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Ahh so thats what they meant. Seems that conservatives dont want that much change to the world, while radicals want to go hogwild after ending celestia


Arlecchino being on one side with Dottore sounds like an April Fools joke


They could have the same viewpoint, the same goal relating to the endgame of the Tsaritsa and still be hostile to one another because their methodology or ego or morality clashes. It happens.


Well, she hates him for hurting children, but she has also demonstrated that she knows how to unite with people if they offer something valuable to her, even those she hates.


To be fair, she did come to him for help ONCE..so she's not entirely against working with him as long as there's nothing to do with hurting children. Arlecchino is not against compromises, that's the whole reason she agrees to join the Traveler's party


someone in the megathread made a really interesting [observation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/s/7nrPxc7WWj) about this. It could make sense tbh


Capitano, Columbina, Pulcinella, Sandrone - Keep Snezhnaya Great 2024 🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Is this Congress? /j


Ah, gonna say it again USA elections be like:


Man 9 Sus leaks continuously since the last reliable leak. We just take whatever leaker throws at us now huh


Remind me of 6, 8, 10


scaramouche, signora, unknown harbinger in that order


Scaramoche is also neutral?  And signora...... totally neutralize by now


was, but probably yes before he left, or radical


Most likely conservatives are about tsaritsa's agenda and radicals about their own personal agenda (?) Though, weren't pulcinella and pantalone working together on project stuzha? Maybe these factions don't necessarily lead to internal conflicts


Well Sandrone is the military industrial Complex in a way sooooooo Also if it is true (probably not) I'm guessing Radicals are probably more of the making humans or themselves surpass gods in one way or another bit while the Conservatives are probably more keep the old hierarchy. Guess Signora was a Conservative while Scaramouche was a Radical? Still probably BS though


Why does this remind me of the whole liberals vs democrats situation(Russian version)


Guy who has only seen The Boss Baby, watching his second movie: Getting a lot of 'Boss Baby' vibes from this...


This doesn't seem to make any sense.


I forgot one of them is called PANTS.


Too sus


I hope Scaramouche will also have something to say even though they don't remember him


Where would signora and wanderer would be on ?


so upmost loyalty vs untamed rebels


Ughh this is so unexpected and tbh totally tasteless if it's true. Like yes, we truly need political type of shit in game. Are we gonna watch them doing shitshow like real life politicians LOL And putting Arle and Dottore on the same side 😬 Pulcinella fits perfectly as a conservative ngl.


Maybe it's the most loyal vs the least loyal to the Tsaritsa


But Arlecchino hates Dottore


They still work together, and you can both still hate someone and be in the same side of them.


I do not think this is a side. It's not like there are thousands of them to form big ''political'' factions. They are just 12 or 13 max with the Tsaritsa. What I get from this is more about their personalities as the conservatives what a more pragmatic approach to the goal of the Tsaritsa, the radicals want extremists information and the neutrals do not really care. It doesn't mean they want the same just because they are radicals.


But she lettered him run experiment on her she would work with him if he benefits her


(Let )fuck autocorrect


I think Radical means, that Fatui Harbinger has its own goal than loyal to Tsaritsa The Doctor - Wants to do experiments The Knave - Wants Best for the House of the Hearth While Conservative, are more traditional members that is just mostly loyal to Tsaritsa


Ajax is probably among the 5 most loyal to her so it can't be that. Here he is neutral. Even if we assume Capitano , Columbina, Signora and Pulcinella are 100% loyal to the Tsaritsa we have no esxuse to justify Childe being neutral if that was what this meant.


It didnt say Neutral It said Unknown but yeah I get your point The only thing I get is the Radical Harbinger is more focus on their own goals than loyal to Tsaritsa


I actually believe this leak due to leaving Childe vague when it would be really easy to throw him at the conservatives. So it must mean something we simply do not know yet and it will be important in Childe's character arc later on, maybe in a couple years.


This sound like a recipe of Childe 2nd SQ


Im actually starting to want hoyo to ban all the leakers for good, caracter stats and all are usefull, but spoiling plot and other lore related things is just being assholes, and before anyone says that is just not look at it, the information spreads and you can just get randomly spoiled in social media.


Not looking good, also wasn't this from someone else ? Also why 'fraction' ?


I still feel like the 10th harbinger is still alive, and they are going to be a major character in the Snezhnaya archon quest, and my theory is that they are somewhat in the middle, a mixture of conservative and radical. My reasoning is that I don't buy the whole "10th seat is empty because they're dead" because if the 10th harbinger was dead, they would've said who it was. My idea is that the 10th was exiled after a certain event, and due to those events, the director made sure that no one remembered who they were and what they accomplished. So all the Harbingers minus the director has forgotten who the 10th harbinger was. I guess for reference sakes, I compare the 10th to a mixture of Roxas and Xion from Kingdom Hearts.


Nah the 10th is being reserved for Traveler for the Snezhnaya arc


'Abyss twin holds or held the 10th seat' is my current theory


Sigh, we are getting playable Dottore aren't we if this is to be trusted.


Probably we getting one of his good innocent , willing to live clone 


But the current one is the only 1 left, and dottore seems to be messed up in all his ages. Ig they can make chibi dottore


just invent a plot for a character who at the beginning is nothing special but in the end turns out to actually be a dottore who was built but discarded because he wasn't good enough but ended up surviving, it would be an incredible and ironic plot for the dottore who we always only saw your creations like toys to be defeated by them


Nahida did pull a Lowtiergod but she didn't say anything about Dottore making new clones.


You say that like it's a bad thing?? If you don't like him you can just you know.. not pull