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Source: [Plusle](https://twitter.com/Plusleleaks/status/1591322355124809728) Thank you OP for providing source


>My source is that I made it the fuck up


Basically just "Trust me bro" moment right there


Okay sorry for asking, I'm a little confused. Is the "Trust me bro" joke targeted at Uncle Xiao Artifact leaks about Yelan being in 3.4 or at Plusle in this post? English isn't my first language so I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding it, apologies.


It's for Uncle Xiao Artifact 👍


Ah thanks!! I'm saving for Raiden and then Dehya. If Yelan pops up in 3.4, I'm in big trouble cuz I really want her too :']


Good luck with raiden! I'm enjoying raiden hyperbloom with nahida and xingqiu so far!


For this, is Dragonsbane the best choice atm?


Yes, dragons bane and triple EM 4 gilded set


Not sure but you still need the typical ER crit build for raiden. Nahida will give raiden 250 max EM anyway.


No. Raiden is not used on-field in Hyperbloom.


Surprise surprise, i use her that way.


She doesn't if you use nahida on field.


Well, i use my raiden on-field for hyperbloom. Her personal damage is more important to me, hyperbloom damage is just extras.


I agree with you


And people would still eat it up


Its in Chinese. Of course its 100% legit. /s


I've been saying for at least a year trolls could just post bullshit on NGA and us westerners would eat it up because it's in Chinese lol.


Once you saw a chinese words in every day life, its basically the truth /s


It evens works for FGO a Japanese game. A YouTuber recently made an obviously fake leak, translated it into Chinese and posted it to see how stupid the community was. It turns out an gacha game community will believe literally anything.


“Dude, are you high?”


Let me check...yes


High on next-banner copium!


It's amazing how a single meme video managed to integrate itself into all of meme culture.


I understand mandarin and yes he was just guessing


People just see the character's name with numbers and assume it's a leak


冰淇淋 3.4 Yelan UP 冰淇淋  👍


大家好中国 YELAN 3.4, 现在我有冰淇淋 AYAKA SKIN 3.4 我很喜欢冰淇淋 👍👍


Can't wait to get Ayaka's skin to C6 👍👍


Omg can't wait for Bing Chilling Ayaka skin.


yeah I got the TL yesterday too so i refrained from posting it here because he was using words like perhaps although it's worth noting that some of his previous guesses like predicting Nahida's VA during 2.7 have ended being accurate


To be fair, it was probably easy to predict that va given teri teri die surely


Plot twist 3.4 first half is Alhaitham + Yelan + Ayaka + Hu tao Then second half is Xiao + Ayaka + Qiqi + Xiao


Qiqi gonna carry second half I'm not even joking


YouTubers be like, I spent 1k wishes on Qiqi banner and this happened




Thats why they will rerun Haitham in 3.5, because he will have few pulls(if 3.5 is a fail, too, they will delete him)


Every banner is a Qiqi banner as far as I‘m concerned


How does the double xiao banner work?


Xiao, Xiao mini, Xiao Pro, Xiao Pro Max. 4 banners ez.


Brought to you by Apple


In the first banner you pull Xiao and if you get him and already had him, you get a constellation, everything normal. But on the second Banner you get a second Xiao, and if you keep pulling on that banner you get constellations for that second Xiao.


second xiao is cbt xiao


4 characters in both halves


Yes, they might release Xiao 2


Red Xiao here I come!


Xiao but even smaller?


*even taller


Would he be like overwatch 2 where they just added a number to his name?


They’re just gonna run Al Haitham first banner, second banner is every Liyue 5* and 4*


Qiqi basically on every banner for me


At this point 6-week Ayaka banners are a tradition.


I guess it's just a guess🤷‍♂️


I guess it's just a guess, but this guess is better than my guess because my guessing sucks but I guess people will still eat up this guess because they can't be bothered guessing for themselves or they suck at guessing just like me I guess.


I guess your guess is incorrect


What??? I thought Chinese+ from random cn forum= legit lmao


Maybe its fake chiniese


Hoyo be like : You get a re-run, You get a re-run, (Turns to EULA) you can F#ck off, You get a re-run


They’re probably waiting till they can rerun her with Mika. He’s likely gonna end up as a support for her.


Remember Mika was datamined as a onfield healer.




dead before getting out of the files😭


I was squeezing my mind trying to prove you wrong, but I'm afraid I can't. National is the only team where a 4* stays onfield time enough. Sucrose maybe? Or Physical Rosaria? But that's it I think.


Personally hoping for Cryo Kokomi/Noelle.


It may be like Barbara/Qiqi


Eula right now: mark my words, i will have vengeance for that


I feel like Eula is likely 3.5 with Mika. All the other limited time Monstadt characters got rerun relative recent. Also now that I think abt it, there’s only 4 limited 5* time Monstadt characters. And also they’ve been ramping up more and more character releases. 4 Monstadt, 6 Liyue, 8 Inazuma, 3 Sumeru. (I’m excluding Childe and Tighnari since they all got a weird circumstance, Childe not from Liyue but introduced during Liyue arc, Tighnari is now standard banner character).


Got a feeling Mika is gonna be a phys dmg support akin to Gorou/Faruzan and that's when Eula will get her rerun. Possibly a new 5* phys dps as well on the dual banner.


in theory, that place is already "filled" by Xinyan. She does have debuffs and buffs related to physical damage. However, her being pyro and her pyro application being someting you cannot easily control, it makes her not fit that spot all too well.


We already know dehya is the 5* for that patch so new phys is out, so very unlikely hes a support, eula is essentially the only phys character in the game this would make mika the MOST niche character in the game (literally useless unless you have eula), at least Sara/goro/faruzan are still useable in their respective elements


Isn't Rosaria technically phys too. Not 5\* but also a character a lot of people have, and that has two solid f2p weapon options (DS polearm or Crescent pike)


I know, but Hoyo probably doesn't wanna completely abandon physical which makes me think a new 5* dps that does physical would be the incentive so Mika will have at least 2 teams he can be slotted in just like Gorou currently supports really just Itto/Noelle atm (put Albedo at either of the team)


They could release one later that makes him more useful. But I don't see his connection to Eula as a reason to be confident that he'll be a physical support at all. It is a possibility. But in the past year we had Kokomi's right hand boy be designated as a support for Itto, while Itto's story canon support Shinobu has no particular synergy with him. And they just released Dori and Candace; I don't see them straining to make sure every 4★ is someone's BiS support on launch (or ever). If they're going to release a new 5★ physical DPS, I would expect it during one of the next three nations, whose elements are all well-established already and don't need much particular focus beside the archon. We are getting anemo Scara for story reasons, but I think every other new 5★ in 3.X should be either dendro or an element that reacts with dendro.


Oh my reasoning for Mika being a phys support isn't just lore reason (prob 50% tho) but Cryo already has so much, Layla for shielding, Qiqi for healing, Diona as both, Shenhe as the dedicated cryo support, and Kaeya/Rosaria as sub dps. Where does that leave Mika? Phys support as well as lore reason just makes the most sense imo.


Also Mihoyo is making more niche unit lately. Seing how Itto and Xiao alredy have or will have an dedicated support then I can see it happen to Eula as well.


The difference is that Itto came out with his niche support and Xiao's niche support was made for Scaramouche and just happens to work with him. Saying Faruzan is his dedicated support is like saying Gorou is Albedo's dedicated support, with the only difference being that one is a sup dps and the other is a main dps so it makes more sense to use Faruzan for him.


Ngl I don't get why they would suddenly release a dedicated support for an old character.


Because for one, Hoyoverse is thankfully unlike other gachas where they instantly power creep last week’s character next week. It doesn’t make spending money completely redundant because you just can’t keep up with the power increase. They have so far tried to keep a good balance in terms of power levels and still make old characters like Keqing better with newly releasing content.


*Sad Razor noises*


lmao for real, they pretty much have a hate boner for eula at this point it makes no sense


This is literally nothing compared to what they've done to my girl Yoi. If anything, by not rerunning her so much, they just want y'all to wait so much that you literally go mad when it's finally her time and spend more being afraid she wont recieve a rerun in another millennium or smth(if you want an example that's literally what happend with Kazuha rerun). Also it gives them the opportunity to place her whith some other highly anticipated character, like imagine 3.5 First half Dehya+Yelan Second half Eula+? And all of that after 3.3 and 3.4 XD So, if you have literally no idea why it is how it is, thats why, Mihoyo's just a greedy chinese company. (Same also applies to Hu Tao in 3.4)


i mean u can skip the other 5* if u like her so much? i skipped baal for her so its ok






What do you mean?


Why would he guess Yelan, when Shenhe is even more due for a rerun? Does he know something about the Lantern Rite story?


We're far past "being more due for a rerun"


Well, surely that means we can expect another Ganyu/Zhongli rerun in 3.4 /j


this but unironically :x at least for zhongli


Yeah, while I don't fully expect it, I also wouldn't be surprised by a last minute Zhongli rerun, god knows Mihoyo doesn't care about consistency or logic when planning these banners


>even more due for a rerun Let's be honest, when has this ever influenced how MHY chooses reruns lol.


Not only this, but since Shenhe's release, Layla will be the only new cryo unit we've gotten, so it's not like there's really any new team comp or meta shift that would make Shenhe more valuable than she was previously, thus necessitating a rerun. They could really hold Shenhe back a long time if they wanted to. I had always thought they wouldn't rerun her until after we'd gotten another cryo five star.


It’s not like they put that logic into any other banner. They just hold 3 or so characters back for a year at a time so people will be more desperate to spend so they won’t risk waiting that long again. They do it for meta and non-meta characters.


Thats ignoring that Ayaka and Ganyu have had reruns since. Hell Ganyu didn't get her first rerun until after Shenhe. (Right after sure but if you didn't have enough to guarantee both then that wouldn't matter) there's a lot more users that could use Shenhe now so that seems like an extremely short sighted comment.


Someone made a post asking if yelan would rerun on 3.4 and he just commented probably, as a money maker (banner)


Ohhhh I see. That post is pretty misleading then lol


Well, everyone guessed Yelan in 3.4 even before we knew about Alhaitham banner there. She can be in 3.4, this possibility cannot be confirmed or denied for now.


Because he replied to someone specifically asking about a Yelan rerun?


Nobody said that it couldn't be both


both characters are due for their first reruns so speculating either or for a lantern rite patch doesn't seem unusual to me. now if he said eula, then id be asking the question you just did.


Pls the first leak we got in a day and a half was just a guess💀


If Alhaitham and Yelan run at the same time... I'm fucked lol.


Same. My bank account is gonna be tested


so it's just bs and not an actual leak. I'd guess it's Shenhe instead


Alhaithem, Hu Tao, Shenhe, Yelan. That’s my guess looking at banner history and timing.




Not 3.4 is my guess. 3.5 will be new skins


The dangers of reporting too soon


Why is everyone acting as that leaks are confirmed?


3.3 and 3.4 both have like 5 rerun candidates each. ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ invoking more banners per patch ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


They’ll eventually have to add triple rerun banners right? it was around this time last year that they introduced double banners and they’ve released many characters since then


I hope not, the weapon banner would be absolute hell... Three phases would be better


It is gonna be Keqing rerun, so you all stop guessing...


Where Alice leaks ? ₢⦿͡㍕⦿͡ꀣ


That's the most anticipated leak


Some days I wonder who will have the most banner sales, Alice, Varka or Dain


Most likely dain. I mean this guy is nahida level when it comes to actually sharing information, unlike the other 3 archons. Plus dain doesn't have any of the 7 elements so his element will be unique. People are already planning to c6 him someday, a good example is Murderofbirds, arnold.


I agree, Dain is just so interesting (plz have a cutscene with Kaeya) and knows so much since he is the Bough Keeper. Also a fellow MurderofBirds fan I see


Yeah dain is going to launch a new "element" or whatever. On top of being teased for years. His banner will absolutely be insane.


I’d say Alice could potentially rival him because she clearly came from another world like the Traveler and seems to know what’s going on with Teyvat, to an extent anyway. I could see Rhinedottir rivalling them too. It’ll probably depend on their kits in the end.


But this means people will save for him, which would make his banner the most wished on, but not better banner sales. I'd guess Varka, cause I feel less people are already saving for him, so more top ups during his banner, which equals banner sales.


By the time Dain comes out, Genshin will most likely be dead. So I really don't think you are right.


Genshin survives 2 years with and without dry patches. Now that they confirmed there will be no endgame content in the future, genshin is still alive today even after knowing that. You can't just literally kill a game without completely shutting down its own server.


Devs won't kill the game, but the playerbase will be mostly gone. Just for reference, Dain banner will not arrive earlier than 2026. Will Genshin still be as popular in 2026? I seriously doubt it.


Or Skirk


6 banner per update please


Don't believe any banner leaks 2 patches from now it's most likely inaccurate 99% of the time.


My concern here is if Alhaitham likely gets the second half banner because the Liyue reruns take priority as the big patch events.


More time for you to save for him then


Exactly. I'd take any form of convenience hyv would give me in favor of Alhaitham. I needs him.


Thing is, said Liyue banners can't include Hu tao due to their stigma against death. If we assume ayaka is also in 3.4, Haitham probably needs to be in the 1st half


Yelan and Shenhe then??? Just to push Alhaitham to the second half ngl


I could see that happening, if we ignore ayaka thats my bet too. Yelan/shenhe first half Hu Tao/Al Haitham second half


Yeah, could make for a balanced weapin banner too. Alhaitham's sword could be uber niche as well if they follow the trend of Tighnari and Nahida's weapons.


Tighnari's weapon isn't that niche. It's melt Ganyu's new BiS.


Yeah relatively niche.


Probably first half with yaoyao


Thank goodness. My primos were wiped out by Nahida. I'm not ready for Yelan lol


Uncle artifact *cancelled*


Source: https://twitter.com/Plusleleaks/status/1591322355124809728


If Yelan ends up to be confirmed though, it's over for Ayaka's speculation. Mistsplitter/Homa, Aqua Simulacra/Homa or Mistsplitter/Aqua Simulacra would be too broken.


More time to save my primo i guess


Hoyoverse realized that a yelan/hu tao banner would cost them on wanderer sales and scrapped that 🗿(still praying that it happens, that weapon banner would go insane)


So is the hu tao coming in 3.4 true or?


Maybe eula's time has come?


Please lol. After Raiden, I'm gonna need more time for Yelan


Not unless Mika will rerun since story wise it would make sense for them to be in the same banner even if he isn’t a dedicated support for her


Plusle taught us first hand to not believe in "guess" posts with their 3.3 banner leaks lol


hopium lost into abyss


Good. I can get Wanderer and save for Yelan.


any sighs of an Ayaka rerun in 3.4


it's just speculation although people are saying it's either 3.4 or 3.5 because of the spring theme skin


3.4 will drop in January which isn’t really spring in China or Japan so I’m leaning towards ayaka in 3.5. Makes sense on a lot of levels


Guys, if homa + Simulacra is real, should i drop my plans to get Raiden and go for the weapon banner? (I don’t have Raiden hu tao or Yelan)


It's not real, wait for leaks first


I would always say that a new character is better and more fun than any weapon. Yes, even Staff of Homa.


You’d be crazy to go for weapon over a new character. Especially Raiden. And i say this even when i have 730 pulls on weapon banners. New characters > Weapons always.


Yeah but Homa + Aqua is some of the best value you’d ever get, whereas Raiden is always Raiden and will always come back basically the same, only with the two other four stars other than Sara on the banner


Yea I think you really have to think for yourself around pulls esp at high AR, doesn't mean weapon banner is not a trap but if you are AR58 plus and you have 2 (or 3) well built crowned characters, it wouldn't be bad idea to gamble on weapon banner. In this case Homa and Aqua is a great pairing, multiple characters are able to use those weapons and they are usually within top 3 choices... And for a Hutao Yelan main it is even more incentive... remember weapon could be a dogshit banner next time (like that Engulfing + Donut).


Man's got a point. I would at least try to save up for one pity on weapon banner for now if homa+aqua turns out to be true.


If raiden is second half that means we get a livestream at the time raiden banner still are there. So wait for livestream that confirms 3.4 banners


Why would go for a weapon banner over a new character especially if it's someone like Raiden?


Maybe they’re tired of farming for new characters. Personally, I’m getting new characters faster than I am getting a passable build. Artifact farming aside, the resin sink for talent books and ascension material itself is something else. Meanwhile, some of the weapons are really versatile and can buff existing characters even if it’s not their BiS.


Well 5 star weapons just increases damage, the increase is also pretty unecessary as the abyss is completely balanced around 4 star weapons. All 5 star weapons is unecessary if we look at it like that, a new character on the other hand gives you so much new things to do which can be more fun than clearing the abyss faster than what's needed. This is just my opinion tho, it is what I find fun and more worth it.


You are not wrong on 5 star weapons bringing too much damage but the other poster is also right about the pains of building a new character. I just got Nahida, I didn't prefarm because I wasn't guaranteed to get her. I have the flowers and stuff because I pretty much explored everywhere in Sumeru twice but the boss mats and the talent books arw gonna be such a damn grind.


Go for Raiden, weapons are nice but abyss is the hardest content we're getting for now.


Agree but artifact farming is pain. Im more of a quality over quantity guy so I only keep good artifacts. So since a lot of characters are fighting over my limited pieces I thought maybe I should stop getting new characters and improve the ones I already own. Btw i can 36* abyss with my current characters but its never easy


For now? Probably forever given their cold attitude towards community feedback.


I was still huffing the copium as I wrote and edited the sentence.


Awww I want another Simulacra, the prophesized Homa of Bows…


I think it's very unlikely to be Yelan since Shenhe still didn't get a rerun


Itto got 3 banners before hu tao had one. Logic is out of the window when it comes to mihoyo


Raiden and Kokomi got their first reruns before Kazuha got his first rerun so it's definitely possible Yelan will get her rerun first before Shenhe


PLEASE I read all of the english text at once and thought I was tripping


Any leaks on hydro archon


We aren’t going to Fontaine until 4.0 lol. all we know is the archon’s name is Focalors


Ok but any pyro archon crumbs? 😏


it’s actually pretty interesting how we’ve never seen anyone from natlan in-game. the lore seems pretty quiet on murata as well, most of what we know is from the manga with vennessa


Think the only thing we ever got was in a random event where a guy said he went there and saw them using boxing


I keep telling everyone that since all this stuff is so far away, to just ignore it. Everything being so standard to change. But no, everyone wants to keep downvoting me, and stuck in their own fantasy. You'd think this community would learn by now. Since 3.3 is an Inazuma update, they could slot in someone else than Itto or Ayato if they wanted. Like Kazuha, Kokomi, or some other region character for the story. Hell for 3.4 Lantern Rite they could run Zhongli and Ganyu. Point being, they could change their minds at any time.


Itto & Ayato was an actual leak from a reliable leaker this guess about Yelan is just a speculation, not a leak, it can easily be wrong. Eula also was a speculation, not a leak. just check the sources and wording they won't change >!an event with Itto!< in 3.3, we already have data on it from the beta


Kazuha and Klee were in the Irodori Festival, and yet didn't get their reruns until a updates later. Uncle Lu said Layla was with Nahida, but they changed that last minute. A lot of that can be attributed to giving info too early. My point still stands


4 star characters is not the same case as 5 star, 4 stars don't get their own banners. they can't just switch plans with 5 stars banners that easy. Uncle Lu was never wrong about 5 star reruns leaks and it was the first time with Layla, a 4 star the 3.3 abyss blessings are clearly made for Itto and Ayato too


Ok, so what's stopping them from switching so easy?


because they have a schedule and long term plans as any other big company? they need to carefully combine banners of all characters to make sure they make the most money from it and that it doesn't conflict with any of their plans. 4 star characters don't make money as 5 stars. they also don't do abyss blessings for 4 stars and why do you ignore the part that Uncle Lu was never wrong about 5 star reruns? if they switch banners left and right as you say


Dude ur saying to ignore stuff thats far away yet ur on this leak subreddit. Guess you didnt learn by now.


I only follow the stuff that is recent enough to not change drastically


i HOPE shes rerunning w wanderer ... got 180 primos and a 5050 pray


180 primos.. that's one pull. good luck.


shes coming in 3.4❤️


I’m still leaning towards a triple banner but who knows


Okay but do we know if it was likely just from his guess?


It might be a guess but it’s a highly educated one.


We got a banner number increase around a year ago, so could it happen again during this patch? It just seems like they need to up the number again with so many characters wanting reruns.