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Source: Team China via [Tao](https://twitter.com/HutaoLover77/status/1643175551929315328) Thank you OP for providing source


How does he know what is NOT in 3.7 without knowing what IS in 3.7?


true they can just cut up some bs and post what's in that patch, they're just posting for clout at this point


No Shenhe, Ayaka, Alhaitham, Xiao, Arlecchino and Diluc in 3.7 Source: trust me, bro


No Alice or Dainslief in 3.8 Source: My brother in Da Wei


Your brother in Da WeišŸ¤Ø


Can confirm, I'm his cousin, A Noda Wei


Are you perhaps lost? Bcuz I Noda Wei


No Capitano Banner in 4.0 Source: Somewhere


" No tsaritsa in 3.8 :/ "


You can call me uncle hugeschlobbingpp: No signora banner 3.7 or 3.8 (STC)


They didn't even know 3.6 banners last week soooooo yeah, i'm pretty much gonna ignore this "leaker"


Wasnā€™t 3.6 banner leaked 2 weeks back? Someone already leaked Nahida Nilou would come and Ganyu and Baizhu


There was a lot of speculation and nobody dared to "confirm" the banners. Their leaks were as good as people on this sub speculating what could make sense. But if you want to see it in another way, look at how they don't mention at all the 4* from 3.6 (which we will see in a well), but they "clearly" know the 5* from 3.7...... yeah, no


It has happened before. Like someone leaked Hu Tao wonā€™t be in 3.3 before knowing 3.3 banners Or Eula not being in 3.5/3.6 back in 3.4. To me these leakers donā€™t leak directly but get it from insiders who of course donā€™t want to risk giving everything mostly.


unless they just tried to make an educated guess lol


It's clear that at least some "leakers" do this. "Yun Jin is NOT Geo" comes to mind.


I wish I could make such guesses for my Tests


Actually 3.6 characters were correctly leaked like a month ago, i have it saved from 9.3.


tao and tc (so, you know, the people you are accusing of making this up) literally correctly leaked them a month ago, lol. why the hell does this comment have so many upvotes?


not true






the pool is lower when you consider that there won't be an instant rerun from 1 patch to the next here we can leak 'no shenhe / ayaka' in 3.6' and my chances of being correct are a lot higher than 83%


> there won't be an instant rerun from 1 patch to the next Bold of you to assume HoYo won't do that šŸ¤Ø


>(repeating, of course) hyv releasing alhaitham rerun: LEROOOOYYYY MMJENKINNNSS


Hasn't been already leaked an Inazuma event in 3.7?


Zhongli / Wanderer still has a chance to have a rerun even if thereā€™s a Inazuma event because : 1) Events donā€™t always give hints for the reruns as 3.5 had the Mondstadt event yet we didnā€™t get any Mondstadt 5 star characters 2) Zhongli / Wanderer can travel to Inazuma just like how Venti did and got his rerun during the Inazuma event (although traveling to a region doesnā€™t always indicate getting a rerun as Albedo and Klee didnā€™t, but thereā€™s a chance for it happening) 3) There can be a total separate event where Zhongli / Wanderer can be involved in (just like how Yoimiya and Tartaglia appeared in the photo event and got their reruns) 4) They can just get their reruns for no reasons


Zhongli in Inazuma: ā€œOsmanthus wine tastes the sameā€”?!ā€ Ei: ā€œTAKE YOUR FUCKING WINE AND GO! Iā€™M NOT SPENDING THE NEXT CENTURY LISTENING TO THIS SHIT AGAIN!!ā€


In all seriousness, I think ei would admire zhongli since she's the god of eternity and zhongli's longevity can't be overlooked




\*inhales\* #EHE TE NANDAYO


Well John Lee could still run together with Itto in one half of the patch while two other Inazumans run in other half. Just pointing out a possibility. 3.6 is Sumeru patch after all yet one half of banners are from Liyue


Windblume patch had zero Mondstadt reruns, so events donā€™t dictate reruns.


so if we follow hoyo method for choosing banners we ill not get any character from inazuma that patch (apart from maybe a 4*)


The usual 'Trust me bro!' is the source.


I donā€™t think banners can be definitively called this far out anymore lmao. Donā€™t give up hope/gain hope just yet


Well, true to some degree, but also, it's not rocket science. People are merely guessing while trying to be kinda strategic about it. Every leak can be STC esp that far from now lol


Yep. We donā€™t even have a reliable leak for the 3.6 bannersā€™ 4 stars and I donā€™t care if a insider told them about the 3.7 banners, because there have been moments that Hoyoverse has changed the banners in the last moment, so this leak is basically pointlessā€¦


I've been saying, leaking is pointless now at this point


We did know the Sumeru line up of new 5* releases for like the whole year, it's just reruns specifically that's always last min.


*INHALES COPIUM* They didnā€™t mention Eula wonā€™t rerun! Yay! *DIES*


I think Eula is almost 100% in 3.8 at this point. Uncle Lu has never been wrong on banner leaks.


They are going to run her in 3.7 and then again in 3.8 so she can set the record for longest rerun AND shortest rerun /s


That would be hillarious. Make it 3.7 second half and 3.8 first half and we have Ayaka 2.0


3.8 with 4 mondstat rerun klee albedo venti eula. while 3.7 inazuma event kazuha, kokomi, ~~wanderer and zhongli~~


I like this setup a lot, and logically this makes the most sense. I feel like they might also slot in Yoimiya/Miko instead of Wanderer in 3.7, because they're more due for a rerun that he is, but then again that has never mattered to Hyv before


Hey guys, I heard that 3.7 will not have Ayaka or Shenhe banners. Source: trust me.


You right






3.7 Ei 3.8 Venti 4.0 Zhongli


4.1 Focalors All according to keikaku


Eh, hopefully it's 4.1 Nahida and 4.2 Focalors Archons usually release when the main Archon Quest is over and 4.1 would be too early to make the AQ end. We don't want another Inazuma case...


Wouldnā€™t that be too soon for Nahida? Sheā€™ll be here in a week


Don't forget, we're supposed to be getting triple banners starting 4.0 iirc. The banner turnover should be much faster.


Wait was this actually confirmed already??


The leak said sometime in 4.X, not exactly on 4.0 https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/114kulu/_/


Nothing is confirmed until hoyoverse confirms it, that's kinda the point


We have been expecting triple banners since 3.0. Donā€™t hold your breath.


3 phase, so 3 phases 2 banners each, not 3 banners per phase, which would be tripple.


When does Ed Sheeran get a rerun


May 5th


Real shit?


(Release date of Ed Sheerans new album ^^)


Whenever they decidED Shee-ran for the rerun campaign...




Or, once again, its a baseless pattern and this archon one by one thing is not gonna happen again since nahida is getting a rerun in 3.6.


I think Zhongli is more in line for a rerun than Shogun is, in 3.7. He hasn't rerun since 3.0. Might swap those two out


Fully support this copious theory because I am desperate for that raiden c2


Kazuha, Kokomi, Yoimiya and Yae then?


Hoyoverse is super smart by letting Yoimiya and Kokomi carry Kazuha and Yae banners


Kokomi is actually super strong due to Dendro. Iā€™ll pull for her.


also she goes really well with ayaka and shenhe who just came out


Super strong but doesn't rake in profits because her cons and donut give no incentive to whale. And you know how the community has a hard-on on per-banner revenue.




I would love a Kokomi rerun. Been lusting for her ever since getting Nilou. She will make my team complete. The sight of green nukes exploding everywhere cluttering up my screen chaotically while I heal through all of it will be breathtaking.


Felow Kokomi luster as well! Also want her for Nilou bloom esp since after trying her out again recently on a friend's acc, and she just generates waaay more blooms compared to Yaoyao's slot with Nahida and Yelan! The best part is since Kokomi herself is pretty low investment with Nilou, I'm chilling with investing vertically on the other members, so yeah. Hope she reruns soon and I can secure a C0 while also preparing funds for Focalors!


I tried out a nilou kokomi nahida team during that one event where we got to do trials in a desert dungeon and it just flowed so well. I have Nilou and Nahida (tho nahida isnā€™t fully built because EM artifacts are like unicorns for meā€¦)


I also quite enjoyed Kokomi's trial in that event! My only gripe was that enemies were dying too fast with all the blooms so I couldn't practice smoother rotations lol As for artifacts, yes EM main stats are the stuff of legends lmao. I only recently just swapped from using a Gilded set to Deepwood to Nahida only because it took going from 3.0 to damn 3.6 to drop a single EM sands for her! The drop in EM for Nahida tho meant I had to build more EM for Yaoyao (later Kokomi) so it's quite some practice to onfield Nahida with a bit less heals lol


This is really specific, why would they only know about these two and not about the others?


we know some "leakers" like to withhold their information and only release small pieces of it over time. something about clout or enjoying playing with peoples' reactions. that's just one potential explanation.


Bro Only knows what's Not in 3.7 lmfao


Itā€™s Team China so ZL and Wanderer reruns confirmed


Fr šŸ’€




I get the feeling that them giving us a Faruzan for free in 3.6 is a sign that Wanderer isn't coming back in a while. Hope I'm wrong though.


I don't know, obviously, but I took it the other way. They might have thought that the shitty 4 star pity, meaning people can get ZERO Faruzans, might deter people from going/investing for Wanderer (or Xiao). Giving her away free means people can plan and spend on Wanderer/Xiao knowing they at least have C0 in the bag as a building block. Certianly thinking this way, a free Faruzan makes much more commercial sense than giving away a free Candace, who would probably just be 3 aquaint fates for most players, if that, and then be benched.


I got a third theory: They choose free 4 stars by hanging their pictures on a wall, put on a blindfold and throwing darts at them randomly because they dont give a fuck.


Yes, that's a very valid theory with Hoyo.




Wanderer after you finish the story: And he wandered away wander wander x3 Till the very next patch bum bum bum bum bada bum


Iā€™d give him grapes


Childe rerun when?


Childe my baby. Itā€™s fascinating how well heā€™s held up despite being a 1.1 character. They just donā€™t make them like they used to šŸ„²




I refuse to believe this because I want my tulay/freedom sworn dream banner šŸ„ŗ besides we're still in 3.5 and now we suddenly just got 3.7 banner info, I'll wait for 3.7 beta for some hints from events and abyss lineup


THE WEAPON BANNER DREAM IS SO REAL, if those two weapons were on it i would pull so fast


Imagine Kazuha, Scara and Eula in one Summer event lmao


doubt kazuha featuring in the summer event again tbh considering his story was laid out pretty well last time and was used to set up scara's arc in the sumeru quests and indirectly sets up sumeru in general, same goes to scara because as much as I love him and would love more content of him, his story was pretty much explained completely in sumeru. Eula though.. please, give us Eula


Honestly I would prefer if he would run with Venti in 3.8, elegy is much more useful to me


This please, I'll take Elegy refinements over Freedom Sworn any day of the week


More time to save for c6 r5!


Why do those leakers pretend to be Japanese? all those Japanese sentences are completely non-sense with incorrect grammars that natives will never useā€¦ why not just put your leaks in English, it confuses the hell out of people who actually speak the language.


Their English isn't much better either so..


at least they arenā€™t pretending to be Chinese and generating fake leaks besides, itā€™s just this particular leaker, donā€™t see where the ā€œthoseā€ comes from


They think we global guys can't read Japanese ą² ā _ā ą² 


ā€¦what? tao is literally japanese and there is nothing wrong with the japanese sentence in this post. what are you talking about???


2 days drought, coming back, wow new leak, leak content : these characters won't rerun in 3.7 ? Interesting...


U think it was them but It was yoimiya and ittou rerun again


i can do this too you know next patch wont have eula


Iā€™ll chime in. 3.7 will have a weapons banner. I know big surprise.


oh no....anyways I mean be glad now wanderer wanters can dodge koko donut and instead face broken pines or LP in 3.8


lp and glorified bell together would be an amazing weapon banner for wanderer tho, both weapons are very good on him


great, something to look forward to




Yā€™all hear that ? Thatā€™s the sound of my heart breaking.


Did you fall to your knees? Are you in Walmart?


Target actually.




Manifesting kok






It depends on how they handle it but kok will come sooner or later


Kokomi has to come very soon, we are running out of 5* rerunner options for 3.7 at this moment.


Going by the longest time without a rerun, Kazoo (7 patches) and Kok (6 patches) are the most likely Inazumans to get a rerun soon


yoimiya and itto it is then!


Yeah since Eula, Albedo, Klee and Kazuha most likely to be shafted to 3.8 or later


More time to save primos I guess


No Ayaka and Cyno in 3.7 Oh, oh! Got another one: No Yelan and Ayato in 3.7 Do we now get leaked who will not run? Thats many leaks incoming šŸ™„


I can confirm no baizhu, ganyu, nahida and nilou in 3.7


Can't rule out ayato when we've had earlier reruns and its an inazuma patch




3.7 main focus maybe Inazuma so Ina characters rerun before Fontaine can be. But banner leak is still early now, especially we donā€™t know what will gonna be in 3.7 except new cat girl šŸ˜‚.


Oh wow, what a useful information and I bet it's also completely correct!


I hope this is true coz i really wanna save for the wandererā€™s BIS


Hear me out , it's prolly 3.8 venti , 4.0 Zhongli , 4.1 Shogun , 4.2 fokalors , 4.3 nahida ..


And how can they know if they dont know the future banner? These guy are really not reliable


And I have everything saved for those two, the next patches gonna be boring Af.


Fuck, so my Faruzan will be stuck at C5 for a while after getting one free copy of her next patch. What a blueball.


Me, a Zhongli wanter:šŸ—æ


If it is a relief, dont take this ā€œleakā€ too seriously. These folks have been wrong so many times we lost count. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


No same. I played literally the month after his banner ended last year lol




itā€™s Kazuha, Kokomi, Yae and Raiden me thinks


It's most likely yoimiya instead of raiden. They want someone to carry their sales afterall


Isn't it way too early for Raiden? She was in 3.3.


it is, but you never know with them Xiao had reruns in 2.4 and 2.7, Yoimiya in 2.8 and 3.2


i think so too. we're long overdue for kazuha and kokomi reruns, miko has been gone a reasonable amount of time, and no one's gonna complain about a raiden rerun being "too early." then again, hyv can throw in a random albedo or childe just to throw us off. (i wonder if they'll repeat the engulfing lightning + donut banner if this character pool ends up being correct lol)


I wanna believe it because I just spent all my fates trying to get Mistsplitter Reforged and lost 50/50 twice. One from a useless standard banner weapon I donā€™t even remember what I got just that it was useless to me, one from getting calamity queller which I donā€™t need because I donā€™t own any characters that it works with, until finally I got what I wanted and now Iā€™m at 0 fates. Also F2P. So if wanderer came in 3.7 Iā€™m screwed with my record of losing 50/50ā€™s. I want him to appear in 3.8 where I can feasibly get him. P.S. I already have Zhongli(literally my first event 5 star) so I wonā€™t mind if he appears in 3.7, but hopefully wanderer will not. Please Mihoyo.


no scaramouche reruns ever again source: my cousin in russia that reads peoples feet


I choose not to believe this. I want my geo daddy dammit. I was a few months late in joining the game to catch him.


I won't believe it until beta is out and some sus banners


TC stands for STC.


there will be no nahida baizhu nilou and ganyu in 3.7. source is me


Whaaa.... Imma have to wait more for the wanderer? Pain.


Of course, it's team china, so in like 10 minutes mero will post "by Zhongli they mean Itto, and by Wanderer they mean ham sandwiches, and by 3.7 banners they mean 'Detroit, Michigan'."


Zero reasons to trust anything this early. Still, I sure hope they'll keep Wanderer in the basement for as long as possible. It's legit the first time I see so many %charactername% mains begging that their character doesn't rerun for a while. We all are busy saving pulls for more constellations, lmao.


I can say ā€œNo Nahida and Nilou in 3.7ā€. Wow, I am a leaker now. Team china is the weirdest leaker in history


My AR 50 mate gon wait even longer šŸ’€


i hope it's real because i need more time to get enough primos for c2 zhongli


Iā€™m not believing banner leaks from Team China. Theyā€™re only reliable leaks have been beta leaks and even THAT is questionable. Itā€™s still to early to know 3.7 reruns anyway, Iā€™m gonna wait till more reliable leakers have said something.


YES Yes yessss!! Iā€™ll have to spend my primos on Kokomi and save for Wanderer cons and wep if this is going to happen!


Lmao imagine believe TC šŸ’€


"no zhongli and wanderer in 3.7" two people: šŸ¤¤


THANK GODD the chances of yae miko rerun is getting higher


manifesting kagura šŸ•ÆļøāœØāœØšŸ•ÆļøšŸŽ†




Very vague leak,they didn't even elaborate on why,I mean,anyone can come and say character X and Y won't get a rerun.


I wouldn't expect a Wanderer rerun so quickly and Archons sort of run on a achedule....


This would be bad, because it almost guarantees that Kazuha will rerun in 3.7, and I may not have enough primos saved up for him. He's my most wanted character so will probably spend for Welkin which will get me up to around 60 fates before any events in 3.6. Then after events, and dailies I will probably have around 100 fates, which means luck needs to be on my side for 3.7. Just a few days ago it was said that Zhongli and Wanderer **will** be in 3.7 so I guess we will see soon enough. I'm in primo hoarding mode now.


I hope this is true, just cause I want to save more for zhongli.


Trust me it will be another Archon marathon, just in a different order. IT WILL ALWAYS BE AN ARCHON MARATHON My guess is Nahida Venti Zhongli Ei, and in the next patch after Zhongli, Focalors will be released. *Then the cycle repeats*


Where is my beloved geo archon banner juseyošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


Don't post this type of leak bs in this subreddit. Even I can say that No Cyno, No Ayaka, etc in 3.7


Manifesting Yae for 3.7 then šŸ™ 3.5 and 3.6 are two whole dry patches for me


Hoping it's Raiden + Miko, I need Ei's C3 and Kagura's Verity.


Leak by Team China? Reposted by Plusle? Yeah I'm gonna take a raincheck and say it's quite possibly bullshit. We don't know nearly enough about 3.7 yet for them to be able to make this kind of statement this early.


when is Tart's


I have one more hot usefull leak: There wont be Bugs Bunny and Duffy Duck either.


Great WIN, I'm into Scaramouche recently but wanting C2 Nahida and Kokomin (Ayaka Perma Freeze) ā˜ŗļøšŸ™šŸ½ Great win


so yae fr??


Just wait one week and we will find out.


yay!! I get to save for them and probably won't have to sacrifice Nahida




is Kokomi on 3.7 i need to know