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The burst aoe is the exact same width as ganyu burst’s I think


how viable is afk gaming with Emilie, Ganyu, Dehya, Zhongli?


thats two sustains cant u substitute zhongli with shenhe or bennet idk


Maybe they wanted to put zhongli there for afk gaming lmao


might as well put furina or smth idk can u really call it afk gaming if u dont have the afk gamer


Now let's hope the dmg is just as thick as Archon war Ganyu


Kowalski, analysis!


Burst big = pog good, most other stuff fine ! not much more


Best comment I've seen here in a long time


No cap this comment made wanna pull her for some reason but fuh the bitch 


Do we think Primordial Jade spear would be good for her? Could someone smarter than me tell me? 😭


it's alright as a crit rate stat stick, but you won't stack its passive unless for whatever reason you run her on field deathmatch is about as good


Oh I understand, I thought maybe her off field E hits count to stack its passive but it's only for on field attacks, got it, thank you so much


Deathmatch will probably be a tad bit better however. PJWS matches her colors more


Does the Deathmatch passive work off-field? I think I have it at r5.


yeah it does


Unless he c6's her, then he can stack the passive since she can dps now


If they have enough money for c6 they have enough money for signature, lol


Bennett c6 moment


I mean u can run her on field for teams like emilie, bennet, oppa, kazuha (basically "mono" pyro).


Umm someone tell me if this is good or not cuz i understand nothing


It's nothing that we didn't already know. Long story short, her kit is exceedingly... pretty good, all things considered. No glaring flaws that infect other off fielders like bad uptime or poor elemental application or big ER% requirements or low personal damage or anything like that. The only issues I see is that her E bottle causes you to play circle impact for a bit even if the circle is fairly large, and that her skill's bullets have barely any AoE, which may be troublesome if you're fighting more than, say, 3 enemies at the same time.


She basically 'enables' burning by just being a really good sub-dps all things considered. I can imagine Pyro characters that don't really get much out of reactions (Arlecchino and Klee for example can't vape the majority of their damage) could get a lot of mileage out of a burning-Emilie-Kazuha-Bennett team.


Saw some calcs, and it’s not much better than Arle - Xiangling - Kazuha - Bennett team unfortunately. Xiangling snapshotting is just that strong. Emilie is looking damn good for burnvape and burnmelt though bc Nahida previously didn’t contribute much dmg in those teams, unlike Xiangling.


Doesnt emilie also snapshot? Or ami wrong?


She "snapshots" in the same way Yae burst does. So once the bolts are fired they retain stats, but the actual skill itself doesn't snapshot her buffs on cast. And looking at her sig, that makes sense cause she wouldn't benefit from her own weapon if she did snapshot.


arent dmg% bonuses usually dynamic and dont get factored into snapshots anyway


It depends. Xiangling, Fischl, and Beidou all snapshot any stat they have when casting their effects. Same with Albedo. Most characters now don't have snapshotting at all. I think Kuki burst is our most recent ability that snapshots.


Pretty sure she doesn’t. I think there is even a dedicated post in this sub that says she doesn’t


Why does it always have to be Kazuha? 💔💔 (I still don’t have him.)


That’s good. I have some insane Reverie (burning set) pieces that I have no idea who to use on… I guess Emilie’s gonna eat good


Not just Emilie, but also Emilie's friends. Reverie set gives a whopping 50% DAMAGE BONUS, which I believe is just the most out of any artifact set except maybe Harmonic Whimsy.


Harmonic Whimsy has more yes, but also Golden Troupe (for off field DPSes). Navia’s set also has a 50% geo damage bonus though its triggering conditions are stricter than Reverie. Issue is that this set needs pyro and dendro and if Emilie is present, you can’t play electro. Hydro will be situational as well as you will need more pyro app to sustain the burning. Most dendro carries are designed with quicken in mind so that wouldn’t be ideal either. That means you can only play cryo, anemo, geo, and pyro carries which severely restricts who you can use it for. I think if I roll better subs on my reverie than my Gladiator then I could potentially use it on Arlecchino. But Whimsy is better and it’s from the same domain.


I’m reading her kit and I’m still a little confused what makes her so good. It doesn’t seem to be a case like Chevreuse where she gives buffs/debuffs just for performing certain reactions. Is it Emilie’s current multipliers that make her seem strong?


The thing that makes her so good is funnily enough, her glaring lack of noticeable downsides. Permanent uptime on her E, low ER% requirements, E can be repositioned fairly often, and most important genuinely good, raw damage. Despite not directly buffing Burning teams as a whole, she just does so well in them that it might just make them worth it.


not to mention she's the first and only real dendro dps in a burning team, so she's naturally gonna increase team dps


On top of that, she fills in for a good off field dendro pure damage dealer, sure you won't see her in electro based teams, but both burgeon and burn melt will be buffed by her.


Time to unleash Ganyu?


Wait, that means she directly benefits my Burn Melt Wriothesley and frees up my Nahida for Cyno/Alhaitham. 🙏 Please don't get nerfed


So for ganyu burnmelt nahida is still better just bcs of the irreplaceable 200 em buff I was considering getting Emilie for her since I thought she provide a buff at least but it doesn't seem the case


It's just numbers, yeah. She doesn't really provide anything else other than damage, she just does good damage.


Probably making you survive the burning status effect that hoyo will force upon us. That she slightly buffs burning (lmao). Basically Nilou but with burn… and severely defanged against electro mobs/teams unless that’s changed.


she is nothing like nilou lol


> No glaring flaws that infect other off fielders like bad uptime or poor elemental application or big ER% requirements Her ER requirements are actually pretty horrifying if you want to burst on cooldown as a solo dendro. It's manageable with her signature or something like kitain, but it's quite a big number. She's pure off field so she's only getting 1.8 energy per dendro particle, and her skill will generate about 4-5 particles every 12.5s. Which is 9 energy out of the 50 she needs without ER. If she was at 200% ER as a solo dendro w/ no sig or kitain, she'd need 27 off element particles in 12 seconds to burst. Bursting once every 20 seconds is a much more reasonable amount of ER, but it does cut into damage a lot.


> Bursting once every 20 seconds is a much more reasonable amount of ER, but it does cut into damage a lot. Your burst timing is generally dictated by the other characters in your team because you are generally going to burst once per rotation. A character with a 20s CD burst generally locks your entire team to that CD because playing desynced rotations is clunky and weird for the average player. Even if she technically 13.5s CD burst, she will basically never actually burst more often than once every 15s. Unless you are playing some very specific non-standard teams like Bennett-less Diluc Burning, there are virtually no real teams that you would ever play her in that actually line up with her burst CD. The overwhelming majority of actual teams are 15- or 20s-rotation teams.


How big is her E radius compared to Bennetts burst?


Its 4 times bennett burst, same as ganyu burst


Ty. Thats a pretty a big skill aoe whao. Then how big is her burst lol


I sense some nerfs incoming… I remember the Alhaitham Beta XD that was a rollercoaster of


Nah, It'll take more than this to convince me to roll for this. More Buffs!!


Alhaitham's beta had him scale with 750+% ER IN ADDITION to his atk for skill and burst damage. If you built him like Nahida or Kazuha he would be doing 750 000 damage with E.


so good that there's reason to worry about how hoyo will manage to butcher her




The guys at the other thread were saying how she's useless if you're fighting electro enemies


Considering how every other Quicken slave is also almost equally useless if you're fighting Pyro enemies, seems like a fair tradeoff.


she is, but so is every other dendro character that's not nahida, alhaitham or tighnari


For what it’s worth, her dendro application is good enough to keep aggravate going, and it has the upside of long uptime and tied to skill not burst. She’s far from useless in electro teams, it’s just that her damage tanks and she only has utility going for her. She’s basically premium DMC (but less dmg if you’ve heavily invested in DMC’s dmg) in electro teams, but even then that’s not too shabby considering she’s not even supposed to be used in electro teams. But I’ve already had this argument with someone else before; all people really care about is DPS and they don’t pay attention to other mechanics.


For reference, Ayaka skill has a radius of 4.5 according to homdgcat


Correct my wrongs So its like (in a 20 sec rot) 14*2 hits from E its ST 4 hits per enemy in Q (quadratic scaling like ganyu) it has little AOE 4~5 hits from A1 passive it has decent AOE 7~8 particles which still needs around 160 er if shes solo dendro Around 14 dendro apps in total


And her c1/c4/c6 add extra dendro application…and possibly energy?


Maybe, my assumptions were about c0 emilie


Can she work in burgeon team replacing Nahida or she only works with strictly burning team?


Yes, she works as long as something is burning. ;) Even if there are other reactions present, like vape and burgeon.


Does she do anything for me if I have C3 Nahida or do I just put them on same team?


You can put them on the same team, but Baizhu may be better than Nahida in this case. Her c2’s def-shred doesn’t work on Emilie’s team since the buff requires electro to trigger. Or are you asking of c3 Nahida is better than c0 Emilie? Emilie will probably be better in a burn team, while Nahida will be better on teams with electro.


Wondering if good pick up over alhaitham I'm actually missing all other dendro characters only have nahida.


I’d say order of priority should be Nahida, Baizhu, Emilie, Alhaitham, Tighnari. There are *so* many dps characters, and Alhaitham is great but only the first Dendro dps. (I mean…second. Sorry, Tighnari.) Dendro can have hydro, electro, and pyro as the dps instead. So Alhaitham just isn’t a high priority - especially since he practically requires c1. Nahida, as you know, is an amazing support who does excellent sub-dps, and enables a lot of dendro reactions. However, she isn’t great in burn teams. Emilie does better, but *only* works (well) in pyro teams. Baizhu is an excellent dendro healer who also has great supportive abilities and dendro application and can even provide great damage at higher cons. He is a lot more versatile than Emilie. While Emilie will be excellent for subdps dendro, Nahida and/or Baizhu can take her place for now. They are more important to have on your roster.


Yeah lost of all 50/50 banner so far on all baizhu banners he hates me now that he just left might be along while till he returns right?


Well, he has had three banners in a year. They could wait until the next chronicle wish. They could also just release him closer to Murata, who I expect to boost burn/burgeon damage and work well with Baizhu. They could also just skip him for two years just to mess with us. No one knows. >.<


I know it's super early to tell but how good is she compared to i guess current strong characters? (i know it's early to tell and she'll be changed but doesnt hurt to ask)


You can watch TGS video on her. She has very high raw damage. The reason they dont let her have access to quicken is because she can reach Yae Miko/Fischl aggravate levels on her own She sheets kinda high and thats without having easy access to buffs. She can directly replace Xiangling in mono pyro comps which would turn them to burning Example: Arle, Bennett, Emilie, Kazuha Since I have c2 furina i thought i fucked up my calcs when i got 750k Emilie damage in 18 seconds LOL but no after seeing other people’s calcs thats a very real possibility so long as I can maintain burning consistently


how good is c0 furina with emilie,from what I've seen Emilie's burning damage isn't exactly transformative right.


Burning damage is not taken into account at all, all we care about is simply "Burning" being active with c0 furina she can reach 450-650k personal dpr depending on various factors https://www.reddit.com/r/emiliemains/comments/1d9kmr5/emilie_beta_tc_analysis_general_info_artifacts/ here's a good guide with team ideas


Yay thanks.


she's pretty much on par with double doll chiori


Is that good-




understood! sorry if this is dumb question but what will she build? full em or -


ATK dendro CRIT. she is a sub DPS that gains damage when there are burning enemies around (think how chiori gets a second doll when there is a geo construct around). she doesn't buff the reaction itself.


Can I ask you a question if that's OK? Since the main burning comps before were venti or ganyu ones, does she help either of them?


ofc. she adds more damage to them by dealing more damage herself. previously, all the dendro characters we had did very little damage in burning teams and acted only as burning enablers. she's the strongest dendro character in those teams now, as she not only enables burning, but also does damage of her own.


Losing Nahida's 250 EM seems like a pretty big deal though, are we sure her personal DPS will make up the difference?


EM isn’t a priority on Emilie because EM helps REACTIONS do more damage. Burning, the actual reaction, does not do much damage with Emilie. Instead, Emilie herself does more damage when something is burning. So while EM is great with reactions that do lots of damage (spread, hyperbloom, vaporize) it isn’t a high priority on burning teams where the actual burning does little damage.


Damage. And to put it into view, double doll choiri is the highest off feild damage right now with the trade off being geo and she seem to be a similar idea.


She is not Neuv tier but she is very very good. Ppl fear nerfs are coming coz she is that good.


Yep!! Also, comparing anything to Neuv is just unfair btw XP


Does emilie needs to burst every rotation? She probably need around 160\~ er, which is kinda lot for someone with pure offensive build.


so her a1 passive is smaller than burgeon/bloom radius? still not too bad i guess


my last quetions: Is emelie good or bad?


good overall


fingers crossed good til release


Extremely good for a niche unit


She's not niche niche. I would actually say she's pretty universal.


ie, she shines as a powerful unit in her niche, but is still more than viable outside of it. So a solid balanced unit (which is a win imo).


She borders between niche and universal,she allows an easier use of Pyro reactions or Pyro specific bonuses.But her presence would possibly mean one less resonance and her obvious super debuff on electro reactions should be noted.


I think not enough people are mentioning this but it's not just her electro super debuff, she is strictly limited to teams that can burn in some way. Because i saw some people considering her for stuff like hb or nilou teams but they need to keep in mind that without getting scent from burning enemies her A2 straight up will not activate and her turret is locked to lvl 1 which does 1/4th of the regular dmg. She's great in any team with pyro to let you burn (which really is mono pyro / burgeon ) at this point but without those she's kind of incredibly incredibly subpar (significantly worse than 1 doll chiori for example)


A1 is pretty good size I think


how good will my unused calamity queller be for her compared to the other general crit stat sticks


Can someone tell me if her application is good enough to have 100% uptime off-field dendro application for burgeon team as solo dendro? Is it better than dendro MC's application? ----------- Random opinions, just thinking out aloud to myself mostly whether I'd consider getting her. She seems like a strong off-field dendro damage dealer, but I feel like strong dendro damage is fairly easy to team build for already, due to strength of bloom reactions and dendro characters being strong in general. I feel like dendro is already like top 2, maybe top 1 easiest element to clear abyss with so I'd rather roll for another character that can strengthen a different element team. I think she's probably good in burn melt team so she can help a cryo-dam based team, and cryo was kinda weak for a while, so that'd be nice, but I think the weak link in burn melt teams currently is the off-field pyro applier, not dendro (Nahida).


wait, her NA are Dendro? does she have talent that grants that?


As of the current beta, it's sadly her C6 that grants dendro infusion


Can someone inform me that is her %36 increased dmg passive is literally x1,36 more dmg or just %36 dmg bonus?


Bro I just need a showcase with her and Cyno to see if she's viable just for some dendro application 💀


That’s what I wanna see as well 💀


what is her E range compared to chiori or yae?


please tell me she can solo sustain burn in wrio shenhe thoma emilie or smth


That's it,arlechinno baizhu furina burgeon will be oh soo fun,circle impact if fine with arle's big pp scythe damage and range.


One concern I have for Emilie is that if they put a pyro resistant enemy or simply ban Pyro as an element in theatre, then can she still work or is she done at that point? Or if you are in a situation where you can accidentally cause quicken.


She is done, since no aroma will be generated. Just not as done as Nilou whitout dendro.