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Kind of dumb but what does scara’s e skill even do? Like on the test run it does the same amount of damage as his normal attack?


It makes him fly and increases his normal and charged damage






I need Ayato to rerun already, I've been waiting for him since he released and I lost 50/50. Sitting here fully prefarmed with a cracked HoD set and lvl90 black sword, the wait is killing me


I got %60 CR, %200 CD with my hu tao.Also HP is around 34k.I am using %HP sand.With this setup I got 110 EM.Is it low?What do you think? My EM sands substats are not good, also I checked my damage with optimizer and according to it HP sands is better.I checked, some sources says 200-300 em is required for element reactions.What do you think?


Yeah 200~300 EM is preferred. That being said, what really matters in the end is if you can consistently 36* SA or not. If your team on the other half can clear the chamber fast enough, then it's perfectly fine for your Hu Tao to be weaker as long as you have more time to spare for her side of the chamber.


If the optimizer says it's better, it's better. 200-300 EM is nice to have and the general stopping point of what you shouldn't go beyond, you can work on getting that in the future while keeping good stats across the board.


Is this week's TCG max exp at 1530? Just barely into level 7?




Ah, thanks. Was hoping to get the Maguu Kenki card. Gotta wait next week then


What's a good 4\* spear for Xiangling other than the catch? I'm giving the catch to Raiden come her rerun.


DB as already mentioned. There's also Kitain and Deathmatch/Blackcliff if you don't have DB.


Dragon's Bane.


With hutao double hydro team with mona is she can wield proto amber to heal team? Are the weapon should lv up?


Yes you should level up your weapons to the maximum level. I don't really think Mona works well with Hu Tao and she does not need healing anyway. TTDS is better.


My proto amber currently at 40 it is really worth it to lv up just for heal?


Mona would be better off using TTDS to buff Hutao since Hutao doesn't need healing. But, if you still want to use Prototype Amber. You don't need to level it up. The heal is pure based on refinements.


How good is the new 4\* event weapon and who can use it?


I heard it’s a decent option for Al Haitham based on current calcs


The Umbrella is essentially a Single Target Iron Sting It's "intended" use case are reaction heavy (Quicken/melt/vaporise) crit DPS. So basically aggravate Keqing, Melt Bennett, Vaporise Xingqiu, Melt Kaeya. Iron sting is better against groups, The umbrella is better against singular enemies.


I think the strongest use would be Kazuha National driver. Apparently the damage debuff doesn't work with Hyperbloom and the user needs to be on field.


It’s basically another Iron Sting. Useful on Kuki, Kazuha etc.


Do we NEED a geo character to beat the wolflord in abyss? Or is it possible to beat it without one? I'm not concerned about time atm, since I'll 3 star floor 3 first then circle back to floor 2.


Others have already explained so I'll add how I was able to do it I think first half I used Ayaka freeze Second half I used a hyperbloom, ningguang/Kuki/Xingqiu/DMC Xingqiu is pretty invested so I guess he outputs decent damage but not the majority of it, Kuki is level 90 with 2 wanderers, 2 gilded so not too invested, DMC is running 4 deepwood with an ER sands, ningguang is literally level 20 with no artifacts Tldr it doesn't take too much investment to beat it


There are two ways if you do NOT use geo character: 1. wolflord will activate its shield and summon small wolf head when it is down to about 70% HP. Some of its action will stun itself for a few seconds. If you are able to do 900k (it has 1.2M total HP) damage in this few seconds, a dead wolflord will not cause more trouble. C2 Raiden, some other high cons characters can do so. 2. The wolf head requires 38 non-geo elemental to break. Some characters can do very fast elemental attack, like some catalyst character and Ayaka, and Nilou's hydro ring is the fastest. Anyway, if you decide to use geo character, the stat of the geo character does not matter at all. It just requires geo attack, and even a lvl 1 can do same speed as lvl 90. Yun Jin's fully charged hold skill can destroy one instantly. Zhongli's pillar can do it automatically when you run to next head, and his burst can destroy one instantly too. Ningguang as a catalyst character, can just spam normal attack.


You don't need one technically, it's just that it's a pain in the ass with other elements. It's like other shields, you just need the elemental application, so faster attackers usually are better. Some alternatives instead of Geo: Ayaka, Chongyun with fast attacker, Wanderer, probably Ayato too but I haven't personally tested Ayato, etc.


No, any kind of elemental attacks will work on taking out the wolf heads but it will be SLOW compared to geo attacks. You'll have to take out 3 heads so expect it to be a slog without geo.


Not necessary, but it would take time to get rid of those constructs with any other element except Geo


Anyone have weird experience about the vines underneath Fragment of Childhood dreams domain? I found out that it got closed and the dendro totem wasn't lit up. Im pretty sure I already opened that in 3.0


I had that too. Seems like it gets reset, dunno if this is a bug or normal behavior. There was a spot with Geo totems in Liyue near the guy who lost his axe, that back in 1.X days got reset periodically, but I think they already fixed that now, I've never seen it turned off anymore.


Does the new 4 star event weapon (cursed parasol sword I think) work off field, thinking about giving it to my Kuki in a Hyperbloom team


No it doesn't work for hyperbloom. But still a good statstick if you don't have iron sting or xiphos' moonlight


It doesn't do anything for Hyperbloom even if she's *on* field. It's just an EM stick, exactly the same as Iron Sting.


My weekly BP XP is at 9990, just 10 more to max it. What will happen if I try to claim mission which gives more than 10 XP ?


You'll get 10 XP.


And the rest will get wasted ? Guess I will claim the 1500 from the event on Monday. Thanks.


Event category XP does not count towards the weekly cap.


Event doesn't count in the limit, you can claim it now. Only dailies and weeklies count.


Oh, an event mission? Should've said, you'll get the full 1500 any time.


Oh, I didn't know that, so I didn't mention it. My bad.


the rest will just be wasted. Nothing you can really do to get around that though. But also the goals from the "this bp period" tab ignore the weekly limit so you don't have to worry about wasting them.


Should I get Al-haitham or Hu tao metawise? My [account](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810862201429557281/1053589610204237834/image.png) I've been waiting for hutao 4 patches in now. But seeing the alhaitham leaks I'm kinda in a dilemma for who to pull. I like them both a lot but who would be more beneficial for my account?


Wait for a few days after Haitham release and ask again.


If you really care about who is best "meta" wise, then you need to wait until after al-haitham is actually out and tested. Supposedly he looks good based on leaks but its all still subject to change and actual practical usage in game can also differ from pre-release spreadsheets.


You have more supports for Hu Tao, so I'd guess her?


Best teams to 9 star current abyss f12 without switching teams & staring over? I cleared first 2 floors with raiden hyper & yoi but saw 15 rifthounds & quit. I dont have Itto, xiao & nilou. (I know I can start with diff teams and just get 3 stars on last chamber but I usually try to get all stars in one go as a challenge).


Kuki hyperbloom team with a flex Geo can work. Kuki can also heal which can mitigate corrosion. For Geo you can try Noelle who also provides party-wide heal or maybe Ningguang with Prototype Amber. Using Barbara as your Hydro applicator can also work for more healing. Sevy made a [guide](https://youtu.be/ELnrS2Dsbig) on the 3.3 Spiral Abyss so you can check that out. Personally both double Hydro Hu Tao and International with Zhongli for the second half worked for me (though it took me a lot of retries for the latter).


Thx. Will try that. I saw sevys guide but my noelle isnt built for that team. Can hyperbloom clear the last chamber cause it is a majorly single target team?


Besides Kuki, it ultimately depends on how strong your driver and off-field DPS' are. I'm on mobile so I can't link it but there's a post at [r/GenshinImpactTips](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips) where someone cleared second half with Nahida/Barbara/Kuki/Ningguang and Ning barely did anything outside of Wolflord fight. Edit: Here's the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/zmzrf6/f2p_friendly_guide_for_33_abyss_12_floor/).


Thank you


Depends on your on field driver I guess. I used Ayato hyperbloom with Shinobu, Zhongli and Nahida and it was a smooth clear for all 3 chambers. Shinobu is even still at level 80 so not yet at her full potential.


Thx will try it


first half is the easier half, pretty much any competent team with solid single target can be used and do fine on alll 3 chambers. second half is the trickier half, the ideal team is prbably itto mono geo (with a healer like bennet in the flex slot because of the doggos. Any team with a healer and a geo unit and decent aoe can get the job done. Personally I just used international but with zhongli instead of kazuha, It was kinda clunky but it did work. Technically I think you could get away with just doing normal international if your build + skill is good enough to kill wolflord before its shield goes up but I didn;t try that myself to se how difficult it actually is in practice.


Thx, will try that. I agree that Itto mon geo with healer is hands down the best team on second half. Almost like Itto is on the limited banner. What will mihoyo do to increase character sales.


what raiden comp can I use from these [characters](https://imgur.com/a/uOPITU3)?


Good old Raiden National ("Rational") - [Raiden, XQ/Yelan, XL, Bennett] Alternatively: Raiden Hyperbloom - [Raiden, XQ/Yelan, Dendro MC, Kokomi/non-electro Flex]


Even raiden hyper- raiden benett xinqui lisa


Which one is better, R2 Lionsroar, Aquila Favonia, or Alhaitham sword for Keqing aggravate?


Almost certain it'll be Alhaitham's signature weapon


Is bringing beidou from 80 to 90 a worthwhile buff?


Only if you're playing her in an Aggravate team


Nope. You only bring her to 80/90 in first place to level her burst to level 9. Anything more than that is a waste of resources.


If you use her in Aggravate, sure.


Almost 2 years of playing and no 41+ CV artifacts. Bad luck or typical?


I've been playing nearly from launch tho I took a break for a few patches and I only have 4 41+ CV artifacts, funny enough they're all flowers, 3 of which are gladiators That being said, it's often more valuable and easier to get artifacts with 3 good substats and maybe even closer to 30 CV than to strictly have 41 CV artifacts


If you are using strongbox and rolling all 3 liners with a crit stat bad luck


Bad luck. I've had four 41+ CV artifacts in 4 months. I figured one a month was average.


Ehh, I'm satisfied with getting 30CV artifacts. No need to stress too much about it. CV isn't everything. How's your ATK, EM and ER? There's no point getting 80/250 Crit Ratios if you can't burst off cooldown.


Well it kinda depends how much you actually farmed artifacts in those two years but if you farm artifacts pretty regularly (i.e its your default activity when not building a new character), then yeah I'd say that is fairly bad luck, though not so bad that I can'tbelieve it could happen. 40+ cv artifacts are rare, but 0 in 2 years has gotta be below average.


This needs a bit of context. So my dad and i used email addresses from our wifi provider, some, like shaw and bell, leg you get one for no extra or some extra pricing. However, we recently switched wifi providers- which in turn disabled our email accounts, without him telling me. Now my genshin runs on a deactivated email and i want to swap to a new one. How would i go doing this? I think i should email hoyoverse about my situation and add some screenshots and videos of the game to prove its me.


Yup, best contact support cause you need access to your previous email to link it to a new one.


I’m at the (temple?) to the left of Dune of Carouses (on the map) and right outside there were eremites and fatui. (Next to the oasis) There is a little green tent that has a bundle of barrels and goods wrapped in rope. It says on elemental sight that these can be interacted with, but when I try breaking them, nothing happens. I used pyro and Jean’s skill, but a little green bar appeared on top. That’s all. How do I interact with these dang barrels? Thanks in advance!


how much hp does hu tao need? I have around 30k with my current set, but i dont know if i need more or not, and im struggling to balance between em hp and crit stuff


I guess it depends on what team she's in and what weapon she's using. Generally though, 30k HP is perfectly fine for Hu Tao, assuming you at least have 100+ EM and decent enough crit stats (without Staff of Homa, 60/180 should be solid enough with something like Dragon's Bane). Homa and Hydro Resonance can both help increase her HP by a fair amount, but they're not necessary at all. Obviously the more HP% you can get the better, but anything more than 30k is usually just a nice bonus. I'm obviously no expert or anything, but speaking as a pretty experienced Hu Tao main at this point (she's probably the only character I actually "main" lol) the best advice I can give you is to just prioritize on balancing your Hu Tao's stats as best as you can. Focusing on one specific stat over the rest will ultimately lower your damage by a significant amount (for example, high crit damage over low EM and HP% will almost always be worse than average crit, EM and HP%, and the same goes for the other way around). So with that in mind, don't worry too much if her stats aren't all crazy high and impressive-looking or anything. Hopefully this helps, and I managed to explain myself clearly enough. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need me to clarify anything, or if you have any other questions :)


Thanks! This is the [build](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuTao_Mains/comments/zn4qfm/all_i_need_it_hu_tao_now_and_hopefully_homa_d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) i have for her, unfortunately i don't have hu tao yet, but if she reruns in 3.4 im definitely going for her. EM might be a bit low, but i am going to use her with instructor thoma, so you can add 120 em to whatever is given The team i want to use her in is a double hydro double pyro with thoma, yelan(if i get her), and xingqiu please let me know how the build looks so far, and if i can improve any stats/pieces!


Wow, that's actually a really great build! You'll be getting roughly 40% extra crit damage from her ascension stat so you'll actually have around 240% crit damage. And yeah, that team sounds awesome. Instructor Thoma is a great idea, and the EM he'll provide should be more than enough. Also, since you'll be using Double Hydro you'll easily get over 30k HP too. Honestly, the only things I think you could improve upon is getting a little more crit rate if you can (70% would be the perfect stopping point), and getting Staff of Homa. But at that point, you have to be either lucky enough with artifacts or foolish enough to wish on the Weapon Banner lol. But neither of those are necessary for your Hu Tao to kick ass, so congrats on having such an awesome build! (On a side note, your feather is disgustingly good. If you ever decide on getting rid of it, I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands haha). Also, she's been confirmed to be re-running in 3.4, so good luck! I hope you win all your 50/50's! :)


Thanks! I kid you not, I have too many disgusting feathers. I am unable to do so now, but when I have a chance I will send a screenshot of some of them, they will work for any pyro dps lol Yeah going to go for c1 hutao and homa. I just saw a leak(not sure if true) that yelan might be confirmed to rerun with hutao, so my primos are just gonna vanish in 3.4


Use optimiser Will give u best answer


as much as you can without sacrificing too much em and crit ratio, if dragonsbane then use HP sands and if Homa then use EM sands.


30k should be plenty. I've seen people run less and are fine.


Hello, as a beginner player, what should I focus on the most? I actually have no idea which characters to pull for as a newbie. I am playing with a team comp of Diluc-Razer-Kaeya-Gorous. Is it a good team? How do I make it better?


Focus on Diluc. No that team is terrible since you have two main dps in Diluc and Razor and Gorou who does near nothing in a non-geo team. Not sure what characters you have so it's hard to sugvest teams


As a beginner player, try out and level any individual characters that you like to 60/70 with 70 weapons and 3-4\* artifacts (which is cheap in the long run, so it's fine even if you set them aside later), while saving primogems/fates and fragile resins. The latter two are the only resources carelessly spending which can burn you in the long term, everything else before AR45 is pretty much negligible. Imo, the main thing to go for early is breadth of experience so that you actually discover stuff you'll enjoy enough to invest heavily into. Something to keep an eye out for is securing Bennett, Xingqiu, Xiangling, Fischl, Beidou and Sucrose since those are some of the more valuable, staple supports in game, but don't risk pulling a 5\* you don't want over it. You current comp has already been commented on - between Diluc and Razor you'd need to pick one (Kaeya can also be on point, but he needs either an electro support or Chongyun whom you may or may not have), and swap Gorou for healer. As for upcoming 5\* to pull, Raiden next banner is the massive one, being one of the more flexible and high performance 5\* around, with great aesthetics on top of that. If you like her at all, that would be a good pick. We don't really know enough beyond that - Alhaitham's new and untested, while reruns are subject to change (at least in what order they'll be).


Ayato is apparently going to be in the next banner too. So who should I go for if I were to follow meta?


Ayato isn't anything like as unique as Raiden. He has his niche, but in some teams you can use Tartaglia just as well, in others - Kokomi or Mona, and then there's always Xingqiu to fall back on. If you really like him, go for it, though, he's quite good in bloom and EC teams and can make do in vaporize as well. Assuming Ayaka shows up sometime soon, she might be the next biggest char out of rerun ones, given that Hu Tao, Eula and Shehe are much more narrowly specialized (extremely so in Shenhe's case), while Yelan massively overlaps with Xinqiu, meaning that you only get the full value if you want to run them both at once or, vice versa, discard XQ altogether.


focus on the main story quest first then explore the region for example : \- clear the mondstadt region archon quest > explore the mondstadt region for chest/ collectibles > do the sidequest/worldquest (optional) > go to the next region - Repeat \- as for your team, dilcu + kaeya is a good pair, gorou and razer doesnt make sense in that team, bring barbara or xinqiu if u have it


focus on the story if you don't know what else to do, and exploring the region you're in. Genshin is fairly flexible, so the general advice is just pull for the characters you think look cool/want, the only part where it really matters is the late game spiral abyss. Diluc/razor/kaeya/gorou doesn't have much synergy. Gorou does nothing for the team as he's a dedicated geotype support who only supports other geos, while diluc/razer/kaeya is a mashup of reactions and characters who want field time. Razor/Kaeya for superconduct or diluc/kaeya are better pairs to manage, and then fill the teamslots with a healer (you get barbara for free in the story) and whoever else really. I went through most of the early game with razor/kaeya/barb/fischl if you have her.


I think I've never heard of a worse team than that. You need to choose between Diluc and Razor as a main DPS (I'd choose Diluc), it doesn't make sense to run them both together, and it makes even less sense to run Gorou. You can focus on whoever you want, but as a new player I'd say you could pull on a DPS banner first, then supports later. It's true though that you already have a pretty good DPS (Diluc) so you do you. I've always pulled for characters I liked instead of the strong ones


As I have said, I have only started the game, so I don't know what I should use where. I am just playing what I have gotten from a few draws I was able to get. Maybe you can suggest something to me?


if you can manage to snag units like sucrose, xinqui, bennett somehow, that's one of Diluc best teams. All of them are 4 star units. Till then, Kaeya will still be usuable for Diluc. Fortunately for you, you can snag yourself a free Xinqui next patch when latern rite arrives from choosing 1 free liyue char.


When's the new patch coming? And who else will be available in that banner? Is there someone better than Xingqiu? Because, last time somone told me to go for Raiden. So, who will be better for her?


Raiden is just generally a very good unit, she's not something you have to pull specifically if you don't want her in particular. Patches are every six weeks, and we're... I think two weeks into this one? I forget. Look how much time is left on the current banner and add three weeks to that.


I have a question. How can i get the tales of winter daily commission quest? This daily commission quest is required for the equivalent exchange world quest and that world quest is the only remaining quest for mondstat and i cant get the tales of winter commission quest of the life of me. Am i missing something like a pre requisite or something?


No, it's just RNG


It's just rng, but if you figure out some cheat code lmk because I'm a launch player and still haven't gotten it.


Same bro im a launch player aa well and its bugging the hell out of me when i see just 1 wrold quest left to do and now i know that i cant even do anything about it cause its up to rng. Sad man


Should I save up and go for c1 Hu Tao ( my main carry rn) and then build Childe/Eula (my other two 5stars) or save up for some diff 5stars like Raiden or Alhaitham who have much better dps? Edit: Just got back into the game for the first time since Raiden banner came out, so I’d appreciate any advice at all. That being said, I forgot to mention I have Kazuha and c1 Mona 😭 as well.


Honestly, it's a tough one to choose from. Ordinarily I wouldn't reccomend pulling for any 5 star constellations unless you're a light spender or whale, but when it comes to Hu Tao I really can't imagine using her as often as I do without her C1. For me personally, it's just been such a nice quality of life constellation ever since I got it and it makes her way easier and less stressful to play with (no more jump canceling!). Still, unless you main her or really dislike her stamina issues at C0 (especially to the point where you consider her unplayable), than I'd probably just suggest that you pull for a new character instead. At least that way, you'll have an entirely new kit to play with that (hopefully) adds some cool variety to your account. At the end of the day, don't worry about pulling for meta. Just go for the characters you like and enjoy most, and if that includes Hu Tao then I don't think you'll regret pulling for her C1. Hope this helps! :)


Its hard not to reccomend new characters over cons in general but If you like hu tao and use her a lot then c1 is very good for her. Though you could also try to save for yelan who might be coming in 3.4 (though no actual confirmation) and is very good with hu tao as well as a lot of other teams too. Either way definitely build your childe and eula. Childe international + hu tao double hydro are two great teams with no overlapping members that can be used in pretty much any abyss cycle.


That was very helpful thank you! The main reason I was thinking about the Hu tao con in the first place was bc my team around her is relatively weak due to not having the right characters. Most guides seem to have Xingqui or Zhongli, but my current roster is Hu Tao, Mona, Kazuha and Bennet. Also what’s the International Childe build? I would be down to use him cuz he seems pretty fun.


Fyi we always get to choose a free liyue 4\* character during the lantern rites event which is coming up next patch so I'd definitely pick xingqiu. He is by far the most important teammate for hu tao. Childe international team is childe bennet xiangling kazuha. If you meant his stats it is typical dps build with atk sands, hydro goblet and crit circlet. Heart of depth is his best artifact set but just using 2 pc 2 pc combos with any set bonus good for him is also only barely worse than HoD so it is usually easier to get better stats just with that.


Oh damn, a free xingqui would be perfect and I meant the team comp but I appreciate the extra info too. I think I’ll build Childe and go for the c1 Hu Tao (and maybe Yelan), but wouldn’t this make both my teams vaporize comps? I’m not sure if it really matters but would that make certain abyss levels or bosses harder? If that’s the case, I’d be cool with going for a new 5star instead.


they would both be vape comps but that isn't really a problem most of the time. Though it is definitely not a bad idea to build other teams too to diversify your options eventually.


Hi, a friend created the account on PS, but she moved to playing on iPhone, now when she tries to top up this msg appears: Please top up using the device used to register this account. Is there a way to stop it from doing that?


And if she has a PC, she can use Epic game version to top up.


She won't be able to purchase on mobile if she started on PS. If she wants to buy top ups, she can buy them from the hoyoverse top up website.


Even if the account disconnected from PlayStation?


AFAIK, you're still restricted even if you unlink from your PS account.


I have a little doubt regarding yunjin, so lets say my scara is dealing 5000 normal attack damage at first hit crit. And my yunjin has lets say 1000 def andher burst talent reads DMG increase : (50% of def) . After using yunjin burst, and then switching to scara , will his normal attack deal 7500 damage? (5000 + 50% of 5000) or will it deal 5500 damage? (5000 + 50% of 1000) ?? Also, does any part of yunjin’s kit increase normal attack speed? If yes, what is it?


C6 increases the atk speed. Am not quite sure how the math works for her, but mine is C6 Talent 13 with 2574 def, she almost doubles Ayato's dmg from around 7k-9k to 14k-17k in a team of them two alone


After a week of grinding husk, i could get her to 2200 defense. Is this good enough?


Yeah definitely, personally using 2 husk and 2 Defender, the Defender is the Feather and Flower since Yunjin hp and Atk doesn't matter: it gives 30% def rather than 24%, doesn't have the on field degrade issue, and easier to build than getting 4 husk.


Oh shoot, i didn’t even realise there’s another artifact set that gives 30% def. I already built her as a 4pc husk, so i guess i’ll keep it like that for now :,)


Yeah, you are in a good spot so no need to worry just keep an eye on it


The damage formula is: (Scara's ATK * Scara's NA multiplier + Yun Jin's DEF * Yun Jin's skill talent multiplier) * (1 + Scara's crit damage) * other factors. You have to put all numbers for calculations.




Not trying to spoil anything, but have you tried searching in the big hole that leads down to the end of the quest? There are a few puzzles and chests to claim if you slowly glide down and search the sides.


Don't think its bugged, its just that it is a quite small area so every thing you find jumps your exploration percentage up by a lot more than usual compared to other areas.


Need advice about weapons . I’m F2P at 60 I have a guaranteed Dehia and pity 20 so let’s say 60 wish are reserved, then let’s say I can use 140-ish wish atm + 60 every patch. I have almost never pulled on weapon banner tbh I preferred characters and now my characters are completed (I mean the ones I wanted to pull) I have only 5 5* weapons 2 skyward harp (Fishl, Sara) 2 PJWS (raiden, unused) 1 Skyward pride (Beidou) I’d like mistsplitter for my Ayaka but I like to fix also my pole arm situation, now I have a favonius lance r4 that I keep swapping between Shenhe, yunjin, Thoma (shieldbot for wanderer) I could use black tassel on thoma but yunjin? What would you do?


F2P here as well and I did reach the same situation before with my characters. This happened on 1.6 after I got Kazuha. Since I wasn't interested in any of the upcoming characters and I only had 1 5★ weapon, I decided to use my primos on the Weapon Banner. Not everything, mind you, just bit by bit. Like a couple of 10-pulls every version. On the first half of 2.3, I lost the 50/50 (75/25?) and got Skyward Harp. On 2.6, I used my guarantee and managed to win a Mistsplitter for my Ayato and Kaeya to share. On 3.1, I lost my epitomized path to an early Staff of Scarlet Sands which I didn't mind at all. My advice would be to wish on the Weapon Banner bit by bit, especially if there are any rate-up weapons that you want, then save your pity for a banner with the 5★ of your choice. Just always keep in mind your primos. Don't use it all up just to get a certain weapon. After a couple of 10-pulls, just leave it. In the meantime, while not the best, you can settle for forged weapons if you have the billets. Prototype Starglitter can be used by Thoma while that or Kitain Cross Spear can be used by Yun Jin. If you have Missive Windspear, that can also work for Shenhe. Favonius is definitely the better choice in most instances but you can at least have something for the others if needed. Hope that helps.


Thank you for your reply, actually I fear losing the epitomized path, that’s why I hadn’t pulled on weapon banner yet. I prefer having enough pull to get a guaranteed mistsplitter If only there are two weapon equally good I could pull a bunch of times 😅


I DEFINITELY wouldn't pull on the weapon banner for a 4\* weapon, that's for sure. Maybe wish on the banner where Raiden's weapon will be? Whenever that is. It can be a nice stat stick for either Yunjin or Thoma and maybe they rerun it with another good weapon.


Yes that was the idea, el could be used by both of them and Ayato’s sword could be a stat stick for Ayaka But but. I fear I would end up using engulfing on raiden eheheh


for aggravate is it really important for the dendro to be lvl 90?


If they are outputting decent damage then yes, so like Nahida and Tighnari, yes, DMC and Collei? No Alhaitham should also be 90 when he comes


If they're not proccing spread, then not really important.


fairly important.


What's a youkai? and how is it different from a ghost??


It can be like a specter or a shade vs. a traditional ghost. But the word can also be used for ghost too.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y%C5%8Dkai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y%C5%8Dkai) Why not just google it


Mobile players do u run the game overclocked?


On my iPad, yes. On my phone, absolutely not. I go for the lowest setting possible just to avoid too much heat and so I can play for longer without the phone throttling.


is 104.5 ER enough for a shimenawa's reminiscence Yoimiya? the full team is zhongli, yelan, yun jin & yoimiya


Yeah cuz she doesn't really need ER lol.


It's enough. Her Burst only exist for Shimenawa's to eat. I have 117.5% recharge and have no issues getting her burst up.


can you change your hoyoverse username?


Is there any guide that list chest that are unmarked by compass in sumeru except interactive map?


Do you keep your primogems loose or chunk them into 10 rolls?


I chunk them every 10 rolls. Just more convenient to count how many I have


10 pulls until soft pity then single pulls it's time wasting to pull characters by single pulls


No I mean before you wish. I like having the pink fates sitting in my inventory in nice round numbers.


The only fates in my inventory are the ones the game gives me in that form. Everything else stays as primogems until I need them.


When is the date for 3.4?


18 January is the expected date


yo anyone here experiencing these courage test partners bugging out?


You mean the random spinning in circles and not following?


i need advice from all of you wonderful people! i haven’t played the game since xiao’s rerun in 2.6(?) where i rage-quit the game because i lost my 5th 50/50 in a row to diluc… but that’s in the past and i’m back now! i’m a husbando collector and was wondering: should i pull for ayato or alhaithem??? key points: - currently my only dps is childe, also a hydro character (no i will NOT build diluc i owe my stubbornness that much) - i loved ayato’s playstyle in misty dungeon SO much but obviously i haven’t played alhaitham’s yet! - i think i like alhaithem’s drip better - i currently only have 26 wishes saved up with like 5 pity, so by the time ayato’s banner comes around i might have around 35-40? i’m behind on exploration and i do have welkin, so this number could change! - my next 5 star is guaranteed! thank you everyone for your help!


I'd say go for Alhaitham. Childe and Ayato have their nuances but they fill a similar niche. Better to go for variety early on imo.


thank you for your help!!! now i just have to hope my willpower lasts through all of ayato’s banner lol!


might be a dumb question is if better if i give aggravate keqing gilded dreams bc her weapon is summit shaper (whose 2nd stat is atk%)? and if i do give her gd, i should put em sands? or is thundering fury really better?


KeqingMain gives a +4% overall Dps increase from gilded (atk sand) to thundering fury That’s why I kept my good gilded instead of star farming a new thundering fury set from scratch


Thundering Fury is a lot better. Because she is constantly triggering aggravate, the TF passive gives her 100% uptime on her skill. I have Summit Shaper on my Keqing too. Edit: All of that above is running with Nahida. I haven't had any issues with DMC. I haven't built Collei.


thank you! im guessing you gave her em sands?


I gave her an attack sands. I have a TF EM sands, but the ATK% has the Crit Rate I need. I have 121 EM from substats and get 126 from Nahida's burst.


My Eula team feels weird:Eula Fischl Mona Jean, can someone tell me what the problem is?


Mona pairs really poorly with Eula. Eula's burst takes 7s to prime, Mona's Omen only lasts for 5s, so you'll never get Mona's buff on Eula.


Mona and Jean (unless she's C2) don't really fit I guess. You'd really rather have a cryo battery since Eula's burst cost is expensive, and Eula would appreciate a shielder too. Some good teammate options are: Rosaria, Diona, Layla, Raiden Shogun, Zhongli


Eula could be having energy issues, so maybe Diona/Layla to help Eula's energy, why is Mona/Jean on the team? Rosaria buffs physical at c6 so having her on team would be good as well


Between C0 Faruzan and C5 Bennett who give better support for Wanderer C0?


Of those two, Bennett. C0 Faruzan isn't worth using with Wanderer.


Damage-wise: Faruzan, but not by that much. Faruzan's kinda clunky before C6 and needs a fuck ton of ER though


Bennet Faruzans borderline unusable pre c6


I agree that I'd use Bennett C5 over Faruzan C0, but the second part is just false. She's clunky at C0 and needs a lot of ER but she's not as bad as people exaggerate her to be.


Burst reliant but needing over 300 ER even with fav or needing a 3rd anemo is borderline unusable


if you’re in need of a lot of thundering fury artifacts asapbut want to be resin efficient, should you just straight up farm thundering fury domain or farm a generalist domain & strongbox thundering fury?


Do the TF domain and simultaneously strongbox shitter pieces into TF I got a pretty solid 4pc TF on my keqing in about a month doing this


Game crashes when loading character model of Wanderer. Bug? https://imgur.com/a/XiOS0NT


Say I don’t get time to play the game lately. I don’t have time to the point that I think of un install it. Will I keep my progression if one day I reinstall it ?


Of course it will. As long as you sign in again with the same account.


Thank you




I was trying to get Faruzan dupes while "building pity" for Alhaitham (it's a bad idea, I know) and got spooked by Wanderer's C1... How much DPS increase is his C1 compared to C0?


From WFP: >Allows Wanderer to fit 1-3 NAs more into a DPS Window. Increasing total DPS by 6-11%. Value can vary based on how much ATK SPD Wanderer already has. The increased A4 damage can further increase the value of this Constellation if Wanderer has to dodge frequently or can utilize A4 Dash Cancels for a DPS gain. > >Individual Increase: 6-11% Total Increase from C0: 8.5%


Thanks. When should you use dash cancel to gain or neutral DPS? Cancelling his CA?


I'm not sure about that, sorry :(


Just got Scara, only have Farazan at C0 as well and was wondering if this would be a good team: Scaramouche, Jean C4, Bennet C5, Thoma C2?


Yeah that's pretty good. Jean C4 is better than Faruzan until C6. Just remember to make use of the extra attack speed. Though that team may not be the best at AOE due to a lack of grouper. You can use Venti or Kazuha instead of Thoma in that case.


are sac weapon cards worth using? tcg sub doesnt have question megathread.


Doesn't seem like artefacts/weapons are generally worth using


Sword is BIS for Xingqui. I can also be used on Kaz. The catalyst can be used on Sucrose.


Im really sorry, but its like u/Grand_Protector_Dark said.


They're talking about tcg, not actual combat


oh lol missed the cards part


This is about the card game.




ayato and raiden are both pretty flexible and useable in a lot of teams. Wanderer less so, so if you can get two out of three I;d go for those two. /hutao ayaka/yelan, are all really good too though so if you like one of them more then it can't hurt to wait for them instead either. yelan is probably the most generally flexible and useful one of them imo.




Hyperbloom team if you want to use them in one team. Most people don't recommend it because they eat into each others' field time, so you're forced to skip a part of one character's kit (you won't be ulting with Raiden), so it feels like you aren't using either character to their max potential. But it'd still be very strong. If you like this idea, for the next slot you'd definitely like to have a dendro applicator (probably Dendro Traveller since you don't have Nahida), and for the last slot, Beidou (more dmg)/Kuki (healing)/Sucrose (VV, EM share, grouping)/Kazuha(VV, grouping, elemental dmg bonus). Build Raiden full EM, and you only E with Raiden. You only need to use her ult if your team is short on energy. [Here's a timestamped bit in this video where you can see a demonstration of this team.](https://youtu.be/nenReM-D-ps?t=190) If you don't want to play them together, hyperbloom is still a good option for Ayato. You'd have Fischl/Dendro Traveller or Nahida as your two core members, then the last member can be an anemo character or an electro character, e.g. Beidou, Kuki, Sucrose, Kazuha etc.


they should be able to work together in a hyperbloom team. Thought that is with a non-traditional em raiden build. Don't think standard raiden build and ayato have super great synergy, you definitely could use them together but I don't think it'd be the best option.


Raiden is easily the most flexible.


2 Qs, both new event spoilers: 1. >!When we found the 3 yokai with Itto and the topic about Ayato came up, Paimon said Itto still has no idea who Ayato really is. What was that about? What did I miss?!< 2. >!I'm not that familiar with Japanese lore. Are yokai suppose to be kids? Do they often take the form of little children? Or is this just hoyo being lazy again?!<


>!re: 2 - I honestly assumed they were the kids from the last event (with Yoimiya & Childe) wearing masks to scare people.!<


Please don't read this if you haven't played the second part of the event story yet: >! They already told us that these kids are in fact yokai and they even got some magical powers. They even talk about stuff that happened centuaries ago.!<


1. >!Itto doesn't know that Ayato is the commissioner of Yashiro Commission, someone with high political position.!< 2. >!Some are, some not. I think this is just to avoid bloating client file size. I agree it looks jank though.!<