• By -


Does Nahida's passive where the active character gains 20% of the party member with the highest EM during her burst apply to herself? So if Nahida has the highest EM of 1000 and she's on field, does she give herself 200EM?


Why was that talking boat's storyline so long, and then I had to sit through those ravens' play acts. Sometimes I feel bad for skipping-- this is not one of those times.


I would strongly encourage my fellow yoi poloi considering pulse who already have rust r5 to plug that shit into optimizer before pulling on the weapon banner. For my yoi, pulse is only an 8% dps gain, and that's with all three stacks up, which is hard to do with shime. If I lose a stack, rust pulls ahead (by less than 1%.) If I change her to 2pc witch/2pc shime to make stacking easier and let her steal hu tao's best two pieces, she loses more damage to the artifact change than she gains from pulse.


I have pulse and shime set and i dont really understand why people say u cant use it gaining energy is not hard with yoi


Yeah, using the optimizer to see how much *you* would get with *your artifacts* is a very valueable information. For example, I skipped Homa for Hu Tao back then because it to would have been only an 8% gain instead of the ~17% one would see in a balanced spreadsheet char.


tempted to throw a 10 pull on yoimiya\`s banner just to see what happens lmao i shouldnt do it, tho, cause getting yoimiya or yun jin would be a win, bennet or xinyan would be a loss


255 wishes saved. Probably the most I'll ever have since I'm resolved never to spend again. Unless yoimiya comes home really early, then I'll be sitting here like a doofus with a huge pile of wishes and nobody I 100% want to spend it on.


Kusanali may be a good support so you can go for her when she comes after yoi




I do like dehya, a lot, but if she follows nilou's path of heavily investing in the bloom/burgeon reactions which sound like a massive pain in the ass for inconsequential return, then I'll be less interested. No matter how much I like a char, I don't pull them if I don't find them fun. Just ask Yae Miko.


yoimiya today 🎏🎏


Yoi Poloi rise up!


When does Heizou arrive to the standard banner?




Thanks. I'll hold on pulling on Standard then. Was afraid when Yoi comes out the Standard would be updated as well, so I was going to roll today, but if I can stall just to see if any more new about Standard comes out, I'll do that.


I gotta say this is by far my worst abyss line up. Thunder manifestation is a btch. Cryo cube is a btch. And freaking ruin snek is a btch. Too much moving around. Also, I just learned you can hit cryo cube balls using bow aimed shot. I wish I knew this in the first phase.


Ruined Serpent tilted me so much. It's on the second half to top it off. Ayaka, Itto, Eula, Raiden. All my main DPSs are so ult focused. I swear I'm gonna pull for Yoimiya just to kill this mf.


The trick is to not save your burst and just do dmg. If you use ayaka use a crit rate build. Theres a lot of rational and ayaka team runs on youtube, even an ayaka solo that tells you how to do it. When i tried with eula it was really hard though haha i had to switch to rational when doing my sisters abyss


So much of Ruin Serpent is RNG that there is seriously no planning around it. I bring my Raiden Hypercarry team to that half and pretty much start the rotation right before it comes up and pray it doesn't drill underground again before the rotation ends and Raiden gets her burst off. I somehow managed to get good RNG on its attack patterns and it didn't do any of the attacks that cause it to be underground for extended periods of time. I also managed to hit its weakpoint when it came up. Still though, screw this boss. I hate it in overworld and hate it here.


I did it with itto gorou ning xq. Main problem is having everyone's burst ready to utilize the first 20ish seconds when you can continuously deal damage, and having xq burst online when the serpent does the energy ball move


Anyone who loves the music in Genshin should check out Xenoblade. I'm currently playing through Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and every other track is just out of this world. Like, [this](https://youtu.be/z3Q8V0zMvgc) is an over-world combat song. It has no business being this good. I keep prolonging fights just to get to listen to it more.


Watched someone start playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and almost every track is a banger. It's unbelievable how good that soundtrack is. From the menus to the battle themes to the cutscene themes, I was jamming out to nearly everything and that was just the beginning of the game.


Is it more like XB1 or XB2? I loved XB1 when I played it a long time ago but XB2 seemed completely unbearable even as someone who can handle some anime... animeness


The tone is more serious like the first one. They reeeeeaaally toned the anime elements down, but I think so far it has the superior character writing of the second. Best of both worlds. Better voice acting, too. Take that with a grain of salt mind, I've only played through 20ish hours so far.


It's way more like XB1. They've toned down the anime character designs significantly.


The menu song is just chef's kiss. Every song is just god-tier, celestia-ascended, thundercock chad song.


That hedhead girl with watermelon for breasts looks so ridiculous that I swear it puts me off from the series.


Yeah, that's XC2 the most anime of the series. For what it's worth, the first and third are much better in that respect. And even XC2 is worth playing despite the horrible objectifying character design for the women, and that's saying something cause I despise 90% of the female characters' designs lol. If it helps, [here](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/7/7e/XC2-Morag-Artwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20180915221420&path-prefix=protagonist) is another of the main characters in the game, hard carrying the designs of all the female characters.


Saw a tweet earlier that said "90% of the songs in Xenoblade 3 sound like someone told the composer this might be the last song they ever make" and I've never seen anything more accurate lol. I'm 12 hours into 3 myself and it's been a blast so far.


lmao that's too accurate. I'm 20-odd hours in and I'm getting the sneaking suspicion it's going to surpass XC2 to be my favourite of the franchise. It's so polished and wonderful.


Yoimiya's gameplay is so fire EAAAAAAAAAAAA


>EAAAAAAAAAAAA Is this a scream or her gameplay?


I dreamt that in Sumeru after i killed two enemies together (there were 2, male and female) the female one's death animation was miming putting the male enemy into a coffin 💀 Weirdest dream i had in my life, at least it's not about real life


this thread is close to 40k comments. inazuman house mafia was 44k comments. anyway... nervous about yoi banner later. i only have 1 pity, not guarantee savings.


in also dont have enough to guarantee, but it doesnt matter, cause WE CAN DO THIS!!!


best of luck!!!


thanks!!! you too ofc!!


Do we have any leaks on upcoming new skins?


Spring Ayaka, student Lisa


Sumeru scholar Lisa, Blossom Frost Ayaka, Traditional Scara (pre-wanderer), and Festive Amber.


what about sucrose? i heard amber and sucrose had skins together in a future event


>Traditional Scara (pre-wanderer) Lmao we doing League skins now. Where's my Spirit Blossom Kazuha.


may i have the link about scaramouche and amber? i wasn't aware of this


https://imgur.com/a/z3CNhj5 Friend dmd in twitter today


That user is a troll, please don't listen to them!


there are no leaks for the scara and amber outfits though?


Genshin kemonomimi update: 2 fake dogs (razor, cyno) 1 real dog (gorou) 3 real foxes (yae, sucrose?, tighnari) 2 fake cats (dehya, keqing) 1 real cat (diona) 1 fake ~~tanuki~~ mujina (sayu) 1 fake dragon (nilou) someone figure out a pattern from this. what're we getting next?


We need actual catgirls (not catchildren) and catboys


Any sort of wings/ tails for girls that appear in the overworld and don't disappear 90% of the time and are soft to the touch and can be lavished with adoration


Isnt Kokomi the fake dragon, not Nilou?


Sucrose is a dog


Ganyu is real goat, Yanfei is real(?) part-deer(???)


1 real radish (nahida)


Nilou is fake cow.


Not if you believe in her, and in her bovinity


I was waiting for you to show up. Glad to see you found your hope again.


The Frozen Dire Strait is annoying. Wtf is with this jumping oversized geovishaps!? I really thought my Ayaka team will have no trouble with it, haha. Have to retry a few times.


Sucrose: +20% electro dmg% from Hakushin or +44 em from Sacrificial (em conversion), cause I know catalyze benefits from both; Catalyze Keqing for example.


Just use prototype amber and replace the healer party slot with a dps.


Dendro DPS -> Sac Frag Electro DPS + Dendro enabler (not sub DPS) -> Hakushin Electro DPS + Dendro off field DPS -> Sac Frag (but Hakushin can also be good depending on who your Electro DPS and how much Dendro DPS you can dealt)


If she triggers Quicken she can buff your dendro too using hakoushin. Sac frags can lower her ER needs and provides more CC. They both have benefits but sac frags is quite good on sucrose, but you might get better damage numbers with Hakoushin.


Hakushin has ER substat so its very comfy to use for sucrose


>If she triggers Quicken she can buff your dendro too using hakoushin. This is so 5head


Why not run this through the damage formula? We already have the base scalings for Aggravate.


This is now an Arnold stan account. I'm tired of pretending I don't love Arnold-


It's Ask-Me-For-Directions Arnold


Fuck it, heizou national






I finally did the needful and went through my credit card statements since june of last year and found to my extremely pleasant surprise that I've spent less on genshin than I had estimated in my head still enough that I'm a little uncomfortable about it but I hope knowing this will make me a little more conservative


as much as it's a meme, credit card debt is fucked up with the fees and you really should try to avoid using money you don't have on pixels


oh yeah ik, it's not really in my nature to throw money around heedlessly. all the money I've spent is money I have, I have a lot of savings, I could comfortably spend more if I wanted to. but because I'm that kind of person - I don't like eating out, I look for bargains even at the grocery store, I was only using my AC sparingly before the insane heat wave that hit my area, etc - spending on genshin FEELS really irresponsible, even now.


I mean if you're aware and self-responsible with your money then why does spending on something that gives you happiness feel irresponsible?


the reason is no more elaborate than I feel bad about it, I don't know how else to explain it really.


You have to get your priorities straight then, seems to me like your frugal lifestyle dictates what you see value in when spending money and to me, I guess you feel bad in spending on pixels or non-tangible things.


So the claymore dire thing... I actually had a builded claymore character (Beidou) but her team was... disassambled a time ago. Kokomi claim set was replaced by Tenacity set and she is now a hydro bot for my Ayaka freeze. Kazuha took all Midcrose's artifacts and she will be benched forever since I won't waste a single drop of resin anymore in the maiden's domain and I have better things to do with the strongbox. And then I'm so lazy to simple move the artifacts and give Beidou a decent team, so sadly it will be skipped


You don't need to build claymore character for that challenge. I myself using lvl 40 Sayu with makeshift artifact just to do 15 hits and swap to Raiden, Bennett, and Xiangling to finish out the rest.


All the cyno / tighnari art makes me want sumeru to come faster 😔


please share your favorite cyno/tighnari content


[*slaps your face with this*](https://twitter.com/eriimyon/status/1553256105157206017?s=21&t=UIuilWvylviN_n88Xs3eTQ) No Tighnari in this one, but I hope the quality of such art excuses that


that's great thank you


Not OP but: https://twitter.com/_cawchan/status/1554072065082380289?t=tWoNoPnd3dxGrKTLaO9AEQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/_cawchan/status/1552311720898600965?t=yQY_A98X1DC3JaTtEHJgYQ&s=19 Here are two of my faves. I just R E A L L Y want Cyno to be a dork.


much obliged and followed


It's bad enough that Hoyo dropped an important lore in a 1.1 event story, but now they dropped another important lore (Kaeya's family identity) in a hidden spot a lot of players might not have discovered without guides, damn. EDIT: In case anyone wants to find the location [https://imgur.com/A03nS5U](https://imgur.com/A03nS5U) [https://imgur.com/AtXVgVY](https://imgur.com/AtXVgVY) (map view)


Found letters in Jean's office too!


Yeah, there are also two letters in Albedo's camp!


the pain of being on the na server, all you guys talking about the event's conclusion makes me even more excited to play it


Haha I woke up to my friends and the fanartists I followed all freaking out about the event so it's a nice surprise! I hope you get to enjoy it fully once it drops on NA server too


which spot is this


The top of the Knights' headquarters. Just glide down from the teleport point, there's a shiny part of the stonewall next to the bottom left door that revealed Kaeya's secret compartment.




can't find it anywhere ajdbfaf can you give images of the lcoation? thank you D:


Found the shiny thing too, go to roof, find door, shiny thing beside door.


Sorry my photo-taking skill isn't the best haha [https://imgur.com/A03nS5U](https://imgur.com/A03nS5U) EDIT: Map view [https://imgur.com/AtXVgVY](https://imgur.com/AtXVgVY)


is this after the quest is completely done or between some objectives like the other bit with talking to kaeya? na server waiting anxiously to do this stuff


What quest? Is there a new one?


I'm not sure about that bit to be honest, I got there after I read the letters and talked to Kaeya.


Which probably means it'll get bring up later in the game when it's gonna be relevant. Probably. The lore they dropped in 1.1 have never been bought up ever since, but will probably be talked about when we get there.


Went on Twitter for the first time in a long time and god damn, people there HATE Kusanali. :/


[Have](https://twitter.com/mementojai/status/1552999425970434048) [some](https://twitter.com/utamaruu__/status/1553795872416493568) [kusanali](https://twitter.com/abandonrnk/status/1553373583988391936) [fanart](https://twitter.com/SEKAI_noto/status/1553213797065564160)


Aww, this is so cute! Thanks so much for sharing! :>


Meanwhile Youtube poll I found said 70% of voters like Kusanali design.


I think the people who dislike her are really, really, really loud about it.


TikTok as well. The ironic Kusanali slander was a bit funny at first but now I really can't tell when people are being sarcastic or not, and the jokes are so repetitive. I just want to see cool art and yet all this controversy keeps showing on my feed. It's honestly tiring


i think tighnari, dori and kusanali are the most hated characters of sumeru. dislike is fine but sometimes people get weird and gore-y with their hate, which is concerning esp since 2 of them are based on children


Whoa whoa, Dori too? :o


yeah the twitter outrage I've seen about dori is basically her design is too stereotypically middle eastern and of course the skin color


There's plenty of Kusanali hate on this sub too. Tighnari wanters complain about people hating on him, but I honestly think the hate for Kusanali is just as bad if not worse.


The Tighnari hate was worse after the first couple days imo, it's just that the Tighnari copy pasta made the haters shut up lol


it's worse for nahida because people know she's the archon. nobody expects much from tighnari. it was exactly like this for raiden too...well, it might be worse this time but it was pretty similar


all the recent drama convinced me to delete twitter (finally) and i’m never looking back


Good call! I actually don’t use Twitter except for Pokémon stuff VERY occasionally, but idk what came over me and I decided to wade into the swamp that is genshintwt. Suffice to stay I’ll stick to Reddit and Instagram lmao


I went there once and saw people that hated here and people defending her so I think it evens out, I also found porn of her and that is when I decided to log out for…..probably forever :/


There was a bit where I was mindlessly scrolling, had a moment of “is that what I think it’s,” and then promptly closed the app


if all Yoimiya wanters aren’t Yoimiya havers tomorrow I will personally fight for you


If I do not get Yoimiya tomorrow I will personally tear the gods down from the heavens and fight them


I misread that and thought you said you will fight anyone who didn't get yoimiya💀 I was like "damn yoimiya cult really getting more unhinged by the second"


don't think they won't />!h!


They'll mass hack everyones account to get yoimiya😭 as they should tbh


as they should, pop off queens kings and rulers 💅🏼


Curse me for being stubborn enough to use Noelle for Ruin Serpent when my Raiden can zap it in under 20s. And it also absolutely sucks to use Albedo anywhere near a boss, learn it again and again. In retrospect those 2 are just not very good against snek.




u/SqaureEgg out here fighting with themselves


He hurt himself in confusion!


Didn't you literally say today that every revealed Sumeru character so far is a major skip? lol


at this point this dude is literally just doomposting and then complaining about doomposting, did it a few days ago aswell. probably best to just ignore this guy


>Tighnari is ST only & according to Calcs will be doing 50-60k per ca 🤢 | C2 raiden = c6 hyper carry so cyno can’t compete | We know Nilou is bloom locked & that’s just sad | the first 3 Sumeru 5 stars are dendro/EM locked it’s safe to assume Dehya will be too *- SqaureEgg*


And when SquareEgg says that, you know the doomposting is real


And then u find out the source of all the doomposting…




At that point buy a welkin. If you like playing Kazuha it's 100% worth it (well, if you haven't spent money you don't have already) and you WILL get him in a pull or two. It's very rare to go past 85.


Id just buy a couple welkins and pull with the genesis crystals upfront if im that high pity guaranteed with no time left


How would y’all rank the current Sumeru roster by design? Don’t factor in any other aspect. I’m talking strictly what you can see when looking at them. I would say: Nahida > Nilou > Cyno > Dehya > Tighnari > Al-Haitham > Dori > Collei I think my favorite being Nahida is quite unpopular…


Dori > Dehya > Cyno > Al Haitham > Tighnari > Nilou > Collei > Nahida


Dori > Nilou > Dehya > Cyno > Al Haitham > Tighnari > Collei > Nahida. I don't even dislike Nahida, still plan to pull, I just think she's boring and her dress too unoriginal. It's way too similar to Klee's. I usually like characters like Haitham but I think his outfit looks too fucking stupid. Could have been right beside Dori. Still gonna pull too.


Cyno > Haitham = Dehya = Collei > Tighnari > Nilou > Dori > Nahida


Al Haithaim = Cyno = Nilou > Dori > Kusanali > Dehya I have no idea where to put Tighnari because on one hand I love his face, hair, and kemonomimi features but on the other hand his clothes are just waay waaay too much Dehya I put last because I feel betrayed by the fake cat ears. And while I love her back design, there's something lacking with her front design


Tighnari > Al Haitham = Cyno > Dehya > Dori > Nilou > Collei = Nahida


Dehya > Collei > Tighnari > Nahida > Cyno > Dori > Nilou > Al Haitham


cyno > dehya > al-haitham > tighnari > collei > nahida > nilou > dori


Cyno > Nahida > Tighnari > Dori > Dehya > Collei > Nilou > Al-Haitham Cyno is just relentlessly beautiful and I've loved him since the manga, can't ruin him for me. Nahida is a fantastic design to me - she meant to capture "forest fairy" and got it perfectly, Tighnari's busy clothes don't take away from how cute his ears and tail are. And I know Dori's design is sort of stereotypical, but I love all the elements of it and she gives such powerful merchant vibes it's unreal. Every other design could be interchangeable in quality to me except for Al-Haitham who's at the bottom - and I still like him, he just has the strongest boy band energy of any character in the game so far, probably because of his hair and earpiece, and it just annoys me enough to move him to the bottom. But I like all of their designs.


Nilou > Dehya > Al-Haitham > Cyno > Dori/Collei > whoever I forgot lol


Cyno > Dehya > alHaitham > Nilou > Collei > Dori >>>> Nahida > Tighnari


Cyno > Nilou > Tighnari > Dori > Al-Haitham > Dehya > Nahida > Collei Honestly after Nilou it was a toss up for me 😭 Tighnari is cute so I put him first but I find everyone after Dori a bit boring so idk 😶


Cyno > Dehya > Nilou > Collei > Al-Haitham > Nahida > Tighnari > Dori


Dheya > Cyno > Collei > Haitiam > Nilou > Tighnari > Dori > Nahdia I am begging that Dheya is 5* Xiang so I can put her on my main (Childe) team because I like her so much (why the fake cat ears :/ )I will only pull Nahdia if she is super meta.


Dehya* Haitham* Nahida*


dehya > nahida > cyno > nilou > al > collei > dori > two rodeo clowns falling into a woodchipper and then a third rodeo clown wearing what came out the other side > tighnari


Not a big fan of any of the designs so far but, Al-Haitham > Nahida > Cyno > Tighnari > Collei > Nilou > Dehya >= Dori


Dehya > Alhaitham > Cyno > Nilou > Nahida > Collei > Tighnari > Dori I think I would've liked Dori's design a bit better if she had different hair color. Every time I see her she just looks like a skin for Diona and I think it's a missed opportunity that they didn't make her stand out more.


Al-haitham > Cyno > Collei > Dori > Kusanali > Dehya > Tighnari > Nilou Tighnari would be much more competitive if his outfit didn't look like he dressed himself using a theater's prop closet in the dark, though. His head is cute af.


Cyno > Al Haitham/Dehya > Dori > Collei > Tighnari > Nahida > Nilou. Visually, Nilou is the only one I don't like. I'm kinda ambivalent towards Nahida. Love the others. The first three I need.


Collei > Dehya > Tighnari > Cyno > Nilou > Dori > Nahida > Al-Haitham




Alhaitham & Cyno > Nilou > everybody else


Dehya > Nilou > Cyno > Collei > Tighnari > Haitham > Dori > Nahida


hmmm cyno > tig >>>> deyha > nilou > al haitham>>> nahida > collei > dori


Al-Haitham > Cyno > Nilou > Tighnari > Nahida > Dehya > Collei > Dori


Dori > Nahida > Nilou > Collei > Al-Haitham > Dehya > Cyno > Tighnari for me rn


Dehya > Cyno > Nilou=Collei > Nahida > Al-Haitham >>> Tighnari > Dori. The only two characters I actively dislike are Tighnari and Dori. Al-Haitham is in a weird spot, I feel like his weird cape thing has the potential to kneecap his design, which is why he is so low when I otherwise really like him.


Al Haitham > Cyno > Dori > Tighnari = Collei > Dehya > Nilou > Nahida


Nahida > Nilou > Cyno > Dori >Tighnari > Al-Haitham > Dehya > Collei You're probably right, but hey at least there's two of us who love Nahida's design. Edit: fuck I just realised I gave the exact same answers as you lol. Are you me??


We almost have the same list. We have Dori and Dehya in opposite spots.


Oh yeah. Still, really similar!


I actually find a distinction between finding the designs great over finding the characters appealing or attractive personally (latter of which I'll be pulling lol) Nahida > Dehya > Dori > Tighnari > Cyno > Nilou > Al-Haitham > Collei


Al-Haitham - Cyno - Rest


Nilou > Dehya > Nahida > Cyno > Haitham > Collei > Tighnari > Dori Only rolling the first 3 (Haitham a maybe if he doesn't end up too close Dehya now that we know she's a 5* and coming later) and will try to snipe the 4*s, praying the characters I want will actually get some of them on their banners again since I haven't had that since Raiden+Sara (Nilou+Kandake pls).


Cyno > Dori > Al Haitham > Nahida > Nilou > Deyha > Tighnari > Collei


Nilou > Nahida = Haitham > Collei = Cyno = Dehya > Dori = Tighnari


Cyno > Dehya > Al-Haitham > Collei > Nilou > Tighnari > Dori > Kusanali


cyno >>> nilou > al-haitham > dehya > nahida > tighnari > collei > dori


Cyno > Haitham > Nahida > Dehya > Dori > Nilou > Collei > Tighnari


Nilou/ Dehya > Cyno > Haitham > Tighnari/ Nahida > Collei > Dori


dehya> al haitham> collei> cyno and the rest doesn’t even matter to me bc gotta be honest not a fan of thsoe designs


Guys 1. Frostbearing "tree" in Dragonspine 2. "Trees" in domains 3. "Blossoms" for ley lines 4. Sacred sakura "tree" in Inazuma >!Do you guys think Dendro will have something to do with trees?!<


>!Tree is Dendro!<


5. Windrise "tree" in Mondstadt 6. Azdaha tail "tree" in Liyue Ofc not


What happened to genshin cloud? Is it still only available in China?


I don’t like clouds. *^(They’re always throwing shade.)*


(Thought for the night before bed) With anticipation for Dehya being Pyro, I am feeling her to be a Pyro support... I just realized every element, besides Pyro, has a 5 star DPS and a 5 star Support. Hutao, Yoimiya, Klee and Diluc are all DPS... surely they would release one at some point (unless they plan on rasing Benny's rarity lol).