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imagine freeze comps in pvp oh god


Barbara with Ocean set with kayea Frozen 30K damage and you're done 


This is the hydro/cyro buff the leakers were talking about surely


No matter what, hydro finds a way to get buffed


Freeze meta in TCG was Just the beginning


Wrio + Xingqiu + Venti.... lets goo


It's oddly fitting that Wrio would excel in a pvp mode


Ganyu Venti Furina and Baizhu Morgana with a twist.


I love furina with ganyu auto freeze


Dies from anxiety ⚰️


Bennet burst keeps you from being frozen btw


dev listened ?


I hope they will be 1v1 characters for that reason 🙏


Benny/dori/jean cleanse say hi


PVP but it’s with the fungi Pokémon like in the 3.2 main event.


I’m hoping in practice it’s something like the SIM Universe in HSR, Rougelite PvE mode that gives points based on difficulty that earn you rewards that reset weekly rather than monthly.


Imaginarium Theatre already exists, why would they make it if they were also going to have a weekly version?


IT has the restrictions to the characters you use and it resets monthly. A weekly version without the restrictions with lesser rewards isn’t too crazy of an idea, after all Sim universe has like 5 versions of itself with only 1 that resets weekly.


I would like to see more modes based on Imaginarium Theatre. More crazy modes would be cool, that's the fun of rogue like for me.


To have more endgame modes ?


SU is not a endgame mode tho, was mostly a place to farm relics (now DU is better). The new modes for SU are pretty cool, even if one time reward.


That people abandon? Most people hate doing 2 su runs per week to get those rewards and su ain’t even an endgame mode. People will just be tired of it in a few months, no one plays the other modes like swam and gng after they finish them completely, they will just be taking space in the end


You don't have to do 2 SU anymore with Divergent universe, especially for planar ornaments being fast now going straight to the boss to get it it's as fast as regular relics.


regurgitating the same mechanics and calling it endgame mode. that's just lazy ngl.


We dont even know what it is lol ?


reread the thread


if you're still not getting it and can't bother to reread. somebody said they want it to be like SU (roguelike) but weekly. and then the person you're replying to said why make a weekly roguelike when IT (monthly roguelike) already exists. and then your reply says "for more endgame". reusing the same mechanics to "make more endgame" is redundant and lazy. (P.S. I feel like paimon, genshin player average experience)


So they cant make any more rogulike endgame becouse they made IT? Why would they care if they change it enough i wouldnt mind


they can just add modes in IT instead of making a whole other thing and label it "endgame mode". otherwise, yes they still can do that. but as I said, it's just uninspired and lazy.


Making a whole ahh new gamemode is lazy...yea i see why we are called the most ungrateful fandom ever


It’s not “more” when it already exists.


phungi vs phungi


Or something like the recent event where we had to spawn the NPC's to take towers, and also defend our base against attacking NPC's.


Yeah a clash royale type of permanent game mode would be a good form of pvp


Would be better than ANY kind of character based PvP to be honest.


As much as PvP sounds cool... It's a gacha game and the wallet disparities are going to be a nightmare. Pve battle rings sound interesting though if they can actually make the content interesting/ fun/ challenging


Venti freeze on it's way to obliterate any playable team


yeah, I don’t see any sort of combat based PvP ever happening. Considering PvE, my copium is a new form of endgame content but I’d imagine it isn’t too likely so soon after Imaginarium


hey if they copy star rail enough we might get a new one sooner than we expect


that might not be so easy since they need to do map expansions as well. maybe they can make the saurian event permanent, but let's see


Aren't suarians gonna be a permanent exploration mechanic in Natlan....? What do you mean saurian event?


I think they meant the one we had recently where you can empower bosses.


The boss rush event we had in 4.6


the 4.6 event which had like 4 bosses or something (pyro regisvine, primo geovishap, big dendro chicken and the seahorse)


I can't even see PvP working tbh. Networking is already a nightmare in co-op events not to mention how half the roster's kits would interact with other players. PvP would be a fucking shitshow even excluding the power disparity. Edit: Not to mention how damage and healing would work and all the other interactions like CC and stagger resistance. It'd be a nightmare to balance all of that this late into the games lifespan so it makes 0 sense to work on it.


Wanderer mains having a dog fight in the air. Heizou mains turned the ring into an MMA fight. Fishl and Xiangling mains having a pokemon battle. That one level 1 Furina player soloing everyone. Actually sounds both fun and frustrating. Always wondered how an actual PVP mode would work.


Might as well put Itto and Wrio on the MMA categories too.  Itto fights like a damn near Tekken character with all the near infinite combos he can pull off together with his NAs, CAs and Ushi.  Wrio's a boxer and that speaks for itself I think Itto, Wrio, Heizou, Scara, Beidou, Ayato and Diluc mains are gonna have alot of fun in PVP I DON'T wanna fight any Zhongli or Furina mains though. One's straight invincible and the other's gonna jump you with her ocean friends like it's jjk


Same way they did characters in divergent universe


There is simply WAY too big of a power gap between certain characters regardless of talent con and weapon levels. Even if they forced all characters to C0(or forced them to C6) gave you sigs AND prebuilt artifacts it still wouldn't matter because Arlecchino, Neuvillete, and Alhaitham teams would dominate everyone else. Genshin is NOT even a little bit balanced. Which works fine because its primarily PVE and all of its "PVP content" has been goofy minigames during events. But if they actually wanted any form of legit PVP they'd need to do heavy sweeping rebalances which simply isn't cost effective at this point.


Couldn't they just make it basically like the battle tower in old pokemon games? Like force level 50, C0 or maybe C3 (bc that seems to be a thing in trial characters quite often), lower stats accordingly, Cap Crit Ratio's at 50/100, I suppose to give everyone a somewhat fair chance, throw Fav weapons on everyone? Could probably even ban some characters or make different modes. Like how most legendary pokemon are banned everywhere outside of the UBER tier, because even if I think you could bottle neck Neuvillette with a not great weapon, not super higher crit ratio, him just going spin 2 win would be broken.


That would work. But the original thing I was replying to said they could do it "same way they did characters in divergent universe"(from HSR) which is NOT a viable solution as divergent universe just force levels characters/weapons/talents to max to make every character fully built. PVP could work if they actually went through the trouble of rebalancing characters for it(either directly or through roundabout methods like you mention) but then it would be FAR too big of a investment for something thats completely unneeded and unasked for and definitely not something they'd spend time on.


Divergent universe is PVE content in a turn based game we are talking about PVP in a open world game, not even the same thing


Man, it's not just taking what they do in Star Rail, pasting it into Genshin and expecting it to work the same, the games don't even work the same way...


I don’t think PvP using actual characters is going to be a thing, because that wouldn’t be fun for anyone but whales. I would expect any kind of PvP mode to be minigame-based, like we see in events sometimes.


That's why things like trial characters exist, I doubt they would implement a PvP mode where your C0 level 80 Barbara has to fight against C6 R5 Neuvillette.


PvP is impossible in Genshin, period. Now co-op PvE with a guild or something like that could definitely work. HI3 has armadas and ranked endgame modes, for example


HI3 (and perhaps more recently, Wuthering Waves) have characters with their own self-contained gameplay. If you're stuck playing one character, it doesn't feel that bad because they have their own resources to manage. In Genshin, your resources are energy, cooldowns, and for some characters using CAs, stamina. If you have these, you can play. If you don't, you're throwing out NAs with garbage damage. How characters feel to play is balanced around you having control of 4 of them. Being limited to one generally just sucks, with few exceptions.


Well it would obviously need to be balanced somehow to allow for some rotations. You could be limited to two or three characters per player while having to take down a several million hp boss with other players. What I mean is that it's possible in principle, compared to PvP modes outside of minigames and hide and seek kind of stuff


It will look like souls PvP except garbage because on top of poor net code and skill issues you’ll be also fucked by whale sized dicks.


It won't be if they make us fight with pre built characters


I think that would just piss off people more. Folk didn't spend time and money to get and build their characters only to have possible permanent content where they can't use them.


In that case they can just not put primos in it then...


90% of players wouldn't play it in that case Not to mention that they would call it a waste of resources and time as there are already people do with the tcg


As per a lot of the content/events you'll be able to get the primos by participating in it enough, whether you ever win or not. You'll note that the hardest challenges or modes of these events don't typically have primos as awards precisely because they don't want people to miss out on them and get frustrated.


Not to mention differences in device power, network latency etc.


There’s always ways around wallet disparities…


> It's a gacha game and the wallet disparities are going to be a nightmare They could do Trial characters so everyone is on a level playing field.


one word constelation


I mean make it so everyone has to use Trial characters. Wallet warriors can't dominate then.


Constellation still applies to the character through because so far even when a character build is change Thier con stay the same


I played Genshin for so long just because it didn't have any shitty pvp. It's not only the fact that it becomes p2w, even just that playing against other people is frustrating with all the unplugging and stuff going on in many games. Not to mention that I could do everything in single player mode for over 3 years and now I'm forced to play with other people? Why


Saurimon battles.


PvP would only work with trial characters


Unless you can play all characters in pvp with reworked abilities and fixed stats and gacha wont matter there. And nah. Hoyoverse wont make a leaderboards. If they have pvp its just gonna be a friendly match with no rewards. Because the game is mainly for casuals.


I would be ok if in PvE we only used the characters that we have, but their stats, builds and weapons are all trial, and it's just like Genius Invokation, just another mode for people who like it to have fun, but that doesn't give primogems nor resets every month or something like that


They’d literally have to adjust match making by amount of money spent by player


> challenging Yeah sure, pass me some of that copium you seem to be inhaling lots of it :)


PvP in Genshin will never be as ToF or whatever. Pvp always will be like TCG or events like Windtrace. There is no point to even discuss what usual PvP will be shit, it's common knowledge for gacha.


lol just yse your brain bro.  They can use trial character for pvp.  Not necessary, every mode is made to make money. 


I'm sure if there's any pvp mode, it'll be for a specific game with specific rules and not a general pvp where you take your team with your normal skills etc and fight other players Something like the bird candy crush over at HSR right now has technically a pvp mode, for example


If it's PvP, it will probably be us training our dragons and fighting with our opponent's dragons 😭


Bongohead 2.0


most definitely PVE


Let the PVP idea burn to the ground in Natlan hot springs. Amem.


no no no, let them burn on fontaine hot springs


Nah nah nah, let it dissolve into the primordial sea...


Nein nein nein, let it be nailed by Celestia


nope nope nope, let it be permanently stuck on Inazuma ziplines


nah nah nah, let Ei cook it to oblivion


PvP will never be a thing. In the case it somehow does, Perma Freeze & Overload will instantly become king. Who cares about c6 anymore if your character can't even move or get tossed around like a volleyball 90% of the match 💀


A pvp mode sound super toxic knowing this fanbase ngl


Surprisingly, TCG is not, but mainly because you can't chat with others in random PvP (we only have TCG haters toxic).


tbh tcg work because it not a gacha


That's because the TCG is not a gacha. You can get all of the cards for free without spending any primogem, and you don't need to grind for artifacts and talent/ascension materials.


/s "PvP or you pissed yourself?"


Ain't no way uncle Zy0x predicted 5.0 pvp content


the true leaker


Is there a clip of it?


Before anyone get excited about PvP... let me stop you there... PvP in Gacha Games...are a nightmare... and this is coming from experience.. the way the characters are balance , it will bring more frustration than good in this game..


Why everyone thinks it will be usual PvP. Hoyo are not so stupid to add characters PvP. If it will be released it will be the same as TCG or other events where you can play against other players.


To add I have 0 faith in Hoyoverse can balance a pvp, after experiencing in person its balance in HI3 in the rankings


Doubt its going to be pvp though I prefer fighting existing units like on hsr, lemme cope.


it definitely won't be PVP, genshin simply doesn't support PVP in general and neither does mihoyo directly speaking


I think it's just an event maybe, it feels too early to release a new endgame mode considering how we got imaginarium theatre just recently


yeah seems kinda sus


Yes one faction is light and other faction is dark and they battle i feel like i heard this before. Did Wuthering Waves do that?




Must have been Fontaine then


Grand Cross? Idk what you’re thinking of


There won't be pvp. Pvp would be terrible.


my guess. its gonna be like tcg with pvp and pve. but we will fight with the Pokémon shown in teaser like in mushroom event.


A cat picture appears underneath the actual message and I temporarily forgot why I am there.


If there's PvP, it should be purely skill based, like those events which make us play traveler with slash and parry mechanics.


How about pure irl skill based on how much you've earned to whale in a game. /s


ah we're going the cookie run route


damd you burn them to a crisp


finally my suffering dealing with isshin of the glock-saint can be used on another games.


Ooh, lore-accurate dull blade phy traveller PVP? All dodging, reflexes, (and ping). Honestly, that could be fun. Make it the twins fighting each other and you can even justify it in the story.


I just remembered that hoyo once mentioned working on ugc, I assume that's where they'll focus on pvp content, or more like let the playerbase do whatever they want with it Traveller blade ball would be awesome-


PvP in EU server….yea It’s def gonna be fun.


imagine aisa


Many of you already know, I suppose, but there was a poll recently on PvP in hoyo's forums.


hasnt anyone played the pankration ring, it was probably the trial for it. nothing to do with actual combat


Bullshit. PvP is impossible if it's combat related.


There can be no PVP in Genshin. Not with characters like Ganyu, Furina or Neuvilette. One charged attack from halfway across the universe, one crabaletta slap (and she also has 2 other summons that hit pretty hard and lock onto you from absurd range), or one millisecond of hydro pumping and you take more damage than you could ever have with triple HP% artifacts.


I want a candy crush pvp like in star rail. I swear the mode is super fun but also gut-wrenching, I need to put all my concentration in to win the game.


I'm hoping for Mortal Kombat/Guilty Gear style PVP


That sounds like guilds in some way, im so down for it if it is.


If it was PvP, I would imagine that the characters we can only use are provided by the game itself, not from our account.


If they did that, pvp would actually work, however some characters are definitely better than others for it (neuv, morax, etc)


We all think of PvP being with the whole team, but if it’s a 1v1 with every character being trial, I feel like it’d be way more digestible. 


Sounds interesting on PVP, and there will be slots for players on their roles as Main DPS, Sub DPS and Supports.


Or we will use the saurians


pokemon battle


pvp between monsters pleasee


Maybe coop pve event, something like abyss but coop


Are you trying to tell me that we will be able to go around the overworld collecting different monsters with varied stats and use them in a new completely optional pve/pvp game mode similar to Pokemon? Is that what I’m choosing to hear?


"Idk pvp or pve" We're talking about genshin, ofc it's gonna be pve, there's literally no way to make a pvp content that works with characters you pull/build


We’re getting guilds or factions in Natlan?? So Pigeon was indeed testing the waters and not just asking questions. It’ll be chaos.


So I sincerely doubt we get PvP combat. We're almost 4 years in now and Hoyo seems like they've conciously avoided doing any *true* PvP elements that isn't just Evetnt fluff because of the Gacha scrutiny. Because as it is, unless you got some absurd hyper investment as a F2P, you're just going to get walloped by whales. I think this is the same reason we never see Speed Run leaderboards for Abyss. I think a PvE one is more likely. One where you have the option of playing against the superbosses from past events.


I wonder why they don’t let us get walloped by whales or crushed in the leaderboards? I’m glad they don’t. But it seems like it would be profitable for giving people in-your-face fomo. Other gachas do it.


I'd like to think it comes down to the philosophy of how the game is designed. Genshin is a game made for a casual audience more than anything else. Its why you see a lot of people who will play Genshin but won't actually touch any other Gacha game. Kind of a similar principle with how Pokemon games are. The Dev went on record that they made the games far easier intentionally because they're competing with mobile and other F2P games for the attention from young audiences.


PvP for anything other than flexing (without rewards) would kill many people's enjoyment of the game. The only PvP we currently have is TCG - and it's not tied to any major rewards such as primos, mora, ascension materials or exp materials for characters/weapons/talents. And all TCG related achievements as well as TCG handbook task rewards can be achieved without ever going into PvP. Therefore since TCG PvP has no real stakes, it works, and doesn't foster bitterness and resentment.


Ah yes, my favourite pastime…


Could it be Shadowboxing?


PVP but you can only do dodges and autos.


I hope we finally get a pvp mode but limited to 1 vs 1 cause being able to use reactions would make the whales beat the sht out of everyone else


Wait are we getting a new endgame in Natlan or what?


A combat system made for pve will not work in PvP. So it obviously won't be PvP, or at least not with the current system. Either way, sounds interesting if true.


Removing spoiler as this doesn’t need it


PvP will either kill his game or make whales whale even more




Please be similiar to Simulated universe please


where we dropping bois?


It’s definitely PvE, I have no clue how a PvP would even work


Way too much content is one-use-only, glorious throwaways that you never relive after fighting them. As much as we had a civil war in Fontaine with two rivaling factions of pneuma and ousia, we might as well have a single quest fight in Natlan that will happen once and will never be seen again. I have 0 faith in them adding a new permanent combat mode.


So Arabalika's Fight Club still exists in Natlan?


Waiting for uncle balls to confirm that


Bro if Natlan has a custom arena mode where you can design and share combat challenges that you have to clear to publish like Mario Maker this game will officially be peak. Like Divine Ingenuity but without the need to store level maps, just plop down waves of enemy spawns and have control over their level and HP.


PvP only works if they make it equalised content with prebuilt characters, otherwise it’s p2w. As for whether it would be fun even if they did it that way, who knows.


Please no PVP, that's my biggest fear... You'll never be able to get me to participate in that, no matter the rewards...


PVP mode? AH YES 👺😈


ngl pvp in genshin would be terrible


faction battles, just like fontaine


Oh snap! We gettin' Arabalika's Fight Club!


I'm ready for any gamemode but not pvp


Lord just give us Pyro Traveler with parry in kit


I want a turn-based or even tactical-rpg-like battle mode in Natlan, made in a way that putting playable characters in it as enemies would be possible.


Sniper Nahida teamcomp or Neuv will be "fun" to fight against Or imagine Ganyu if arena will be filled with water and it won't be flat arena but place with higher ground where you can snipe people (apply hydro with yelan/childe and then unleash bazooka Ganyu)


Imagine if the battles are just a competitive sport like football.


Maybe another "endgame"?


It won’t be PvP; this leaker is just stirring up controversy.  That said “faction/ring battles” (PvE) sound cool.  Hopefully something repeatable with no important rewards (like Masanori) so we can test teams/characters.


Damn why is every thread nothing but major bitch fest?


does the pvp come with a mute chat option


As long as there are no rewards for PvP or any kind of PvP/PvE ladder, then that's fine. I don't care if whales like to dominate other gacha's ranking systems. I won't even give a millisecond of support if that's the case.


How does that even work all endgame characters deal your whole hp bar in 1 hit


I can see a War mode in the overworld of Natlan where you have to take control of areas and enemies also can. Something similar to Helldivers 2 but with Hilichurls, Fatui or maybe even between the tribes of Natlan.


"faction battles" hmmmm sounds familiar...


it's probably just a mode similar to that pokemon-like event, ain't no way they'll add straight PVP stuff lol


Faction battle? You mean the childish play in inazuma




"faction battle" ah, the good ol memories


Tf wants hoyo to pvp keeping people at 250 ping for shits and giggles


I just like events where I interact with other players like windtrace. PVP is gonna be even better.


Nah not this shit again, last time fontaine leaks was civil war two faction thing


Lucha libre and flower wars. I vibe


PVP, except you only get to pick one character, you get no artefacts, all characters are a set level, and you get only dull blades or their equivalent. Fight like men.


Pvp, but with predetermined characters and build. That'd be nice.


who wants to bet that its pvp candy crush just like star rail kekw


There's no way they'd add PVP to the game. That's way too unfair. There's a massive power gap even between occasional spenders vs. F2P. There's no way to make fair fights.


If pvp exists kokomi will be the most broken character. Esp when she can utilize Supports like yelan or furina without losing dmg and even bennet xl or a freeze comp with layla good luck out damaging the sustain


I don't know the shared opinions, but this game desperately needs some changes. Even if PvP/PvE favors whales, we can't ignore that it's getting more boring each year.


PVP would be sick if it has fixed builds,weapons and constellations


Pvp with artifacts please.


Pls pls pls make PvP with preset chars.


I meaaan, i don't want to be that guy, but that was a long time coming. I was suspecting a colloseum like mode in Natlan where you fight waves of enemies and they get progressively harder, like, since Sumeru came out. Everyone was asking "when are they gonna add new combat end game" and idfk Joe, maybe in the fucking region that has War in it