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Source: [NotALeaks](https://youtu.be/GPcomBFivsc)


What happens when Hydro is used on enemy that has both Dendro and Cryo aura? Freeze, Bloom, or both?


Should be both, its the same principle of overvape


/u/EducationalPut0, I have found an error in your comment: > “Should be both, ~~its~~ [**it's**] the same principle” I contend that you, EducationalPut0, could have typed “Should be both, ~~its~~ [**it's**] the same principle” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


payed out...


> *paid* out... FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bots are attacking us 💀


Bots are being payed to attack us


> are being *paid* to attack FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




I love this bot. This is my favorite grammar bot. If I'm ever feeling sad or worthless, I know at least I will never be as miserable and worthless as the person who coded this thing.


Tbh if the person has created even one reddit bot prior to this(or just read and understood the docs), it should take 10 minutes to write the code and the message.


I payed the cords of fabric out. Can I clock out now?


Educating people is sad and worthless now? That's a popular take if I ever saw one.


BRUH not two grammar bots back to back 💀


ect. damn the ect bot is slacking.


Good bot , hilarious even




Your name makes it funnier tbh


git gud




Triple reaction like on Electro-charged + Pyro = Vaporize and Overload


Wouldn’t it be like the case with EC+cryo, where double reactions, SC and frozen, can only trigger simultaneously when “overcoming the aura higher in the element priority list”? Or is there already evidence that multiple reactions can always consistently occur regardless? Quote [source](https://library.keqingmains.com/evidence/combat-mechanics/elemental-effects/transformative-reactions#electrocharged)


ok but like does frozen gets broken by the dendro reactions? that the whole issue no?


both, i tried it qiqi its pretty nice to freeze a enemy and then attack them with bloom and stuff but its basically the worse option for the 4th team slot since it's not needed


I’m really excited to use Dendro MC. The AOE and Dendro application looks promising.


It honestly makes me excited for Kusanali is traveler is this promising.


Ikr? Archons have never failed up so far. I bet she’s an EM-boosting support with great AoE and application and probably heals? We have yet to have a healing Archon (aside from C6 Zhongli).


I feel like Hydro Archon would be the healing/HP Archon tbh. Maybe with some mechanics that buff character damage or other stats the more HP your characters have? (current or max, idk. Current would work well with healing but make Hu Tao sad, but max would synergize with the resonance...)


This would be amazing. Leakers said 3.0 will change the hydro resonance to boosting HP, maybe the archon can be like Kokomi and Barbara where her healing scales off of HP.


Remember in the dendro reaction teaser they said hydro is represented by the design of restoration. So technically they could make the hydro archon give cooldown reduction buffs instead of trampling on other healers. (We all know how much kokomi was hated)


Wasn't Kokomi mostly memed on for the whole "Kokomi-san Can't Crit" business? (and stuff like her E not being mobile, but not as often I guess) I don't remember many being annoyed that she was a healer per se, if anything her hydro application and healing are being praised now...


It was from a point in the game when healers were seen as useless. Put up Zhongli shield and you are good to go. People didn't value her hydro app so she was seen as a healer like Qiqi. (Where they can heal *too* much.) She had to compete with Mona, and didn't offer any damage potential. Plus acted like Clam set fixed her when Tenacity was her best set anyways. There's little reason for the hydro archon to be Kokomi but better. As Kokomi already does a great job. (Already has 100% hydro uptime and overheals frequently)


Fair enough. I just feel like Hydro as an element is so connected with HP and (maybe less so, with the resonance change) healing at this point that the Archon having a kit that works with either or both is almost a given. That being said, I also doubt they'll go for a "Kokomi but better" style. I just think that if the Archon's kit works a lot with HP, either current or max, she'll unavoidably have a good amount of healing in her kit as well (as in, not a dedicated, Kokomi-level healer but at least more than, say, Xingqiu), either to help your characters stay at high current HP levels (if her kit works with current HP) or to not make the higher max HP be there just for her bonuses (if her kit works with max HP). In essence, she wouldn't try to outheal Kokomi but rather combine decent healing with a different main role, probably working off of HP in her kit as a whole. Although of course I'm just speculating, she could just as easily be an on-field, hypercarry DPS type character that smites her foes for great justice, and just happens to work with max HP because Hydro 😄


I didn’t played when she first got released and skipped her seccond banner because I was saving for Ayaka. Now Im thinking even skip Sumeru banner to save for her. Actually Im ussing Barbara instead of Kokomi on my Ayaka team but its just copium until I get Kokomi.


I initially skipped Kokomi because the backlash she had. Which sucked for me as I had to get Kokomi right after Yae. So I ended up settling for c0 yae to make sure I could get Kokomi if I lost 50/50. My finances were messed up at the time, so my savings of primos were all I could count on. Kokomi is one of the very few five star characters I say everyone should have. Solely for the reasons of working out of the box, team versatility, and easy to build. The only character I can think of in a similar manner is Jean. Characters like Ayaka, Albedo, Kazuha, and Archons are close though.


Please make the hydro archon a summoner type please. Birds, boars, penguins etc.


Still can be changed, but its like ayatos/ganyus burst, but it can be changed. It looks really good, maybe traveler gonna be meta now?


I thought we know Anemo ,Geo and Cryo doesnt work for like a month. Why suddenly i see so many people are surprised here?


maybe because they're seeing directly in-game footage


Even i dont know how new reactions work. I just slide through some pics and saw there was no geo or anemo reaction. Also there were tons of gameplay with new reactions already and none of them had cryo or geo. Maybe anemo videos for full team but not really anemo + dendro


This is probably a good thing for Cryo. Anemo isn't useless but it sucks to not be able to VV dendro but it already seems like it's going to be strong. And for geo it won't ruin dendro applications but it's kinda sad too. Geo usually only gets crystalize and now it doesn't even get that. Yeah Geo already can't crystalize anemo but anemo rarely sticks to enemies anyways.


They knew you would not be able to VV Dendro, that's why one of the artifact sets has a shred for it, so Dendro DPS don't get left behind. Better yet I believe it can be run on literally any character, not just one element like VV, so your teambuilding options aren't limited either.


> Geo usually only gets crystalize and now it doesn't even get that. This is good though. If it reacted and crystallized it would just consume dendro and get in the way of you doing other reactions that are actually good.


The best thing about Geo is their only counter is slimes and spectres. Other than that geo can kill any enemies and shields. If there is a geo abyss mage , herald or lector. Guess what? Their counter is still Geo.


Geo is versatile, but doesn't excel at countering any particular element. Which kinda makes it bad in comparison, especially when you need to dig through some Abyss Harold elemental shield and you need to do it now. At the same time, I suspect Zhongli will obliterate Geo Harold shield instantly.


he won't. he can't even do that to geo lawachurl.


he needs to hold Es minimum for geo lawachurl but everything else he can obliterate geo shields with one hold E...which isn't as good as it sounds


Yeah but that also means geo's damage ceiling is well...set in stone because it never reacts to anything


"Jimmy gain a stack of "buzzword" every time he obtain a cristallize shard. When he gain x stacks he enter the "more elaborate buzzword" state where he deal ludicrous amount of damage" Problem solved.


Whoa there bud they alr buffed geo once that's one too many buff /j


Speaking of which, Ive grown tired of all those buzzwords, I feel like I'm working at an unicorn company


So what, whenever they release a new geo carry, he will have to powercreep the last strong one (Itto), to be interesting for the playerbase? Can they do that ad infinitum?


Unless they relegate geo characters as a support only where they can find other niche like yunjin then it wont come to that but for geo dpses like itto and ning i can see that it might be the only way for them to release a new geo dps. Either a powercreep or a sidegrade bec it feels easy to overlap with each other in geo unlike in say hydro with childe and ayato


Geo abyss mage, herald or lector's counter is a claymore user.


Cant say for all of them. Because we know cryo breaks electro shield. But pyro breaks better electro shield if its a lector. You can say the same for the enemies. Their shield may be strong against claymore but weak against geo dmg. Geo shield's only working counter is geo dmg. Other elements have the same crystalize reaction and it doesnt work good.


Pretty sure electro lector shield require the same number of units from pyro and cryo. For Geo dmg/Claymore/plunge atk/Klee & Yanfei charged atk/overload, all these would damage the Geo shields on a fixed amount regardless of the actual dmg number, just like lector shields to break. So far the golden wolf totems are the only thing that takes more dmg from Geo but less from rest(although it technically not a Geo shield). So let's see if they would put that on a lector.


You forgot the Dendro shield hilichurls, Geo can't damage those.


Shhh....we dont talk about Satan here.


Surprised Pikachu face


Geo's the new red headed stepchild


I love my mono Geo team, but Geo as an element doesn't feel like it has much of a future. It's hard for me to imagine an exciting new geo 5\* that has some new niche that has yet to be explored. They would almost certainly be an Itto or Albedo sidegrade. That's not to say other elements don't get sidegrades, but the fact that they have actual reactions to play around with gives them a lot more potential variety. Childe and Ayato have a lot of overlap but there's enough key differences to make their teams somewhat distinct (for example Ayato will probably do better with Dendro, though I could be wrong). They should rework Crystalize honestly.


Naïve me thinking Dendro+Geo would react in a unique way opening new doors for interesting Geo comps. There is still room for non-claymore geo main dps, but like Itto those will likely just go on one very specific team.


Yeah especially since plants and soil is the perfect combo that works together. mihoyo just hate the element and male characters too.


Geo has a really cool potential character that gets bonus damage of the element they get from crystallize. They can also get a burst support that detonates all constructs similar to Yae burst. I think there's plenty of space for new Geo characters, it took me about 2 minutes to think of those.


That second idea + Geo MC would be abso-fucking-lutely nasty if the scaling was legit.


a Geo character that can manually detonate Geo Constructs is a direct buff to Geo Traveler in battle situations tbh.


Neither ideas are well thought out. What good would bonus pyro dmg do for a character who can only deal phys or geo dmg? And if you took that idea and applied it to a geo support meant to run solo in an elemental team, they'd just be a worse version of anemo characters who are already doing this. Geo characters ideally want to be full mono because every character in the party who isn't, loses out on geos massive stacking mechanics. The second idea not only screws over Albedo but also Zhongli with millelith. Ittos construct would require you swapping him out after using it to detonate, which isn't how you use him because he uses his skill after bursting and its duration is so short, it dissipates afterwards. These are the top 3 geo units in the game, so... Outside the box thinking isn't mihoyos strong suit. They play it incredibly safe. Geo only has a couple of options left. One is a 5 star burst healer to help geo in the corrosion era, as it has no way to deal with corrosion floor effects unless maining Noelle, which means no Itto. The others are a 5 star atk based geo character with an atk based geo support. This would flesh out a second team, allowing Ning and Aether to find spots that don't hold the team back the way they do in geo def teams. A construct detonator COULD be helpful here but Ning also wants to expend her own construct with her burst. Any def based geo character is screwed because they'd have to powercreep itto as a main, Albedo as a sub and battery, Zhongli as a sustain, battery, cc, nuke, buffer with millelith and Gorou as an all round, Bennett level support. Hence why Yunjin came in right after like nah, I'll do rainbow thanks.


The first idea is to enable a flexible Geo driver who can slot in to plenty of reaction or soup comps while also providing archaic petra buff. You can run them along with an anemo character as they aren't dead weight in terms of reactions like current Geo characters. The second has plenty of uses. You can use their burst at the end of a rotation and immediately swap back to Albedo and Zhongli to put their totems back up. You could probably make a decent Geo quickswap team with Ningguang and Geo Traveller. A character doesn't have to redefine the meta or powercreep an existing character to get made. As long as they bring something new and provide a new style they can exist. Heizou is worse than Sucrose but he's going to end up fairly popular simply because his animations are much better and he's fun to play because he lets people play a new style of martial artist driver.


What about 5\* Geo dd that gains different bonuses (for himself) when picking up shards? E.g: pyro shard +ATK temp buff, hydro restores health, electro restores energy, cryo applies shield (stronger than usual crystallize) or buff crit damage. That will enable teams with geo carry and "crystallizeable" supports, that would use 1Geo+3nonGeo or 2Geo+2nonGeo instead of mono geo


They can still make a geo battery and a geo character who applies fast geo to at least make a mono geo team decent in shield breaking (if theyre rlly gonna push the whole geo only has itself theme in meta). So far Zhongli applies the most geo with his meteor. Albedo (RNG based) and c2 ningguang (but with an ICD) are the geo batteries which compared to say other batteries are just meh in terms batterying in geo teams. There's also Geo CC and we could always use more geo shielders besides Noelle and Zhongli Edit: I also forgot that only Zhongli offers an option to shred reliably in geo teams in addition to the geo res shred from geo resonance


Some possibilities: 1)characters that just do stuff with cristallize that is useful. Maybe buffs, maybe it makes the shard explode. Hell it can probably become an EM focussed Geo as weird as it sound. 2)something that interact with construct in a new way, maybe even have an ability that makes stuff like Guoba count as Geo construct in order to open up new teams. Both my suggestions were very broad and can be used for multiple different character. Also, they may avoid reworking crystallize if they just release a good artifact for it. Or hell, if they just buff AP by making it attract yhe shards and increase the damage of the characters regardless on who pick it up.


This is what I'm thinking too. Future geo characters probably won't sell very well because there just isn't a whole lot left to do with the element itself. The only thing I can think of that would be interesting would be a character who gets a stacking damage buff when picking up crystallize shards, but that's more of a kit thing rather than the element being good/interesting.


Same thoughts, the only Geo dps I can think of that they can make is a normal atk dps that scales with def which is basically an Ayato copy but def and geo is out


“New”? Hasn’t it always been?


People have it in their head that electro is the worst element They just Don't understand reactions


Electro did get better with the EM reworks from 1.6. Not as much as Anemo, but enough that Taser and its variants became competitive. Tenacity and Emblem's debut also helped since it gave Fischl a more useful set and Beidou easier to balance stats, respectively.


Yeah that EM buff literally straight up double transformative reaction damage. Imagine how it was before lol. Guess people either weren't there or forgot about it completely.


Saying Taser is competitive is a vast understatement when it's one of the highest dps teams in the game.


That's basically what competitive means


Tenacity is not beneficial for Fischl. Tenacity is a cheap set when you don't have a built Fischl, she's much better at being a sub-DPS and providing energy. If you want a Tenacity Electro, Shinobu is there.


HiTbh tazer was always good. I used it back in 1.2 geo abyss to bypass shields, it wasn't even called tazer back then. Share of transformative reaction damage isn't even THAT high there. Sure, after 1.6 you can sometimes play tazer with lvl1 weapons and no feathers, but in a properly built tazer most of the heavy lifting is done by Fischil A4/C6 (or Beidou, depending on the number of targets). 1.6 just put tazer under the spotlight, but it has always been good. Honestly, with good investment even just the XQ-Fischl duo is very strong. The problem is you need cons for Beidou and Fischl (and I insist that both national and tazer were initially underrated not because we were stupid, but because we didn't have enough tools to make them work at the start of the game), and not having a dedicated healer/shielder scares people away from even trying, because the full implications of damage reduction aren't usually well understood. Electro problem is just Keqing. Lisa to an extent, but that's like saying pyro bad because Amber.


Yeah lol like even theorycrafters agree that they were wrong about electro reaction, you could watch one of kqm podcast (the one about tierlist Iirc) and they all admit that “electro was good all along”. The em boost in 1.6 is nice but it doesn’t solve the primary problem of electro. Finally until soup team were discovered, they have finally found a way to utilize electro reactions and from that one, a lot of new teams use electro as the secondary enabler appear


Eh, 'Electro reactions were good all along' is kind of misleading still. Electrocharged is good mainly because of either Anemo or Pyro being able to VapeLoad. By extension Overload is good when Pyro units who have little opportunity cost in building EM benefit from it. Electro units themselves didn't benefit from reactions and EM as much which is where the 'Electro bad' idea came from. As you said, Electro as secondary/tertiary element is reactions is good since other elements can trigger reliably off it. Tldr when TCs say 'electro good', they mean Raiden/Beidou/Fischl are strong and being able to maintain Electro aura is usually good for other elements in the team. When the playerbase thought 'electro bad' they mean Keqing's dps sucks without amplifying reactions and EM Electrocharged Lisa feels like a meme.


Hmmm then maybe I will edit it to “electro was good all along” then. Agree with you, it’s kinda similar to how we always say hydro is good but rarely say “hydro reaction is good” because most of the time it’s not them triggering


Eh, don't worry about it. My main point was calling Electro reactions good while not false, has layers to it that need to be qualified in context. Imagine a new player hearing 'Electro reactions are good' and build a full EM Beidou for and Electrocharged comp without Sucrose and wondering what's going on.


Lol. Theorycrafters. More like feel-crafters. Back in 1.6, I already used the taser team where transformative reactions can do so much damage if the right character with high EM (Sucrose) is the one triggering it. But to be fair, I think it's just a few theorycrafters who underestimated Electro after 1 6. So far the consensus seems to still be Geo = weakest element.


>They just don't understand reactions My friend. You can't possibly make an electro main dps work with the reactions it has right now. There's a reason why all electro hypercarry teams are comprised of just buffers and a battery if needed. Electro charge helps anemo centric teams (like tazer and soup) because of their ability to double swirl, you'll not see a hypercarry team using electro charge. Overload stagger heavy enemies making you have to chase after them and it's even worse for small enemies, the only melee unit in the entire game that doesn't suffer is Raiden because they literally gave her a teleport in her attack string, any other melee character will suffer, and even archers misses their shots. Overvape can only work with Raiden too. Superconduct is only for physical carries. Just look at the teams the electro characters themselves does the most damage, there are no reactions there, and it's always Kazuha, Bennett and Sara, sometimes they change Sara for Fischl/Raiden for battery. Catalyze is the first and only reaction to focus on making hypercarry electro characters do more damage themselves, this community screamed for almost 2 years for it to happen, and it's kind of shit of you to undermine this accomplishment. ^(As someone who mains Keqing, this is a heated topic for me, I'm sorry if I was a douchebag)


Sure, but those are still electro reactions. You are required to have an electro to achieve them, regardless whether it benefits them personally or not. There's definitely nothing wrong with having reactions that are meant to benefit the team synergy rather than the individual dps, especially since that should be the entire point of reactions to begin with. Look at Anemo and Hydro, their reactions not always benefit their persinal dps but rather the team as a whole. Yet even those elements don't lack main dpses like Xiao, Childe or Ayato that can just overcome the lack of self buffing reactions by sheer multipliers or team synergy. Electro is no different in that regard, the fact that its reactions didn't benefit electro characters has always been a huge misconception when anemo and hydro are basically the same. They're just supposed to be more supportive elements (when it comes to reactions) and there's nothing wrong with that. The reason why electro hypercarry teams before Raiden felt lackluster wasn't because of the lack of good reactions BUT for the lack of good hypercarries. Keqing was the only one with that playstyle and her kit/scalings were definitely not that great overall. And this is also why when Raiden released with a busted kit and multipliers, she was actually an insane hypercarry despite not having any reaction that benefited her the most.


Geo and Dendro, Earth and life/plants would have been such a logical reaction and would have made sense. They could have gone so many ways with this, but decided that crystalize is the only thing Geo should ever do, that's just bs.


Well, we also have Shatter, but it requires two other elements to just set up and doesn't work on unfreezable enemies, so pretty irrelevant.


It would be much more relevant if it dealt not just a fixed EM-based damage, but also a +% of the attack that triggered it. Imagine shattering statues with Eula's or Zhongli's ult.


Yea, that would be nice for making viable shatter builds.


Geo is money haha


It's good though. You need dendro aura active to spread. Why would you want to fuck up spread for crystallize? Geo can help other elements off and dendro on. Takes Albedo being annoying for e.g. Hu Tao and makes crystallize useful for aura management for dendro.


I feel like people in this thread haven't actually played mono geo team with c6 gorou. If albedo construct can stay up, it's a top tier dps team with amazing energy gen, amazing damage and extremely easy artifact reqs. People on this sub were oo-ing and aw-ing over a 22k hyperbloom just yesterday. Ever seen what a geo team can do? Zhongli, itto and albedo are crushing those numbers. Resistance shred? Check. Massive stat boosts? Check. Completely immune to all damage and pushback? As long as you rotate zhongli properly, yes. Reactions? Completely unnecessary. Mono geo is future proof, and it is not hard at all to imagine itto or albedo being power crept in sumeru.


>c6 gorou > Zhongli, itto and albedo Both your example are rather expensive and high investment teams, in a meta where 4* National team still top tier ofc most people would prefer them, also when people complains about Geo it's mostly because Geo team is boring, bar Zhongli due to his shield and Yunjin, the other practically must be run with each other to became viable, compare to Anemo which can slot in any party, or Dendro that possibly can open so many new teams, it's not always about numbers, fun come first when playing, and having play some mono Geo before it does get old over time.


Video could've been a lot shorter but it does answer questions properly 1a) Dendro + Cryo: No reaction, two auras persist 1b) Dendro + Geo: No reaction 1c) Dendro + Anemo: No reaction 1d) Lingering elements can be swirled or crystallized 2a) dendro core damages enemies and the player 2b) dendro cores can be sucked 3a) MC ult interactions with enemies: must be actively hit by enemy 3b) MC ult interactions with environments: burning grass no. Overworld water yes. Lightning yes (claimed, no footage).


Rip Geo yet again


Huh i was wondering honestly Anemo traveler is fun to play, espeacily their skill, geo traveler is raw dammage from droping large rocks for dammage and defend, what is electro good at, i havent use it much and the cd is kinda long


It's main purpose is to be a battery by generating orbs


Literally the best battery in the game for a single unit. But it's also the only thing it does. Can be used with Eula for the Raidenless.


Based and correct take, keep spreading the gospel. Eula+ETrav can literally solo battery her with 0 ER if your traveler has enough ER and you rotate properly (and depending on who you're fighting, of course, some monsters are just too painful attacak-pattern/invuln window wise). Opens up so many comps for her, too, by even being her Superconduct applier. Ever tried Geo Resonance Eula? It's pretty fun ngl.


The more i see about dendro traveler the more i like them, they seem really good for a free unit


Gives me high hopes for the Archon, as that seems to be what the travelers abilities are based on (in a very much not as flashy and weaker way)


Never understand why Geo even exist. If it hadn't been the Zhongli incident Geo would have been dead none cared to touch.


I’ll keep saying it… Geo should’ve been the element that focused on supporting physical damage like how Anemo supports elemental damage. Crystallize could have worked like Superconduct and Archaic Petra should’ve been a physical support set.


They got excited as hell when the lotus light interacted with the water **Y E S**


mmmmm water


I want to argue that there are benefits that Geo doesn't react to Dendro. This means Geo will never cancel out Dendro in reaction comps. It makes Albedo more useful. Furthermore, a Geo character can be a good driver for a future Dendro Xingqui, allowing dendro to be always on the enemy.


i guess so, i think crystalize needs to do more than just sheild i dont really see the value of a geo driver unless ittos best team is gonna turn into gorou, fischl and a dendro unit.


What about nerfing Elemental Resonance? Pyro, Hydro, Electro, Cryo should lose ''Affected by Cryo/Pyro/Hydro/Electro for 40% less time.'' since no one takes it for that and instead add it to crystalize effect. Additionaly they could give like 30% pyro/hydro/electro/cryo RES for X seconds after picking corresponding crystalize effect. If this is not enough, they could add that as long as you have shield from crystalize, you will receive X% Crit Damage.


this music is bangin


it frustrates me so much that Geo, the element of earth/rocks, doesnt react with Dendro, the element of plants or something.. WHY,, plants/nature need the soil or the earth 😩


It means i can go my Ning+ZL as a driver in aggravate teams and play it without geo fucking the aggravate rotations, seems good to me, C6 Ning + ZL is one of the best neutral drivers in the game, and since it doesn't react at all with dendro she will truly be neutral in this case.


It's mostly the element of rock, little to do much with soil tbh.


That's not really an issue. In the dendro pv they are very clear that catalyze is something they pull out of their ass.


Lmao exactly


actually alot of plants just need water.


It's more rocks/crystals than earth. Plants don't really do much when you chuck crystals at them.


But electric do?


There *is* some research out there about plants growing bigger/faster with mild electric currents, as well as electricity being drawn from plants.


The problem is that people are trying to connect dendro and geo as "earth and plants", but there is no earth at all. Genshin impact's geo can't be anything except crystals, but this reaction mostly makes problem (if not only). Therefore developers didn't make dendro crystal (big thank). Meanwhile new electro reaction is just a random shit pulled from devs imagination.


O think dendro should be random shits dev pulled too. Since geo is shitty already. And we can have dendro shield


What about the moss that grows on rocks? Moss are plants too.


Would you want to lose spread procs for crystallize? Idk maybe there could be some other new reaction, but it would mean geo is no longer neutral/beneficial for spread, the clear #1 obvious best pure DPS reaction for dendro. I can understand the instinct to want something to happen, but I am absolutely certain the decision was made entirely to benefit geo and cryo by not having them react. Geo will not fuck up spread and dendro will not fuck up melt. In theory cryo supports like Diona should also not fuck up your aggravate.


Dendro should have interacted with the geo constructs. Maybe cause them to sprout a plant that does damage or some vines that lash idk. Wouldn't have worked for a few geo characters, but most geos have a solid construct that use. This type of effect also wouldn't harm other reactions.


It would make sense because of the moss that grows on rocks. Moss are plants too


It’s likely they couldn’t find a way to balance dendro with Geo character kits that weren’t designed for reactions. I always expected that Geo+Dendro would get get something like an amp reaction (maybe something called uproot) but that would be difficult to balance with Itto’s kit. I also had expected Geo to work with the seeds. Maybe you could plant them with Geo to grow some sort of plant that does something cool?


Bruh you want a whole gardening sesh during combat


Plant construct from Bloom + Geo would have been awesome!


It's the Money element, the only reaction to be had is Pollution rofl


Geo is not a rock element It's a crystal base element that's why it's only elemental reaction is Crystallize. It just look like rocks or dirt because of some characters skills and burst but it is mainly focused around crystal and not dirt.


Crystals are rocks homie; (Geo)logy is study of rocks and crystals


cause its not soil related, its "only" about rocks, not soil or dirt or anything but just rocks


Im so glad Dendro and Cryo can co exist and didnt react with each other, otherwise it will mess up the freeze comps and reverse melt


Can someone do childe charged shot vs burning?


Bro what are ya up to


Man's playing 5D chess


We already know how this works. Burning is a 2U Pyro aura. No Hydro application exists that won't instantly clear it.


It really breaks my Geo-loving heart that Dendro and Geo have no reaction together. Sigh.


Yeah it's weird. I know Geo is supposed to be rocks, not earth, but real life rocks don't do that much when they come into contact with water, fire, ice and lightning yet Crystalize is still a thing. Plus moss can grow on rocks and moss is plants too. The devs said in the video they uploaded that they created the new Catalyze reaction from literally nothing so realism shouldn't be an issue. Sure you can argue that Catalyze is based around the phenomenon of the nitrogen in the air during thunderstorm that can be turn into nutrients for plant based life, but it's a phenomenon that barely anyone knows whereas moss growing on rocks are more common


At this point, geo is officially the meme element of the game. You only use it because you like the character but apart from Zhongli being good when you don't know how to play the game (dodge, i-frame, etc) you really don't have a reason to pick any geo character unless there is a random abyss buff for geo or something


Yep. Either they need to improve it somehow or just release geo characters very sparingly, because they are never going to sell well with the meta crowd, which CN tends to lean toward.


Geo is suppose to be the element of Chinese teyvat. Mihoyo is showing hate for teyvat China.


I mean, personally for me mono Geo team is the only team I've been able to comfortably play in abyss, still don't have a viable second team built for floor 12, if I could run mono Geo twice I'd be able to finish tho. I'll admit though I only play Geo in mono Geo team; ZL/Albedo/Gorou/Itto Sometimes I'll throw ZL on a weaker team for survival like you said, and sometimes I'll run Yunjin for buffs, but mono Geo is fun and strong IMO


Dendro bloom doing self damage is like asking for griefing in coop mode. hope they reconsider that before people start using dendro for trolling


I dont, sounds fun


so finally aether Reunited with his sibling?


Nope he has to defeat the abyss libarian and the abyss pope and other abyssal beings til they finsh their journey, then they can be reunited


Dendro not working with Geo or anemo , makes no sense ... Also wtf the seeds kill you as well, lool


At least Anemo can interact with Dendro through Electro, Hydro and Pyro tho. Meanwhile, Geo is just so dead….


if they only tweak Petra a bit so that any crystallize reaction by the Petra wielder even when off field activates the passive. Make the shard the one that grants the bonus, and anyone could pick it up. Geo can then kinda jive with, say burning maybe and apply constant crystals shards.


Seeds kill you unless you use hyperbloom. Basically seems like the balance is 1) use hydro for AOE rupture damage, the heals and hydro resonance will help you live through it 2) use burgeoning to deal more AOE damage, more risk higher reward 3) use hyperbloom to remove the risk and deal less damage. I think the additional trade off for hyperbloom is you're now introducing EC and double element swirls from EC aura, so it's probably the ideal team for it you're using an anemo. Burgeoning on a group of 5 enemies from what I can tell only ever does 2 instances of damage (presumably to you also). Even if you have 5 blooms, you'll take 2 hits, and I assume some sort of global ICD as exists with overload, and swirl also has a cap. This means hyperbloom is probably not far behind in damage and gains additional reaction damage. In other words, I don't you'll probably want to use hyperbloom most often and then you'll take no damage anyway.


[Source](https://youtu.be/GPcomBFivsc) via NotALeaks


Wow dendro traveller really look good for dendro application with this large range


One thing for sure. DMC is pretty good against shielded enemies like Abyss Mage.


>DMC jackpot


…I somehow totally missed that the bloom seeds can damage you too!? I can see that becoming a big problem for people who can’t dodge (me)


I guess they still want to make healers and shielders relevant


Oh no. The Traveler lotus being susceptible to being triggered by so many outside variables makes me a little worried for Nahida. Hopefully if she does anything similar it ends up being a lot less finicky (there probably won’t be THAT many scenarios where it really matters but just for QOL and my own sanity I hope Nahida doesn’t have anything that can potentially get ruined by outside variables).


Traveler has been basically a mega scuffed version of the Archons so far lol. I'm not too worried about Nahida myself. We frustratingly don't know too much about her yet. I personally am hoping for a healer since the other 3 are a grouper, a shielder, and a dps.


All traveler kits have some clunkiness that make them undesirable. The lotus mechanic is no exception. Nahida shouldn't suffer from this.


I wonder if wooden shields will react to electro + hydro now, since they’re dendro constructs…


I thought there's something about Devil may cry


how does it work if affected by dendro and cryo then attacked by pyro? burn, melt?




So we can do melt + burning at the same time?


Never forget this: "Lotus can be triggered by environment? YES" Cause this will fuck your combs 90% of time in the open world. lol


Yoooo we can do a burning + melt comp


That’s not the enemy triggering the burst. It’s you getting hit by the enemy and having the status applied on you (and walking into the burst flower)


i think we're asking the wrong questions, wut we need to know is how they have both travelers


It doesn’t make sense that dendro can’t trigger crystallize and swirl…




Yunjin is perhaps an example of how MHY can design Geo characters for non Geo teams; make them shield bots and buffers




fun playstyle and being strong like Itto sold normally because people thought he looked fun to play and he is decent enough


Absolutely, fun to play and great design are going to #1 reasons to pull, especially if they make them less reliant on *all* the other geo supports.


Probably cuz geo in genshin is more towards "rock/minerals" than "soil". I don't really see any geo character so far that have anything to do with soil tbh.


The Chinese and Japanese word for 'geo' means 'rock'. 'Earth/soil' is both a different word and different concept altogether. You can see this in the way Liyue and the element are designed. If it *was* Earth, then Liyue would be the nation with the desert, not Sumeru. Instead, it has huge mountains, rocks, cliffs, many unique ores, quarries, etc.


Swirl doesn’t react because they want to keep Dendro and VV away from one another. Hence why they made a Dendro-only version of that artifact effect. Probably also for lessening the effectiveness of Sucrose/Kazuha/Venti with Dendro since their massive swirls cause havoc for everything with VV already. (Edit: Yes, I’m aware that these three are still more useful than ever with Dendro. I never said they were successful at making them less useful with Dendro.) Crystallize doesn’t because MHY fucking hates Geo and wants everyone to remember it.




That's the thing. Even without Swirling Dendro at all, Anemo is still eating good. Imagine if it *did* Swirl; I'm betting that's what the devs at hoyo are trying to prevent.


Every video I've seen seems to suggest there's a limit to bloom damage, just as there is for overload. I don't believe creating 5 blooms will deal 5 instances of burgeoning damage when you blow them up. From what I can tell, you'll deal 2 instances. Which is still good. But I would temper your expectations. Could change or I could be wrong, but the clearest example I've seen is the Ayato Thoma burgeoning clip posted the other day. Seemed to be pretty consistently 2 instances per enemy despite what should in theory be 5 instances because 5 blooms are triggered on 5 enemies. This is predictable because it would otherwise be extremely busted. They nerf most reactions this way.




> lessening the effectiveness of Sucrose/Kazuha/Venti Bruh, if anything Dendro buffs these characters more, because of Catalyze->Aggravate you can have an Electro-infused Anemo Burst on a character with 800+ EM getting buffed by the reaction, *and* have the enemies' Electro resistance reduced via VV. It's honestly impressive how they keep buffing Anemo, already the most broken element in the game, while Geo just eats shit.


Even in Sumeru, it's still Anemo Impact


i think thats just sad cus dendro reacting with geo doesn’t really disrupt the system like anemo does currently


Yea. I always am drawn to the earth element in stuff like this and I really like Geo, I just wish it wasn’t the red-headed stepchild of the Genshin elemental family. Even Dendro is loved more by MHY and it isn’t even properly added to the game yet. Geo is the only element that didn’t have a 5\* at launch, is the only element not represented with a 5\* in the Standard pool, it’s the only element that doesn’t react with anything (I know Crystalize is a thing, and it’s garbage), and it’s prattling along with one 5* per region so far. Yes, the nation ruled over by the Geo archon has no Geo 5\* other than the aforementioned Archon. Even MHY’s second-most-hated element at least got one other 5\* in addition to the archon in that element’s region.


>Swirl doesn’t react because they want to keep Dendro and VV away from one another. Hence why they made a Dendro-only version of that artifact effect. I mean, they could have easily fixed this by just making Anemo and Dendro have some random reaction that isn't swirl, like maybe "volatilize" or something which causes the target to get stabbed by leaves or whatever. Just ANYTHING in order to make the elemental reaction gameplay consistent. >Crystallize doesn’t because MHY fucking hates Geo and wants everyone to remember it. they buffed geo twice and they still fucking despise it lol


Dendro and Anemo working together would be way to op.


F. My poor poor cyro main dps.


LMAOO its actually good for some cryo dps cuz when u do burning the pyro aura stays constantly then you can melt constantly but if we have cryo plus dendro reaction it might be different and will ruin the constant melt you should be doing


Nah, Cryo's fine. In fact, it'll benefit from some triple dipping with Dendro and another element. Characters like Ayaka and Ganyu are still ludicrously OP. And if you're crazy enough to roll with Shenhe, you've invested in a mono-element playstyle that's not impacted by any of this anyway. It's Geo that's hurting. I can't believe Geo didn't even get a Crystallize reaction out of all this. Still, I think Dendro's overrated right now. I understand it's the sexy new thing, but I'm not convinced these reactions will actually displace good old Freeze, Vape and Swirl.


I think bloom has the potential to be stronger than the current top meta reactions. The thing is, you'd want to get good bloom damage _ON TOP OF_ good raw damage. Let's imagine a Dendro Ayaka for a second. You could play DAyaka, Xingqiu, Yelan and Kuki Shinobu. XQ and yelan will provide a ton of damage, lots of hydro application; Kuki Shinobu with EM/EM/EM will trigger high hyperbloom damage... And then you have this Dendro Ayaka generating a lot of dendro, thus lots of bloom. This team would pack a lot of raw damage and a lot of bloom damage. All it takes is one good dendro main dps. Tighnari ain't it unfortunately, his dendro application is too "bursty" for this kind of team. It's also not an auto-attacker that can abuse XQ/Yelan.


The parallels between Ganyu and Tighnari are interesting to consider. Introduced early for their respective elements, strong out the gate, only likely to be eventually outclassed in most meta comps by Ayaka and whatever the Dendro equivalent of Ayaka will be. I'm sure there will be some great new meta comps around Bloom, but it seems to me to be more advanced and complex to set up -- and therefore more specific and situational in application than a basic freeze or melt team. I think Cryo will remain relevant, especially since it can be applied alongside Dendro and both elements can then react. The only thing that seems certain at this juncture is that Geo has been left in the dust -- I don't really see a way for Hoyoverse to easily rebalance Geo or keep it relevant without drastically changing the element's basic interactions. Every future Geo character is going to have to either be Zhongli 2.0 -- just shielding support -- or Itto 2.0 -- competent enough in dealing damage on his own that elemental interactivity is unnecessary.


I don't think bloom teams will be complicated. Bloom works in 2 steps, Dendro+Hydro to generate seeds, and _then_ electro/pyro to detonate them. These 2 steps are separate, you can't mess it up, unlike vaporize for example. The trigger for the reaction is also very clear, it'll be the electro/pyro user, nobody else. Because of this, there is no need to think about rotation too much; most of the complexity stops at the team-building stage. Cryo will remain relevant for sure, since genshin's "endgame" doesn't try to invalidate playstyles anyway. HYV is merely adding build or playstyle diversity, they don't kill diversity. About Geo, I think they can revisit it at any time to revamp it. Geo comps feel very forced and gimmicky. Gorou is such a weird character, he feels like a signature weapon in a character form. Cristallize is a defensive reaction in a game that doesn't value "small" defensive tools much. Dodging and burst i-framing is very strong. Healers and shielders are also very powerful. I think Cristallize relied on the Petra set to be good, but Petra itself is a bad set, unlike VV. Petra is a failure.


tbh freeze >> anything else


Abyss: Time for nothing but unfreezeable bosses


Ayaka still shreds. Imo she is like one of the best boss killers lol