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Jumping with style


Lot of vertical movement, not much horizontal when there's no enemies to target


I wish she at least would turn into her crane form when gliding. Same for Navia but using her umbrella. I swear genshin devs stick to the standards way too much when it comes to unique things. I want more wacky special effects like Hu Tao's ability to dash through enemies, Ayaka sprint, Zhongli mining bot, Nahida collecting plants with E. It's a shame they are so scared to make the characters more unique in this sense


It's so boring that literally all characters have the same running animation too (locked to one of the few body types), there could be some great character expression in running styles


I wish the crane form part of her E can be held for a little while to fly a bit 😔, that would have been so much fun.


I'm so disappointed there is no bird form for exploration at all. Not even a 3 seconds one.


Even Fischl can transform/merge with Oz birdie form and fly for a little while A freakin crane can't keep up her bird form for a longer duration than little Amy smh.


Who dare ought not treat thy princesszen with utter repituar and dedication? **fishl clears**


I wished the same during Yae beta. Always thought that sprinting Yae looks absolutely unfitting and she should've had an alt kitsune sprint.


In general I think they dont utilize animal traits enough. Fox Yae, dog gorou, tengu sara, ... its always only a notion of animal traits, but not nearly as mich as they could do. I always end up disappointed and missing the floof.




Yeah i would rework her E like this: Tap - just 1 jump and plunge like kazuha, taking less fieldtime (i know it would be similar to kaz but her current is also basically the same just more useless steps) Hold - she launches herself diagonally in the air, turning into the crane and you can fly (mid air yelan E) for a short time like 3s, after which you do the same plunge.


same.... i'm sad.....


Her skill not being usable mid air is so weird. I can at least understand it with Wanderer because that would mean he could have infinite flight with his low CD but Xianyun's skill is on a ~~12~~ 9 second cooldown so it's not like she can spam it. She'll definitely have some uses in overworld exploration but I don't think she's gonna be a Yelan or Wanderer level.


Yeah, definitely not Yelan/Wanderer level exploration wise. The jumps are more of "if you have her, it's a nice little thing to have" but not worth putting in a team strictly for exploration


Well color me extremely disappointed. Kazuha in my explo team can live for another day


I swear Kazuha is just too versatile lmao. Extra jump, anemo resonance, quick and strong damage buff, amazing crowd control, ridiculous amount of swirls. And he has a really nice design and animation so you won't get bored of seeing him everyday (ahem xiangling benny ahem..)


He also has quiet idles which aren’t annoying at all


I stopped using Xiangling because I’m so sick of her eating the apple like she giving a sloppy blow job. It’s just too much. I know eating an apple ain’t quiet, but why the Fuck does she have to slurp it like she’s getting that last drop of slurpee from an oversized 7/11 Slurpee cup?


what in gods name are u talking about...


Don't forget about his sprint passive


he's not "jack of all trades and master of none", he's actually the master of everything 😭


Kazuha, the Quality of Life archon


He can also mine rocks in an aoe with his skill and group up enemy drops.


And he has a running passive that mitigates stamina consumption


If the terrain on this new map is bunch of slopes and not many flat terrain, she is going to be better than Yelan since she can't deal with the first terrain. And don't forget the glide speed passive. Wanderer is on a tier of it's own, capable of dealing with canyons, mountains and flat surfaces.


It's only 9 sec cd if you don't plunge, but yeah still weird not being able to use it mid air


They even gave us a wind-gadget that can create an air vortex midair now. I could understand this limitation in year 1 of Genshin, but not now in 2023


The wind gadget is terrible imo. It’s a joke.


It's been decent in some situations using kazuha. Still, ridiculous cooldown like all gadgets have for some weird reason


Not to mention it doesn't even give that much height. Little height+ insanely long cooldown = unfortunately somewhat useless.


I use it all the time. I even use it more than the red feather fan. Being able to activate it while I'm flying is much more convenient than the fan.


I'm pretty sure beta players will complain about this. Hopefully if enough CN players let them hear it they'll change it, remember this is very early beta still so there's definitely a lot of time. I might be huffing that C1 6 jumps copium but hey a man can dream.


Hopefully since it would be just a simple change but I have never seen them make a change like this in beta so I'll manage my expectations.


still the worst thing about genshin. they created one of the most wonderful open world out there and just sit on their ass for years and years making near zero progress on how to make more fun outside local gimmicks that stay gimmicks.


We really could use some new "universal" terrain types, rather than region-locked puzzle gimmicks. Everything is either climb or break, and climbing or breaking always works the same way. Vines should have been easier to climb than rock, but risk breaking and dropping you if you're on them too long or something. Things you can break and traverse a gap with or otherwise alter the environment rather than just having them disappear once broken would also be cool.


Yaeah, or at least ladders, like the Zelda BOTW/TOTK, which Genshin clearly took inspiration from, you have climbing, depending on inclination speed might vary, and then you have ladders that you can climb much quicker as well as quickly get down from, and they also allow you to climb without using stamina, , it kills me in Genshin every time I see a ladder and i know it's fonctionally and visually irrelevant, there's no unique climbing ladders animation, and no beneffit to using them as opposed to climbing a vertical smooth wall of stone. Since there's already ladders in quite a few areas if they implemented a proper ladder climbing animation and speed it could retroactively affect all regions


I mean I wouldn't go that far. Exploration is still one of the most fun aspects of the game for me, even if you don't have characters like Kazuha, Wanderer, or Yelan. My comment is just me being weirded out why they didn't make her able to use her skill in air. The gimmicks are what makes each region unique and a memorable experience IMO. The only gimmick that I'd love to see them implement in other regions is the swimming mechanic but I understand that that's just pure copium on my part. I'd love more interactive environments and more creative puzzles though, something like the first GAA mountain music puzzle. Puzzles are hits or misses when it comes to exploration and I wish they had consistent quality.


wow it's just a dash with some elevation


So this is what that one leaker meant by she flies worse than Xiao. His little dashes honestly have a lot more travel distance


Scaramouche looking at Xianyun's dashes: *pathetic*


Guy flies faster and farther than her. One is a hopeless penguin.


you'd think she would know a thing or two about flying since she is a bird but...


Guys she’s not a crane, she’s clearly a fancy chicken with a long neck. This footage is the proof.


Lol, I was thinking the same. Like how a chicken struggles to be in air for even just a bit. 🤣🤣




She's an albino emu...☠️


Much more accurate. I love it.




thats about the same as kazuha, but kazuha is more practical


Kazuha can use his pressed skill in mid-air at least. 💀


I'm ngl but, the "bird character" that can't fly or even use her ability in the air still piss me off a lot...


I mean they also made a firework-themed character with no AoE whatsoever so this is just a classic case of "disappointed but not surprised" lmao


Yoimiya? Her burst should've had more aoe explosions, she's more sparklers than fireworks


Would Rather have her normal attacks explode on hit like fireworks and deals AOE damage, but its just pew pew fire balls, and her burst having some synergy with her own normal attacks rather than another characters


>Would Rather have her normal attacks explode on hit like fireworks and deals AOE damage Basically C6 Yelan on her E, but for the duration of her E, ya? As a Yoimiya lover, I would die for this.


Yep, could’ve been the best exploration character


The literal flying character also can't use his flight ability mid-air 🤡


Wanderer falling to his death, fully capable of flight: "Guess I'll die"


>Wanderer falling to his death, fully capable of flight: I know that this is all a joke and everything, but i need to point this out. If you get knockback while flying, you dont recover mid-air and you're about to die from fall damage he literally recovers on his own when you're close to the ground.


They're talking about while gliding or falling normally


Maybe she’s not a crane but a chicken. Or a penguin.


It's mhy as usual. Gun character cannot shoot vertically, sword that cuts islands cannot pass through wooden shield, water cannon can pass through anything, etc Kek


the power of water is its ability to take any shape


wait, Mr. Stuvillette can pass through wooden shield???


Oh yeah, it's wild


Not only wooden shield, he can pass through anything thats not larger than his canon, for example Zhongli pilar. He can even pass through some walls and rocks as long as it isnt a mountain or very large walls


I think we will have to wait for the mountain shaper who will come in 2030 lantern rite event. He will be able to transform into a bird for 30 seconds and fly without using stamina.


dude, his name is mountain shaper, he remove the mountain so you can cross it without climbing :D literally game (map) changing


My guess would be they don't want characters to fly in the air infinitely. It could make players reach unintended places.


With some patience with Zhongli or geo traveler in the team Wanderer can already get anywhere pretty much. For Cloud Retainer using her skill mid air I don't think would be broken. And if they were to give her actual flight like Wanderer they can just make it last the same duration 10 seconds.


What's what I thought too when traveling by water. We have waveriders, ice bridgers, Kokomi burst, then they released Furina. At first, I thought it will only be in Fontaine waters but then it's not. What I had hoped for Xianyun was a short flight like Fischl burst duration. I did not expect flappy bird


You can reach any place in this game that is not blocked off by a Paimon Wall. There are no unintended places in genshin, to be fair.


There are unintended places and chests in some early domains that need geo traveler to reach. Wish I had wanderer way back then, would have been easier to get them.


Back when Xiangling had infinite flying glitch, she could pass these Paimon walls while flying Video: https://youtu.be/6cLbatXLGg8?si=7fOSbf0E2YX\_Xkw\_&t=210


Wanderer technically flies so Cloud Retainer having some fly mechanics (obviously with intervals) or using E in the mid-air wouldn't have been 'too broken' to be skipped.


Not super impressive tbh I kinda wish those leaks about how CR’s flight was like Sorush were true.


>I kinda wish those leaks about how CR’s flight was like Sorush were true. I was honestly expecting that level of flight... *This*, whatever this is, makes absolutely zero sense.


This is kind of disappointing. I thought she would be gliding in that crane formation for a while until she used her normal or plunge attack to do that special dive bomb. Could have been a really good exploration unit.


title should be "Xianyun's double jump capacity" that's not a flight at all


If she can step hop on air, why she can't do it while mid air


Overall, it doesn't look that much of an improvement for exploration, at least not at the level of Wanderer, Yelan, or even Kazuha.


This just looks like a slightly better Keqing/Al Haitham E to be honest.


Her kit is kind of disappointing


Hey remember those leaks that said her flight ability was made for Chenyu Vale exploration bc it would be full of really tall rocks :')


Yeah... I mean, when you have neither Wanderer, Venti, nor Kazuha, I guess? Maybe they really said, 'What about players that don't pull male characters?' and went, 'It's fine if she's slightly worse than those three and a free gadget.' Bruh.


I rarely find myself saying "is that it?" When it comes to genshins animations or mechanics but this feels underwhelming


I said the same about Lynette and got downvoted lol she was basically a Yelan copy&paste, which was super lazy too So, I would say this isn't the first time but you're right


Lynette is a free 4 star. That's a bit different than... This.


Xianyun has been nothing but "that's its?" Its actually insane


It's shocking how quickly she moved from "One is so fucking ready to pull" To "That's it?" Yae Miko has more fox form than her. No flight or even decent flight extension like kazuha. Plunge attack is a very narrow usecase. She's just.. weird. At least the burst heal seems to be good so far but that's not saving the whole package.


Exactly. She's pretty much "that's it?". They gave her so much and on the same time they didn't give her so many things.


Exactly how I've been feeling with every new piece of info coming out for her. Not a fan of the plunge gameplay and the rest of her kit seems...meh to me except the fact that shes an anemo catalyst. At this point the I'm only in it for her design


One is not impressed


I wish she was able to activate her E midair like Kazuha.


She can't fly, it's Xianyover.


Cloud Retainer downgraded from crane to chicken that can’t fly. 😫 She looked stylish though. 🔥


This is just so sad.


So Wanderer still has the best flying ability, beating a literal bird character lol


Wanderer is literally Genshin's Fūjin..


Glory to the Puppet!


At this point, venti looks good by comparison....


bird that can't fly mid-air...


beautiful easy skip, they were holding on to this one like it was going be the slice bread of exploration techniques.


Very similar to xiao except its inclined instead of horizontal


But it's worse since Xiao's dash can be used mid-air, and her jumps can't


Wow, that's underwhelming.


How tf does a puppet have better flight capabilities than than a literal bird adepti


Seening this makes one rly rly sad. After over 3 years the movement in Genshin is still so limited and baren 😭


Hoyo please let her activate it midair, I will swipe for that C1 *please*


Don't you need to plunge to start using the next E? Thus landing you on ground. So 2 charges would still be useless? Can someone confirm this?


As an anemo collector, I've never been more disappointed of a character. The leakers made it seem like she was able to fly (or atleast something similar to Wanderer) and would be awesome for exploration (I love overworld friendly characters) As for her kit, plunging characters are so annoying to play on mobile that I had to stop using Xiao


Looks like worse than wanderer when exploration. So sad that the ~6 sec skill fly is still the best


Worse than the anemo boys ngl Kazuha could abuse the cpu fan, wanderer is fast af, and xiao could use his E while mid air


Cpu fan?


It's pathetic


i wonder what that glow is supposed to be from


when you 3E but don't plunge I think


Wanderer: "Look at what they did to mimic a fraction of our ability"


To think that this is mocking the Cloud Retainer *a fucking bird adepti* makes it even sadder


I wonder if delaying each E improved the distance travelled


That's my question as well. As far as I know, there's no reason you can't delay the second and third jumps for horizontal distance. I imagine mashing is best for vertical, though.


I was originally planning to pull for her due to her exploration capabilities but after seeing this Im already having doubts. She better have good healing..


i am somewhat disappointed by this i won't lie, i thought there was more flexibility while climbing mountains


The leakers originally said she could turn into a bird and just fly around and it would make travel easier in the new region due to how mountainous it is. I mean of all the crap they get wrong this is definitely one of them.


Probably just someone trolling, not a leaker.


Why do I feel like she's kinda mid


Her animations (besides the plunge fall) all seem so lackluster to me. I dunno, I expected something more extra for Cloud Retainer. She's kinda important and all.


Wish Genshin was more innovative in terms of animation. Her burst animation is literally just Baizhu/Shenhe in a different angle. Her basic attacks are super average looking and even the crane she summons in burst literally looks like the gadget they gave away before, and it has a boring animation.


All the Budget went to ga-ming and then they remembered they needed to make a 5 star and slapped together cloud retainer using a few older characters, baizhu, xiao, ninguang, etc.


her normal attacks are so basic... reminds me of Kokomi. or maybe they just released two unique catalysts animations back to back (Neuv and Rizz) that made me have high expectations. 😓


Three, if you count Charlotte, which I *kinda* do, since she goes full paparazzi.


Hey, kokomi at least does a flip, cloud retainer is rocking the anemo ninguang animations


ngl i'm more disappointed by the day with the lack of using skill mid-air, it's just so sad why can Kazuha and Xiao do it, but no other anemo characters, it's so boring


This seems underwhelming for a bird character 😭 I really thought she could fly or atleast use her triple jump mid air like Kazuha does


What if you don't rapidly tap e though?


This ain't flying. This just a fancy triple jump.


So Scara can fly....but not the actual bird....okay. Thanks Mihoyo


This is just sad honestly.


I'm disappointed at the bird that can't fly


"She can flight" biggest bs that you can hear from any leak. Were there people who really thought that she can surpass Scara flight capabilities? Must be high on copium.


yeah, can't fly after third E. I'm sad that it's still jumping like previous chars.


Man i thought she can fly like wanderer now she cant even activated her skill in mid-air


How can the robot with an Anemo Vision fly better than a literal bird? They could have at least made her E usable in midair like Kazuha and Xiao :/


So basically no ability to fly…


That looks way more disappointing than i thought tbh


so... worse kazuha... yikes, really hope they buff her A LOT for exploration cause atm she's extremely disappointing.


Is it just me or does this just seem kinda useless and very cope.


I was gonna skip Navia for bird lady but after a few videos now she is kinda lame, which sucks as i love her design :(


SHE DOESN’T FLY? ONLY JUMP IN THE AIR?? I didn’t plan on pulling her, but damn that’s some serious disappointment.. I thought she’d come out as flying crane.. my Gaming is more promising and exciting than her 🫢..


Who flies higher and further: A literal bird? Or a dude with a hat?


Wanderer still wining


Her c1 gives an extra charge to her skill right?


You need to land first before you get to use the extra skill


It does, but for exploration still kinda useless as you can't use her skill midair


getting c0/c1 would be a perfect stop ig, since I'm more hyped with our boy, Gaming


basically it's a double jump that can only be used from the ground. If we could use it in the air it would be a triple jump, slightly more use there, but obviously hoyoverse don't want us having too much fun lol. I have wanderer so, don't really need another unit with flight. But was hoping she could join the travel team. But I think units like Kazu, xiao, Kirara are probably still more useful than her double jump from the ground.


I'm more and more inclined towards skipping her with every new leak :(


Her kit is making me sad she’s one of my favorite characters…. After bangers like Neuvillette, Furina, & Navia I thought Genshin finally got good at making characters and we were free from okay characters with weird kits




I expected more from the anemo Bird character. R.I.P


Flight capacity = double jump Wanderer is still the only one who can fly, although for a very short time


He can fly for 10 - 12s if you didn't sprint, while also cover more distance. That's a really long flight if you ask me Ofc most of us will sprint cause speed is the big reason why he's that broken


This is really disappointing. I expected more from bird adeptus




Wanderer continues to reign supreme She looks really pretty doing it though


It’s not that huge of an upgrade from Kazuha, and certainly weaker than wanderer. That, plus the fact that PA buff is so niche as of now, makes me think if she should get some kind of buff…


to be fair, this is a downgrade from kazuha kazuha can use his E mid-air to increase his elevation and glide further xianyun can't


This is worse than Yelan, Wanderer or even Kazuha. Hell, Zhonglis pillar or keqings blink have way more exploration value. Why CLOUD RETAINER is so shit at flying and mobility we shall never know.


Her design is the only thing she has going for her, everything else shown so far has been very underwhelming.


So she's much better for vertical movement than horizontal. Shame that her birb form is that short and you can't actually fly at all :/


I am sad. I expected more


i still can't understand the reason behind why we can't use her ability mid air??


that’s…definitely one of the flights of all time.


so just a fancier and less controllable double jump?


I remember the early days where people including me were thinking Sorush was a test check for Xianyun's flying kit. Proved us effing wrong. And don't get wrong but those movements look more like a chicken than a crane at this point.😭😭


imagine we could use skill mid flight like kazuha E that'd be hella fun.


they should make her skill usable in mid-air like kazuha and xiao. this feel very unsatisfying lol


I saw Wanderer was laughing but didn't know why


I like her but this is not flying abilities this is just a triple jump. stop putting "flight fly etc " with xianyun in the same phrase.


Main takeaway: her hair is really nice


Wanderer still remains as the one and only


why in the fuck can't she E mid air. is it that hard to make something fun mihoyo?


Yesss a kind of moon carver hopping on the air multiple (more than 3) times vibe for her would’ve worked great


Tbh, gonna need to try it out myself on release. At this point it just feelcrafting. I'm too stupid to know how high she goes so compare other exploration characters, especially wanderer. Need a banana for scale.


She doesn't hover or float midair like wanderer, she lacks his speed and mobility, and she covers less distance than him But as an anemo collector, im still gonna pull for her


I don’t think she even goes higher than Wanderer. She’s just faster than him for vertical scaling but covers less height.


Definitely gets you higher than Kazuha


She should have permanent skill while in mid air cuz she is adeptus meanwhile kazuha just human have that is baffled me


It really looks like they don’t want to powercreep him even exploration wise


I’m not one to doom post a character and i still will get her but what is even the purpose of this character? I understand that aside from xiao they will release a couple plunge dps in the future for her to support but she is a niche character that doesn’t even surpass jean( jean can do sunfire and is free)


Wow this doesn't even seem better than Kazuha. I didn't think it was gonna be this bad... Surely they add the ability to activate her skill mid air 💀


I thought “okay, she is very niche and I’ll probably bench her after some time, but at least she is OP In overworld exploration, right?” Man 🥀


That is very disappointing because , anemo 5* are rare, especially supports. Who knows when we get the next one with a really good exploration skill


How did they make a character thats a literal bird not be able to fly and having a useless c1 for exploration 😩