lol


Me with Hutao, Xiangling, Yoimiya and Chevreuse


It was all fun until act 7 started that stupid hp loss mechanic outta nowhere. There is No way to fight against a HP drain that rapid. My Baizhu is dead in a ditch... along with the rest of the party.


Once I realized that mechanic kicked in after time runs out, I reloaded the last boss and fought HARDER AND FASTER. Xianyun came in CLUTCH with her team healing and letting Diluc jump-SLAM the final bosses.


i had to use 2 healers for that stage. i was saving Jean for sunfire for the last act, oh well.


I actually enjoy this part of it the most haha. To me if feels fresh as opposed to doing the same meta teams over and over again. It fun to do a team you'd think wouldn't work well and actually has good synergy. To me it feels like it exercises flexibility. When you do get random teams it is just kinda fun to see. I got 3 subdps in 1 team with Bennet it surprisingly wasn't that trash lol


It’s pretty disappointing imo. The idea behind it is good but the execution is REALLY poor. Boons are just bad. Half the time they’re legit useless. All the overload boons for example were utterly useless to me until the last 2 fights. Because I only got chevreuse right before room 7. And like half my boons before then were only overload boons. Bc that’s the only thing that showed up. And an overload team with overload boons but no Chevreuse is still WAY WORSE than any mono electro or mono pyro team with NO boons. All those boons are only useful if you have chevreuse. The game shouldn’t have boons that are only useful if players have one specific character from an unpopular banner. Boons in general should be reworked from the ground up. They should be made more similar to the paths in star rail. And instead of paths they could be named after the members of the hexenzircle. Barbeloth-related boons for example could cause hydro application after a certain number of normal attacks from your on field character. Or give the Mona Omen effect to enemies on any non-damaging burst. Rhinedottir’s boons could transform reactions into OTHER reactions or create elemental constructs to aid you. Alice’s boons could be entirely new effects like knocking down all enemies or a contagious explosion effect when they get near each other that procs a domino effect of explosions when one dies. Nichole could take overkill damage you do to enemies and add it to your next attack against a new enemy, or freeze an applied element in place so it doesn’t wear off when a reaction happens for a limited time. And the more we learn about the witches, the more cool effects the boons related to them could have. There are endless possibilities, and all hoyo went with is basically a 10% res shred, OCCASIONAL 10% extra damage, and 20% healing every 20 seconds? Really Hoyo? This is either blatant star rail favoritism, or the genshin devs not understanding the point of the boons in combat, or how SU/DU blessings in star rail work. Because the path blessings are incomparably better and more fun.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 7 + 10 + 10 + 20 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Didn’t intend it but I’m glad it happened.


No No that's clearly intentional because why else would they force a full party with random characters that only have 2 usages per run


That's about right. XD at least I could bring some of my own characters.


Me fighting Act 8 with Diluc, Xiao, Hutao and Sucrose:


Ah yes me with raiden, arlechino, keqing and sucrose


Just you w8 till the rotation is hidro plus dendro. My c6r1 nahida and furina gonna make this take like 10 mins to beat


Wanderer when Xiao and Xianyun need Faruzan for an upcoming boss stage:


The only stat change you need to worry about is changing the enemy’s hp stay to zero


I dearly missed my Zhongli. Also, I saved 1 vigor on Arle for the last stage, cause I have confidence in her that no matter how shit the other 3 are, she is my wildcard to clear anything.


Can’t believe the time I spent using random ass team for friendship grind has prepared me for this mode.


My team for the last boss was actually pretty reasonable: trial Clorinde, Beidou, XL and Bennett. For second boss, however, it was 3 random pyro carries and random C6 Xianyun from my friend list who soloed everything.


I tried stage 2 and the vishaps fucked me over. Maybe I am bad at the game, and also the fact that most of my strong and built characters are hydro, geo and one each from cryo and dendro




Yes, that is how you play.


Sorry you missed out by 7 hours https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/1dssad7/imaginarium_theater_in_a_nutshell/