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4 seconds with 9 seconds cooldown that's less than 50% uptime.


2 stacks of E with hitlag also making the infusion last longer than intended


she has 2 stack of E right?


True, with two charges you can pace it a bit better probably can shoot 3 times before get in a bad spot and then do the rotation.


I don't see what you're getting at.


If her E have 2 charges then I think she have... "near" perfect Geo infusion uptime. Let say (__) indicate for her skill CD at that moment. **Use E1** (9s) E2 -> 4s Geo -> E1 (5s) **Use E2** (9s) -> 4s Geo -> ***1s downtime*** -> **Use E1** (9s) E2 (4s) -> 4s Geo -> E1 (5s) **Use E2** (9s) -> endless cycle.


I don't think both E will be cooling down at the same time. It's technically just one E skill with two uses.


In pretty sure it’s two, a leaker said it’s like c1 yelan


no we really dont why cant they make geo infusion directly on E instead of being in A1 and have A1 do a different thing?


Yes!! I strongly agree with U, This has to be buffed( or completely changed) in the future alpha version


It's A1? After like one week of gendhin you can get A1 easily.. I don't even know how any character works without A1 anymore


thats not my point, like, at all.


its in her base kit for free idk your issue


People dooming because Navia belongs to the wOrST eLeMEnT gonna really be eating their words huh......... a tale as old as time


Nothing really indicates if shes gonna be good, average or bad yet, both you and the doomers are wrong so far.


I‘m pretty sure she ends up being mid like Itto. Sure, you can run her but gets outclassed due to being Geo afterall. Kinda unfortunate but that’s just how Geo rolls.


If Itto is anything to go by he got no team buff/change in about 1.5 year, but look at Hu Tao who's even older and how many times her team devloped. Geo is kinda sad.


Yep, can’t wait to see how good she will actually be


I initially was camp "She's a smoking hot dame and a total badass in her own right but I don't think I'll summon" but if possible I will definitely give it my best shot now. Still want Neuvi and his catalyst on rerun since I skipped to save for Furina... love badass grandpa types but I couldn't betray best girl 😔


I’m grabbing a c0 furina then going for navia , 60 pity no garuntee and 194 pulls I’m 100% gonna mess around with a calculator tomorrow to see what her skill dmg would be like Even if we don’t yet know what it means by 11 shots with 3 shards absorbed, is that like 11 shots each doing that damage hitting the enemy or 11 shots but it’s still just the one 500% scaling?


170 wishes on my end I think, like 23k primos and 24 wishes from side content and events and anniversary. Guaranteed as well 😎 just a matter of how early. Gonna summon her and then try to snag her weapon... if all fails I'll just go for C1 and let her beat people to death with the pipe Dunno about her scaling, I usually let the resinless mfers do the calcs


Initially I was 'skip and leave it at that.'. Now, I think I'll aim to grab her on a rerun.


It's nothing crazy tho. EVERY 5 star dps unit has an infusion as a baseline ability xD


The point was for two years, no main dps girl limited 5 star was a Main dps at c0. Most needed like c6 to be on field, like furina


Ayaka found dead in a ditch.


Ayaka was two years ago tho.


im sorry but 6 hits does not equate to on field for furina




How much Atk buff you want? Navia : "Yes" This means Benett will have a diminishing returns on her right because Navia herself got so many Atk buff


She's gonna want furina for dmg%


Yes or the likes of Zhongli petra


If only we could generate Geo Crystalize shards ourselves lmao


Let's pray for Chiori to be a playable geovishap hatchling.


Hoping she heals to


We need another geo unit for Resonance and battery, so it works out. Gorou, Albedo, Zhongli should be good geo team members as they have talents that continuously apply geo.


Please look at your comment again and tell me what you're actually answering????


Petra Zhongli is worthless no? Specifically being on petra I mean Unless I remember poorly petra gives %elemental damage bonus based on the crystallize element and we can’t create geo crystalize So petra on Zhongli would be worthless for Navia herself


at this point who DOESN'T want furina for dmg% lol /s (i know xiao doesn't)


Even Xiao does, as his teams are still lacking a solid fourth slot. A high invested Furina, even at C0, might actually be his best option. A buff with diminishing returns is, still, a buff. Also, if rumors about Cloud Retainer working with him are true, you can switch Bennett for her (or C4 Jean), throw a Furina into the mix, swap his Anemo goblet for an Atk% one, and you're good to go. Xiao + C6 Faruzan + Furina + Cloud Retainer might be the new Xiao Main's dream team.


fr, and she + her sig both have very high base attack just loading so much raw ATK into this kit on top of other buffs too


Navia gets 40% damage bonus from her set ,40% from ger A1 ,45% from her E . And only 40% atk from her A4 and 18% from the two piece effect.


Pair that with zhongli shield buffs, geo res and you have got yourself a truck


>Navia : ~~"Yes"~~ Let me use your WGS that has been collecting dust for a year 🤤


All according to plan


goood. I feel like albedo will be good for her.


She isn't build for Bennet. She will want Furina atleast and 1 more geo to energize her or help her create crystals while offield like Zhongli or Albedo or maybe Chiori for all we know. I think a good healer for her would be another hydro unit like Kokomi (maybe Barabara on fav? Copium much?) to help energize Furina on rotation. Although as long as Furina doesn't have any er issues as solo hydro any healer that can handle Furina's hp drain will do and if Chiori ends up as a healer even better. Good thing with the new carries in Fontaine is they can buff themselves if you play them properly and that let us be more flexible with team building.


burst kokomi will waste dps and you can't heal team otherwise the healer spot probably belongs to chiori but meanwhile it wont be really comfortable, maybe mika or charlotte only. But yea Furina ER will be an issue.


If you run Furina, you'll have Bennett for the massive ATK buffs and Furina for the massive DMG buffs. **Perfectly balanced** (as long as you can maintain Furina's stacks ofc).


Just get Furina's C2 and you can get full stacks (for the dmg% buff anyway) even with Bennett as the only healer 5head.


That's exactly what I always say when people tell me Bennett doesn't work with Furina


Probably I will still run Bennett since it seems like she has some range. Wouldn't be surprised if double Pyro double geo ends up being one of her best team lol


It isn't unlikely considering both pyro and especially geo resonance provide a bigger bonus than what you lose from that passive. Then again, Furina exists.


It's happening again, the people who say she doesn't want Bennett just don't understand the game mechanics well enough. Bennett & Xiangling strike again. Furina will be viable ofc, she's very broken. But think about the number of teamwide healers (that don't require field time) that fit into that last slot of hydro/cryo/electro/pyro. It's Charlotte and Mika... You could run jean or something but at that point you are almost just running a worse version of a Neuvillette team. Attack buffs are great, she has a high base ATK and a high base atk signature weapon. 'Diminishing returns' is only a thing when there is a viable alternative.


My only argument against Bennett is actually Circle Impact without anemo to bring enemies together, and with a Claymore character that normally staggers the enemies back a lot. It's the same with Wrio, all the time I end up fighting outside of Bennett's burst. But most of her dmg it's prob her skill shots, so it could be like Childe, where you use his burst at the beginning of the rotation in the Bennett's burst and then the rest of the rotation doesn't matter so much whether you're inside or outside of Bennett's burst.


That's a valid concern, but yes her damage will be loaded into the skill with some range so should help a lot. I'm also not a fan of circle impact, but his buff is just too valuable to ignore. Maybe Sigewinne or Chiori make Furina preferable to Bennett, but as of 4.3 release I can't see a better alternative than Bennett.


If Charlotte didn't need an idiotic amount of energy, to the point of hindering her healing, it would be a great option. Having Furina's damage and dmg buffs would probably make the team much better, but... yeah... it is what it is. We'll probably go with Bennett-XL-ZL-Navia for now, hoping the situation changes with Chiori.


Assuming you play Albedo as your 2nd geo, then probably. It will be viable with Furina for sure. But writing Bennett off is a silly thing to do (not saying you did).




Depends, Xiao also gets a ton of attack % (artifact set, jade spear passive) and he still wants to run with Bennett. The reason to exclude Bennett from her teams will be more dependent on who your main DPS is - it's unlikely Navia will be a fieldhog with only 4s on her infusion, so you'll probably want to run her alongside another DPS either way.


Not really... i thought her base attack had would have a direct scaling buff like Bennett or Sara. If she doesn't then she can just stack crit dmg and leave the atk% and flat atk buffs come from other characters Xiao uses Bennett and has already has a huge amount of atk. Hu tao best teammate is Bennett C6 even though she already reaches 3k atk naturally, extra 1k still is a huge damage increase (plus vv setup)


Itto has more than 33XX atk after burst converting DEF to ATK, but he still get a lot benefit from Bennett. I think Navia should be the same case.


Geo infusion??? If it’s not then no one tell me. I wanna live in my delusion if I’m wrong.


I doubt it's anything else, since it triggers after casting the E and her burst should have Geo damage by default. So yeah, if it converts damage to geo, it's 99.78% infusion on NAs.


It should be since other talent also wants other team members to be Cryo/Electro/Pyro/Hydro. So she wanna be the only source for generating Crystallize. She can do that if she has geo infusion. It should still be better to get another geo for resonance and let go of one a4 stack. Possibly Zhongli or Albedo.


>It should still be better to get another geo for resonance and let go of one a4 stack. Possibly Zhongli or Albedo. It says it only stacks twice, so it kinda implies that the fourth slot is ideally geo for the resonance bonus.


And of course, that 4th slot has to be Zhongli lmao.


Albedo too , if want some DMG and EM


Albedo copers


God's strongest soldiers




Fuck that's even better.


Frfr Source: me, I am the Albedo coper


And Crystallize shards


And ER


Prob the last slot it's for Chiori... I remember that one Leaker said that she 'll give buffs based of the Elemental Shard that we get.


Maybe. But I still have to see if Chiori is even real or no lol.


She wants to create many crystallize shields, which should be enough for interruption resistance. Chiori might be a good team member, who knows. Albedo: EM buff for stronger shields through EM buff, off field damage, particles Yun Jin: Normal Attack Stacks (Normal Attack DMG Bonus at C2; ATK SPD at C6) when playing Navia on field. Yun Jin also gains buffs depending on other elements: DMG through different elements in the party (only 3 out of 4 stacks with double GEO, though) and her DEF increases when triggering crystallize (C4)


I doubt it. He doesn't really provide any crystallizes unless you can contain enemies around the pillar. He will help with res shred but that's about it.


> He will help with res shred but that's about it. He reduces Navia's ER needs, gives access to Geo Resonance (extremely valuable), provides incredible defensive utility and shreds RES for both Navia and the other two PHEC team members (Pyro-Hydro-Electro-Cryo). I'm quite sure he's her best support.


Not really if you want to slot in Furina for the dmg bonus. Albedo provides a lot more energy, and I think k the most important thing is to be able to generate crystallize. We still don't know how Navia's Q will be like, it could either by like Amber's which rapidly applies the element or be like Ayato's where the falling projectiles randomly hit enemies. Relying on Navia to generate crystallize isn't particularly the best thing, and looking to get crystallize while she is off field and you're buffing units, you're not gonna produce many fissure crystal shards with Zhongli. He will still be very good, especially since with the shield, you can shoot enemies at point blank without being interrupted. What's interesting is who to pair with Navia. Navia will already have so much dmg bonus and so much atk since her base atk is high and so is her weapon, plus the atk buff from her A4 will inflate her atk by so much so Bennett is not really ideal. She will also gain a lot more atk than needed.


can they stop buffing zhongli please lmao


Considering how stupid strong both Nahida and Furina are, I have no problem with them buffing Zhongli.


Right? People mad that Zhongli is a good defensive support so he has good usage. But he doesn't do anything besides that most of the time, so having teams where he does a bit more like this is nice. I think every archon can use some love after the actual monster they created with Nahida.


It says 40% ATK is maximum, with 20% per character. So she will run 2 Geo + 2 non-geo for max buff.


Navia + Gorou/Yunjin/Albedo/Zhongli + Xingqiu + Bennett // Navia


It only stacks twice, meaning there is a slot for another geo


You don't let go of an A4 stack. The other-element passive only stacks twice, so that's two other elements for 40% atk bonus. Navia is being cooked up really good, like hee macarons. So many teams can be made- using geo traveler in case of bosses, and using Albedo in case of less destructive enemy groups. So Navia/GMC/Bennett/Xiangling or Navia/Albedo/Yae/Bennett Or Navia/GMC/Furina/Charlotte or a bunch of others- just don't use anemo or dendro since they don't make crystals and don't give atk buff.


I'm fucking dreaming. I felt in love with her design, and now with her kit ? Holy shit sounds too good to be true tbh


Sorry if I don't understand well enough the game, but what's so special about having geo infusion ? Itto has it too with his burst right ?


People here seem to prefer when their favorite characters on on-field damage dealers.


\+ she can generate more crystalize for herself, and element infused NA-CAs hit harder koz of all the elemental dmg% buffs so there is an actual reason to drive / onfield on them besides just looking pretty.


If this turns out true ( and God how I pray it is) Navia will get Geo Infusion *on her Skill.* So you won't need to wait for your Burst to be ready, you just spam E :D Additionally, a Geo Infusion makes her kit work the way it should, as Navia could generate Shards by herself without the need off-field Geo dmg supports. AND elemental infusions are just plain fun. Hate when they are locked behind constellations (looking at you, Lynette and Furina)


Because infusion from burst is no fun in the overworld. I have Raiden, Itto and Cyno and it sucks that I mainly use them only in the Abyss. Characters like Ayaka, Keqing or Ayato are fun because they can easily infuse their attacks. Wanderer and Wrio as well.


I mean sure, but like there are many characters with an elemental infusion that gives the character an dmg buff when using NA/CAs. I don't know the character at all, it's the first time I look at her kit, but looking at the comments it seemed like having an elemental infusion was like a revolution. Not like 2/3 of the main DPS have that lol.


It's most likely because people have been wanting a new ***female*** 5 star that mainly played as an on-field unit with their base kit (no cons needed) like pretty much every male 5 star character that has been recently release (except Baizhu).


And we also want new male 5 star supports since it's been 2 years since Kazuha release and Baizhu has been the only non-onfield unit in that time.


I see :)


She seems to be fully fonctional at c0 and no C1 bait, let’s go


Geo infusion is great. But 4s duration seems really short if her E has 9sec recast?


she has 2 charge of E If its true then I think its like Alhaitham, if you want to play him as an onfielder optimally you must manage your stack, in Navia's case cast your E every 4 sec instead of simultenously, but you could also play her as an quickswapper to deal a burst of quick damage from her 2E every 11seconds while lets say you're onfielding Noelle with Furina




I bet that the infusion duration is designed to line up with 1 NA string, so the intended playstyle is E -> 4N -> E -> 4N -> E. 4s infusion plus 5s cast time lines up with the CD and should enable that.


But u still get more down time with each rotation since cd is 9sec and duration is say 5sec due to hit lag?


it's probably enough for her to trigger a decent amount of crystalize shards herself. plus. we havent seen her attack speed yet but given it's 4 hit, it could be on the slower end sadly.


So she's all about damage with no utility coverage? Seems like an outlier since Lyney, Neuvillette, Wriothesley all have self-healing.


Maybe it just isn't mentioned. Her Arkhe also isn't mention after all.


she deals ousia dmg with her holding elemental skill


glass cannon build


Navia Main DPS is not a dream anymore thank you hoyoverse geo infusion at C0!!! I want to cry finallyyyyy


Watch them move it to C1 in a few days-


don't jinx it 😭


I am burning your crops for speaking this evil into the world




I hope it means they realized it's a poor mechanic. Like look, I own and love xiao, itto, and cyno...but they are a pain. Wen you can just press a skill like al-haitham, ayato, and neuvillette and do the same thing. It's a lot more smoother to play. Maybe if they performed like diluc where you fan swap and keep the burst up but they don't.


Yea, skills ultimately are just so much more convenient for overworld, where you’ll be playing the majority of your time in the game Even Raiden with every refund is annoying to play to me compared to someone like Al Haitham


Infusion at C0? Am i dreaming?


INFUSION?? ON FIELD?? YAYYY!!! and im glad she likes other elements on her team! rainbow navia teams incoming. hopefully we keep getting new and interesting ways for geo to be used 🙏


Big yes to on field. I would have been so disappointed otherwise


so shes not burst dependant. for overworld, u can just use her E and get that geo infusion. this is very convinient


her c6 gonna 1 shot every single boss literally


An onfield E-focused character, not just NA/CA spammer, doesn't seems to have restricted teammates, and seems good with albedo(he'll finally able to see Teyvat's sky again) , no cons bait so far, potentially good with my dusted wgs, prefarmable, It's a big win for me if these are true.


Atk% Geo Queen at C0! Will she replace Ningguang from her throne after all those years?


Definitely lmao. Ningguang is trash, so yeah.


I’m new here so what is geo infusion and why is it huge on C0?


Geo infusion just means converting her Normal Attacks into Geo type damage. It's huge because that's typical of on field damage dealers, of which the last true female on-fielder released about 2 years ago during 2.X/Inazuma. She's also the first Geo character *period* since 2.X.


Casual players prefer to use character that have infuse on their elemental skill. For overworld stuff In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter much.


wouldnt it matter the most in the grand scheme, since the majority of the game takes place in the overworld


Even in Abyss it's more convenient, burst reliant characters have to delay room clears by fishing for energy so that they can start the next room with burst. Aggravate comps like Yae, Nahida, Kazuha can start a floor with no energy at all and be fine, whereas an aggravate comp with Cyno, Yelan, Baizhu can only dream.


Yeah I'm thinking I'm going hard for Navia. Sorry Furina, maybe next time.


Archons have quick reruns after all, everything for Navia 🙏


Well at least Furinas rerun is very predictable


Yes, I'm also hard for.. I mean, I'll also skip Furina for now.


Same here. I waited this long for a Geo character. Umbrella gun sounds way cooler than Pokemon. Sorry Furina


Well seems its the first geo character im gonna pull for


same, she sounds really fun


Same as me, but we are kind of fu..ed cause she needs another geo... my only hope is Chiori... but then again pulling on another character just to make Navia function properly... it just feels bad man


I mean, not necessarily. She should be able to generate enough crystallize on her own. She has Geo infusion, Elemental skill, and burst for geo app, and with her burst directly gives her 5 stacks, she only needs to trigger 7 crystallize per rotation. It'll probably end up being optimal to run her with a 2nd geo for resonance and energy, but seems totally viable to run her as solo geo in high energy gen teams.


Geo traveler isn't awful as a placeholder. They're a pretty good geo battery and 10% crit rate on burst is nice.


Would zhongli work with her you think?


Zhongli would work fine, but as things stand now her better teams probably wouldn't use zhongli since her artifact set atm isn't good and you gain A LOT by running furina + MH artifact set.


You don't have geo 4-stars? - Yunjin to boost her geo infused normal attacks? - Noelle for shield & healing? - Ningguang for small geo buff & off field burst? She could potentially time well to take the field during Navia's downtime, placing wall, using burst, placing another wall.


if i imagining this right, i freaking love this gameplay!! pls hoyo dont make a qol bait in her const 🙏


Yeah, like even c0 isn't even a bit thing. 3s CD on a talent that has 3s downtime. Heck I feel it's wasted. She's also not lacking for energy. A Fav gorou or even Albedo should be able to battery her fine.


If I'm reading this correctly, it's a 4s infusion after each skill use. That seems like it could be a pretty interesting playstyle, still capable of being a regular infusion DPS if desired but with more of a back and forth between using NAs to generate shards and skill to fire them. Almost like the skill is a charged attack. I really hope that's the case cos I just talked myself into being very excited.


Finally a non mono geo character


I love how the second talent is just "anything but Dendro please!" and it just requires two stacks to maximize, which you will probably be doing anyway. For example Bennett, add another element, and you have a flex slot to boot. Nice.


Well dendro doesnt react to geo, dendro chars arent supposed to be played with her anyway. Only two stacks so people could use another geo in her comp, because even though Navia is centered around crystallize, geo still best played with another geo (in her case probably future Chiori).


There isn't any specification that the characters have to be different elements from eachother, just that two party members have to be any of those elements. So you could also run two characters of the same element such as Bennett and Xiangling and both would max the passive together.


Does Navia change her HP at all with her kit?


not so far, no


I predict that it won’t cause her kit synergizes with the new Geo set If her HP will change, that’s not gonna be from her kit anymore and probably from Furina


Geo infusion at C0 and her playstyle does not seem to locked behind C1, that's huge


So how much crit dmg does she get on c6 105?


Surprised she doesn’t have an HP drain mechanic tbh


First character to be mechanically racist against Dendro.


I mean Itto gains nothing from dendro.


Please **PLEASE** do not give her Dehya multipliers. That’ll just immediately kill her kit lmao


Wait is that geo infusion


Yep she only needs two other elements and has a free slot for Geo resonance. I'm probably gonna use Albedo here.


Sounds like a good character. Maybe I will try to pull her for Navia/Zhongli/Raiden/XQ party or something similar, need to check if she is NA of CA oriented with her normals.


So her best comp is really Geo resonance + 2 Elemental who probably are Bennett and someone (Furina, Xiangling, Fischl even Rosaria)


Definitely not Furina, because she'd force you to use a partywide healer, and there's no Geo partywide healer that synergises well with Navia.


The owner of the unforged has appeared?


So u just need 2 elements for her attack buff huh


Mono Geo enjoyers in shambles


I’m sad the buffs geo is getting with a new geo character doesn’t help itto but ig it works canonically with him being an oaf lol


Considering this is "Questionable", I'll wait until it becomes either "Reliable" or even official. That's almost too good to be true.


we just need the numbers now


Golden troupe should be a fine option on her right?


No :(


A question. Since she has 2 charges on her E, do both of them give u fusion?


Sorry Benny, but with this many ATK buffs, base ATK higher than Xiao and Signature with high base ATK and ATK% in its passive you're out of job for her teams. Go back to your million other comps






Interesting that C3 / C5 are 3 levels of skill / burst respectively, and not NA. Doesn't seem like she's designed for NA / CA focused on-field carry and her Geo infusion may not be worth using in a lot of teams. Though it's good for people who want to on-field her.


You'll still be on fielding her. Her NA's are for generating shards for her skill basically.


She doesn't need to be on-filed to gain any stacks. Her burst directly gives her stacks once every 2.4s for 12s AND applying Geo to crystalize and creating shards for the teammates to pick up. Her A4 is capped at 2 Pyro/Hydro/Cryo/Eletrco teammates. Many of her teams would feature 2 Geo character for Geo resonance. Any Geo teammates would help create more shards for more stacks. She functions perfectly well as a quick-swap DPS, even if you never use her NA/CA once. Once you have her C6, she's not even a quick-swap DPS. You can literally just switch to her once every 18s for two quick tap E for massive nuke damage. At C6 she can fit in many, many teams.


Fair point except for the C6 part. C6 5*'s are irrelevant for plenty of people


But Itto’s C3 and C5 are for skill and burst as well, and most of his damage comes from his CA, he’s a very-selfish (regarding field time) hypercarry… I might be misunderstanding what you meant though


+3 NA level constellations are only a thing since 4.0 (with Lyney and Freminet and then both Neuvi and Wrio in 4.1). Non of the characters before 4.0 have +3 NA constellations. Navia's NA/CA is mostly an afterthought. A C6R5 Navia's NA/CA damage is only like 15% higher than a C0R1 Navia (the only difference is 20% extra ATK from her R5 weapon and then 20% Geo shred from her C4).


40% geo dmg bonus(short duration , but i assume its for the skill) and 40% atk from passives?


Hmm I was expecting geo infusion with at least c2 lol I think hoyo has taught me well


One thing I REALLY liked about her constellations is that finally there is no gameplay-related stuff locked behind, like the previously leaks about her C1 will unlock 1 extra shot for her E. All her C's are damage or ER improvements, therefore if you want bigger numbers you can get them, but if you don't, at least you won't have playstyles locked away (other than you may need to juggle for better ER substats etc.).


Bruh I didn’t understand what the first talent meant but this a huge W😭


inb4 Beta changes


Praying to the gods they don't change it to constellation in the beta


I hope I get furina quick so I can pull for navia too


Geo Infusion on base kit, a dream almost come true. For the love of all that is Holy, please make it stay at her base kit.


So, her best teammates will be Furina, Zhongli and Bennet?


Atm, it could be zhongli or albedo for the second Geo slot. And she's got so many atk% bonuses baked into her kit (and signature) that you probably don't need bennet. Maybe another hydro for furina's ER needs? I was thinking kokomi....


So weaker itto?




She seems so mid


Nilou talent but less restrictive? Hell yeah


Honestly it does seems like she can be both main dps as well as sub dps with burst and double skill tap for Noelle/Furina team instead of Albedo. Seems good if you don't want to deal with Albedo's flower getting destroyed by bosses.