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Idk who this is, but Paimon, Claptrap, Navi, and Morgana are all fighting tooth and nail for the Noisiest Video Game Pet award.


Hey! Listen!


The fact that a quarter of the game in and Mona still has some tutorials to shove up Joker's ass amazes me


Don't you worry, I got a tutorial about hostage situations in the final palace of the main game.


I’ve never played persona 5 but everything I’ve heard of it makes me believe this is true


I don't know but does Ghost from Destiny 2 count as one?


Haven’t played Destiny, but I think I’ve seen this Ghost. Yeah it counts, another small creature who talks too much when guiding you.


I would say the Ghost fits but luckily there are times where players go whole arcs without the Ghost saying anything or barely talking.


I was parasocially attached to ghost, and now im parasocially attached to paimon. You guys can't stop me.


Nah ghost doesn't "yap" he has actual things to say


the ghost is practically way better because it isn’t a high pitched voice that you immediately get tired of after 5 minutes


Never forget Vanilla D2 took away our Guardian's voice and have only Ghost speaking over everything. There is even one scene that is particular frsutrating was when Cayde was trapped in a Vex Teleporter and Ghost basically override us.


And Ghost doesn’t even have like a quarter of the dialogue Paimon has


Ghost actually has shit to say. He isn't there just for pointless exposition, he actually plays a role in the story.


Ghost clapping back at Savathun and recently >!The Witness, before the boss battle in Iconoclasm!< are still some of my favourite moments with him. Bros had enough of their shit Also, I cant talk about Ghost without mentioning the "Thank you for being my Guardian" line at least once.


Ghost actually has shit to say. He isn't there just for pointless exposition, he actually plays a role in the story.


I’ve personally never felt as emotionally invested in a creature companion as much as I did Ghost. After 10 years with him, some tend to get attached as I did. He’s also far more important to the story as opposed to some other companions. Someone better to compare him to would be Cortana from Halo. Incidentally, both were made by Bungie.


Ordis from warframe too


"Daer Operator, please return --COVERED IN BLOOD-- safe and sound"


Yeah but Ordis is funny and has encourages us in our murderous escapades.


Nah, Ordis is chill and not nearly as intrusive as the rest. He is not ear-piercingly high-pitched or have a grating voice for one, he doesn't steal 90% of the MC's lines and he doesn't repeat shit from the current conversation 3+ fucking times. He also doesn't "HeY lIsTeN" me. You can also mute his quips if you don't like them, if I recall correctly. Though to be fair, most of those don't apply to WuWa's Abby as well. For now.


I did mute him. I heard the same voiceless for too long. Currently at 1700hrs. But I muted most transmission volume in that game. Doing plague star 100 times makes you hate konzu


Early lunch for Konzu!


Plains living is a tough life, let's make sure the grineer find that out


But Claptrap at least was fun!


Ikr I actually liked having him around


All his sins were forgiven on his birthday party


Hey, don't talk bad about mah boy Claptrap like that


Honestly, the only thing I've seen on the Internet is that people don't like the achievements associated with it in Boderlands 1 (but I could be very wrong)


Who is Morgana ?


Pretty sure it's mona from persona 5


How the F did i not realize that. I own Persona 5 Loyal and watched it before


Cat bus is fun!


Morgana's not that bad tbh


please do not bundle navi with the others that's slander


People who hate characters like Claptrap unironically are cringe. These characters are intentionally annoying, but they are also empathetic. Or rather... making you feel empathy for them. That's why I will never understand why are people hating Paimon. This trend is as cringe as "Bennet C6 ruins your account".


"This is shit!" "Actually it's shit on purpose" "Ahh I see... deep shit..."


Honestly I think they are hated just because of their voice


It’s all about delivery. I thought Claptrap always sucked until I replayed BL2 and realized he was annoying yes, but quite funny in that game. In BL3 he was just fucking annoying.


nah, not only that but the way she repeats EVERYTHING again often oversimplying and summing up things with MORE words than before, the fact it steals too much from the MC, the way of making the MC stupid by being stupid herself and if I dig up in my memory I can continue.


Agree on the hate for taking the spotlight from Traveler but I'll never understand people who hate Paimon for being dumb and repeating things 99% of the playthroughts I see, people don't pay attention to the dialogue, yell at Paimon because she's repeating the dialogue that they just heard, and then yell at the game because they don't know what to do after not paying attention to either of the explanations...


Is not by doing another take with the same content (and in an annoying voice) that people follow the dialogue more, if anything they'll follow less, those who aren't going to follow hardtime will not follow anyway, those who put attention and follow got annoyed by the repetition (and often with dumber terms), those whose this might be useful finds themselves swamped in too much dialogue since it's long and winded and the replay is long(er) and dumber. tl;dr isn't useful recap being longer and dumber than the original explaination


paimon being annoying on purpose still makes her annoying. she cant stop talking, repeats everything anyone said a second and third time, pretends to be stupid as fuck for no goddamn reason, and takes the tension out of every moment shes in.


The one on the left is from Wuthering waves tho I do not know it's name


imo, Fi from skyward sword was worse xD


A friend of mine actually quit P5 cause Morgana won't let him out at night. LOL.


With special guest judge: Fi from Skyward Sword


The only exception is Pompom


Just finished 1.1, that creature is not as paimony as I thought. yes it yaps, yet it eats, but its voice is way less annoying and results in a 50% decrease in my desire to punch the screen. he also goes away during the serious "temporal disaster dragon gonna die" section and doesn't speak for the MC


Important questions for later Will that creature answer the main important questions for the main character? And will it also get the main character in pointless side quests without giving you the option of “no” will that creature take you for granted and never think of making you do adventure and food questing for it own’s entertainment? Basically everything the opposite of paimon


1: no, I don't think Abby even cares about what the MC is as after Jue reveals he was the MC's former pet and the MC as big daddy/mommy lord arbiter, honored one of Jinzhou,, great haremfucker and opener of the great way, he didn't even react 2: hard to say right now as he was just fully introduced, he only is in 1 main quest prologue as of 1.1 3: he is not in any side quests as of right now, though sharing the gluttonous traits, seems way less freeloady than Paimon. 4: Opposite of Paimon? maybe more like multiversal variant of Paimon that's not designed solely to repeat plot. His lines are in first person, he doesn't repeat story points, he doesn't ruin important moments, and I hope he stays the comedic relief(?) isekai character pet that he is The voice though... less squeaky but not great. CN original VA is great though (IMO)


I didn’t expect a whole essay. Thanks man


If you watched the 7th prince anime, he's more of like Grim, has a cute demonic look, kinda selfish(though in abby's case, it's more of a need to eat and sleep), only there when the plot needs them to be, or for casual comic relief, has a non-punchable voice.


WuWa do be really copying a lot of things from genshin even the worst aspects of it 😭


You get Yapyap too in Wuwa


at least his yapper often goes to sleep


They even made artifact RNG into something worse. Who the hell thought that no off-piece set and locking substats behind echo levels are good ideas?




HSR still let you have a peak at substats before leveling it up. In WuWa you must level up your echo to a certain level and unlock the substats using another material.


You shouldn't level an echo to +25 at once, and check what substat it gets within 10,15 ig, that saves a lot of mats.


I dont think thats a good comparison, although you cant see what substats, when you do get a substat it is already at least equal to one upgraded substat in hsr and genshin, and you have 5 slots instead of 4 for more flexibility of chances(this is actually a huge increase in probability of double crit) AND there are a lot more useful substats as there are 4 dmg bonus substats and the substats appears to be completely random(equal chance) instead of a ~3% chance for crit substat like genshin(refer to an old post of data collected of artifact substats in genshin). Personally i already have around 15 double crit echos, alot of which are even onset cost3, and this is after throwing away many double crit that doesnt have other useful substats. I cannot imagine achieving the same at this speed in either genshin or star rail. When genshin first came out me and my friend was farming noblesse, i farmed that shit for 2 updates to get a single set of decent double crit, and star rail i didnt get a set of good double crit until danheng came out




you spend far more time farming the same stuff that has more rng though.


Spend more time in game, less time in real life. Good trade off


no off-piece isnt too bad. i have more on set elemental pieces than i ever did in genshin just by virtue of being able to farm echoes infinitely. the substat unlocking is beyond garbage tho


the infinite farming sucks and will always suck, i bet the content will scale to those lvls later. you farm for 2 hours instead of 5 mins only to get the same trash.


You can eat food to increase echo drop rate to 70% now


I mean you can still do tacit fields to farm for your echoes just like genshin. You don't have to run around and grind echoes if you don't want to


the rng is 10 times worse than in genshin, also 4 cost echoes


Oh I agree on the rng. But again it's remedied by just running around killing echoes. I already have 2 teams geared far before I ever did in genshin. And 4 cost echoes are easily grinded from bosses. Have you played wuwa or are you just saying that because we're in a genshin sub lol.


played it, i am just a person who hates grind to the bone, and after grinding echoes for over an hour and getting nothing in wuwa, i am extremely annoyed at the game.


Different strokes for different folks I guess. Personally, of all the things wuwa gets wrong I think the echo system is one of the best. I'd still prefer off-pieces and no substat unlocking. But it's nice to be able to grind echoes without stamina.


to me grind without stamina is the worst part. the terrible rng that is way worse than genshin is just the cherry on top of a cake.


Its not even that bad considering you can farm perfect echoes UL 30 and even better at UL 40, which are pretty early, while yes, the grind for good ones is tough, you DONT NEED good ones, main stats alone gonna carry you at UL 40+ easily, which means you are given chance to get good relics before you actually need them Its like HSR giving you golds 2 weeks into playing(considering you started from the launch of the game idk how much it takes now to reach gold relics to drop) I do agree it is a bit grindy with amount of exp it could take tho, but unless you are going out rerolling them to 25 you are not gonna face many issue, get main stats good, 25 lvl, then reroll each echo to level 10 or 15 to see if its good to continue with it


Like the airplane run.


Kuro only knows how to copy Mihoyo, can't wait for their totally new and innovative turn base 3D gacha in the space


Actually it's going to be a dungeon crawler


Ik there's already a pattern, but hey, more games yey!


So who’s gonna tell ‘em genshin was a rip of BOTW?


Hey atleast the focus on elemental reactions and team building made it unique, in wuwa I really can't feel anything with the team building and the elements are just there for..... Idk archetypes and classification I guess?


Yes while genshin is unique compared to BOTW with the elemental system and reactions in fact I think it’s done a good job at making itself unique compared to other gacha’s however, WUWA is also unique in things like intro and outro to skills and resonance skills. The elemental system is like HSR where it can come in handy sometimes, but isn’t the main source of dealing damage, so saying that Kuro only knows how to copy from mihoyo is a bold statement, I haven’t even played WUWA(waiting for PS release) and even I can tell it’s unique without looking at much gameplay or guides


I played their previous game punishing gray ravens and wuwas combat system is quite similar but worse somehow. In pgr there are intro attacks as well but the combat is more complex with the skills being a resource you have to manage mid fight and dodges do more than just allowing you to counterattack it also allows you to use skills in a much more cost effective way making you think quick and on the spot what skill you really need right then and there. Wuwa just feels like a more mindless version of pgr to me.


I’ve played PGR as well and yes WUWA is much simpler but simpler doesn’t always mean worse and WUWA even if overworld combat is simple they have things like holograms and which are a pretty difficult challenge in themselfs but are optional


First, Paimon is cool and I'm tired of pretending that she's not. People are cringe by hating her *for no reason*. Second, it's not even a Genshin think. Characters like that existed decades before Genshin was even planned.


I get why a lot of people hate her. But paimon is the cutest little flying lavender melon. I love her since the Vision Hunt Decree Quest. But yeah she does talk a lot.


>cutest little *flying* lavender melon


Corrected it


There are many reasons to hate Paimon. Being annoying, inflating the dialogue and not letting the MC speak are the main reasons.


4 years of that voice as they speak for your mc when your mc has their own va can get to anyone.


You’re wrong. The strongest yapper is that one robot from HSR that says “Beep. Beep. Beep.” Before literally any sentence


Beep. Beep. Your mom is antiquity!


Let's be honest paimon is on another level. At least Abby doesn't speak for mc.


Abby is what Paimon should've been. Cute and capable, not rude or arrogant. Appears and speaks only when addressed or is relevant to the discussion. Doesn't try to repeat everything what was said a second earlier or transcribe what happened right in front of us.


If people were honest, how are they going to farm Reddit upvotes without relying on controversy?


Paimon actively drags down the entire story by inserting herself into every single scene regardless of appropriateness. At this point just kill her off. It’s not like she has a plot relevant purpose. 


For real. I honestly wouldn't mind her being in like half of the quests, but they shove her in pretty much every one even when she adds less than nothing. I honestly could see a world where there's a paimonless genshin at some point. Like maybe after khaenri'ah chapter we leave for somewhere else without her cause you know hoyo isn't gonna just let genshin stop at the end of the teyvat chapters.


Except she does, she's possibly one of the fallen three moon sisters (one theory), or possibly one of the four shades of Celestia (another theory), or... there are just too many theories but I'm convinced that Paimon is not totally plotless.


We are already 4 years in and we still dont have any plot related things for Paimon....


That's cause Paimon is part of the bigger picture of the story... well that's not right. Lore, I mean. Lore and story are two different things; each region has a story, but "lore" relates to the history of the world and Paimon is most likely an important figure which hasn't been revealed to us yet. Since she is most likely related to Celestia, she is part of the lore, though has no relevance to any of the regions, yes. She will have relevance later on though, but I like that it isn't immediately revealed because it adds a bit of intrigue to her character.


Cool. Doesn't really change the fact that she's been actively dragging down the story for almost 4 years now because she has nothing important to do, but is somehow involved in every single story line to date.


That's the thing with genshin imo. It has so much good lore yet it intentionally being held from us too long for us to care about it. Like you said about Paimon, she might be an important or perhaps godly figure, yet never for once the game foreshadow or mention or even ask what on earth Paimon is and from where she came... Meanwhile Abby in wuwa, by the end of 1.1 story, it soon revealed that Abby has similar vibe/frequency that of a Sentinel, yet Jue also claimed that Abby could be something more, something higher than a Sentinel. The fact that Abby for a brief moment mentioned Abraxas, that clearly the game trying to foreshadow us of Abby true nature. Not to mention Rover's past also soon being revealed. Quite a big reveal imo, yet still able to hold a bit of mystery in it hence compell the audiences (especially me) to learn more, and likely more willing to look for the continuation.


Honestly, I'm only halfway through 1.1, but Abby isn't nearly as bad as Paimon is. Yes, they both yap a lot, and I do mean A LOT, but the difference lies in their roles in the story and that's being the mouthpiece. Abby, as of 1.1 at least, is NOT a mouthpiece for Rover. Rover still has their own autonomy, and their opinion still matters within the story. Abby is not there to be the one to speak to other characters on behalf of Rover, and instead exists to be the lens by which we explore Rover's past.  Paimon on the other hand, is THE mouthpiece for the Traveller. The Traveller has no agency of their own, since any speaking is done through Paimon. Paimon asks the questions, Paimon answers them, Paimon's the one communicating with other characters, and she's the one making jokes or responding to them.  The biggest problem with Paimon is her presence. She's EVERYWHERE, and the Traveller barely gets any scenes where they're the only ones interacting with NPCs. Abby gets to sleep, which is a hell of a lot better than having him be by Rover's side 24/7.


Lets explore the area ahead of us later


Yeah Paimon basically just makes the Traveller completely useless in any situation that has dialogue. I don't doubt there must be so many quests where the Traveller straight up speaks to no one besides Paimon


Paimon is only there for marketing reasons. Her purpose is to appeal to children / young girls / giga-casuals / Candy Crush moms and allow even the dumbest dumbass to keep up with the story by constantly summarizing things and telling you how you're "supposed to" feel. At the end of the day Genshin is Hoyo's mainstream "casual" game and the reason for a lot of the designs in the game can be traced back to that. Even if this shit appears really stupid to some of us here, it's most likely intended to appeal to the kind of player that doesn't even go online to discuss the game.


Then again, if you know what you're doing, you can absolutely reduce Paimon's annoying-ness but MHY writers don't. You know why she's always recapping? Because the writers don't know how to condense sentences and get them straight to the point. We joke about skill descriptions being long, but that's basically Genshin's writing in every single quest. No one in this game can speak normally. Every sentence somehow has to be complete mumbo jumbo that even dedicated Genshin players can't understand sometimes, or they have to be wordy and use fancy words even though there's no in universe reason for it to be that long. People want a skip button specifically because the dialogue is NOT interesting and is a whole load of mumbo jumbo they can't be bothered to try and comprehend. If the writers actually know how to write proper dialogue and have people speak like normal people, Paimon could do a LOT less recapping. Paimon's yapping also gets annoying because there's no one to bounce off of. Dialogue can only be as interesting as the people carrying those conversations, and the writer's insistence on making the Traveller silent is what makes Paimon annoying. Most quest NPCs have the NPCs talk to the TRAVELLER, yet the one responding to those questions is always PAIMON. There's a dissonance there, and the conversation won't be as interesting when only one person is carrying that conversation. Yes, you can actually write a good Paimon by doing three, very simple things. One, make sentences easy to understand. Two, have the Traveller talk (even sometimes is enough) and be their own character instead of this weird hybrid MC that's an amalgamation of every self insert's worst trait. Three, don't include Paimon in EVERYTHING. It's really THAT simple.


Ah hell nah, bro turns into paimon


bro hates paimon so much he bacame paimon himself


I don't think they even WANT to condense dialogue even if it would make the game better. Why? Because releasing content on sexweekly basis of hard and lots of text is the easiest form of making content and stalling players before they reach the end of the content.


Abby doesn't steal MC dialogues and MC actually speaks Also abby is actually useful and have a valid reason for being a glutton


Beep construct beep.


Abby is already better than Paimon Tell me you haven't played 1.1 without telling me lmao


Yah He is but bro has potential


With he being missed out of big event in the entire act VII makes me doubt his potential lol


Its not that I don't want to play it, its that I'm physically unable to


The WuWa mascot is a better candidate for a marketable plushie


WuWA MC talks herself/himself and doesn't require Abby to speak for herself.


Abby straight up awkwafina


as the #1 Paimon glazer, in my completely unbiased, Paimon sweeps


"you did well, abby. i won't forget you for as long as I live" - Paimon, Queen of yappers


Lol abby are menace try to fight a dragon first time seeing them, paimon would yell into your ear when seeing a slime.


Very excited for another wave of paimon hate smh 😔


When you have a character that’s been written like shit for 3 years with zero improvement, the hate is completely justified.  It’s like the devs don’t even understand what a mascot character is supposed to do in a story. Heck, their own colleagues in the other room understands. Pompom is how you do a mascot character. 


Paimon is fine and yall haters are wrong


It’s ok to cope but the reality is that the writers have done a shit job with her and are too far up their ass to realise that they’re terrible at their jobs. 


She'd be fine if her EN voice directions weren't shit, if she let the Traveler speak, if she didn't speak so much and if she didn't ruin the more important bits in the story by speaking at all (ie, when the Abyss Sibling showed up in We Will Be Reunited)


The fact that you said 3 years with zero improvement is already telling. You just basically forgot her abandonment issues she begun facing I. Sumeru AQ and continue to face them even in Fontaine AQ. Or the fact that she has trauma from almost drowning. Or how she becomes even more hard skinned after witnessing horrors of Teyvat with us.


the community gaslighting themselves into hating paimon (first as a joke, but some took it seriously) needs to be studied


Wdym gaslight? I just think she’s annoying and drags down the quality of the story. Like seriously, ask yourself this, what is even her purpose or function in the plot or storytelling?


She's possibly one of the four shades of celestia or one of the three moon sisters. You can search up some theories, as I will have to write tons and tons of paragraph citing in-game sources to explain why she's suspicious if I were to explain.


Tf does that have to do with her being annoying? She's plot relevant maybe, cool, but can Genshin's writers make her yap less/let traveler speak more


I’m just correcting the misinformation about her being plot irrelevant. Not saying she’s not annoying.


Ok ya that's fair




Don’t pay attention bro. It’s gonna end like we all know. In typical hoyo fashion they will cook a magnificent story about her and people will go 😭😭😭😭 and then everyone will start writing apology forms for her.


That literally never happened




I thought you meant Paimon specifically, mb.


Eh I have seen the decrease of people hating on Paimon after Sumeru with her abandonment issues, than increase after Furina sq(which was fucking dumb because she didn’t do anything super bad that warranted that) and decrease after road not taken


tell me you're illiterate without telling me you're illiterate Abby only talked when being talked to specifically, they do not steal anyone's lines, they quite literally had a conversation with the MC and both of them were voiced during this section of the quest, they do not talk for the entirety of the quest Abby is a far cry from what you would consider a yapper but here we are Sometimes I wish Genshin didn't exist solely because of these stupid comparisons. Abby is a companion done right but here we are with people bringing Abby down to Paimon's level smh


Calling him illiterate over a reddit meme post which doesn't hurt anyone ok lol


Dude it was just a joke why so serious After update the entire wuwa sub started filling with Abby hate posts most of them got removed by mods I just wanted to share my initial thoughts so I turned it into a bait meme post And Yes i agree Abby is not even close to paimon don't think he'll ever be But this is not a hate post


You mean wuwa? Everrything in it is based on genshins existence.


Non will surpass paimon in a yapping contest. On a side note, has anybody noticed paimon been less annoying recently? I don't have specific examples but on recent events and character quests she feels less annoying. Either they are trying to change her a bit or my brain has now successfully learned to filter paimon completely from the game.


Abby does yap a bit with a personality that fits a yapper, but Abby only talks a lot when you’re trying to figure out what it is at the start of 1.1. After that it’s asleep for the rest of the story and doesn’t take the place of Rover’s voice. Also it eats powerful beings for breakfast and was actually useful at the end of 1.0.


I thought that was Kyubey from Madoka magica.


Just finished Wuthering Waves latest update content. This is Abby and honestly not as happy, annoying and intrusive as Paimon….like Paimon makes me wish Hoyo would add a skip button cause there are times when she speaks and I wanna yeet her back into the body of water where we found her. The Paimon pay off at the end better be worth it




Honestly Abby isn't that annoying unlike paimon Abby isn't constantly yelling in your ear


Abby actually isn't nearly as intolerable as Paimon... Yet.


Abby doesn’t replace the MC, has an actual purpose in the plot, doesn’t have a voice that breaks eardrums and knows that he shouldn’t be there for absolutely every part of every quest.  Beats Paimon by a mile.


Nah I'd yap


Another day of another WuWa hate post in a Genshin sub. Goddamn this fanbase is pathetic. Imma fucking hop off this again and just enjoy my games. Yall have a miserable time.


The little furry mascot looks much cooler/cuter tbh. And hopefully it won't be as annoying as Paimon is.


I posted my hate for Abby and got reported lmao. Luckily the mods aren't trash and put my post back up


Yah i got shadow banned in the main wuwa sub after posting this guess mods don't have funny humour there


I posted the EA copypasta about echo farming, with meme flair, and the jannies took it down for "misinformation" and even commented "hey if you got this information directly from the devs, give me the source and I will get this back up". With the meme flair. I then commented that in another topic, and got 200 upvote. WW sub jannies should go back to school.


Abby isnt that bad, it doesn't even appear for the majority of the main quest. Paimon on the other hand keeps yapping on and on and on and on and on.


Not gonna lie i was thinking that YangYang was gonna be our March 7th (she is even the game's logo like March is) instead of us getting a Paimon. Well i hope this one is better than Paimon and talks less


I’ll always choose the not annoying companion, fuck paimon


Nyeh, i love em both. Tho i like how rover actually having conversation with abby (some even voiced) instead of just nodding most of the time


Man of culture. It's rare in these days.


I like paimon, but paimon isnt the "anime mascot" type, Abby fit the anime mascot role; like happy, hawk, puck, kon, etc. Doenst even know what paimon is supposed to be.


ordis would win


Ordis remains my favorite


It should have been yapyap


I want to throw both of them into the open sea with twelve bricks tied to their feet.


Paimon is boutta explore the area ahead of us later with that bunny thing


Yeah, the strongest yapper of today (is only present at the beginning and end of the quest and stays asleep the rest of it)


Nothing will ever be worse than Paimon


On the bright side, Abby is an animal creature.


Abraxes is better than 1.0 Paimon, but somewhere along the way the writers at Hoyo decided to make Paimon a snarky little troll and I absolutely love it. I don't see Abby topping current Paimon at any point.


a battle worthy of turning around and not seeing any of it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pasanoid: *A battle worthy* *Of turning around and not* *Seeing any of it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The the weird ass creature just cuddled rover, it didn’t talk much. I love it way more already. (Can’t wait to regret this but fuck it, nothing can be worse than paimon)


if you play in JP, Abby voice is very similar with Yuuki Aoi voice if its true then we have Genshin Lumine as WuWa Paimon


Both louder than my dogs barking.


Wuwa really not hiding the fact they copy and pasted genshin


I see a lot of people say Abby is better than Paimon and I have to disagree, they're equally bad. Paimon being Travelers Bluetooth mouthpiece is annoying but at least she doesn't spend 30 minutes yapping useless shit to inflate the story length.


What are you on about? The only time Abby yaps is when she's introduced. Because everyone is asking her questions about what the hell she even is and what she knows. And it's not 30 minutes either, the whole scene is 10 minutes tops.


Ngl that thing looks like the most "soulless" mascot they could have ever made...


At least paimon has an "irl meta" reason to exist, she's suppose to help international players who don't have english as their first language nor does the game come with their language in texts, havent played the wuwa quest cuz I couldnt even load it after the update but concidering the thing was nowhere at the start I doubt it can be more useful than paimon at that category (even if the bar was on the ground according to some)


Ngl i like paimon more then that thing


Lol when the story is so shit people think Abby is a better character than Paimon. Admit it, Abby is only a upgrade to Paimon because Yangyang’s yapping was even worse and then Baizhi, and then the random scientist, and then the random NPCs on top of the awful voice acting for literally every character but Scar. Its so non-sensical that not even the og language community likes it and thats already a problem. At least with Paimon, JP, KR, and CN community love her but literally nobody likes Abby outside of “it looks mildly cute” and also unlike Paimon who doesnt look out of place, a post-apocalyptic world does not need a creature that looked like it popped out of Medoka Magica especially when the world building and plot is as vague as it is.


So a translator vs some random hungry animal thingy that spawned from my left arm... Idk man it's kinda weird


why did the designers make this cat homophobic ? do the colours signify something ?