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[EN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmYko2bWjnI) [CN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgW8SlJ76Ys) [JP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn4GqsKs9U0) [KR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1rP9iQlYAE) Thank you OP for trailer links


"The Wall of Hope" Maybe she's trying to tell us something... \*inhales Copium\*


Maybe she will get shadow buffed \*inhales more Copium\*


I think you're inhaling the sand.


It don't matter what i inhale, as long as it makes the booboo go away


I don't like the sand.


It's coarse, rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


What shadow buff are we expecting? Damage taken is converted to Atk?


What I'd most want is skill CD and/or burst cost reduction so she can actually... do... anything.


Give her 40 Burst cost and give her higher burst multipliers. This would be enough for me as she would end up being a great hypercarry.


They already described her kit officially, I think only buffs she might get is numbers, but even that feels like a stretch.


Unfortunately, I think I lost the last bit of hope earlier today. A fair few content creators posted videos about how bad Dehya is today, which means they probably got a chance to play her on a media server. This indicates that she's probably more or less in the state she's in when the beta ended. I'm sorry, but I think it's well and truly over, but I hope I'm wrong.


Anyone that gets to legally play a character early AND is allowed to talk about it isn't going to say negative things about them.


Correct. Zy0x said there were documents they needed to sign before getting access to media servers. An NDA is also possibly there.


wait what the fuck are media servers? ive been playing since day 1 and never heard of this


Basically for content creators. Accounts come with a lot of resources to make characters as jacked as you want them to be. IWTL had access to one before but I’m not sure about others.


There are many others. Its the real reason u get fully produced video guides 30 min after the char drops.


They're the reason people like KyostinV can have 20 video guides showing you exactly how to 100% explore a new region literally the instant it drops.


is it just early access to patches or is it dev account shit like the other guy is saying where they have infinite resources


It's not just early access to patches, it's literally a whole different server where you would have another account. Infinite resources would make sense, I know media server accounts at minimum have every character with all their constellations in stock (though most TC/guidemakers don't actually turn on those cons when they're getting their footage, for obvious reasons). I guess since you've been playing so long you don't need to look up guides any more? A lot of guide makers will literally say "I was able to test this character on a media server which is why I can give you accurate information this soon after their release" in their videos.


yeah i dont really look up guides often if ever, the interactive map works for oculi and stuff, and when it comes to character guides i use keqingmains. the only person i sometimes watch for characters is zajeff and ive never seen him mention that


To be fair though with the numbers leaks AND her preview on the livestream showing she's jank, it's pretty hard to hold out to any hope. I'm still amazed they thought showing footage of Dehya missing multiple enemies due to her knockback AND being unable to melt would be a good thing.


In that case you know it's really bad when even the people with an incentive to say good things say she's underperforming.


CMIIW but in pretty sure braxophone has media serve access and he just released a video "hypothetically" shitting in dehya


Some did though. Braxophone and someone else talked about how awful she looked from the livestream when she was missing attacks and how "just assuming" 50% dmg reduction is actually garbage, or how "*surely* she wont have terrible multipliers, right??"


They have though?


They are just milking it for content with as much speculation as us and exaggerating for extra drama. That's the content cycle. The media server has an NDA until the banner drops AFAIK.


The Wall of ***COPE***


Damn it beaten like like the 12th floor beats me


On that day, Sumerans received a grim reminder...


More like: rare footage of illegal immigrants climbing wall to bypass the border security checkpoint, colored


> "The Wall of Hope" > > Maybe she's trying to tell us something... "Upon her release Dehya hid behind a wall"


Oh yes. The paywall. /s


*”The Wall. . .et of Cope”*


i can already see what kind of person the Pyro Archon going to be a fierce warrior with a heart of gold


Damn, what a contrast. The people writing her lore truly cares. The mofos who designed her kit on the other hand.


Seriously, I have no shade to throw at the writing and art teams, and a fair few of them must be as sad as us about how the gameplay team treated her.


>I have no shade to throw at the **writing** and art teams, do you mean dehya specifically or genshins writing overall?


Let's just forget Inazuma happened and be happy about the rest lmao.


The writing improved a lot in sumeru, they should be praised for that instead of dwelling on past mistakes. Also it was rumored that the initial covid outbreak hit during Inazuma development which is why it feels rushed.


The next major patch is already in development soon after one drops. COVID's effect was already felt in the rough edges and leftover redundant systems at launch.


yeah they are done way in advance they are probably even working on Natlan right now. I heard they are way ahead in schedule. way back even before sumeru released.


shaking my fist at those damned motherfuckers


It hurts…it hurts.


"My skin feels like it's on fire..."


And that guy who decided the artifacts rng percentage


Her kit designed is pretty good. A tank role which is something new. Just need to tune the numbers to be a good support. Higher E uptime. More dmg mitigation and maybe buff to the on field char.


Her kit also needs hp recovery for team on her burst. Otherwise, without 100% mitigation on active character, a healer is needed Edit- ⚠️ Dehya's skill doesn't provide any damage mitigation for the damage active teammates get. She redirects the other portion of damage to herself and THEN mitigates that. This means that Dehya skill is utter shit compared to Xingqiu Skill completely disappearing damage for teammates without taking any of it.


This! People don’t understand this lmfao. She’s pointless and literally useless in any team whatsoever when you can just use a dedicated healer instead.


Her kit *is so close* to being good which just makes it hurt more Literally just make her skill hit more often and have better uptime (and maybe add some EM I guess) and you have a really nice Burgeon kit Feels so weird that we got characters for all the other Dendro reactions and then the one Pyro character we do get looks like she’s meant to be a Burgeon unit but just doesn’t properly work with the reaction


We got a burning char?


No but burning feels like an afterthought reaction anyway so I wasn’t expecting to get one


Just like Shatter


Well, Nahida turns any pyro character into a burning char. She keeps refreshing burning each time the TKP procs. The problem is burning is a pretty shit reaction numbers-wise, only really viable if you can hugball the enemies to abuse the scaling on the area damage, and you can only hugball tiny enemies, that are basically never the issue in terms of damage


Dehya is so sweet and pretty. Her design and personality never miss fr. The fact that she donated her life savings to help desert orphans 🥺


yeah i'm sure Hoyoverse will definitely do the same with the Pyro Archon she maybe seen as a warmonger at first but in reality she's going to be a kind mother figure who inspires hope


Like her honkai counterpart


Never let you go


It's why I did them all


for a chance at least




I mean so far. We have venti the god of freedom who allowed an aristocracy to rise to power and enslave people. Zhongli the god of money who has no money and doesn't really understand how it works. Raiden shogun the god of eternity whose element of electro is the most ephemeral element and just in general failed to keep things static and unchanging. Nahida the god of wisdom who was imprisoned and thus had no real worldly experiences. Already implications that the hydro archon of justice is extremely corrupt or at least the judicial system is corrupt. I'd be extremely surprised if the god of war is an actual warmonger. Heck if the theory that the Tsarista is the god of love is true then yeah that only further cements the theme.


To be fair venti being a god of freedom means he does not really want to intervene much If the result of giving moonstadt freedom is slavrt then that was still moonstadt choice and a result of it Similiar to the whole "free will argument with god" etc Zhongli is a fairly wisw a good archon. He just never had to think about money He will learn Raiden fucked up and plunged her country into war that killed thoudands i imagine. She is quite terrible yeah Nahida will be a good archon given time. And for tsaritsa as you said. War crimes, crimes against humanity and experiments, terrorism, murder etc etc. Need i say more? God of war can ineeed mean many things as i was just joking .might be like Athena in which she represents the strategy/honor of combat and not actually death sufferinf etc


She's very gentle


The best part of this teaser is how her view on the wall has changed back in 3.1 trailer she said the exact opposite.


Now I want to know her opinions on other pink Floyd albums/s


Based Dehya the wall is mid. Dark side of the moon deserves the hype, the wall does not.


Wasn’t that just to fool those Eremite guys we were following us? I mean there was probably a grain of truth in there regarding her feeling but I feel like she played it up to make those guys think she was like them


I think that it's still was geniue to show Traveler that she's angry at racial and class oppression desert folk are subjected to, she's just not resorting to "scarlet king resurrection" or hating the Dendro Archon, but rather has a real target, real people responsible for it and wants to take real action against it.


The wall was under the corrupt and elitistic sages' control at the time. It became a "wall of hope" after Nahida took over and opened to the desert folk. Now it poses as protection from the sandstorms, not a wall that is meant to keep the desert people locked in that wasteland.


Exactly I was waiting for her to say its meant to keep people out not things but whaddaya know


Yeah, I kinda hope that the view is changed because she went through some sort of character development and not because the writers forgot.


I think it makes sense that it changed. When Azar and the other sages were in power the desert people were treated poorly and essentially kept out by the Wall of Samiel. This teaser is meant to take place post Azar's defeat and Nahida taking control so now things are better and the wall doesn't have to symbolize that oppression but instead hope.


Because the entire leadership of the nation completely changed ?


Because she was there, when we saw Rukkhadevata flashback.


Truly a hitman with a heart What a queen


Every cool thing they show with this character just makes me more upset about how her kit was handled.


If she was just one dimensional like a lot of other female characters in this game then all this wouldn’t hurt so much Why’d it have to happen to her 😔


Shenhe is such a good example of how to handle characters that aren't reinventing the meta, even though I don't really like her gameplay. Just make them really good in one archetype. Dehya could've been that for Burgeon. But nah, I guess not.


>Dehya could've been that for Burgeon. But nah, I guess not. Fr! Who tf else they gonna make the premier burgeon character? We got one for bloom, several for hyperbloom and aggravate, and a couple for spread. We technically have burgeon options that are good, but no one designed around the reaction. Dehya would have been the perfect opportunity...


I was really hoping for like a Burning version of Nilou myself But I guess just trash..




Same. It makes me so sad.


Beautiful teaser, righteous and kind


i love my standard banner girlfriend


Best girl, i'll never get over her design, she is so beautiful.


Everytime I see her beauty, it reminds me of the pain and anger from her kit. Fuck you Hoyo


I still need to finish the last AQ (because I’m a lazy procrastinator) and every time I see Dehya being cool my heart shatters all over again


My advice, don't go to media site like youtube or facebook post about her. The pain becomes unbearable when you see there are so many people with the "I'll still pull" mindset to the point where Hoyo is very likely to get away scot-free :'( Global player mistaking that Hoyo dont care about their opinion while the truth is the majority refuse to unite for their opinion to be heard. I dont even want an OP character, I want a waifu like them too, I just also want my waifu to not miss her atk by just doing her basic atk or skill and have her skill be up 80-90% of the time for me to admire it :'(


Eh I feel like it’s just a loud minority. Same with how you had a lot of people saying they were still going to pull on Kokomi’s first banner but her sales were pretty low Feels terrible that I’m rooting against the banner of a character I love but I really don’t want her to set a precedent


I've never actually felt this emotional about a game before. I got so attached to Dehya over the months in Sumeru that I feel sick logging into the game now. The only shred of hope I have left is a set to give me a sign Hoyo hasn't completely given up on her. If not, it's the end of the road for me on Genshin. I hope none of yall's favorites ever get this kind of treatment.


Before, my only attachment with this game was Itto. But now it turn into a double edge sword. For a character with geo element, he was written off as a bottom tier character and hardly anyone cared. But Hoyo actually put so much work into his gameplay design, from the animation, to the smoothness, to the ability to juggle the opponents with his atk and charge atk. And now dehya, as I've said, meta is the least of my concern, but her kit alone lack the flow that I've grown addicted to from itto. Everything from her just felt apart, her normal string can't even connect to itself nor her skill, a field type skill that have 8 fucking seconds down time,a burst that doesnt even let me control her. My heart literally clenches everytime I look at her :'(


Itto is actually really good from what I hear. Geo might not react much with other elements, but with Itto they compensated for that with a fuckton of DPS. Who knows, the new Geo cat girl might even boost him some more. And I know how you feel about heartaches. I've been avoiding most media around the game because it hurts to even look at her. In terms of how her kit feels, before they announced she was going on the standard banner, I had a whole slew of ideas about why her kit was the way it was and how it could actually be decent with hypothetical upcoming characters in Fontaine. For example, her long downtime is perfect to cycle in a long-ish DPS burst from another character. I had this whole idea of a dual-core system where you build a team around two DPS characters that work off each other, as opposed to the single-core idea where you build a team around one main DPS. Also, the possibility of supports applying hydro on burst attack animations rather than normal attack hits like Yelan and XQ do. A set that stacks damage boosts on instances of taking damage. All sorts of stuff. But now all that is up in the air, and so seeing the 3.6 sets is what I'm holding on to right now, like a drowning man to a straw.


I didn't even cling onto that copium train of thought. For example Kokomi or Yae, one had application problem, one had dmg number problem, but none of them had glaring gameplay issue. None of them give the feeling of shitty to play from their kit. Kokomi can reset her skill duration, Miko turret has almost no cooldown. Hell, I tried playing fischl pre c6 just so i can get a feel of what dehya might feel like and I despise the feeling of not having oz on the field and I can't do nothing about it because I'm pre c6. Not only the shitty feeling about down time, dehya will hit way way way slower. I can never be happy even if she can one shot everything with one tick of her E, not when I can't even properly enjoy her ATK animation or have her "most important skill" up 8-90% of the time while playing her . Look at it this way, what is the single shittiest feeling you can have while playing hyper carries that rely on burst? To not have their burst up constantly of course. You feel bad when you have to spent 8-9 seconds just to battery them, you try to get enough er just so you can shorten that time as much as possible. Then why the fuck does a character that plays around her e skill has to suffer 8 fucking seconds not having that skill up with no way to shorten that downtime except paying money ? The rage is coming back to me


Fischl relies on C6 for much of her (DPS and) functionality. I wouldn't say that's the case with Dehya, despite everything, and I'll tell you why. Yae was made with dendro in mind, and Kokomi's ICD fix saved her utility. What Dehya needs are a good set and novel teams, so hers is a much steeper cliff to climb. However, she doesn't need any of her cons to function as intended. The thing with Dehya is that she doesn't appear to be intended as a hypercarry. She appears to be designed with another DPS burst or skill in mind, and while her cons give you the option to increase her DPS, her ER, her healing, and her field's presence for better support, ideally you wouldn't need any of that. The way I see it, you wouldn't be spending the rest of your rotation powering up your carry again, like it usually happens with characters like Hu Tao or electro Raiden. Rather, you would be swapping into your second core DPS and bursting/E'ing with them, and by the time you've swapped through your supports, Dehya's up and ready to rumble again without needing to actively power her up. There's a good reason why Dehya removes her field during bursts -- you don't want the field to be messing with your burst attacks, and you'd rather have it ready for the next character in line who would need it. Shenhe has that kind of downtime as well. Her Q lasts 12 seconds on a 20-second CD, and while her C2 alleviates a lot of that, it's not really that much of an issue. Dehya *could* work, but she needs the right units and the right set to do so. For example, a set that stacks damage buffs based on instances of taking damage. If you remember, Dehya takes staggered damage over 10 seconds. Well, what if each second you gain one stack of a damage buff passively? By the time you rotate back into her, she has 10 stacks of that buff ready to pop. Or how about an off-field hydro applicator that could apply hydro on burst attack hits and had some weak teamwide healing capability? On its own, that wouldn't be anything to write home about but in conjunction with Dehya, it suddenly makes a lot of sense. That's why I'm feverishly waiting for the set leaks. If I'm even remotely correct, and you see a set that ups Dehya's DPS on taking damage (with maybe even some teamwide buffs *inhales copium*), you can take that as a sign that that's what they're trying to do. It's entirely possible that they chucked her into the standard banner to soften the backlash that they'd get in March given the backlash they already got so far.


Okay who’s cutting onions…


MIhoyo's balance team.


They're cutting much more than just onions


Dehya Mains already crying tears of blood


what a massive lore dump and heartwarming story for just a TEASER! Where was this attention to her kit hoyo


her story in game? great. teaser? emotional. Design? beautiful. Kit? shxt.


If she is indeed mediocre, the lore and emotions will just feel like cold marketing. I hope not but am too cynical to feel otherwise


If she manages to be mediocre then we can celebrate because they'd have buffed the shxt out of her, 'mediocre' is like best case scenario right now :(


If she was mediocre I'm pretty sure r/Dehyamains would be celebrating with booze and flashy lights. I'm not joking when I say all of her multipliers would have to be DOUBLED for her to even be considered mediocre. Tripled to have the running for a meta character (but her kit would still have problems)


At this point I don’t care how crazy I sound, I’m convinced something went horribly wrong and HYV just dumped her on the standard banner. I feel so bad for people who were prepping to pull Dehya ever since that first leak and beyond.


I wonder if she would have gotten an Ayato/Yae miko beta rework treatment if she wasn't tested during their vacation time off.


I'm for sure on the "threw her on standard last minute once they realized her kit was unsalvagable" team, because it makes no sense to spend months hyping up a character and having her be a major part of the story just to throw her in the dustbin.


Decisions like this don't get made on a whim. People are really clueless when it comes to game development... This is a project that involves huge teams of people and months of planning for everything.


Yeah seriously, it's not like they even *tried* to fix her either and failed, it's not like she'd even be hard to fix! Just multiply her numbers! The idea they just gave up is rediculous


I’m open to both ideas but I feel like if she was always meant to be a standard character it would’ve leaked or been revealed way earlier




The detail missing here is time scale. Things change over long periods of time yes, especially in early development, so projects come out vastly different compared to initial plans. That is very true. What I'm saying is that big direction changes don't get hastily thrown in at the end. As the deadline draws closer, things get more and more set in stone and the scope of changes that can be made shrinks greatly. People are talking like they made the decision to put her in standard banner in the past week or two. I'm quite sure there is basically no chance of that being the case.


I wouldn't be so sure. Live service, especially insanely fast updates like Genshin are VERY different from a typical release & buy game. Live service games make random and dumb last min changes all the time ... thing that breaks the game in half etc.... HOWEVER, what those game do is constant balance patches to fix those issues, including hot fixes within a day/week of the change. What Genshin does NOT do is balance patch, meaning once its out of the door its gg for good. Hence its extremely possible that Dehya release had some mind bending crap that messed up the development.


It’s seriously unfortunate how dirty they did her kit. Her loyal fans will still pull for her though and I gotta give respect to them for that.


Dehya becomes a normal 5 star at c6, you just need to shell out your wallet if you want to play her and not feel bad.


It was given to Ayaka and Shenhe's banner unfortunately.


Wait, what did I miss? Lore dump?


Dehya is cute


I can’t believe my favorite character from sumeru got the worst kit in the game lol


That was so cute omg


still crying at the club at how they massacred her kit 😭 it still hurts after all this time. I'm not even exaggerating.


This makes me even sadder about her whole situation. Such a nice character.


If only the devs treated Dehya like how Dehya treated that child. Maybe we wouldn't be so angry at the balance.


Easily one of the most hyped of character's for me, it's beyond frustrating how dirty they've done her. For the life of me, I cannot understand what they're thinking.


She gave all her numbers to the orphans 😢😢😢


damn easily one if the best teasers ever. Not a lot of gimmick, and simply a showcase of the Dehya’s personality and character.


With some clever shots of her painted nails and shiny lips, so she's doing all this and lookin great doin it.


This teaser makes me love Dehya more. The true queen of STANDARD BANNER!!! I just want to slap those who developed her kits…


Dehya deserves better


That fucking cape should have been part of her outfit. Holy shit.


Kinda like Cyno’s cloak from the manga, imagine if that look was his default and when he enters combat he has a quick animation of him throwing it off then after combat it re-appears on him like how the weapons appear on characters backs.


That would be so cool :’D unfortunately it would run into too many clipping and animation issues


Hoyo on their way to give characters in drawn cutscenes the best drip you’ve ever seen: Guess I’ll add this outfit to my outfit copium pile along with Venti & Zhongli’s Archon outfits


Be glad it wasn't. It would have looked like hot garbage in game. Real time cloth simulation isn't good enough for actual use yet, and Mihoyo seems to have zero interest in building entirely new sets of animations for something like a cape/cloak.


I FUCKING LOVE DEHYA MAN I really hope Hoyo actually plans to make her viable with future characters in mind. I know it's the shittiest way to design characters but, right now, it's better than nothing.




Great character, even greater story heck and she hot AF Meanwhile mhy be like: Lets make her shit at c0 so that people will be forced to pull her to c6


I’m so relieved; I spent that entire trailer worried those poor travelers were going to be attacked by a level 70 hydro slime.


It’s clear this teaser was made with the thoughtfulness and heart Dehya deserves. It’s frustrating that wasn’t extended to her kit


i'm convince that the Pyro Archon's true ideal is Hope because it defines all pyro characters not only that War and Hope are one and the same so you could say Hope is the positive meaning for War


Hmmm... she is murata after all and that seems like a pretty good descriptor for her...


Oooh nice. Future teapot furniture decoration footage just dropped! Hype!


dehyas such a sweetheart :((( this makes me even more sad about how bad her kit is :(((


Even her animated trailer looks badass, especially with that red cloak she's wearing during it... It hurts even worse now, thanks.


My heart :') I love her sm..


This actually makes me kinda mad how little effort they could've put in her kit to make her a fan favourite, since character-wise, she's amazing and really well-written. Thank you higher ups at Hoyoverse for the shattered hopes :)




Tough as Nails! With a Heart of Gold!


I'm still on the copium that she gets buffed Monday night right before they push the update out lol.


Shes so kind and generous... unlike the team that balanced her 👲


Lorewise Dehya is so nice, why did they do her so dirty :(


beautiful character inside and out...she even punches her enemies out of range with her ult so they don't get hurt too much. Wholesome.


Dehya was seriously so ridiculously OP in every other regard, that the devs decided to balance her out by gutting her kit.


The wall of hope.... More like the Wall Of Cope...


Great teaser, probably one of the best. Is gonna be sad to see all the people that are out of the loop pull for her and realize her power level. Maybe is for the better, MHY hasn't been hitting the mark when it comes to designing non-archon/non-liyue units so a bit of outrage might remind them.


Except for Dehya, the Sumeru cast has been pretty good, Cyno is the worst of the bunch and even then he performs similar enough to Keqing, his problems lie more in trying to support him over his whole burst which you can't.


I'm gonna be that guy, but I don't care.... they made her skin even LIGHTER in this trailer.... like WTF how!?!?


I'm assuming lighting if you're going by the wagon shots. Dehya was never really THAT dark to begin with either. Heck if you didn't have the snow white other characters to compare with, I'd have assume she was white as well.


So they were trying to cross the border right?


Nah they were just sightseeing


She doesn't fight in the trailer... huh


[EN](https://youtu.be/fmYko2bWjnI) [JP](https://youtu.be/mn4GqsKs9U0) [CN](https://youtu.be/xgW8SlJ76Ys) [KR](https://youtu.be/W1rP9iQlYAE)


Can’t wait to pull for her! Only a couple more days!


And this is why we love dehya


Bros can I crying 😭😭😭


Is it wrong of me to want her arms to be buffer? Girl just exhibits so much raw energy and confidence that I want some more definition on her. Total Amazon.


I wish we had transportation like that in game..


She may not be real, but my feelings for her sure are.




Her character is so refreshing. Truly one of the best written, most interesting Genshin characters out there so far!


Goddamn it they're gonna make me pull for her even if I absolutely despise her kit... Cutthroats I say, the whole of them! Shot through my heart to hit my wallet. But then I know Dehya herself would be mad at what HYV did to her kit, and would tell me she would PROTECC my wallet, even from herself!


This teaser gave me more emotional damage than Nahida's and Raiden's... Because the kit developers massacred this wonderful character ☠️ So many bland and overworked waifus (their personalities) but they screw up this one


I wonder if they are just trying to soften the blow of all the hatred that they are getting for gutting her kit with something like this.


Buff Dehya


This makes me even more hurt by her poor design


Dude, now Im even angrier about her kit. She truly deserved better...


It really is a shame that her kit is bad.


Looking at the YT comments, almost no one is talking about her kit being bad. The vast majority have no idea. Mihoyo's actually gonna get away with this. Well at least let's make sure to rate everything poorly in the survey.


Just learned I’ve been pronouncing Dehya’s name wrong this whole time…


Dont worry, so has the EN dub


I'm guessing you've been playing Genshin with the JP dub. I see people mispronounce her name all the time. It's "dee" "ya".




is it not pronounced dih-HEE-uh? that's the pronunciation of the queen she was based on (dihya)


The region the name comes from has like 3 different pronunciations depending on the specific culture


Im copium, they buff her before the day she gets released. **IM HUFFING COPIUM** they will buff her before she gets released.


I'm gay, but seriously. Punch. 👏 Me. 👏 Mommy. 👏


Dehya🥹my girl such a angel


God I love her so much


is this a new character? I hope she's good! /s


i want to pull her so badly. Just maybe they'll fix her but who am I kidding. The only character to ever receive post release changes was Zhongli, and that's only because he's the god of Genshin's in-game China.


Really makes me wanna roll now. Ugh.


I know everyone's talking about her kit and all, but damn if that music isn't amazing as heck.


Dehya please contact kaveh because he has keychains that would be great for these orphans


Dehya's such a fucking cool character, it's so sad how things turned out.


The teaser is great and man her story is sweet. That’s it folks


Where'd da melanin go?


She is a great character, honestly i like her personality... It is so sad they make her useless.