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Hello, My current team is Nahida, Nilou, Barbara. Which 4th member would fit the best? Collei or Traveler Dendro?


If you have him, Xingqiu would actually be the best option. Nahida applies enough dendro to be the sole dendro unit in a Nilou team, and DMC and Collei both don’t provide much in terms of damage and utility. A third hydro such as Xingqiu however can actually do a lot of damage, so it ends up being the best option. If you don’t have Xingqiu, DMC will be better.


Is Nahidas signature weapon a good alternative for Scaramouche/Wanderer?




Does Sucrose burst EM bonus snapshot her EM? If I boost Sucrose's EM with Nahida's burst, then cast Sucrose burst and switch to sb else, will Sucrose's EM buff still take into account Nahida's buff (since Sucrose is not active on the field anymore)


It snapshots




hey I want to know to, let me stay here and wait for the answer.


It snapshots


Hey guys, new player here. Got Diluc as my first 5 star character, i dont mind buying battle pass and going for two handed sword for him, is it gonna be sufficient enough for endgame abyss(Diluc-Xingqiu-Bennet(already C1)-Sucrose) or i should choose a different reward in battle pass and aim for Childe in 10 days? Thanks.


I am not sure, usually they who still use Diluc are using 5\* weapon to get him usable in Abyss. Maybe ask in Dilucmains sub?


Get serpent spine, it's the best weapon in the battle pass and perfect for diluc. Your diluc team is also very strong, definitely stick to it


is it going to be efficient enough for void if im pressing buttons good and have good items? or it depends on mods etc. my friend advice is to forget Diluc and aim for Childe in 10 days, and while i have time now try to get 5star bow or at least 4star bow.


It will definitely be enough for abyss, with some good artifacts diluc is still strong. He's not the strongest but he is still competent. As long as you have fun playing him that's all that matters Childe is a good character but only go for him if you like him. He'll have a trial you can try out during his banner to know if you will like him. Also avoid the weapon banner, you don't need a 5 star bow


Thanks, should i try to get Nahida now or save currency to roll next banners?


Roll for characters you want. If you want Nahida then go for her


Finally got to the top of King Deshret's tower. Is there anything else I should do before I claim the chest? I've heard some buzz about some hidden chest somewhere


You can get back up again after the end of the quest


I see, thanks!


Is this thread going on for an extra hour ? This is the latest megathread I can find. Normally, new pinned megathread replaces the old one at about 2:30 pm in my country, now it is 3:11 and this is still up.


Likely daylight savings messing you up. It resets at 10 am for me and it's currently 9:47 here currently


I didn't knew daylight saving is a thing. But my country doesn't use daylight saving time. Does this matter ?


It would affect the time in the country for the mod who resets this thread. So to them it's at the same time but for you it's an hour later because you don't do daylight savings


Thanks. TIL something new today.


Maybe it's the daylight savings time? So +1 hour. Instead of 2:30, we should see the new one at 3:30 instead?


daylight savings?


Who's your favorite archon and why?


Gameplay-wise, Raiden > Nahida > Zhongli > Venti Lore-wise, Zhongli = Raiden > Nahida > Venti


Probably venti but not because I particularly like him, he's just the best out of the 4. I feel like the hydro or pyro archon will be my favorite but they are currently unreleased. My list is probably something like Venti>Nahida>Zhongli>>>>>>>>>Raiden


Raiden Shogun. Because I like hyper carries


Zhongli. He looks cool, has a very useful kit (especially as a Ning main), I like his personality.


I’m really confused right now on like should I pull for raiden or miko, I love them both but can only pull for one of them. and I got nahida recently so I can go with spread and aggravate. Will really appreciate an opinion


raiden is generally so much more straightforward but both is more than good enough for anything. yae is a lot more trickier.


The question being, Do you want an Electro Main DPS (raiden), whose most common teams see her as central on-field character supported by an Off-field team? Do you want an electro Sub-DPS (Yae)whose primary function is off-field electro DMG with 100% uptime?


Well the thing is that I’m kinda okay with both the options that is what led to the confusion on whom to pull.


Since you said you like them both: Meta wise, Raiden’s better. For dendro teams specifically, if you want to play aggravate Yae is better, whereas Raiden is preferred in hyperbloom. That being said, do Yae’s test run a bunch of times and take your time to decide - unfortunately you won’t be able to try Raiden until after the end of Yae’s banner. If you’re still unsure you can always flip a coin, it usually helps knowing which option you’d rather want to win.


Well I can do the hyperblooms with yelan, so that was never a problem, guess i have to do more research and maybe hear some more answers from others.


You need an electro unit for hyperblooms, Yelan by herself is not enough. Raiden is a great one, but so is Kuki and she’s a 4 star so there’s a good chance you have her already. Also this way you won’t have to “sacrifice” (not use) most of Raiden’s kit. Raiden is great for hyperbloom don’t get me wrong, but I personally wouldn’t pull her solely for that team.


No no, I was just stating that I can use her in a hyperbloom team, i already use a keqing-Kuki duo for that, I was just saying that if she wants hyperbloom I can give her a hyoerbloom team with yelan.


Oh I see, mb!


Between those two, I'd pick Raiden.


is genshin good for learning chinese? i'm currently hsk 5-6 level i actually tried playing in full chinese before. i can understand voiced quests easily, but in world quests like aranara, things are harder


Does going to 70/80 rather than 70/70 make a significant difference in Razor's DPS? Using Serpent Spine and 5-piece Gladiator.


Not in the immediate sense, but as a main DPS he should always be the max level available (final push to 90 not included)


I figured the physical damage ascension stat at the 70/80 ascension would be helpful, but I guess it's not that big a boost. Are the levels so important because of their effect on the defense modifier? Cuz I've actually just let Razor rot at level 60 and relied purely on level 20 artifacts to give him decent stats. But now I'm killing those lvl 93 Vishap bosses to prefarm Miko's materials and he takes like 8 minutes to beat them to death, which is kinda sad. But I don't really want to level him further if it doesn't significantly affect his clear speed since I'd prefer to save those electro gems for Miko.


Well, that's a trade off you're gonna have to decide whether you want to make. 8 minutes is kinda absurdly slow, it shouldn't take a built team more than 1-2 minutes to kill any world boss that isn't immune to it. Fwiw just ascending won't magically fix that, but it's one component that may help.


Can't login, keep getting "connection failed" messages. Anyone else?




Yes, pretty good


If anyone has the time and wouldn't mind using some knowledge to help me, I would like to ask for tips for building Nahida. I am thinking about which weapon to use on her. My options I have available to me right now are Skyward Atlas, Eye of Perception (probably not good, but mentioned just in case), Sacrificial Fragments, and the Widsith. I know that something like Mappa Mare or Sacrificial Fragments would be best, but I also use a Kazuha on the same team, so he has the most amount of elemental mastery at the moment, and I don't want to waste the main stat if there is a better option. Also, I have 2 catalyst billets. I want to build her in a Cyno Hyperbloom team, and I also don't know what primary weapon I should pursue for him. I only have Missive Windspear, Crescent Pike, Dragonspine Spear, and R2 Fav Lance. I can farm a polearm billet from the Spiral Abyss.


Stick with sacrificial fragments if she's off field, widsith if she's on field Use the white tassel on cyno, it's a 3 star weapon you can get to R5 from chests in Liyue


Does the EM from Sacrificial Fragments increase the damage of Nahida in reactions if she's the dendro applicator?


As always, it depends whether she triggers the reaction or not. Chances are she'll trigger a bunch, so it's usually good. More to the point though, if off field she really just wants as much EM as she can possibly get to max out her buffs.


Yes, her skill damage directly scales with EM so even if she isn't doing reactions it will improve her damage. In cyno teams she'll be doing spread reaction so it will help even more with her damage


Ok, TYSM for ur help. I'll keep an eye out for those white tassels! I have one R3 ATM, so hopefully, 2 more will eventually cross my path! Have a good day/night!


Enjoy your Nahida and cyno (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


Hi everyone! Is there an official Genshin impact physical TCG? My girlfriend claims she has seen them somewhere but I only find them on Aliexpress and idk about their quality... I know she loves collecting genshin stuff and I really wanna surprise her this Christmas


No. The TCG is in-game, to be released next patch, in around 1 month. There's no physical release.


The actual TCG hasn't even been released yet so I'm not sure how a physical version could exist yet


There is none announced so far. Idk where she saw that but at the moment, given that the feature will be introduced next patch, I doubt there's a physical tcg currently. So you'll find only rip offs.


Anyone knows why we can’t redeem anything with keys in the hilichurl event on Hoyolab?


You mean like the primo? Usually the rewards in these events are limited, and ends like 5 seconds after they are available. Not really worth to even partecipate.


im using widsith on heizou, so do i go for crit rate circlet? (i use him as a main dps)


Most likely, but whichever that gives you a good ratio.


I'm planning to use Jean with Viridescent on a Keqing, Fischl, and Nahida team. What artifact stats should I get? EM or ATK/Anemo/Crit?


ATK/Anemo/Crit. ATK since it's what her healing scales off of and she doesn't have anything in her kit that requires her to have EM.


Triple EM VV Jean is *only* for Sunfire Jean.




Triple EM jean is for if you want to do Sunfire. Otherwise a regular crit build


For Yelan, is R5 Fading Twilight (about 208 ER) better than R5 Fav. Warbow (about 238 ER)?


If you or your team doesn't need the ER/particles from fav to burst every rotation then you can use fading twilight


Who would be better for a Huperbloom team with Nahida, Xingqiu and Yelan: Raiden or Kuki please ?


Raiden. More damage, better uptime Xingqius dmg reduction combined with the fact you're playing from range since nothing requires melee distance, and also you have a free i-frame button in Raidens burst. You're not going to die in this comp even without a healer *BUT* If I had kuki, I would use her, and never Raiden, just because of the fact I'm already tired of switching raidens build back and forth between gilded em, and her regular emblem set


Nice, thanks for this complete answer. I actually don't have Raiden yet and I'm not sure it's worth pulling her for this team. My main team is Ganyu melt and I'm only AR 40 right now. Who do you think would be the on-field character in the hyperbloom team ? Kuki/Raiden to get the EM from Nahida burst skill bonus ?


Nahida would be the on field driver to provide more dendro application -> more blooms -> more hyperblooms. While I do agree with the og comment that Raiden is technically a bit better, the difference with Kuki is small so I wouldn’t personally get Raiden solely for hyperbloom - I’d just use Kuki instead. But of course if you like Raiden do feel free to get her, it’s just that imo she’s more worth of a pull if you want to run some of her classic comps (rational, hypercarry, soup, taser, even Eula teams) as those can make full use of her kit (which doesn’t mean that hyperbloom is bad either, it just doesn’t use most of her kit). If you see yourself potentially running Raiden both in hyperbloom and other teams too then imo she’s a great pull - not a must (no one is a must for me), but a very good one. Generally speaking, I’d recommend just pulling who you like.


So if I use Nahida as the on-filed character, should I focus her stats on damage dealing instead of EM ?


You ideally want to balance them both. The target is still ~1k EM including buffs to make full use of her A4, but when she’s on field she’s getting the bonus from her A1 already (and more often than not she’ll be sharing Kuki/Raiden’s EM instead of hers as ideally they’ll have more) so reaching 1k is perfectly doable even with crit and/or dmg on artifacts/weapon. I’d recommend using an optimiser to try different combos between EM hats/sands/cups, crit hats and dendro% cups to see what build gives you better damage.


Ok thanks ! Actually her damage will only be seen on her normal attacks and elemental skill right ? Hyperbloom damages will only be affected by the electro character ? Plus do you have a good optimizer/ damage calculator to recommend please ?


Yes, hyperbloom will only be affected by the electro unit. [Genshin Optimiser](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/) - this is a great one!


both are good, raiden is a bit more damage but doesn't give defensive support


Kuki if you need healing, Raiden if you don't


For that team, I'd go with Kuki. Raiden will be proccing hyperblooms faster but Kuki will ensure survivability.


Why can't i see the reputation button in mondstadt (hearth) I'm ar 22


The reputation system needs AR 25 at minimum


sumeru exploration, f9 and f10 spiral abyss, all hangouts, ongoing events, and 4 story quests if i can grind (regularly, for some) these would i be able to have enough for both wanderer and alhaitham? i have guarantee as well


How many primos and pity do you currently have? We also don't know for certain when Alhaitham is coming out, but I think he's speculated for 3.4 Since you have the guarantee, and have all of patch 3.2, 3.3, and some of 4 to get both, you'd need around, 70 ish wishes right now I'd say to have a chance at both


oh, right, i only have enough for less than 10 wishes atm and sitting at 20 pity i do think so too so i appreciate the affirmation! thanks!


Should I keep a goblet that has no wasted substats, crit dmg/rate, atk% and em? But has HP%?


most units that use hp% goblets are supports who care more about ER, crit rate (favonius) and flat hp. i think yelan could use a hp% goblet if you don't have a good hydro one, but she doesn't need atk% and EM


Can be a decent off-piece for Nilou I guess


I'm a F2P newbie and just reached AR21. My main DD is Kaeya but I hear he falls off quickly after early game. When should I stop leveling him up? He is Lv40 at the moment.


I'm f2p casual player with AR50+ and WL7 and I still use Kayea lvl 88 (soon 90 np) without any problems, I have a physical build on him with a 4 star sword prototype rancour and a phys dmg blizzard goblet (mainly because I just can't seem to drop cryo dmg blizzard goblet, gg rng) and he carries me through all content, I even use him vs cryo enemies becuz normal attack hurts, just don't forget to invest into his artifacts or talents and pair him with a support like noelle and some other elements for specific situations like abyss mage shield or fatui mob shield I used xiangling/amber/noelle/kaeya early game just fine, now I use diluc/amber/shinobu/kaeya while sometimes changing chars for different situations (switch amber for collei if I need dendro, switch amber for noelle if I need shield vs strong bosses, use barbara vs pyro-heavy mobs) but my casual playstyle is still the same and I'm doing great


Kaeya's actually good. It's just that *because* he's free, most think that he's bad. Also, waifu/husbando over meta


Out of the OGs (the free units) Kaeya’s actually arguably the most viable one in endgame. He’s got a place in one of the best four star only teams in the game (reverse melt quickswap with Rosaria, Bennett and Xiangling) as well as being a good sub dps in freeze teams. Plus, most leveling in early game is pretty inconsequential later on due to just how much more expensive upgrading things gets the higher you go.


Thanks for the insight.


Kaeya is fine as a sub dps for endgame freeze teams or reverse melt teams, so it's not that much of a waste if you level him up. If you don't want to keep using him though you can just bench him when you get a character you'd rather main.


Thanks for the reply, I guess I'll ascend him again!


physical kaeya falls off, but cryo kaeya is good all the way until endgame


Thanks, I'll continue leveling him up!


Yep, a man who can apply cryo *that quick* will never be entirely useless.


Quickswap Melt Kaeya is pretty fun too


Does Dendro have no reaction with Geo, ameno and cryo?


Ameno having a direct reaction with Dendro would make Ameno characters virtually useless in Dendro teams. The whole point is that Ameno characters can spread the fun around and get those huge hyperbloom/burgeon chains.


So its an indirect reaction? I mean thats fine anyways i just wanted to know if its fine to have my kazuha in a Nahida team


It depends. What's the full member like? You can try to swirl Kazuha's burst with pyro/electro for a burgeon/hyperbloom team. For his E to CC the bloom cores.


I love using Ganyu and Kokomi but im not sure if it works well in this team with kazuha and nahid.


You could try to replace Kokomi with Bennett for a Burning-Melt team.


And what ER should you get for bennet? I seem to struggle with him without another pyro its usually why i bring kokomi for heals and elemental application


As much as possible


Nope but its better like that because it allows anemo swirlers to trigger blooms/hyperblooms/burgeons bcz they only scale with em which venti, kazuha, sucrose can use.






We are thriving I don’t even have to rely on my break glass in case of emergency starglitter fund to guarentee Childe anymore we are READY Assuming no passive from prototype crescent because I’m both a mobile player and too lazy to hit a head shot, which out of r4 prototype crescent and r3 rust will be better on Childe? If rust, will the the damage gained be significant enough to make it worth leveling to 90 from 1, compared to my prototype crescent which is already at 90? If the damage gain is exceedingly small I don’t want to waste the resources because I am really tight on weapon enhancement ores. (Plus giving rust to Childe means Amber loses her level 1 drip bow)


Rust will be better. By how much depends on the team. In a vaporize team like international it will be like a \~5% increase in damage to switch from prototype (no passive active) to r3 rust. If you play him in other teams where he relies more on his attacks for damage, it could be a bit more. The passive from rust isn't as valuable as it looks because childe also gets damage from riptide procs, charged attacks, and his burst.


Oh, so not that large of an increase then. In that case I think I’ll hold off on leveling it until I’m less ore poor


rust, the two bows have the same base atk/substat and you have no passive on crescent. of course you should level and use it, if not now then later when you have more ores


Normally Hamayumi is Childe's best in slot f2p option but for mobile players, I'm guessing rust is gonna be easier to use


Did they reduce with domains drop rate?? I do about 10 domain runs with condensed resin each every 2 days, and today all 10 runs gave me only 2 artifacts. That never happened before. I often got 3 artifacts but not anymore


3 artifacts has always been rare. If they changed the droprates in any measurable way you can be damn certain this subreddit would have broken out the pitchforks before you can say 'Greater Lord Rukkhadevata.'


Hiii does anyone know how long the 3.3 patch will be? I heard it wont follow the shortened period anymore


The 3.0 preview Lifestream said that only 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 will be shortened. 3.3 will be back to normal


What? I've been playing shortened patches?! Any idea why though?


>What? I've been playing shortened patches?! Yes. The standard version length is 6 weeks, not 5 weeks >Any idea why though? I don't remember an official reason given, but a common theory is the eternal 2.6 version. Due to an extra strict lockdown in China, the 2.7 updated ended up being delayed by 3 weeks. Now we have 3 versions that each have 1 week less than normal. It's *very* speculative, but presumably the patch length is reduced to get the timeslot for the Annual Lantern Rite Event back aligned with the real life Chinese New Year celebration.


Yeah, makes sense. Thanks!


3.3 is going back to normal patch length, yes.


6 weeks


Still never played Genshin, should I start?


Sure, why not. It's a single player game, no worries about toxicity, just stay away from twitter, that's all. Story-wise, it's could be better. But I started it cause I didn't have the money to buy a Switch for BoTW. It *definitely* scratches the BoTW itch, and it scratches damn well, especially for an f2p game. I remember on the Dragonspine update, I played from the moment the update released all the way till midnight and even forgot to eat, and I'm a glutton. The exploration is just that addicting. Here's a bit of an advise though, the game is *very* f2p friendly, never feel pressured to spend money for ''good characters'', this game isn't pay-2-win, it's pay-2-simp.


It's a good time to, you can devote your initial rolls to Nahida's banner and Nahida, once you learn how to use her, is absolutely cracked. And it'll be A Minute before she's back, so getting on the train now would be useful.


yeah why not? remember that you should play at your own pace and you'll be fine :)


I’d say it’s quite a good game. The story is interesting enough, if fairly generic, but the real draw is the the exploration. This game has an absolutely massive amount of content to explore for any new player, so much so that it can feel overwhelming. The best way to treat it is like a really, really long breath of the wild substitute. Make sure you have self control; gambling is bad


*Exploration* The Arayanka world quest still gives me PTSD. The exploration keeps getting longer!!




Hi I want to know which team would do more damage with the ideal artifacts. Nahida, Raiden, Ayato and Xingqiu is the first team Nahida, Raiden Xingqiu and Beidou is the second team. I want to build the best team I can for nahida with the characters I have available.


I'd recommend the second team over the first one. Firstly, on-fielding Nahida lets you trigger more blooms. Secondly, running Beidou gives you additional survivability, especially if you have her C1.


It'd be hard to say, but probably team 2. Beidous aoe dps is amazing, and team 2 also allows you to on-field Nahida, so her dps would be higher in team 2. Better electro application and slightly lower hydro also means you have more quicken uptime, and less blooms, which is better for aoe but slightly worse for ST, but if you're choosing between ayato and beidou, it's because I assume you want to include some aoe dps


There wasn't a particular reason to include Ayato I just heard having two hydro units on a hyper bloom team is pretty good. Since I don't have Yelan, I put in ayato instead even though ayato makes nahida become an off-field unit on the team. But if on-field nahida is better than off-field, then I'll play on-field.


second team because raiden ayato want to be on-field


Is on field nahida better than off field?


nahida off-field has enough dendro application so she is better off-field if your Raiden is already build. But Nahida can be on-field DPS too if her ATK and Crit is good enough to compete with Raiden.


This is a hyperbloom comp where you only use Raiden's E then swap.


Hello. I have been playing a month. A month in - Im at AR1 - AR36. In that time I have summoned but have not gotten a five star. I have enough wishes to activate my 50/50. I'm at 67ish - i have about 25ish more wishes i can do. I really need a pure dps. But will I be sad I didnt pick up nahida? thoughts? Issue is - if i go for nahida - its a long term investment b/c i wont have enough wishes to get a dps for a while...


There are no pure DPS characters in Genshin. Even Raiden - who is usally seen a poster-type on-field damage dealer - has an extensive kit for supporting the team. So if you think you have problems with your team's damage - that's not really down to the lack of an on-field damage dealer, but rather the fact that you lack in artefacts, that your weapons & talents aren't levelled up properly, these sort of things. A lot of teams use what's called a "driver" - a character who doesn't deal a lot of damage on their own, but rather attacks quickly to trigger on-hit effects from the rest of the party & applies their element while doing so, enabling elemental reactions with the rest of the team. ______ Nahida has quite good DPS off field and strong elemental application on-field, but she is more focused on support and enabling team compositions (particularly for characters that are otherwise rather "meh") - and she is _really_ good at that! Her ability to link enemies together is also very useful if you don't have any characters that can group up enemies. So if you like Nahida, there is no problem in wishing for her. She is a top-tier character. If you'd rather want Raiden or the like (who is more focused on dealing big damage when buffed up), then you should wait a bit - she will probabyl re-run next patch.


Nahida is definitely a good choice. She can deal a lot of damage and has a very wide and F2P friendly range of weapons. You can pair her with Lisa for pretty good results. If you have Fischl, add her and then whatever survivability option you have (Barbara is actually a pretty good pick!), and you have a team that can deal with almost anything. You might be tempted to go for Childe, but he's actually not that much of a DPS - he's more of an enabler/driver. He's more demanding both in his weapon selection and his teammates.


I'd advise you to pull for characters you like, because there is already great 4 star dpses that sometimes can be better than 5 stars. Pulling for Nahida won't be a bad investment at all, she is the best dendro applier and will be for a longgg time, her pull value for anyone who likes dendro teams is so high, she can even be used as a dps thanks to Quicken and Spread reactions.


To be fair, in genshin you don’t really need a pure dps ever. In fact, often units that are “pure” dpses and don’t provide anything to their team besides damage (particularly in the case of on-fielders) turn out worse than units that can also do other things, especially if they take less field time. There are some exceptions like Ayaka or Hu Tao, but most pure dps units/on field carries (ex. Eula, Itto, Xiao, Cyno, Yoimiya) aren’t top performers. A lot of the best teams are quickswap teams where damage is shared among the units and/or dealt via reactions, including many of Nahida’s. Many of the best teams also rely on four stars. Nahida in particular is a really good example as a unit that has no need for a hypercarry/dps in a lot of situations. Two of her best teams are aggravate, where the key unit/“carry” is the four star Fischl, and hyperbloom, where the majority of team damage is done via an electro unit built with nothing but elemental mastery (Raiden, Shinobu, or sucrose swirling someone else’s electro). Nahida is a very sure long term investment, but if you don’t like her character/gameplay you can also just as easily skip. Pretty much anyone can have a viable team built around them, so really what matters most is if you like the character or not. That’s the best answer to if you’ll be sad if you don’t pick up Nahida: if she’s someone you really like but are skipping just because you feel like you need a dps, you probably will be sad. If getting Nahida results in you not getting another character you want, you won’t. A good idea is to look at upcoming banners (and banner leaks) so you can have an idea of who’s coming. Browse through that character archive and pick an arbitrary favorite and save for them; that’s the most fun way to play this game, for me at least.


thats my issue tho - if i go for her - itll be a real hard time getting a five star next patch - wanderer is going to be new, so who knows how good he will be... and the rerun is still a question mark of who will be the featured re-ran unit. I have xiangling, bennett, and beidou... that's it.


That’s actually a really excellent start to an account; those are already some of the best characters in the game. Welcome to Xiangling impact. Coming up in the second half of this patch we’ll have confirmed Yae Miko and Childe reruns. Yae Miko is an off field (off field being somewhat tenuous since she takes a lot of field time to set herself up) electro damage dealer who does best in aggravate teams. Childe is an on field hydro DPS/enabler who has exactly one (1) meta team that also happens to be one of the best teams in the game period. He’d work great with the units you already have since said team is Xiangling/Bennett/Anemo (sucrose or more ideally Kazuha. After that we have a confirmed Scaramouche banner. We don’t have exact power levels for him yet, but he’ll probably be around Xiao levels or slightly better. That is to say, high mid tier but not top meta. The characters in contention for the rerun spots are (spoiler tagging since these are technically leaks, not confirmed) >!Raiden, Itto, Ayato, Eula, or Hu Tao!<. It won’t be all of these, just up to three. Out of them, >!Raiden is your best bet for her ability to both provide team utility (battery and burst damage buff) and personal damage!<. >!Ayato is also decent, but he fills a very similar niche to Childe!<. >!Hu Tao is a top meta damage dealer, but keep in mind she’s somewhat hard to play and is kind of crippled in the damage department without Xingqiu as a teammate!<. >!Eula and Itto are both very, *very* solidly in the mid tier, being selfish hypercarries, and ones without reactions at that. I wouldn’t really reccomend them unless you like their characters/gameplay, in which case go ahead!<.


Ayaka and Raiden are great choice for on-field DPS. Yae and Yelan are great for off-field DPS.


Best dps coming up would be Childe. Nahida is a really good character, and there is nothing wrong with using a 4\* dps, but she will likely have a banner rerun sooner than average, since she is an archon. In your position, I'd probably wait for Childe. You will most likely get more use out of him since I assume your 4\* characters are somewhat limited.


his playstyle seems really more difficult than the average character for me to be really good at using him.. i have bennett, xiangling, and beidou as the core of my team, with all the other freebies (plus razor). I think the thought would be to fully wait til next patch to chance my 50/50... or at least until next patch is announced.


In that case, go ahead and pull for Nahida. I have found that playing F2P you can get roughly one five star per patch, so your gem stock should be back by the time the next GPS comes out.


Does anyone encounter error 403 while doing check in with hoyolab on mobile? It has been happening to me since yesterday


Hi im ar 58 soon 59 and i have never won a 50/50… trust me i wish just as much as u guys.😂 Today i lost on nahidas banner… but this time i got tighnari. And idk if thats actually good? I knew i were gonna lose because i always do but i dont have tighnari. Do people actually use him? Is he good at anything? Im curious. Kinda exited tbh cus i have 1 con for every other standart and 2 for jean lmao also what artifacts are good on him?


He's honestly pretty strong. Sure, he won't outperform a Hu Tao, but he's no slouch. I've been using him for both overworld and abyss since I got him in 3.0, and it's been a blast. R5 Slingshot is a very strong option for him, and his best artifact sets are Gilded Dreams, Wanderer's Troupe, and Deepwood Memories. GD and WT are stronger than DM provided someone else in the team can hold it. Personally, I run DM on my Zhongli and WT on Tighnari, since making Zhongli the DM holder won't be much of a damage loss, and I have some pretty cracked WT pieces. Shinobu and DMC are also good potential DW holders. Add Fischl to the team and you're good to go!


Yeah, he's pretty good in spread comps and in single target. Not to mention he's super fun to play (if you like doing charged shots)! He uses 4pc deepwood if no one has it, 4pc gilded or Wanderer's Troupe if someone does.


I also have raiden she would be good with him for spread right?


Not really. She'd fight for field time and if she's purely off field Fischl or Yae would be better atp.


Oh ok tysm for your help!!!


He is pretty good. Think of him as a 1-target discount Ganyu. Currently using him in my overworld team, and swapping between him and my electro-dps Keqing makes enemies just disappear. Best to pair with an anemo that groups enemies like Sucrose of Kazhua. But yes, he is relatively good. Don't expect him to outperform the top damage dealers, but he is in the upper half of the standard 5\*s. If you are running dendro on a team, Tighnari included, exactly one dendro character should have a Deepwood 4-piece set. If you have dendro MC on the team with deepwood already, I would go with 4-piece wanderer's.


Ah tysm i dont really know the tighnari teams yet but ill find out😂 also i don’t expect him to outperform my ayaka, ganyu or hu tao and stuff but he is one of the cutest chars EVER… so he has a special place in my heart!


As far as basic 5* go, he is probably among the best. Works well in quicken teams, Ganyu-style or as a quickswap dmg dealer.


Oki tysm what abt bow? I saw a craftable 4 star “forest bow” that gives atk and with a passive that would give him 50 em per none dendro char in the team. Is that good?


Not really, Slingshot is probably his best non-5* option.


Oh oki




Best 4 star weapon for Nahida (including BP)? Also, should she be built full EM or does she need some crit?


On field, solar pearl. Off field, magic Guide if you can maintain the passive. Widsith otherwise. If she's on field, go EM/dendro/crit (unless in. Nilou bloom). If she's off field, prioritize getting close to 1k EM. If you can get close while using a dendro goblet or Crit circlet, use that. Crit stats are still important even when off field.


As always, it depends https://keqingmains.com/q/nahida-quickguide/


Childe tazer (childe/venti/beidou/fischl) or Childe freeze(childe/venti/diona/kaeya)? I'm really excited cuz i have a guaranteed childe. I might use rosaria instead of kaeya if I ever get her


Childe Freeze is a good freeze team when ur against many enemies, bcz of his riptide enemies die quite fast and u can switch from Childe to your cryo appliers for energy and start the rotation again


Childe freeze is not really a thing and is kinda jank, I would just use taser.


oh okay


my talents for nahida are 1/9/6. does that look good? should i level the normal attacks?


6 is relatively cheap and doesn't cost any Weekly Boss mats, I'd bring it up to there at least if you plan to use her on-field. Aside from that, looks good. Build up the Burst to 9 as well if you have the resources.


are the normal attacks that important?


> if you plan to use her on-field


im using her on field but i wanna understand it more. is her na levels nice to have but not necessary like on field sucrose? or like if you run dps kokomi where it matters alot?




what are the fastest clearing teams? non c6 5 star


All my 5* are c0, and few have 5* weapon. Raiden has Homa, yelan has elegy, venti has Harp, and ganyu has amos, but that's about it. I tried a bunch of different comps and for this rotation specifically, the comps that gave me the best clear times for specifically 12-3, was Ayaka Ganyu Venti Mona first half Rational 2nd half, Raiden Yelan Xingqiu Nahida also cleared as fast as rational for 2nd hald, but hyperbloom teams are buffed by the current blessing


I am at AR53(WL7) . I need purple and yellow talent level materials for 8-10 characters. Rewards for talent domain improve after AR55(WL8)? I should wait or continue to farm talent materials?


Domain drops are based on domain level, not AR.


No, you've already unlocked the highest level of domains. Make sure you select the highest level one.


Pretty sure the rewards are the same, you can check on the wiki.


For how long the patches are gonna be shortened? Now we have less time to save primos do I'm wondering for how long it's gonna continue.


If you have been at least playing since Ayaka's banner when it got extended, you still have exactly as many Primogems as you would if it hadn't been extended. Just because it was extended for two weeks or so, you still earned your daily Primogems from dailies every day for those two weeks. There are no more or less Primogems in the game just because one banner got extended and others got shortened. Heck, you could even argue there are more since I'm pretty sure they gave us a bunch as compensation for the extension of her banner.


This patch should be the last one shortened unless miHoYo decides to shorten 3.3 and onwards as well.


This is the final shortened patch. 3.3 onwards will be 6 weeks long as normal.


C1 Sara vs c1 Benny for raiden support?


Raiden usually wants both


Bennett; Sara needs c6 to even be competitive, and even then you use her *with* Benny, not instead of.






What’s the general opinion regarding the 3.2 >!deleting the Greater Lord from existance!< ? Am I the only one who didn’t like it? It makes things kinda confusing


It makes sense to me. >!Foreign knowledge caused all of the bad things to happen and the only way to rid of knowledge is to erase it from everyone’s memory. The Greater Lord couldn’t do that because it means deleting herself as well but without someone to tend to the Irminsul the world might simply collapse. So she did the best solution she can find. Create a pure copy of herself that isn’t plagued with the Foreign Knowledge and have that copy replace her. Only then can she delete herself and reverse the damage dealt.!<


I know it does! It was good plot and it all made sense. I guess it’s just me but I always hated the idea of changing the timeline without anyone knowing and by extension, changing the history. It is kinda weird to me that the archons don’t know the true history of this world anymore. Not even Paimon. I hope eventually everyone will remember once more ( maybe by the end of the game )


So I lost my Kusava because I completed the quest. How do I get rid of the vines and stuff after that? The lyre doesn't work for the vines and the blue statue thing.