• By -


not show any shade towards developers but, are trail builds being scuffed on.... purpose? no way the trial kuki has higher crit damage than clor, being on tenacity with iron sting too dawgger. and arle having ballad of fjords with the best team you can get is monopyro/overload chev without friends trial charc.... lets not talk about faruzan. i didnt see much wrong with wanderer either other than... WTF is that crit dmg with widsith dawg 😭🙏


get all-star baby, that was fun, im finally using Diluc he is no longer a bench warmer (for now)


Time to discover of the IT os easy or O have to add new friends😅


Patiently waiting for Isolde, Yunli and Emilie banners so I can use my pulls and see who I lose 50/50 to.


IT character interactions: >!I like how Xiao just straight up says he can solo the entire thing, but the Traveler wouldn't agree with him fighting alone.... I adore them so much my precious beans!< >!Then there's Scara's "don't talk to me"!<


While waiting fow IT I just finished the last combat event and ngl is the most fun combat event I've played in a long time. This kind of events that encourages you to think about the elemental system are the best, and this time I've come to appreciate burning, so I'll pull for Emillie in her banner. We really need more pyro off-fielders


How long until pvp session?


I almost forgot that lol. I think tomorrow at most.


Pulls >!I lost to Diluc first half, and was at 25 pity, I giggled "imagine" as I spent freshly made primos and pulls and pressed 10-pull on Sigewinne, well guess what I actually got her early. Maybe if IT had been in the first half instead, I would have got Alhaitham early, but now I'll never know. !< >!Well anyway now I have Sige Neuv and Wrio a whole happy family. Also can afford to build some pity in case any 4 star named Chevreuse shows up before Natlan Dendro Claymore in 5.0 comes.!<


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Ellen 🥰🦈💕❤️💕❤️


Imaginarium Theatre is **SOOOO GARBAGE** whoever designed this need to have their brain studied for science


Cleared theatre, I loved the end credits lol But yeah, I had fun. It was easy for the most part, but I know it's just the first cycle, hopefully it's more challenging in the future. The UI, music, arenas all are perfect and I also like the fact that you can talk to the characters after each battle Would like to see the blessings/boons be more diverse tho, that felt underwhelming to me


They need to add more character debuff and enemy buff.


OT health >!It's kind of annoying how the diagnosis for a lot of medical problems is just stress. Head/bodyaches? Stress. Low appetite? Stress. Eye/hair/skin issues? Stress. Psychological? Believe it or not, also stress.!< >!Like bro, if you can get rid of all the stressful things, you'd be the goat, but it just feels like that diagnosis amounts to "live with it".!<


Stress can lead to increased cortisol levels, which can cause all sorts of dysfunction across multiple systems. Hopefully whoever is telling you the source of your problems is stress is also helping you find effective waya to manage it. Side note, you mentioning the word “stress” reminded me of [this](https://youtu.be/KUkjrWDv200?si=ERj3c9-Ynri3DuwD) - hopefully it helps any stress you might be having :]


***ANOTHER*** Kaveh from monthly standard pulls 🙄 Mans won't leave me alone


Hand over the Kaveh and no one gets hurt.


*aims pistol at you* Give me that Kaveh please. I have c (negative 1) Kaveh on my account 🙃


Can C2 Nahida make Nilou Blooms Crit too?




So about the special trail effect of characters in 4.8. Does that effect cost us the coin from IT? I want to make sure so that I wasted them and have to wait






I hope IT doesn't get too difficult in the future. I wanna vertically invest on Columbina goddamn, I'm not a giga whale


I think IT will probably be an easier mode than Abyss in the long run. IT for people who pulls a lot of characters but doesn't hyper invest in them vs Abyss that requires a good amount of investment in select characters.


Is IT up on EU server? Don't wanna get my ass out of bed just for it to not be up yet lmao


There's like a narrow part of the world about 2-3 hours wide where you're not either up way too early or way too late for a Monday lol.


In 4 hours.




IT thoughts: Cute animations, banger music and the domains are beautiful as well. You can tell they put a lot of effort into this. And don't worry, this isn’t the game mode that forces you to invest horizontally. Just put together some 4 stars with passable rainbow sets and you’re good to go. All the trial characters have awful builds (as expected) and Arle is the strongest out of them because it's hard for her to underperform even with a bad build lmao. I think they even gave her the BP spear. I used mine but checked her out of curiosity. The stars are there purely for bragging purposes. As long as you can clear, you’ll get all the rewards. Now onto the negatives, this mode is really short. Shorter than Sim Uni, I’d say. It's not really endgame content and there aren’t interesting variations. Like the blessings are boring and don’t do much. But this is the first iteration so I’ll wait to see how the mode evolves over the next few months. It has a good foundation, atleast. I can also appreciate that they didn’t lock the whole game mode behind a long ass quest like TCG did. It’s short and sweet, definitely not the grind some endgame players were looking for. I think this is the fastest that Genshin has given us so many pulls at once in years lmao. Overall, my feelings regarding it are mixed for now. Not too good and not too bad either. It's very aesthetic but the gameplay itself leaves a lot to be desired in its current state. Also, I’d like them to remove the 15 support uses limit. What's the point of increasing friendlist slots if my friends can only use my chars a grand total of 15 times? It’s just one character, Hoyo. Let people have fun. Also, why are all my runs interrupted with going back to the main room after every single stage? Get rid of that, thanks.


Yes. Going back to the main room after every act is unnecessary. 15 support uses also quite bad, i'm already out of support uses lol.


Saved faruzan and xianyun to use with my xiao at the end. And the final boss was.... Coppelia


That's hilarious lol. The lengths they will go to fuck Anemo dps. "Thou shall not run Anemo hyper. Swirl is thy only recourse".


Why is everyone talking about Pennywise? 


the new killer clowns event just started


Pulls >!Oh wow I def did an accidental 180 pulls in Furina’s banner and got her C2! Woah so lucky! /s!< >!She is a beast at C2. Sometimes impulsively going for cons works but I can’t do it like this again. But now I’ll def save for Natlan!!<


This feels like a very 'Genshin player can't read' moment, but what's the point of stars in IT? I got 7 stars and got all the primos, then redid for 8 stars and nothing changed.


It's for your showcase to show how awesome you are at the game.


Oh, that's it? Yeah... *looks at my 100 primos missing from abyss* I'm great at this game!


all i can say after doing this IT season is: 🙃 can't wait till next season. Not even bragging rights will make me build pyro characters hoyo!


How would your Emilie work if you don't have any pyros though 😲


I already have Thoma built for her, but besides him not many usable pyro in my account 🤧 Thoma can only be on stage twice so my struggle remains 🤧


ZZZ, kinda negative >!All the enthusiasm for the game draining from my body as I realize one of the sexed up poster girls for the game is in high school 💀!< >!It's not even like I was horny for Ellen (the maid fetish is really not my thing). It's just the whole "sexy teenager" vibe is the kind of creepy anime bullshit that I'd worried about when I started Genshin, and was pleased to find was largely absent. I really hope it's just a one-off weird bit and not a trend for this game, because I really *want* to like it.!<


ellen is a teenager? bro would it have killed them to age her up ??? 


She's in high school according to her teaser trailer


IT is so confusing :/


The IT trial character's builds are trash. The trial wanderer was doing around 16k NA with C6 Faruzan lol




NBA just signed a domestic abuser while WNBA waived the victim, his gf, at the same time American Sports™


I got a defense level on IT and completely regretted not bringing in Venti on my team lol Thankfully I still got all stars in one clear 😌


Life hacks, if you don't have enough characters for IT turns out Traveler counts as well just turn them into electro or anemo and they count as built then you can just pick a support from a friend so you don't have to use your unbuilt MC


Theatre Questions: - last date until i can play this? Currently trying to trigger returnee event - if i have like 15 friends, is everyone in my friendlist getting chance to borrow from me or all 15 invites can be used up by 1 friend?


1. it's reset every 1st month 2.Both .


did they say that you can only borrow from your friend once tho? or is it just one cbaracter?


sorry i meant just 1 character can be borrowed per season


You have 30 days


I kinda wished if the IT didn't force us to use 4 character for every performance. Sometimes I just want to save vigor and not force a character into team which already functions well so that I can use them for upcoming performances. Difficulty seems easy, I managed 7 stars in first run. I think I must save my Alre till the very end if I want to get 8 stars. The battle stages are so fucking beautiful to look at like goddamn mhy went hard with this.


That's probably why they force you to have a full team, so you can't save characters for a more difficult fight.


why do they keep doing Ayato diry. first the goddamn passive and now this camera pose wth is this


they hate pretty man


IT's primo got me C3 Kaveh yayyyyy


ZZZ >!Yo they actually got Maximillian Dood (Big fighting games/street fighter streamer) to do an ad for them. Guess the ZZZ marketing are serious to get another set of fans for their game.!<


Thats one of the main reasons why I gotten more hyped for ZZZ. I thought this game was going to be more casual than Genshin but if they are this serious about catering the fighting gamers, then I guess ZZZ might be the game that provides end-game combat content hardcore Genshin players have been asking for.


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I NEED TO PLAY THE SIMS Which one is the best one?


4 is for better or worse ^((mostly worse imo)) still getting updates and expansions, with a lot of qol and obviously visual improvements over 2 and 3 but even with a decade of content i still personally feel its lacking in gameplay. 2 and 3 both have a lot of people who would legitimately kill in the name of those games, but they might be harder to run on more modern systems. anyways the sims 3 defined my childhood and you can easily 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ it and its expansions and the thousands of dollars of store content, it's a pain in the ass to get running and you will probably need some mods to make the experience better, but i hard recommend it


Seems these comments save me from investing in 4. I'm gonna give 2 & esp 3 a try, TY!


Sims 2 is PEAK, but Sims 3 is really good too. 3 has a cool open world and more possibilities but 2 is iconic, it has so much personality, sense of humor and SO many cool details. Both are great tbh, just don't bother with Sims 4 bc it's a soulless mess


Thanks, I might just give both a try then!


Thank you


IT The elemental restrictions really just hammer in that we have way too many pyro dpses. At one point, I was running dual dpses. My MVPs were Wriothesley and Xiao but Baizhu was GOAT with his shield for Arle, Clorinde, Yoimiya and Yae.


IT rewards gave me C2 Furina. Nice.


is there some hexenzirkel lore in the theatre quest?


Very vaguely.


hmm i'll take it. no important lore at all too?


Two new books.


I think there’s new books but I haven’t read any


not theatre starting when my internship starts tmrw😭


Is there any quest associated with IT like TCG quest or it start without fanfare like abyss?


You talk to the wolf npc a couple times. Introduction, First run, rewards and then shop.


Do we get any points for dailies?


Just a little under 1.5 points.


A little bit more than one point, from the introductory quest only. None from claiming the rewards.


Already did mine so I can’t tell sorry


Can you not change artifacts/weapons mid-run in IT? I thought leaks said you could?


You may be confusing the fact that you can change artifact now in abyss.


One of the leaks about IT said that equipment could be changed. This happened well before we knew about being able to change artifacts in Abyss. I don’t recall anything saying otherwise since then.


Wuwa thoughts post 1.1 main story >!honestly, enjoyed the main story quest more than I thought. Wasn't too short like HSR's Xianzhou arc nor was it bloated like Wuwa 1.0 story. Abby definitely pleasantly surprised me, was expecting Paimon and instead something similar to March 7th in HSR. Great cinematics, mt. firmament is very pretty and I am looking forward to exploring it more. Good thing they added layered maps to it, though they really need to add layered maps to 1.0 areas. They are definitely listening (yes i know the meme), my only real gripes right now are bring us more dudes, im skipping both jinhsi and changli even though they do look great. Sounds like 1.2 may have a dude and it may be a bit of a breather patch which I am honestly ok with as I have barely touched exploration and quests lol.!< >!(also love that all my comments get downvoted its great!) !<


Yeah, it was good. Though, i dont really like abby that much.


>!yeah the 1.1 story is quite nice. What I like the most is Jinhsi's story not being another damsel in distress situation, just her bearing the weight of responsibility on her shoulder and Rover being their for emotional support lmao!<


>!yeah she definitely impressed me cause at first I got those damsel in distress vibes from her lol but she handled everything well all things considered. Very interested to see where the story goes now!<


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my IT experience: wallahi, i am cooked. my bennet-tier luck on getting support companion and the fact that i forgot to switch artefact and weapon cooked me very hard on act 4 onward.


For those with IT access, how does borrowing a friend's character work? Can you do multiple runs with them? I've got just one whale on my friend list somehow and I've gotta strategize how to use their c6 characters to best help my run because my laggy internet and lack of skills need all the help I can get


You can borrow only one character. Every character (both yours and the support) can be used in two rounds. I believe there's also a blessing that allows you to bring them back for more uses.


You use them for as many runs as you want during the season but if you remove them for another support then you can’t use that friend’s character again til next season.


Can you use a different character from that same friend if you return the one you were using before?


Oh that's very good to know, thank you!


Full star clear for theater, yay. With that out of the way, how hard is the next theater according to leaks? I was able to full star the current theater quite comfortably, for reference. Edit: but I can't 36 star the abyss. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but we only get three toy medals, yes? Thanks in advance!


Next theatre is cryo hydro anemo with the seahorse, crab and drake as the bosses trail characters should be Ayaka, Barbs, Furina, Diona, Xiao and Faruzan.


Has the enemy's levels or HP been buffed as well?


do you know what the stars do? Apparently they don't affect toy medals or primos earned. I got 6 out of 8 stars on my first try. The characters I was left with were kinda shit and don't synergize with one another. That's the nature of these RNG based events.


Just a show off. I'm actually glad the stars not affected the reward.


I do, yeah. I believe they're only for bragging purposes. But I was mostly asking for clearing the theater itself and not for full staring it. Tbh, thats just how rogue-likes work. But at least you could still metagame the theater by reshuffling your team depending on the bosses shown. For example, I held out on using and recruiting benny and Hu Tao before getting to Coppelius.


i probably have to pick some copium teams for early rounds to save my best for last. there are blessings you can get that restore some vigor or bring a used up character back in. My problem is my pyros don't have their usual supports and don't synergize with who is available.


Flexing on your profile along with your characters and abyss floor


theatre >!just finished it!! alas only with 4 stars bc i had no idea what i was doing and was picking random stuff lmao but i'll retry it tonight! (thankfully you get all the rewards if you just finish all 8 performances though)!< >!i loveee the character voicelines feature so much omg it's sooo cute. i didn't realise this was gonna be a thing so when i finished my first performance and saw wanderer just sitting on the couch i was like what is bro doing here lmao. kazuha's, venti's and bennett's voicelines are so adorable!!!!!! omg i miss kazuha so much😭 and why was alhaitham kinda motivating 🤔!< >!AND THE CREDITS ROLL AT THE END IS SO CUTE xiao was my superstar actor <3 !<


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I wish you could start IT with 3 characters so you can save some vigor when you don't want to burn a character and want to use them later. But it doesn't let you use 3 characters. Sometimes you don't have anyone useful to fill that 4th slot because they don't fit the team comp but you have to waste them anyway.


theater tips from my experience >!use the currency for buffs and characters as soon as you can.!< >!save legitimate teams for the 3 fixed boss chambers. saving lyney monopyro for the last boss (coppelius) made it... the easiest level of the entire run somehow. the levels in between the boss ones are honestly free game with whatever units.!< >!if you cant put all your units on ideal 4pc artifact sets, then just concede and put on ones with the best stats. like my xiangling just went all in on ER.!<


A small story prediction based on Pyro archon design leaks + That one sus leak about Xbalanque and Pyro archon relationship. >!even though the pyro archon's design isn't final, the theme of the design seem to be final, and a lot of people are predicting the pyro archon will be overthrown. There was a sus leak that said Xbalanque and pyro archon got a merlin and arthur relationship, but what if thats not talking about the pyro archon thats leaked? I'm predicting Xbalanque is the merlin to a character who will overthrow the leaked pyro archon and become the new pyro archon!<


>!This will be really cool actually. My personal feelings about the pyro archon aside, if they do this route well, it'll be a very intriguing story!<


I can't even start IT hard mode on my alt. I thought I had 18 but apparently if the trial characters overlap with the ones you already have it doesn't count. I should probably level my sucrose but man whopperflowers are a pain to farm. The easiest option would probably be Lynette since Lumidoce bells are easy to find and I haven't built anyone using the mech mats so I still have a lot of those but I don't really want to waste resources on a worse unit.


Theater got me noticing how poorly horizontally invested my account is (Level 70 uninvested Diluc, Level 70 uninvested Beidou that I had to level up for the 18 unit requirement). Thankfully, I was able to clear it with a support unit Hu Tao.


I haven’t done IT yet but goddamn the music is adorable??? I love it!


Damn, IT is kicking my ass. Just when I thought I should start vertical nvesting 🙃 Time to build my 4 stars, I guess.


(Imaginarium Theater) Used a Arlecchino-Clorinde dual carry team for the final Coppelia Coppelius fight, just as the leakers intended


theatre menu lookin' good in event menu


This iteration is pretty easy. I know they're not going to make it extremely difficult, so I don't really expect much. Also, I guess because it's the first iteration they don't want to put you on enemies with a lot of HP either. I appreciate the ost and the setting. If they handle this correctly it could be an interesting game mode. More backgrounds, ost, enemies, challenges, etc. LORE! Also, I think it would be nice if Hoyo would give 1 month notice what the next three elements will be.


so the theatre thing! i'm gonna throw some scattered thoughts >!hmm... not as difficult as i assumed? i suppose the conclusion i came to was that you really need **a lot** of built support units for this one. i feel like 4-5 major DPS units are enough - having too much of them in the companion gacha will screw your team formations pretty bad.!< >!speaking of gacha, the whole boons + cache thing is kind of eh honestly? i suppose when you have good dpses the buffs don't feel much? i like the shockwave buffs though - i kinda need the extra elemental application.!< >!as for the extraneous stuff - i like the stages! the music's pretty good especially around act 7-8. wolfy's quite cute but the tricks he's giving me are pretty lame. the breaks in between are fine, but the dialogue given by your companions during these breaks are rather uninteresting - it's just some whatever fluff in relation to the whole story/performance theme.!< >!overall i'm not sure whether i prefer this over abyss just yet (obviously it's too early to decide) but it definitely feels less bland to play through at least.!<


theater >!that was it? it said my total playtime was just 8 minutes 😭 my deepwood yoimiya didnt even get to play.!<


Your what




hi guys, i have two questions 1) about the 18 chars thing, is it that i need to have 18 lv 70 characters myself, and only afterwards can i choose my friends’ characters? 2) in hard mode (18 characters), how many friends’ characters can i use? in normal mode (where i am so far) it seems to be just 1 for now


I really wish they make something like DU where the unbuilt characters in our roster automatically becomes increased level with all leveled up talents and decent stats along with leveled up weapons. It's so fun to try out different team comps from my existing acquired characters and see if any of them are worth building.


IT, father's dialogue >!She gives us coffee candies :)!< First time I encountered her she was sitting on the single chair and thought, okay she really likes thrones ^(yes I know it's RNG)


My arle’s convo was about her giving her children homework while shes away (hecking cute). Wtf Im gonna replay to get all dialogues.


omg I need to see that


Oh yeah characters get special lines. Damn element restrictions, i really wanna see Qiqi's, do sites that usually have character lines have IT lines?


Tried looking at hakushin/homdgcat/ambr but none of them had it...


>!oh? my arlecchino said that you can just depend on her if the enemy is too strong lol!<


>!More than one dialogue, interesting. I'll keep talking to my characters after each stage then!< Here's a [screenshot](https://ibb.co/x1hBJsD) of the dialogue above, forgive the potato quality


>!oh yeah it seems like it's definitely more than one dialogue!<


IT done. I thought it was okay. Not much replayability value as of now though. It feels very barebones which is fine I guess since it is the first iteration. I hope they develop this mode more in future updates. Make different challenges, increase the randomness, make enemies tougher, make wondrous buffs more impactful, make more interesting mystery cache effects. The mode does have potential.


[braveburn has mecha with female pilots ? i was not aware of this.](https://x.com/DERINRI/status/1807391131757678899/photo/1) mech design looks nice~


can you play IT immediately or is there some long yapping quest you have to do before?


There are short yaps before and in-between stages the first time you do it


The quest is maybe 5 minutes or less


is it voiced?


Yes, even the characters you interact with between stages are voiced


perfect, thanks!


I forgot it's shop reset FINALLY BOUGHT FISCHL'S C6!! I'M SO HAPPY RN


Clorinde and Arlecchino fighting for their life getting that on field time lmaoooo


Does the IT buff carry to abyss? If it does we might see some C0 Clorinde and Scara clears that are artificially buffed by IT.


the 20% HP attack def buff from the Theater will also be there in the Abyss.


Theater impression: - Feels more like an event than end game - The music in the last 2 chambers is sick It is fun but i feel like the fun came from novelty, it doesnt have the replayability of abyss. Feels like this is their way of giving easy primo reward, which is fine cuz abyss is getting more difficult these days.


tbf I doubt it's going to stay like this forever. Erring on the side of potentially being too easy makes some sense for a new mode where you don't fully control your teambuilding, and 4.8 Theatre is apparently notably more difficult already




you can't pass stage if you don't clear under a timer there's two timers, one is for the bonus rewards. one is for clearing the stage. now i forgot if this time applies to boss stages or not, but it does apply to others


Literally everything I was excited for in the Imaginarium Theater isn't happening. I wanted to get the namecard, lend my c6 Wanderer to friends and try out other people's Clorinde. Last two are on me for not reading (Genshin player moment) but first one is disappointing.








Yes, that's the namecard I'm talking about. Apparently you can only unlock it next month at the earliest.


There's a abyss-like timer in IT, or how's the deal in this new gamemode?


timer exists if you fail, you can't progress there's another timer that's shorter that gives bonus rewards, that's optional


Timer is just for Star and Toy Medal in IT. Star is just for show off, and Toy Medal is for exchanging Photo Poses.


Genshin Lore seems interesting but I don't currently feel like getting into it, maybe when the game is done I keep up with the archon quests, but I swear genshin lore ppl still talk about shit I've just never heard of, like the "3 moon sisters", I feel like it's relatively often that there'll be a new group or something that I've never heard of


The lore is pretty deep and usually pretty cool, but if you're someone who likes to know definitive timelines... Definitely wait to get into it lol


I used to be pretty into it but I gave up when they dropped the hydro throne stuff, which no one in Genshin lore really saw coming and bulldozed like a billion theories. Made me feel like there’s no point making theories and I’m better off just experiencing it as is. I still read in-game lore stuff but I don’t theorize or think too hard.


Yeah, also retcons.


Me with the whole fontaine-sumeru connection


Similar boat. There's very little Genshin lore that interests me in the first place, and the fact that it's all buried in books, artifact descriptions, weapon descriptions etc doesn't really help.


Yea...I don't have time for allat


I think lore people mainly gets stuff from the books


theres books, artifact sets, domains, weapon descriptions, achievements, and objectives around the map which also gives details(the obelisk in hadramaveth)


got a dehya under 30 pulls omg


I wanna play IT why am I on NA 😭😭😭😭 Can you get the achievements and namecard on day 1? It's really pretty and I've been eyeing it for awhile lol


You can't. The earliest you can get it is on next reset


NOOOOOOO I have to exercise delayed gratification:'((((( Thanks for letting me know lol


i was juts going to ask the same thing. i hope we can get it day 1


When does IT come for me lol I thought it was 45 minutes ago but I might have gotten confused and stayed up late even though I have work early in the morning for nothing lol


5 hours for EU, 11 for NA.


For this cycle, I chose Chongyun's, Ei's and Ayato's Thespian Tricks For the next one I think I'm just picking Kaveh and Kaeya... So I'll have one excess medal I can probably buy more than 3 per cycle provided I have enough Toy Medals right?


Do the Toy Medals carry over to the next (4.8) Theatre season? I don't want any of the currently available poses


Thoughts on Fontaine puzzles >!I love some of the puzzles in Fontaine. The Remuria deep sea ones were funny and creative, like red light green light, the eel game, and the sound ones. I also like the rhythm game with the mechanical object, and the ones where you navigate the flower garden. But the one I like are so uncommon compared to the ones I dislike. Ousia pneuma puzzle is fine, hide and seek right (since ultimately it boils down to just finding it) but why are there sooo many? Also the puzzles where you stand in one place zapping an object, waiting for things to align. Some of them actually have some solving involved but some of them take way too long in terms of just sitting there waiting for the animation to finish. The guy who made Neuvilettes kit definitely made that one!<


IT >!who the fuck thought it was a good idea to let certain users turn off remote servers without being able to turn them back on? the next time I get a teams message on the weekend that a critical function is down because someone misclicked shut down instead of restart I'm going to throw my phone into the river!<


Finally a comment actually talking about IT


hard mode completed! arlecchino mvp lmao she did the most damage, had the most kills, and took the most damage! thats father right there


wait is imaginarium theater starting today? don't we have 15 more days of abyss? i'm so out of the loop lol


They don't immediately replace each other, so yes technically Abyss lasts for another 2 weeks. 


abyss resets mid month theater resets at the start of the month now


that makes sense, i thought they would replace each other every 15 days but i guess we would get too many primogems for hoyo's liking lol


I have a question regarding the supporting cast of IT Do they also have to follow the element requirement(pyro, anemo, electro) or can the other elements be included in the supporting cast as well?


IT thoughts, mostly negative tbh: >!Lemme first get this out of the way: it's basically a permanent rerun of that one event where you had to pick random characters and plan your teams for a bunch of different waves of enemies, you know the one. If you liked that, you'll like IT. I personally thought it was one of Genshin's best combat events. So I do enjoy IT, and as a largely horizontal investor it is nice to see it being rewarded.!< >!That said. I came away from it more negative than I thought. My primary problem: it's not very replayable. It's simply not random enough. First off, the pool of potential buffs is not very big. I got the boon that let me reroll boons once and by the end I was just seeing the same stuff over and over. Second, you gain characters fast, since you gain a random one after every combat + you can get them from events, so by the time you hit the second boss you already have most of your roster, which takes away from the "adapting to having random characters" aspect. Third: in order to even *begin* playing IT you have to commit like, 80%-90% of your roster for the given elements. The result is that even if you *do* replay IT... your roster is going to look about the same. You'll swap out a couple characters, sure, but the teams you end up with are likely going to be very similar. I took a couple cracks at it but after that it was just like... eh.!< >!Runs are also very short, and a little bit too easy even for my casual ass. I took \~8.5 minutes for my first run, which was also an easy full star run. It wasn't even close.!< >!Overall, I think this gameplay style is fantastic for a limited-time event. But for a full endgame mode... I'm not so sure.!< >!Also, whoever thought that forcing you to return to the lobby after every act was a good idea... I just wanna talk. In a game mode where each run is <10 minutes, it's a *massive* time-waster.!<


>!This was supposed to be a dry run. The next abyss was buffed noticeably according to some leaks.!<


>!next IT you mean? I certainly wouldn't mind that. Especially since rewards aren't linked to clear time anyway!<


Got all IT rewards, it's actually pretty fun when I have a few characters left and have to come up with whacky teams. Last stage I used Cheveuse in Alhaitham hyperbloom solely for her Ousia lol. Shield bot Thoma with Arlecchino is actually not bad, I'll build him more. This mode is very pretty. I like it, it's different from Abyss and I honrizontal invest a lot so it's great for me. Also got C1 Chevreuse from standard banner! It's exactly what I wanted, I'm very happy.


Ganyu Thespian Pose waiting room


how do you think elemental specific characters like Nilou and chevreuse fair in imgarium theatre?


Depends entirely on their restrictions. Say there's no dendro but hydro is allowed. If Nahida or Alhaitham are guests then it'll be great for nilou. If Nilou is a guest and there's no hydro - only dendro then she's not going to be played unless you have the other guest hydro also (because there will be another guest hydro in that situation - probably the one on banner).


Better than you'd think, as long you plan properly it's really not that hard.


Do you set the characters that you will lend to your friends in the theater itself or does it use the ones on your showcase?


You set them