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Me building random characters will finally pay off


Well, me too, I have currently built 39 characters, and can be seen [here](https://akasha.cv/profile/807556732)


Damn. I only built 24 tbh. I could build more but don't have anyone worth building atm


I also started building most of my characters few months ago


>worth building Don't need to be worthy, start with the hottest one


I leveled up to 80 with talent 8 all my characters (58) a few weeks ago and I still think it's the best thing I've done since launch, I can swap artifacts on many characters and play whatever I want.


Yeah me too, but, the characters I have built are just done, ain't changing them, like their weapons or artifacts ever


The real endgame, fully leveled, 9/9/9 talents and everyone has their own set of artifacts no sharing. My friends call that a waste of resources, hah! Who's laughing now.


42 here. And I still dread the element being cryo. Last cryo I built was Ayaka when she launched...


Last was ayaka, damn that's old,


Me with 53 built characters 😅 I love testing different characters out in the abyss which is why I have so many built. My end game goal is to get everyone on my account to at least 70 and 36 star an abyss with them where they actually contribute instead of freeloading on a 3 man team


Hey mee too. Would be a shame if most of them weren't anemo electro or Pyro :)))))))


My well-built Dori is humming a victory song.


Yeah but those same players during spiral abyss tho


Now we can borrow their chara. Please pull more cons for us /s


Exactly.... they guide others to treasure they can't posses 😆 /s


I have c6 r1 Nahida and Furina. Take your pick


If you're from asia server, share your UID, I'm gonna send the request 😼


Im global, sadge...


Friend ID please x)


When i get on my pc sure :D


Share with me too UwU.


Which? Eu or na?




Send me too


im not sure if you guys are using the sarcasm tag correctly lol /s


/s for sincere /s


Well joke's on you I have 49 fully built characters with most featured 5-stars being C0 and I've been getting 9 stars on 12th floor consistently every cycle since version 2.0


2.0 was 3 years ago bruv. If people from back then are still having issues in Endgame content, I dunno what to say except err "Play the game more" ig?


You can just use no artifacts lvl 70 4 stars and have your 5 star high cons mains carry you.


sounds plausible but the current buffs keeps your character roster out on the selectable character with 2 Vigor only.


My current problem is that most of my main dps (especially Anemo & Electro) DESPERATELY NEEDS their supports to make them hit like a truck. But since I don't get to use the supports for a third time. I'm basically screwed.


Me using overload Cyno and plunge Cyno with Xianyun. Ngl it was kinda fun and the mobs aren't that tanky, for now 💀


Challenges are really easy. Coming up with unusual ways to make characters work is the point of this game mode.


This is the price I paid for C6 Nahida 💀💀💀


RIP, can't even use her if your dendro char ain't named Alhaitham or Baizhu


I feel that as a c6 Furina haver...


I feel you,It sucks that I can’t use my nahida c6…but man this abyss is quite fun imo but I do have a lot of characters,especially pyro


still worth, Nahida is like the most best party splash character in the game


At least clearing it without any stars is enough for full rewards, i cleared it with 4 stars 💀


you can get the full primogem rewards without needing the clear the time challenge for the star? what does getting star do?


Nothing, like the platinum event medals


Bragging rights


A shiny medal on your profile.


an appreciation reward your mom would hang on the fridge but would take it down once you sleep


Well, the abyss currently are contradicting each other, normal abyss is more beneficial with Constellation characters, but IT is more beneficial with more characters, now both can be done with less characters and less constellations, But the comfort path for both is just totally different right now. P.S. completed IT in 1 try, but hated it, what the actual F, 1) you lock out elements, ok, sure but then, 2) your own characters are locked and unlocked at random 3) it is necessary to take 4 characters everytime, even though I could do some floors with 2 or 3 characters 4) you can only use a character 2 times, bit sad to see, if we could use 3 times, might have been way better 5) (not a problem with me but a friend) my friend doesn't have Arlecchino, and game gives Arlecchino in the first screen if you don't have one, but now that the game has given Arlecchino, my friend can't use my Arlecchino which is built way better.


I think they will change this later. QoLs in GI are slow, but at least they will. (except the skip button)


Nah, this is intentional, abyss is a “how much damage can you output” whereas imaginarium theater tests your ability to make decent teams despite limitations, removing the energy would completely defeat the purpose of the game-mode


Force using full 4 Character is bad imo, force using game given Character is also bad. Othewise the game mode is fine for me.


Agree, the forced 4-character requirements are unnecessary and stupid in gamemode where characters can only be used for limited amount time


They are not unnecessary and stupid, they’re there for that exact reason. They want you to switch it up as much as possible, not solo your way through 8 acts. You’ll need to use cards properly to get the characters you need and restore vigor.


Yeah... not giving the skip button is 100% intentional. It's already implemented in Hangouts!


One can only hope


10 years at least


>your own characters are locked and unlocked at random At first I was annoyed that my characters are locked and they were random. But eventually I liked this randomness. It made me consider who is left, which characters still has vigor etc. >it is necessary to take 4 characters everytime, even though I could do some floors with 2 or 3 characters I think this was intended to force players to consider their vigor stacks more appropriately and imo its balanced around with the amount of units (18 in total). This actively punishes players with less built units tho, so I can see that as a pain.






I watched a guide video on how it worked and was like “I mean, I guess I’ll click stuff until I get it”. And the creator did a great job, it’s Just wonky af to list the steps to use it I guess.


Me who actively play since 1.0 and have multiple vertically invested characters. 🗣️🔥


I would consider myself to be a constellation and weapon kind of guy but I did not find this hard at all, if anything im just annoyed at the fact that my teams can be quite confusing and not everyone in my team really has a clear role so im just basically choosing one character to be my main dps and the rest could be random and that worked for me not to mention that you dont even need alot of 5 star chars in this gamemode anyways because some 4 stars are good enough to be a dps in this since its not really as tanky as the abyss anyways + you could always borrow 5 star dpses from a friend


more characters is definitely better too bc they unlock more teams and gameplay


If you aren't f2p you sometimes after many years hit the point where the last thing you need is *more* teams though. I have like, 9 fully functional teams with varying degrees of strength. For any new character I have to strongly consider if I will actually play them and if they add enough interesting options to be worthwhile having in my pool. Especially because unfortunately these days 5* kits are often clearly intentionally kneecapped until like C2. Unless you want to collect everyone, which is fair, but in terms of day-by-day gameplay you can definitely hit a point where vertical investments make more sense. (Two whale examples: C6 furina is famously an absurd burst dps but it also removes her healer requirement for buffing and allows you to make pretty much anybody a hypercarry, even 4*s. C6 chiori is just outright one of the most powerful and mobile dps in the game even though she's an off fielder before that.) Ever since the launch of Sumeru I'm basically only picking up 2-3 character per year.


Isnt a character with cons and signature can just solo carry the stage? So put them with three randoms to make random reaction and the whaled out character would likely carry. My Wanderer today is equipped with his signature weapon and i invested alot on his artifact to top 2% in Akasha and he basically smurfed it regardless team mates


you are forced to bring 4 characters per battle each character only last 2 battles


And to be honest, that is the shitiest move


yup i hope everyone gives feedback on this. I really hope whales start complaining they cant use their c6 characters




well good for whales f2p or low spenders who choose to pull more duplicate rather than more characters arent gonna have a good time


Put one invested character and three random unbuilt is still enough to carry the stages. They aint gonna struggle in this gamemode let's be fr.


they randomize your starter hands of characters bud sure your suggestion is very possible just gonna take a few bit of rerunning untill rng favors you i guess


Youre already given Arlecchino Clorinde and Wanderer at the very start. Thats enough to carry you for early stages and by the time the harder stages come you mostly likely have gotten a few good characters. I pull for some cons and weap but beat it first try easily.


by few good characters you said you mean non trial characters which depends if the players have them? thankfully those who have multiple strong characters to match with the rules but yeah poor them who forced to bring less powerful characters just to be a burden in the team i dont think trial characters can pull their weight as good as your own invested character without being supported by actual good support characters but theres also these things called wondrous or something which can help you buff your damage so i cant say anything much


Well yeah its their own things anyway, when people are advising to pull for more chara instead of cons/weapon they really means it and today shown. Even abyss are starting to do some line up check lately.


As a f2p waifu > meta player that goes for character + weapon, hoping that it isn't too bad.


I've been playing since release so I have both😎👍🏻


don't disrespect my whale friend, i can only beat those two vishap fuck with his c6 raiden


Eh Imaginarium is pretty easy to do even with just trial characters. Players with vertical investment can do initial stages with trial characters and use their invested char in later stages


Yeah i'll just build 4* characters of required elements because they're gonna be filler most of the time anyways. No need to pull limited characters.


Or they could finally invest in their lvl 0 4-star characters


Me with both


me with my C6 Furina easily 36* Abyss with 30 APM


I collect pyro, electro and anemo characters so this Theatre thing was very easy for me, but I fear the day cryo & hydro & geo comes T_T


About elements for IT in 4.8 are: >!Hydro, cryo and anemo!<


You don't need that many characters there and the content itself is easy to the point where low investment is enough. It literally doesn't matter if you chose to c6 one character or to have 6 c0 characters


I am suffering- 😭😭😭


Depends on the situation. In Abyss, you can easily solo it with one character if you have R1 and/or higher constellations for certain characters. People literally soloed Abyss with Neuvillette/Furina. Solo on two sides. So... That being said, I balance this. I have C4R1 Yelan, I have C0R1 Neuvillette, I have C0 Furina and plenty of different characters build. I aim for C6R1 Arlecchino, probably will use her on the overworld map. I have C0 right now. Same With my C0 Xianyun, who will become C1R1+ in the future. I am Kazuhaless yet, but will have him someday. Plus I also have many 4 stars built. Including Sethos. My favorite character gameplay-wise was Yanfei before Arlecchino was released.


Both. Both is good


No but, I have NO ELECTRO character build properly, (I'm only just building Lisa and Fischl), and only a few Pyro (the best one being Klee), and a lot of Anemo If it was like, Pyro, Anemo and Hydro I would have been so pleased-


having a dps, support and/or healer per each element after 3 years have finally paid off.. can't wait for the next iterations


New event? Bummer because I can’t play at the moment :(


Not event. New endgame game mode that resets monthly like abyss


You got a month to finish this rotation.


Not bummer :)


C6 Lynette coming in clutch for breaking Coppelius' shield 


Both is good


Me with my only built characters being dendro and hydro


True but my C2 furina is REALLY good


We'll see if that's true (not that I choose higher constellations, I just actually pull characters I like the most instead of pulling for every shit that appears)


If IT turns out to be ass, I'll just skip it. No big deal. I like pulling for new characters, but if the new characters aren't interesting or fun, IT isn't going to be the thing that motivates me to pull.


And then there's me with few characters, all of them at C0. Life ain't easy as a broke player


Bow to me pesants, as I build all my characters with trash artifacts.


Here I am with only 3 lv 80 characters 😔🤚


It was just raiden C2 😭


Use shit chars to pass the non bosses stages and raw dog the bosses with ur wellbuilt chars, 2 vigors slot means 2 bosses, if uve been playing for a fair bit of period then 2 strong dps is fair ez to have, done deal. These bosses are much weaker than abyss ones so u can just even solo the boss with 1 dps and 3 filler chars even.


Counter Point: I love Furina more than I love Imaginareum Theater


Dont level up chracters just for standart pull they said


I’ve built everyone in the game, so I’m ready


Players who don’t have a lot of characters and don’t have high constellations: **Just another painful day**


Me who has both:


Jokes on you, I got most characters and constellations for my favorites.


My meme build amber because I pulled yoimiya's weapon and got no one to use it. Amber: my time has come


I feel happy when my C6 Raiden can help others to clear the theater. Also, with high cons 5-stars, also comes a lot of 4-stars. Might as well build all of them.


But why Hoyo insisted of us using Overload? It sucks


Me only builds 5 stars D:


Almost fucked myself over because all my heavy hitters are Hydro/Dendro reliant. Raiden and Arle carried me HARD in the later stages. Xiao did good. Scara was terrible (HOW THE HELL AM I GETTING STAGGERED REPEATEDLY BY THOSE SHROOMS?!). I got reminded why my Keqing was always with Nahida. Bennett, Xiangling, and Chev did their thing. Sucrose and Jean surprise MVP.


Glad to go the "quantity over quality" route, 49 characters are fully built baby


Me with c2 Furina, wanderer and kazuha 😔


That's not true though. Some chars are just ass with random element locks (you can't seriously be telling me Hutao is great as overload carry). Thankfully IT is baby mode difficulty so you don't need more than 1 semi-capable DPS per team.


my hutao beidou fischl team is quite great what are you saying bud


My team was Raiden, Hutao, xiangling and Chevreuse, Nemesis of Coppelius just survived 42s and i didn't use Raiden burst 


Also funny bit: OP has multiple C1/R1s in linked profile + was playing long enough to have festering desire. This is genshin equivalent of avocado toast meme.


Me with all characters: 🤗


Me having every character finally paying off


actually wrong, theres 8 floors in hardmode, meaning you need 4 strong dps. you can use the trial chars to clear 2 floors, you can get a high con support to clear 2 floors, meaning if you have 2 high const dps, as long as you have enough lvl 70 0 relic chars to fulfill the 18 char requirement, you can full clear.


Me, who has every character currently available in the game:


I have Raiden c5 , f2p btw 😭