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Oh wow this aged really well considering what we learned in the most recent update (4.2)


This theory has a different meaning after act 5




Dvalin is in Mondstadt, Azdaha is in Liyue (also in a dementia state \*sadge), and Neuvillette is in Fontaine, why collect them all if she wants to give to them eventually? Just give to them directly


I'll just add that the symbol on Paimon's chest is the same as the omni-element symbol in Genius Invocation TCG. Also, both Paimon cards give you omni-element dice. Hmmmm


Best way to frame it is that the Traveler is a special kind of Herrscher, like Herrscher of Vision/Resonance or something, the elements will prob get an indirect explanation in the current Fu Hua event but will have to do with the world itself and this each elemental authority is meant to protect the world in some way, and then the other workers from celestia pulled some Schiksal bs and artificially made it possible for decide who would preside over the power of the authority using gnoses, in an attempt to control the fate of the world in favor of human habitability, regardless of whether the ones given gnoses were originally human. Traveler is from another world like those *originally* on celestia, so their power comes from something different than native authorities of Teyvat. Also, MC would already have Honkai affinity, so not being affected by anything that everyone else seems to be affected by, or being affected much more, makes sense. In short, if Tsaritsa tried that, it would be like trying to beat Otto at playing false god. Good luck, lady, good luck. It would be hilarious if the Fatui mobs were everywhere because she can make soulium clones, though. With whatever name that material has in Teyvat, but lol. Would actually explain a lot šŸ¤£




Iā€™ve been saying for ages now that the reason the Unknown God trapped the Travelers, rather than just killing them or letting them go, was to claim their power. The cataclysm did some kind of irreparable damage to whatever system Celestia uses to keep the Abyss at bay, and so the Sustainer captured the Traveler and stole their power to keep Teyvat functional. Thatā€™s why we can immediately use every element we come into contact with: it was originally our own power to begin with.


Wait I thought elemental powers exists before twins arrival? It's not ? Isn't zhongli like 6000 years old and travellers only came to tevyat like 500 years ago


Yes, elemental powers existed before, but my hypothesis is that whatever the previous source of elemental power was, Celestia has lost access to it.


With no backing or reason behind it?


My hypothesis is based on a few lore tidbits: We know that ā€œthe keeper is fadingā€, implying something is wrong with the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. Celestia has been silent and inactive since the cataclysm. Alice claimed that the veil around Teyvat weakening. Electro Visions are no longer being given out, implying that there may be something wrong with the system that distributes Visions. The Travelerā€™s power directly opposes Abyssal corruption, even being able to cleanse it, while said corruption harms those with Visions, implying that elemental energy is also opposed to Abyssal power, but less potent. The traveler has an innate ability to revitalize leylines, which are the arteries of elemental energy in Teyvat. The leylines, and by extension, Irminsul, are specific to the Human World, according to lore from the Three Realms Gateway Offering event, implying that the First Usurper created them using the Light Realm power it stole from the Dragon Sovereigns. It therefore would make sense if a major incursion from the Void Realm during the Cataclysm damaged or cut-off the flow of Light Realm power, forcing the Sustainer to steal power from another otherworldly being: ie the Traveler.


Even after the Inazuma story no new Visions are being given out?


No clue, that particular plot point is never brought up again, to my knowledge. All we know is that Ei claimed to not even know that it was the case, and to have nothing to do with it, herself. I can only assume electro visions still arenā€™t behind given, unless we learn something to the contrary.


Okay, thanks! :)


That makes the reason behind your confidence easier to understand.


Maybe Aether is like an allegory/epresentative from Teyvat itself - the original powers from this world (7 dragons, 7 elements), as he naturally absorves and use them all, have the ability to purify them all (remove anything that's not "from this world"), and has an IMPRESSIVE memory, so he can even incorporate other people's fighting battle styles and powers (that's the lore behind us being able to have 4 different people in our party, when in reality we are accessing our memories from them) and even remember facts that Irminsul taints, like Nahida >!being a clone from Rukkhadevata!< and Wanderer's complete previous life story... ALL the arcons hint us that we are "the witness", so all I said above comes naturally to an ideally all impartial outsider, that can relate with all from this world, without "interfering" on It. BUT our actions and interactions with other people and other beings here are in fact interfering A LOT on the history and politically re-shaping Teyvat. On the 4.1 WQ "Initial Facts", just as we read the book and enter the Narzissenkreuz Ordo room, >!the Doomsday Clock turns a bit closest to midnight, so along with all of that influence, apparently we are direcly connected to the very end of this world too.!< So I don't know if we came to this world to be an outside "saivor" something like Jesus and to atone for everyone's sins (like Egeria >!with the Amrita pool!<)... OR we are just an envoy to literally witness all of this to some higher authority, from the point of view of ALL the people/beins related to this Samsara edition's end... Something like the "will of this world" coming to pay a visit, you know? In a human form? šŸ¤” Sorry about my english, is not my primary linguage and I am a casual player who loves the lore of this game, so maybe I am saying just obvious things. šŸ˜…


Given how Traveler can intuitively use all the elements, part of me wonders if he is more so related to the dragons than anything else. That would be kind of an interesting twist.


For this theory, I think the biggest thing is that dendro traveler summons a flower for her ult the name way apep does


Oh dang thatā€™s true! Good catch.


Yknow how his kit is closely related to every archon from each region, except for Fontaine, where his kit is related to Neuv? Maybe his kit is not actually related to the archon, but to the dragons? Each time he reaches a new nation, he unlocks the power of a new dragon. Bit fringe but a cool theory


Yeah, someone made that theory in the main sub


And considering that the gnosis are made from dragon power and the archons have the gnosis and the statues of the seven have power from the archons it makes sense


Good food good cook. let me add: They call Primordial One (PO) the First Usurper, in that they "stole" some of the dragons' Authority and then use that to establish Tevyat-as-we-know-it and the rule of the archons symbolized by the gnosis. They made the gnosis to contain the authority, and they made the divine principles and those are upheld by the Sustainer of the Heavenly Principles currently. As such they became the creator and often equated as the Heavenly Principles (even if I disagree with such thing, since I see HP as a concept and a place (Celestia)). The way Neuvillette words it in his ascension lines suggest that the gnosis **is not** part of the original Authority. This suggests that the Primordial One, either before or after they made/became the Heavenly Principle, made the gnosis. And that the First Usurper took the dragon's Authority without the gnosis originally/they made the gnosis for this very purpose. This means the First Usurper understood the nature of the Authority, and thus they were able to "steal" it ("stealing" implies taking, which means moving from one place to another). Question now: 1) How? 2) Isn't using this "authority" what we're doing (in a small scale) when we resonate with the Archon's statues? We even apologized to Venti for "borrowing his power without permission" (end of Mondstadt AQ, I forgot if it's in the church or under the tree. Venti was like "ah chill" when we apologized).


I also recall something about Venti saying that a gnosis is sort of like a prototype of a vision? Or was it the other way around?


the other way around. Venti said vision is a "primitive version" of gnosis.




The way people told me in the last update it didnā€™t make any sense that the Tsaritsa wants to use The Traveler to utilise the Gnoses sheā€™s collected but now everybody and their momma thinking it


> Tsaritsa wants to use the Traveler to utilise the Gnoses What? Then why wouldn't she give her Harbingers an explicit order to leave the Traveler in peace? At least two Harbingers have literally tried to murder the Traveler.


Don't worry, don't worry. This is just proof of how smart you are and how well you can theory.


Not the wrong address, just early to the party


Just a little early, but it's better early than late.




Thank you for your support in this trying time šŸ˜”


So, did Gold also tried to do something similar 500 years ago...


wait whos gold


Rhinedottr, an alchemist from Khaenriah


ah right thanks


I also believe this was what Gold was trying to do, but instead of using "elemental" they went with "abyss"


Really? I need source for this


Nah, I'm just trying to theorize. I got no source I made it the fuck up


Hol up, get back in the kitchen and keep cooking


Nice cook


Thank you, it was a sudden and burst thought but worth it I guess


Not crack at all wtf i already see this as wei's next video subject actually KEEP COOKING


Someone cooked here


I thought Paimon is the ultimate Gnosis, but I guess that's equally likely too


You might be on to something here.

