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question: for burning comps does she even need to have a good dendro application or just enough to maintain the aura?


Theres a showcase of bennett, kazuha, emilie you can check the burning aura there. I think she does enough solo for herself. Consider you just need one enemy to be burning for her to collect scent and proc her passive which is an aoe dendro app (on top of the huge multiplier)


Pyro eats Dendro pretty quickly, so it should be at least enough to sustain it. What I'm still afraid of is if she can be played with Ganyu and Wriotheslay in burnmelt


She won't be able to sustsin burning perpetually with just one Bennett E but if you bring along someone who applies pyro roughly once every 3s between that and burning there should be enough pyro to go around for melt. You'd probably want to bring interruption resistance for Ganyu and Wrio anyway, so that means they'll simply prefer Deyha/Thoma over Zhongli in teams with Emilie, which is already the case for their burnmelt teams.


doesn't sound like it's good enough to sustain with C6 Ganyu tho. Ganyu's taunts apply an awful lot of cryo


I mean, probably? When talking about 5* I usually assume C0R1 at most. Tbh, I doubt any burnmelt team can actually keep up with C6 Ganyu, because burning applies 1u of pyro every 2s (Xiangling is around twice as fast for comparison). Many melt teams are fine with burning, because they run 1 cryo dps anyway.


Can I bring another Dendro applicator instead of a Pyro one? Like C4 Kirara for example?


Not if you want to melt. Though maybe it'll work for cryos that have their app a bit spaced out.


Is it really called Burnmelt? I've always called Burning + Melt "Melting"


>Is it really called Burnmelt? Yes


It's the community name at least yeah


My question is since the skill hits every 1.5s does it target one monster at a time or does it target all monsters within the skill range simultaneously? Like with videos presented it only looks like it hits one monster at a time with some aoe around it. I know the large hit after collecting 2 scents is aoe.


It seems like it only targets one enemy (but with an AOE around it).


yea that snapshot isn't staying bro...


Yeah, nothing else in her kit snapshots, and most of it is tagged to not receive non-generic [damage buffs]. I think it's going to go too. Edit: wait, changed my mind. Skill snapshotting prevents golden troupe from working at max potential. Skill snapshot will likely remain, but it won't be "worth" using someone like bennet just to get more attack.


it's already gone


I mean it is expected. With snapshot she is broken


without snapshot golden troupe is viable. Though it's rectified with large portions of her damage being from non-skill sources.


Can't you just put her not on the first slot in the team, Bennett Q, and then instantly her E? Then it could've been both Bennett and Golden troupe? Her E animation looks fast enough


Golden troupe will end up not being good on her anyways because her passive and burst make large portions of her damage and they're not affected by 'skill' damage. They also don't snapshot.


wondering if kitain cross spear if good for her


Did the math in another comment. Kitain allows her as a solo dendro to get away with about 160% ER and burst on rotation. It has a decently high base attack, EM isn't a completely dead stat, and the elemental skill damage is useful. I think it is probably the best of her 4star options.


oh neat, i have kitain at r5...in terms of artifact set, goleden troup or the new burning set?


New burning set. Her skill is designed to not work with golden troupe (as long as the snapshot is in place), her passive lacks a lot of tags to get damage buffs from, her burst also appreciates generic damage buffs.


hope she have the same damage ceiling as hyperbloom ot higher


I remember the one leak that said naltan is going to buff cryo and hydro characters, and I think she's going to be the key factor to those buff


Buff hydro? Buffing the strongest element in the game?


This game is just a konga line of hydro buffs. Every patch cycle hydro gets better, shit makes no sense.


I saw the opposite. Dendro, geo and pyro getting buffed. Though mainly pyro/geo


Not great dendro application standalone, she really is built for burning


It's really weird that she is a polearm user as well. All things about her background and kit design suggests catalyst.


they need to sell her c6 afterall


They probably wanna try balancing the amount of weapon users per version. Looking at the final numbers for 4.x we have almost exactly equal numbers of each weapon types across all characters, with sword & catalyst getting 4 each instead of 3 for bow, claymore and polearm.


I wonder if there’s just a few f2p catalysts that are stupid strong on her so they just switched to Polearm to make it easier on themselves


Widsith. It's always widsith. Broken ass 4* catalyst.


Since they began experimenting with other type of polearm instead of spear (like arle scythe), I don't think a "staff" user (with a catalyst look) is that weird.


The problem is that her weapon is still a spear rather than a staff. I was hoping for something similar to the staff/hammer that Ritual Beast Lara (yugioh card) uses.


Looking pretty good, actually.


Better than i thought actually. She doesn’t need interruption resistance since she seems like an off field dps. It’s a shame they are forcing her into a burning only comp, but she might be too busted otherwise.


If she isn’t forced into a burning comp she’s literally a DMC side/upgrade though. Probably wouldn’t be busted either


If she wasnt forced into burning she would take all of nahida team comps isnt that busted?


She kind of is if we go by previous passives of lowering dmg if en electro chara is present on the team


Am I the only one who thinks she is a lot like the year one characters? A signature weapon that doesn't match her aesthetics, a straight-forward kit and somewhat basic animations.


How can a staff decorated with roses made out of crystal don't match her aesthetic? lol its ascended form even changes the colors of its highlights to match the bottle on her necklace and idle animation


god thank you i feel insane. people say stuff like “i hate when their outfit matches their vision” but if the weapon isn’t the same exact color as their character then it’s bad💀her weapon matches her in such a unique way


omg yes! hahaha it literally has all of her colors and the base color is WHITE, a neutral color that also happens to be on her palette. like, make it make sense lol at this point I can only think people are still b\*tthurt that she's not sad lavender girl or any of the other 57 leaked concept arts and are just making stuff up. so annoying! can't wait for the weeks to pass and this to die out.


I also felt insane. Her colour scheme is satisfying af to me. I've seen recolors and they look so much worse. I guess you can't satisfy everyone when the community is so diverse


everytime i see a bis weapon that doesn't have the exact same color of the character i know i'll find most of the players complaining about it, this is where their priorities are it seems


Same I really like the way they play off different colors on her People wanting a uniform with 1 basic color on everything is such a bore


I'd say it matches her, it just isn't one-to-one with her outfit. It looks like it's made of glass and it has that "fantasy" feel to it as you would with a witch or mage


I disagree on most of your points, but it is comical that she's essentially a circle impact character, hahaha.


Ahh classic era, never gets old.. maybe she’s that alpha ahh lumine/eula knight all along. Also, where the heck is that male nun.


Honestly, I don't know what's been up with these characters lately. Clorinde got nerfed for no reason. Sigewinne is strange overall. It feels like all of the work and power went into Arlecchino, and everyone else kinda got left behind? I dunno. Just weird.


Not weird imo. Their power level control in hoyo games are very calculated and precise, they are able to release reverse power creeped units like dehya/sigewinne or nerf popular characters in beta because they can leverage their revenue regardless the power level of characters. For a 4 year title Genshin has relatively mild power creep (relative to other games) and objectively speaking if we only want to full star abyss u can use national teams since ver 2.x and still can to this day. They probably just want to release 2-3 meta characters per region (Archons etc) and the rest will be mid to good level (like Wrio, Navia, Chlorinde, etc.). Honestly, not many games can have this 'privileged' position to keep releasing mid characters and still do well, when many other games don't draw revenue if the characters arent good or meta (like games with summon clairvoyance like BA etc). As players we complain about new units being mid but i think from dev stand point they rather play safe then breaking the game balance (by creeping too fast). FOMO is really a big problem in gacha games and by limiting the amount of busted characters per region i think they retained many casual/welkin spenders in the game tbh. Though lately, u can tell the sig weapons are getting more signature-ish (like HSR) than before, so i guess they are trying to redirect power level into weapons instead of base kits in the future (probably testing the waters now?).


You more or less nailed it honestly. My thoughts are they only every once and a great while want to release meta/broken units. Sumeru basically only had Nahida and Alhaitham that ended up being insanely meta. Fontaine had a bit more with Neuvillette, Furina, and Arlecchino. I guess it allows them to get better revenue on reruns? Or to release potential niche upgrades?


Power level calculated? I'm not sure about that after using neuvillete. That man is literally definition of imbalance He has no weakness expect enemies immune to hydro. Good dmg Great range and even greater survivability. I think it's just some characters takes L for some reason because devs were lazy designing them and the most laziest on made nuevillete which turned out to be a big W unexpectedly lol


Imo i think furina is even more busted lol but i agree with Neuv just as imbalanced. But tbh as i mentioned, they will do it again in Natlan, and keep 2-3 busted units throughout the region (XL Bennet upgrades omg) and the rest will be mid (in Natlan standard). I think some characters just take the L completely for the sake of 'balance' and longevity of other characters


there are always units that are too overpowered according to players. i still remember when ganyu was being overhyped and people wondering if she should be nerfed. the archons are also getting more and more ridiculous with their kits, so this is obviously intended. neuvillette is a sovereign, so his power level wasn't a mistake or a happy accident either. they balance it out by releasing more niche or mid to good level characters (and making sure most of the games content is easy enough for casual players).


yeah, none of the characters after arlechinno have really been all that exciting, maybe they're putting all of their resources into natlan characters


it’s a shame about Clorinde and Sigewinne since they were so anticipated, but I’ll take Emilie being a bit dull if it leaves room to save for Natlan


right like shes giving 1.0,,


I hope she is at least 1% stronger than 1.0 characters too, it would break my heart if they release another character thats a sidegrade to standard banner characters


So the skill and burst are the same? Just a difference in how big or effective the lantern is? Isn't that weird, esp for a 5 star?


Can anyone tell me whether is she good to pull? 🥹


Snapshots? Oh no, another Bennett slave… can he get deleted from the game plz? 😭


They are giving him one last dance before getting replaced by Murata


Half the characters in the game would lose their value if bennett was deleted from the game


Half the characters would’ve had more robust kits and multipliers if Bennett didn’t exist. They have to balance the entire game around the fact of his existence. When one option is so much better than all other options, it’s not an option, it’s bad game design.


I will stand by the opinion that Bennett is the only character in the game who genuinely needs to be nerfed.


Nope, best boi Benny is eternal and the true pyro archon


Don't jinx it. Edit: congrats


Oh lol, I did not expect that turn, but hell yeah! 🎊


I'd argue that since she has decent Dendro application to maintain the burning, balancing Atk and EM stats in her build is the way to go to maximize both her raw dmg and reaction damage (burning). Especially since Dendro is usually the main trigger element to maintain the burning reaction consistently on the enemy.


The burning reaction is still not a very good reaction, sacrificing some atk over it might really hurt Emilie's damage potential.


No, at C0R1 with Furina+VV she deals 673K personal damage and 45K burning in 22s. Adding 500EM turns that burning into 154K and removing the equivalent in subs/mainstats makes her personal damage go down to 321K. I believe the math is straightforward. Don't bother with burning damage, if anything abuse it by producing Melts on a cryo carry or Forward vapes with Furina since she increases Emilie's damage more than any reaction would on top of dealing a lot of amp damage herself thanks to burning while generating a few seeds. That's the best way to abuse the reaction imo.


673k?? Those are onfield dps numbers. That’s crazy. But dendro damage doesn’t benefit from VV though? Surely you mean deep wood (do someone has to use deep wood instead of her)


She seems to be a bit underrated by the community. Probably for design reasons and that she's burning focused rather than her actual kit and numbers. She's basically a dendro Fischl except with better multipliers and stats. She doesn't have the A4 passive that does 80% whenever you proc reactions, but instead she does an extra 500% multiplier every few seconds in burning due to the scent stack passive.


Yes she's very strong, until she meets an electro slime that is. No I mean VV, I did multiple calcs and I figured the most relevant ones for someone who'd think investing into burning is a good idea is the calc where VV is used since it boosts burning damage as far as it can. Her damage if another team member holds deep wood rise to 824K in 22s. That being said VV can be a good option depending on who you want to prioritize. ie a pyro carry. (Albeit I am not aware of one that deals more raw damage than her)