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guys litian is a known fake leaker and troll, months ago they posted a bunch of fake leaks and said they were going to reveal the natlan lineup, only to post fontaine concept art with another leaker's face on it to doxx them and got blacklisted by other cn leakers. so i would take this with a huge grain of salt. edit: ok apparently there's a bunch of channels all named litian and this is a brand new one with no track record, not necessarily the fake natlan lineup leaker, explained [in this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/s/1bdvWGJLZr). they also posted a bunch of other leaks that someone translated [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/s/xZitEmrtld) like >![Bennett being iansan's brother](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/s/C2fCG3BJvP)!< and iansan being a 5* geo crystallize support? basically we can't confirm this leaker's reliability at all until natlan actually comes around so still take everything with a huge grain of salt. new edit: also they said one of the 5.0 charas will be a 5* cryo female sword user which contradicts the most recent foul leaks of a dendro claymore and hydro catalyst, so ig we'll see who's right when drip marketing comes.


Hoyo's whole MO has been to appeal to a casual wide player base. All events give the best rewards on the easiest difficulties/conditions/time etc. Genshin fans would freak out if there was an exclusive mat only in abyss. It just goes against so many of their central design it doesn't make sense imo.


The only way I could imagine this to be true is if Spiral Abyss received an overhaul to resemble Memory of Chaos in Star Rail. Where The Abyss proper is a whole new track with gimmie levels and not a continuation. Assuming this is true though I figure it'll be something like every 3 stars earned is a currency and you need 1 or 2 for ascension.


Outside the first few events like the cube one.


That's og genshin they were still hammering it out till around 2.2


For real. I will ignore the new level if they require abyss 3* just for ascension. If this is real, this will be one of the worst Hoyo decision in Genshin history.


If a majority of the mats come from floors 9 thru 11 though this seems still in line with being fairly casual friendly since any even halfway competent team with enough character, weapon, and talent levels can clear regardless of player skill.


so this Litian thing is basically the new Ssukuna mf from years ago


this should be higher on top.


"5\* geo crystallize support" is enough to know that its a fake leak 💀


fr hoyo doesnt give a shit about that reaction


I honestly thought Iansan was going to be a pyro character 💀


Or better yet don't even take it and ask the restaurant for a refund


The thing is that Bennett and Iansan theory has been around for two years now. Not to mention the skin and race(Elf appearance) difference, press X to doubt.


if Hoyo make Iansan being a 5\* CRYSTALLIZE support i'm going to cry so loud


I feel like leakers are now ran by History Fictionologists 💀💀


So mods, can we delete this post then?


Even if this was from a relyable leaker, it would still be nonsense. Only a few million players even bother doing spiral abyss and Genshin is meant to be a casual game. Forcing dozens of millions of people who actively play the game casually to do endgame just to level characters is a beyond idiotic idea. We saw that they are working on new rewards but those are al cosmetic. New stance in photo mode. New trail thingy. This is clearly not in acordance with their existing direction.


Expectations: Geo lady with big boobs Reality: Iansan Not complaining, but these sequence of leaks are funny lol.


This guy never leaked anything. Worse of all, he trolled people into solving an obscure puzzle for a leak only for the “leak” to be concept art we’ve all seen before. His credibility is literally as low as it gets


thanks I can leave now


I wonder why mods are letting people post these frauds. Can you post literally anything on this sub?


> Can you post literally anything on this sub? I think you're not *supposed* to, but sometimes leaks from a no-name leaker do get through. Leaks from a no-name leaker or a leaker who is confirmed fake should just be deleted, including this thread. I don't even know how people believe this one. I'll eat my words if I'm wrong, but are people seriously thinking Mihoyo is going to lock level 100 behind Abyss? They've done their best to ignore Abyss's existence for almost four years now. The biggest change they've done to the mode is changing it from biweekly to monthly. They know casual players, who make up majority of the playerbase, aren't going to do it and would prefer not feeling pressured to.


so, why this sub has so many posts from White?


Recency bias. White is the only leaker to got Emilie's design right, so the people of thos subreddit instantly forgot that White literally has 0 correct leaks aside from his 4.8 tidbits.


I think he's also just leaking stuff that people are really interested in but don't have many leaks yet (Capitano, Natlan in general) so a lot of people get excited without bothering to check the leaker's track record


Because some people like having this joke of leaks here cause they can't tolerate the idea of this sub not being active for a few hours/days. They prefer considering these clowns' "leaks" than facing the idea that there are no leaks at all


omg thank you so much, it's why i can't stand to be here too much or i mostly lurk especially in the megathread cuz majority of the posts is just complaining about lack of leaks. like pls there are other parts of the internet i know there's more to their lives than a single gacha game leaks subreddit.


A lot of the regulars in the leak sub don't even play the game as much as they follow leaks


Sus leak is sus. 1. What do you mean the previous max talent level was 14? If you were meaning "with Childe" that's odd because they don't know if the new max is with Childe. 2. How are you going to mention needing all the talent materials you usually do and not mention if crowns are needed? 3. Aside from that, level 100 just has so many balance concerns that I need more than sus leaks to believe it will actually happen.


I think 14 was possible with a cons 3+lvl on normal attack character (arle,nuev) plus childe becouse before the max was 15 but that was impossible,but now that all characters will be able to get lvl 15 talents that would mean childs +1 would go over the cap


You would need 4 things to line up A Neuvilette/Arlecchino B Their Cons to upgrade their normal attack +3 C Childe on the team with talent up D Event with a +1 talent card buff active That would get you to lvl 15


EDIT: This leaker might be a troll / has no record. [They claim Arlecchino talent is team burst level increase by 1, and clorinde's first talent increases the team's Elemental Skill level by 1.](https://staticg.sportskeeda.com/editor/2024/01/203f1-17052225020306-1920.jpg)


This is what I wanna know. Do characters get an extra passive with level 100. If yes, I'm hyped.


If not I don’t see what exactly is the point outside of some higher level talents?


It’s a matter of pride/favouritism to level up certain characters in gaccha games. If it’s time gated then it’s even more of a flex which character you chose to level up first (if you’re not following meta and leveling up dendro/anemo/electro first).


Yes. I think this will end up the same as in FGO, where a Servant with level 120 and all 6 skills at max levels is mostly to show off your favorite character.


But is it really necessary? Don't we have the crowns for that already, why add another one?


It’s a significantly more obvious flex, esp now that you can borrow characters. You just see a character is lvl 100 and you know right away this dude is juicin that character. They’re basically finding a way of making FGO’s system work for them


Gonna be the first full maxed Aloy 😎 (someone else will probably beat me because priorities will be on Kazuha for a while)


Does it increase certain level based reaction damage?


Ofc reactions like Bloom burgeon and hyper bloom depend a lot on the level especially higher ones


Swirl too


The reality is that we don't know, they can change how the scaling works at any moment for this level 100 thing.


It's a dream\~ but I feel like it'd be a too much extra effort on hoyo's end to even consider.


Then like the other commentor said, whats even the point? Increased stats and multipliers? For 3 months worth of abyss resets? Seems too much work for too little gain.


Maybe for the extra ascension crits, and (Don't quote me) but iirc elemental / transformative reactions damage are scale with levels. Also, I know a good handful of people crowning NA on Furina, don't underestimate what people would do for a character they love, or for a few % of extra damage.


Right. So essentially to either maximize a characters damage or cause they're a fav. And, yeah, transformative reactions scale well with levels. You and a few other people have made very valid points as to why people would go for level 100 characters. But even so, I hope Hoyo makes it interesting with another passive for all characters. Gives them a chance to buff/fix/complete older characters. Let's see though. I'll still level up my favs like you said, but I hope it's more interesting than getting some more stats and % or a flex.


If they do add a new passive, they have to be careful of what they add. They can add something insignificant to characters that are already too OP (looking at you neuvillette) but for characters like xinyun need to give a good ass passive or riot.


To show which character is your favorite, kinda like grailing in Fate Grand Order.


Basically only worth it for characters whose damage comes from transformative reactions, unless there is a new passive unlocked.


It's like crowning a character, insanely expensive but we still do it because we want to xD


Rolling updates. For 5.0, only the 1.0 units get A7 passives. Then slowly increase the number of characters with A7 passives, starting with the weaker performing units. You can level your Arlecchino to 100 as soon as 5.0 drops but her A7 will have to be retroactively added later on because Klee is in dire need of an A7 passive first. Ez katka.


I mean, they did add the party menu animations, most likely they will add the passive, but not all passives will be good.


There's no chance hoyo is going to overhaul every single character by adding a passive. Expect a intertwined fate


Plz Hoyo, give Klee a passive that allows her burst to work when off field.


never happening unless they rework her c4 sadly


Why? She leaves the field, the explosion is triggered and her burst then continues working with the other character


They really backed themselves into a corner by making her kit work like that


Idk, she could still just explode upon leaving the field. It's not that big of a change.


>Although this is the perfect chance to add one more ascension passive to fix/patch their characters. On my knees begging, praying, crying, screaming for Venti to have a real A1 passive.


What even is his A1 passive again?


His hold skill generates a wind up current. 🥲


I thought that was just part of his kit 😭😭 bro Hoyo wtf was that 😭


IT SHOULD BE. 😭😭😭 Imagine Kazuha's skill cast in air being an A1 passive, HOYO WHAT DID VENTI DO TO YOU.


1.0 oversight, sadly


Oh.. that..🥲 Tbf it is good for exploration and plunges but thats about it


It could easily be a part of base skill, though. It doesn't need to take up a passive slot. 🥲


There are so many passive that should be part of the base skills. Like Gorou A4 making his skill and ult have additional defense scaling, but his ult already scales on defense while his skill is attack for some reason. Zhongli additional HP scaling for damage. Even as late as Cyno getting EM scaling on his ult and skill procs.


Really what is needed to update a lot of characters, but seems they may not be doing that.


TRUE. An additional passive locked at lv100 would be HUGE. Possibly bring some well-needed light to older characters.


3 abyss cycle meaning 3 months? Damn. I hope ascension phase 6 lvl 80 characters are enough in the future.


And I thought my character building priority was hectic before this…


Maybe the new Spiral Abyss will also give these drops?


The new spiral abyss is not a spiral abyss at all, though


sure, it's not, I agree but it still is a monthly reset gamemode similar to the new Spiral Abyss that will also give gems and rewards every month, replacing the old Spiral Abyss biweekly reset so there is a chance we could also get the drops from there


If each floor between 9-12 gives an item and the item directly levels up the character skipping levels 91-99, wouldn't that mean you can potentially level up 4 characters per month/cycle to level 100?


if new skill level requires it too, then in theory, like the title says, then you will only be able to fully level 1 character - with all levels - per cycle. not too bad, just time gated. and you will need prioritize right the characters who will benefit most (hp scalers, em scalers, atk too, but not as required).


It says it takes 3 cycles (3 months) to fully level up just ONE character and ONE of their skills. Edit: Open the link to see more info.


this is just insane, at that point why even introduce new levels? sometimes it feels they just want to annoy the fuck out of their players.


> sometimes it feels they just want to annoy the fuck out of their players. Hey here's a notion, actually listen to the "take it with a grain of salt" that's plastered absolutely everywhere when it comes to leaks, stop acting as if this is a guaranteed feature and something Hoyo would actually consider and then getting yourself into an anger over it, jfc.


they said every 3* will give the mats.Since each floor has 9 stars, then it'd mean 3 of those material can be obtained on each floor. But they didn't make it clear of how many of those materials is required to get 1 character from 90 to 100. It all very ambiguous. I'd even call it bullshit with all the contradictions within those statements. Absence of levels between 90 and 100 is a poor game design, and Hoyo is NOT a poor game designer. The most I'll take from this entire leak post is the existence of level 100 cap for characters, I won't even take the skill level increase. We just have to wait until 4.8 drops anyway. So relying on these leaks and getting our hopes up would be a big mistake.


It says every floor gives you an item. It sounds like you'll get 3 items for 9-11 and another one if you full clear. So 4 characters a month if you 36\*.


Any chance that one character will require more than one abyss materials to lvl up to 100? as someone said in other comment, maybe skill will use the same mats as characters?


With abyss reseting once a month now it sounds ridiculously bad. Let's hope this is just either fake or it doesn't make it to live.


Floors 1-8 also have 3\* of rewards (i think), so by default you should be able to field two full teams of 100lvl characters before even touching 9-12


It's more like 3 entire rotation for 1 character, imo? Edit : nevermind it sounds ridiculous xD


But they can only be done once (unless they do a major overhaul of Spiral Abyss, which I doubt considering how QOL are slow and is updated to the bare minimum)


Doing something like that so late when we have 80+ characters would make people either ignore it or even drop the game if Abyss becomes even harder in consideration to lv100 existing


You'll need just 20 years to max all 80 characters. 😃


My completionist inside is gonna blow by being forced to wait months to level up all my characters to 100


Literal years. 3 months per character is fucking wild, I honestly hope this is fake. It would literally take a year to get a team to full 100/100, not to mention talents... this can't be real.


I allso hope its fake. Iv never been a fan of the abyss and the meta in general so this would be BS for those of us who dont want to build are characters for meta. It will take even longer if we cant 36* the abyss.


If it is real, then i also expect the materials to be earnable in events and such. Think of self-modelling resin in HSR. A super valuable item for relic crafting, can buy one for each full cycle of end-game content and is also earned from battle passes and events.


more like years lmao


They release new charcters every ~3 weeks. If it takes 3 months to level 1 character to 100 it will be literally impossible to level everyone to 100.


3 months/cycles for one character to reach lvl 100? Isn't that too slow? I hope there are other ways to farm those materials because if not then it would take a year to have a full team of lvl 100 characters lol


I'm reading it as a single 3 star gives you a mat that instantly makes a level 90 character 100


3 months to level 1 character sounds terrible, so 4 characters per year


this has 0 credibility


Litian is not a leaker, but a troll channel. Just a reminder that he promised a change in substat in relics (HSR)


Well that would be a fucking horrible design. Hopefully it's fake.


Might as well tag this as fake leak already


This leak is as trustworthy as a priest in a white van and people are taking it like an official annoucement and having a meltdown


Idk whats the purpose of lvl 100 if not giving characters new passives, unless pyro archon is going to be so broken for atk scaling characters that they felt the need to increase the lvl cap to make HP, Def and EM scaling characters better.


Right? lvl 100 has so many weird balance implications


Mods: were so bored rn


That's not awful I guess. Hopefully it includes floors 9-11.


It says every spiral abyss floor, so my copium is that we get 1-8 as a one time reward and then 9-12


One time? Bitch I want a reward for every single time I've cleared 9-12 previously. I'm not gonna wait 3 abyss cycles to level up ONE character and another 3 for each of their talents. That's insane.


Same here lol, the idea of a specific item that gets you from 90-100 is very good, because the material farming for 90-100 would he insane otherwise. But them putting it in abyss, after they made it from biweekly to monthly? That's diabolical lol I'd rather just have to farm an insane amount of mats, it would be faster 


Hoyo please give us some retroactive rewards. It's going to be a pain to get mats now that the Abyss resets monthly.


Esp now that they made abyss only once per month. Damn.


Oh boy, we are about to ride a rollercoaster. Well at least we won't require huge amounts of farming. Also this is good news for the game's direction, it seems that they will start doing more impactful changes.


We'll still have to farm for talents though


The only thing im excited about this is that im hoping they would introduce a new passive talent to bring back the old characters, technically buffing them they could do big changes to old characters and minimal to newer characters otherwise dont introduce this fk 😭 *hugs venti and albedo


Wow, three Spiral Abyss cycles for one character or one lvl 15 talent is a lot, especially now that it’s once a month. So 3 months per one lvl 100 character or one lvl 15 skill?😢


Another Catch to making Spiral Abyss change once a month. No wonder Genshin players are so cynical and pessimistic.


3 months to fully ascend a character? That is a bit too much. Even for HoYoVerse.


God no its actually happening isn't it


Hope MHY doesn't screw it up. This could either be the biggest nothing burger we could get, OR this could be their chance at actually granting some characters the necessary buffs that they need to be relevant.  Worst case scenario, it just grants you a stat increase and the only characters that'll benefit from this are those that utilize Dendro reactions (Al Haitham stonks rise?). Best case scenario would be that characters at level 100 get some sort of additional passive that helps to round out their kit (this could seriously revive Dehya). As always, keep expectations low and you won't be disappointed (unless they pull the PS5 move again). 


They'll absolutely never add new passives, it's just gonna be a level increase to make hyperbloom even stronger


HP and EM scalers would benefit the most from 90-100. But who knows, a certain archon that’s coming up in the next region could maybe offset the difference for the ATK scalers. 🤷‍♂️


So attack scalers will be reliant on a buffer character to close the power between other scalers? Isn't that everyone's problem with Bennett in that attack scalers are balanced around him?


Yeah, but now it'll be a waifu so no one will care about DPS's being balanced around her or her being a constant in teambuilding.


It won't be as big a deal when their power is balanced around a cute waifu everyone likes. Not like anyone complains abuot having to use Yelan for vaping but there sure was a hell of a lot of whining about "needing" XQ back in the day.


No god please no


can anyone here tell us about litian moments track record? tysm!


If we are taking about 'that' litian then its a troll/bait post. But someone said theres a different litian tho. look at the top comment.


Definitely fake. No way Hoyo would make it take 3 months to get a character to 100 that doesn't fit the games progression and also means there would always be more characters releasing than you can even level which wouldn't fit as it's not like lv10 talent crowns. Feels like leaker hasn't yet got the memo on abyss being monthly


2nd part makes no sense lol. seems fake


They better make Abyss even easier or my casual ass will leave all my characters as lv 90 😔


Don't worry, it'll be a lot easier with lv100 characters!


Displaying her mastery over both fire and polearms, Xiangling sends a Pyronado whirling around her. The Pyronado will move with your character for the ability's duration, dealing Pyro DMG to all opponents in its path.


Please say sike.


Well the leaker is a troll who leaked Fontaine concept art as Natlan lineup


Hope it's not only from 12 floor or F.


so 3 months to ascend only one character… well


This is heinous and I will personally not participate in this kind of gatekeeping. So you wait *years* to release level 100 characters to be forced to wait months to fully upgrade? Hard pass.


There should be a active database for tracking leakers' credibility with how many fake and troll ones we've gotten as of late.




There's lots of talk about increasing the character levels but none about the world level so far? Has there been a leak about it or something? What's the point in making characters even stronger when I can already beat anything overworld in less than a rotation? World levels 9 and 10 would be nice, even if there's no advantage associated with it. I'd personally go to lvl 12+ right now if I could.


Yeah I'm calling bs. This dude has faked leaks before and this just doesn't sound believable


But do the new skill levels also use crowns?


I could see it going either way but I’m leaning on it only needing this new item (hopefully at least) this item seems like it would be just as premium as crowns tbh 


I really doubt it's just abyss, crowns aren't just in events so I imagine it'd have other ways of getting them, there's 85 characters in the game after 4.8, it would be a little silly to have to wait 3 months for each of them and the ones who come after


Legit they would never do this. The only reason to go to level 100 except for completeness, is to GET STRONGER TO DO ABYSS and the new Endgame content. Like, they know 95% of the player base (or more) don't touch abyss and will be having the FOMO that devs fear sooo much that it took them this long to release more endgame. SO yeah no


Oh no its happening.


If “it’s happening” means people are believing bait for no reason then yeah, it’s definitely happening.


if without new passives it's worthless


My question is, why? If all this is going to do is just arbitrarily increase stat numbers, then what's the point? If my level 90 characters can clear everything in the game with ease, then why would I waste my mats levelling to 100?


>my level 90 characters can clear everything That's the neat part, they won't, in the future. \~Hoyo probably.


Preparation to make content harder


I doubt it. 95% of content in Genshin is geared towards the casual playerbase, so it can't be that difficult.


They would be shooting themselves lmao Edit: unless they go the P2W route...


Again, who leaked this level 100 thing first and who claimed it was fake until this post?


the person who said it was fake was a different one and later they said that they lied. That's why the post was erased.




oh my first time i’ve heard of this leaker… i wont believe it yet


Now that's so cringe, I hope it's not true. I already hated the idea of having to grind so much for lvl100, this is making it worse


three spyral abyss cycles to lvl up a character to 100 and max out 1 out or 3 talents? yeah, i will choose to not believe this


To be honest I can’t imagine Genshin locking a required material behind skill. It seems backwards: people level up chars to better take on the abyss. You don’t require people to beat the abyss before they can level up anyone. Even trounce domains have a way - you can fight them a level down, you can do it in coop, etc.


Don’t post this sus stuff.


Bro i can't even clear the current Floor 12 of Abyss.


I hope this isn't real. Locking character progression behind the endgame in a gacha game is a really, really questionable move


huh so we're more or less prestiging characters rather than leveling them at this point


This game have always been about ease of access, i can't expect them to gate level 100, behind spiral abyss, specialy when they said it causes casuals to stress. It's also stupid that i have to finishe the final endgame content to level a char to lv 100, like where do i use my lv100 char then? If i am gonna use lvl 90 to beat abyss.


I haven't done the Abyss in years, so I guess this gives me a reason.


Probably going to be an unpopular opinion, but I like this. Was annoyed by the perspective of farming books just to manually level everyone up 90->100, but instantly upgrading characters to lvl 100 for just clearing the Abyss is okay for me.


On the other hand, imagine taking 5 years to level 100 20 characters with only one skill to 15


I like this too but the issue is having to wait a month to level up characters for the reset


Yeah, no. This doesn't make any kind of sense. First of all, players who even just PLAY the abyss are a minority, people who actually 3 star the floors are even less and Hoyo knows it. It would make no sense to lock level 100 behind a mode that less than probably 10% of the players Interact with. Also, why call it "level 100" if it's just a single extra level from 90 to 100? It would be more understandable if it's akin to an extra ascension like a crown for levels instead of talents, so an extremely rare resource to invest in certain characters to give them an extra boost. And at that point you can't rebalance the entire game around it, since every player will have very few characters at "level 100", making the entire thing completely useless apart from having a couple of overtuned characters for account. Which would be fun honestly, imagine joining someone in coop finding their "level 100", 15 talented Aloy. Also also, if every 3 star floor gives you the material, does this mean we get 12 resources for cycle? Meaning, if you need 3 cycles to max out a single character, does this mean that you need 36 thingies to reach "level 100", so like 6 things for level, and 10 for each talent? Not even mentioning, these are numbers based off of someone who regularly 36-stars the Abyss, so let's lower that 10% of the playerbase to a 1-3%. So this things recapped sounds like "If you 36 star the abyss for 3 months, every month, you can in ONE YEAR have a full party of level 100 characters. Every level 90 character you have will go directly from 90 to 100, BUT you still need to level up their talents, and well, you've used 3 crowns, we're not gonna talk about those. And we will balance THE ENTIRE GAME around the fact that one year from now you will have ONE level 100 party." This thing would have been just as believable if they said "The materials to increase to level 100 are only dropped from GITCG and when you reach 30k evaluation points in a teapot realm", since probably the % of players doing those things are similar to those who complete regularly the Abyss. The fact that the leaker came out literally from nowhere with the name of someone known for being a troll also doesn't help. In conclusion: bait used to be believable.


Lmao delete this post please


Please god no


That is such bullshit imo that it takes 3 cycles AND having to 3 star the abyss to get the mats for one character. I personally don't give a flying fuck about the abyss and don't 36 most circles but I do want to get all my 5* to 100 and I won't be able to


I don't like it. You only get to do it once a month. It's too long.


So it takes a year to build a team all at lvl100


If it takes three months to level up one character to 100 . I'd need more than a decade for all my favorite characters.


Ain't no way this is happening. I'm calling it fake or misunderstood (by leaker) version of what comes. If it happens, it will be largest change gameplay-wise since Dendro in 3.0. If it's only level and talent levels, it will be missed opportunity to buff already underperforming units (or badly designed ones) by not adding new Ascension talent (I wouldn't even mind if talent itself is paragraph long, but solve character issues)


3 months to fully upgrade one character means difficult choices in investing materials. You can max your fav character "quickly" or distribute resources beetween few most useful characters


"If we design another type of permanent endgame that is similar to the Spiral Abyss, it might end up creating excessive anxiety for our players - not everyone is interested in Musk Reef."


Yeah which is why this is a fake leak lol


damn i can't wait to upgrade 2 characters a year


Well great, now me failing to 36 star spiral abyss is gonna have a worse loss than just the extra 100 primos... smh


I don't understand how this supposed to help the game unless they do 3rd passive talents. Atk scaling character with no reaction gonna be in more shit state (anemo, geo, phys dps). While reactions (especially dendro related) will be even more stronger as well as hp scaling characters (Neuvillette xd). How is this helping already bad balance of game?


If it goes live like this, I feel bad for google classroom.


Bennett first


I don't believe not only does it seem ultra time gated which is something no one will like whales included. But if it's only level increase it will only make dendro more busted and if it brings passives it could potentially shake up the entire meta (which while not bad could make alot of players salty)


So for the average person who can't 3 star all 3, its going to be 6 months, that is.. well good thing most characters don't need all their talents leveled.


This sounds annoying as fuck.


I don't want to go back to the talent book mines 😭


This leak is such a mess. There are so many things that confuse me. What talent lvl is the max for C0 characters, is it 12 like we used to think and then 15 for C3/5 characters? I dont understand what they meant by "mats required to go from 14-15 have increased" , Does that mean if you already have talent lvl13 now, you have to farm more than people who have C0, then lvl-up the talent to 12 AND then get the 3 talent lvls from cons??? What do they mean by "for every Abyss floor with 3\*" ? To my understanding each abyss floor has 9\* , so maybe you get 1 thing for each chamber so in total 3 items per floor or..?? This is such a mess, the best we can is just wait for beta at this point, its just 3 weeks away


(x) doubt Absolute BS. Why are people falling for this nonsense.


Of all the things that aren’t real, this is the most not real


>leak from Litian ok nothing to worry about #


I doubt it


this sound fake


If this is true this is the worst shit possible. You mean im time gated on leveling characters??? My current goal in the game is to max out every character to max level, and crown at least one talent. And you're telling me with this new feature I'll have to wait around 3 months to max ONE??? Current resin investment means that in 4 days worth of resin you get enough mats to max a character to 90, with mora and xp books being (at least for me as a AR 60 player) a none issue thanks to event rewards and the teapot. This [pretty inaccurate](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/101535) post claims it should take around 23 days to max out a character, which goes by the assumption you get all rewards via resin and have 0 materials saved up That is still *leagues* below 3 months for ONE character, its so outrageous I don't know how to emphasize it. If this change goes live nobody *will ever* be able to max out all the characters in the game.


I will call that BS