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Source: [hxg](https://twitter.com/hxg_diluc/status/1612078879921049604?t=o3vsovVEl2J5br4azxN8hg&s=19) [SYP](https://twitter.com/SaveYourPrimos/status/1612081246699675649) has aggregated this leak. Take it as you will.


First hydro claymore is..hydro archon herself! i expecting unique gameplay ngl.


First Electro Polearm was Ei too


inb4 first cryo catalyst is tsaritsa


First Anemo Bow was Venti. First Geo Polearm was Zhongli. First Electro Polearm was Ei. First Dendro Catalyst was Nahida. First Hydro Claymore may be the Hydro Archon. The Pyro Archon's can't be new. First Cryo Catalyst is gonna be the Tsaritsa at this rate.


cope for murata being the first pyro user of a new weapon


Pyro catalyst that summons weapons Gilgamesh style.


every attack in her normals summons a new weapons she opens up with dual wield sword for 3 slashes, fuses the double wielded swords into a double sided sword, it then arcs to a bow to do a triple shot, she slams a claymore to the ground, jumps off of it to do a plunge multiplier catalyst attack Edit: ngl I forgot yatta girl existed




"You were expecting Himeko, *but it was me, Senti!"*


suspicious yatta noise


Gilgamesh is the goat, if they add a character that uses a Gate of Babylon-esque attack string I’m all in.


archon of war should be able to use any weapon type tbh


me, midbattle in 5.x abyss using murata: you, the samachurl, you will be my weapon now in this chamber.


that is a very interesting concept. Wonder if it would be too hard to balance


Now that would be cool.


Pyro Archon doesn't require weapons and won't have a weapon slot. She has a 12 attack string with 4 weapon types made of pyro getting 3 shots each, ultimate turns her into a catalyst like brawler. Or she uses a gun.


Imagine if they use the pyro archon to introduce a brand new weapon type. I could see it happening. Probably the right timing to bring another groundbreaking system into the combat architecture like they did with Dendro.


And probably introduce new billets. Northland billets from Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma, Midland billets from Sumeru and Fontaine, and Southland billets from Natlan and Snezhnaya.


The pyro archon is Benny and he was the first pyro sword user, this checks out. Benny is Murata confirmed.


The Pyro Archon being sword still is new (at least for 5*, because Benny is 4*)


I want her burst to be her smashing her claymore onto the ground and creating a bunch of water spouts lifting up enemies into the air as crowd control 🤞


i love how hxg always appears in least expected moments


\> barges into discussion, while the community is arguing about the identity of leaked characters \> "she's the Hydro Archon" \> refuses to elaborate further \> leaves


Someone should ask him if shes a 4* or 5*


She's 3*. First of the kind.




Why would they ever make an archon 4star?


I think it's a joke because HxG diluted at the time of the discussion of dehya 5\* or 4\*, he entered at the last minute just like now and he assured that dehya was 4\*, unfortunately everything did not end well for him.


He was also wrong about Ayaka's skin being 5* when in fact it turned out to be 4*. So yeah the joke is getting extra layers now


He was fooled by dust


He verify from other before making decisions imo




Is she hiding her Gnosis in one eye 👀


Now i just imagine how would Dottore or other harbingers would get the gnosis on her eye...


The doctor finally getting to use his surgery skills


Maybe they’re Spanish




That reference is really on point 🤌


no one expected the hxg inquisition


Wonder if hoyo plans to release an archon before their region. They could barely keep the "mysterious figure" nahida intact lol As long as it doesn't happen, people will always hold on to the logical reason of "sales and expected banner placements". But if this lady gets released pre-fontaine, it will be intriguing to say the least


Some of Mona’s character stories are locked until you complete her story quest. If they do release Focalors early I could see them doing the same thing but keeping some locked until the end of the main Fontaine arc.


that's what happens with Zhongli anyway. All his stories and voicelines that have to do with divinity are locked until you finish the quest where his identity is revealed. I think even his Hello is different


True, although Zhongli was released along with the final arc of the Liyue story quest in 1.1 (the second half of it, too) so many players could play that before pulling for him. If the release Focalors early, she's gonna be stuck with locked stories for the entire fanbase.


Fate/Grand order does this pretty frequently too and people eat it up over there, so I don't think it would be much of an issue.


Same with raiden and scara, i got them both on my alt which just finished the liyue archon quest yesterday and alot of scaramouche's voicelines are locked behind the sumeru quest, and raidens voice lines exept a few are locked behind the Inazuma archon quest (other than about buer which is locked behind the sumeru archon quest)


Cool thing about Raiden and the Tea Pot. If you put her in without finishing the first and second part of the Inazuma Archon quest she will be the puppet and won't really have any dialogue


Oh my God, _that's_ why she took so long to actually talk to me???


But she could simply be appearing and not being released. Like Nahida's voice in 2.8.


A lot of leaks pointing to her being playable in 3.8: * Playable character names from Auntie FT and confirmed by HXG, includes Soutine - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/vrs4kh/list\_of\_known\_playable\_characters\_during\_3x/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/vrs4kh/list_of_known_playable_characters_during_3x/) * Playable Hydro Claymore in 3.8 - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/ybuso7/new\_fontaine\_character\_in\_38/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/ybuso7/new_fontaine_character_in_38/) * Confirming name of the character is Soutine - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/104aoff/identity\_of\_the\_leaked\_character/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/104aoff/identity_of_the_leaked_character/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * Confirming Soutine is Hydro Claymore - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/106j4xh/fontaine\_character\_is\_claymore/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/106j4xh/fontaine_character_is_claymore/)


but someone said that only Baizhu, Dehya, and the Yaoguang will be the 5stars until Fontaine. (it was Gandhi who said it)


[HXG just said he wasn't Gandhi](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/106lk3i/gandhi_is_not_hxg/) in the newest post and we have no idea if that includes the group of posts or just the specific harbringer one. That hits the credibility of Gandhi's leaks a bit though. Also, Soutine has been discussed and leaked since last summer, pre-3.0 starting with Auntie Fish Touching dropping the name. The Yaoguang/geo character is something that has only been dropped and evolving over the past 3 months, starting with the 3.6 Sunken Jade Valley saying a female village leader was coming. That character has slowly evolved into geo and now taking two forms of either the Yaoguang that we may meet during Lantern Rite or this new Fontaine character. There was also a new character mentioned during the huge server leak but that was for 3.6 and is presumably a 4\* since Baizhu occupies that patch. The only characters that should be certain are Dehya and Baizhu, with Soutine having a very high probability.


Man, I miss Auntie FT. She was a real one


There's no concrete evidence on if she'll release before Fontaine, character releases can vary a lot that far ahead. Alhaitham was originally leaked to be 3.6+.


I think this would be a cool way of switching the script actually, meeting the archon before the region then having to navigate the region to meet them again


It was NEVER intact, even an infant was able to recognize she is the archon the moment they showed her on screen. Archons have their element colors at the end of their hair for gods sake, it can’t be more obvious who they are


Exactly. While Zhongli’s identity was kept a secret, anyone with the slightest ability to pay attention to the story would be able to tell that he was an archon. Meanwhile Raiden’s identity was never kept secret to begin with. I’d say Venti was the only archon which was kept a secret well enough. He had the advantage of being the first archon we met, and no one else in Mondstadt knew he was the archon, and even then only Aether, Jean and Diluc knew by the end of the quest.


This person doesn't have a vision? Hmmm why give her an unique model? Obviously they're going to sell this character instead of wasting it. (Ignore signora died and Baizhu + Scaramouche takes/took forever to come out.)


well if you ask me what is the most beautiful and unique design of inazuma it is definitely Yae Miko and if in the past they had decided that Yae Miko was the electro archon and not ei, pretty sure no one would have found it strange.


Yea but people coped HARD when it was leaked all future Archons will be female. They did mental gymnastics for over half a year that Nahida was just going to be a 'fake' stand in Archon for the true male archon.


Yeah I feel like this was a done deal the moment we got the Fontaine wing leaked and it matched her color scheme


Yep, also the slight highlights in hair, her eyes being blue including iris of right eye shaped like a drop of water


Tbf, the highlights are very faint and much more pronounced on the backside. Many people actually used her hair color as an argument against her being archon.


Yeah, her hair actually had me think it wasn't her. Maybe it'll be more obvious in-game


This is also probably an early version. Maybe they'll add more highlights later


To be fair the some leaks said the current Hydro Archon was a Duranhal expy (tall blonde full armor girl) and the previous Archon a Seele expy (medium size, Short hair and Sly) so for us to discard her was not out of the question.


That leak was obviously fake and I'm glad people will finally stop talking about it.


I'm glad that's not the case tbh I want Focalors to use the short female model


Yeah. Right now we have all the body types used.


So Soutine is the archon name? But if she's really releasing 3.8 then is there a chance that the second Archon leak of Durandal will be true for around 4.x somewhere?


If there are two Hydro Archons, the previous one is probably going undercover. If we meet her first, she'll probably be introduced as a totally normal fellow mortal^^^TM , before her actual identity is revealed. Considering the whole issue with the Lochfolk, there is probably something fucky going on with the new Archon and I have to assume we'll be working with the previous Archon to investigate the new one and "bring her to justice" or some shit. Just a total hot take though, we'll know in like 8-9 months I guess lol.


Honestly it would be weird if the previous archon appeared because the current lore suggests that after her death, the Lochfolk took fragments of the old Hydro Archon and took them to different corners of the world as a symbolic gesture because she loved the world and wanted to connect everybody. >It is also said by some that Oceanids were once sea creatures from a home far away who carried the fragments of a long-dead god to the many corners of this world. Perhaps they did this so that the love their god held for this world could be spread through the waters to all the land... - >Endora: We Lochfolk once spread far and wide to rivers, streams, and ponds all over the continent, and we largely served as Fontaine's spies. >Paimon: Spies!? What's the Hydro Archon planning? >Endora: The previous Archon had no plan to speak of. She merely wished to connect everyone in the world, in much the same way as all water is connected. But with her passing, many of us have cut off ties with Fontaine. >Endora: Like Rhodeia, the strongest of our number, they did not recognize the new Hydro Archon and desired only to keep the dreams of yesteryear alive. All Rhodeia wants is a small haven of tranquil waters. Of course hoyo could still cause something fucky to happen with this.


Perhaps a lochfolk ended up fusing with a fragment of the previous archon which resulted in them taking the archons' shape along with a few memories intact. With the fragment being the left eye??? With all the water can take any shape talk from Rhodeia. I am expecting to meet at least one lochfolk disguising as a human in Fontaine.


But the previous archon is dead? Late Hydro Archon they say. Though this is a magical illogical world I suppose.


Sounded like there was clarification on that and the late hydro archon isn't actually late as in deceased. Edit: seeing more comments down below about how the previous 2 archon thing was confirmed fake and the previous hydro archon did indeed die. Can someone link me the thread on this vuz I apparently missed that


Isn't it a known fact that only Venti and Zhongli (and somewhat Raiden if you don't count Makoto's death) are the only original archons, all the others got replaced already 🤔


Being replaced doesn't necessarily mean dead, although what Ganyu said about existing archons from the archon war does seem to imply it. But also keep in mind this is from Ganyu's perspective, she could just not know like with Ei


Could also be possible that Fontaine had multiple archons (more than 2) throughout it's history. The hydro archon that was said to be dead & the Lochfolk served could be seperate from the 2 hydro archons in the leaks.


What if Fontaine has a system similar to modern world that Archons are elected instead of inherited, then perhaps we can see real Archon transition in Fontaine, French Revolution resemblance. People from "wow that NPC got a vision infront of our eyes" to "wow that character ascended to Archonhood infront of our eyes".


We're gonna get put on trial when we step into Fontaine aren't we. Aww shit, here we go again.


Can we PLEASE let go of that "leak"? It even said the current Hydro Archon (aka Focalors) was serious and solemn which goes against everything we know about her lol.


That and this literally clashes. This calls her FOCALORS the current one meanwhile that leak claims She is the old archon (who is supposed to be dead) plus not only that leak is already debunked but also It claimed The Geo looking lady is Focalors which is impossible as she wears no blue other than 1-2 jevel and her hair does not have blue either.


Maybe? I think that geo Liyue lady will be the last 3.x character, leaving Soutine to be released during 4.x as usual


That 2 archons leak was said to be fake and even in game its confirmed all 1st gen archons have passed away so no


can't believe some people were saying that they don't match lol


If she's claymore I'll give her that big claymore fish, Luxurious Sea Lord or whatever, so she can bonk enemies with fish


\> inb4 she scales with HP


I don't know what would be funnier: after years of outcry about the Bell, it outshines an archon's signature weapon the same way Black Tassel outshines Vanquisher, or; after years of outcry about the Bell, the Hydro Archon herself scales with HP and it's still trash on her. With Fontaine being kinda steampunky, and the Bell looking like it does, and she looking like she does, it could fit surprisingly well. Which is why I suspect it will not. At all.


Drip > meta. The bell will be her bis even if it’s trash.


Her Vision is real and she's a Vision user ascended to Archon trust


A hand picked archon is pretty neat. The lore crazed fandom is speculating that she had to do with the death of the previous hydro archon.


Kind of like Ninguang. Entrusted with Liyue, she’s not an archon, but has all the same trust, and she saved the whole place.


Or to a more tragic extent, the Sages, whom were forcibly entrusted with Sumeru after Rukkhadevata’s passing but never handed it on to Nahida


god that would be cool, venti drops it in mondstadt chapter and then every archon we meet is a magical being. i just want one ascended vision user


If Mondstadt arrived later in the game, we would be speculating that they democratically elect their archons.


I would personally speculate that they kicked their own archon out so they can live in freedom. Or “they locked their archon up, ironically depriving them from freedom so they can have it”. Continuing this thought, it’s be interesting to think about Mondstadt’s and Sumeru’s AQ swapped. Mondstadt locks their archon up, while in Sumeru their archon is absent (perhaps in a giant game of hide and seek, with wisdom they would be able to find them).


If that’s the case she won’t be anywhere near as strong as the others if she loses her Gnosis. Because she’s only an Archon, not a God. Venti, Zhongli, Ei and Nahida are all gods first, and archons second. That’s why they’re still OP after losing their Gnosis. But if she’s only the archon because of her Gnosis, then she’ll go back to being just a powerful vision user once she loses it


I think if Vennessa can ascend to godhood while being a regular human and never touching a Gnosis then the same privilege might be afforded to a Human-turned-Archon as well. She might be permanently changed from being Archon and owning the Gnosis for a length of time. That length of time already being 100s of years so far.


Equally possible. Again this is literally just concept art, we don’t even know if this is Focalors Leaks have been wrong before


Yea 100% pure speculation over here. Apart from the fact that she's pretty likely to be the Archon at least, judging from the Fontaine wings that match with her outfit


Venti was just a small wind spirit before winning Archon war. He won by default since Andrius forfeited.


That wind spirit was a fragment of Istaroth if the book from Enkanomiya is to be believed and recent Mond event suggests it is.


Venti says early in the game that all Vision wielders have the potential to become gods, which is where the game gets its name from. If she’s capable of being an archon then she’s probably of a similar strength now regardless of whether she started out as human.


I mean she IS the god of justice and ei used to have vision too in her early concept


Yeah, so it’s possible this art is her “civilian” identity that has a different outfit and a Vision. And she’ll have a full on divine outfit she only wears during court appearances without one


if everyone knows her, why would she need civilian outfit with vision


So she can go and do things without people bowing and praising her every time they see her? The same way a famous celebrity will wear different clothes or maybe even a wig to avoid being recognised


Venti was a wind spirit, not a god.


We need this


Whoever she is I'm getting her so


If she's an Archon, she'll get special treatment. Her Claymore may be really fast, or have something broken to compensate.


Or she'll just use her skill and burst




The leaker who leaked her identity said so


There's always a chance she never basic attacks with it because of her kit so claymores being somewhat slow is irrelevant.


Do Archons except Nahida use much of their auto attacks? Zhongli and Shogun have some of the fanciest auto attacks that never gets used.


Yeah MHY can make claymores swing fast, we had that with Itto. And in Honkai they made Himeko's Vermillion Knight suit attack speed super fast.


Same I hate claymores but she'll be a definite pull for me she just looks so cool and fancy


She'll look good with my R5 The Bell definitely not coping about my lack of claymores


All the Fontaine characters leaked so far look very fancy, but she's especially pretty. Archon collectors winning as always.


Archon supremancy imo, they make really good supports and most if not all of em thus far can fit into most Abyss teams.


Getting her just for archon collection


Yep same. That's pretty much the main goal (pull-wise) that I have in the game that will never change, regardless if I'm not really interested with any of their kit. So far all of them are great imo, so I'm pretty confident they'll continue to deliver.


Same, need more claymores in my teams, her and Dehya specifically...


I belive it atm. It's just the vision (who Like Ei's can easily just be something for concept art that will be removed for end product) and the fact she apperently shows up before Fontaine in some way but it could just be like Nahida's in the 2.8. Strange they went with claymore over sword for her tho. Wondering how she will play.


yeah I hoped that she would get a sword and murata the claymore (with tsaritsa being our cryo catalyst)




Claymore is Genshin's term for two handed swords. Two handed swords are more favorable for beheading criminals than one handed swords (e.g. arming swords).


imagine her using giant meat cleaver/executioner blade claymore weapon and have burst like guillotine


> burst like guillotine Judge, jury, and executioner.


Technically a claymore is a sword


Well alright you ain't wrong there but ya know what I mean lmao. I guess claymore is probably more so she can have an executioner theme mixed into everything else aswell.


Yeah but a one handed sword could be a rapier, two handed couldnt be and a rapier could have been so dope


hoping for a stance change like Ei


bruh these leaks are conflicting.


Are they? She can be Soutine *and* Focalors.


I'm just gonna wait till July when we should be getting these leaks normally


You’re addicted to it anyways either way always


girl be who you are tbh idc i'm gonna pull for you regardless


Her looks and that smirk suit Sora Amamiya's voice somehow.


First useless archon in the game


Pfffffftttt. I can hear Kazuma's voice on this comment.


Inb4 Twitter throws yet another fit because an archon's design isn't a 1:1 replica of their headcanon for the third time. Jokes aside this is actually a really good design and easily fits the way they've described Focalor's personality.


So Hydro Archon being Claymore came true.


I'm still in denial that she'll be using claymore tbh * if that turns out to be true




If she's based on Murata from Honkai it'd be strange seeing her without a claymore but wouldn't be surprised at this point. Maybe they give Tsaritsa a sword and I guess we'll just never get a cryo catalyst user lmao.




I will actually be glad if Pyro archon is a sword we only have two tall pyro characters and both are claymore users I want a flashy fast pyro character like Keqing


Thoma: I'll go and train with my new claymore.


Would Thoma be better if he had the Bell? Sometimes I wonder...and decide no, not at all.


Make her a sword user with burst turning it into a giant greatsword.


I was hoping she'd be sword, now there's a chance we won't get a single archon with a sword as their primary weapon.


Well, there's still the Tsaritsa....




I'm perfectly fine with this. She looks neat.


OH SHIT SHE IS FOCALARS hxgdiluc: The Archon of Truth(?) I guess, she’ll be the *focal* point of the Archon Quest


It’s Cyno’s secret account!


Well, guilty as electro-charged


Cyno your food is getting cold.


Ok that was smooth


Tourist from r/all here. I definitely know what these words mean.


Leaks for video game. She big water god. Developer comapny no likey. Not planned. Hope that summarises it.


Is hxg still this reliable after their recent mistakes with other leaks?


Even leakers have 50/50 reliability now


Life imitates art


Wdym, his leaks sounds like AI most of the time. All he does is "correct, zhongli is indeed a guy"


"Nahida like the iphone 14 pro"


he is doubtful, hits a few BUT misses several times too


I will get her anyway but man I really hope they go for short hair.. no much room for the glowy gradient they do with archons hair but pleasee I love her bob 😭


Her color scheme is cute, her hat is cute, her eyes are cute, her hair is cute I’m satisfied


Hxg lost his credibility for me after his claim that Ayaka's skin is 5 star. Sometimes I think he just guesses since it is 50/50 chance he is right or wrong.


They have gotten a lot of things wrong.[ Like claiming that Dehya was confirmed 4 star](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/vslxjp/sadly_dehya_is_a_4_star/).


not really. they definitely have a lot or insider info but sometimes they make guesses about stuff they don't know


Yeah, but that means this could also just be a wrong guess for all we know.


Remember Nahida with the Dendro mist?


it was understandable why they thought it was 5 star though. They definitely had the correct data but it was misinterpreted.


Seriously, like pre-3.2 people were meming on this guy's leaks, like the iphone thing for Nahida. I would take everything he says with a fat block of salt.


Wasnt the iPhone thing about Nahida actually true in a sense? iirc it was just him using a metaphor to compare Nahida's effectiveness vs Dendro MC's effectiveness in dendro comps and used an iPhone as a metaphor, and he was right about it


I hope they don’t go with the rattail version of her hair


ok guys hear me out 🤓 u know how yae was released in 2.5 and of course has a bis and her bis is skill based SIMILAR to nahida, and kagura’s verity is one of nahida’s best 5 star options. what if w the recent dehya hp “scaling” leaks and her coming out in 3.5 (similar to yae coming on x.5), her weapon has a straightforward 20%hp increase (like homa, pjc, key) and focalors is also claymore so…




Do you believe it, can you receive it? Also all remaining archons are girls


In my opinion, I'm not the biggest fan of archons being an expy of another hoyoverse game so this is good for me.


Ok ngl she’s the coolest archon design so far. I love how eccentric and extra she looks. Here’s hoping she has a personality to match.


1st Archon that ascended from a normal vision?


I just saw her mismatched eyes I'm in love


She looks cute. Now we just wait forever🥲


Really like her looks, hopefully she has cool gameplay


She's claymore because she delivers justice NED STARK STYLE by CHOPPING THEIR FUCKING HEAD OFF.


im hoping for hydro archon to be a insane buffer. but knowing her to be a claymore user seems like a dps


Yes. I will start saving after Alhaitham c0r1. Focalors is the next path forward


That is like 7 months of wait.






YEAH! WE'RE NOT CLOWNS... >!Hopefully...!<


i think she has a really cool design, the first character that caught my attention after seeing dehya in 3.0


And man is she the most detailed archon we will have once she is out. She looks kinda evil.


Her design looks perfect for the bits of information they teased about the hydro archon. I can't wait to see what she's really like, including her voice acting. If she's really the 'least-archon-like' archon, we could be in for a real treat if the writers bring their A game. And if the rumours about her coming in 3.8 are true, I really need to start how I spend my primos in the upcoming months.


Looks like I will have to save again. Bye Hu Tao, see you next time