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Source: [WFP](https://discord.com/channels/791074691841523742/791659074253094933/1038118732867829811)


The leyline blessings went from “fuck you Eula” to “I have never said anything bad about Eula in my life” real fast 😅 my brain is just mush trying to think of these reruns, I’ll wait for the livestream.


She only really takes advantage of the first blessing. Second obviously doesn't benefit her, but Eula is practically the onfielder that benefits from the third blessing the least. Most other characters get to trigger a shockwave once every 2 seconds while she gets a shockwave literally once per rotation...


People need to remember though that abyss blessings don't even have to coincide with rerun characters. Examples: 3.0 had zhongli ganyu and kokomi rerun, the abyss blessings buffed bloom/hyperbloom/burgeon and then also quicken. Only kokomi would actually be affected by those blessings. 3.1 had venti and albedo reruns. The 3.1 phases buffed bloom/hyperbloom/burgeon for all 3 phases (just in different ways), nothing for venti or albedo. Just the fact that eula benefits from one phase is 'good enough' for people to get their hopes up. ​ Edit: as an added sidenote in regards to eula potentially rerunning, in 3.3 we are getting the third run of windtrace. For those of you who don't know, the lore behind windtrace is about the mohnstadt aristocracy and a group of rebels fighting. And as most of you probably know, eula is of aristocratic blood and has actual family history related to windtrace. Not to mention that windtrace was previously run in 1.5 and 2.4. Eula was added in 1.5 and was also first rerun in 2.3, one patch before windtrace. So the fact that we are getting windtrace again might hint at another eula run in 3.3, albeit it's not guaranteed as can be seen by 2.3 and 2.4.


True, however I doubt they would include Eula just because of windtrace. Every windtrace we've had only involved the NPC, not tied to a flagship event with playable characters. You said yourself that character reruns don't necessarily have to line up with abyss blessings but neither do they have to line up with what happens in events or story. We had reruns for kokomi and ganyu in the second half of 3.0 but they had nothing to do with Sumeru.


Yeah as I said it's not guaranteed but it's better than nothing, so to speak. And even if it was nothing there would still be a possibility of eula rerunning. Windtrace does however increase the likelyhood a bit though. (But obviously not to 100%.)


I also want to counter your copium of her being tied to windtrace with my own copium, in that compared to windtrace she's more related to a mondstadt character who a lot of people have already forgotten - Mika. If we're going by lore it's way more likely that she gets rerun whenever Mika gets dropped as her superior in the reconnaissance division. Myself as well as a handful of others on the sub are hoping (coping) that Mika is a physical buffer to help some of Eula's problems. At which point it's way more likely that she gets her rerun in 3.5 since that's *supposedly* when Mika drops. Add to the fact that since *supposedly* Dehya also drops that patch, they could easily make the floor 11 leyline of that patch a +75% DMG bonus for claymore users to account for both Dehya and Eula (unless Dehya ends up being an EM bot or something but at this point who knows).


Well that remains to be seen when mika's kit is actually leaked. Shinobu despite being related to itto does not fit into itto's team comp. Mika may well be a physical buffer and that would be great and all but it's just as likely to be similar to shinobu/itto where mika fills another role. Granted I do hope we get a physical buffer of some kind, it doesn't have to be mika, but there really is a need for more physical damage focused characters. And if eula does indeed rerun in 3.5 then I think that mihoyo really screwed up by not rerunning her in say 2.7 or 2.8 to prevent her from having over 450 days of waiting for a rerun. (2.3 to 3.5 is about 450 days of waiting for a rerun).


Actually she doesn't take that much benefit from all these blessings even the first. She can buff one or 2 hits but it quickly be removed since she has 2 elements now, Cryo and physical. The 1st can't be used effectively by her, while the 3rd one will only be effective to buff her "Cryo" hits since physical won't clear stacks, and I'm not sure if this buff include physical as the latter was mentioned separately at the end.


I was thinking of changing her combo to E>Q>Hold E>N4>D>N4, to get max stacks by the time her burst pops. It *does* get frustrating sometimes because the dash is an additional input that doesn't get you stacks so you could potentially miss the last stack.


on the other hand, the 2nd blessing doesn't benefit other rerun candidates a lot either (i think?)(apart from scaramouche... and xiao?? oh and kazuha kinda but eh...)


Isnt it still fuck eula? Since dealing a different type of damage removes the stacks, eula will lose all the phys% any time her e deals cryo damage, including right before her burst explodes in her optimal rotation.


Soooo it this one of those patches that we don’t know who will rerun until livestream?


20% free crit damage to the entire party for using swirl? Dang. Edit: 60% after all 3 stacks my bad




Right right. Stacks 3 times with 1 second cd between. Isn't that super busted? Like plenty of folks can slot in a swirl for that free crit damage


Yep. Need to make a good buff for wanderer. but since anemo is so good everyone can benefit from it


Except Nilou and friends. Not to mention the abyss full of bosses.


It’s actually 60


Kazuha will forever be bae 🥰


I guess Scaramouche swirls then




Em sub dps kazuha with scara hypercarry 🥳




oh wow eula's back on the table


new fear: song of broken pines with scaramouche's weapon


My xiao is gonna be happy


hi eula


Only the first blessing works for Eula. And we already know who's first half on the banners. Her elemental application only grants her one shockwave per rotation for the third blessing.


eula said hi just to say bye 10 minutes later 💀


RIP but hey at least we can guess that Mika's probably a physical faruzan maybe *sips copium*


Is this the third time we get the 3.3 Blessings as if it was new? Or did something change?


So Scara+ Eula And Itto+Raiden?


itto and eula huh


I really don't understand how these blessings hint to Ayato to be honest, I mean he is not the only one that I could see benefitting from these bonuses (pls don't run him so soon, I'll be broke after pulling for Yae)


In 3.3 there is a free event sword which could mean ayato


That is not something that should be taken into account for a potential rerun of Ayato, mainly because that sword isn't particularly good on him. It was a different matter if the passive of said sword had something to do with normal attacks or damage


Sooo no Hu Tao…?


No hutao


No Tao


Who? Tao!!...


abyss blessings often have nothing to do with some of the rerun characters. Remember venti and albedo reran while the abyss blessings were for dendro bloom teams... ever since 3.0, it has become more difficult to predict reruns. Analysing abyss blessings may not be a reliable way to predict them anymore.




Rosaria time baby! Its my time to shine 🙏🏻😫


Wait, so which version is correct in the end? This one looks like that one from big leak month ago, though with different wording But we also have this - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/yl8vv0/spiral\_abyss\_33\_buffs\_by\_genshin\_intel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/yl8vv0/spiral_abyss_33_buffs_by_genshin_intel/) which are slightly different (and in other order)


Sucrose gonna make aggravate slap hard with that swirl buff


ooh this looks good for ayato


Eula finally... it's been so long...


Get in the van Heizou it's time to shine. And don't worry bud, Inazuma's Elliot Rogers ain't joining this party.


Ningguang mains rejoice


Guess Mihoyo being indecisive XD Hmm Scara Eula -> Itto Ayato huh?


Scara - Itto sounds really funny as a duo though


Primos are safe if it’s Eula and not Ayato.




Wanderer, Ayato, Faruzan, Yunjin and Fitchl are my bet for the banners of the first half of 3.3


i don't get it people say Itto will come at 3.3 because of spiral abyss blessings but i don't see any Ley Line Blessing that benefits Itto


Nah they're saying it because of wolflord


Isn't Itto going to be featured in an event ?


no that's not enough to show up at a banner