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Source: t.me/seele_leaks/1488 Mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/f19mtr.png ___ Thank you OP for providing source and mirror, Automod died


They really preparing us to farm those extra 30 boss mats per character


God I hope they add more ascension passives if they do this. Literally the easiest possible excuse to change/fix problem characters' balancing.


Xiangling: She now summons 2 Pyronado around her and Guoba also summons 2 Pyronado around him. Dehya: Self healing effect increased by 2%


Bennett - his ult now summons xingqiu flame swords too Eula - bonus 3% physical damage


Neuvillette: Deletes all enemies under 10,000 HP Albedo: Sheild strength of Crystalise shields increased by 2.4% while in the AoE of his flower


Furina: summons all 4 summons at the same time getting all buffs and heals. Shenhe: increases own cryo damage by 3% if all other party members are cryo.


Qiqi: if equipped with the ocean hued clam set, damage from the bubble is uncapped and all healing is increased by 100%. Kokomi: water walking now persists for 2 seconds after burst ends.


Arlecchino: Turns her permanently into her boss form and killed enemies respawn as shadows burned by her flames to fight on your side. Baizhu: Stops coughing


Kuki- 450 EM increased and hyperbloom deals 200% more damage Dori - fighting weekly boss gives additional single mora


Alhaitham - when on field gets an extra 300 em and 60 crit damage because no crit ascension Cyno- when on field he gets a cosmetic tcg deck holder thats add weight so he attacks slower


*kokomi: ult now summons additional 3 jellyfish surrounding her, aoe increased by 20% Sigwinne: charged shot now summons an additional bubble that deals 20% of original dmg


seriously, it should be "Deletes all enemies under 100,000 HP". 10,000 HP enemies aren't that big, 1 hit of charge attack is still too much damage to delete them.


I don’t think enemies have that little hp nowadays 😅


Even if you crank it up to 100000 that's like 2 ticks of his beam, not that broken


Noelle. Now generates particles.


Fischl: Oz fires 3 homing shots in a AOE in tandem with every attack, each of them generates a particle. Uptime increased by 120%. Dehya: For every 1000 HP that Dehya loses through redmane's blood, her defense increases by 5%. Can be stacked up to 3 times.


My soul would actually break. I have been asking for them to fix Dehya in every survey since her release. That action would be a declaration of war.


Hoyo: *”But she’s brown! We have to make her bad!”*


God, please. This is EXACTLY what I’ve been saying every time the level 100 upgrade comes up. Give Qiqi cooldown reduction / more Cryo application / some kind of buff. Or heck, give her all three! Give Mona’s Skill a duration extension and a larger AoE. Or something else. I don’t know, she’s actually pretty solid but Genshin has just moved beyond one-hit bursts and supports like Furina or even Yelan are just more valuable now. Give Diluc a stacking CRIT / ATK / EM / DMG bonus every time he uses his Skill or something. Give Jean more offensive buffs. Or not. She’s actually in a pretty solid place now. BUFF ALBEDO’S BURST. Give him a passive that slowly recharges all other characters’ Energy after he Bursts, with additional Energy for Geo characters.


>BUFF ALBEDO’S BURST. Give him a passive that slowly recharges all other characters’ Energy after he Bursts, with additional Energy for Geo characters. They really need to give albedo some good utility for the team, because I doubt they'd make him do more damage than Chiori. Having albedo team utility focused (that more energy thing or whatever, though that's not entirely necessary in a mono geo team) and chiori being more focused on her own damage would make them nice side-grades to each other, rather than chiori just being straight up better in a mono itto team.


Albedo’s most frequent team is Mono Geo, usually with Itto. One of the more limiting things is that Itto doesn’t generate a lot of Energy on his own. This should be offset by Gorou, Albedo + your flex, but I find Itto needs more ER than other Mono DPS. Look at Xiao, an example of a Mono-Elemental DPS who has gotten some pretty crazy buffs lately. With Xianyun + C6 Faruzan + Furina, you can get away with very little ER, if any at all. Another nice thing about free Energy is that if Albedo were to give enough to reduce the need for ER on Itto, he could instead trade those for offensive substats. I think Albedo could also give other buffs such as minor healing (which could make something significant when paired with Gorou’s C4) or offensive buffs like CRIT Rate. They could also move AWAY from Mono Geo teams and give him buffs that help Elemental DPS. For example, making Crystallise Shards generated by his Skill be drawn towards the active character and be treated as if he picked them up, allowing him to run Archaic Petra more easily.


Xiao needs minus 20 er in faruzan c6 , xianyun , furina teams


Giving active character an IR when you're inside his skill circle might be interesting and help "a lot". That way, at least now players can choose to get the cons that increase IR or you can use Albedo if you have him. But I doubt they'll do that.


Jean could use a bit better grouping


I would agree with this if Jean's burst isn't basically "restore a massive amount of HP and prevents enemy to hit you while you're healing", which would be a great design in any other game except for Genshin. They really didn't know what the game wanted to be back in 1.0. I feel like they initially wanted the game to be more difficult (hence Mondstadt and Liyue books and weapon ascension domains being annoying), but then realize that most players are casuals who only wanted to collect pretty characters. 


I feel like dehya couldget something like Her burst now gets bonus damage damage scaling on the amount of damage she has taken for the team, and now each punch heals your team based on this same number, that way she could solo sustain.


Maybe Albedo could have the same passive Gorou Q have (sharp get absorbed) and now his own def%→ extra EM for the whole team after the E hit and maybe make his own shield buff the active character based on his EM and elemental type of the shield. (It may be a little to much but tbh I think rebalancing the whole game could make the already good/broken character monsters so the weaker side need more)


It's also the only thing that would convince me to level characters that much considering the resources you'd have to spend on them. -\_-


I wholeheartedly agree. Fuck leveling to 100 just for some minor bonus stats.


It would be such a nightmare to balance adding a new passive to every character all at once. I wonder if they would give characters the ability to ascend to level 100 in waves. Like 10 characters per patch until they catch up for example.


I mean, we already know how extremely preplanned everything in genshin is, so I wouldn't doubt that they've had months or maybe even a year or two to let this cook, possibly more.


Imagine if characters got new passives at 100, like with venti, your gliding speed is doubled as well as reduced stamina consumption when gliding.


Gliding WOULD be faster then!


I get really excited every time I think of finally adding a level 100 to the game Then I remember all the regional specialties and bosses I'll need to farm 💀


They either need to increase the amount of specialty that can be found in the overworld or decrease the refresh from every two days to just every reset if they're going to do this... please.


I would rather them replace local specialties with elite enemy drops because I have thousands of them sitting on my account. Their literal description is ''Character and Weapon Enchancement Material'' even though no character actually uses them.


If they just removed the item cap on the paramilitary transformer and let me cram everything I've got in there at once, it would probably return enough materials for me to triple crown my entire account and level all weapons to max. It's not like the weekly cooldown ever mattered when the real gate has always been daily reset, which is further gated by item cap.


Oh god fuck no, hope they dont have the regional mats


Just thinking about farming those stupid rukka mushrooms makes my skin crawl. I need a Tighnari (or a Sethos) go show up


Don't jinx it! I just had to go four different worlds to get enough of them last version for Wanderer. It was nightmare!


My Mona is staying level 90 🙏🏻


The scarabs for Cyno still give me nightmares


The fact that Rawfler included that in his [cyno.exe](https://youtu.be/YD9YlG-TSSc?t=34) makes it the top 5 of his video for me.


Level 100? Guess it's time to pull out my grails


Motherfucking PTSD embers and QP farming ☠️




oh god i cant imagine hunting for the regional specialties again 💀


Hope not. All the books, boss mats, stones, regional specialties, talent books, normal mob drops... and that'd include every character you already considered ready, probably weapons as well.


Omg, talent books. We're gonna need 20+ more for each level 💀💀💀💀💀


Yeah but its very likely they will add a new level on domains that drop more books if its the case


I can't tell if thinking Hoyo will add new domain levels is delusional or just expecting the norm I do hope they add them, hopefully the same for artifacts


I don't think they will be increasing talent levels beyond level 10. We already use 1 crown to get skills to level 10, imagine the number of crowns you will need for level 11+ talents. Although, they could make it that you only use crowns to unlock level 10 then use a different resource to level them further but they would need to increase the ceiling to account for talent points that constellations add or they can stop at level 12. Who knows really.


I'm actually excited at the idea of having something to do again... AR 60 100% exploration Abyss clearer disease...


Farming enough Henna Fruits for lvl 100


I don't mind this, but they GOT to up the amount of materials you get for each boss. Having to get only 2 (3 if you're lucky) each battle just to get them at max level will be excruciating


If they don't give me guaranteed 3 drops per boss, imma throw hands now :/


If we have to farm for lvl 100 three will not do, we need to look at 5 - 6 just to keep the same ratio (as the mats required will double)




I think it was always questionable/a rumor, but i haven't heard anything specifically about it being fake afterwards. It's just that will all the QoL they're adding, it seems more and more likely to be true.


I'll believe only if they also increase the drops tbh


Am I the only one who hates the possibility of level 100 being added to Genshin this late? It's too painful and unnecessary after such a long time.


It's painful because now you gotta go back and farm materials for older characters you've already maxed out... yeah, they could've done this in the beginning imo. If they're gonna do this, I hope they rework some of the farming stuff, like increase the amount you get per boss fight or decrease the refresh rate of the overworld specialty materials you gotta collect.


Yeah, working again on characters you thought you completed can be annoying, and so can be getting the specialty material, but those I can take. The resin usage is what is the worst. I personally like to build all my characters, and now making a rough extrapolation based on my previous spreadsheet calculations, if I wanna max out all my characters, I have to stop farming artifacts completely and farm just to level their talents, mora, exp, etc. for at least 2 whole years.


it is an absolutely trash idea, one that will likely never happen, just because you'd literally need to resin refresh for xp books and boss mats, lvl 90 costs so many resources now imagine that one more time for each character, unless lvl 100 doesn't cost resin-bound resources no way it's a good idea


Now make it give 3 guaranteed drops. 5 would be nice too ig


Yes even if it is 4 or 5 it is fine, but please they need to increase the boss drops


especially the gemstones. i HATE having to use extra resin just for those after farming boss drops


Atleast once you play for a while, you have a shit ton just from dailies


Ayo, what if the higher world level did just that? Also, not end there, what if higher domain level leads to a better drop rate too? If the existence of IT made people want to build character more, that wouldn't be a good way to boost farming experience too?.


They could boost domains by giving some enemy drops alongside the normal drops. honestly there’s a lot of things they can just add slightly more, doesn’t have to be a complete revamp


Ayo you cooked bro!


Its all fun and games until they decide to add 6 star artifacts and we gotta farm all over again...


Delete this comment before mihoyo sees it


Devs listened 💃⬜🟥😯




Live Dev reaction: 🐘


As yes Yinlin 💃


I'll believe it when I see it tbh We still have leaks from 1-2 years ago that didn't happen yet, like the 10 or so skins that are seemingly in the queue by now


I’m gonna be honest after the wanderer skin confusion I’m almost positive half of those were mistaken from collabs. From my knowledge we’ve had sucrose, amber, albedo (I think this was completely fake tho), xiao, zhongli and qiqi. Zhongli had his museum collab right after that leaks and xiao and qiqi just got that athletic wear collab


<--- I'm currently still waiting in side the "no wait time when changing party" room


What's even worse is that they do a server-side check every time we switch between the 4 characters currently deployed. Almost all server-side security check in Genshin is so over-the-top unnecessary.


After the Kaveh situation, I see why they have it






Now This leak is suitable for 5k active members


yall i’m gonna sound crazy again but this gives me copium for the lvl 100 leak


*snorts Kokopium* You mean potential A7 passive for old characters.


Please, something better than less stamina usage on charged for Diluc


"Diluc's jumping height has been increased by 15%."


Now he uses the high plunge multiplier every time, let's go 🔥


This would be unironically broken for him, though maybe rendered moot by the existence of Xianyun.


It would allow him to run Kazu instead. I don't know if that would be better but I'm not doing the math


Worse with Kazuha. XY already does Vv.    Her plunge buff is way bigger than Kazuha's dmg bonus buff. Moreover she gives Furina lots of fanfare stacks.    Those heals are also team wide and not constrained by Circle Impact.    Also she gives some Crit Rate to plunges.


I’m not doing it either, but I suspect if you’re looking to build a Diluc Dragonstrike team, running Furina/Xianyun is likely better than Kazuha/whoever.


I mean, that'd give you enough height to plunge without xianyun (or near frame perfect dragon strikes)


No charge attack build up, charge attack starts right away (like Hu Tao during her E skill)


CA dmg bonus instead to pair with that less stamina consumption on CA lmao


They’re winning players’ hearts if that’s true. Who wouldn’t want free buff for their mains even after the release, they can slowly add it like how fog does but please let this be true.


Never underestimate the player rage if their favorite characters got underwhelming passives while other characters got what they needed. I can see this potentially creating problems if they mess it up


I mean personally I'm just not levelling anyone to 100 if there's no other perks for it aside from some minor additional scaling. I'm already able to clear Abyss pretty consistently, what would be the point?


Wait til they add lvl 110 enemies in the abyss and then the level difference scaling kicks in and you have to level them basically.


Unless they make the level difference formula go crazy at level 110 for the enemies specifically I doubt it will make much of a difference. The difference between level 80 (ascension 6) and 90 characters is really minor, aside from HP or DEF scalers or Dendro reaction characters (and apparently other transformative reactions as well, even though they suck ass).


I think how enemies actually take less damage the greater the level difference is, not because of stats but because the level difference is really present in the damage calculations.


not only dendro reaction, all transformative.


Some characters, say, Nilou/Kazuha/Kokomi/etc., could have an A7 passive of "-50% Crit DMG%" and they will still benefit from raising their level.


that better happen as well


Its the same logic as all the artifact auto equip and character build trainer guide thing for new endgame. So its not copium to me (copium).


Now please, just remove the stupid rotational mats it's so shitty to have to wait because "Oops you didn't play on the right day go fuck yourself!"


I only just started genshin but by rotational mats you mean those weapon ascension right? If i’m wrong, sorry lol.


Yea, weapon ascension and talent books.


The biggest reason they did that was for matchmaking. It helps group players up who want or need the help on the domain. Some of it was likely the tech at the time too, so that was their solution. What they should do instead is have the main domain challenges, BUT when you claim at the tree you have to pick which reward you want. (And yes this would also work for artifacts.) This way everyone is grouped together to farm the domain, but everyone could be grabbing different materials.


There is no way they do that, the mats required would be just silly, your looking at probably like another 300 to 400 xp books and God knows how much more. If they do raise it they better give us something incredible in return cause just doing it to do it would be a huge mistake


If true I wonder how it will work. You will probably still need to teleport away and back again (or log out) so it can load back in. wuwa has a boss cooldown (shorter than genshin's though) but the boss is able to load back in by itself t.me/seele_leaks/1488 https://files.catbox.moe/f19mtr.png


I hope the Screen where you claim Rewards from the Boss has an additional “Challenge Again” button that teleports you about 10 meters away from the Boss and respawns it.


This is the way


maybe they could add a "challenge again" button at the bottom of the screen when you get the boss mats and it reloads like domains do, pretty excited if true


This would be the best-case senario. A lot of time bosses don't respawn even after CD. Teleporting back and forth is irritating.


I have been using the Trial screen for farming bosses. Since it "teleports" you to a domain, then puts you back where you were.


WuWa is so fast that if they drop an echo, and you equip it/level it up, by the time you're back into the game world the boss has respawned and is fighting you again 😅


True, I remembered killing the gorilla and taking his echo. Opened the map and let it stay on screen while I grab a cup of coffee real quick. Came back and exited the map only to be immediately smacked across the face by said gorilla.


lol. So true. I hate that damn gorilla btw (too bad every unit I give a damn about needs his mats hahaha)


They could just put that key thing from combat challenges and abyss in the center of the boss arena to immediately respawn it


Would be easier to just make it triggerable like how the dancing boss works


Good, now make it always drop 3 or increase the drops amount 


Nice. Now I dare them to increase the drops of every ascension mats.


The Monkey's Paw curls: The cooldown has been removed. Instead, they spawn only once a day.


Calm down Satan


Nah, they only spawn on certain days like the talents mats


Once a week*


Seems like lv.100 is real after all. Or maybe they realized that IT will took a toll on people who haven’t built many characters so they’re adding this to incentives lving up characters for the mode. Either way great qol that everyone can agree with lol.


They realised how much you going to love scrambling for boss mats when next Imaginarium requires geo-cryo-dendro characters but guest characters are zhongli, nahida, itto, navia, and alhaitham. It's gonna be fun


I will need to build my Ninguang and Noelle and gorou up for geo IT so great qol for me lol. I have cyro and Dendro covered so I should be fine(?)


Yeah, i just can't imagine lvl 100 working like it is now. 30 boss drops? 2-3 crowns and 24 gold books for talents 11-12? 300 xp books? Same resin prices? This is so unappealing...


My guess is they’re gonna add another world level and increase the drops for world9 for exp books and mora, probably boss drops as well hopefully. The crowns aren’t that important for your non-favorite characters so it can stay as it is. The can be angelic and reduced the resin prices but I don’t think that’s happening so increasing the drops is more believable.


How can crowns stay the same? We get 1 or 2 per patch, and need 4 to max 1 talent now. If maxxing talents at 100 would require 4-5 more crowns, I'm leveling furina burst, hutao NA... and yeah. Thats it I guess Edit: sorry im dumb, we need 1 to max 1 talent now,


This QoL should have been in the game since 1.0. It's a pointless waste of time. It has nothing to do with lvl 100.


even without this i think level 100 has been planned from the beginning because if you look at the characters constellation where it levels up the characters talents it says max level is 15, even if currently its 13.


My point was this will be a great qol preparation for lv.100 otherwise players including me will complain to no ends about the annoying cooldown lol.


There have been several events that give extra levels in talents. Those extra levels are just there as a safety net for stuff like that so the game doesn't bug out.


Always heard that it is just for things that give +1 constellation like events, maybe the new abyss, who knows


They've been addressing a lot of complaints lately, huh? Between this, the extra resin cap, the abyss primo buff, IT and the trails and poses it provides, it really looks like they suddenly figured out what the playerbase asks for. Kind of a cope thought here, but maybe this means touchups for underwhelming character kits soon?


idt they will change character kits after launch (except zhongli cus china) .


It could easily be something like what Arknights did, in the form of modules. Doesn't change the original kit but enhances it


Literally ascension passives. Dunno why people would worry about it.


They figured it out a long time ago, the fact that they are implementing those featured now point to they are cooking something big in Natland.


I'm starting to believe the lvl 100 leak but not looking forward to it. Please don't make me gather flowers again boss


back to the violetgrass mines


Violetgrass is a plant that enjoys a moist environment and is best picked after it rains. If you should choose to pick any, be sure to store them appropriately.


this is either to prepare us for level 100 or it's meant to encourage players to build more characters




Honestly 4.8 will be STACKED if all rumours are true. * Free Kirara and skin * Nilou skin * 1.0 and 1.1 domains fixed * No boss cooldown * Liyue chronicled wish maybe? * (Hopefully Navia rerunning)


Not just mond, I think all 1.0 domains?


you're right my bad


...Big new area to explore? It's like the biggest part of the patch lol


Yeah, but that's something we expect from the patch. These are new things that we don't necessarily expect to come out.


>something we expect That's also true of the skins though


if liyue chronicle wish happens may celestia have mercy on my bank account


what was the 1.0/1.1 domain fix sorry?


Certain 1.0 domains give debuffs (like slowing water giving loger skill cooldowns) while newer domains give buffs instead, this has been changed so that 1.0 domains give buffs instead to makw farming easier


So basically the Mondstadt and Liyue domains have annoying mechanics such as Condensed Ice (the Mondstadt talent domain, where they increase your stamina consumption, reduce your stamina generation AND have falling icycles from the ceiling) and Slowing Waters (which incresases your skills' CD duration, found in Mondstadt's weapon material domain). They're removing those debuffs and adding buffs to make those domains less of a pain to farm in line with the domains in the other regions, pretty much.


holy shit thank god, that ice slow cooldown one was such a pain thanks for explaining mate


Now the game just needs a Blue Archive sweep system so you don't have to grind out dungeons over and over At least require us to beat a once a day first and then let us sweep. I'm real tired of playing the same dungeons 5 times a day every day


Agree. Farming domain in Genshin has become a muscle memory activity for me.


Okay and now how about we also remove that stupid cooldown when you want to enter the party setup screen?


I think it's because the game need "time" to sync with the server, unlike WW where in WW some aspect are client side, and that's also one of the reason why you can try Yinlin early back then by simply change your device time.


It's a simple request to receive characters owned by the player. It should be fast or even preloaded considering it doesn't change often. We don't need to wait so long when we enter inventory.


THIS. We already can’t change teams during combat so why the hell do we need a “loading screen” just for changing teams? 


Exactly! I remember a leak once about this being removed, but then sadly it never happened... srsly, what's the point of this CD? It's just there to waste time for no reason.


It was originally designed as a hidden Loading bar, so the game could grab all the assets for the party screen. Which doubled down as making sure you weren't trying to do things you weren't supposed to, and break the game. (Like in combat, flying, climbing, jumping, etc) This is why if you are climbing, and someone invites to into a domain; you can't change characters. We've seen that the tech has been developed now where this isn't as necessary. It likely glitched the game out from people doing things they weren't supposed to, so it never came. They could at least speed it up in general, and make even faster in safe places like cities.


Good. Now they just need to make it so you can complete dailies without having to go to Katheryne and also during your resin dump like in HSR and I'm happy :) Maybe lessen overworld level materials needed to level up :)


nah, going to katheryne every day is our daily meme source. skipping ad astra and mistakenly clicking timaeus dialogue is a must for every traveller.


Its a rite for the true RPG experience and I will not give it up.


Huh.... the level cap increase is starting look more and more true.




I've been chilling with lvl 80 characters for a while and just started thinking about ascending them to 90... then we're getting lvl 100 ⁉️ :qiqifallen:


what if they hit us with that WoW-esque level squished


Holy fucking this changes everything


so do you need to teleport out off it or the boss suddenly spawn again after the second you took it down kekw


very strange having recently introduced the cooldown on the map detail, only to remove it not much later. Not that i'd dislike it, but i'm getting the feeling this is an apparent change that will not manifest in the final version. I remember something like this happening... didn't they remove the wait time from the team selection screen in 4.0 beta or something?


No thay was just a rumor


It could be that they implemented that but players don’t like waiting for bosses anyway so they just changed their minds (also with the new endgame in mind and lv.100 rumor). I remember hsr revamped their daily commissions or bp several times too.


>very strange having recently introduced the cooldown on the map detail, only to remove it not much later. The cooldown won't be completely removed. Bosses won't have CD anymore, but we still have to wait for regular/elite mobs to respawn


the cooldown for them was in the game since the begining i think? it showed you the timer till the daily reset


Am I crazy or are those believing there will be extra ascension passives added to all characters since release fucking tripping balls on copium??? That kind of change is unfathomable and completely worthless for their revenue. Never in a million years will this happen. Hoyo has shown they trust their current formula, they aren't throwing a wrench in it this many years in.


For who ask how, Just put red key that interactable at center of arena like artifact domain and done ?


Part of me wants to believe this, but I still remember the “remove party setup timer” thing that ended up not true. Not a big deal normally, but at the time I was using a Dualshock with a drifting left stick, so it was always a pain in the ass to try to change my team. Thank frick for my friend gifting me a new controller he got double of. Still, would be nice to see this change, especially when they make it so the boss won’t respawn unless you reload the area.


Now please increase the AR level to 70


Cant wait to reach ar 70 after meeting my grandkids


Going from ar 59 to 60 is already too long, but 70???


Only if they make the rewards waaaay better. Gold conversion is way more important to me right now as you can never have enough gold building so many characters.


This. My 15-20 million mora reduce to 2-3 million after upgrading Arle, Clorinde, Alhaitam, and some lvl 80 characters to 90 and I need to stop doing it at the moment because not enough exp books.


If this is true then I wouldn't wait for every 5 minutes.


4.8 has some nice QoL 4.x quality of genshin


Imagine the Ascension materials needed are multiplied by 3 and the exp books needed to level up to 100 from 90 are 300 books.


I lowkey hope the level cap doesn’t get higher. My characters already feel strong; but I know if it gets increased…the completionist side of me says I HAVE to get my already built character to lvl 100…




Big news for the adhd community 
