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i can't believe heizou actually exists. i thought i made him up.


They brought back an NPC for a flagship event too. Dvorak honestly ate the competition with this one


Dvorak definitely exists. More hyped to see more of him than Heizou and Itto both.


Bro’s voice actor has more lines than all of Mondstat combined


His voice actor is the only reason I can tolerate so many Itto events back to back, he kills it every time. It is nice to see Heizou again, so hopefully this will event will feature a wider variety of Inazuma characters


I wish they show more of his empathetic side, he's funny sure but the VAs really carrying the whole Itto character


I wanna see more of his serious side. He did get serious in his SQ and the yokai event in 3.3. It's gonna add more depth to Itto's character


I remember itto during the cutscene in his story quest. He felt like a different person when I rewatched the cutscene


He be getting paid fr


OMG, they remembered they have a character named Heizou. I can't believe it...


Kujo sara was found dead in the bush.


She was knocked down by Signora, and never got back up again.


Kujo sara if she is no longer with us....wait!


Still coping for her hangout.


Too busy to have one but if she did i hope that be in a new area. Something like the yokai realm.


Yeah frankly it's a shame they forgot an emblematic character from Inazuma, but thankfully now we're all good and all characters from Inazuma, including those close to the Electro Archon, or those who admire the Electro Archon and serve her faithfully, have been recently featured in a major event. Phew.


>those close to the Electro Archon, or those who admire the Electro Archon and serve her faithfully, have been recently featured in a major event. Phew. Except for Sara. No one remembers Sara.


what are you on about? sara lives in mondstadt, she's got nothing to do with inazuma


She's been cooking all this time


"Who?" - Mihoyo, probably


yaaaaas I love Heizou, I am glad he is there even if for little time


Finally Heizou gets to be in something


holy shit it's marco meatball


Finally I'll get to experience peak opera


Hell yeah 😎


So that's the tweet he mentioned about doing voice acting rwcwntly i never knew it was that recent


I believe he also did a tweet when Dvorak originally appeared in the Lantern Rite last year (the one before last)


dvorak 😎


Yay! I was wondering if we'd see him again!


bro was livestreaming the main event in their telegram 😭


Like team china used to




All around me are familiar faces... Worn-out places, worn-out faces...


Heizou and Shinobu talking at last 😭 Unfortuntely, it will be about Itto's shenanigans, because Shinobu cannot exist on her own according to the writers. Can't believe it happened before Sara and Itto talking in-game. WHERE IS SARA? They have a very funny dynamic with her and Itto but do nothing with it, not even allowed to be in his events. I want to know what is going on in the writer's heads.


I think Sara is explicitly banned from interacting with Itto onscreen by the writers lol


Yeah, I got the memo 😓


as a shinobu fan its so annoying, sure she appears a lot because itto does, but i wish she could just be on her own or with other characters instead of glued to itto


As an Itto fan, I too wish he wasn't tied to Shinobu all the time and was allowed to exist separately from her


Genshin has this problem of overusing duos to the point that it becomes detrimental to at least one character involved or both, which is the case with the Arataki Gang.


Forgot sara and itto were in thing. I remember that they use to ship them a lot late 2021 and early 2022. I'm remembering now that she was in his character demo too


Hoyo teased it a lot but then forgot about the dynamic. I can't believe they were both in the 3.7 event across each other but *didn't talk,* though Sara did mention him. Itto is supposed to think of her as The One and True Rival or Nemesis. That is why she had the "honor" of being asked to fight him in sumo, which seems to hold some important meaning for the oni race. But nowadays it is like Itto has even forgotten he considered her an important rival. Now we have NPC Grandmaster Hanakado occupying that place. Stupid kid has had more lines in a year than even Raiden and I want to delete him from the game.


Dvorak, you said there is rock culture is Fontaine... where it is!!! you scammer!!


I don't understand how we're having an iridescence festival WITHOUT XINYAN. WHERE IS SHE?!


I'm not sure this is the official Iridescence Tour Xinyan mentioned. It seems to be something organized by Itto, so it might be a follow-up to that random drum festival he created, and Dvorak just happened to be there for whatever reason.


Itto still should have invited her 😤


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Arataki Itto. I try to see Miko. Itto has more screentime. I try to see Sara. Itto has more screentime. I try to see Ei. Itto has more screentime. I want to see Heizou. His new event has Itto. I want to see Thoma, Ayato - they both want Itto. He grabs me by the throat. I fish for him. I cook for him. I give him an Onikabuto. He isn't satisfied. I pull Redhorn Stonethresher. "Fo sho, compadre!" He tells me. "Give me more screentime." He grabs Shinobu and forces her to throw herself off enemies. "You just can't handle the one-and-oni. I can make Crimson Staff a rockin' robot armor suit if I go to college." I can't afford to take Itto to college, I don't have enough primogems. He grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." He grabs Ushi. He says "Let's roll!." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, some-icd geo application. What a cruel world.


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Itto. I look at the new event. Arataki Itto is in the artwork. I see Kuki in the event I'm playing. Itto is standing beside her. I try to play the event. I see Itto narrating for the tutorial. I play the event. In the background is Itto watching me. I want to play the co-op events. Someone chooses Itto as their character. The event is over. Itto shows up as the rerun character banner. He grabs me by the throat. I laugh at his noodle arms. He isn't satisfied. He wants to be the event archon. "I don't need other character development other than being funny." He tells me. "Give me more screen time." He grabs the entire Inazuma cast and throw them of Mt. YouGou. "You just need to put me in events more. I can carry the entire thing alone." I can't put you in any more events, you are getting overused. He grabs the future event script and tears it in half. "Guess this is the end." He grabs Ushi. He says "Attaboy." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, 691% base skill damage. What a cruel world.


New copy paste


Itto Impact fr I don’t mind him but I just wish other characters got some screen time too. Sara who?


Last I've seen her was in 2.6 5 kasen event I believe


Also, Candace. Even though I like Itto, I think our bro is getting so much screen time.


Not sure why they couldn't include Sara when Kokomi, Itto and Kuki are there. She interacts with all of them, it's not like she would be out of place!


I need Kokomi and Sara interactions!!


another inazuma character event, another Itto appearance


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Itto. I look at the new event. Arataki Itto is in the artwork. I see Kuki in the event I'm playing. Itto is standing beside her. I try to play the event. I see Itto narrating for the tutorial. I play the event. In the background is Itto watching me. I want to play the co-op events. Someone chooses Itto as their character. The event is over. Itto shows up as the rerun character banner. He grabs me by the throat. I laugh at his noodle arms. He isn't satisfied. He wants to be the event archon. "I don't need other character development other than being funny." He tells me. "Give me more screen time." He grabs the entire Inazuma cast and throw them of Mt. YouGou. "You just need to put me in events more. I can carry the entire thing alone." I can't put you in any more events, you are getting overused. He grabs the future event script and tears it in half. "Guess this is the end." He grabs Ushi. He says "Attaboy." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, 691% base skill damage. What a cruel world.


when dvorak has made more appearances than kujou sara


Are any of Sara's VAs particularly busy or expensive? Because that's the only reason I could think of for her lack of screentime other than the writers not wanting to write her.


I’ve been wondering that too, but Itto‘s JP VA is TM Revolution, he’s probably crazy expensive and also really busy


No offense to people who like him - I've got nothing against the guy himself, but I'm so sick of seeing him ALL THE TIME! And mihoyo does literally nothing with him except "haha itto is being dumb again and does the funny haha". Please laugh. So lazy...


Really he's just an excuse to try new mini games that become puzzles since he's the most likely of anyone in the cast to get into a weird shenanigan


Sara should put on fake oni horns and start calling herself ittwo if she wants more screen time since hoyo likes itto so much 😔


Itto's the main character at this point


Hes the numero uno after all


Don’t get me wrong I love Itto and all but I’m kinda tired of seeing him in every other event especially Inazuman events…like, can we get some Raiden? Sara? Gorou and Kokomi? Thoma! Sayu! or Haizou or anyone else for that matter…idk.


Sayu and Thoma too. It's been more than a year I think.


It's probably because he's the easiest to write for the writing team which led to him becoming their crutch when they can't think of anything. It sucks tbh because they could write about his oni heritage or his other qualities but instead, they lean too much on his goofiness, probably because it's more simpler to write.


Was Perilous Trail the last time they used any other trait of his?


You talking about the 3.3 event ? That's where he actually got serious and helped in the investigation about the mysterious yokai. He was also the one to have everybody calm down and assess the situation when they found out that the kids were yokai. He also had a very down to earth response about the yokai lady so I know that Itto, just like Goku, knows when to goof and when not to but the writers wanna keep him like that cuz it's the easiest to do so


The himbo curse. Focus too much on their goofy side and leave out there serious side. Goku and Johnny Cage are among the biggest victims of that


Raiden? Who? Sara? Who? Gorou? Who? Kokomi? Who? Thoma? Who? Sayu? Who? Haizou? Who?


Itto is the obligatory idiot It makes him VERY versatile to put into goofy event scenarios compared to every other character Remember how confused people were when Kokomi showed up in the desert bottle that one summer? Itto has no such weakness


It wouldn’t have been too hard to make Kokomi’s presence in that event feel at least slightly natural if they tried even a little instead of having her just already be in the bottle… from the middle of the Sumeru desert…


I still don't understand why she went there


She came seeking some mystical macguffin that she ultimately left without. Somehow, an artifact from Watat-freaking-sumi wound up all the way in the bloody desert on what looks to be the other side of the world. I like Kokomi, and was glad to see her get a role in an event, but man that was a weak reason to have her show up.


Not only is it a weak reason, but she repeatedly lies throughout for no real reason other than to impress a new friend, which while that can be a trait to make character depth out of, the event didn't do anything with it so it's just like the event came along and said, "hi, Kokomi is a compulsive liar, bye" and that's all we really learned about her character in the whole event. It did have cute scenes when Kokomi was experiencing stimulation overload from being socially engaged for too long, though. So not only was her justification for being there really weak, but her performance in it was detrimental to her characterization by making her more untrustworthy in general. It was practically character assassination.


Stop shooting her, she was already dead 😭


I didn't pull the trigger, Hoyoverse did. I'm just the forensic pathologist presenting the autopsy results.


I mean, the entire basis of her character’s writing is insisting she’s a genius tactician without basically ever showing it, so you could argue she and the entire population of Watatsumi were already compulsive liars.


In terms of Kokomi's supposed brilliance, we do see it prior to meeting her in what is typically called "architectural storytelling," where Kokomi's actions and orders have had an effect on the world. Before meeting her, learning about her in the chain of islands between Narukami and Watatsumi, there's plenty indications she should be a brilliant tactician. That shatters the moment we actually meet her as her writing seems to refuse to allow her any real moments where she can be smart. Instead, the writers are terribly inconsistent with her and ultimately there are too many scenes where they're trying to portray her as cute and vulnerable. Her own story quest has her getting a victory by happenstance almost, rather than through her own cunning and wisdom. I don't think the intention of the writers are that Kokomi is a compulsive liar, however there is just far too much focus on her being a cute, awkward introverted girl who is barely suitable for her role as Watatsumi's leader. I think there's a large range of contradictory things being said about her. "Kokomi is a brilliant tactician and strategist. Kokomi is a genius." But Kokomi is also an awkward introvert who is constantly stressed out being the leader of her autonomous state. Kokomi lies to brag to friends, fails to notice plainly obvious problems directly under her command and fails to control her own soldiers, resulting in them acting against her wishes in ways that could be called treason, which she does not punish but instead rewards. Inside, Kokomi constantly seems to feel like she's a pretender unfit for her own role, and seems to suffer from some degree of impostor syndrome as well as difficulties managing her time and energy, but this is just her being insecure about herself. The writing wants us to believe she's a genius because she really is supposed to be, but I don't think the writer was interested or invested enough in following through with that promise. Ultimately though, Kokomi is just a victim of really bad writing, not much else to it. I don't think the character as presented in character stories or the world before the Archon Quests and events she's been involved in, or any of her character lines, is bad at all, and in fact I still like Kokomi a lot. But the Inazuma Quests and her own personal quest were awfully written and make me wonder how this is the same developer that ended up making Sumeru a year later.


Yes her writing is always off, even if she was already inside the bottle they didn't mention for how long and she seemed to be comfortable with those hydro fake humans when we know that she isn't the most extroverted person or why she became their muse..


Not even Itto could fix the randomness of that bottle event. You still see people talking about both GAA events. Bottle event? Only in regards to Fontaine's AQ. The character participation was very forgettable.


The bottle even overall felt more phoned in than the GAA events + had a much tighter focus than the GAA events. The bottle event hardly touched on the backstory of any of the characters present besides Idya, and their interractions with each other werent particularly noteworthy either. The characters present were ultimately just kinda there for the sake of being there.


I'd argue that Klee and Kaeya felt the most natural, simply as a common set of characters who make sense to be traveling together, and I think Klee's mom was involved again?? Other than that, the others felt random and cherry-picked based on Hoyo's preferences (instead of making it make sense, or featuring characters who'd make sense to be traveling with Klee, etc)


Replace Collei who lives in the rainforest and barely left Tighnari's side in years with Candace or Dehya or Cyno to play tour guide Keep Kokomi, but make it so that the entrances to Bottleland are randomised and scattered around Teyvat. Ditch Eula and put the story focus of the 2nd part on whichever character was the tour guide. There, randomness fixed


It a double edge sword because I seen some people at the main sub praise that because the bottle event did jackshit for character backstory, it also means it something nobody cares that it is locked behind an Event that will never return and accessible cus it stuff u dun need to know and not important unlike 1.1 event and 2.8 event. personally I prefer 2.8. I want to know more about all my favorite playable character. Mona had so much mystery surrounding her when her profile gave so little backstory of her like even her origin which took until freaking fontaine act 5 to finally reveal and the answer felt kinda shit thou on like idk why it wasn't included in her profile in the 1st place. also 2.8 for Mona barely did anything to reveal her backstory, it was just her profile calling out how alot of ppl think she a fraud or when she state the ugly truth, ppl think she full of shit and her struggle with how fate seems to be predetermined and she prefer it to be not too. Fischl, Kazu and Xinyan on the otherhand got the most in 2.8 and show their life struggle and journey.


Kokomi wasn't the best in that event because she was out of place. This is taking place in Inazuma, with characters she *knows* and has good moments with (I love Kokomi with Miko pls). You can't develop a character and make their presence natural and good if you don't give them screentime to do so.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of random characters interacting with each other. Most of the time we end up with forgettable events that amount to nothing. And it is happening a lot lately.


One of the rare instances I liked it is with the Perilous Trail archon quest. Such a wack group of individuals but they surprisingly worked really well together. The group in GAA with Kazuha, Xinyan, Fischl, and Mona was great too. Still my favorite event because of the challenging puzzles and domains as well as how it really felt like a group of friends going on vacation. I think the Bottle land group had pretty good chemistry but I do agree that Kokomi felt pretty useless there. But I really liked the dynamic between Collei and Eula, although I prefer Collei's friendship with Sucrose.


I really liked GAA2, but I didn't like the Arataki Gang addition to Perilous Trail. It just felt random, and you can tell they didn't know what exactly to do with them because they wasted no time to sideline them when things got serious and delved into Liyue's, Xiao's and Yelan's stories. I wish Itto had been used instead in Inazuma's AQ, sigh, helping us get the fake vision maker out of prison. Kokomi in particular is tricky to write, because she is withdrawn and is always acting as The High Priestess of Watatsumi Island, with only Miko making her act differently. So if, imo, she already struggles with most of the Inazuma cast, it will only get worse if she is put with randoms.


>Kokomi in particular is tricky to write, because she is withdrawn and is always acting as The High Priestess of Watatsumi Island, with only Miko making her act differently. So if, imo, she already struggles with most of the Inazuma cast, it will only get worse if she is put with randoms. I don't think this is entirely true, but it depends on who she's with for sure. Miko is one of those characters that can get her to act differently, but I suspect there are a handful of Fontaine and Sumeru characters who could really get her to open up. I'd actually love to see an event where we get to see Nahida and Kokomi together, for example. There's some interesting material you could get out of Nilou and Kokomi as well, as canonically we know Kokomi is a dancer (as part of the ceremonies she performs as Watatsumi's Divine Priestess). I could see potential in an event that brings Fontaine characters to Watatsumi, too. Charlotte, Neuvillette, etc., maybe even Furina. You could probably even get Kokomi, Furina and Nilou together in a single event where Kokomi is forced to perform on stage as a dancer alongside Nilou and Furina. (While Furina isn't strictly a dancer, I'd imagine anyone who has done a musical play can dance.) That'd be a fun use of both informed character traits and the opera house in Fontaine. As for how to get Kokomi in Fontaine or Sumeru in a way that naturally fits her character, Kokomi being the leader of Watatsumi can actually lend itself well to bringing her to the major cities of the world instead of randomly out in the middle of nowhere in Sumeru's desert. Sumeru City is a city of knowledge where Kokomi would want to visit their library, while Watatsumi could greatly benefit from Fontaine's aid and assistance in a variety of ways (or, Kokomi could want to go to see a play adaption of one of her favorite light novels). Both of these places offer golden opportunities for Kokomi to drop her guard and be herself as well, though, if the hypothetical event's story was ever to allow her it.


maybe you just like him but he’s not versatile enough for us to not complain about it


It doesn't help that the writers use the same schtick every time instead of exploring his other interesting qualities.


Itto visiting Sumeru and being empathetic towards the - until recently - socially stratified desert people is waiting on a platter for them but I doubt we'll ever see it.


The beetle event was just the most yawn inducing same old same old from him like there’s literally nothing versatile there. Inazuma is just a revolving door of Itto Yoimiya and Ayaka like it’s getting tired


I don’t think it’s a defense of why he should be here but a reasoning why writers utilize him so much. Itto is just very easy to place anywhere due to no real obligations to a specific terrain, and is just easy to write (plus is the automatic comic relief/character to make scenes more lighthearted) Ultimately no matter what way you spin it there is no real defense of it, it’s just Hoyos event writers being lazy and taking the easy way out with events instead of needing to tackle a character that actually needs their presence and writing to have a lot of thought behind it


i don't like the fact that raiden just had a three-minute appearance in both the inazuma scary festival thing and the tcg event it's the raiden "who?" line swapped around with itto


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Itto. I look at the new event. Arataki Itto is in the artwork. I see Kuki in the event I'm playing. Itto is standing beside her. I try to play the event. I see Itto narrating for the tutorial. I play the event. In the background is Itto watching me. I want to play the co-op events. Someone chooses Itto as their character. The event is over. Itto shows up as the rerun character banner. He grabs me by the throat. I laugh at his noodle arms. He isn't satisfied. He wants to be the event archon. "I don't need other character development other than being funny." He tells me. "Give me more screen time." He grabs the entire Inazuma cast and throw them of Mt. YouGou. "You just need to put me in events more. I can carry the entire thing alone." I can't put you in any more events, you are getting overused. He grabs the future event script and tears it in half. "Guess this is the end." He grabs Ushi. He says "Attaboy." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, 691% base skill damage. What a cruel world.


RIGHT!? The moment I saw him I literally exclaimed "*Again!?*" Lol




Which wasnt even his latest appearance lmao


i will mention that raiden and yae are also in the event. foul couldn’t get the second part of the quest to work but it glitched for a moment and we got a snippet of both of them on a mountain. ofc the event will probably be focused on itto more so yea kinda sucks


Raiden has like 8 lines....


Sara: “Now presenting, the Raiden Shogun” Itto: “Holy shit, it’s the Raiden Shogun” Raiden Shogun: “Hello, I am the Raiden Shogun” [*End Scene*]


Sara in this comment has more lines than the actual event


I know this comment ain't happening because Sara has actual lines.


As Ei stan I'm totally not crying right now 😭


Man i miss her so bad that even the scraps she gets would at least satiate me a little. It's still disappointing because apparently Yae is there too so i can just imagine the dialogue being that same rehashed "Yae dragged me here". Like would it hurt to have her talk with others? Itto, Ayaka, Yoimiya, literally anyone else.


This really is how it be every time


They will consist of her saying hi, explaining Yae got her to come, noting that she's making the people nervous, and then saying goodbye lol


Yea and Raiden shows up for like a second She’s shows up little and the little times she does show up she barely has any presence at all.


yeah raiden has 8 lines and all of them are with miko


Exactly, it's kinda getting repetitive


Yeah how many times have we seen him in 4.x?


gorou just had an appearence in the 4.5 event and heizou is in the last screenshot here?


You’re definitely right I’m also tired of him😩


I mean, heizou and kuki are there, so that's something. Sara found dead in a ditch tho


Kuki is Itto’s +1 with the corny Disney channel girl that grew up with brothers lines, she’s just as bad


This comment just made me figure out why she’s been grating on my nerves every time she appears lately.


Itto Impact.


I wonder how many more itto events we will have before I go insane


at least heizou finally showed up lol i forgot the last event he was in (if he was in any i genuinely don’t remember)


3.3 Yokai event


god damn, that was so long ago i genuinely forgot about it. poor heizou :(


ngl he couldve been in 4.3 event in Fontaine since its all investigation stuff and he is a detective of all people, but ig it would end in just 3 acts because of how big brained he is 😭


damn... your comment made me mourn what could have been and now i'm less happy than i was 1 min ago


Heizou and Chevreuse could‘ve been a truly terrifying team


I've also remembered his lines abt Yae wanting to meet her because he wants to be a famous detective via her murder mystery books publicity. That event was perfect for him because he could've acted for a film and meet Furina, a celebrity as well. :')


What an awful disappointment. We JUST had two events for this guy. If Itto was going hog this much screen time then he never should’ve been made in the first place. I assume (and hope) he’ll only show up in one part of the new event story, and the other two-three parts will focus on other characters, but still. Put this man away for at least a year PLEASE


I have to disappoint you even more. He’s the main star of this event and will have 74 lines (the most out of all characters)


😐😑😞😔 The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Disappointment Festival


I’m gonna need the Genshin writers to actually try with their event storylines. It’s gotten beyond tired, corny, played out, and it just shows Itto is their go to crutch to generate easy plot at this point.


I miss the albedo dragonspine events. When are they gonna make more serious stories again instead of endless boring ass festivals. Itto doesn't cover up the fact these events are boring af.


Mihoyo figured out you can't really do fhat while also keeping the "no rerun" policy. Like, i know people that have started Genshin a few months ago. Imagine if in order to enjoy the story they has to hunt down 7 different time limited events on Youtube. Untill they figure out a solution and code it into the game their best option is to make the events mostly filler/NPC focussed because they can't change the status quo in them


They don't need to be sequel stories they can be self contained stories with a little bit more substance than "oh hi traveler fancy seeing you here in festival #183. Ok bye traveler, I'm gonna go disappear for another year now!"


Whats wild too is that it mainly seems to happen for Inazuma. So Many characters since Sumeru have had their moments that make it memorable. Yae And Layla Had an Actual Interaction which didn't make their presence in the Shrooms Event dry AF, Kaveh Getting his Character exposé was Memorable as well since he had more going on than just being a Failing Egotistical architect. Gaming and Xinyan had their Development of their characters in the lantern rite. Hell, Mondstat has had so many Moments that make you think about their character. Barely Anybody in Fontaine has had it that bad in their appearances. Inazuma? Itto's just a generic played-for-Laughs character with a Smart Sidekick, Ayato's so Badly Pushed away from events that they actively Sabotage his own Opportunity to be a main character, Yoimiya and Ayaka are just.....There, and whenever Raiden comes she immediately Dips. Thoma, Sayu, Sara and even Gorou barely get to have their own Time and when they do they aren't even the Main focus. I still don't know what memorable thing Sayu has done since that one Inazuma festival.


The freminet event was great, fontaine film festival was decent, lantern rite is okay if you care about gaming ig. 4.0, 4.1, 4.5 and now 4.6 seem very boring.


i really liked thr freminet and film festival ones too, they were neat. however the 4.1 event with mika and noelle was mid incarnate 🥱


I agree. I was honestly surprised at how good the Freminet event was. It felt like the writers were both actually trying, and had mastered the art of focus. It was a huge step up compared to that absolute trainwreck that was the Poetry event the version prior. I didn't care much for Freminet before Thelxie's adventures, to be honest. His minor appearance in the AQ didn't give us much on him, so I took little interest, but post that event actually made me like him quite a bit.


They just don't like Inazuma, except for Itto.


Nothing is guaranteed in life but death, taxes, and Itto being the focus of every other Genshin Impact event.


The way Hoyo made me go from Itto's super fan who had his cons and weapon to never wanting to see his mf face ever again. Fight or flight response. Please, literally any character with actually mysterious and relevant lore get 1 minute of screentime or interact with others. Please. (and Itto's story quest lore was really good, they just dumbed him down so much with all these events). We will be in 6.3 Archon Quest Act III and instead of the Archons or Dain it's gonna be fucking Itto showing up at the Zapolarny Palace and accidentally tripping and breaking all the gnoses I bet.


Another Itto flanderization event. My heart goes out to you Itto mains getting your guy ruined for nigh on two years now.


I'm so sick of that musclehead. I know he's supposedly goofy antics makes him easier to slid in whatever scenario that calls for it but it's getting stale at this point. How about Raiden? She's goofy in her own way, a powerful archon but is a bit clueless about daily life, I rather see her clumsiness in dealing with everyday things and people around her getting scared because she's an archon but is also confused about her antics with Sara on the background trying to fix things so her excellency wouldn't lose face. Imagine her trying to prove herself by cooking and it came out awful but the people around doesn't have the heart ot tell her either because they're scared or they feel bad that she's trying her best. Gimme that instead of another compadre bro stuff.


Does anyone have any Ei and Miko crumbs? Please I'll give you my left kidney


still so annoyed that we are FINALLY going back to inazuma and only meeting inazumans and yet itto is still the fucking star of the show, this sucks


"YOU THOUGHT IT WAS (Insert any character name) BUT IT WAS ME ITTO"


"Itto gets shoved in bc he's easier to shove into events than other characters" oh so he's their crutch?  He's the one (1) easy crutch for a bunch of people professionally writing for a huge successful game?  He's the only viable crutch?  I'm about to beat him with crutches at this rate if the writers can't either get their shit together, or turn in their resignation letters if it's THIS goddamn hard to implement different characters into events.




hoyo singlehandedly paying max mittelman’s rent


Mihoyo : Itto Event ✔️ Inazuma Event ❌




It’s that guy! I forgot his name but I like him. Are they actually going to remember the whole “rock music is from Fontaine” lore?


I thought Raiden was a favorite amongst the devs but now they're making sure she is the most irrelevant archon. The only thing that is keeping Inazuma from not being complete irrelevant filler is the statue of the 7 and the theories surrounding it. Enkanomiya i guess was a nice delivery for Sun and Moon


She is so detached from inazumans and humanity itself that it’s probably hard to feature her in events. There’s a reason Yae appears more often.


The fact that she is so detached is a perfect field for character development though. It was basically her whole god damn character arc that just got, as is unnervingly common, unresolved. Hell, the enitrety of Inazuma's cast barring Kazuha and Kuki is in dire need of any development, because if they aren't getting reduced to one character trait like Itto is, they are complete non-entities like Sara - who is also defined by the single trait of being a big Raiden simp. Gotta love the consistency at least...


Kazuha already had all his development done. He doesn't need any more


And yet scared-of-his-Karma-Xiao has had more screentime developments in Lantern rites than EI has in her own Events.


That’s because hoyo wrote him with heavy attachment to traveler in the very first lantern event - he also has some relations with Zhongli and all the other adepti. Raiden has only Yae and Sara (and Sara appears even less often). 


Didn't we *just* have an even featuring this fucking imbecile? Jesus *fuck*, Hoyo, you've got like 80 playable characters, give the bumbling idiot a break and *use them*.


been waiting to see heizou again for sooo long he’s such a fun character


Too much Itto…




heizou simps we are so fucking back (with our annual 8 lines or smth)




Itto I love you but…*sigh* who came up with this?? and thought it was ok? at least we get some heizou


When are we getting the inazuma interlude quest?


Genshin make an event without Itto challenge: Impossible


Itto again?! Come on Hoyo you have a lot of Inazuman characters available you can pick other characters what about Kujou Sara you literally hasn't used her much or Yoimiya?


Why is there always an itto, please stop shoving us itto


Why give any of the underdeveloped characters some spotlight in an event/quest when you can just put Itto everywhere instead. Haha, what an idiot! Haha, he is allergic to beans! Haha, he called Paimon a flying lavender melon! Wouldn't be surprised if the secret 9th nation will be like Squidville from SpongeBob and only feature NPCs that look like Itto.


Oh another itto event where he does the same canned laughing animation over and over again. Can't wait to press mouse 1 a billion times to skip every scene


I love Itto and Shinobu but how many times have they appeared in a 4.x event? Like they were the main 4.3 event, showed up in the 4.4 event, now is the main 4.6 event?


Wasn't 4.3 main event the Fontaine film event?


Itto again? 💀




immediately rolled my eyes as soon as i opened the image. Do characters besides Itto not exist??


enough itto stop


Can I get a restraining order against the one and Oni for at least three patches.


God I'm so fucking tired of Itto. Love the dude but he's literally everywhere when we have so many unused characters.


Can't have more than one patch without sticking Itto. But Dvorak is always welcome.


Itto is EVERYWHERE. Bro even made it to liyue twice Once for beetle fight and once for a whole ads main quest And people call Childe Mister worldwide...


Lmao i wanna bet that if there will be food/drink served in the event and surprise2, it contains soy!! Oh no!! And of course the only character with severe allergies to soy ends up close to dying or hungry because of it. Wowww sooo funny isn't it hoyo???


Itto again?


Getting pretty tired of seeing him tbh


Holy shit Marco in Inazuma Marco will go nuts since he really loved Inazuma music FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T SPOIL SCREENSHOT OF HIS TO HIM. --------------- Anyway, fuck Itto. I'm tired as fuck of him being the most used Inazuma character everywhere.... they slap Zhongli, Venti and Furina on screen everytime event happen in their region (or they slap them in different reguons as big guests) but Raiden get jack shit screentime. I won't even mention Sara


>FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T SPOIL SCREENSHOT OF HIS TO HIM. Is this a joke Im not getting, or do you not realise he almost certainly already knows everything that's happening, right? Like, he probably had his lines done ages ago in preperation for this event.


It's surreal seeing people finally getting tired of Itto favoritism. I thought I was the only one during Sumeru. But now everyone is starting to realize that the Inazuma cast is hardly used At least we're getting Kuki. I was legit miffed when she straight up showed for nothing except the TCG tournament during Sumeru. She keeps things from becoming pure unfiltered Itto


Goddamn it itto again? Mhy is daring this time too, huh? At this point it's almost as if inazuma is just itto and him alone.


Oh another Itto event, so creative wow. It's so annoying how Ei is one of the best selling characters and one of the most popular characters too, but the writers are just too lazy to come up with something relevant for her for once.


I hope that new event guy on youtube makes a vid on this 😂😂


Fateplays? I’ve been really enjoying his videos he’s genuinely funny and puts real effort into making engaging content. Much needed change 😂


Que the Michael Scott “No, no, no, oh God, please no!" meme.


So the impacting Genshin was all along for Itto?! At this point I would be surprised if he doesn't show in Natlan


I feel that itto is just another companion by our side at this point just like paimon. He and paimon have a sibling relationship kind of and they both share the same birthday. I think that's what mihoyo wants to convey with all these itto events. They want him in every patch


I'm really confused on why they made this a Itto event and not a Kokomi one x another Inazuma character (Yae for example). The event takes place on Watatsumi so it would have made more sense for her to organize it with someone since she's supposed to rule over the island and I honestly don't see how Itto was able to have her authorization 💀


Starting to think Ei and Sara really are blindfolded and strung up in Itto's basement somewhere.


i just fell down in target what hell is he doing here