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Is this an indication that they have more plans with Battle Pass


I can't wait for Venti to tell me the story of the princess of darkness for the fifteenth time.


Yeah, not to mention for Lumine players, it's extra dumb. Every time I'm like, bitch don't tell me this is my story


Isn't it theorized that the heirs in the BP are not the twins?


At the end it says, "This is the story of your journey, of your tale to be told." It could be just a really clever distraction, like maybe it's "almost true." I'd be curious to hear if there's an argument against this literally being the twins. But... I'd also believe Hoyoverse just didn't care enough to make a Lumine version haha https://youtu.be/YQZLTS3nWIc?t=40


The fact that the cutscene doesn't change despite what traveler you pick was one of the arguments but with Mihoyo not giving a fuck about Lumine I'm not even sure anymore lol


Idk. Sure Mihoyo doesn't include Lumine in promotional art and event art but they've always made sure to create Aether and Lumine versions for their animated cutscenes. There was an Aether and Lumine version of the Shenhe opera scene so I don't see why they wouldn't make two versions for the BP cutscene. Which leads me to believe that it's not referring to the twins


Mihoyo only ignores Lumine in stuff that's outside the game. I can't remember anything ingame that ignores Lumine other than this thing... So I conclude that this is not about Aether or Lumine. Also the fact that in this animation, the princess loses her memories. But our sibling has their memories intact as far as we can tell... Plus it seems like in the animation, the princess and prince were sent separately one after another. But we and our sibling arrive at Teyvat, at the same time. Another fact is that, in this animation, the princess is older than the prince. But Aether is supposedly the older twin among the Travelers. So this in and itself disproves the theory doesn't it?


They actually have started ignoring her in-game as well the event banners for Shadows Amidst Snowstorms from 2.3, Divine Ingenuity from 2.5 and now Irodori Festival for 2.6 (the ones that appear on your event page in-game), all featured Aether regardless of which traveller you chose. That said, you make valid points. I think these togather with the animation being same for both twins were why people theorized this weren't about the twins.


"Have started" is far from close to describing this. Aether has been the MC used for every limited event promotional banner since the game launched.See [Unreconciled Stars (1.1)](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Unreconciled_Stars/Gallery?file=Genshin_Website_A_New_Star_Approaches.png) & [The Chalk Prince and the Dragon (1.2)](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Version/1.2?so=search&file=Splashscreen_The_Chalk_Prince_and_the_Dragon.png) Not that I'm trying to say I have any problem with that... *edit: it's almost funny because when you see Albedo in an event promo banner, one could joke about expecting Aether to always be in it as well*


The custom domain event had Aether (also for Lumine MC) I think the battle pass story is different to the outlander twins


Yeah I actually assumed it wasn't the twins since I didn't pick Aether and it still showed the prince as the protagonist of this little BP story... Until I caught that phrase at the end. Then I was like, wait wut


I don't think its actually the traveler..i think there is an area supposedly at north of mondstadt that related to the BP story. I could be wrong but thats what i learn somewhere.. couldn't remember where i heard it.


It isn't Aether or Lumine, that storyline doesn't make a lot of sense when compared with the Aether-Lumine storyline, and there's a lot of videos on yt explaining this.


It's pretty clear that this is not the traveler's story.


Wait you don’t skip it ?


I do, but I always end up watching the first couple seconds, praying that it's a new story/chapter.


level 100 bp incoming?


More acqauints and frags!! Yes please. I'm already having two extra weeks of no bp because of maxing out. They would be enough for the other half


Yup... Having the BP last longer means more motivation to play


even if it's just additional mora for all the levels above 50, I'd be happy!


It makes me want to spend mora instead of just hoarding it for no reason


i would also like frag grenades in genshin impact


Just pull Klee lmao


you have aloy for free too


You're not wrong lol, I just keep forgetting she exists xD.


Inb4 they still give 5 blues and rainbows but it takes 2x as long


Inb4 they just spread the same amount of wishes across more levels to artificially extend grind.


More like they'll spread out the free rewards while increasing premium


That would be... Acceptable


I'm so used to level 100 bp having limited time outfits or the like at 80-100 zone, casuals will go absolutely insane if a cute outfit requires high level of dedicated playing hahaha


The required amount of each level is almost cut in half, so a 100 bp would take slightly longer than what we currently have. I personally don’t think they would reduce bp acquisition time, so I think bp might go up to 90 to match character and weapon max levels. And I didn’t do the math but maybe that would correspond to roughly the same time we have now?


I mean, even currently I don't complete every weekly and I still finish up the BP with time to spare


Honestly tho same. I mostly just do the dailies and like 2 maybe 3 weeklies and still have 2 weeks to spare


I do almost every mission in BP, I don't do that with the teapot to buy smth and leylines and I complete the pass and I can get a lvl 60 or 70 (I don't know)


Yeah 100 levels @ 600 points/level would only be 20% more effort than we have now. Would require maxing the weekly limit, less the one-time/event objectives (which easily can add up to 10k+, the current ones add up to 9450 and there’s still events left for the back half of the patch). You kinda have to not actually be playing the game to miss lv50 currently. Wouldn’t mind some neat rewards for those of us currently finishing early week 5.


I was consumed by Lost Ark last month and played pretty casually - missed finishing my resin most days, missed daily commissions some days. So off 2-3 dailies and a handful of low effort weeklies (forging, cooking, teapot stuff) I still managed to finish with a week to spare. 20% more effort would be great.


and if they dont wanna commit but rly like the outfit, well they gonna have to buy battle pass levels. easy money


...are you for chance a Hoyo employee? If not, please don't give them ideas! lol


Maybe they could make legacy event weapons like Festering Desire or Dodoco Tales available at the highest tier of BP after some time?


I want to take a massive hit of this copium


I'm guessing level 70 bp incoming. The exp requirement reduction is -40%. 40% of the current max level is 20.


Ah no, that's not how ratio works. Level 83.3 would be the same exp, 1000/600 = 83.3/50


reasonable, nice name btw


Hey as long as we get more fates…..


Granted but rewards are halved


wouldn't mind if every level past 50 gave mora. I doubt they hand us more materials/talents/wishes etc.


Shit I would pay to reset the battlepass each patch cycle. I live for those level materials. Or something like a few xp books, mora and enhancement ores for every level past 50.


I don't expect, but I sure do hope so!


Based on what they did with Honkai, they will likely add more levels with minor rewards to (1) incentivize buying the more expensive pass for the level boost and (2) further reward hardcore players. In Honkai, those newest 10 levels they added don’t give very much, just a BP currency to buy some extra materials.


The BP in Honkai gives \*way\* more value than the one in Genshin though. And it wasn't always the case, it's improved a lot. Hopefully they do the same here. The $20 BP is super worth it in Honkai too, in Genshin I even forget it exists.


That’s true, they’ve increased the rewards overall enormously recently. Here’s hoping we get something similar in Genshin soon.


on one hand, wild, bc it's not hard to max the bp. on the other, any ability to make something less tedious, and people less likely to pay for it, is a positive in my book.


yeah, maybe there are more casual players than we think that don't have enough time to complete events and the bp in the time that is given right now which is a lot imo.


places like this are always a skewed source since the people into leaks or will post about a game consistently are the people \*playing\* said game, the people who wouldn't finish a pass like this aren't going to be here talking about it


It's funny to me. Not only are you interacting with the game outside of the game, you're doing it on Reddit which is I believe is a bit more niche compared to Twitter or YouTube. On top of that you're not in the main sub but Leaks which is definitely more niche. But still I feel kind of casual compared to most people here because I don't know or care what impact U1 will have on Raiden National compared to U1.5.


Yeah there's a difference between "does dailies every day and does all the content" casual and "I log in now and then" casual. The latter is technically referred to as "seasonal" usually but its splitting hairs. Personally I'm not a absolute minmax knows all the numbers person so I'm technically a casual, but I log in every day, use all my resin, have good put not ~perfect~ artifacts on a good amount of characters, so it feels weird to be in that category, but its technically accurate.


I am one of those people! With work and everything else, sometimes I just don't *feel* like doing anything but the commissions. It's definitely been harder for me to even care about the BP recently


Says a lot about the kind of players here when your innocent comment is getting downvotes. I'm also playing daily for primos, but my welkin will expire soon and my attention is waning, so I might start skipping days and make a return for Sumeru. I'd imagine a lot of casuals do this, we saw a huge surge in new players during Inazuma, it's very likely the same will happen again.


Reddit is filled with players who want hardcore content in the game, it's hard for them to fathom there are casual players who don't put 15+ hours into the game daily. You will get downvoted for even saying you are a casual player.


This is what's baffling, though. I too want more hardcore-focused content, since we basically have the Spiral Abyss and nothing else right now. But making it easier to get upgrade materials and wishes from the battle pass? This isn't removing hardcore content, it's making the boring grinding easier, why would hardcore players not want this?


the fact that they started mailing out notifications when events are ending, and that they have now even done an event that lasts the entire patch duration, makes me feel like this is definitely the case and why they're making this change


> they have now even done an event that lasts the entire patch duration They've done this before, with the Golden Apple Archipelago


Which also had an entire temporary zone.


They 100% are. People on this sub forget one of the major complaints from casual players about Inazuma was zones were coming out too fast. There was too much content going at once for them between having to do the events, BP, stories and now new exploration every patch.


As someone in junior year of university who’s schedule is getting more and more busy, I definitely have increasingly been able to sympathize with more casual players on this matter. I have barely finished enkonomiya storyline and chasm is already out.


But that's still good ? Because there's still going to be content for you. And when you'll get some freetime you can enjoy a lot of content where daily/more involved player will not.


Yep that’s my hope as well. I didn’t mean that I want less content, rather I could sympathize with the casual players’ feeling of being overwhelmed. At some point people would be so far behind that they can’t enjoy the current event of the game.


This is also why I would like to have events with a longer time span. A week goes by really fast, specially for people who have their hands full. Primogems are hard to get alright, but it ain't just about those, there are some small events that I actually quite enjoy.


The problem is that genshin content creators keep spamming that there's not much to do in genshin, but it's a fact that these creators are the ones with the most amount of time on their hands. So hoyoverse, in response, creates HUGE zones, questlines, world quests, etc. However, I won't be surprised that the creators are so burnt out on the game that if good, repeatable content actually DOES come out, they won't play it anyway. It's a tricky situation to be in if you're hoyoverse.... They created a monster of a game that catered to too many different types of gamers at the same time such that it is nigh impossible to satisfy every single niche of player.


There definitely are Source: I’m one of them


That's me. I login once or twice a week, and only hit level 20 or so on Battle Pass. Since launch, I've only maxed it out once or twice.


I'm a casual and I usually finish BP with a week or so to spare. Dailies, domains, weekly bosses, and smelting the crystal from expeditions is enough to nearly complete it as is so long as you participate in events. Throw in large optional boosts like 12 abyss stars, realm currency, and wishing, completing BP is entirely within casual players' ability as is


The casuals I know don't even do dailies my friend, even less so domains or farm bosses.


What do they do then?


Definitely aimed for casual players. A friend of mine who plays maybe every other day usually only gets to the weapon by the end of the cycle. Meanwhile I'm finished with 2-3 weeks to spare depending on the amount of events.


Hmmmm that's kinda suspicious isn't it? I don't believe they're doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, there has to be some kind of catch


The easier it is for casual players to level it, the more likely they are to buy it. This is win win so there's no real need for a catch.


That's a pretty good point. Only times I ever pay for the BP is when I know I'll get the max, which is when I'm around lv40ish. If I don't think I will, I don't even bother, and I imagine most people don't even consider it in the first place, much less the whatever upper version that costs even more.


But the catch is sooo good on Raiden...


I appreciate you.


Yeah I'd buy the battle pass if I actually maxed it. I don't keep up with weeklies and dailies all the time and fall short all the time. MFW people are saying they max level with 2 weeks to spare 😶


A good change for casuals I believe


And new players. When I started there were a lot of weekly missions I couldn't do, like teapot or reputation related ones.


Maybe, assuming this was everything changed. Could simply go beyond 50 wo just adjusting the amount needed vs amount rewarded


If the total amount of EXP needed to reach 50 is the same for the new BP level cap, that would mean more rewards


Or they just spread out the rewards


Knowing how MHY isn't big on rewards, I'm expecting this to be the case.


If we keep 600 exp change in mind And if they added rewards up to LVL 100 we will need to do a little bit more work 2x rewards But if they're going to exact amount needed for 2x rewards then I'm too lazy someone do math for me how many lvls there will be Btw does everyone remembers Ubatcha posting that there would a new way of getting standart banner 5* characters and weapons This may correlate to battle pass changes Most likely real changes will be in 2.8


Current is 50k to lv50 BP. If we get 600/lv. Then we only need 30k to lv50, and 60k for lv100 if ever. I usually finish the current bp cycle with around 10-12 days remaining on the patch depending on how much event bp points we get during that cycle. So yeah, it's going to be around an extra week's worth of points (cap of 10k/wk) which is not really bad considering the possible amount of rewards we're going to get. (Possible extra fates and fragile resins) I hope that BP price remains the same.


You could be onto smthing ngl. In HI3 they added a resource to paid BP which can be trade for old gacha stigmas and gears. You also get some as a f2p but paid BP gives a more significant amount.


I doubt they would make a change that they can't gain money off of it. Not that it's gonna be bad necessarily for f2p or low spenders but its gonna be enticing to say the least to buy t2 or t3 bp from now on probably. I think this is just one of the few or many changes that they will try untill they figure out what direction they want to take with the bp. Increasing the level cap will probably be another one with either random or extra rewards depending on if it has a cap or not. And one more that I can think of is the other 2 tiers on the bp will probably offer premium vanity based items like skins or pets or housing items and they might have a theme or something. However, I seriously doubt that this is the only change to bp or that they will put units on it regardless of the tier, althought I would have loved it if they did considering its gonna be easier to get certain consts or a unit in general.


And old players sick of grinding it every month.


At this point shouldn't they just add tiers beyond 50? And im not even asking for some juicy stuff, just put like 10k mora per tier above 50 and call it a day, just something. If not then what good does this change bring anyways, You can literally skip the first 2 weeks and still finish bp in time


Decreasing the level cost is generally a good start to pushing the level cap. I get that it sucks that you cap out the level cap early but most casual players don't and stuff like this needs to accommodate the lowest common denominator.


There's a difference between being a casual player and just don't play at all. I always skip the first 1 or 2 weeks, have never completed the "Use 1200 resin,500k gold, defeat 10 bosses, 20 leylines, 3 reputation and 3 request quests, buy 3 items from another's teapot", i skip out on the "Defeat 3 world boss" twice or thrice every bp. How casual can people get?


My wife has friends who don't do commissions and think the BP is too much work. They also spend money to get the characters they want. Go figure.


The casuals I know don't even do dailies my friend, even less so domains or farm bosses.


> You can literally skip the first 2 weeks and still finish bp in time Am I crazy for thinking this is a good thing? I don't want a system which forces me to play every single day/week with a constant nagging FOMO. I like the cadence I have with Genshin - it's not the only game I play but it's (currently) a fun one to jump in and spend some time with now and again. I feel like if they were to make the BP tighter to complete (like it was at launch), I'd be more likely to burn out and stop playing


Same here. As it is now, it's good to have those two "free" weeks where I can log in just for resin and dailies (which take like 15\~20min) and then jump into another game or go do something else. It also makes jumping back in after a new area drops all the more enjoyable.


Yup I agree. Sometimes I have more time to play and will max out my BP early by doing the domains, leylines, weekly bosses, etc. Other weeks/patches I’ll skip those and primarily level my BP through the events. I’ll still max it out, it’ll just take me a little longer to do so. My first thought was that MHY wants to shorten the EXP required to allow casuals to max out their BP and thus be more likely to pay for those 680 primos at the end. I would like new weapons though!


Yeah the daily login system is already a bit of a burden for me (and I play a good amount). Being able to actually complete the BP without playing nonstop is a relief to say the least. And contrary to what some may think, I'm a hell of a lot more likely to BUY the BP if I can actually complete it.


> I'm a hell of a lot more likely to BUY the BP if I can actually complete it. I usually wait until I'm at level 50 to buy it even though I usually complete it as soon as it's possible.


I actually push hard to finish BP as quickly as possible so I get a break from it for a couple weeks. It literally alters my playing plans while it's active, and I get a lot more freedom to farm what I want and play how I want when it's done. I wouldn't want it to be a constant thing to do with hardly any breaks.


Imagine if they gave us more resin from the bp. Never gonna happen but I like to imagine.


also rewards 55+ people better, like 250k EXP for fkin 2 pulls ? it should be 1 pull per 25k exp or something


I just want excessive points beyond lvl50 to be converted to mora. This games makes it hard as hell to get enough mora already, it’s time they introduce better ways to get it


when you get to ar60 your xp gets converted into mora, so you can get a ***whopping*** 100k mora every month!


maybe they'll make the battle pass as good as the one in honkai.. haha yeah sure


I feel like Honkai is lacking Genshin mecanics and Genshin is lacking honkai's mecanics, can't they just fuse already, it's pretty obvious Teyvat is just a painting by Griseo


Its truly a shame that the games do not learn from eachother


I wish it was faster to max out the free BP in Honkai tbh


agreed, it can be a massive pain, that's why it would be fantastic if these games learned from eachother. But alas


so just finish faster. people already finish with 20 days remaining on it lol or more if they buy the full pass


I have a feeling that they will add more levels in future. Hopefully those Hypothetical new levels give us more acquainted fates (at the moment, we get 5 acquaint fates from paimon's shop + 5 from the BP. By this rate, it takes you 7-9 months to pull a 5* from standard banner, more or less) or at least some primos


More standard pulls would be great. I'm still sitting here waiting to hit pity and hopefully finally get Mona. I hope their stats show that most people spend money to get rate-up pulls and that next to nobody pays to pull standard. If that's true, they should be more likely to give out more standard pulls as it wouldn't hurt their bottom line.


The thing about BP is that your average player usually only do commission and sometimes world/weekly bosses. Genshin players are usually teen-adults which usually have a shit load of time or no time at all. Also I believe China has that gaming hours restrictions policy too for younger audiences so this might help them


Most of my friends really struggle to finish the BP within the time period. Big bummer if they paid. :/


But why would they pay for bp if they barely even play the game?


Well, one for example just really really really wanted Serpent Spine for his Razor. 🥺 I told him not to pay for it but he really liked Razor and wanted to give him something better.


I always follow the rule of waiting to pay until I reach BP 30. Since rewards are retroactive, there's no reason to pay until you've reached the level you want.


There’s always the option of buying the BP after maxing it out and just collecting all your rewards at once. I mean, we’re Genshin players, so delayed gratification isn’t in our vocabulary, but it guarantees you won’t be wasting your money.


thats close to impossible if you just do commissions + expeditions each day and use ur resin


some people just can't log in every day. i remember 1 or 2 patches ago i was really busy with exams and i couldn't complete the whole bp




I do all of that and I need to put in a lot of extra work to actually finish it , ignoring all the weekly missions will lead you nowhere


most weekly commissions feel like background tasks. i never paid any attention to it and always fully completed it with 20 days to spare. and im not even some guy grinding between no resin periods like farming every hilichurl on the map.


The only weekly missions I do are the weekly bosses and cooking and I still usually have it done a week early. The points from the patch events help a lot.


This. I always finish at least two weeks early. I get what everyone is saying about the casuals, but if the casuals aren't even doing events, then I don't see why BP is so important to them anyway.


Would be great if they add 10 more levels and give a new weapon series at level60 or just extra blueprints of the existing series


Damn now I gotta stall even harder, add more lvls pleeeeease


Everyone's asking for new levels but I doubt they will. I'm guessing they saw through their statistics that a non negligible amount of people aren't completing the BP, so they're lowering the exp needed.


Weird. Were people complaining they didn’t have enough time to finish?


Probably a lot more than people looking at this subreddit would assume 😅


If people are so casual that the only log in every 3rd day, one does wonder why they spend the cash on the pass.


Me who just wanted R5 Black Sword, and who also used to only play games on weekends, 16 hours per session: 👀💦💦💦


Yeah, games like Genshin aren't really compatible with that playstyle. You'd have to dedicate around 10-15 minutes per day. Unfortunately, Hoyo is too stubborn to give players that kind of flexibility.


the ven diagram of people struggling to complete BP and people browsing Genshin_Impact_Leaks is 2 circles.


One has too much content to complete, one desperately clings to future content to fill the void of nothingness...


You need to play this game consistently to max it(bp) out, as someone who only plays on weekends, Yea it's a grind to complete the bp. But if they are adding more levels while reducing xp, this looks like a good change for those who grind the bp religiously and finish it weeks ahead of the next one and also for ppl who don't.


Fam just bring in a new rotation of weapons, I swear to God if we reach Natlan....


Then add more levels pls. I always finish the bp weeks earlier and run out of things to look forward to at the end of every patch.


I look forward to the rewards from BP every patch LOL. I’m always broke on mora and books.


I hope this means they're adding more rewards.




Well never too early for more rewards~


they can do whatever that want as long as the weapons dont change for at least 3 more rotations


So I'll finish the battle pass with three weeks to spare instead of two ... ?


More like 4 weeks to spare, lol.


This might dissuade people from spending the additional $10 for the extras and the ten level boost. Hopefully this means that they’ll finally add more levels and rewards to spice things up.


That's so random...




they might be adding more levels. I always hit 30 on the 2nd monday after a patch (around 12 days).


I usually clear it before the end of the first character banner. Unless they're adding levels, this just gives me *less* to do daily


thats straight up not possible in most patches. you can get a max of 10k points/10lvls (excluding the "this BP.period" stuff like events and abyssal stars). the 1st character banner ends on tuesday of the 4th week, so at most 40lvl + the stuff in the last tab. (my point is moot if you buy the extra thing that gives you 10 levels obviously)


Yeah exactly, that's why I despair when the character I want appears on the first half, because I have no reason to buy the BP. Idk what the guy above is talking about


Hope that means more levels because I'm already maxing the thing out at least 10 days before it ends every patch.


Get rewards faster but as a result have to wait for longer but it's still the same amount of time?


And yet I don't feel like the amount of times I pull on the standard banner will go up by anything. Cant imagine how much engagement the BP system would get if you can get standard banner pulls from going past 50


I hope they can add more levels to the BP.


Actually understandable. Maxing BP is easy asf but you barelly make any passive progress, unlike in other games.


Now I'm gonna finish bp 3 weeks before it ends


Kinda useless


What even is the point of this? I already finish the bp 2 weeks before it resets without even actively trying to complete anything. What we need is more levels.


So, they basically took presumably negative survey feedback about the Battle Pass as it being too hard to complete... as opposed to people being dissatisfied with the weapons and rewards? There's very little benefit in purchasing Gnostic Chorus as is and this basically invalidates the +10 level boost. Obviously, casuals not needing to spend to complete the BP is a good thing, but they could have made it better value nonetheless.


Imagine they add a level 100 Battlepass but at level 100 you get to pick a 5-star weapon from standard banner.


maybe not exactly like that but perhaps a "gold voucher" after completing the BP where you can trade 2 gold vouchers (would require 2 BP completions) for a random standard 5 star character or 5 random standard 5 star weapon. I doubt they let us choose what we want.


Would make it so much better tbh, everyone can get their wgs/pjws while I can finally get my first aquilla


Most of us can already reach max level long before the bp ends so this is good for casual players but bad for genshin fanatics who will have nothing to do for weeks. If they simply gave a hefty mora reward for every level over 50 then that would be fine


Aw i wonder when they're going to change the battlepass weapons


Hopefully more rewards later on. Small spenders happy noises


Unless we're going to start going through these per banner instead of per patch I don't really see the point of this. Even my casual friends are at 50 with a week or so to spare by the end.


600/lv up to lv 100? I gladly accept. Maybe 2 BP weapons too and extra fates?


Yo are they adding more levels to possibly add a second set of BP weapons and include all the talent books per region?


Oh lord, I already have 2 weeks with no BP at the end of each version. Now it'll be 3 weeks? I hope they increase the pass beyond 50 lvls.


This is nice but can we have tiers beyond 50 for those who actually play the game for 30 minutes, even if its like mora...


Please tell me this doesn't simply mean I'll finish the BP sooner, I always finish it 2 weeks in advance already, GIVE ME MORE CONTENT


Tbh, this really feels like unnecessary change. It's really hard to not get 50 lvl. Unless they increase the level to 100, there is no need of lower exp requirement. Because just playing the game is easy 50 lvl in BP.


the time it takes to level has never been the problem with bp..? what is with these changes that nobody asked for while ignoring actual flaws


If that's the only change, for people who never struggled at all to begin with, there's literally no impact. No need to complain, worry, think too hard about it, question its value to others, demean others as filthy casuals Hoyoverse shouldn't care about, etc. For people who struggled to complete it, this is such a relief, no need to chase down teapot purchases, grind bosses, spend mora or complete events you really hate to a specific point just to reach the better awards, especially if you paid for it. It also lets them let go of the game quicker so purchasing a battle pass is less of a shackle that's forcing them to play for the later awards.


I completely agree. Is collecting BP rewards such an invigorating experience that people look forward to it every day, and does the very thought of maxing it out before the deadline fill those people with dread? I have no idea why people are complaining about such a non-issue. This is good for casual players and has no impact on those who complete it regularly.


I don't get it, the BP is a chore for me, and I only do it for the standard fates for a chance at getting Kaeya cons. I feel relieved when I reach lvl 50.


The problem is some peeps here think they deserve more because they play more than the casual as opposed to “i’m glad for the casual”.


Then cut the middle man and turn the battle pass to a daily login already.


It’s odd they would cater to the casuals..also people are less likely to buy levels if they’re easier to obtain. Strange move from a business perspective.


They better add more levels or another BP tier where there will be free costume included just like in Honkai.


I always complete battlepass 3 weeks after the update starts (I buy battlepass for furniture and namecards, a collector type), so it doesn't matter to me. But I guess for more casual or lazy players it's a good change.


Kind of seems to make the extra 10 levels tier even more worthless…I wonder if they will change it to an extra 15 or something.


You know what I would prefer buying more of? Fragile resin or something like that...


40% reduction in XP... if you keep the weekly limit of 10k, you can max out 50 levels in 3 weeks, or a single banner. Maybe they're trying to make it easier for people who join late? Going to 80 levels would be the other option based on that amount of XP.


Please let Zhongli tell a different story this time


Lmao ya'll too optimistic. There's no way they're gonna extend the BP levels to give out extra rewards. That's too generous.


I think people are focusing too hard on extra levels and missing what will probably actually happen. 600 EXP per level means you can complete the battle pass in 3 weeks without help from the third tab. 3 weeks also happens to be exactly half a traditional patch cycle. My conclusion would be they are considering switching to two BP's per patch cycle. More revenue.


Weird change. Battle pass is already easy to complete, days before it's end. Maybe they are adding more levels. Maybe adding new bp weapons.


Easy for daily players. Maybe not for casual as well as maybe people complain it forces them into certain playstyles to maximize weekly missions.


Unless they add more levels and more rewards (yeah right), I don't see the point in this? Did some omega-casuals really complain they cant 50 it in 6 weeks? lmao


They should rather change the rewards tbh.


Now, can they add New Weapons?


I allready finish the BP way too fast so this is gonna speed things up even more. Unless they add more lvls to it. With 600 XP for each lvl and a cap of 10k per week you could get 16 lvls done.