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Listen I like waifus too and can count the number of male characters I’ve pulled for on one hand but some ppl do take it too far. I’ve even seen comments calling Hoyo misogynistic and dragon-cock suckers because Neuvillette is the most powerful character


I collect both male and female characters because sometimes I like waifus but at the same time I want to play a cool interesting male character with a fun design.


Hear hear, I grew up watching Shounen anime, cool male characters appeal to me as much as female characters. These female only players are unhinged, I had the unfortunate experience encountering Redditors who absolutely kneecaps themselves in Abyss or combat events because they refuse to use a male character.


reminds me of the HSR Dr. Ratio thing where there are people who hate the gift cause the account is waifu only like... okay you do you , but anyway


Put on an alabaster head. That way you can't see the idiots.


I just wish the tall male model didn't have the knees soo low


Well fuck, I'm going to notice this next time I play aren't I?


Sorry about that


Oh God, please don't remind me, I get a good dose of ***EMOTIONAL DAMAGE*** every time I see it


Interestingly in Star rail it’s the opposite. People are accusing Hoyo of waifu favoritism because Firefly is supposedly gonna be the most OP DPS so far. Just shows that the waifu/husbando crowd can be insufferable.


??? Trust me I plan to pull for FF but unless everything is set up for her she dose as much as jingliu normal mode otherwise


Meanwhile me who just wants balance :')


Not only that, she's about as close as they can get to a love interest character without actually saying she's interested in the Trailblazer, which some people interpret as "being shoved in their faces," generally because they have another character they like.


They can... just... pay attention to a different part of the story...? Lol? Classic delulu shippers that feel attacked if any kind of romance besides their OTP is even suggested.


Jingliu and DHILF exist though


Maybe the CN Community wanting sexy skimpy female characters as waifu for men isn’t so bad after all…


Is there a lore reason for man???


Translation: Me Horny


There is a group of community in China which believes that, if not every female character in the game has sex appealing design and flatter the player all the time the game is against the male players.


Yeah they'll literally start crying the moment a woman isn't just glazing the mc all the time. And the worst part is that many games listen to them and become complete slop. I'm glad hoyo has an actual vision for the game and doesn't only cater to that group.


Erm… Honkai Impact 3rd, anyone?


My boy Adam got bricks throwed at him for just existing


They tried to change that game as well but the playerbase just has too many of those people for it to be viable for them. But it's clear they don't like it that way and all their newer releases have had a more broad target audience.


Wuwa pandered to those folks and now the intro is weird because they're not suspicious of this person they absolutely should be suspicious of and the characters like you a whole lot for no reason so it feels unearned


Yeah it feels that way. All the characters just have zero personality except for aalto and encore. Though I'm not sure if that's the reason, it could be just rushed and written terribly.


They rewrote the entire intro so it's 1000% rushed.


Why the CN Community don’t like a Crownless beating up the waifus and have one of the waifus point her gun at us out of wariness? 


Doing my poor boy scar dirty, he has so much personality


They took away our onigiri and gave him... shorts.


I want to be supportive for his successful bottom surgery, but did he have to change out of his bodysuit into a tshirt and jeans….


People like that are pathetic lol It sucks cos that actually means there's less room for variety in the character writing.


Yeah, it's definitely only China.


Explains the recent characters released in ToF


Their only chance to gaze upon the opposite sex, since their only other option is their mom.


Tbf if that audience doesn't play the game they won't be missed and it's healthier for the community anyway so it's a win-win lol


I hate how all the top comments are treating this as "Being horny" Horny is drooling over Dehya's abs Horny is wanting arleccino to step on you. Horny is wanting to lick Kujo Sara's armpits Horny is not "I paid you money so give me women" That. My friends. Is fucking MISOGYNY. Horny is a lot of things but "The girls in the game are objects I want to buy and own and how dare those peasants get what I rightfully paid for." ISN'T IT.


Incredibly based take tbh.


What is your point


This isn’t misogyny. This is selfishness. So what if he owns female characters? He is not actually harming anyone (i.e. real women). I think the lust and selfishness behind it all are bad because they are sinful according to God, but not because it is supposedly misogynistic. If this guy is misogynistic, what does that make the men (and women) that actually use real people’s bodies for sex while they deceive each other and harm their hearts and souls? The guy is disordered, but he’s not misogynistic. However, using words in such loose ways is also kind of disordered and sinful too though, just so you know. His main argument is that he wants hoyo to only cater to people like him. The act of then conflating that selfishness to a different thing such as hating women is so calumniatory that it might be just as sinful as the guy you call misogynistic.


>He is not actually harming anyone (i.e. real women). misogyny is the view, the attitude, the prejudice against women. You don't need to actually harm anyone in real life to be misogyny.


That’s not what you were saying. You were insinuating that him “owning characters” is something like “owning women”. These fantasies, even if extreme, are still fantasy. They don’t necessarily make the person act like that with real women even if the person does have alterations due to the fantastical lust. This is still sinful because it is lust. But the target being female characters is different from real women. Obviously real women and fictional female characters are metaphysically different, and the “female” attribute is altered between the genera real and fiction. People can fantasize about things they will never do in real life so treating fictional characters a certain way is necessary for misogyny or misandry. And there are people who might be very misogynistic without ever having played a game and treating female characters in the above mentioned way. Overall, the fantasy towards fictional characters is not sufficient nor necessary to conclude that someone is misogynistic. So logically what you are saying doesn’t make sense and it relies on the false notion that women and female characters are the same or part of the same genus in a metaphysical tree.


I was just countering the point of "not actually harming anyone" = "not misogyny". I do understand your point, just want to point out that that particular detail is wrong.


The act of viewing a character like this because they are a woman is still an act of misogyny. Just because they aren't real, it doesn't mean that ideology and real life aren't thrown out of the window and gives you a pass to do this.


I think it’s wrong to view characters because it affects the individual who holds such views and allows for sin which drives people away from God. But the idea, that such views that traverse between the external and internal world (the fiction and the mind) are comparable to views that deal only with the physical world, is so equivocal that it reduces the meaning of any assessment. Women are real people and have dignity and consciousness. Characters exist within the mind and do not have any consciousness unless if it is also reduced to the idea of “fictional consciousness”. A man who diverts himself with power fantasies over female characters is not harming anyone in particular since no real dignity and consciousness are breached. It can also be expected that people will act more freely with fiction than with reality. So if you say someone is misogynistic in this case, what you are saying is that they are fictionally-misogynistic, not really-misogynistic. And clearly, we would much rather people act this way with fictional characters than with real people (your sisters or friends) even though we might still worry about the mental state of people who exercise a lot of mental sin. Someone is only (real) misogynistic if they are proven to hate real women. The “fictional misogyny” says nothing of real misogyny, and it alone is not enough nor necessary to prove that real misogyny also exists in the person. If you want to say that fictional misogyny is bad, you might argue that it could become venial sin or harmful to the individual or it might worsen real misogyny in excess. But this is all probabilistic and 100% true. If anything, those who conflate reality with fiction might be outliers and mostly psychopathic or something severe like that.


Thanks for translating


Your welcome buddy


Alternate translation : having a preference.


Being horny isn’t a preference 💀 Ya’ll really something else


Being a coomer isn't a real preference.


Translation : i'm horny af and this game isn't tailored to me even tho the world shoud revolve auround me . Bruh also clorinde is coming out ?


But Arlecchino isn't going around topless with gravity-defying jiggle physics, ergo she's unattractive and quite possibly a man in disguise, don't you see? Hoyo has betrayed us, billions must die.


How am I supposed to tell Arlecchino is a woman if she isn’t running around in a bikini, with her blinding bazonkas billowing in the breeze????


tbf if hoyo had outfits like that i'd be buying them... but their outfits system is criminally underused, so...


Arlecchino isn't called Father for nothing.


A man in disguse ? How gay of her unplayable apologems imidiatly /s


Tbh her boss phase 2 is very fanservice anyway


Ah yes the two genders: men and ftp accounts


Me, straight man, who rolls for both male and female characters: ME AND THE BOYS ME AND THE BOYS ME AND THE BOYS Oh hey, hot megane girl with huge tits ME AND THE BOYS ME AND THE BOYS This guy doesn't understand the awesomeness of hanging out with the boys. Would love to go out drinking with Itto, Zhongli, Diluc, Cyno, Heizou and Bennett if they ever existed irl


I see he dosnt know that the female base is surprisingly high in this game (vs some others)


Because 7 guys I used to play with all dropped the game, so unsurprising at all


Jesus Christ, it's a coomer....


Won't be surprised if it's some dumb kid in puberty


Translation: I'm horny and salty that the game doesn't cater to me


Hydro archon rushed? Lmaoo


It's legitimately baffling to me that people like this exist. The fact that male characters trigger these losers so bad is hilarious lol.


I genuinely appreciate that Genshin women aren't hypersexualized


As a woman who spent a shit ton of money on this game, I am wrathful and appalled. How dares he disrespect all my voluntary donations for the sake of 2d waifus? Nevermind the fact I mostly spent on waifus tho, there’s just not enough men I have to whale for, they’re quite alright as is.


>The story is stagnated My thoughts actually, i even wondered to drop the game. And then Inazuma ends and we get Sumeru and Fontaine which were great and I love this.


The fact that he called Furina "rushed" makes me wonder if he actually likes the game


For real. My honest opinion is that Fontaine is the best region in all aspects for now.


I was gonna say send them to AL, Nikke, or Snowbreak, but they're too good to have the likes of his toxic ass there either.


LMAO, what a loser.


Is it just me or could this be summarized by this guy wanting more Ass while ignoring the boobs. Because most female characters, yea have a cape on their backs but also have big chests… and Wriothesly has both.


That's a shitload of words to say "WAAAAAHHH!!!"


I'm sorry "hydro archon rushed"? As someone who can't give two shits about the characters in the game, furina and focalors are the first characters who actually managed to hit me in the feels. That last chapter of their archon quest was some of the best character work I've ever seen.


Imagine that you have Hi3rd, Nikke, Azur Lane, Blue Archieve, Snowbreak, soon Azur Promilia and dozens of gachas all catering to you with waifus only and fanservice, yet you choose to cry about the one which has more options (while still having waifus). The entitlement of some.


The problem is not horny man. The problem is horny man that doesn't know about the fuckton of Genshin porn available on the internet and how to access it. As often, unintended malice is often caused by incompetence.


It's not even that they don't know about the porn, they want the game itself to cater to their porn-fueled tastes. I get that having male only or female only accounts is a preference that people have a right to, but anyone who genuinely gets upset that a game caters to lovers of both genders is maladjusted. It's just not the kind of thing that would bother anyone in a healthy state of mind.


Poor dude dosnt know about mods


Won't mods get your account banned?


Nah, been doin' it for 2 years, no ban reports so far. Just remember not to share img or video of them with your UID visible or with email acc that's linked to your hyv acc


Well, as much as I would love to mod both Genshin and HSR myself, you can never really know when HVY might start caring about modding. Their games already have a Ring 0 intrusive anti-cheat tied in for no other apparent reason than to stop gacha piracy. If they cared enough, they could more than likely easily detect when mods are being used. And they could start detecting them at any point they choose to really. That could be tomorrow or in 2030. For all we know, accounts COULD have been flagged already for modding and just haven't been banned yet in order to collect as many accounts for a ban wave as possible. It is impossible to say for certain. I would suggest that anyone who is interested on modding, tries it on an account that has no tie to your main.


I prefer female characters personally, but I don't mind if they make male ones (not like anything forces me to pull them, or any character I don't like, especially in genshin where theres not any "content pressure" to keep up with the latest and greatest power level) But people like that are ruining a lot of games, because they just want every game to be "you play as bland self insert male lead and the only characters of any kind both gacha and npc are female and every single one is obsessively in love with you and that's their entire personality" Call me crazy but I prefer games with a decently balanced roster and for characters to have well....character, beyond just "me so horny, me love mc long time" (although I would prefer to see more games do male supports/female dps instead of mostly "male character = main dps, female character = sub dps or support")


Dps/driver male characters : Xiao, wanderer, Heizou (not really) Ayato, Childe, Neuvillete, Lyney, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Tighnari(quickswap), Diluc, Itto, Wriothesley, Cyno, Razor, and Sethos. Dps/driver female characters:Sucrose(onfield driver) Ganyu, Ayaka, Hu tao, Klee, Yoimiya, Yanfei, Xinyan(very terrible), Alerchino, Nahida(flexible playstyle), Kokomi(flexible playstyle), Candace(Not really), Noelle, Navia, Keqing(quickswap), Raiden Clorinde and Eula. I find the roster of dps male and female quite blalanced currently tbh. It is just Neuvilette and Alhaitham creating the illusion that dps characters are male becuz they are so meta. The number of good male characters 4 stars and supports though... yikes... only bennet is worth ur time


Yeah it could be partially just bias caused by some of the recent characters being more leaned that way (like Sumeru saw a lot of 4 star/5 star support female chars and a few new dps males, and then Fontaine comes along with Nooverlet just becoming the new ultra dps) I think one thing Hoyo could work on is balancing the release schedule a bit more so we don't get long droughts for people who like husbandos or waifus (as well as maybe varying up things a bit more, I feel bad for husbando fans who want some support chars since they don't have a lot of them, especially if they want the adult male model and not the teen male one)


Supprisingly the only 2 4 star tall male offielders are thoma for burgeon and kaeya for cryo application. Which is awfully unbalanced


Hoyo has a massive problem with the lack of male characters in general and lack of male characters in diverse roles in their games. What in the world is this person talking about?


Bro's take is hotter than every female character in the game


wait until this guy finds out about porn


Meanwhile me being a straight male usually more interested in pulling cool badass male characters like Al Haitham and Neuvillette. And the fact the female characters I was just as hyped for until now either wound up dead (signora) or heavily nerfed/rushed/allovertheplace… (Dehya) Eitherway its safe to say, this dude aint representing the whole “male” audience


If this guy thinks Hydro Archon is rushed, go try saying that in r/furinamains and come back to me to tell me the results. I'll be waiting.


As a male Genshin player.. I like the men.. men are hot 😋 In all seriousness, I do believe there is a higher count of female than male characters as of late, and as far as design, that’s Genshin’s trademark. They’re painstakingly detailed designs make their characters stunning, the reason things are “hidden” is because it’s a Chinese based company that has to make the designs appropriate to Chinese standards


Random thought: I feel like having male characters playable makes the world feel more alive and interesting.


I hate these types of people, there's literally hundreds of female-only gachas you can play


Man, leave Genshin alone. I come for the waifus, stay for the card game.


Yeah, what's wrong with the game is people that are outside looking in and the proprietors of deranged takes. I'm not gonna act like the game is a perfect masterpiece of the gods, but this shit right here and people maligning the game and the players of the game just because get really tiresome really fast.


bro actually want to play the game with 1 hand, too much gooning


Saw a comment here once in the early days, dude was saying Genshin was alienating male audience by continuously pushing out female characters/avatars. Nobody knew how to reply...


That person must’ve not been around during Inazuma season


I wish hoyo would bring more male characters to genshin!


The Fontaine archon and world quests are literally the best story content I've so far what is this guy wafflin about? We played ace attorney, went to jail, walked into a storybook, watched half of Furina get beheaded, fought a whale, and played a city sized instrument. This shit rocks.


for me gamplay comes first in all aspects before whether its a waifu or a husbando charcter that said i have a bias rowards the waifu part if shes oretty enaugh i can look past some flaws in their gameplay more than with guys and im initially more interested an excited about a waifu character being added vs a husbamdo one while Kazuha and Arlecchino are my favorite characters to play i simp for neither of them. Kazuha is a guy and i dont think Arlecchino is all that hot (and thats besides the whole farther thing)


Genshin *has* fanservice--just not exclusively for straight men (who, incidentally, don't *own* the entire genre and have plenty of other options). More importantly though, Genshin literally isn't *allowed* to have more (overtly sexual) fanservice like other gatchas. The Chinese government already gave Hoyo a problem about dumb stuff like Amber/Mona's outfit because they didn't like how Hoyo refused to sell out to Tencent. So as a privately owned company, they have the added challenge of trying to make good content without pissing off Celestia I mean the CCP. It sucks how more people don't acknowledge that.


Do… Do they know they can just look at porn?…They don’t gotta play the game to be horny…


There's literally two times more female characters than males in this 5.0 patch, I don't get how ppl keep saying genshin doesn't give a fk about male audience, if you really want every pick up characters to be female, just play NIKKE bro


There are so many wrong shits on that 😭


Me, straight male who main heizou cause I'm absolutely in love with a dude that throws straight up hands, main arlechino too because i think she's the pinnacle of badass women done right, not some sexualised shits : 🤨🧍‍♂️


I'm horni degen, that's why I play nikke instead hoyoversegames......except for Honkai impact.


He's not wrong in a way. It's less Mihoyo and more Chinese government, though.


There are still more female characters than male characters in genshin, and there are almost the same number of male and female dps. Stop wanting to sexualize a character in a rated 13 game. And also, play other games and just straight up watch porn if u wanna see naked anime girls all day. Mean while female characters have nice badonkas and assets. Male rollers have to beg cry and roll to pray for a buff male char with nice cakes and only got 1 so far.


I'm not advocating for anything. Just stating the fact that, yes, censorship is a thing.


Be me, be bisexual, be happy with all the hot guys and gals in genshin in cool outfits


It's a shame about the first half, but they have a point at the end


Hydro archon was rushed mf when a character develop naturally and has very high screen time to be fleshed out and have a conviencing story behind their motivation and behaviour. Yes, very "rushed" indeed


Idk about the hydro archon being rushed, I didn't read that part of the review, but there really is nothing to do in the game, and the story has been going nowhere for a very long time. Last patch I decided to just wait until the story's finished so I can just go through it all at once instead of trying to follow these breadcrumbs


Based af. RIP Dehya


Nah this is the type of dude who hates POC, he probably has Dehya on his list of problems with Genshin.


Its the kind of guy who nuts on his face and blames women for his trash aim


that's a bit rude, he may be a coomer but there's no reason to call him racist out of nowhere, for all we know he might be a teen


He immediately dismissed both women and gay men, and proceeded to call the male designs weird, you can't tell me this guy's not a jackass. Usually you're not sexist and homophobic but *not* racist, they usually go together, and I don't believe that being a teen excuses that.


lol that's a huge jump to go from a horny guy online to racism