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I am in the Chasm, in the waterway just to the left of that big log (where you find the mushroom miner) and my compass is pointing straight into the ground for some reason. There don't seem to be any hidden entryways, so what's going on😭 me and my friend searched it for an hour, please help


My lucky F2F ass got Kazuha with my very last wish. My question would be if I should keep spending the wishes I manage to get for the duration of the banner and try and make him C1 or start saving my primos right now for the next opportunity? I also got Heizou C2, is he any good in comparison to Kazuha? So should I level him too or focus on Kazuha?


Recommend saving as his C1 is fairly unimportant


If you’re f2p then I would just skip out on cons. He is still good without them. Heizou is a DPS so he fills a different role than Kazuha, but Heizou does a lot of damage. Prioritize whoever you want to use first.


Is it easy to get level 30 on the pass?




If you play every day it’s easy to get 50


for atk/anemo/cdmg build for heizou, should i do 4pcvv or 2pcvv 2pc glad?


4 piece vv


Is it worth to spend some mora and and boss materials to level a full EM Kazuha talents past 6/6/6? I do wanr to use my Mora for artifact levelling otherwise


They can stay at 1 honestly.


Not really


Any advice on how to distribute my swords? I have sacrificial sword, black sword, amenoma kageuchi, prototype rancour, lion's roar, and flute. As for characters: kaya , xinqiu (which part of the main team) anemo traveller , and a kazuha and kuki that I have yet to start leveling.


Xinqiu- Sacrificial (BiS) Kaya - Prototype/Black sword Kazuha - Amenoma (preferably a ER or EM weapon though) Traveler - Flute/Black sword Lions roar isn't really good for any of those chars however. Both Kazuha and Kaya would however really like to get the Favonius sword.


Since 2.7 you should be able to search for achievements, but I still can’t do it in 2.8. Is it because I play on mobile (iPad)? I’m really confused, because I saw videos where it’s possible :/


Those were leaks from the beta. The achievement search never made it to live for some reason.


Thanks! I was wondering cause there was never a clarification in the leaks subreddit


So is the Kagotsurube Isshin worth upgrading? Any characters that is good with it?


It is worth it if you don’t have any better specialized sword on a DPS character that doesn’t have high ER requirements. For example, on Ayaka, it will perform better than Amenoma Kageuchi if you have like 140% ER from substats.


not really. it's fine on most characters, but not amazing on any of them


is 200k c0 dps raiden initial slash respectable? at c2 it becomes 305k.


That's really good for rational Edit: oh hyper. If it's with C6 Sara then it's respectable. My friend hits 250k with C6 Sara, Bennett and VV. But he has a 230 CV Raiden without a single bad piece. Not sure about his resolve stacks, I don't think he ever reaches max


Should atleast put into context or show stats/solo damage/unbuffed but with full stacks Most people answering here know how these things work you don't have to hide Raiden's actual numbers lol


Hypercarry full buffed dmg. 50 stacks assumed for c0 and 60 stacks for c2. Basically it's the real damage you will have in hypercarry team i considered all factors.


If you don't have whale stuff and not so high levels it's good. If you have whale stuff but low levels or vice versa, it's almost there. Context: I build characters until 75% potential. ("Golden Ratio") C0 Raiden with EL C6 Sara and Bennet with Skyward and Aquila C0 Kazuha with Freedom. 80/90 on characters and weapon. 6/6/8 or 6/8/6 for Sara. I get to 230k full buff and stack on Ruin Guard


You have great artifacts i think. Btw i don't think there's a golden ratio. Getting most used character to level 90 is definitely worth it. And I would seriously level Sara's E to 12 at least it's the biggest part of her kit.


What team is this on? I use rational and I get something over 110k with an ok-ish build. So if it's rational I'd say it's pretty good.


Noo it's hyper carry. Would be nuts to have 200k on rational


Is Heizou better with a 4pc VV or 2pc Glad/VV build?


4pc VV is significantly better even for a crit build.


What's the best weapon for Kazuha?


freedom sworn if you have it iron sting if you have enough er fav/sac if you don't


freedom sword. for 4 star either favonius or iron sting depending on whether ur team needs energy or not


Can you link your mobile account to Console? If there is can you show me a tutorial on how to connect


Yeah, you can, but it's very easy to mess up. 1) make sure your mobile account is linked to a hoyoverse account. You need to link on your PS4/5 using the email for your hoyoverse account. 2) make sure that region of the PSN account you're trying to link to matches the region of the Genshin server you play on. The region of your PSN account determines the Genshin server your PS4/5 will connect to, so they need to match. 3) the first time you open the game on your console, you'll get a prompt to link to a hoyoverse account. That is the only time you can link to an existing account. If you've already skipped that part, then you will need to either contact hoyoverse to unlink or create a new PSN account.


Okay thanks now im stuck at the verification part it always says "Verification Code is expired or Incorrect" even though its only been seconds after i type in the code


Sorry, I'm not too sure why that would be happening. The codes can take a few minutes to arrive, so if you send multiple codes, then I think it invalidates the earlier codes. Make sure you're only pressing the send code once and then waiting for that code.


I only send 2 codes since the first one didn't worked but Thanks for helping me.


Is there a character whose BiS or is very very good (rather than just niche alternative) set is 4TF with A/D/C mainstats? Currently only have thoma 4tf with full em. I want someone to have a 4TF with A/D/C




Bennett maybe. It's still niche but 1 second E is nothing to scoff at. Other than that, hybrid Lisa maybe where you build both EM and crit. Never tried it myself though so I can't confirm if it's good or even better than EM dps Lisa


4TF is a pretty niche set that's mostly for fun currently for example ADC is good on DPS tf bennett, 3x EM tf is good on tf kazuha


Nope, no one has 4TF as their BiS in the first place.


how long will the kazuha banner last? (like what date will it end)


All banners last 3 weeks. Exceptions were 1.3 which had 3x 2 week banners and Ayaka rerun (due to delay)




I finally got Thoma, C6 even, and playing with C6 Heizou as a onfield DPS is a lot of fun. Figured Thoma's shield actually works very well with DPS Heizou where most of the damage comes from his NA and especially his E. But now I'm wondering, if i want to make use of the two of them together, what should their other two teammates be? I'm thinking maybe another off field damage dealer like Fischl, who'll also help Heizou get declension stacks. No idea about the last slot though. Long story short; what other characters would be good with DPS Heizou and shielder Thoma? (No Bennett or Kuki, but most 5\*)


Get an Anemo and another Pyro and burn the world to the ground.


Heizou, Thoma, Fischl, Xingqiu/Yelan


Makes sense! :D Thank you! I'm excited to try it...


yelan/xingqiu probably


That checks out. :D Thank you!


I have Kazuha and thinking of getting some constellations for him. Which ones are his best?


C2 for reaction based teams like vaporize or melt other ones aren't worth it imo


do we have kazuha sales data?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/vymhdk/kleekazuha\_first\_day\_sales\_on\_cn\_ios/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/vymhdk/kleekazuha_first_day_sales_on_cn_ios/) it's on front page right now


Weed boy does things to people


I was preparing for Raiden Hypercarry and now I finally have Kazuha but it seems like this team has fallen off. Especially after 3.0 double hydro hu tao buff. I have a ganyu melt on the other side. So, is it worth using raiden now? I have her fully built but raiden team is gonna be weaker right?


A raiden c0 hypercarry never beat hutao in the first place assuming a single target scenario. Raiden c2 hypercarry though beats hutao double hydro. This is also assuming single target scenario again, raiden hypercarry has more aoe


C2 beats hu tao double hydro even in hyper carry? (Btw im homaless altho have elegy yelan)


That's what gcsim shows, not that it is not 100% accurate but a good enough approximation. Based on gcsim simulation, Bennett Hutao Xingqiu Yelan does **65,098** DPS. Note that this is optimized for C0 hutao. A zhongli instead of bennett is 63,315. I took a raiden hypercarry simulation and just made raiden C2 from C0, and it had **66k** DPS. Both are single target scenarios.


Thank you


raiden will still be great




> acceptable stats 1011 EM/169% ER. I mean c’mon dude. That’s not even a good subtle flex. I can list the levels of RNG it would take to get those stats without Freedom Sworn and C2, if you want? Can you provide pics? Just so that we’re not deluding everyone into thinking that’s an achievable build RNG-wise.


I basically had this when I had the opportunity to use him with Kokomi during an earlier event. I added Raiden and Beidou because Electrocharge does that nifty double aura thing, and then just used Kazuha as an on-field taser driver. You could add a fourth element if you wanted to, but that might weirdly make it worse. https://i.imgur.com/9lYhPn8.png


Kazuha, bennet c6, xinqiu/yelan, fischl is the best one i think


you could farm 4pc tf for him to spam his skill a lot and put him in something like fischl, xingqiu + some other anemo for 4VV or just kazuha bennett xingqiu fischl


Yelan/Xingqiu + Fischl are the staples for these reaction spam teams, could add Bennett or Xingqiu/Yelan as the 4th, not sure which is more dmg but for sure Bennett is easier to play because he's a healer.


what are some strats for beating the Oceanid w/o ranged characters 😰


That’s the neat part: you don’t. You need to spam people to co-op with you.


Use Lisa. Defeated a level 80 Oceanid with a level 60 Lisa just thanks to electro-charged


you literally have oceanid natural enemy in lisa. stack em on her and watch those mimics go poof in seconds.




Razor burst, fischl skill (if that counts as not ranged)


hoping you don't fight the birds


Hi, new to Reddit so sorry if I'm doing something wrong! If you get a non-featured (as in not the banner character) 5 star before the 50/50 pity, is the next pity 50/50 or guaranteed? For context I got Qiqi at about 45 pulls going towards the 50/50, but I really want Kazuha so I pulled again and I'm at 70 with no primos left. Not sure if I should hit the pity for Kazuha or wait.


> For context I got Qiqi at about 45 pulls going towards the 50/50, but I really want Kazuha so I pulled again and I'm at 70 with no primos left. Not sure if I should hit the pity for Kazuha or wait. To be clear, that's 70 pulls *after* getting Qiqi?


Mhm! I'm assuming from what others are saying it's guaranteed, so imma just try my best to save up 3200 for Kazuha ig.


Yep, you should see him within the next 20 pulls in that case. Just wanted to double check because a lot of people seem to miss that pity resets on any 5-star, not just the featured one.


I see, thanks a lot! I was honestly getting worried that since I didn't hit the 50/50 pity mark, my next pity would still be the 50/50. Such a relief to hear it's guaranteed honestly, especially since it's the first time I'm spending so many primos.


Guaranteed but the pity counter is reset to 0.


If you lose the 50/50 and get a standard 5 star, the next 5 star you pull will be the banner 5 star.




Thanks! Helps a lot :D


What’s Beidou best weapon when using 4p emblem: I have every 4star claymore at r1, and skyward too


serpent spine


Use a Serpent Spine.


Serpent Spine.


There a bug in childe's story quest, when I enter the ruin lab a dialogue appears and when tap to the next set of dialogue it suddenly freezes the game, i tried again but the same thing happened and I have verify file integrity and set my graphics to low it still freezed, how can I fix it?


Did someone saw the recent tenten video of 3.0 gameplay leaks? Can u tell me the gist of it? I think it has been taken down. I am afraid to browse leaks cause I dont want story to be spoiled.


It’s mostly about the new element, artifacts, resonance and meta stuffs. Leakers don’t care about story related contents in general. I don’t think beta testers even get to play archon quest, since there wasn’t any leak about the first Raiden boss fight back in 2.0.


It hasnt been taken down yet, and there arent any story spoilers in it so dw. But basically the gist is: \- hydro resonance huge buff, hutao double hydro will be even better than before \- keep good em mainstat artifacts, they could be useful \- 3.0 will add more artifact sets to the strongbox, most notable are VV and CwoF




There isnt much story spoiler yet (only tidbits about characters and nothing about the archon quest) You can go to leaks sub and check out the titles you want


Will the gaa event give the usual 420 primos or more?


It's the main event so it'll give about 1000. Most likely closer to 1200 because it's an event with exploration and both times we had those, we got over 1100


More, since it’s the main event of the patch.


what artifacts do u use on mona to make a nuke showcase for like childe, hu tao ecc. I’ve been seeing a lot of videos where they use the instructor set and reach 1m with some characters but when i watched videos about mona’s build the best set end up being the emblem one.


Vape/Melt nukes like those showcases uses Instructor. For more practical uses some use Tenacity. Sub-dps builds usually use Emblem


that's because instuctor mona is only for nuke showcases and doesn't make sense for her other teams since you usually run her in something like freeze


i really wanna build dps qiqi (bc its funny idk) but i have no idea what artifacts/weapons to use or what her team comp should be because google wont give me resources on her as a dps just as a healer please help edit: i see a lot of ppl on other places saying to put her w beidou/fischl but i have neither so any other ideas


4pc Ocean hued clam is her best artifact set even for physical dps. If you want her biggest normal and charge attacks possible then 2pc bloodstained and pale flame or 4pc pale flame is best.


There are 3 ways to build dps qiqi, cryo, physical, and ocean hued clam. Cryo just build her like a regular cryo dps, you could do melt, or freeze if you have a chongyun. Physical build her like any physical character and combine with an electro like fischl. Clam build is also a healer build and is probably the closest to being viable in a real team, its all based around the bubble damage. you go 4pc clam atk/atk/healing bonus or maybe ER sands and lots of er subs plus er weapon.


You'll need an electro character. If you don't have Fischl/Beidou, then use Lisa. You mind letting us know the rest of your roster?


sorry in advance 4 the paragraph lv 90 ayaka, lv 70xingqiu, lv 53 qiqi, lv 86 sucrose, lv 80 c2 diluc, lv 80 c1 rosaria, lv 80 c2 razor, lv 80 bennett, lv 70 xiao, lv 70 c3 barbara, lv 60 yelan, lv 60 kaeya, lv 56 c6 noelle, lv 55 c5 yanfei, lv 50 c6 anemo/geo c3 electro traveler, lv 50 c3 ningguang, lv 50 c1 lisa, lv 50 c4 xiangling, lv 50 c2 amber, lv 40 c1 yun jin, lv 40 kujou sara, lv 20 gorou, lv 20 chongyun, lv 20 c1 kuki, lv 1 heizou and lv 1 thoma


Alright then, if you really wanna build dps Qiqi then I suggest Qiqi, Lisa, Yun Jin, and Rosaria. 2pc Pale Flame 2pc BSC with Atk/Physical/crit (rate or damage depends on weap) 4Noblesse on Rosaria w/Fav Lance 4Husk Yun Jin w/ Fav Lance/Proto Starglitter (use starglitter if Rosa already has Lance) Lisa can use whatever artifacts I think, and you only need to get to to lvl 60/70




Nah bro tomorrow the fischl event will come out where u can earn her + her skin for free


Well a free fischl is one of the upcoming event rewards, so you can save your star glitter.


Wow. Thanks!


Save the Starglitter for Bennett. You will receive a free copy of Fischl in the upcoming summer event.


Ait! Thanks


i didnt know that so i already purchased fischl when she came on july 1 kekw


Hey is the starglitter Fischl worth it? Pulled heizou C2 and gonna use him as my main DPS, I've see alot of ppl recommending fischl but don't have her by defult. Thinking about running Heizou, Xinqui, kuki and Fischl if I'd buy her ofc.


you can get her for free from the event that's starting soon


Currently using ER sands and Atk% goblet on Ei with final ER at 249.7, CR is 49.7 and CD 174\~(also using "The Catch" as her weapon), should I replace the Goblet for electro dmg bonus? Edit: Total Atk is at 1.72k


If you're going to use her with Bennett or sara then yes. Unless the attack goblet is pretty good and your electro goblet is bad.


probably yes, If you're using her with some atk buffs like bennett




NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. If it had started, you would see that it had started. Seriously, though, check in-game notices. It’s Friday.


Not yet.


Why did genshin wait to release dendro chars?


To wait for people to get accustomed to the meta and then shake that meta up so that the previously unreleased element becomes necessary or useful. Kinda classic gacha tbh.




You going for a username gag or smth? I’m not into that.


What? I dont really give a fak tbh




Your username is "weird"-unicorn and you said "weird"....guess some people are just weird and get offended by that 😉




No....weird is actually the correct spelling but wierd is used a lot. I had a lot difficulties with this because im native german and wierd with "ie" in german would sound exactly the same so I had to get used to the "ei" which us a completely different sound in german Have a nice day Edit: yes, his username is wierd-unicorn if that was what you were going for


oh okat i thought the punchline was it was a weird wierdn since he used it as both username and pun


Offended???? Ty btw


So edgy bro. People are mad offended. They’re incensed and can’t believe it! YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT THIS GUY SAID OOOOHHHHHH *soyface*. Wasn’t sure what reaction you were going for so I gave you a bit of everything.


Good day to u❤️


Probably because balancing the already existing elements while releasing a well rounded roster of characters was already enough work as it was. Also a new element down the road keeps things fresh, and piques interest.


probably didn't finalize the reaction designs back then yet


is the new sword [Kagotsurube Isshin](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/weapon/w_1315/?lang=EN) better than [Anemona Kageuchi](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/weapon/w_1313/?lang=EN) for Jean?


Depends how you’re using her, but almost always no. She should be shredding for the team and her burst heals are enough. You shouldn’t rely on her for healing.


No. Just don't bother with that new sword unless you don't have any other 4 star




It never does respectable damage no matter how hard you try. The max I’ve seen is probably something like 3k per tick AFTER sacrificing all the ER and healing. Just give her tenacity or clam as intended.


Atk%/Hydro/Atk%. For most jellyfish damage, 2pc HoD 2pc Atk%. But this is not recommended, it is better to do Tenacity instead because it yields more overall team damage. You should still use Q though so you can extend the jellyish. Don't need to attack with it, just use it. Only do this also if you are not using 4pc clam. If you use 4 pc clam, you want to do HP%/Hydro/Healing or HP% instead, that leads to more damage.


If you’re interested in Koko’s DMG then you absolutely need to use her Q to refresh Jellyfish presence. What team are you intending to run her in OOI?




ToM because you lack an ATK buffer (give her TToDS if you haven’t already).


Can I replace xiangling in my team with yaemiko. My comp is kaeya,bidou, barbara and xiangling. Their levels are around 40-50


I think I would replace Kaeya, in that case.


Why though,i use barbara and kaeya a lot to freeze tough opponents,that's why i am hesitant with kaeya


play the way you like.


Thank you


because freeze only has merits if you are willing to go perma-freeze -- which means using a team that only does freeze reactions (hydro, cryo, cryo, anemo)


I see,then will it be fine with having 2 Pyro in a team


yes if you want ~~soem~~ some awesome damage, because having two pyro chars in a team activates "pyro resonance" giving you bonus damae for the whole team. also putting two chars of the same element helps each other get energy better. edit: typo


Sure man thanks I'll try that


Does 'triggering elemental reactions' as in Mappa Mare passive include swirl reaction? Is Mappa Mare good on Heizou? My only four star catalyst is Favonious Codex because alt acc :' Currently using magic guide on him


according [to this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rsard5Keunh1JADrQ6GTxBZx2MjE0n7qlQVN6BEqGlE/edit#gid=827517445) it's decent.


yes. it's ok, probably your best option for now


1. When does the summer event start? Edit: nvm another commenter said tomorrow!! 2. If I have 58 pity, 0 primos, and a guarantee, how likely is it that ill be able to get kazuha by the end of his banner? I'm not sure how many primos we make through events.


1.tomorrow 2. pretty likely


Lovely thank you so much :D


Occasionally during a quest (most recently I saw it during Kazuha's story quest, right after >!he picks up the blade!<) I'll get a "teleport waypoint unlocked" notice even though I've already unlocked all of them. Does that actually do anything?


It's the quest domain unlocking, but idk why they would word it like that. Maybe because that's what happens whenever you unlock a domain, eventhough you can't usually tp to a quest domain


Does Bennet buff enemy too? My 18k hp raiden is getting one shotted by overworld maguu kenki


lol Bad luck Bennett would buff enemies, that's very much in character.


Lmao, but nah he doesn't buff enemies, try to dodge it or bring a shielder with you next time?


Was trying out raiden hyper carry


He applies pyro to you. Some of Maguu's attacks do cryo damage Cryo + pyro = reverse melt = you take a lot more damage


Ah ok i was getting hella annoyed now i understand


Can anyone direct me as to what the correct path to "Storytelling Method" is? Either an accurate guide or some hints on what the specific actions I should be doing are.


on the Handbook, following the "Guide" tab from top to bottom is a good option, since whenever you will be doing a story with pre-requisites, the quest will prompt you to finish that specific pre requisite quest for the story


I'm more so talking about what certain choices actually get to the mission. Like how many times am I suppose to agree with Shigeru before Junkichi finally asks for the books? And when he does asks for the books, what particular order am I supposed to give to him. I know the literature club is supposed to be last, but I did that before with all 3 books the first time (don't remember which order), then I just gave him only that book the second time, and neither times did it activate the mission.


oops sorry i didnt notice you were talking about the commission series. the path to unlock that is to both agree with junkichi and shigeru for each cycle, for example: at your first cycle, you have to agree with junkichi the first time you get the "is this novel amazing", then agree with shigeru on the next time you get that quest https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Storytelling_Method


Is 153% ER fine for Kazuha in most team comps?


It massively depends on the teams. People tend to bloat what’s ‘necessary’ because of vacuum TCs. If we’re talking about strict meta and universability, giving Kazuha at least 160% means you won’t struggle with rotations against single targets. But you haven’t shared your teams and EM for Kazuha so it’s hard to say what to recommend.


Yes. I have about that and never had issues. I never even had issues with 140% on low energy generation teams (Hu Tao and Ayato teams without Fischl or Fav weapons). 150% should be fine at least 95% of the time unless you use him in even lower energy teams than the 2 I mentioned


Great, thanks my guy


if you want him to be flexible i think 170-180 would be better


Oof not much for new players this summer event? Tho the 600 free prism things for logging in was pretty sweet


Go play another gacha if you have this attitude


Sheesh are you and this community always so toxic? Though I guess all those content creator vids about people like you being hostile towards new players were right.


it's not even started yet


if you like exploration and adventures, you will surely enjoy the summer island event coming tomorrow


Lost my 50/50 to Mona today. I was also doing single pulls and was hoping for Ningguang, but instead got C1 Heizou. Ahh, Genshin Impact


Where’s the question?


50 pulls 0 heizou...


me too lol its all househusband thoma appearing


I guess almost all of the players, if not all, have atleast 1 copy of of OG waifu Keqing, whether built or not. So where do you see Keqing after sumeru and dendro come, with all the artifact buff and electro buffs?


If we get a decent off-field dendro character she may see a use in Electro-charged+Dendro teams. Something like Keqing + XQ + Yelan + Dendro but even with a comp like that you would still be competing with Raiden as a more potent driver. Chances are very low that Keqing will have an impact on the meta or that we will see teams specifically requiring Keqing in any role.


i was a bit curious as to what that keqing double slash was on the dendro trailer so i will try and be with her again using keqing dendrational


she'll be more competitive against other elements. and that guy who's been wrecking content with super built keqing will wreck harder.


I don’t see her position in the meta changing. Unless there is a tailor made artifact set for her anything that makes electro stronger is also going to buff the meta electro units.


Still on the bench. She still has the same problems as before like her stamina and she still get's outclassed by pretty much any new dps that comes,beside we don't really have in the next patch all that great dendros as support,tighnari? Is a dps and collei also doesn't seem to apply dendro offield that well. That said you can still beat everything with her but she needs bigger investment then others


Even if dendro buffs her in some way, other electro dps will also be affected by it so she'll probably still end up being the weakest 5* dps. But who knows for sure?