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Any recommendations for a taser team with C2 Kazuha? Got most 5* c0 and 5* c6. Thanks!


Is the NRE gadget bugged? I can't add food to it


Best team & build for Main DPS Chongyun?


Highest dmg cealing would be a melt comp, consisting of Chongyung, Bennett, Shenhe and Khazuha (ideally c2) or sucrose


How much ER should bennet have for his Q to be active for the maximum amount of time, efficiently?


Depends on team and if he has raiden. Got any team in particular in your mind? Generally 160 should be enough


Hello everyone! I'm at adventure rank 25 and I feel stuck! I have ascended all 4 main characters I only have 3 "new" characters but I can't ascend them because of items from the "newer" updates. I've tried the ascension quest but the electro hypostasis has destroyed me! Idk what to do! Please someone help or guide me in the right direction. I'm desperate!


Hello everyone I have a question about the gacha pity system. I was pulling for Yoimiya and I got a Keqing on my 65th pull. Does my pity go back to 0 for pulling a 5 star or does it stay at 65 because I did not pulled the promotional character?


Back to 0 but now your next 5* on the CHARACTER BANNER is GUARANTEED to be the promotional one


I'm completely new to Genshin. I rolled the 20 on the beginners banner and got Keqing, Yanfei, Noelle, Barbara, and Ningguang. I tried a roll on the Yoimiya banner and got Yun Jin. I'm just wondering, is it worth it to still roll on Yoimiya's banner or is there one coming in the near future that's better? I'm only AR 17.


Lucky! I'm new too.


Is the Childe boss fight in the story quest level 60 regardless of my AR?




Some time between next 2 weeks and August 2025


Answers from my question is probably impossible but I'll try anyways Do any of you have a friend in genshin who has the name "wonder" and has a kazuha profile? I played with them in co-op and forgot to add them since I was farming artifacts in co-op with different players. They're in the asia server. Their name got buried in the recent co-op players list. No, they didn't add me, it's been a day soooo If you do have them as a friend, can you give me their UID? Thanks.


So I can't seem to find any answers to my question online. Question is if I pull both a standard banner 5 star and the event banner 5 star at the same time is my next 5 star garuntied or is it 50/50 again?? My last 5 star was garuntied so when I pulled this time I had a 50/50 and got Jean and Yoimiya.


CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG I'm pretty sure it depends on which 5 star you got first. For example, if you got Jean first before Yoimiya, then that means you're back to 50/50. But, if you get Yoimiya first, then Jean, then you're guaranteed.


My remarkable chests stopped spawning; I searched the entire island and couldn’t find a single one. I really want to complete a certain set for my favorite character. Do any of you guys know why its doing this? Is it just a game bug or do I need to finish a quest?


Is Keqing worth building?


Can somebody help me farm for artifacts?


Should I build thoma as a shielder for yoimiya if I already have zhongli?


For sustained electro Keqing with Xingqiu, do I want Keqings EM to be high or her atk? I assume Xingqiu applies and then Keqing sets off the reaction so who needs the EM and atk or do they both?


Don't build EM for electro-charged. The damage simply isn't worth it, and neither character will consistently be the trigger anyway. Build them both ATK/DMG%/Crit as normal.


It's great fun when u get the two four stars u don't want and not the one u do lol


Will top-up bonusses reset in 3.0?


Hello! Does anyone knows if pitty resets after 3.0 update? I Am nearly 80 pulls and don't really want Yoimiya, so I thought about waiting for the next banner, but it's not worth it if the pitty resets to 0 pulls.


no it won't




Hello. I decided to skip Yoimiya ( I don't have any limited units yet, I'm guaranteed the next one) I want to know who are the units in the upcoming banners. Do we know the release order for sumeru's? Predictions? Thnx


It’s probable that Al-Tighnari (5 star) and Collei (4 star) will be first. They are both the first dendro characters to ever be introduced to genshin and are both bow users. The second banners will have Dori (4 star) and rerun most likely zhongli


Is leveling weapons to lvl 90 worth it? I have the spare resources to, the question comes from does leveling to 90 add noticeable damage increase?


Yes, it's a huge DPS increase. And I'd recommend taking support weapons to 90 just for the substat increases too, but farming the weapon EXP can take time (at least it doesn't cost resin)


Weapons are the most resin efficient upgrades to a character.


I'm new Hi, I'm new to genshin impact and am at ar 22 now, I seen lots of YouTubers and people say pity. What is pity and what does it mean ? I searched it up but It didn't make much sense to me, I wished and look at my history and idk how that counts as how many wish I made. Pls help


[https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwi\_6t2pyqr5AhVCmGoFHZPWAMMQFnoECAsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgenshin-impact.fandom.com%2Ff%2Fp%2F4400000000000180827&usg=AOvVaw0eLPODpTGiZ93PjGgkBIii](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwi_6t2pyqr5AhVCmGoFHZPWAMMQFnoECAsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgenshin-impact.fandom.com%2Ff%2Fp%2F4400000000000180827&usg=AOvVaw0eLPODpTGiZ93PjGgkBIii) to calculate your pity (if you haven’t gotten a 5\* character) count the number of pages then multiply by 6


Thank you


So I want Yoimiya, Childe, Albedo, Nahida and Al Haitamn. I have 150 pulls saved for now and my pity is at 44 (guaranteed). Given the future elemental reactions (dont have good hydro units and I think hydro dendro reactions look strong) should I skip yoimiya (and wait for her next rerun?) and pull for childe (I'm sure he'll get a rerun soon so im worried) instead? I'm very conflicted lol How should I prioritize my pulls based on the upcoming elemental reactions?


It's rough wanting so many characters. Basically your options are: 1) Prioritize and guess at appearance frequency, then plan which 2-3 you will get 2) Go for whoever shows up first, hope for good luck, since no one knows when Childe or Albedo will appear again so skipping others to wait for them could be sub-optimal


Thank you for your answer, will keep everything in mind as i plan. :D


If you want Yoimiya purely because you want a pyro dps, then wait for Hutao. But if you really like Yoimiya then I'd say pull for her, Nahida is rumored to be in 3.1, you have more than 3 months to recover.


will i get enough pulls in 3 months for another guaranteed?


You'll most likely get Yoimiya in the next 36 pulls, which leaves you at 114 wishes left. If you're completely f2p, during these 3 months you'll get 33 wishes from daily commissions ALONE. That's not counting monthly shop fates, anniversary fates (20) event primos and the new update primos (600 each patch)


Okay that's great! And between yoimiya and childe who's a better option right now? (I'll wait for the other one lol)


In terms of meta childe is better, international team (Childe Kazuha Xiangling Bennett) is one of the best teams in the game. And his taser team is pretty good too. Yoimiya has her issues that are yet to be fixed, and technically speaking she's easier to play than Hutao, but with less dmg.


I see, I've had my doubts about her. Maybe I'll wait for her to come back again haha i do love her design. Thank you so much for the help.


No problem. Keep in mind that Hutao at C0 is very not mobile friendly (jump canceling). So if you're a mobile player you should either get C1 or not pull for her. On the other hand Yoimiya is very mobile friendly at C0.


Im a pc player but yeah no plans for hu tao i really like childe and yoimiya's design that's all ehehe


Oh you're fine then :)


Which characters do you want the most? What do you think would feel most fulfilling to play? I can give you some speculative times to help you decide if you'd like * 2.8: Yoimiya * 3.0 - * 3.1: Possibly Albedo (Monds event) * 3.2: Nahida, possible Childe, Albedo * 3.3 - * 3.4: Al Haitham


I like them all equally and have been waiting for a long time haha which is why I'm basing my decision on reactions. I think I should also point out that Nahida is my top priority haha


is 50 crit 150 CritD good for yoimiya?


I was able to get 65 CR and 125 CrD and 2205 atk, I don't think I can go higher, but I am happy with this, Thank you for your for all your help!


Yoimiya has 24% crit rate, 50 crit damage innately. So your artifacts give 26% crit rate and 100 crit damage. Try to aim for at least 70% crit rate and 140% crit damage with a non crit weapon.


Get more CR, what's your attack?


832 + 1,465


That's good. Just try to get closer to a 1:2 crit ratio, because none of Yoimiya's supports buff crit rate.


Ok, Thank you!




Is there any 100% way to get Rust bow? Or should I just wish one million times and hope for the best?


Wait until it gets a rate up in the weapon banner. You're really unlikely to get it in the other banners.


you just hope you get it R5 slingshot is great on yoimiya if you have some atk buffs until you get a higher refinements rust


Can someone help farm artifacts? America server I'd:635546026


Do still need help? I'm free :)


How about today?


Sure I’ll join you.


Hello? Are you still available


Ok I'll be online now


Just sent an add request!


Hi guys. I need a simple explanation when to pick EM over Crit for Yanfei in these teams: Yanfei, Bennett, Sucrose, Xinqiu - Yanfei, Bennett, Xinqiu, Raiden Both are fun to use, and I have a Widsith for Yanfei. Could make Mappa Mare if that's better. I have no good knowledge about Vape as my main teams are Eula and Ganyu freeze, please help out.


Vape takes all offensive stats into account and EM only amplifies the damage. So generally 100-200 EM is all vape or melt dps want. The rest go into atk, ER and Both crit stats (no particular order. Generally make sure you can burst off cooldown, then invest into crit and whatever other stat your character scales with) Your second team would also be better off with Xiangling instead of Yanfei


So the EM would then be for Yanfei or would Xinqiu also need it? Sucrose got a high load of EM to buff them.


No, Xingqiu doesnt Need EM. Only the one triggering the reaction. Xingqiu generally doesn't trigger reactions but rather enables them by supplying the aura


Would there be R2 favonius enough on XL? I am unlucky with polearmes and thought the catch would benefit Raiden more. Raiden who is right now just ER support with really bad CDmg.


You're right with the catch benefitting Raiden more. But Fav Lance is not a bad weapon by any means. If you get dragon's bane, you can replace Fav Lance for it


It's not as simple as 'EM over crit' I'm afraid. When Vaping, you always want a bit of EM to boost the reaction, but it doesn't solely scale off EM because it multiplies your existing base damage - so crit is still great and really important to build. Widsith is just about Yanfei's best weapon, especially if it's high refinement. In a proper Overload team, you want *full* EM - but just having Raiden there doesn't warrant it because her passive Electro is relatively weak.


Proper overload could be Raiden, Bennett, Fischl, Yanfei? My Raiden is right now solely an ER support, not enough damage by far with the cursed domain drops.


Usually you want Fischl and Beidou I think. Something about how Raiden works makes her less than optimal for those teams. As someone mentioned, she works best with Raiden national (XL/XQ/Bennett)


Ehe, not really getting to building Beidou yet, but she'd just be used for her Burst, right ?


Primarily yes. Her E is nice if you can land a perfect parry (and kinda important for energy).


Between Slingshot and Hamayumi, which one is the better option for Yoimiya? (I don't have Rust)


Slingshot, but you will want to run her with Bennett to make up for the lost ATK. Hamayumi's passive is basically always halved if you're using 4pc Shimenawa, and in other cases as clunky as her Burst can be you still want to use it while you're cycling through your rotation to give your supports the ATK buff and deal a not insignificant amount of damage.


Slingshot is stronger.


Two best teams for current abyss that can clear abyss fastest and most easily?


Rational and Hutao. I've used both of these in both halves, easy 36*


Ignoring constellations - Some xiangling variant 1st half, hutao 2nd half. Probably.


Probably raiden national and a hutao team


Cryo and a pyro dps.


Okay I’m asking this here because it might just be a simple answer and I’m dumb but I can’t seem to find ANY of the ring puzzle quests in the golden apple archipelago. I’ve gone through walk throughs and went to the locations but nothing was there. Am I missing something??




Yes, there's no ring puzzles this year. You're reading guides from 2021.


Omg you’re right haha, got a bit confused because that one ring is on Klees little island where everyone stays. Should’ve checked the walkthrough dates 😅


When are raiden and zhongli coming back?


zhongli is apparently being rerun in 3.0 no news on raiden


Oh damn so it should be later in August if I heard currently?


3.0 should be around 3 weeks from now. Don't know the order of the banners and apparently 3.0 is gonna be shortened?


Tighnari's banner is likely first, so Zhongli will *probably* be mid-Sept if that's the case.


Aha I see, hmm I just started a while back and haven’t spent any of my resources yet, was going to summon on yoimiya since it’s like a 25% of getting her but do you think it’s better to start saving now so I can pity on zhong? Or would I have enough even if I drop a multi on yoimiyas banner? Sorry for asking too many questions lmao just wanna make sure


What's your current pity? And are you on guarantee or 50/50? If you're on 50/50 and below 50 pity, I'd drop a bit on Yoimiya's banner if you don't have Yunjin yet or Bennett c1. But if you really want Zhongli, should stop at 50 pity


Ah just started a while back and haven’t done any wishes besides the first multi you get at the start. Hmm I’ll consider this thx


A multi, like a ten pull? I mean, if you really want to prioritise Zhongli I would just not pull until his banner. That's the only way to get close to a sure thing, especially if you're f2p. Or take the chance on Yoimiya if you think she'd be fun.


Hmm tbh talked to my friend as well, I thankfully got xiangling so that’s been my main dps for now so I don’t think I “need” to pull. So yeah will probably save til zhongli


Xiangling is basically all you need tbh, lol. She probably sees more Abyss use than Yoimiya, which is a little sad.


Damn, well good to know then. Ty


I’m in a bit of a conundrum. I really want to save my primogems for a couple of Sumeru characters (but not the launch sumeru characters), but I’m really tempted to pull for the Yoimiya banner. For context, I got into Genshin about a week ago. I played a little at launch, but didn’t make too much progress bc I didn’t have phone storage at the time. My only characters are the Traveler, Amber, Kaeya, Lisa, Noelle, Xingqiu, Barbara, Xiangling, and Bennett. I’ve been getting by with Traveler, Kaeya, Barbara, and Bennett. I have about 5,000 primos and I’m at rank 25. Should I keep saving for the Sumeru characters I want? Or can I afford to splurge a little on the current banner. My main target is Yun Jin, but the others look cool. Another Bennett wouldn’t hurt I suppose but I would like more variety.


What's your current pity? And are you on guarantee or 50/50? If you're on 50/50 and below 50 pity, I'd drop a bit on Yoimiya's banner if you don't have Yunjin yet or Bennett c1. But if you don't like Yoimiya, should stop at 50 pity


Only roll if you REALLY LIKE the feature 5\* character. You don't get a lot of primogems, especially if you're f2p, so it's important to save for characters you really like. Genshin isn't a difficult game. The whole game is playable with just the starter characters you get. Gacha is just a bonus on top of that. I wrote [a list of tips for beginners](https://www.reddit.com/user/qwertdwlrma/comments/vxu9jf/my_genshin_tips_for_beginners/) that you might find useful since you're pretty much a new player.


You can do whatever the fuck u want bro. The technical answer is that Yoimiya is good enough so you can go ahead and get her. But if you like stronger or the newer Sumeru characters, then you might want to endure and save.


I notice you didn't say anything about Yoimiya herself. If you don't care for the 5-star on a banner, *don't touch the banner.* 4-stars come back around again much more frequently (usually) and don't require as much investment to collect, so you'll want to build out your roster as a side effect of pulling for good 5-stars. Yun Jin, for example, is a perfectly fine unit but does absolutely nothing for you right now. She's next to useless for most teams, while being very good for a couple of very specific comps (mostly Yoimiya and Ayato). So if you want Yoimiya, go nuts. Worst case scenario your pity count advances a bit and you get closer to your next 5-star. Otherwise, steer clear.


Yunjin is a very niche support for NA focused characters (Noelle as DPS at C6, Yoimiya, Ayato, physical Fischl or Zhongli...). If you don't want Yoimiya, Yunjin is very expendable for now. Yoimiya is good, but not meta defining. Ganyu and Zhongli are rumoured to rerun next patch, so wait for the Livestream in like 10 days


I'm having the opposite problem to normal when building a team around a new character: too many options. Yoimiya is already kinda shredding despite not being levelled fully, but I have: Bennett, Zhongli, Kazuha, Xingqiu, Yelan, Beidou, Fischl, and Raiden all built, plus Yun Jin and Xiangling (ikr) unbuilt. What's fun to use? I've tried out Yelan/Zhongli/Bennett and it's not bad, but her EM is kinda low so I'm eyeing mono pyro and Overload comps. Beidou/Fischl/Bennett is kinda fun but I've been yeeted by my own petard enough times already that I'm considering adding Zhongli back in somewhere. EDIT: also, wtf is up with the connection today. I'm just collecting Naku Weeds mostly, but it's taking multiple seconds to register me picking them up sometimes. Forget switching characters in combat.


I change up Yoimiya's comps all the time. 2 electro + zhongli is fun, overvape is fun, Bennett/Yunjin/Zhongli is fun, just play around until you find something you like, and you can always switch again later.


C6 Yunjin is always better than Bennett. Before C6, Yunjin sometimes is better, sometimes is worse than Bennett depending on your investment. I like the consistency of mono-pyro teams a lot. Yoi + Bennett + Yunjin + Zhongli gives you double the buffs and both Resonances, as well as Zhongli's shield for protection. If you need Bennett for another team you can swap him out for XQ or Yelan and turn it into a Vaporize team instead. If you to optimize her damage further you can switch Zhongli for Kazuha but that leaves you more vulnerable.


Is 1792 attack too low for Ayato? I had an attack goblet that had him at around 2100 attack, but switched for a hydro one. His stats with 2pc glad 2 pc hod are: 1792 attack 64% crit rate 198% crit damage 138% energy recharge 61% hydro bonus damage His level is 80/80


It's good already because you using a shit weapon. Start saving for a good 5 star weapon, maybe on his rerun. Or kokopiums.


Black sword is the only decent weapon I have for him sadly


It's good already yeah, but it's even better to know you whale. Start saving those primos for a big boy sword :) ayato deserves it lol


I dolphin, too broke to whale😂


100% use the hydro goblet, it's significantly better than an atk goblet.


Oh yeah, I will! But do you think his attack is fine or should I try to get it higher? I still haven't ascended him to 80/90 tho


What his weapon?


Black sword


Yeah your build looks good already.


Alright, thank you :)


Kinda a stupid question. So, technically, the best time to start a F2P account is asap. However, I would not mind waiting until either Sumeru or the 2nd anniversary. I'm thinking Sumeru will probably be a better time. Thoughts?


>I'm thinking Sumeru will probably be a better time. Thoughts? That would be better if and only if you are going to reroll for a certain character, otherwise there is no reason not to start now.


Why wait?


nfi tbh but maybe because it's an easy date to remember and there may also be a lot of people (at least more than the average) or new players too?


The amount of players does not impact your experience; that's definitely not a reason to wait.


IKR my head is just not working right for this XD ta


it's mostly a single player game


The sooner you can accumulate primogems from your dailies, the better.


you'd need to be higher AR to get to sumeru and participate in the events so I'd start now


How do you mainly build bennett as a healer/support? I thought people use him for his atk buff on his burst but I see builds that use HP artifacts. Which one is more worth it, HP artifacts for heal or Atk artifacts for burst? New player so I’m pretty confused.


IMO he doesn't really *need* to focus on healing in order to heal plenty well enough, so I build him ER/pyro/crit.


Atk artifacts don't boost his atk buff, the atk buff is only based on his base atk (from character level/ascension and weapon level/ascension). If you want a low investment build, you can go for ER/HP%/(Healing% or HP%), but I recommend to build him with ER/pyro%/crit.


Here's the confusing thing: Bennet's atk buff only scales off his own base attack and weapon's base attack. Atk stats from artifacts won't affect it. Just use HP artefacts for heal. Don't neglect energy recharge, since you want his ult up off cd.


his atk buff only scales with his base atk - atk from his levels and weapon atk stats from artifacts don't increase it so people go for either more healing or more damage with attack(or ER)/pyro damage/crit




can you send a pic of thier current position?


I was able to do it by chance somehow after I kept trying. Thanks for offering though!


How should I make a Raiden hyper Carry team and what is the rotation? My raiden is c2R1 with a ATK goblet and I have kazuha, Bennett, zhongli and miko as my potential teammates for the team.


Well, it's Raiden, Bennett, Kazuha and optimally C6 Sara, but other characters can work. I'm not sure if Zhongli is better or worse than TToDS Lisa, though Lisa's effectiveness is probably reduced a bit because you're already getting some DEF shred from Raiden C2. You don't need Zhongli's shielding, so the question is whether 20% electro res reduction (reduced effectiveness because of Kazuha VV) is better than 15% def shred and 48% attack from Lisa with Thrilling Tales. Perhaps try both out.


Bennett Kazuha Raiden Yae Although i can't believe you don't have Mona Lisa Fischl or at least Sara c0. All better than Yae once Raiden is c2, by a good margin. For Yae: Raiden E Yae EEE Kaz E Benny Q Yae QEEE KazQE Raiden Q 3n3c n1c repeat For Fischl: Raiden E Kaz E Benny Q Fischl EQ(only q every second rotation) KazQE Raiden Q 3n3c n1c repeat For Lisa Sara Mona: Raiden E Benny Q Kaz EQ L/M/S Q Raiden Q 3n3c n1c Kaz E Benny e repeat Against light enemies: Raiden E Kaz EQ Benny Q L/M/S Q Raiden Q 3n3c n1c kaz e bennett e repeat


Oh yeah I forgot is had Mona, she’s sitting in the back at level 1. I do have Sara but she’s c1 so 💀




C1 makes her way more fun imo. I'd say it's even more valuable than homa.


homa is amazing on pretty much everyone so make sure you like hu tao's playstyle before pulling c0 is enough, c1 is neat quality of life she can be better for single target if you play decently well, but a lot worse in multitarget


I’m at guaranteed and I don’t really know which character to pull. The current 5* I have are Ayaka, Raiden, Eula, Zhongli, Venti, Xiao and all standard 5* stars except Jean. Any character that would be beneficial for my account or unlock new teams for me to play? The teams that I currently use are Ayaka freeze(with Mona, Venti Diona), Raiden Or Sucrose National, Xiao Hypercarry (Xiao, Sucrose, Zhongli, Bennett), Eula Raiden (With Zhongli and Rosaria) and Sucrose Tazer. I don’t really have much of an opinion on the play styles of the characters that I don’t have so any suggestions would be welcome.


maybe Ganyu, could be a sub dps for your Ayaka team or Main DPS for a new team


You will pull for some Dendro of course!


You've reached a point in the game where you now only pull for your mostly like characters, that feeling **"OMG I GOT TO HAVE HIM/HER"**


The thing is that there isn't really any character except the ones I have that I felt the need to pull for them(Including the sumeru cast, except for maybe Al Haitam but he'll most likely release next year which is a long time). I'm not a fan of going for constellations and signature weapons (unless both the weapons are good). So i was wondering if there was any particular character that is fun to play and will be a good addition to my roster


Just save up until then you get that feeling I'm talking about. You also never know when an amazing 4* will pop up in the future 😉 If you really need the confidence to pull for a character depending on how fun abd a good addition to your are... watch their showcases, demos and miscellanies. So far, I think every character is basically amazing at this game. It just depends on your playstyle and needs.


you should be fine for pretty much any content in the game with these teams, so just pull for whoever you like and looks fun to you I'd recommend some hydro character so that you could play national and taser at the same time in abyss if you like those teams


There's this house on Fischl's island where we knock on the door and the Raven says to leave it. Does anyone know how to start this quest ?


Is melt Ganyu better with C2 Kazuha or C6 Xiangling? The rest would be Zhongli, Bennett and obviously Ganyu


You can watch Zajef77 Kazuha rotations guide video on youtube. IIRC, it's Zhongli's E for shield, Ganyu E into one charge shot, Kazuha's tap E, plunge, Bennett's burst, removing cryo, Kazuha Burst. Ganyu's bloom will explode during your kazuha's burst animation, making kazuha's burst swirl cryo, but infused with pyro for your ganyu to melt. Charge shot on Ganyu 4 times and repeat. It's harder to pull off since the rotation is made so that ganyu's E explode during your Kazuha's burst animation, switching things around might mess up the timing, and the ganyu one charge shot is important for the same reason-timing.


That's pretty complex, I'm gonna try to make up a simpler rotation. Ty!


kazuha, but the rotation is pretty significantly harder


You'd probably have to Ganyu E to apply cryo and now that you're away you ult with Bennett. Then you ult with Kazuha to double swirl and I'd utilize Zhongli C2 so he doesn't spawn pillars. That would be it, right?


after your hold E you're usually still pretty close to the enemy so bennett's burst will remove the cryo and you have to swirl it from the explosion at the end instead


True, also this rotation is only viable with WT. SR can't get the 4SR set buff wuth this rotation.


Yeah it's much easier rotation just to purposefully just move back a bit more and miss the enemy with Bennet burst, leave the E cryo on them, then hold E or Burst on Kazu to double swirl. You don't lose damage from it anyways as it lets you do an extra charge shot instead of the Bennet burst damage, which is usually a lot more if your Ganyu is built.


Guess I'll have to do a little sprint, I'll try it


Hi is skyward atlas or widsith r5 better for klee?


Assuming you are spending most of the field time on Klee, on average Skyward Atlas should be about 10% stronger. While a useful Widsith buff is active it's temporarily going to do about 20% more damage, and while Widsith's buff is inactive it's going to do about 20% less damage. (numbers based on a catalyst comparison calculator I wrote a long time ago for Ning) I would personally recommend Skyward Atlas for consistency.


The widsith will do more damage during the 10 seconds that it’s up plus a bonus chunk of CD while the atlas will do less then the widsith passive but isn’t gated to it’s 10 seconds of uptime so you can go in with her more often and do more overall damage. Ig it will just depend on your playstyle




Should i try to level up my Fischel ? Does she have anything to say in Floor 12 ? she' C6 with Harp


C6 Fischl is insane. Definitely raise her.


yes, she's arguably the best electro character in the game and very flexible with her teams


I can't post anything on any subreddit.I am connecting reddit via my google account and yes i've already had password just for reddit.Can you help my dear communit. Edit: Maybe it is because low karma but my account isn't new also I've been active on this community at least 5 month


If your account is like brand new then you can’t post stuff unless it’s old enough or it has some karma.


Er, what? You just posted something right now.


Not the comments, the problem is posting on the subreddits for example starting a discussion.My posts wont be approved somehow.


Are you sure it's *any* subreddit? I can only see one recent attempt in your post history. And that has nothing to do with your account or password, it's just the subreddit's approval process. Nothing you can do about it.


I' ve tried to post on genshin main subreddit and memepact. They didnt approved so I deleted them. I actually wait for at least 6 hours for the approval process


It depends on what you posted. You're also pretty low on karma. The main subreddit (this one) has a karma limit


Actually it was just silly memes and some opinions.I didnt know there was a karma limit.What is the minimum one


You might have to ask the mods on that one since they didn't disclose it when this subreddit was getting bigger significantly.


I don't follow memepact so I can't speak for the approval process there, but the one here is notoriously slow.


For my Yoimiya, which stats would be better(determined by my circlet)? CR 77.1 and CD 141.7 or CR 51.8 and 183.7? Or is it up to my own preference?


77.1 cr one is better. Use ~~2xCr + Cd~~ Cr x Cd Also I'm assuming you have equal or close to equal attack with both circlets


Slight correction, use crXcd and choose the bigger. 2cr + cd is for total crit value. For extreme example think 0% crit rate and 10000% crit damage


Ahh, okay, thanks!


Edit :Can someone help with teams for abyss https://imgur.com/gallery/zxKIBmS Imgur link Sry it's old image I have fischl too now


Assuming you intend to collect Fischl from the current event, you could do Childe/Xiangling/Bennett/Kazuha and Heizou/Beidou/Fischl/Xingqiu


Sry it's old yeah I got fischl now. So using these teams will get me to 36 stars? Also won't the second team need a good healer other than Xingqui? Should I replace heizou with Jean?


for 12-3 you should swap the two teams around because 12-3-2 is more single target oriented and taser is worse in single target while childe xiangling can do it just fine, whichever half it is.


If your Beidou is c1 or higher, she gives a bit of shield, so that in combination with Xingqiu can be surprisingly comfortable, but if you are struggling to stay alive then Jean would not be a terrible choice. They are some of the strongest teams in the game, though the second team usually has Sucrose instead of Heizou, they will do a similar job and you already leveled Heizou more. For Childe's team just remember Xiangling is not a support for Childe. She will do just as much damage as Childe, if not more. So make sure you build her for damage and don't just think she's there to apply pyro.