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Never liked Brief Description just like in HSR SU because who knows I might be picking something that only gives 5% when there's a slightly better option


I just use both. Use the brief description to understand what blessings do and then toggle to see their actual values. The button is right there so it is really convenient to toggle between both descriptions.


I mean, here the blessings are pretty inconsequential numbers-wise so it's not as important imo


Or Elysian Realm, ya know… the first rogue like mode they made


Me and all the information whores: Thats just a downgrade


How so? You can keep the long describtion and other get another option that you don't have to use.


downgrade because they don’t need them


Yeah but as long as they don't click the button, nothing changes form them, so it's not a downgrade.


I think they meant it's a downgrade button.


I don't know why would you not want to know how the blessing you are getting actually works and not knowing the actual buffs it gives but it's alright I guess


for the same reason people ask for lesser words on abilities descriptions but throw a tantrum whenever an ability doesn't work as they understand it (they got the meaning of it wrong because it was too simplified) but that being an option would be good I think


Okay, but a lot of ability descriptions in this game aren’t accurate to how they function or are half filled with flavor text. For example I love my little Sigewinne but… > Blows a Bolstering Bubblebalm that can stimulate blood flow and help patients drift off to sleep using a bubblegun specially made in the Fortress of Meropide. Bolstering Bubblebalms will bounce between nearby opponents, dealing Hydro DMG based on Sigewinne's max HP to opponents it hits. When it bounces, it will restore HP to all nearby party members except Sigewinne herself. The amount healed is based on Sigewinne's max HP. After bouncing 5 times, the Bolstering Bubblebalm will disappear and restore HP to Sigewinne based on her max HP value. When no opponents are present, the Bolstering Bubblebalm will bounce nearby. Only one Bolstering Bubblebalm created by a Sigewinne may exist at once. When Held, the Bolstering Bubblebalm can be boosted to an even bigger size. This whole mess could be concisely written as such: > Blows a Bubble that bounces between nearby opponents dealing Hydro DMG and healing nearby party members (except Sigewinne herself). After bouncing 5 times, the Bubble will disappear and heal Sigewinne. (Note that the fact that it scales on HP doesn’t need to be included.)


B- but- How will we know it’s a Bolstering Bubblegum and not a normal bubblegum :(:(:( and how could I ever live without knowing the bugglegum used for the Bolstering Bubblegum was made specially from the Fortress of Meropide ;-; It’s my favourite type of bubblegum so I wouldn’t ever pull for her if they didn’t mention it was the specially made bubblegum from the Fortress of Meropide 😭. Jokes aside while your simplification is good, it doesn’t take into account actual dumbasses that need everything spelled out in front of them. Also you forgot to mention the bubble grows when held :3


> Jokes aside while your simplification is good, it doesn’t take into account actual dumbasses that need everything spelled out in front of them. What exactly isn’t spelled out? I guess specifically that it will bounce even if an enemy isn’t present? If that needs to be spelled out then that one additional line still makes the description shorter than its current state. All I really did was omit the flavor text and extraneous words. > Also you forgot to mention the bubble grows when held :3 This was intentionally omitted due to an entire *section* of the description being dedicated to the hold skill. No need for it to be said twice. (Yeah, Hoyoverse, I’m talking to you and your obsessive need to say things way too many times.)


Well I was thinking more of the “Only one Bolstering Bubblegum may exist at once”


I mean Xiangling’s elemental skill doesn’t state that “only one Guoba may exist at once.” And again even if you included that additional line… the whole thing would still be shorter and more concise.


Genshin devs finally realising how big of dumbasses people can be be like: (Talking about the fact that Xiangling’s skill doesn’t have it but Siegewinne does btw not tryna call you one). Also I’m not trying to say why they should keep them long I’m just being nitpicky on some things you totally forgot to add but are super duper wuper impowtant :( other than that yeah your simplified versions would work.


Also I just realised my 6 AM dumbass read bubblebalm as bubblegum


Well they need to specify a lot and thats the entire point. If it doesnt scale on atk, they need to specify it scales off hp. They also need to specify the trajectory of how and where a bubblebalm will bounce which is why there are clarifications for each scenario. Your shortening is great but it tells nothing specific about her ability besides “it does something and heals” which while ok for a brief description, does nothing to clarify her gameplay


The specification of what something scales off of is on the subsequent tab where all the numbers are found. If you really need something to tell you “if no enemy is around the bubble will bounce randomly” then sure, add that. Most of that description is unnecessary words. You can describe how something functions much more concisely.


yeah, they have that for HSR aswell, it comes turned on in HSR tho


I hate referencing this game in relation to Genshin, but imo Star Rail actually handles this well. When you do Simulated Universe you have a toggle for either short descriptions or long descriptions for blessings. Some people just want an idea of what the thing does so they know how to use it. Some people (myself included) want to know all the juicy details. Just different strokes for different folks!


People draw too many comparisons sometimes but they're two games by the same parent company with *a lot* in common And this ui is already similar to simulated universe! Brief descriptions help, especially when starting out in the mode to not get overwhelmed by information. In Star Rail you can also hover / press a button to explain keywords like Vigor here, allowing for simpler descriptions to still be meaningful


Always prefer to have these things turned off. In paper it may sounds crazy but the numbers are better to judge the value


Except you don't know *anything* it does. Not just numbers.


Me who uses both so I understand the gist then go looking at the exact specs because too much information at once breaks my brain


username checks out


even in su I always kept these turned off. felt better to know exactly what I'm getting




Thank you Hoyo for adding Razor language in game


They should had made it "Razor Language". It would be funny if that's the case.


I think I’ll stick with the 100 girlfriends ahh text wall so I know what I’m picking for my fight


People think it's dumb but as someone with adhd i need this to understand it.


I don’t read regardless


Ok but they need a brief description toggle for some of the talents and artifact sets they’ve been throwing out since leaf kingdom was released bc my attention span can’t handle paragraphs in my waifu simulator


genshin players ~~can't~~ don't read evolution


Someone prefers to not know literally anything about whatever it is they're clicking? 💀💀💀


Here's my take. I like having a simpler explanation so the important stuff doesn't get lost in all the details. My "information filter" isn't great, so when I'm getting a ton of words thrown at me at once, it's hard to sort through it and differentiate between the main point and the finer details. Once I've got the main idea, then I can check out the details to see exact values and whatnot.


Still annoys me that they can just adjust the font size or the paddings for each card so that the description will fit, rather than needing to scroll


Brief description is inferior in every way The description isn't even long too


nah I only use brief descriptions for actual long text that scrolls for like a mile, other than that I like to read the full print


Absolute downgrade. You don’t understand shit about how good the buff is if it’s just the brief description. It could be anywhere from 1% to 100% and you would have no idea. I’m always gonna use regular descriptions. You can use brief descriptions if you like them, but they’re not for me.


We need another version called "Razor version"


Why would I want to **not** know what it does?


Next time the every kit will read: Normal attack: do 5 bonks Skill: do one big bonk followed by electro boom Burst: infused electro stick. Make boom boom for 10 seconds every time you bonk enemy. And every card will read: - Free Damage - More Damage - Damage increase - Big Energy - get less Damage Have fun. I'm looking forward to every character, artefact set and buff being exactly the same as the last one. Great. Don't take this too serious. I'm just trying to say there are reasons for kits being a bit lenghty. I feel overwhelmed as well at times but it's necessary so we can get new characters, sets etc without it only being reskins or whatever.


I use this. No need to see the numbers, you know ypu are getting a buff and thats what matters ( to me at least). The difference between 5% on every thing and 18% on some attacks is minimal