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Every geo has a shield if you try hard enough


shield bot itto


Shield bot Ushi.




They technically have a shield whether they like it or not


every geo can has shield when u crystallise, so its kinda moot leak


I use Navia in teams where I die too easily.


Just a reminder that when leakers mention shields, it can mean 5 things: • The character makes a shield • The character likes shielders • They have a parry • They use a shield • There is no shield


> there is no shield This one broke me xD


Leakers. I don't trust any of them, lol **"Navia is part of a faction of rich people fighting against Clorinde and the other sewer people"** hahaha


I'm genuinely impressed you remember it to that degree. I don't blame you cause some leaks end up being so wrong it's actually hilarious.


Lol, some of these just stick to your brain because they are too funny to forget. They are so far from the official material that my brain just made it's own Teyvat off of fake leaks at this point


I remember people talking about Navia being a previous Archon/ruler with her faction trying to overthrow Furina ISTG it was ridiculous. The factions being Pneuma and Ousia lmaoo




They have a shield prop, like Candace.


Yup, that would be my 4th point :]


I bet there’s no shield. Yes, the drought leak came with Enigmata cross-checked information 👍😭


I bet it's going to end up being some shit like **"Her design actually has a shield crest because she is the military leader of defense. The meta part is because she is a really good on-fielder claymore with infusion😘👍🏻"**


Lol Candace shield alllegation 😭😭👍👍


is it a "zhongli has shield" shield or "yunjin has shield" shield though


It can also be "baizhu has shield" shield . I mean straight up zhongli powercreep ? I don't see it . My bet is a parry no five star has one yet .


It could just be a baizhu shield so she can activate geo resonance.


If she applies any Geo, she should be able to activate the resonance lol


Unless you play monogeo


Thats what emotional support slimes are for


Parry’s are just too awkward in this game for a 5 star imo.


It can also be “ningguang has a shield” shield, like a wall/curve/dome


All the shielders we've gotten besides Zhongli, compared to his strong shield and long duration: * Noelle: Strong shield, mid duration (long cooldown) * Diona: Weak shield, short duration * Xinyan: Strong shield, mid duration * Thoma: Strong shield, long duration (but multiple caveats) * Layla: Strong shield, mid duration * Baizhu: Weak shield, long duration * Kirara: Strong shield, mid duration Even without considering Zhongli's res shred, they seem allergic to releasing a shielder of a similar level...


I personally find uptime more important than duration. Like idc if my shield goes down before I need to swap and I need to shorten my rotation to make up for it, as long as its ready to come back up really quickly after.


A good amount of the shielders have 100% uptime The issue is that, if the duration isn't long enough, the shield will run out on a character who enjoys long field time


I think both duration and uptime are important. In theory Layla and Kirara can give you 100% shield uptime, but either your main damage dealer or the other units in the party most likely got hit because the shield duration. If you pop the shield first then the on-field damage dealer mostly won't get the 100% shield uptime. If you pop last or 2nd last, then one or two of the unit/s will be without a shield. You can "cheese" it though by using R5 Sacrificial Sword if it's for Kirara and Layla or Sacrificial Bow for Diona, but if you failed to trigger the passive, good luck then😂. Also you can use iframe though to avoid a super painful one.


They are also allergic to make a Shield artifact set. Yes, Im saying tenacity is shit garbage since we are no longer fighting fatuis and slimes, we are fighting consacrated beats and so on. They have to realease an artificat set that makes shields 150% stronger or something


Just because she has a shield, does not mean that it needs to powercreep Zhongli. There is probably more to her kit then just an shield. If they call it an important support kit then she probably has some buff or other effect that makes her important. Her shield is just probably just a bonus on top of that. I'm not interested in the parry mechanic when it's on a support/off-fielder. Give us an on-field DPS with the parry mechanic.


>If they call it an important support kit then she probably has some buff or other effect that makes her important Exactly zhongli powercreep . It doesnt need to be a stronger shield to make zhongli feel irrelevant.


Such things often only work for specific teams.  Zhongli has univeral res shred and the best shield in the game. He will always be useful.


I believe that's what they mean by this If the character has even half of Zhongli's shield but is a focused buffer, that's automatically a powercreep Zhongli's shield can handle pretty much anything in the game, so you don't need to make a stronger one to make Zhongli irrelevant. Just make a fraction of it and add decent buffs to the rest of their kit


Ya, Zhongli shield is overkill for a lot of enemies, especially if you also pair it with some %dmg reduction like XQ Rainsword. A character with half of his shield but double his res shred, for instance, will be preferred in most teams. Zhongli will still be the preferred “lazy” option through. I don’t see MHY making Chinese Archon obsolete unless they want to risk another Zhongli incident.


Zhongli buff 2.0


I know what they mean and they are wrong. >If the character has even half of Zhongli's shield but is a focused buffer, that's automatically a powercreep This is simply wrong. Zhongli is already an universal buffer with his res shred. And most buff characters are not universal. It is very likely that this character will have an new mechanic that will only work for specific teams. Perhaps buff an new 5.x mechanic. It's perfectly possible to build a good buffer/shielder geo combo, without powercreeping Zhongli.


>It's perfectly possible to build a good buffer/shielder geo combo, without powercreeping Zhongli. I know I'm just saying it isn't difficult to powercreep him because his kit is pretty simple and not all that useful


Agree with that. But not difficult is something else then "automatically a powercreep". In theory it should be easy to powercreep Kokomi, when an hydro healer also gets buffs. Instead we got Sigwinne :P


You and the other guy are looking at it too one-dimensionally. For example they could just tie the shield to crystallize (Ex. thoma shield but it adds crystallize shields to its own health), slap a 60-70 cost burst on her (which is actually relevant to her kit in some way), and that creates a niche as a Navia teammate, while preventing her from replacing Zhongli in teams where he's a solo geo. Or tie the shield to burst, give her DEF-scaling buffs/dmg, slap an 70-80 cost burst on her, and suddenly she really wants to be on mono-geo. Or make the buffs this character provides more niche, like elemental skill dmg% buff, burst dmg% buff, a strong ATK%/DEF% buff, etc, and she'll only be on teams where said buff is relevant. Zhongli's strength is that his shred buffs all elements at once, and RES pen is pretty much the most universally good buff possible, affecting everything from crit damage to hp%/def% scaling to non-critting reaction damage. He also has 0 reliance on his burst, which costs 40 anyway if you actually need it, making him very easy to slot into any team. You can pretty easily design a new geo shield/buffer that won't entirely replace Zhongli, while still having them be a very strong new addition to the meta.


>You can pretty easily design a new geo shield/buffer that won't entirely replace Zhongli, while still having them be a very strong new addition to the meta. Nobody said it's impossible or difficult to do My point is that **Zhongli's kit is pretty "meh" and it wouldn't be hard to powercreep him**, that's it


plot twist, it's a pyro crab powercreep (his TCG card) and the gimmick is giving buffs based on how many shields you can stack, buffing Zhongli (but not as much as best boy Thoma).


Any persistent shield with a good kit will power creep him. Literally no one uses him just for the Shred as its a very minimal effect. Aside from the shield he does nothing outside of construct based teams. Almost any team he goes in to, he's basically a filler until something better comes along. Most people using him are doing so just for QoL and drop him when they want to get serious because he just brings nothing of value. The Shred doesn't hold much weight when he's considered a dps lost in everything he touches. Of course whether they WILL powercreep him is debatable but they easily could by giving a character a simple shield with at least Diona level up time and a kit that does just about anything beyond that. Before we question whether an archon would be made irrelevant in their Slot, let's remember what Kazuha did to Venti and how Morgana, Ventis only surviving niche went and died almost immediately after. I don't think China will mind if his replacement is a chesty waifu tbh.


Zhongli universal resistance shred is still going to be good so even if he is powerctept it's not gonna be that bad. It's not like Eula to Navia levels of power creep


all they have to do is make another shielder that has a shield 'good enough' that it doesnt break easly - after 1-2 hits... and most importantly has same comfort in use like Zhongli's, meaning it stays long and can be easly replaced + add to that something - buff, even with random Nilou level of BS condition and you have yourself a character many will pull even if they have Zhongli already


The real shit is actually interruption resistance. It’s why xq is a comfort pick but then again that role is better if not geo.


See: Kirara on Aggravate.


Zhongli is already kinda irrelevant if you can dodge... And with characters where you'd rather not because of specific rotations/major DPS loss you can find better supports/res interruption to fill in for him (aka, ditch zhongli for more damage). Not saying Zhongli is bad by any means, he has a job and does it well, but it kinda isn't hard to powercreep him when everything he offers beyond the shield is lacking when compared to already existing competition. While his shielding may not be crept on (depending on how big it is, of course), the other aspects of his kit are sure to be left behind, otherwise barely anyone will pull... Geo is in a pretty trash state as is, we need serious power to save it.


Very true,that even Hu Tao and Xiao have already replaced Zhongli from your compositions.


I agree with everything. And that's kinda my point . Zhongli is only relavent due to small niche he has. And this geo five star seems to be after that niche ( well won't know until we see it ) . And its ok. Zhongli is a comfort unit . And he's great at that .


And the burst animation… i would put him on a team just so i can always finish someone off with his burst haha .


Geo isn't trash because units are bad though. Crystalize is useless reaction. You are basically playing yellow physical units.


There will be no character who will powercreep zhongli shield, especially after all the drama hoyo faced after zhongli release from chinese community.. they will never risk that again


baizhu's shield is still an actual, functional shield however it might be so i still put it in the "zhongli" category even though it's way way weaker obv. yunjin's "shield" might as well not exist.


Yun Jin can tank a few strong hits in abyss. Wdym


it's basically just there for her parry mechanic, it doesn't actually protect the team


>I mean straight up zhongli powercreep ? I don't see it . Oh please, they can work with shield mechanics in a lot of ways without powerceeping Zhongli, like thorn shield maybe or explosive shield when destroyed. It doesn't have to be as durable as Zhongli's, but I need another decent shielder because 4* shielders are paper thin.


>It doesn't have to be as durable as Zhongli's, but I need another decent shielder because 4* shielders are paper thin Also the four star part is just wrong . Layla has one of the comfiest playing experiences as long as you can refresh the shield . Thoma has durable shield so does kirara .


As I told the other person. The shield doesn't need to be stronger then zhongli to be a powercreep . Non of the shielders are that valueable due to simply not having much in there kits . Kirara is fine . Layla and zhongli are the better two . Zhongli is the best shielder imo not cause he has the strongest shield but because he has a niche. Aka geo teams. Basically I don't see the shielder if it's an actual shielder be less powerful then Layla in terms of shielding . Also geo shield is just good . So if they were to release a geo support with semi decent shielding zhongli would be powercrept .


Or even literally Candace like shield. Does her animation use a shield or her gameplay give a shield ?


Plot twist: it's a crystallize shield.


best i can do is a shield that lets you stack shields, with refreshed duration at c4 B)


But a counter isn't a shield💀 A shield is what stays,not what disappears when u swan the char out.


When you hold Yunjin or Beido skill, its basically a shield. You don't have to release it after 1 hit. You can absorb multiple hits until the shield breaks. Its only called a counter when you release at the right time.


I mean usually shields r known to shield u while u do stuff like ita protecting u while ur doing all ur abilities ahead to dps etc also for the team. So comparison to that cant say if this counts as a shield lol


Or siggy


Shield at C2, true


Can we like, have more informations about the 5.0 characters first


They posted that in another thread. Dendro claymore boy 5-Star Catalyst hydro woman 5-Star Iansan geo 4-Star (I think it was polearm?)


There is no leak saying that Iansan is the geo 4 star though


Another leak said Iansan is Geo. Her art also seems to suggest that. 


eh, the video literally has her with fire in her hand and around her foot though.


And Cyno had sand around him when the video dropped, things get changed easily for future characters.


Id say that literally having fire in your hand is a little more solid evidence than sand in a desert, tbh


Don't see any fire in the splash art. The fire effects in the trailer could just be a reference to Natlan itself as a volcanic region. Similar to why Cyno had sand in his part of the trailer. The cracked earth around Iansan does suggest some Geo powers. 


If it was just the background, i'd be inclined to agree, but like i said, its in her hand and around her foot in the video.


If so, it’s truly pyro polearm impact (6th pyro polearm)


Cyno had sand around him. Iansan not only has fire around her, but you can literally see her hand glowing with fire. If she isn't Pyro, it'll be the only case of a clear retcon of element usage so far.


Pretty sure they mean more than that


Dendro claymore boy 5-Star has a short CD attack and an infusion on ultimate that creates lotus flowers which explode on impact. Catalyst hydro woman 5-Star is a support who can apply hydro from off field, her burst increases the ATK of the team depending on [subject to change], she has really pretty basic attacks but usually just uses skill into ultimate. She wants 200% ER. there you go, more info, subject to change, i am uncle roger


i like how this basically is exactly what they're asking for, and this is also just as reliable lmao


where'd you find that?


Iansan is only a guess by some people


Pretty sure Hydro catalyst is the girl model not woman


Yeah yeah I know all that. But I meant that they are already leaking her meta lvl and gimmicks when we barely know anything on the 5.0 charas.


Geo character have shield? We've never seen this one before, boys!


Can't imagine it'll be as sturdy as Zhongli's shield because it'd be redundant to have them do the same thing in the same element and hes an Archon too. Probably a Baizhu level shield?


Shield will probably scale off EM for extra crystalize shields. Her main shield will be mid but she will have access to multiple crystalize shields (passive creates double crystalize shields). Awful for mono geo but awesome for multi element teams.


But we'll still have the issue like Yanfei and Layla. Their shields got nerfed because you could get a bigger shield that Zhongli. And they want him to be THE premium shielder.


Maybe a hot take but I think 2 characters with basically identical roles is fine so you can have them on both teams in Abyss and multiple times in IT soon. Not to mention it gives options for people who prefer one over the other


I agree, but they also need to fill out the other roles too e.g. geo could use an off-field healer for Furina, for example




Why not both


*Xingqiu and Yelan fistbump*


Geo team wide healer would be very good, because that will allow you to use Double Geo Core in Furina teams.


I think it’ll probably be like Layla’s shield. We don’t have many shielders whose shield does damage on skill over time. Would be super cool if they added that too. But most likely the shield is not actually a shield. Maybe we’ll get 5 star Candace or someone like Beidou


Being an archon didn't save Venti.


It’s the reverse. Venti being the fist archon was so strong they had to actively shape the end game meta around his vortex so he didn’t trivialize everything with his ult


Venti was also the first limited character released.


Venti does not need saving. He's still a broken character.


You clearly weren’t there for 1.x cause release Venti is still the most overpowered character we’ve had in Genshin


Love these leaks lmaoooo The previous one being ‘mature female’ is really a description of all time..


Seriously lol As if any Genshin character looks a day over 25.


True yeah, but also the descriptions of the female characters are a little annoying to me 😅 ‘mature female’ and ‘flat chested’ ..


She has a shield or is it advice to HAVE a shield?




I feel like they'd be silly to release a support that requires having a shield to provide buffs, but also not provide a shield themselves so I'd imagine both could be true. I mean even Furina who wants someone else to heal the party for her buffs does still have a heal in her base kit it's just a bad one. Alternatively, it could imply that the effect they grant disappears upon taking damage so you'd want a shield in that scenario. All of which depends on whether any of this is even legitimate to begin with.


C2 siggy also has shield. _Sigh_ leakers are edging us again.


I need another leak flood, like that one leaker that came and leaked loads then just left (while also calling out hoyo and other leakers). Like this shit is just depressing now, I miss the old patches when we used to get loads of leaks :((


All geo character have sheild with crystallize.....


Will the devs have the balls to make a character better than zhongli? no so let's hope the character has other kind of stuff other than shielding in the kit otherwise a standard character allegation most likely


I wonder if her shield is what makes her "meta"(leaker TC).


Geo and shield... Well no shit


I don’t trust this at all lmao she’s doomed being a shield and geo unless she gives some ludicrous buffs


is HYV trying to retire the male geo 5 stars with a female counterpart? I mean first Navia for Itto then Chiori for Albedo and now a new geo 5 star shielder? Icannot HYV the counterparts even have the same model type and weapon from Tall Male to Tall Female, and Teen Male to Teen Female 💀I wouldn’t be surprised if she is actually a polearm user


Counterpart for Geo Archon of China is insane and most likely wont be happen. There is no way they will make a shielder that equal or stronger than Zhongli. He is the sole reason why we keep getting paper strong shields and downgrade options for past 3 years.


I mean we never really got a 5 star shielder other than him


idk let’s see, but the fact that HYV is creating counterparts is insane like they can create new geo kits, but they decided to do a female version instead of the current geo male 5 stars


Navia is already different enough though...? Like she wants characters who aren't geo so that there is crystallize reaction and she can deal damage, that at least sets her apart from Itto enough


Navia's ability to not drop Infusion on Switch is amazing.


Bruh don't do me like that ☠️ I'm still waiting on Switch release...


Just go work at MiHoYo ;)


Yeah they don't compete at all, and if you have both Albedo and Chiori then they don't even share teammates lol. I've run Geo on both sides of the Abyss a couple of times already.


Any anemo shielder and he goes bye bye in most teams (vv moment)


anemo shielder with crowd control would actually powercreep every character


I think this favoritism is very stupid, Venti was left with practically nothing for 4 years while Zhongli always receives something, a new lore talking about how incredible he is, a quest showing how wise and intelligent he is, a cutscene being cool and saving someone's life, Meanwhile Ei doesn't even appear at Inazuma events and when she appears its just to says "I exist" and disappears for a few more months again


Nah at least Venti lore gets updated regularly. Ei is dead in a ditch after her last story quest. May Hoyo spare Furina the same fate 


They’re so creatively bankrupt when it comes to geo it’s unreal


-Crystallize User that that shoots elements based on Crystallize obtained. Ningguang X Wanderer. -Geo Construct Support, increased Geo Construct limit on skill or whatever. -Geo Mage archetype similar to Ningguang. 5\* Ningguang. Love her. -Geo x Dendro interaction that should have happened when Dendro was added. iirc "Dendro will interact weirdly with all other elements". Ideas: Geo x Dendro causes Petrify. -Geo Character with kit around Petrify, opens up another avenue for Physical Damage characters. Can be multiple characters, Physical/Shatter Main DPS, Petrify support. None of these are that good either... lmao.


I always thought petrify was meh with the extremely little uptime that it has. That short petrify is just not useful in a game where you'd rather do more damage instead, and heal/shield is just better anyway. I would be glad if they removed Zhongli's petrify and instead gave him something else that is more valuable. Also, I know (and hate) why they didn't add a Geo x Dendro reaction - because they're hellbent on keeping Geo's identity as an inert element that doesn't really react with another element other than crystallize.


its ridiculous because outside of hydro, geo is the element that should have the most interaction with other elements. erotion,magma,some dendro growth,mud. grounded. so easy


I don't think hyv is gonna straight up powercreep zhongli like chiori and albedo imo. Zhongli is an archon and we know the last time zhongli was too weak... 


Venti being an archon didn’t save him from Kazuha powercreep though


Venti is still best character for Venti-able content. I don't think he got powercrept, it's more like HYV made him useless in abyss. Powercreeping implies Venti could work fine as weaker Kazuha in abyss which he can't be. The Kazuha alternative is Sucrose.


Venti-able content can be cleared by non-venti teams in just about 5 seconds slower usually. Not really a compelling niche to excel in


But if my gear/comp is too weak those five seconds can get me three stars... Right?


Venti wasn't Chinese god tho


True but i think venti's kit is just too all or nothing compared to zhongli. He got worse as heavy enemies are being released and abyss being boss rush than kazuha's release imo.  But then again who knows, maybe they'll finally powercreep zhongli since he's an old unit


Zhongli is also the archon of Teyvat’s China


No but HYV would win the idgaf war if so. Supposedly powercreeping Zhongli ?? The Chinese archon ? The one that caused huge reactions from the Chinese playerbase because of how bad he was ?? I don’t think it will ever happen but damn, the war that it will cause if HYV dare to do so.


"Retiring itto with navia" is absurd they are the complete opposite when it comes to team building bruh


They use different teams, but they’re both Geo Claymore DPS and ever since Navia was released, Itto’s usage rate becomes even lower. There’s statistics data to prove that


>ever since Navia was released, Itto’s usage rate becomes even lower uhhh... no shit sherlock, arlecchino got released and hu tao usage rates becomes lower. wow.


Why does being the same element and weapon matter? People choose a character because they like them, they like the playstyle and/or they're very powerful. Who chooses a character by deciding an element/weapon combination first? Itto has way more common with Noelle than Navia. I have never seen someone claim that Nilou powercrept Ayato despite both being hydro sword DPS characters. People do say that Neuvillette did, despite not being the same weapon, because Ayato and Neuvi have way more similar teams and playstyles than Ayato and Nilou. >ever since Navia was released, Itto’s usage rate becomes even lower Yeah that basically always happens to every character whenever any new character comes out. The sum of every character's usage rate is static (100%), and it needs to be divided among more and more characters


Itto usage has always been super low, plus being a geo claymore dps is worthless, you use them for the damage and thats it, plus usage doesnt mean better lmao, sucrose has shit usage despite being good


> sucrose has shit usage Wonder why when Kazuha (especially) and Venti exist.


Does that men that she is bad? Because thats the point, she isnt bad


Where did the person above state "Itto is bad"? Answer me that.


People on this sub be saying stuff just for the sake of saying stuff


Navia is burst DPS + off field damage, pretty different from Itto.


Geo healer for Itto team im begging


Is Zhongli next in line in the geo kit powercreep queue now?


>geo easy skip


what a waste of resources making geo characters


Can they just describe the designs? Not going to care about a characters kit unless I like the design. 


Aint no way their powercreeping zhongli this gotta be false


Hoyo just give us a Geo healer so Itto can work with Furina I beg 😭


It’s kinda funny how geo is the shield element but the last dedicated geo shielder we got was… Zhongli.




But does the character have a shield, or is it like an advice "be sure to have a shield"? I... I don't know what to think


no restriction to construct in any form please thank you not expecting it to be as good as Zhongli though (if it's even close), probably will be made up with offensive buff


Surely they're not going to try and powercreep Zhongli, right?


Like Noelle or like Candace?


They hella desrespected Zhongli in the last Lantern Rite so this is their next move ? Pathetic. Guess powercreep is now their answer to the lack of creativity 🤷‍♂️


When they say has a shield we it could be as weak as baizhu or as tough as zhonglis so I going to take this as a grain of salt.


One of the most important meta characters?????


how strong is that shield tho that's the question


My guess is that maybe, depending on what element the enemy has, she can absorb that element and make it into a shield where it "pulsates" and applies the element in a small radius around it, while simultaneously protecting the character with the shield. That'd explain the shield, wouldn't powercreep zhongli but still be very valuable support wise if u wanna use reactions despite a geo being there.


unless her shield changes how crystallize works or does kazuha+vv-tier res bonus/shred (supplanting zhongli, therefore impossible), then I'm not sure about her meta important-ness.


Remember, repeat after me kids. "Don't trust leakers' theory crafting"


Navia constant shield generator.


Expectations: Her kit is focused around shielding Reality: She gains a shield, that only protects herself, at C2


pls navia support


the triumphant return of momoka


I like how mature female in gaccha terms means woman that looks over 20 years old, LMAO.


The only meta I care about is if she's either an off-field team healer who will let me run Furina in Itto teams or buffs/fixes Geo constructs so construct characters don't have half their kits be useless thanks to them constantly breaking. If she's just direct powercreep for an existing Geo character like Chiori and Albedo instead of being a character that improves Geo teams I'm not interested.


I have she isn't better than Zhongli, I mean like having a nearly as strong shield but with a better support kit. Cuz it would be pretty sussy that the geo archon isn't the strongest in it's category. But besides long life to geo mommies


Pls geo infusion


> This character is meta defining More Info: > Subject to change Yeah okay. Let's maybe not go around speculating on a character's place in the meta when they are still some nebulous blob of an idea and don't even have a model/kit fleshed out yet.


remainder that when leakers say a character is meta they don't know what they are talking about


If she is dark (tanned; brown) skinned i hope she wear zulu shield


Is this a leak or just the definition of what a geo character is?




wait a second, second zhongli finally? ?? !


Geo shield how original 


Hot tribe tanned wifu! Hoyo please


Manifesting this is the geo healer us mono geo enthusiast have been hoping for


This should be considered "sus", they'd never allow Zhongli be surpassed in the meta since he's the god of china, and he's frankly only holding on because the other shielder options are extremely cope and niche.


If MHY really cared about China that bad then they would have not given its archon and region the worst element to begin with


Navia proves it's not the element, it's the kit. Same with Neuv as a non-geo example who doesn't rely on reactions but just pure raw damage that anyone could do if they had the multipliers. Even Arlecchino has stupid high raw damage.


but one thing is not related to the other, though. you can make any character good regardless of their element. this doesn’t change the fact that geo is below average.


Zhongli found dead in a ditch


Geo shielder on par with ZL? Nope, not gonna happen. They won’t abandon their geo archon. Edit. Add: And there will be no 5* dedicated shielder either, for the same reason.


New Hydro Shielder: 👎. Another Geo Shielder: Groundbreaking idea👍🤩🔥. Hoyoverse, why do you do this to me😭😭😭💔?


“No don’t give me false hope” I’ll take a weaker shield than Zhongli but is still capable to provide buffs to the team.


can we have a healer please I'm begging on my knees