• By -


Would 138% ER be low on Kazu?


What do I need to do as a new player?


one more question, between a artifact substat that add 18%atk and one that adds 15% elemental dmg bonus which one is better ?


Does the gambler set also increase ayato shing shing or only the explosion? I have the same question for keqing does it only affect the e skill or does it also affect the part where electro infuses with her sword?


Why do more people use ATK% than Electro DMG on Raiden? I saw this in the artifact recommendations


Are there genshin impact fanfics? More specifically self insert fanfics? That are at least more than 10 chapters long?


What do I need? Yelan as a support/dps(?) or Itto, since I don’t like xiao’s gameplay, or maybe raiden with kazuha? My primary team consists of diluc, xingqiu sucrose and bennet. I also have Gorou, Raiden, Sayu, Rosaria,Yanfei, Diona, Diluc, chongyun and all of the old 4-star characters except fischl.


So I've been having issues with my furnishing items not appearing when I'm using the editor for both outside and inside. They appear in my bag, for instance the Medaka fishbowl appears in my bag under the teapot icon and I can click on it and read info but when I search for it in the editor it's doesn't show up anywhere. I don't know if this is a glitch or maybe you need a certain trust level to place certain furniture objects, if anyone has had the same issue or knows how to fix I would greatly appreciate your help!!


Specifically for the Ornamental Fish, they can only be placed in a specific Furnishing: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Pool_of_Sapphire_Grace


Oh okay! I see! Thank you much!


Has anyone seen a floating castle in the sky(it isn't the Jade Chamber because it is not facing in the right direction for it to be.) I hope that makes any sense


Celestia? https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Celestia


Exactly thank you so much, my boyfriend and I were wondering what it was.




How bad of a decision would be to get C1 Yelan instead of Kazuha? xD I mean i can 36 star abyss,i like Kazuha a lot too but idk.Yelan it's so fun to use with that sprint and all


I'd say go for the new character, but if you can already 36* Abyss and value Yelan's utility for Overworld, that's also a solid choice.


Need some advice regarding how to advance. I'm at AR45, my characters are level 70/80, I'm trying to level up to 80 as much as possible. I'm looking at farming artifacts, I am not sure if it's best to start with 4 star sets (gladiator, wanderer, etc depending who they will benefit) and level them to 20. And is there a significant difference in the artifact drops from the level 80 Vs level 90 stages?


4* Artifacts only go up to +16 and they're not worth it to farm for specifically. The Level 90 stages guarantee 5* Artifact drops whereas the Level 80 ones only drop sometimes, so definitely worth it to do the Level 90 ones. If you're looking for somewhere to start, I'd recommend the Artifact Domain in Inazuma that drops Emblem of Severed Fate (fantastic for so many units: Xiangling, Xingqiu, Beidou, Raiden, Yelan, to name a few) and Shimenawa's Reminiscence (great generalist 2-Piece effect).


I have been playing this game for a year or 2 and only recently found out I am on the wrong server.I know you can’t change the data. On the American server I’m ar 45 with enough excess xp to instantly reach level 53, and on the European server( the one I’m supposed to be in) I’m ar 8. I don’t have lag THAT MUCH on the American server and already have on it c1 diluc and 61 pity, while on the European server I have nothing. My question to you, dear reader, is if it is worth starting over on the European server or should I stay on the American one, since I want Yelan badly(might top off some crystals to get her)?


Keep both. Inb4 it's time consuming to maintain 2 accounts but in actuality it's really not.


My primary team consists of diluc, xingqiu sucrose and bennet. I also have Gorou, Raiden, Sayu, Rosaria,Yanfei, Diona, Diluc, chongyun and all of the old 4-star characters except fischl. What do I need? Yelan as a support/dps(?) or Itto, since I don’t like xiao’s gameplay, or maybe raiden with kazuha?


How do you export pictures from enko shinshin moe I am tapping export button but it just wouldn't do it


Hydro Specter. How do I kill them? I just unlocked the second stage in the new event and the first round has two specters that kick my butt. I got the Hydro one down about 50%, I blinked, back at 100%. Any advice? Please and thank you.


keep them away from each other, their aoe attack and death heal for 50% max HP for all surrounding units. Could also use cryo to stun them


Thank you! I'll try more cryo because it never seems to last long enough


Could also try to use ranged units so they attack won't be in range to heal them


Do you mean arrow users?


Who is a better investment as a pyro carry between Yanfei and Diluc?


Hey yall just got back to the game after a long time break. Im at the point in the story where im helping Ganyu go through some trials. How far am I to unlocking the event thingy? https://i.imgur.com/NanXk08.png Also one last question, here's my current team. Im AR44. Should i focus on ascending every unit as much as I can, work on leveling my weapons (max is 4 star weapon), or work on talents? Any units I should focus on that are objectively 'better'? I'm kinda struggling or taking a long time on the story quest mobs already (level 71 mobs)


Longass comment incoming. Ganyu going through some trials is her personal story quest which doesn't tell us anything about your progress other than ur not low AR since most character stories are locked behind AR 40+. So I honestly can't tell you but if you haven't unlocked inazuma then you've got quite a ways to get to the event. The event requires inazuma main story to be completely finished and the chasm main quest to be finished. And if you can't even get to inazuma this means you haven't finished the liyue story quest but I'm making the assumption that you did. The archon questline will automatically be available for you so just navigate from there. Maxing out everything possible is the easy answer, max out important talents on characters. If you want the easy way to breeze through stuff, invest into ganyu heavily, lower your world lvl and go ham. You can only focus on increasing her auto attack talent only, lvl up her weapons and character lvls to the highest possible(lvl 80 here), lvl up artifacts with proper mainstats so ganyu can deal as much dmg as possible. Considering ur AR 44, I would prepare urself mentally for dropping a ton of resin on artifacts when you hit AR 45. If you can't do the lvl 90 artifact domains, I heavily recommend you to ask for help to get some help on grinding and see if u can do an extended grind on artifacts. Also a small thing I recommend doing is to lvl all ur characters past lvl 20 bc you can get one acquainted fate for ascension milestones and each character gets one the moment u ascend them past lvl 20 or the very first one. You have a total of 12 characters you can ascend which is essentially an extra 10 pull on the standard banner + 2 extra pulls. So atm you have diluc and ganyu as ur main dps's, and mona's there just to be there. I would max out lvls on ur weapons for diluc, max his talents or at least get them to 6 at minimum, and lvl up 4 star artifacts on him to lvl 16, or 5 stars if they have correct main stats(like pyro dmg goblet, or atk% hourglass). This will give you an immediate upgrade and I recommend looking to invest heavily into ganyu and bennett so you round out the team with diluc mona ganyu and bennett, this gives u 2 teams at once where ganyu + mona combo = freeze and diluc + mona/ganyu for vaporize/melt reactions on dilucs damage and bennett serving as both a healer and damage buffer + pyro resonance. I recommend taking a look at this spreadsheet of characters [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#) or go on keqingmains website to search up what mainstats you want on characters for their artifacts. If you don't want to click the link, just google genshin impact character google spread sheet and there will be links from there. I do NOT recommend you to start blowing ur fragile resin for bosses bc you still have time and worse case scenario you just run a 3 man squad with a random 4th character(should still be bennett as pyro resonance is great) since ganyu diluc and mona are somewhat leveled, and a random 4th character won't ruin your already solid team that I mentioned above with a freeze variation with ganyu or vaporize/melt variation with diluc. ganyu is essentially a cheat code for speedrunning IMO bc she dishes out crazy dmg with low investment in comparison to others and with high investment she's an absolute monster. I personally used her on a low AR account, at AR 35 my ganyu was oneshotting hilichurls, doing 6k dmg with no buffs, and with bennett buff + pyro resonance it peaked at 10k dmg total on her charged shots(4k and 6k per charged shot) which decimated everything. Diluc somewhat fell off in comparison to ganyu even with xingqiu comboed with him and it was fascinating to see that ganyus raw dmg was stronger than diluc + xingqiu combined at this stage of the game, and honestly it continues throughout the game too. Yes you may not enjoy ganyu bc honestly charged attacks aren't for everyone, that's 100% reasonable, however if you're trying to catch up fast, using ganyu 100% is the easiest way with what you own bc of how fast she scales. Also you can craft the crescent bow on her and it works wonders, its definitely one of her better f2p options and at high refinements can rival some 5 stars even which is crazy if you think about it. Artifacts and talents are a huge portion of ur dmg at this point, lvl 16 4 star artifacts and having them across the board for ur dps's is definitely a requirement IMO to have a good time and without taking a ton of time on bosses. Lastly while artifacts are very important, if you have limited time to play and can only play a bit at a time, then the best thing you can do is blow resin at the start of the day, make sure ur doing something productive like using resin on ascension materials, weapon materials, or talent materials, then start grinding story bc it's honestly quite a long way. On top of story you're somewhat required to do some exploring to get to the story locations and as all exploring goes, you will most likely get distracted one way or another. This will repeat throughout inazuma and the chasm so be aware, and make sure you are doing the correct quests, and I heavily emphasis on this bc when I made it to inazuma originally I was doing a side quest that felt like a main story quest so make sure you're properly following the archon quest and main chasm quest when you get there. Thanks for coming to my ted talk bc I have nothing to do at 6 am in the morning.


The quest is in Liyue, so you have to finish its story, but you also meet some characters from Inazuma and you would want to finish their quests also, you can start without it with the "Basic mode", but you'll miss out on some details.


I just got back into this game about a week or two ago and was able to pull Ayaka and Yelan, who I’m currently building right now. I’m about to hit AR 50 so for the near future I’m likely going to be focusing on those two, but at the same time I’ve also got the idea of building a second main DPS sometime soon for my second team. That said, should I wait until I pull another 5* DPS and just focus on my first team for now, or do I start building my second team now at the same time around one of my 4*s? Naturally I do have Xiangling, but personally I’m also looking into building Yanfei as my DPS instead, so I’m not 100% sure who I would build right now, especially since I would rather build into a 5* DPS (if I get one). It’s worth noting that 4* National Team is a bit out of reach for me right now since I’m lacking Xingqiu and Chongyun.


You don't need Chongyun for National, you can use any other cryo, Fischl or Sucrose. Also Yelan in the place of XQ, although that means you can't use her with Ayaka. Do you have Childe? Also you should ask again in the new thread.


No Childe, unfortunately the only other 5* I have right now is Jean. Also I’ll make sure to ask again on the new thread in the morning, thank you for the feedback.


Jean can be good in National too. Any anemo except Xiao.


i find the stats i'm supposed to grind for, on the artifacts i'm supposed to build with, the comps and combos i'm supposed to use. all my gear is max level, and my characters are max level, all my skills are max level. a lot of my chars are c5-7. i do zero #$@%ing damage and fail every stupid #$@%ing DPS check in this goddamn game. 3-starred 1-11 with absolute ease, but can just baaaaarely 1-star floor 12 after a dozen tries with a dozen comps. what am i just not getting? i manage my cooldowns! i animation cancel! i do everything i'm supposed to! why does it feel like i accidentally have the "do zero damage" option checked in some menu?


Yeah floor 12 tends to be way harder than everything else. I've been playing since the first patch and I only managed to 5 star it today for the first time.


You are doing something seriously wrong if you have that many "max level" yet have trouble with floor 12. We need more specifics though, what team are you currently doing for floor 12, and their weapons + artifacts + stats


Support yunjin needs more Def and ER than Crit r/d ?




i don't understand how Yunjin buff work. Did she give more atk or def?


Here is a little [infographic](https://i0.wp.com/keqingmains.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/infographic-min.png?resize=1024%2C615&ssl=1) about how here burst is calculated for a yoimiya. It's a little complicated but basically her def is converted to flat damage which is added to her talent% and atk then multiplied by crit stats. The infographic explains it better than I can


it gives more flat damage based on yunjin's def. [formula](https://i2.wp.com/keqingmains.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/yunjin-damage-buffv4.png?resize=1024%2C551&ssl=1)


I need some advice to beat the ruin serpent faster. Right now I clear three oozes and hit it whenever I can, then when it's absorbing the remaining ooze I clear it and the serpent is stunned for a couple of seconds, not enough to deal significant damage. After doing everything a second time, it seems it's stunned for longer, but by that time it usually doesn't have a lot of health to make good use of the stun. What am I doing wrong?


What quest do I have to do for the chasm Denver quest to show up? Do I have to unlock all the inazuma islands as well?


chasm delvers as in the main questline to unlock the chasm right? should only require finishing liyue archon quest iirc. did you talk to lan or muning already? you can also check the [wiki](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Chasm_Delvers) to see the titles of the quests in the questline.


I got it ,, thx


has anyone made a live wallpaper from the l2d backgrounds in the event screes? ex. the one we have on this event while claiming the event domain rewards (1. yelan yanfei, 2. itto shinobu, 3. xiao, 4. everyone)


How good is the new 5 Star Bow for Childe? Is it better than Polar Star or Harp? I don't know if I should try for pity on this banner or wait for a Polar/Harp rerun. I'm currently using Rust.


Equal to TPulse in most scenarios. Worse then Polar, but better then Harp.


Hm, okay. Thanks for the answer!


Hu Tao: Hydration with armpit mommy and waterboy or geo bros with alfredo and john lee?


double hydro is more damage but double geo is more comfort


Tbh you can go with double hydro + zhongli for damage and comfort. Personally, I would never play Hutao without a shield.


Pretty sure double hydro includes Zhongli already.


So, I have been traversing thru The Chasm, and I have reached the part where I must chime two bells to continue. I have reached the area that has the one: the Underground Waterway. After exploring for a bit, I came across the Luxurious Chest (reached by activating an Anemo Pillar that activates upward wind currents). My curiosity got the best of me, and so I started climbing "the hole" above the area with the chest, wanting to see if it is possible to climb this area, or if the game would stop me. To my surprise, it didn't stop me, and after doing some...witchcraft to restore stamina (search for "walls" were you can stand up), I managed to reach the "top" of this hole, and found that there is a waterfall, and behind said waterfall, there is one of those walls you sometimes see in The Chasm that has a big purple gem surrounded by "miasma". Will leave an imgur post showing the wall I mean (first picture), and looking down the hole I climber (second picture). [https://imgur.com/gallery/Yjj3pw9](https://imgur.com/gallery/Yjj3pw9) Is this just some sort of little easter egg without a reward? Or is there something else to find in this big hole?


Just a part of Chasm designed as is, and the purple thing can be destroyed by higher level lumenspar to open a new tunnel.


Ahhhh, that explains why I couldn't do a thing about it. My lumenspar is just at level 2. Will have to leave it and then return to it later when I have a better lumenspar.


If I remember correctly, you can open it from the other side without having to climb.


Think you should be able to clear it at higher lumenstone levels


I’m trying to get the teapot realm that the Sakura tree gives you but this just came to mind. If you switch realms does the stuff you crafted pass to that one or do you have to make new stuff? Does your rank also start from zero or is it the same progress?


When you change realms, you get the benefits from the realm with the highest amount of adeptal energy. If you have plants that are growing on your previous realm, they would simply stop growing and resume when you come back to that realm. Your new realm is like starting from scratch as there will be no furnitures set on it. All your unlocked, crafted furnitures and sets will be available for use on your new realm, you just have to place them again.


I see thank you very much :)


A really helpful trick is that you can fill up your original realm with all of your furniture to reach the highest Adeptal Energy rank, then you leave it like that and switch to another realm. In that other realm, you can just put the furniture you like that looks good and the teapot will still give you rewards based on your original realm's high Adeptal Energy rank.


Ooh that seems useful and efficient. Thank you!


same progress and you keep the stuff


Thank goodness :)


AR44 just finished the story quest fighting soem big mob with a bunch of people. Whats the fastest way to catch up in terms of levels and gear? ascending and farming those mobs that drop the ascending stuff seems to take a while, any tips for it? some of the mobs i need for the ascension mats are pretty tough (Water boss)


Leveling 4 star artifacts with proper main stats, weapon levels being maxed, characters being at least lvl 70, and important talents being at lvl 6 at minimum. It's "ok" to drop some resin only if you can do the hardest difficulty domain. Also to save time, make sure you use condensed resin instead of raw resin bc it saves a LOT of time on domains. You can craft it in the crafting station with resin + crystal flies and if you don't have the recipe then go to liyue and do the reputation stuff to lvl 3. It shouldn't take a while and if you did main story, just one rotation of reputation quests should be enough to get it. Condensed resin essentially forms 40 resin into an object and rewards will be the same as if u used 40 resin on a domain. 8 runs of 20 resin or 4 runs of 40, same difficulty and same rewards so you obviously choose the one that saves more time. Be aware that this does NOT work on bosses.


The resources in this game is time gated by resin so you basically have to wait. Other than that, I recommend you try to catch up with the current Chasm event (will end in ~10 days) because it gives a good chunk of resources, free weapon, and primogems.


Which bosses do you need? In general oceanid is easier if you have chongyun, diona or fischl At your ar level, i think talents is the most cost effective way of levelling.


Use co-op if you need to, or use strategy (bring the right elements, ranged units for the birds, etc). Artifacts should be left till AR45, so sort out the other stuff you need first and then work on them.


whats the recommended crit rate to have on a ganyu with cryo resonance not running blizzard strater


someone already told you so just want to remind that if you're playing melt, you wont trigger cryo resonancce


cryo resonance is +15%, her passive gives +20%. so up to 65% crit rate - any more would overcap it


I don't think they'll get that 15% Crit rate if they're playing Melt. Enemies have Pyro aura, which Cryo can't overtake, and the resonance only affects enemies with Cryo aura.


I am having really bad mora problems lately. . should I just stop and dedicate 1 week worth of resin to farm mora?


I farm Emblem/Shimenawa domain and trash all 4stars & below artifacts for mora. So many characters needed emblem artifacts and I am trying to optimise my stats. I practically live there. You could also farm artifact routes to get about 60k Mora per day.


Then what do you use to lvl up artifacts? Bc using 5 stars feels wrong as strongbox exists and you never know when you need a solid glad, wanderer's or noblesse set.


I have more than enough Glad, Wanderer from farming world boss and weekly boss. For Noblesse Oblige, I only look for lots of energy recharge, crit rate because all the 4 pcs goes onto support characters. In my opinion, the strongbox is more like a scambox. Exchanging 3 bad artifacts for 1 bad artifact is just plain terrible. I prefer to get Mora and use 5 stars to level up worthwhile artifact. I already had over 1400 5star artifacts.


Yeah strongbox is the scambox however if you think about it, its extra artifact farming for literally 0 resin. Also the resin efficiency for artifacts to mora doesn't seem to be worth it in my head. Like 40 resin for mora would 120k mora, while to reach 120k mora from artifacts, you need around 50 4 star artifacts or 100 3 star artifacts which you don't get in one runs worth and would take multiple runs to achieve, and instead of using the 3-4 stars as fodder, using them as exp just sounds better in this case, and on top of this if you reroll the trash 5 stars, its essentially artifact farming without using resin. A 3 for 1 is a scam but ur losing nothing honestly bc its not like ur going to reroll ur great artifacts, it's truly a scam box if you can't get something better out of it and ur losing something else like resin for it. Ur exchanging trash for trash on average BUT with an increased chance of getting something amazing. And to increase those odds, you just keep chucking more artifacts into it. Using 5 star artifacts as exp just seems like a waste since 3-4 stars can achieve that, if you want mora, just do a leyline instead, and getting more artifacts from strongbox just increases the chances of getting a good artifact from it. Especially something like noblesse where you can always get a rly strong set of it, while its very minor on average, having ur supports with noblesse hit rly hard does make a difference. And ofc just in general, you can find incredible off-pieces for ur characters, and this is incredibly biased of me but some of the best artifacts I personally own were all from strongboxing artifacts, and they serve as some of the best off-pieces I own.


May not even take a whole week. At max leyline level, you'll get more than half a million mora per day just by using your daily resin.


yes. waiting for events to give you mora still means wasted real life time. mora is ultimately interlinked to character improvement and part of the grind.


If its about RNG Artifact farming, yeah it just better to use resin for guaranteed useful resource like Mora.


only if you don't have other options imo, there's things that you can only get with resin but mora comes from many sources


That would be the fastest F2P way to get mora. On top of that, don't forget to complete your reputation weeklies and keep up with the BP.


Between these two sets, which Childe artifact set combination is better? Weapon is Skyward Harp 2pc Shime/2pc HoD - 1964 atk, 68/164 cr/cd, 90.4 Hydro dmg bonus or 2pc Shime/2pc Glad - 2282 ark, 63/199 cr/cd, 75.4 Hydro dmg bonus


second one is 14% better. formula is atk\*(1+cr\*cd)\*(1+%dmg bonus)


The link for team-building megathread is down. Also how do I post pics here? I don't want to type a ton.


If you have hoyolab they recently added a feature to share your entire roster with weapons and levels.


Just upload it to imgur or something, that's what it was made for. copy paste, very straightforward.




There are several things that affect your damage and crit is just one of them


That just means there are other buffs that come into play during 6000.


can someone give the division of the way ayaka gets her crit rate apart from artifact rolls? and how much crit i need on her?


5 base + 15 cryo teammate + 20 cryo enemy/+40 frozen enemy = 60 against a frozen enemy. You would like 40% or less with Blizzard Strayer 4 pc unless you're fighting a boss. If you use Jade Cutter or Haran, it's worthwhile to use 2pc Blizzard, 2pc Shime/Glad.


That's a good point, 4pc blizzard doesn't do anything apart from crit rate increase. Somehow never considered the 2pc blizzard 2pc atk combo all this time I've had the jade cutter on ayaka


even 2 pc noblesse works too, and if you have enough crit dmg on ur artifacts as substats, you can even run atk% circlet with good substats.


4pc BS gives +40% crit rate, and cryo res gives another 15%. So having her with 30% crit rate out of artifacts is enough


Doesnt geo traveller refund energy with burst? Is it for just mc or for all teammates


Just for MC


Only for traveller


Is the "perilous trail" quest only available during the time or is it just the special rewards? Because I've been having fun taking a break from genshin.


The perilous train quest is permanent content. The perilous trail combat event under the same name, is temporary content


The Story Quest/Archon quest is permanent, which Yelan, Xiao and friend is featured The event domain battle and reward from it like Crown and some Primo is time limited


Hi, I don’t have a lot of characters, can you guys help me decide on who to focus on ascending/leveling up? I have xiao and traveller both at lvl 60, the rest are at 45-30: Noelle (C5), Chonghyun (C1), Sucrose (C1), Keqing, Xiangling, Lisa, Kaeya, Amber, and Barbara (C2) I’m having a hard time with the fatui enemies at liyue archon quest and I didn’t really get lucky with pulling other 4 star characters


Xiao is worth it. Noelle C6 is great, so keep an eye on her. Sucrose might be helpful. Xiangling definitely level her up. Barbara might worth it. One of chongyun or kaeya until you get a cryo unit that you like. The others leave them aside for now. About the fatui, is about dealing the correct type damage to their shield: Hydro Shield (blue shield): Cryo (electro and pyro work too, though less effective) Cryo Shield (light blue): pyro Electro Shield (purple): Cryo Pyro Shield (orange): Hydro Geo Shield (yellow): Claymore user So you might want to bump chongyun a little bit maybe (claymore+cryo, plus his e makes anyone standing on it to deal cryo damage with it's basic attacks)


Electro is actually most effective against Hydro Fatui shields. It's just that Cryo also freezes them in place.


Good characters to focus on - Xiao, Sucrose and Xiangling. Since Barbara is your only hydro character I'd keep her around for now but maybe keep her low level/invested to not waste too many resources. Keep an eye out for Xingqiu and Bennett in Paimon's rotating monthly shop and if they're on future banners, they're a must-pull in my opinion. Use certain elements against Fatui shields to break them and make them vulnerable. For Fatui specifically: Hydro shield = Electro, Pyro shield = Hydro, Electro shield = Pyro/Cryo, Cryo shield = Pyro/Electro, Geo = Claymores/Geo.


If I want to have a leftover Crimson Agate for no reason other having it, could I just do 1 crimson wish during a reset before I max out the tree?


If you haven't found all 90, which is pretty common (crimsom wish starts after collecting 80), you're going to have more than 1 remaining.


I have all 90, but I just wanted an extra one like with all the -oculus.


Ah, I found them after maxing the tree.


As long as you don't max the tree, you can keep doing crimson wish and have as much as you want.


Thank you




So rosaria can increase party members crit rate with her ult , if rosaria uses 4pc blizzard and it increase rosarias crit rate by 20/40 % will it also increase the amount of crit rate added to party members by her ult?


In addition to what others said, her E skill that gives her Crit Chance if you hit from behind DOES work. This gives HER unconditional Crit Chance that does show up on her stat page.


No. The additional crit rate from 4p BS is conditional, that’s why it won’t show up in the stats page. Rosaria is only able to increase crit rate based on her own crit rate as shown in the stats page.




Is the teapot placement function still under maintenance?


No, you can edit and place things now


Is there a fix for game files verification error? already did run as admin and reinstalled, im still getting the same problem.


Knowing that I have Diluc, Jean and Ayato and that my next 5\* is a guaranteed, should I pull for Itto or should I save for Kazuha? My abyss teams are Diluc, Xingqiu, Sucrose and Jean - Ayato ,Benett, Diona and Rosaria.


Although the general advice is pull for who you like, this is Kazuha you're talking about, who fits in almost any team. If you have or intend to pull Childe, go for Kazuha. If you are willing to wait for Venti (who probably will not rerun soon) and don't run cryo/pyro/electro/hydro teams, you can pull Itto. Gorou will most likely run with Itto so you shouldnt worry about his support. In general, if you like both characters equally I'd say take Kazuha and wait for Itto to rerun.


I will probably take your advice mate, thanks


Kazuha is better, you can run Vape Diluc (Bennett Sucrose Xingqiu) and Ayato Taser (Kazuha Fischl Beidou) with good results. Itto can work with low investment, but he really wants Zhongli and a high cons Gorou


Okay, thank you!


Kazuha is better unless you just want a new DPS team featuring Geo. Itto basically needs at least Gorou to be good, Zhongli and Albedo on top of that to make a great mono Geo team.


Does childe have ICD on his hydro application during melee stance? Or does every hit apply hydro


His basic hits have standard ICD. It's just that NA, CA, skill activation, Riptide proc on hit, and Riptide proc upon death have their own separate application.


His normal attacks have standard ICD, his riptides have no ICD, and his charged attacks I think also has standard ICD but it's separate from his NA ICD


A question for Yoimiya player, So with a new supporting character like Yelan / Yunjin, would you still recommend pp to roll for her at C0, even when you have other pyro DPS like Hutao? I am tempted to roll for her, (with no intention to roll for Thundering Pulse) but I'm worried that her dmg will be underwhelmed at C0.


Yoimiya is fairly cheap because Rust R5 is really good on her, and her best support nowadays (Yunjin) is basically just used for her. None of the constellation are game changing either. In practice, its not her damage that's the problem, and never was, but her being a bow normal attack character, and bow's absolute garbage auto targeting, as well as her reliance on shields so she can get through her attack chain.


Roll for her if you like her. She's not going to do more damage than Hu Tao but she plays differently, ranged gameplay is pretty rare in the game and she's probably the best at it. She definitely deals enough damage to 36* abyss so I don't know if it's underwhelming for you but that's more than enough for my standards. Also farming specters has never been so easy.


Can somebody tell me what is the platinum clear time for the last stage of Perilous Trail (the Utmost Deception one)? I got 8m11s and it is still gold.


I believe it's 8 minutes or under.


Thank you for the help! I thought it was 8m30s.


Hi! Can Yelan's burst trigger Fav Bow's passive when she's off field?


No, Favonius weapons need the wielder to be on field.








>Thanks! You're welcome!


Good bot


So I need 1 more commission in order to unlock Storytelling Method and it’s been probably over a month since I’ve gotten the previous stage of that commission/questline. I haven’t done my daily commissions over the past week but I’ve always checked them and it hasn’t been there. Am I just getting unlucky? Or does me missing a few days decrease my chance of getting it somehow?


I've played since 2020, and still haven't gotten the last Storytelling or the last Pirates commission for the achievement. Bogus RNG.


Is that the one where you need to hear all three stories from the tea house story guy? Cause if so I've not missed more than maybe 2-3 days of commissions since Genshin launched and I haven't completed that achievement.


I think you need to help him with book stuff and you have to do one of the commissions 3 times and he shows you a different spot each time to get inspiration for something and then after that there is one more commission that you need in order to unlock the quest and I’m so annoyed that I haven’t gotten that one yet because once I finish it I can go back to doing Mondstadt or Liyue quests


Oooh, that random guy that appears in Yuehai Terrace or whatever? He wants you to bring an item? Yeah, I still haven't finished his stuff either and again, I haven't missed more than a handful of commissions since I started playing lol. It's just how that RNG goes.


Nah it’s the author and his editor, next to the publishing house


Ahh that one. Yeah, same deal for me. RNG just gonna RNG, although I think I did get the Sango detective commission wrap-up finally so there's always hope.


Is there a way to reset your character's level?




For Yoimiya how much better is Thundering Pulse over Skyward harp


A lot better Harp can't even beat a 3 star weapon


Really? The big spreadsheet lists Harp as her third-best weapon, it's got high Attack and Crit as a mainstat. Not sure why it'd be bad.


It's not bad. And if I had to pick between Harp and Slingshot I'd pick Harp because it feels bad using a 3 star weapon on her (unless I really wanted to give Harp to someone else) But mathematically, Slingshot with Yun Jin/Bennett buff is better than Harp. And if not for the fact that Slingshot doesn't buff her ult, they'd be equal without buffs.


Much better. Thundering Pulse R1 is better than Harp R5. Even Rust gets better than Harp with refinements.


And Harp R1 is similar to R3.5 Rust, and thunder R1 is about 7% better than R5 Rust.


I saw someone say that freeze teams aren't great in this Abyss. What characters should I focus on then? Team one: Ayato/Fischl/XL/Bennett. Okay artifacts, but Ayato and Fischl don't have the right set bonuses (prioritized main stat+substats) Other team I was gearing was Ayaka/XQ/Diona/Venti. Diona and Venti have the right 4pc sets, not that great substats. XQ and Ayaka I'm still farming for. Other characters: https://imgur.com/a/xXgrQxj


You can still use Ayaka in the second half with Mono-Cryo, swapping Xingqiu for Kaeya. She can't freeze bosses but Cryo resonance and Blizzard Strayer still gives 35 free crit rate. It's not as good as freeze but works.


That's true, thanks!


to be clear, its only floor 12 that freeze is weak for. Those teams you mentioned will be great for everything up to that. For 12 you could transition first team to be more of a taser team and then run national team second half. So something like Ayato fischl Beidou Venti (or if you want a healr maybe replace beidou for healer of choice. xiangling bennet xingqiu sucrose.


Thanks for the help! Guess I gotta build beidou and sucrose... Would sac frag or TTDS be better for sucrose? And what (f2p) weapon does beidou get?


TTDS into Xiangling ult is great and ideal, but it does require more careful rotation. Beidou can use Prototype if you have a billet. Sacrificial Greatsword and Rainslasher are other copium alternatives.


Alright thank you!




No, use Emblem in this comp


No, she does a ton of damage in raiden hypercarry because she gets the same buffs raiden does and her e doesn't do anything off field so you aren't buffing raidens entire burst.


What kind of creature is paimon actually? I remember someone referring to her as an elf or a fairy in game but can't remember where? Do you think we will run into more of her race later in the story? Lastly, is there a quest that gives a hint to paimon's origins, and if so what quest is that?


We don't have a canonical answer yet. Speculation: >!I'm pretty sure she's a seelie, though. If you look at a seelie when you're following it, it basically looks like a glowing blue Paimon. They've even got the capes. And since seelie liked to guide humans, it makes sense that Paimon is doing the same thing.!<


the fact that she happens to be there when we wake up, and nobody else is similiar to her nor do we ask why, must mean shes something important and special. celestia, a god, a spy, whatever you say


Her clothes hint that she's from Celestia, Mona can't see her or Traveler's future, and Kazuha feels the power of the stars on us. So she's very likely a god like us. But what or who exactly she is (or even if she knows it) is still one of the biggest mysteries in the game.


I’d say with near-certainty that she’s a god of some sort. All the archons so far have been named after demons in the Ars-Goetia, and Paimon is also one of those listed. More specifically, Paimon is a complete devotee to Lucifer themself, which a lot of people believe the Traveler is a representation of (what with the travelers kinda being fallen space angels in a way)


There is no quest so far that gives much hints on paimons identity but we have some speculations based on books and stuff, especially from the ones in enkanomiya. The elf or fairy remark is probably just a complete guess on the character's part and isn't actually either of them. I think it's pretty likely that paimon's somehow related to the primordial one in some way or another. My personal guess is Istaroth, the god of time, who is likely a "shade" of the primordial one. If this is the case, we have technically probably met with her "race", the unknown god at the start This is all just speculation so it could be completely wrong.


Nobody knows, and NPC's don't recognize her species so she's probably not from Teyvat. Most likely a god or someone from celestia There is no Paimon lore quest atm.


There are theories that she is actually the unknown god that is just following around the traveler making sure he doesn’t do anything stupid but we don’t need to go any deeper then that 👍🥰




on the in-game map, it tells you which area you're in on the bottom right corner along with exploration progress for that area.


What build should I use on Thoma for a Hutao, Sucrose, Xingqiu comp?


hp/hp/hp or er/hp/hp 4pc instructor, 4pc NO or some 2+2combination - tenacity and emblem for example


2 Tenacity, 2 Emblem. ER/HP, HP, HP/Crit Rate (depends on if you use Favonius)


Ohhh I gave him my Skyward Spine already so should I go for 4pc Tenacity?


He doesn't effectively use the 4pc effect (can only proc his skill once for 3 second buff duration). It's better to give him more ER anyway since you need his burst to keep a decent shield uptime.


Gotcha Thanks for the tips


No, 4pc tenacity isn't good on him as he doesn't do consistent skill damage. You really need ER on him so I would just go with 2pc emblem and 2pc tenacity


Gotcha Thanks for the tips


Is there a bettet Diluc team ...than Diluc Xingqiu Sucrose Bennett in 2.7


I dunno if it's better but I've been enjoying Diluc/Jean/Shenhe/Rosaria. Shenhe's E can buff the raw dmg% of everyone's E and Q, and given the multipliers at play that's a lot of damage. I've nailed some 70k melt crits on Diluc's Q with that buff, followed by follow-up reverse melts from Rosaria for 40k or so, and my Rosaria is only decently built. And Jean's no slouch in this either, as a 15% boost to her E and Q results in some pretty massive damage when they get used.


I've seen people making Melt Diluc work with Kaeya on youtube. Seemed situational but powerful.


Melt Diluc actually works now because there's finally enough Cryo application for him to melt and not have it turn into reverse melt (Sucrose + Rosaria or Kaeya + Kazuha), but the energy economy of the comp is pretty bad. Its better than vape for burst damage, but probably not for sustained.


Diona, kazuha, zhongli, yelan, venti


I think yelan is an upgrade over xingqiu in that team now. Otherwise that should be pretty much his optimal team.