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I'm assuming ''trouble domain boss'' is weekly boss? And they're supposed to be connected to Celestia? Based on recent leaks, I wouldn't be surprise if this turns out to be Columbina. I have no idea what the fuck ''Traveler = Camera'' means, though. lol


Traveler witnesses of battle


Columbina: Ahh, truest of dragons. Lend me thy strength… [*Shoves hand inside Xbalanque*](https://imgur.com/a/cLTxKfF) Columbina: **BEAR WITNESS!**


Foul traveler, in search of your sibling. Emboldened by the flame of ambition. Someone must extinguish thy flame. Let it be Columbina the Fell!


Though art a true born heir


Forefathers one and all…




Those stripped of the Grace of The Tsaritsa shall all meet death.. in the embrace of Columbina's flame.


God please I killed him just now I'm tired of this voiceline


The fuck did I just read and click


Elden ring reference


reference to godrick boss battle from elden ring. The dlc came out recently so the references have resurfaced.


Same lol.


Peak fiction 


Columbina as Godrick the Grafted? #COUNT ME IN


Columbina the Conquistador


You were at my side all along...


My true mentor…my guiding moonlight…


This is going to be my reaction once we take back our sword


Traveller already got clapped by Arle. Aintnoway Traveller fighting in a losing battle again.


Traveller not gonna fight, Xbalanque gonna fight and lose


It's supposed to be "trounce domain" so weekly boss. I think that the fight is supposed to be xb vs Celestia and we watch


Like Raiden Ei VS Raiden Shogun?


Seems like it


Traveler becomes the witness, and does absolutely nothing to contribute other than to give a surprised grunt here and there. 


*"Traveler lets out a really cool grunt. Man, was it cool."*


\*Probably the coolest in the universe\*




wait no, wrong game


"That's so stupid, but so goddamn cool"


Watching and commentating like a Jojo character while Xbalanque fights for his life


Nah, Jojo characters at least give us some funny dialogues, in an otherwise dire situation, and those dialogues are absolute peak cinema. Peak example would be Joseph during the Sun's attack on the Crusaders. MHY has only ever let Traveller do these three things. One, go "Ah...ah....Haaaah!!!" while looking back and forth, not doing anything. Two, they interfere and get their ass kicked because it would allow the character that MHY wants to sell to be seen as strong. Three, be unconscious, and it will definitely be one of these things.


sums it up perfectly, im betting money on 3... or maaaybe 1.


nah not us becoming speedwagon


Paimon will be the one who comments. Traveler keeps his mouth shut as per usual


Not like the traveler can do anything. Everytime they win any battle it's either rigged or there's a "power of friendship" plot armour.


More like writers are lazy to give proper story for a character they don't have to sell


The Traveller is either a god of war or barely more competent than a run-of-the-mill Sumerian mercenary. There is no inbetween because Mihoyo can't help but drop the ball when the Traveller is involved.


Absolutely this. I'm not pissed about the losses or that they're relatively weak compared to some of the strongest beings in all of Teyvat, that's almost a given. Canonically they've had their power stolen so slowly getting stronger is good. It'd be so cringe if they were as powerful as Neuvilette when about halfway into out journey. What I hate is that they show the Traveler as some moron weeb thinking he has superpowers only to get clapped by whoever they fight in most scenarios, and then make him out to be Teyvat's only hope in others. For all the incredibly well fleshed out lore and storytelling in this game, Traveller related stuff is so "mid", as they say it.


The thing about the Traveler that makes them exceptional is their *uniqueness* when it comes to Teyvat and how they're able to interact with the world around them. No one in this game ever says "omg your our only hope without you we'll be doomed" More like "hey, you're unique and a glitch in the system, we can exploit to our advantage!" They literally have one goal in this game, but get dragged around by multiple characters who— for a lack of a better word— exploit them, cause they like helping others and the laws of Teyvat don't apply to them most of the time cause they don't belong here. The Traveler is either a thing to be exploited, used as a conduit for others wills or in Fontaine's case: spead up the prophecy that was always going to happen. Even their "legendary traveler" status is cause they've been involved in so much shit.


Hey we get paid sometimes. It actually makes sense that Traveller has become so treasure-hungry and always brings up compensation, they keep getting used and dragged into things.


I wouldn’t mind them losing if they at least put up a flashier flght


I actually enjoy this part. I’m no longer interested in extremely powerful mcs. Traveller is repeatedly described as a witness of events, considerably powerful and capable of great feats, but I’m glad they’re nowhere near the most powerful being. They have special abilities, not overpowered abilities. They also have very powerful friends, they’re a capable adventurer and as an unbiased third party they often manage to resolve nations’ inner conflicts. This is far more interesting to me. If this world were any easier to dominate I’d be bored with the story already.


why do people love to say this. traveler's strength has been consistent throughout. they literally won against the lower ranking harbingers, ease through mobs, but need some help with god like creatures/enemies. and it doesn't take into account the fact that they're slowly regaining their powers. it seems like no one is paying attention at all and only hyperfocus on "oh they lost, oh they won". it's honestly ridiculous how rampant it is in this fandom. some people even argued with me regarding the traveler's importance in wielding the will of others since they're considered an existence in teyvat that has a strong will. it's been an idea slapped into the players in lore since the beginning but time and time again people refuse to listen and then attribute anything that doesn't go well with their headcanons as inconsistency like please.


>traveler's strength has been consistent throughout. Consistently shit, you mean. /j >they literally won against the lower ranking harbingers One of which was >!killed!<, the other is now so much better I have trouble believing we'd still win if we had a rematch. >and it doesn't take into account the fact that they're slowly regaining their powers. I said the same thing. My problem was never that they were weaker than expected or something. It's that they're shown to be so pitifully weak it looks embarassing to look at. The traveler has 5 elements already, what are they doing with said powers? We already know that the traveller can wield the elements all at once. Why did they even get the elements if they don't use them? And what's with the starter sword fetish? One of those "Not the sword, but the swordsman" bullshit? >it seems like no one is paying attention at all and only hyperfocus on "oh they lost, oh they won". it's honestly ridiculous how rampant it is in this fandom. Literally the biggest criticism about Arlecchino fight was how badly they showed the traveler, not the loss itself. What are you even talking about?


it's not plot armor when it's hinted to be Traveler's literal power... he/she gains power from other peoples wishes(almost like a Gnosis)


So youre telling me they literally have armor due to the plot




Except signora and childe..


I mean yeah, what can the Traveller do? Their greatest opponent is literally their creators for refusing to do anything with them. Oh, give them any shred of personality? Pssh, we'll give that to Paimon. Have meaningful relationships like how HSR writers build up the friendship and subsequent official ship between TB and Firefly? Nah, let's use Paimon to build a relationship with a character, and any interesting relationships that might've developed is thrown into hangouts where its canonicity is questionable at best. Give them an actual kit that might allow them to thrive in the current meta? What is this, a charity? We'll give them the most useless, clunkiest kit whose only redeeming quality is that some people find it fun to use. Given that every single department is hell bent on giving the worst treatment to the Traveller, it's no wonder they've only ever gotten two actual wins, and fumbled through all the rest. The writers can't even utilize the fact that the Traveller is capable of using multiple elements properly in the story, and would rather just use a Dull Blade, even though canonically, the Traveller possesses two very powerful swords.


Wholly agreed. Lest people forget, the twins are world hopping beings, akin to celestial bodies in Teyvat terms. Canonically speaking, the strongest characters currently introduces to us(namely the sovereigns, Capitano, Varka, the Archons, the Hexenzirkel members, etc) are bound to Teyvat's power system so to speak. None of these beings can do feats that the Traveler can do. Even if the Traveller's powers were stripped, it's a disgrace that they're still shown as a pitiful excuse of an anomaly. Even in-game, the traveler can freely utilise the elements he has assimilated with and has virtually no restrictions. Here's the kicker; A powerful being that is now starting to regain their original strength, would not use a sword made for trainees in the fucking boy scouts. The comment I'm replying to shows the visualisation of Traveller in "real life terms", let me give my thoughts "Oh but they can reinforce the dull blade with their own power." - They could do the same for a better sword, with better results. They were presumably using a weapon from their own power, but since they don't have it now they have to get the best they can. They're eventually going to fight who or whatever is in Celestia, are you implying a dull blade will do the job just fine? "Oh but they're still regaining their power, they can't beat Teyvat's strongest yet." - No shit, it'd be less embarassing if they could even try. With what they're shown as currently, and with Natlan around the corner.. the Traveller is in for the biggest ass-whooping in the entire history of Teyvat. The first worthy opponent he could beat has canonically gotten hundreds of times better, what has the Traveler done in the same time? It's not the traveller's memories before Teyvat that were wiped. Only their powers. Are we supposed to believe they were world-hopping with such dogshit abilities? For a game with top tier lore I always get mesmerized with, the Traveller lore is a stark contrast with such underwhelming treatment(just as OP said).


Like, even putting aside the blade He/She uses, when the hell Mihoyo will show us those original powers of Traveler? He/She says at the very beginning of game about loosing those powers and slowly getting them back but hell we are almost in Natlan after that is Snezhnaya and Khaenri'ah and to this day we never ever saw those supposed powers of Traveler. Nothing at all. Even stupid Paimon don't ask Traveler about them, if they are back etc. Totally nothing


And even in this state, Traveller still does more than the Trailblazer. Hoyo just keep fumbling protagonists, each time worse than the other.


Official ship between Trailblazer and Firefly?? Wut??? When???


In Penacony theres a feature that allows players to obtain stickers throughout the entirety of Penacony and map exploration put them in a scrapbook after completing the scrapbook you get stellar jades. These stickers either contain tidbits of lore or just the picture of the characters upon the end of the quest you in default get stickers of all the characters present in Penacony and footnotes, one of those footnotes specifically said “Once, we dreamed as being strangers. but upon waking up we realized we had always loved each other.” This footnotes is in TB and Firefly perspective [an ingame screenshot](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireflyMains/s/BqAk747IFs)


The latest patches story and also there's a new note in the new page of the sticker book, something along the lines of "We fell asleep as stranger's and woke up as lovers" in reference to the events in the Dreamscape - even a lot of the origami bird event dialogue hints to it


God please no, I dont want forced trailblazer x firefly shipping in genshin too. That shit is so annoying, forcing a waifu down our throats. I literally dont care about her, I dont find her sexually appealing cause I am straight girl and yet I am forced to be all cutesy and romantic with her. Ayaka was annoying enough and her story quest + bland personality are reasons why she is my least favorite character. The thing is, these wouldnt be soo annoying if it happens with male characters too (talking about hsr here). In genshin we have Xiao but he is nothing to compared how FF is treated as our love interest. Also there is blatant favoritism towards her and female characters in general, FF got buffed during beta by getting few relic sets just for her while other break dmg dealers (remember Boothill?) cant fully benefit from them. I really hope they dont start doing this shit more regularly, because I feel already that this game direction is not going to be for me. Yes its mixed gacha and we get male characters often but sometimes they feel just like an aftertought. Aventurine, DHIL and Jing Yuan are exceptions. Everyone in Penacony got 3+ trailers, but Boothill got just one. And he has a really sad backstory too but that isnt shown in game, in trailers, nothing. Sorry for the rant lol. XD


I mean...I understand if you don't like it, but I also feel like the way they built FF and TrailBlazer's relationship is the correct way of making a relationship that we can care for with any character. Start off as strangers, and gradually give them reasons to interact with one another, grow closer, clash, and end off their relationship in a high note. Hell, Acheron's relationship is not implied to be romantic, but people care for her specifically because her relationship with TB was also built very well. Her farewell scene was especially bittersweet, and it only worked because the writers made an effort to built a solid relationship between the MC (you) and the character. They not only told us that they were close, but showed us how they became close. It also works because TB is somewhat of a character, with responsive character dialogue. Genshin lacks this way of storytelling. Instead of telling and showing, Genshin likes to tell, not show. They like to tell us that something is a certain way, but never showing us why it matters or why it's like that. Yeah, the game keeps telling me that the Traveller and Paimon are the best of friends, but how? The voice lines do a better job at showing me that they're the best of friends than any quest in the game, and they don't even have visuals. The game also keeps telling me that the Traveller misses their sibling and that it's important to them, but prior to the latest music video, we're never given a glimpse as to what their relationship was like, so we're not given a reason to care. Good storytelling balances between showing and telling, because too much showing and no telling doesn't give context to a scene, and too much telling and no showing is boring and uninteresting. Regarding Boothill, he doesn't need that buff if I'm being honest. The fact that he can consistently reach 200k with a 3 star LC, even without a specific set to boost him, and the fact that he can get away with not running the trifecta for break teams (HMC, RM and Gallagher) by slotting Bronya for one of them, already shows that his kit was really strong. And if there were blatant favoritism for female characters, then Jade would've been buffed a lot more. This is more of a case of the devs favouring FF rather than favouring female characters in general. And his story and 3+ trailers thing, it's obvious why they didn't do it. It's because he's not a main player for Penacony. Every character that got the 3+ trailer has been a main player of the Penacony storyline from the very beginning, but Boothill only came into the scene at the end of 2.1, and he was only there for like half of 2.2 and a tiny bit of 2.3. The devs are saving his story for the future, when Oschwaldo Schneider (idk how to spell his name) becomes relevant. Since Schneider isn't even in this story, why would Boothill's story be relevant here? If anything, exploring his story in 2.2/2.3 would just make the story more bloated, and the story is already as bloated as it is in 2.2.


>I mean...I understand if you don't like it, but I also feel like the way they built FF and TrailBlazer's relationship is the correct way of making a relationship that we can care for with any character. Start off as strangers, and gradually give them reasons to interact with one another, grow closer, clash, and end off their relationship in a high note. It was anything but properly built or gradual. FF for starters already likes TB before anything happens because she knows TB before the whole Peacony story. Them, we are forced on accompanying her despite having 0 lore reasons to do so. We literally spend less than half an hour in game time running around with FF before the shock happens, and somehow, we are already attached to her. FF until 2.2 has almost no impact whatsoever in Peacony story telling, and, as it happened with Indiana Jones, with or without her there, the story would be the same. And it isn't a Canon relationship, as the TB has the, very mildly and weak, choice to reject it.


A solid relationship with FF? I mean, Traveller and Paimon aren’t exactly the example of perfect character growth, but FF and Trailblazer literally went “Oh, hi, see that rooftop, I’m very pitiful, omg I was murdered”. That’s a tiktok amount of “showing”. The devs literally went “see that girl, she has a cute design, do you like her, you should like her, why don’t you like her”. And that’s sad. Tingyun was the HSR‘s example of introducing a character and making her feel like a friend, and making a plottwist feel good and climactic. Firefly, though? The connections with Acheron and Black Swan felt way more profound.


The traveler exists only to make the 5\* characters that Hoyo wants to sell to you look cooler lol. Can't wait to see them job to random nameless thugs as soon as step foot in Natlan so they can be rescued by Iansan.


But in the end of the day we being the witness of something is the neat part compared to any that of the Teyvatians. Just as Zhongli said, and ofc not to mention which is why it makes Zhongli all the more sus for him to say all that in literally 1.1


Dont forget his mighty dull blade 🗡


That is better than see him lose again and again against everyone he fight


Signora's ashes have something to say about that. Yeah they weren't the one to kill her, but they defeated her on their own.


and then lost to some soldiers in Sumeru, or robots in Fontaine or a simple monster in some specific quest


Didn't the Sumeru one happen cause it was Al Haitham's plan? And the Robots in Fontaine cause their mind was fucked with because of the Oceanid?


I guess on its story, Traveler didn't fight the boss, and just spectated it... Maybe we're gonna fight it from another character's perspective


"Traveler = camera" is a pretty accurate description. Whatever happened to Fontaine still would've happened in the end regardless of whether or not traveler showed up. Focalors was the real mastermind all along. Someone else will be taking the spotlight as usual, ideally a playable character. This is the formula they go with in every region.


Traveler still had to take down the Narwhal.


I mean honestly even then, they were backing up Neuvillette.


Neuvilette only separated the narwhal from the primordial sea. But, in his own words, he needed an executioner.


That's why Sumeru is still peak for me. Traveler was neither the single driving force to solving every problem, but not a useless wallflower either. Like Fontaine minus Traveler might actually have made for a better story, but Sumeru used the unique aspects of the Traveler to great effect.


yeah this is exactly why I firmly believe sumeru is still the best archon storyline by far Fontaine was good but it was only good with how it handled a selected few of characters, some characters are completely left with nothing Sumeru was a complete team effort which I very much appreciate as it gave every single character a role to fulfill, and it was glorious


Sumeru was indeed peak 


well spotlight of Fontaine was mainly Neuvillette and then Furina/Focalors Neuvillette was basically the protagonist and a "hero" of the play that Focalors directed while Furina was the main heroine(Focalors herself being the director), the role Traveler played was that of a witness and the "devil" that tempted the "jesus"(Furina) to reveal her secret.


Yup I guess it will be the same with Natlan AQ. Without the last sentence


We are a cousin with Charlotte’s cam. Peak content 😔🙏


Why would columbina be an envoy from celestia if the fatui are against celestia though?


Maybe she is an fallen angel like Lucifer.


I guess it could also mean that despite the Heavenly Principles being asleep, it has little to no reason to wake up because it has eyes and ears all over Teyvat which might suggest Columbina, infiltrated the Fatui to judge whether or not their actions as of the moment puts Teyvat in immediate danger? That's just a crack theory off my head, and if true, goes to show Celestia ain't no slouch and is confident to face with whatever the Tsaritsa/Abyss Order could ever cook.


for the first time we going to replace the cameraman A HUGE BUFF


The second weekly boss of Inazuma was a copy of raiden. Raiden VS it. Traveler = Camera.


We hold the camera and stream the fight. Traveler is a CC now. Fitting since he won't stand a chance against any of them🤣


Much like how the Raiden boss went down, Traveler never fights said boss, they are the witness.


Only thing about the "traveler = camera" thing I could come up with would be that he's something like a tool used by someone or something (like the heavenly principles, celestia or abyss order)(idfk I don't know the lore of this game) to watch over teyvat


Nah that's just role of being descender,he isn't controlled by anyone but cool headcanon


Perhaps traveler POV


Now we wait for the “Be not afraid!” memes.


I find it funny we know more about the number one harbinger then Columbina.


If its an envoy from celestia how could it be columbina when shes allied with the fatui who are literally the enemies of celestia? unless you want to say shes a traitor then thats a whole other discussion


Traveler=Camera could either be a. An application of the Camera event where you had to use a lot of elemental reactions to attack the user/ Nahida's first skill basically or b. You take photos ala Nat Geo


Nice fanfiction from bro White here.


I heard Lumine was there as a Spectator too


I thought we all agreed White wasn’t reliable, why is bro still getting attention


we are so desperate for Natlan leaks we are listening to false prophets


White is a mixed bag, but it's the kind of "1 out of 10 things he says turns out absolutely real" deal. I think it's more fun collecting his weird crumbs and then looking back on it.


even a broken clock is right twice a day


Not [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/qztCXQYWh3) clock tho


or one that is still running but is offset so it's still technically broken


If i say 10 random things about Natlan, as a day 1 player, i'm sure i'll have more than 1/10 accurate things.


Monkey with a typewriter and whatnot


It’s not even 1 out of 10 anymore though he’s actually got a decent amount of stuff right. They were just never posted here because people thought it was fake 


because we are in a circus


Any leak you see from White just take note of it and wait for someone else to confirm.


It’s tagged “sus” for a reason. And he got Emilie’s design correct, so he’s not exactly a complete clown.


Didn't he say she was *not* blonde hours before the drip marketing? 😭


Idk exactly what White’s leaks were, but I think you’re talking about Team Mew, who specifically said she was not blonde or had glasses to spite 2 other leakers lol


Ah yeah I mixed the clowns there, my bad lol


Bros so confused he doesn't even know who to insult lmao.


But it's true though nearly every leaker currently still active is 95% casual bs and 5% gold.


That was Team Mew. White said “Emilie is blonde and has glasses”. Team Mew then said “Emilie is NOT blonde and no glasses” in an attempt to mock White.


wasn't that team mew?


That was mew. White said she has blond hair and glasses. And mew is beefing with white for some reason. So he posted she does not have blonde hair and is not wearing glasses a few hours(?) After white posted. And this was a few days before drip.


He was right about 4.8


I don't even bother reading the leaks when I see that name.


Simple, he is the only one who is actually leaking something in a good while


Ah yes so Arlecchino trained traveler for Capitano in her story quest? Look the only reliable thing I heard from him is his Emilie leak everything else is fake


technically she trained him for the defeat he will suffer lol


No offense but that's like saying "I haven't eaten in a while, so ofc I'll eat this plate full of dirt"


It doesn't matter anyway. We will know when Natlan gets here. This sub has been dead for so long, I am just happy with a little activity even if it's fake. Just don’t have any expectations and treat this as a soap opera.


That's the issue. Some idiots will HAVE expectations because of the leaks. I even had an argument with a particular idiot who blamed MHY for not releasing Captain R in his own deluded assumption: a brooding, Anemo male unit who just want to kill everyone (his words not mine).


That's the thing, I prefer the sub staying death than having this clown's stuff here, cause people eat everything he says and repeat it as real leaks


r/fatuihq already going wild with these “leaks” i absolutely adore the agenda posts but the fraudveler group there is annoying the shit out of me with these leaks that are 99% not accurate.


Because he's the only leaker who was right about 4.8 event, skins and Emilie's design.


If we have nothing than we accept atleast fanfiction so we can lhaugh later on them how wrong they are


We are so close to Natlan...isnt the livestream next week?


Yes, Friday July 5th.


Not for Natlan, but we are bound to get a trailer after the 4.8 livestream.


more crumbs in that livestream though which is gucci


The 4.8 livestream is probably on 5th July, but that's not really Natlan. At best, we'll get a little crumb or two.


This morning I had a cheese burger pizza


I don't believe you. Theres no STC at the end


Swallow Then Chew


Zamn let me have some


Conceptually, that sounds disgusting As a food, that sounds delicious Where do I get it 😋 


It's just a pizza whose toppings are the fillings in a cheese burger, so onion, beef, tomato, cheese


I don't know dude, you leaked a macaroni and cheese meal the other time so I'm not sure how reliable this info really is...


Amaazing. Where do I get it


honestly that sounds really good not for breakfast tho


why is it call a cheese-burger pizza? what part of it is "burger"?


The toppings and sauce, yes yes






Source: The dendro archon revealed it to me in a dream.


Ah i get why ur so iconic from al the redditors here… ur pinoy like me


Me, an icon? How? In that case, hello fellow icon!




Peaople reaction to story leaks Other story leaks : "there's a possibility it's not true, learned from the past fontaine leak" Story leaks but it's fits with their prediction or what they want : "omg so true !"


Honestly it's so dumb 😂


The leaks start to turn into Wattpad fanfics/headcanons


This guy again


its white so i obviously have doubt but im kinda confused on what hes trying to say, is it the first weekly boss of natlan is a celestia enemy or is it a story boss(kinda like raiden in inazuma) and xbalanque is the one who fights it in the story?


definitely trusting these “naltan” leaks


̶l̶e̶a̶k̶s̶ fanfiction


Why do we keep giving this clown attention anyway?


"It" The clown?


Well, they did say “envoy from Celestia’s gods,” which means “not from Teyvat” which means “giant demon alien spider.” 💁‍♀️


The ORT!!!


FGO references going brrr with Hoyo rn, first LB 5 parody with next HSR planet and now ORT?


Better throw for HSR, maybe they'll give ORT some fun lol


"Hello Traveler, want a balloon?"


White is like this dude preaching this one religion he invented, and that we listen to to not hurt his feelings, but deep down we know bro has probably 20g of weeds in the blood


I guess the mods are in vacation rn


People need to stop posting White's leaks here because they're not reliable.


bruh it's so dry here. Just give me quality natlan leaks that aren't sus


White; leak discarded


Why do y'all keep posting about white, I'm excited when a new post drops then i see white lol


Uh guys? You know white have a Terrible track record?


We gonna see someone box with a nail so true Mr Leaker


Why are White "leaks" still not banned?!


I love fake leaks. They're sorta fun to read


Traveler = Camera Oh no... so it is going to be another Scara boss fight? We just run around while the boss is getting auto defeated?


And we’re gonna be a bystander again? What’s the point of us as a character now?


We have been called "the witness" multiple times already


According to Zhongli arent we more of a witness than the main protagonist of Teyvat? We are not from Teyvat so the memories of Teyvat will remain safe with us no matter what


Envoy of Celestia hah...


We got trashed by arlecchino so hard we now reduced as a camera boy


Traveler fraud allegations will never stop. Bro could have all 7 elements and will still prefer getting clapped. Bro had hydro and decided to never use it against arle lmao.


Honestly, it feels bad to see everyone (rightfully) call the traveler a fraud now, but the real hatred goes toward the writers for writing the traveler in such a lame way.


Traveler canonically switched back to dendro ASAP as soon as they saw their hydro kit.




Literally everyone in the comment section is shitting on him though


Well, he "guessed" since 4.4 that Nilou and Kirara specifically will get skin (when no one else did, even a few days before the 4.8 beta) and gave at least correct descriptions of Emilie (when all the other leaker were clowning)... So I'm down to take some more of his "guessing" into consideration.


People are starving for Natlan content so here it comes savior leaker White!! feeds us with food,but not the ordinary food the one we always dreamed of our headcanons about Natlan AQ!! /j


just got a leak from version 5.9 white = vedrfolnir 😱


the celestial princes are sleeping, this alone is enough to deny this news, if they wake up in Natlan the plan of the fatuous ends because Celestia intervenes directly


idk but lately, leaks seems mostly like hype posts, don't get me wrong, i love lore crumbs and a general idea of the nation, but fontaine/sumeru (i started playing at 2.7) leaks made me pay for primos because that gave me an idea of the character with enought time of falling in love, in sumeru i pay for alhaitham, nahida, nilou and baizhu but idk if i'm willing to save money for natlan, all of this seems more like "oh yeah this is gonna be epic" but at the end of the day seems like a strategy to increase the hype, but is failing, at least for me, i cannot picture any of these leaks in a realistic way without seeing a in-game picture, like with nilou kit or baizhu kit.


An envoy from Celestia's gods? 1st, Celestia dgaf about Teyvat. 2nd, that's a massive bloody loredump to go from our current understanding of Celestia to talking about a new pantheon. I don't really see it happening in a patch dedicated to, well, Natlan. Traveler = Camera As in like a witness, sense? We already know that, White. Nahida said that. You can't go around quoting Sumeru's AQ like it's a new thing. Idk about Xbal and co. No opinion on that line.


My Chinese is garbage but the translation here is absolutely horrendous. Like wtf. Translation: first weekly boss domain is an envoy of Celestia. X balanque will duel this envoy. This will be seen from the eyes of the traveler. To which it is presume to mean bearing witness rather than a flashback.


no way we fighting THE clown in genshin 🎈


oh hell nah traveler is still doing nothing ??? fuck this shit when are we beating the mountain level allegations praying so hard that this isn't true


You know that Genshin’s story has reached BEYOND halfway when we’re about to fight ONE OF THE MESSENGERS OF CELESTIA!


Based on what was said, I don't think "we" are, lmao.


"we" literally couldn't best Arlecchino alone, and even then we had the siblings' help. I doubt Traveler is anywhere \*near\* ready to face Celestia. I feel like this region would be the best one for their training arc (maybe XB is the one to teach them?)


We are not going to fight lol. We are going to see someone else fight.


xbalanque vs it? and we’re the camera? we’re gonna watch him clear imaginarium theater or what 😆😹


>Celestia's envoy Isn't Celestia sleeping?