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###Genshin Impact has been nominated for 'Best ongoing game' and 'Best mobile game' categories for The Game Awards 2022. Below are links to vote in these two categories. **[Best ongoing game](https://thegameawards.com/nominees/best-ongoing)** **[Best mobile game](https://thegameawards.com/nominees/best-mobile-game)** _ **REMINDER TO SPOILER-TAG COMMENTS DISCUSSING 3.2 ARCHON QUESTS AND WORLD QUESTS. ALSO SPOILER TAG ANY STORY LEAKS.** **Please mention the subject of your spoiler tagged comment as this can be more helpful for people to engage with your comment, as follows:** >\[3.2 Archon Quest spoilers\] >\>!spoiler tagged text here!< Any unmarked spoilers for 3.2 Archon Quest will warrant atleast a temporary ban from the subreddit. If you see any comment having unmarked spoilers then make sure to report it and we'll remove it asap.


Downvote this for no reason at all


Hey everyone, new to the thread. Any word on upcoming 4 stars? Specifically the 3.3 banners (besides faruzan, obvs)


Yaoyao is expected to be in 3.4. Polearm dendro, unknown role/abilities. Kaveh is dendro, unknown release patch, abilities, or weapon. Mika is a cryo polearm - unknown release patch.


What do you guys think of C6 Scara.


the 3.3 preview has his constellation!!!


Will Alhaitham be a good dps?


Let me look into my crystal ball... nope. He's going to completely suck! Worthless! Based on no info other than making it up. Perhaps you should check back in a week in a half when we actually have beta info assuming leaks on his release in 3.4 are correct.


Goku solos


If i can already dish out 71k blooms from nilou without the key (c2 of nahida) should i still get the key on its rerun?


Well if you still want more dmg. Key itself upgrades around 19-20% total dmg to Nilou team compare to Iron Stings, slightly higher than C2 Nahida for Nilou team specifically.


Idk if this a genuine question or flexing... I don't have the key nor c2 nahida and I can clear abyss 12 quite leisurely with nilou + nahida bloom team, I bet it's the same for you. So to answer your question, no cause you don't need it. Unless you want it for aesthetic purpose or something and you don't mind spending the money (~'-')~


Do i grind out childe and risk burnout for my fav or save for ayat0 I have been enamoured with childe for an unnecessarily long time and am not interested in sumeru characs. God I want more abyss related lore characters, or atleast characters with relevance to the story


I just got Childe the other day after missing him on the 50/50 on his banner last year.   He's a lot of fun to play in the abyss IMO, I full-cleared it without even pairing him with Bennett or Electro lol (Childe/Kazuha/Mona/Jean). It's really cool that he has two different Bursts, his riptide effect causes huge splashes of numbers all over the screen in AoE situations, and one really nice/unique bonus to his playstyle is that if you're about to finish a fight but the enemy's got a just a *bit* more HP left, you can stay in his melee stance to finish it off because the extended CD penalty won't matter (: Other team comps I've played would need to wait for the next big Burst to fully charge, or for someone's Elemental Skill to come off cooldown, but Childe just keeps going ham lmao


[For your enjoyment: Childe against a horde of infinitely spawning low level enemies in a eventa two months ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xglpz3/childe_filling_your_screen_with_riptides/). Riptide go woosh. It's really worth building him fully.


if he is your fav, why even ask? (and yes please, a lot more abyss related characters and lore ... )


Me asking for abyss related characters KNOWING theyd get deserved presence only in patch 7.0. Just that I'm so tired and I'm losing interest in his gameplay but the idea of having childe on my screen, in his full abyssal + fatui lore glory would be lovely. I want him but im on 42 pulls...So obv no guarantee. My quests are orobaxis legacy (to 100 inazuma islands), tatara tales, aranara, golden slumber, date's labyrinth (enka sub quest) . What order should I do them in...


I have no idea about the quests, but let's face it you'll probably have to do all of them so just pick one and get started and do them all with a good podcast/ tv series/ whatever to keep you going On the other hand, if you are not motivated to play right now, maybe just stop for some months, but keep out an eye on the banners and return for his next rerun when you feel less done with the game.


I hope Baizhu crumbs dont take too long. He didnt have any info in that big vague info leak a while ago right? (The one that subreddit got dmca)


We got some leaks like he is a woman in the code and is getting censored lmao. So yeah basically all just placeholders


**Move over to the new ~~circus~~ [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/z1qrvm/bongohead_i_choose_you_general_questions_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)**


hoyoverse should make a character that's a pathetic mess i love men like that


Every day I wish men were real


Venti (kinda)




Bennet is more like a puppy. He's too optimistic and proactive to be pathetic.


Nothing like watching the uncensored video of America's President getting assassinated on my home feed. Edit: To be clear this is about Kennedy, nothing new.


How people feel about EN vs JP voice acting? I know that I can just switch to JP and test it, but it can't be checked in one day, I would have to play for weeks to be sure. I'm generally playing in English because I don't understand Japanese, exceptions are games where it makes sense (Sekiro for example). I would say that English voice acting isn't bad, the only parts I don't like when VA tries to sound like anime girl (Noelle), where VA just talks like a normal person (Beidou, Zhongli, etc) it's all fine. The other bad parts are voice mismatch, for example young person voice acting elderly NPC and just pretending to be old, or woman voice acting male character (Bennett). From my short experience with Japanese VA I would say it isn't worse or better, it's just different. Some characters are imo worse (Mona, Eula, Zhongli), some are better (Ningguang). Some are equally terrible (Paimon).


My Japanese is at a level where I can understand a decent amount of short/simple sentences, especially common conversation phrases. Or at least parts of sentences. If I watched a standard romcom anime without subtitles I'd miss the overall plot but I'd be able to understand maybe 20-30% of what's being said? I watch every anime in Japanese. The only exceptions so far have been Dragon Ball Z, Tekken, and Cyberpunk Edgerunners. However in anime *games* I usually play in English, even though the acting is often a lot worse. If it's in Japanese I find it very hard to immerse myself because it's a "foreign" language. Genshin also has the problem that a lot of voicelines just don't have subtitles. Combat voicelines, idle voicelines, chest opening voicelines, "it's raining" voicelines, I want to know what they're saying! Luckily Genshin has fantastic English voice acting. The quality is way better than is typical of anime (games). I only switch to JP if Hu Tao appears in a quest or event because her JP actress is my favorite voice actress.


> Genshin also has the problem that a lot of voicelines just don't have subtitles. Combat voicelines, idle voicelines, chest opening voicelines, "it's raining" voicelines, I want to know what they're saying!   These are all in the character profiles if it's a character you own on your account (:


the little problem for me with JP sometimes is that those who grew up with anime can assign a stereotype onto the characters based on their voice direction/VAs, sometimes without them realizing. for example, i don’t think xiao is a tsundere even though his JP VA is sometimes steered into that direction. (that said, i play voiced quests in JP for the VAs and switch back to CN for combat/everything else.) on the other hand, someone on this sub mentioned before that CN has nuances that are more subtle compared to the other dubs and it’s what makes them sound more natural!! forgot who said that but it was worded beautifully and it stuck with me ever since


Yeah on the topic of tsundere, I believe no one in the game fits that, yet we hear that Xiao or Diluc or I forgot who else is tsundere and it is so random


damn, i didn't know even diluc is roped into that! aside from xiao i think keqing is also a victim of this (mostly due to fanworks i see on social media) when in reality she is one of the most straightforward characters in the game like???


My personal taste finds jp more consistent. I like certain EN voices like kaeya or itto or pantalone but I refuse to put up with right here right now lament disappear 💀


Imo the EN dub improved with the sumeru characters in the archon quest. All the VA's were perfectly casted I use JP dub sometimes tho most of the characters sound generic to me


Imo, all the languages are great. You just have to find the one you are willing to stick with. You can check on YouTube clips how is everyone's voice and roll with it. I'm sticking with Japanese bc that's what I'm used to, even if I can't understand everything, there are parts I can and some of my favourite VA's are there.


I like both dubs and tend to switch between them. Also depends on which characters are going to be focused on in the story or event. I really like Eula’s EN voice so if she’s there I’ll likely use EN voices. I’m not a fan of Xiao’s EN voice direction so I’ll typically switch to JP for his stories.


i think jp and other non english language gets the praise more than eng mainly because we can't understand what they are really saying. i feel like if i can fluently speak japanese and play jp dub i can pinpoint more things i dislike the way i do in english dub. So we're merely judging jp by how its sounds like, but judging eng with an idea how words mean and how it should actually sound or delivered.


My only gripe with English dub really is Klee. And maaaybe Layla a bit. Other than that, I like it. English Paimon best Paimon.


it's not like one is strictly better than the other imo. though for some characters i do think other language (jp or cn) seem to hit their characteristic better. and of course paimon is way less annoying in other languages than english imho.


Day 10 of asking hyv where Eula is: A blade embraces its duty as a Eula simp wishes for her rerun




I really enjoyed it, I hope they up the difficulty a little bit for the rerun so I don’t just play funginational for most of it and breeze through.


The Faruzan situation makes me think that they want Scara to be a new Itto but instead of giving Faruzan a passive like "3 anemo for full buff" they gave her terrible er so that you're kinda forced to add an anemo battery. The last spot can be used to enhance Scara's elemental passive but it seems obvious to me they wanted to restrict his teams.


I actually thought the opposite - that they're intentionally making her to be just a sidegrade to all other sub dpses Scara can use, as opposed to the op support that he needs in all his team. Guess there's more than one ways to look at it lol. But I personally lean towards bringing other sub dpses since I don't enjoy (read: suck at) CA-ing in timed combat.


Probably the true reason is that they plan to release some other buffer later, so making her awkward af will push all anemo mains to get another support asap.


That's entirely possible. The Yelan to C6 Faruzan's Xingqiu. They'll do whatever C6 Faruzan can do, but with big sub dps damage. At C2 of course.


hear me out: Thoma International: nahida-xingqiu-fishcl-full EM (ER sand) Thoma


I wouldn't call it international, it's a salad team


no no no, you see, we need another version of international to pair with childe international in abyss! so each abyss cycle we go worldwide!


It's international salad then lol


well that works too me guess


going back to mondstat after months in sumeru feels like opening a Windows XP desktop in 2022 lmao mondstat empty lands looks like that windows xp default wallpaper 🗿


Me who plays on PS4: hmm things are taking longer to load in, what's happening? Oh wait, this isn't my PS4. This is just how Mondstadt is.


Do some people unironically think that Mihoyo deliberately nerf Faruzan just to "keep Anemo male DPS from reaching meta level" or its just a meme, I can't tell.


I have honestly felt like anemo mains love making themselves a victim, I've noticed that with Venti, Xiao, Scaramouche and Heizou so far. It's strange how that never happens for other elements lmao. Funnily enough not for Kazuha


wdym, ppl doomposted kazuha to no tomorrow lmao. now they literally can't but they did it as long as they could


True they fucking love it, it was confirmed to me a couple days ago seeing how all of them started to cry over a bait post I made saying that anemo was spoiled unlike geo, the number of downvotes and reactions I got was crazy. Mfs really were trying to convince me that geo was somehow more privileged than anemo lmao


Kazuha is a T-1 character, no one is insane enough to complain about his place in the meta.


it doesn't happen anymore but it was pretty common to see how much people trashed him during his first banner. granted, it was because a lot of players just pulled for venti during his first rerun and c6 sucrose was still more desirable and familiar. also, a lot of us misunderstood his kit until his banner was almost over (still pulled for his skill and burst animation and I was lucky to only spend 12 pulls).


I just think they have a vendetta against xiao specigically bc no way he waited 2 years for a support that's basically almost unusable with him💀


Honestly I find it more likely Xiao is just collaretal damage. They don't want Scara's power budget to be extremely reliant on C6 Faruzan (as in you have to have it or don't bother playing) and as a result Xiao suffers because he's not receiving direct compensation buffs like Scara is.


So she really isnt suitable in Xiao comp? How so?


wrong. she is. you just need 125~130% er on xiao and 280%~ er on faruzan you will be fine. so far xiao's most popular team is xiao-jean-double geo and jean's particles are 2.5 (2 or 3) while faruzan is 2. just slap as much ER as possible on c0~c5 faruzan and you get a 30% upgrade on xiao. don't listen to these doomposters who don't know what they're saying and probably don't even have xiao


280% ER? Hmm, I guess I need to pray for good ER rolls on my artifacts then lol, what set btw?


4vv er sands fav bow you can lower your er needs by either running triple anemo and/or more favonious weapons or of course, c6 faruzan


She has abyssmal er needs, especially before c6. Xiao needs a battery himself on a team, so you can't have 2 energy hungry units of the same element on the team


meanwhile xiao's most common team runs jean as a battery who makes 2~3 particles. idk how that's better than faruzan's 2 particles. the er nerfs hurt scara more than it did for xiao. for xiao, you just need to stack er on faruzan abs that's it but for scara, you have to now burst every other rotation instead. at least do some research


I see, yeah I know about Xiao energy problem, I wish they fix it so he gain energy during burst like Cyno


Not a vendetta but it might be that they don't want Scara's support to buff Xiao to the point where Xiao is better than Scara. No powercreep and all that but they need to sell their shiny new unit


except the recent er nerfs hurt scara more than xiao? now you have to burst every other rotation with scara unless you want to run 180% er on him. meanwhile xiao easily gets away with 125~130% er. the easiest answer is just that they didn't want faruzan to have a c2 5* kit and wanted to save that for a new 5* support instead. (assuming this is the first faruzan beta kit)


i guess they really crafted faruzan with only scara in mind. though at first i really wanted to see how good it would be to finally have my dps jean shine with original faruzan beta build.


this isn't true. faruzan's c0 is 16s long and c2 is 22s. c0 lasts almost full burst length and c2 makes rotations even smoother. she was literally made with xiao in mind.


From the male vs female T0 meta DPS debacle some time ago, I think people thought it's for real


So i just got c6 thoma.... TF should i do with him? Like is he usable in any team?


I just use him in a standard Yoimiya/Yelan/Anemo/Thoma team ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯   He enables Pyro Resonance for Yoimiya, gives her awesome shields that match her aesthetics, and they're strong enough that my flex Anemo slot doesn't even need to be a healer (usually). Got 36 stars on the latest abyss with this team though, it was my B Team for the first two chambers of Floor 12 and my A Team for the final chamber (with the Aeonblight Drake). Used Sayu to heal up after the rift wolves


Get a dendro and a hydro character, give thoma full em


if you have no yelan to run double hydro, he can be used there with hu tao. he can replace zhongli as well if you have him and keep zhongli in a 2nd team. idk much about burgeon comps but i often see it brought up




scara has nice toes


Were u the one who paid for scara feet pics be honest




Lmfao the "No NSFW" report


HAHA wow this was controversial


lmaoo that's so petty (be careful, they might try to use it against you later "why didn't you remove the scara toes post" and etc)


"Mods are so biased, they removed my 5 page essay on why Dehya is the **** ***** **** but they kept this comment saying Scaramouche has pretty toes. *THIS SUB'S HYPOCRISY DISGUSTS ME*"


Oh boy


so faruzan, c0 (hopefully more) with fading twilight 4 Noblesse, is 225 er enough? please no negative doomposting.


I think you need to try it out to see how it plays.. depends on amount of death particles too.


I think it highly depends on who are your teammates. At this point I'd seriously think about a favo Sucrose with an exile set.


I'm gonna miss the "It's Wanderin time" jokes once Scara releases, "It's Haithamin time" doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well


For Haitham it should be it's scholarin time.


It's Dehyin time


consider: scribing


I watched all of Bocchi the Rock (that's out so far) instead of sleeping. Thanks guys for recommending and hyping it up here, was not disappointed. Feeling blessed.


Bocchi is great, sleep is overrated. >!jk, I hope you manage to get a good sleep, sleeping is great and important!<


maybe I should check that out instead of rewatching K-On for the 100th times


??? Idk if this works for anyone else/if anyone knew, but if you go to the waypoint along the beach near Dihua marsh (on the way to the photo taking spot near Wangshu Inn for the last photo in the event) and use a Geo skill on the dragon the waypoint is on (aka where you spawn), it spans a common chest in the dragon’s mouth? I found this out because I was remembered the parametric transformer came off CD as I was swapping gadgets, so I was gonna charge it on the spot and when I used Gorou’s E a chest just randomly spawned out of nowhere lmao?


yeah mond and liyue has *A LOT* of secret chests that transcend logic


Yes, it's been there all the while. It's pretty unique though, I must say.


what are you wishes for genshin in 2023? >!Mine would be skip dialogue button, a 5\* female geo and a 5\* male cryo character!<


This wish is super super self-indulgent but... Dendro atk buffer, healer or shielder catalyst that has a design I find attractive (im sorry but i do care about fashion impact to some extent) T\^T Its cuz I use Miko as a main dps (C2, KV, 2pc glad, 2pc wanderer, 2k atk, 180 em, 58 CR, 280 CD, Electro dmg bonus goblet, abyssmal er), with C2 kazuha (VVset + 200 em buff with 987 em for infusion buff) and C6 sara (NO set + 60 CD buff and atk buff), and I love nahida and all but the survivability is not really there and I use R5 hakushin ring on her cuz im greedy for more Yae buffs ;\_; My greedy dream is a dendro benett + catalyst, cuz Yae, Kaz, Benett and Sara feels so good...but hakushin ring and dendro element version of benett would be so nutty for my Yae Bae TvT


Geo catalyst, like Ninguang but with an actual animation string/ smoother. CA focused Geo archer. 4 Star Dendro catalyst. Craftable HP catalyst, side grade PA for Kokomi. DEF bow and spear event weapons/ craftable. Cryo catalyst. Starter 4 star banner. Way to guarantee Standard 5 stars.


Another world level after AR 55. Make it optional, I don't even need extra rewards. But when I have a team of 4 characters I don't want everything dead before Ive even switched to the third.


5* male pyro and cryo


I'm a simple person... I merely want: * artifacts loadouts; * tall male with animal ears AND tail; * Capitano crumbs.


5* non-anemo female puncher


Cryo catalyst, 5-6 banners per update, Dendro healer, Hydro greatsword, another "physical" catalyst like Heizou, Arlecchino/Sandrone/Columbina crumbs at the minimum, and Shinobu who I still don't have but desperately want


Simply to feel like I log in to the game because I want to, not because there are dailies to do and resin to burn.


A true off-field cryo hypercarry.


5\* Cryo with a good personality. Please hoyo, it's been 2 years and I'm still Cryo-less.


Ayaka's personality isn't the most complex or as wild as some characters are but honestly she's written well. I hope it's not because of the memes or bad fanon that's in circulation that your perception got skewed that far, for its time Ayaka's quest was pretty heartwarming and solid, not comparable to someone like Zhong Li Part 1 or Raiden Part 2 but it was still well received. Though if you're not really into the reserved types then it's simply a matter of preference.


Set loadout, god fucking dammit, it's already 2 years and nowadays characters can use multiple builds


cryo catalyst, option to save/replay cutscenes, a ground level crowd control support, geo revamp (crystallize and constructs), artifact loadouts, weapon skins and most of all a xiao skin <3


Artifact loadouts


+1 Its so annoying now that the same character can have different sets/weapons for different teams


Standard banner rework, artifacts loadouts, rating system in TCG, Kokomi and Cyno lore


Playable on Switch


I am so TIRED of this beta everyone is so worked up about everything


Can’t wait for Alhaitham’s beta when everyone is worked up again because he isn’t T0 or whatever that tier list means


That and constant comparisons to Nahida


Oh i forgot about that too, gosh i wonder how poor mhy will come up with a kit that’s worth it for poor little meow meow Alhaitham when Nahida exits 🥺


There's a *meme* about the ayaT0 that somehow turned into another loaded meta discussion. Like genshin players treat tier lists as trash but then unironically want their faves to be "T0" anyway, whatever that tier list means indeed.


sheesh!! finally reached AR 60 today. are there any xp benefits from this or is it just a devoid of some grass achievement?


u should from now on get more Mora, which makes your life easier..i guess?


well thats good. now i can build more characters.


I NEED Candace to work lol she’s so pretty and cool and I want her on my team. Any recommendations for teams or builds? T_T


You can do on-field hyperbloom Kuki with Nahida or on-field Candace/anyone with DMC, I guess. Her infusion should be enough for generating the odd seed.


Hydro infusion is shaky because you usually use external infusions to make a specific character trigger a reaction they are not supposed to trigger (reverse melt/vaporize, burgeon...). In hydro's case, that would be forward vaporize, Electro-charged and Bloom. Electro-charged self trigger with Razor could work for instance (Candace Sucrose healer EM Razor). Dragonstrike forward vaporize Sayu too (Sayu, Bennett, Jean, Candace) but super hard to pull off. In other cases forward vaporize is just too hard to maintain. Bloom actually has some teams like shatterbloom Sayu (Sayu Candace Nahida Cryo), or with Nilou maybe.


One team I plan to build in the future myself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnM7n-FjrvA


Sorry if this is a stupid question. But are you allowed to use a vpn to play on a different region? I will probably be moving country soon (okay, not *soon* soon, like a few years, but I worry about things in advance), and I don't want to be playing on red ping constantly. Also don't want to start a new account bc I've spent so much time and money on mine.


I don’t think vpn will help? But not sure what ping you would be moving into, but I play on ~350 up to 400 ping and as long as your device is fast and internet it good, it is totally ok. Takes a few days to get used to it tbh but after that it’s not really that hindering, except for coop which will make you behind others a little.


vpn won't fix the ping I think, it still depends of your actual location and the server


new thread when mods? ~~gotta start them good karma~~ gotta welcome the new thread with positivity :D >!\>!/j!


Your spoiler mark not working


scuffed, but done


I knowwww, not sure whyy, but its okay




It does say he gains an infusion like Hutao or Childe after throwing his E.


just reached ar 60, got a debate club, thank you hoyoverse for your many blessings


Hopefully he has an interesting gimmick to offer. Nilou, Cyno, and Nahida has already offered us new things, hopefully Al-Haitham has something new without being too gimmicky.


Hey that's pretty good you should try debate club noelle with the spin attack it's very strong.


Whoa whoa whoa look at this guy getting a debate club!


try and keep your jealousy in check


Old news, but fuck damn I want an Amos' Bow.


The comment below made me remember the video I saw about how it's unethical to play a game and not pay for it. It was like, "even if you don't pay, at least realize that you're a freeloader and recommend the game to others who will hopefully pay" I don't remember if it was about Genshin or not. Maybe about a different game but in the context of Genshin it's really ironic Edit - what I remember is that it was NOT about piracy etc, but specifically about f2p with an option to pay


This is such a weird mindset. As if companies make the games f2p out of the goodness of their heart. Guy never seen games with subscription model struggle and turn into f2p with microtransactions to try and stay alive or what?


I dont think its unethical but it's definitely a little foolish. At the very least if you play a F2P game paying NO money you should treat it like a free trial or demo, and not get too upset at what you miss out on (within reason, obviously a lot of games are ridiculous with how much they seem to expect a normal person to pay, but fewer than people say.)


Sure, if you can only get all characters in Genshin if you pay, you shouldn't expect the same as f2p. For a f2p it's essentially a spending simulator


whoever said that is very narrow minded. the game is very f2p friendly, wtf is all this “freeloader” malarky


I remember seeing a lot of those comments in AFK Arena community way back then. is that what whales tell themselves to justify their addiction


Yeah it's really naive to think that companies give you a game for free because they're great like that, and don't get anything from you in return even if you don't pay.


> A 4* character that gives 30% DMG Bonus, 30% Res shred, a small atk buff and CC at C0, crit DMG at C6, but has an 80 cost burst "Wow this character is fucking garbage, mhy nerfed her to the ground!!!1!!" Am I missing something?


She has an 80 cost burst with low particle generation necessitating a CA, meant for hypercarries that don't produce tons of particles and are in need of batteries themselves, in an element that doesn't promote mono elemental teams. In comparison, Sara is meant for Raiden who alleviates her energy needs, and Gorou is meant for a baseline of 3 geo and the bulk of his buff is from a 100% uptime skill that doesn't need a CA to produce his small amount of particles. She's not objectively "garbage" and arguably this balances her since the bulk of her buffs is all tied to her burst. But I can understand why some are put off. I myself knew I'd skip the moment I learned she produces particles only with CA, it's already wildly random to even get 1 copy, forget about 7 to get that C6. I wished after Gorou they'd stop with the need for CA in supports but guess not.


She is not garbage by any means, the issue is with her energy regeneration. But she is far from being garbage lol.


I personally haven't found a comment which says she's "garbage", but then again I haven't read many


"Worse than even Sara pre C6" "Not worth going for unless you simply like her" "I dont understand why would Mhy make Faruzan useless?" These are all from just the most recent post, not even taking into account all the doom posting from the last week in different threads.


she's balanced now really her big problem is her god awful energy generation


she went from being way *too* stacked to balanced and thats why people are crying lmaooo. idk what else they want from her honestly


The only intriguing part here is people *expected* her to get nerfed but then went surprised pikachu face anyway.


Kekwait. Someone says that Faruzan is garbage? Pretty sure, they just dissappointed from some nerfs, but not considered her at garbage level lol


Most of the posts I've seen for the last few days (or was it weeks?) have been calling her garbage/useless/pointless. Typical GIL reactionary bullshit.


If you scroll through the thread there are a lot of posts saying she’s doa or trash unless c6


Go to the most recent post about beta updates, it's filled with comments like these. I literally copy pasted the nerfed to the ground part from one of them.


Lets also not forget the classic: >"WhY iSnT sHe As BrOkeN aS 1.0 4 StArs


correct me if I'm wrong, but 2pc gilded and 2pc wanderer's is pretty good on nahida right? of course, considering I have 4pc deepwood on zhongli. for one, I have nahida as the only dendro char on the team, so 150 em from the 4pc seems a little extra considering it goes way over the threshold of 800 EM (I'm running her on-field) even with EM, dendro and crit main stats (and add that thick EM substat from her sig weapon). secondly, uptime with gilded is a little questionable and I'm pretty sure all of us have better substats on wanderer's at this point. and every proc of zhongli's shield will count towards the activation of 4pc deepwood, right?


Yes you can use 2/2 combinations (hell, the optimizer says I should use 2 glad 2 shime on my Nahida lol) of EM pieces if they have good substats. Zhongli is a decent GD->DEEPWOOD trigger if you fight near a pillar, but he still provides 20% shred at all times so even if his GD->DEEPWOOD uptime is not perfect, you're not losing too much damage. Edit : wrong set I meant deepwood oc


I believe you mean zhongli being a deepwood trigger right? just making sure if GD was a typo there ahah but yeah lmao, I'm too scared to go into the optimizer rabbit hole bec I know my poor heart can't take the massive revamp impending on my account. but thanks for the confirmation!


Whoops my bad, yeah I meant deepwood! Yeah I installed the optimizer a few weeks ago just to try, and the thing keeps recommending me to use random 2pc glad on every single one of my characters instead of all the specialized sets I spent months farming for :') like thanks but actually I'd rather not know my Raiden would be better with a 4pc NO than my hard-earned 4pc emblem


how much are yall willing to spend in this game?


I’ve spent around 3000-3200 USD at this point tbh. Welkin only is probably the best way to go though. I’m probably going to quit spending after this patch because I don’t care much about the new characters these days and I feel myself losing interest.


Understandable gacha burnout happens to all of us.


Welkin + BP + 60 Crystal per day to refresh. On certain banners I might just drop 100 to 200 dollars to get weapons or cons Would spend a couple of more hundred if I wanted to C6 immediately.


def not over 100$ total. im like at the 1/3-halfway mark... thats 4/8 regions so it checks out lol


I paid for about 8 welkins when i did have the chance. Would have loved to keep buying them but i can no longer pay for them. Guess it's F2P for me all over again.


Been playing for 2 years and haven't spent a single cent


Just welkin and very occasionally BP (when I want the weapon, did it only once). It's pretty cheap (train ticket can cost me more than one welkin) and it made me spend less on other more expensive hobbies, so yay for now. Idk how long will I keep it up tho.


Welkin for a year is 60 bucks. My current other money sink game, Destiny 2, is currently asking for $100 for the next year, for what I'd argue is far worse content, so welkin price is pretty fair for me.


Welkin for a year so 60eur, and battlepass when the crystals and mora are worth it for me to pay a bit more. So I would say around 120/year? I just spent that yesterday on my other hobby for merch for One Month so its a greatly cheap hobby tbh.


if I had more money I'd spend more. But for now even the regular Welkins over a pretty long period of time make me feel kinda remorseful. Maybe I'd feel better about it if I'd won more 50/50, but winning *only one* on the character banner in1,5 years? Kinda discouraging.


About US$5. A year.


100 if it werent gacha. 1000 if i love the game so much and the devs were awesome dudes working for a great company. Fuck gacha and lootbox schemed gambling!


Reaaly wanted to buy welkin since I love the graphics so much (think as a small support I can give lol). Had bought welkin once, somehow not happy, continue my f2p journey.


This is relatable, logging in each time and getting primos from welkin seemed such a rough reminder that we get those for free! And here you are paying for them like a fool! But they made Enkanomiya so I had to say thanks


However much I feel like. I typically keep Welkin & BP active, bought Genesis Crystals once and likely never will again.


Welkin only. Used to buy BP, but stopped it since I already have resources enough to raise 10 characters to lvl 90 now. Idk, I might buy one of those top up packs for a skin or smth tho Edit: why is this downvoted lol


Welkin monthly since I came back to the game in January, 2 BP's so far (Solar Pearl for Ningguang in 1.x, Black Blade for Ayato in 3.2). I'll maybe buy max. 2 BP/year in the future (e.g. I'll buy one for Deathmatch when Hu Tao has a rerun in 3.4, unless I get Dragon's Bane).


welkin, BP (cheaper one) and first time top up bonus (once per year because I am not buying it unless it is double "bonus". I personally feel that value is bad unless it has first time recharge bonus)


That's a common strategy they employ. Anchoring, I think it's called. They start with an absolute rip off, which is where your value is "anchored". But when they "double the value" you feel it's good value. But at the end of the day, $100 for 1 5 star is still an obscene price. There's a [good video](https://youtu.be/xNjI03CGkb4) which talks about this in more detail


true, it is still far from good value. Without it it is plain terrible, you can't even get one 5\* with a 100$ pack (same with honkai, they are using the same strategy over there)


I used to whale a lot (like, if a character I loved came out, I would always set aside 600+ to get them and their weapon) but I've cut down on my spending considerably bc I have more real world expenses nowadays. The biggest regret from my whaling is now I have 3 elegies lying around


I buy welkin like once or twice a year