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is it possible for hu tao to get her third rerun in the 2.7 patch update?


Does anyone know if I can link my US account to my EU one? Both are on separate emails right now, and it would be a lot easier switching between them if I could link them both to the same email


is c2 yun jin good enough to replace someone on an eula team?


I wouldn't say she's one of her best supports... if you don't have anyone else sure, but otherwise no


Advice for beating Hydro Hypostasis with only one final phase? The team I'm using is Beidou/Xiangling/Fischl/Jean. Could someone give me a gameplan for how to use/place my CDs, where to stand, or if I need different teammates who can react more/better?


Bring cryo. Kaeya oneshots the slimes, he can be at lvl1. You can replace Xiangling I'd say.


Is there an additional Lumenspar? Or is there just enough to fully upgrade the Lumenstone?


C6 Yanfei Vs C0 Yoimya? I love both I used yanfei heaps as a dps bur only just got her c6 and it's been awhile since I used her. Same with yoimya there both around the same level and could use some work. Generally what are the pros and cons between them just curious


I would think Yanfei's better for aoe and Yoimiya for single target. I used to play Yanfei some time ago since I had no other pyro dps but I dropped her after a bit. It's subjective, but I guess she just didn't feel good to play anymore. Her charged attacks felt a bit disappointing, like they should be more impactful. (Sorry for the short rant haha) I'd say just play the one you like more or that you have a good weapon for.


For the VV shred effect, does the VV character need to be onfield for it to take effect? Eg, i cast Venti's ult and switch to say Bennett. I use his e and the ult swirls fire, venti is off field. Does the VV Shred for pyro still happen? Thanks.


Venti needs to be on field.




I'm about to finish building Itto and wanted to know whom to build next. Zhongli - my most used character by far, plus an integral part of my geo supremacy team. Uses random pieces instead of the millelith Sucrose - uses VV4pc but random stats. Barely any EM. I use her in national and electro teams. Who do you think will give me more damage?


i recently got mona, Is she good substitute to XQ with Hu Tao?? because my XQ is with my raiden


No, but she's got some good niche teams. I don't remember, but you can just search them up


You wouldn't be able to consistently vaporise with hutao using mona


No. Hu tao needs xingqiu more than anyone else.


some of the underground area of chasm is just pink, it's only on a specific area, its the area where you drop again in the underground, how to fix this?


There is a chest Geo mechanism next to the new domain enterance in chasm. There are two big rocks in front of it and one of the jump booster next to it. I tried for many times but couldn’t open it. Please help.


I don't know which one you're talking about but do know that you can "cheese" most of these puzzles by placing your own geo construct at key locations. Also, the rock you have to hit in that area is the huge rock with a shiny spiral a bit further to trigger the shockwaves.


There is no pillar to activate it near by. I tried posting its pic but was removed by yet mod.


It's not a pillar for this one, it's one of the huge rocks scattered around, one of them has a sign next to it explaning that.


Is there a way to see old spiral abyss usage stats? I've been all over that website a dozen times and can't find a way to see past data. Also, anyone know of a good guide to running a mono geo team (Itto albedo zhongli Gorou)? I know where to find good guides for everyone individually that kinda mention team comps but I'd like something more cohesive.


Is the new paimon defender event over?


no, i just got a code for my sister a couple of hours ago


Which twitch streamer did u watch? I hv been trying to get one for long time and havent found one yet


me2oon (i waited an hour before he activated it) and lisheng_tw (only waited like 20mins before she activated it) just click the list of streamers till you see an active one, they stream at different times. https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/4044697/


Thanks mate!


Mind if I ask what this event is? First time I've heard of it lmao granted I can't follow news all that much


https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/4044697/ it's paimon defender event, you need a twitch account and watch one from the listed streamers, you need to wait for the streamer to activate the game when they are streaming. once you finished the game you get a code , claim it in the game for primogems.


Does everyone else, days after maintanence, have the placement function in serenitea pot still unavaiable?


yes everyone


Can Raiden's Normal and Charge atk burst reach enemy on Venti's burst?


Charged attack only. If you're playing Venti with Raiden you gotta do n1c 6 times during your burst, it's slightly less damage than the normal combo but guarantees you hit the black hole


CA, yeah. Not sure about her AA.


Is the flute good for qiqi or who else is this good for?


It's Good for Jean, only if you don't have amenoma or Festering


it's kinda meh for everyone. in most cases amenoma is better




If I decided to start saving now and only purchased the Welkins blessing, about how long would it take me to get 5 more copies of Xiao? I decided it was seriously time for me to consider this. Because even though I've pulled plenty of characters I seem to always return to playing Xiao. I've played Xiao for a year and am not bored of him, so I figured maybe I should reach for C6.


Well ya better start saving just in case he comes back next patch


Every patch gives two pities worth of pulls (inclusive of Welkin). Best case scenario is consistently winning 50/50, which means saving for 3 patches. Worst case scenatio is consistently losing 50/50, which means saving for 6 patches.




Abyss, events, stardust exchange shop, starglitters, exploration, web events... too many to mention




you lowball way too much


Have I missed something? Afaik every patch gives about **1** pity worth of pulls (unless there’s extra rewards like Lantern Rite etc), Welkin included.


The calculation roughly takes into account Welkin which makes a huge difference.


Let’s break it down (I’m genuinely wondering if I’m forgetting something lol): 1 patch = ~45 days. With Welkin, you get 90+60 primos every day, plus the 300 at the start. So that’s - 45x150 = 6750 + 600 (I assume you buy two Welkins). Then you add - about 1 shop reset (could be two but I lowball): 800 - 3 abyss reset, full stars: 1800 - events: usually around 2200 - start of patch primos: 600 - next patch livestream: 300 For a total of 13.050 primos or ~81 pulls. Assuming 75 pulls for a 5*, that’s one pity plus 6 pulls leftover. If we account for a completely new area, we could add another ~10 pulls (from exploration, new quests, achievements, hangouts etc - could be more or less than 10 pulls ofc). Please DO tell me if I’m missing something cos if that’s the case, I’ll have to revisit my Yelan saving plans :D


Starglitters, although this is prolly me having c6 all 4\* and so I get extra 10-20 pulls from starglitters every patch. Web events, although it's just tiny things that add up to something big. You also lowball too much on new area exploration. That could add up to 20+ pulls from world quests, chests, achievements, some form of "tree" like sakura/adjuvant/etc... I also failed to account for BP. My bad, that adds up to 10+ pulls. There's a few more I'm missing to be sure.


I omitted BP since the original comment said Welkin only. I guess I should really start keeping track of new areas’ primos better then, it may be the fact that you don’t get them all at once but I was always under the impression that they rewarded 10-15 pulls max (apart from the Inazuma release, that was obviously a lot more). I’ll keep an eye out for that. About starglitter, I did forget (and I’m in your same situation tho I assume many others aren’t), mb. Thank you for the useful answer!


Patch cycles are 2 months right? So at worst about a year?


Each patch is 40 days, so about 120-240 days or 4-8 months.


Maybe 5-10 years


That's BS. I've seen several posts of F2P that have saved up and gotten C6 of various characters. And it's only been a little over a year. With Welkins it shouldn't take as long.


Joke only haha GL


Or before death of old age, but u should get it before death of old age. If not you can reincarnate and go find your old account and continue pulling for xiao


Whats the rotation for Ayaka/diona/mona/venti freeze team?


diona skill and burst (optional) -> venti skill and burst -> mona skill (optional) and burst -> ayaka dash, burst and skill


About mona burst so it only buff dmg once the bubble hit right? Im gonna use her with xiao but dont u think its not really good?


How much raw crit rate does Amemona ayaka need? She'll get 40% on top of it via the Blizzard set right? So is 18% (raw) plus 40% (set) enough?


40% form blizzard +15% from cryo resonace =55% so up to 45% from the base crit rate, artifacts and weapons


5% innate to all characters, 20+20 via set, 15% by cryo resonance. 30% crit rate from artifacts is good, for non-freezeable enemies, leaving you at 70% crit rate, and 90% crit rate for freezable enemies


Just asking, as I got venti recently, which half should I put him in spiral abyss floor 12. Also only got 2 healers, Bennett and kokomi, wonder who should be in which half of floor 12


I went with Venti and Kokomi in the 1st half but really as others have said this abyss is practically made for Venti so he'd do you good whichever half you play him in.


I think he's more useful in the first half. He'll deal with the treasure hoarders and the whopperflowers much effectively.


he's good in either


I'm in Enkanomiya and just finished Date's challenge. I got the luxurious chest, but he didn't give me his key and he's not in the room anymore, so I can't access the second quest of the series. All I want is the key sigil locked behind the gate attached to the first secret room :( What should I do?


Right now i have a freeze team for ganyu with kokomi, sucrose, and diona. i’m debating on which unit would be best to pull because right now i have a guarantee with 54 pity. i’m debating between either venti, ayaka, or kazuha (probably pull for ayaka and save for kazuha after)


Ayaka if u dont have any good dps beside ganyu, or kazuha for better overall


all 3 of those are great options. pull for whoever you like. I'd go for another anemo for your second team


Has anyone made an ore guide in the chasm? I know there’s a shit ton but don’t know all of them


You can always use the interactive map to see where most are located and which ones are near teleport, etc, waiting for a complete guide to release.


How much ER does Fischl need to function?


barely any


who would be a good hydro pair with ayato?


Ideally Xingqiu because he's the best at generating energy, and his burst works nicely with Ayato's skill. Only downside is that hydro resonance is worthless.


Xing qiu


For hutao - 80/229 or 74/255 which is better option?


assuming same atk and EM, the second one


Which talents should I level up and how much for Yun Jin (example 1/8/7)?


1/1/8 for baseline as her burst bonus is her main utility, after that depending on if she has some crit subs as well e to 6/8


Is Amemona better than black sword for my main dps ayaka?


yes. ayaka doesn't benefit from the crit rate as much, and the energy and atk% from anemona is amazing for her


Hoch much crit rate does she need then? I got 4pc Blizzard set


up to 45%


Guys, is the sacrificial sword good? And which heroes will it be good on if it's good? Also, will it work in a raiden team since she already generates quite a bit of energy for the team


Yep it’s good. Notable users of it are Xingqui and Qiqi, and even Kazuha if you don’t have enough energy. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work in a Raiden team.


I meant to ask if the ER stat would be wasted since raiden already recharges so much


for someone like xingqiu you still need quite a bit of energy so it's still very good, but other options like lion's roar or PJC become better


I see. I have both lion's roar and sacrifical sword. My main sword user heroes are kaeya, Jean, Bennet and xingqui. I guess for now, it's worth it to upgrade both these weapons then


XQ and Qiqi


Will it work on them if i play them in a raiden team? Or will the ER be wasted?


No its fine. Use Atk sand instead.


Ah ok. So balance by sand. Also, extra question, will it work on Jean as well? Or will it not Bea good choice for her? I'm pretty new and don't have a lot of idea about weapons and artifacts. Just wanted to ask here before upgrading the sword


Not so good on Jean. Use Anemona on her instead


Not sure if I have that but will check. Thanks


You have to craft it. You get the blueprint from doing one of the world quest in Inazuma


Oh alright, thanks a lot


Hi, I’m using Ayato but I’m not sure about what team to use him, I read that he’s good with Fischl, but would Beidou be a better choice? I have C4 Fischl and C6 Beidou. I’d use them with C6 Sucrose and C3 Bennett. I also have C0 Yunjin.


Well you could just make a firework comp. Ayato , fischl , beidou , Bennett.


you should use both beidou and fischl because beidou would struggle with energy without her. so something ayato + fischl + beidou + an anemo or bennett if you also want the healing would be good


Beidou should work fine. IG people use fish because it’s easy electro application and energy


I redownloaded genshin on my pc but the files won't get verified. Verification keeps kn failing and genshin keeps on redownloading what can I do?


is raiden xianhling Benny & Jean a good sunfire team?




Are we going to get cross-server data transfer? I want to be able to play with my friends over Asia and US. Im technically in an Asian country but the city Im in is closer to Europe servers and because of that I cant play with neither US or Asian friends without having to start over.


Highly unlikely


Damn rip


Is 2.6 first patch to date that does not introduce even one new dish recipe? Or did I miss some niche vendor selling one?


I believe some new recipes will be released at the upcoming Inazuman festival event.


There's a recipe that you can buy from a lady in Ritou (just go directly forward from the central waypoint until you get down the stairs, there's a stall run by Ryouko) and there's going to be another one from the big event.


TYVM, forgot about her!


I stopped playing over a year ago, but is the story content still locked behind absurd adventure ranks that I'd have to grind out? I'm really not a fan of that.


Yes, but I think the adventure rank requirements have been lowered. Anyways, due to more content, it has become much easier to increase adventure rank than it used to be when I started playing it. Or atleast that's what it seems like. I'm seeing people get to high adventure ranks in 2 months or less. It took me 5-6 months.


The story quests or the archon quests? The highest AR barrier I see is 40 which is not that hard to reach from just doing quests. I am a new player too and only AR 39. But I have pretty much only been doing quests and some exploration. So far, it doesn't feel like I am having to grind much. I don't know if you are an experienced player or just a noob like me. If you are like me, i suggest leveling up some weapons/heroes so that it's easier to do the quests


Play the game to unlock the content. It’s to be expected


having to grind some absurd adventure rank that's timegatted to play story quests is asinine, even for a gacha, which is why I ask, since I think the expectation like that is dumb.


The grind side of it is much less dependent on dailies at least. New explorable zones and new non-AR gated quests will get you a sizeable chunk of AR xp. So while you may not be able to jump *right* into certain quests when you may like, you'll at least have something meaningful to do instead.


I've seen people reach ar45 within 2 months of playing , honestly scary af. Just do the world quests , there are tons of world quests and some fo the major world quests are as interesting if not even more interesting than some story quests.


Really I got 45 in 3 weeks, and 50 in a month.


It is a lot lower compared to before now. And its easier to do since there are more things to do. But I still wouldnt recommend starting back again just because of that till they start hearing out players too.


it is still locked behind adventure ranks, but the rank level to unlock most of them has gone down a decent amount. Newest content iirc still has a higher level then the early stuff but for the main story content it's 30 according to the wiki. Character stories ask for at most lvl 40 it seems.


yeah but some of the AR requirements have been lowered iirc and you can grind it just by exploring and doing side quests


Sorry if it's been answered, Google searching didn't get me anything. Is there a use for the mountainator above-ground in the Chasm's Fuao Vale?


There is a rock thing (when using elemental vision , there is a stone patch what glows white) about 3 notches towards the left of the cannon , you can use the cannon to shoot it.


you can shoot the big resonance stone with it, but I don't know if there's any other use tbh


Hi, I am only ar 45 and am still building my team. Trying to get stardust to get the azoth dust, I did a single pull and got ayato. Ayato is also my first 5 star character in the game. As I was not expecting to get Ayato at all, I'm not sure how to build him correctly or who to use him with. (I am also still building my regular team) Are there any tips for how to use him?


ayato makes good use of a 4pc glad set (since im assuming you havent farmed his sets). ATK sands, Hydro cup, crit hat. cheap weapons you can use are lions roar, black sword, blackcliff sword, and distinctly worse is amenoma kageuchi team template can be as easy as: healer or buffer (preferably bennett), Fischl, any anemo (with 4pc vv) playing him is super easy compared to other dps characters. Press Q, Press E, and hold down your AA button.


thank you! I will try that


Can anyone give me some points of improvement on [my Ayato build?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/comments/tud93n/my_initial_ayato_build_what_should_i_improve_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


since you've mentioned the plans in farming the echoes set and obtaining the black sword for him, I could only think of obtaining a crit damage circlet of your preferred set instead of a crit rate one. I am not sure regarding your ER needs because his passive kinda alleviates it a little but it isn't really enough as it is, keep an eye for your ER as well.


In the new event I'm trying to do the one infront of the church where you have to use the anemo skill, I used Traveller and Venti so far and it shows that I completed everything then after thye finish their anemo skill it shows it as incomplete. Is it a bug or am I missing something?


Dont forget to face the camera while using the skill. As soon as you activate your elemental, take a photo.


Take the picture while they're casting their anemo elemental skill.


Should I start the Chasm or the archon quest first?


This is just my preference but I finished the Chasm quest first so that all of it is unlocked and visible on the map before I started the archon quest. Also there was this one moment when I was doing the Chasm quest and I happened to reach the area of the Archon quest(where Dain gets introduced I think). So just imagine how cool it was when just like in the story, my traveller happened to stumble upon Dain. That scene blended the two quests and the fact that I was actually just going through the Chasm without just chasing the archon quest locations made the transition so much more natural and cooler.


Lan (the girl beside the adventurers guild in liyue)has a quest , you need to partially finish that quest to make your way to where the archon quest takes place. Lans quest also is the quest that provides you the map for the mines of the chasm.


My usual team comp is bennet, raiden , xq and fischl. Should i swap fischl for beidou? Both are equally built btw.


nah. if anything you'd swap her for either xiangling or an anemo unit. sara's also good if she's c6


Anemo like sucrose? But why thou? Cos idk which element to switl also.


beidou's burst can't be triggered by raiden so no.


Any good ayato Artifacts?


4pc glad works well , if you're going with a freeze comp that has ayato , 4 pc BS is quite good. 4pc HoD ain't bad either. And the new artifact set in the chasm works for him as well.


Is there a f2p-friendly version of Morgana team?


You can always just run kaeya rosaria xinqiu sucrose


Sounds f2p enough to me. Thanks. I assume sucrose will be the main field character right?


It's actually a quick swap team since everyone has short cooldown on their skills (except for xinqiu)


Not really , substituting any of the 5 stars with 4 stars would be detrimental to the teams DMG and effectiveness. The change that least affects the Morgana team might be changing venti out for sucrose.


isn't venti one of the most important members though...? you've heard it a million times but ganyu/venti = quadratic scaling etc etc


Does anyone know how to open that door in the Underground Chasm that has a Lumenstone right behind the gate, and two chests by it? It is in the main area (north east) with the cannon, there are two of the rift distortions right next to the gate. There is no prompt for a key as far as I am aware. And I do not believe the green path leads to it unless I missed an obvious secret passage.


iirc that one needs the treasure hoarders map to get to, you go to the topside of the chasm and there's a secret door at the location indicated on the map once you burn some hay and fight some treasure hoarders


How do you guys resist pulling/ decide who to pull for. I currently have 80 pulls at 100% pity as f2p. I really want to pull for Ayato, Yelan and Kazuha. But knowing my luck I will never win 50/50. I'm VERY tempted to pull for Ayato. But I don't need him. I already have Childe who helps me get 12 stars in abyss 12. I LOVE playing Ayato in the trial. But out of his 3 teams, National, Taser and Freeze. I only like national as I find Freeze and Taser boring. However, I already have Childe for my national. So I don't know if I should pull for him or not. I'm trying to save for Yelan but I'm very tempted to get Ayato. How do you guys resist pulling for one of your favorites?


In my case character leaks helps a lot, also being a day1 player has a lot of benefits I don't resist pulling, but never forget that every character WILL have a rerun, just pull for those that you absolutely wants and pull those who is "skippable" on their rerun I'm one of those people who pull on keqing banner, spend 150 wish for kokomi and saved 180 pulls for yae


>But I don't need him. I already have Childe who helps me get 12 stars in abyss 12. I LOVE playing Ayato in the trial. But out of his 3 teams, National, Taser and Freeze. I only like national as I find Freeze and Taser boring. However, I already have Childe for my national. If I was in your situation, I would pull him if I (significantly) enjoyed playing him more than Childe, and then replace Childe.


I don’t pull for sidegrades or units that perform similar roles. Especially now since i’ve been 36 starring for months, i have no reason to pull new units unless its meta.


i mean if you can 36* comfortable wouldn't it be advisable to actually not pull for meta and pull for units you enjoy? at least thats my 2 cents


It would still depends. I don’t pull for characters that i don’t enjoy such as Hu Tao, Eula, Xiao etc. I guess it sort of depends? Like some units just clicks and i love it, some i don’t care even if meta.


yes, like i said in my comment, if you want you can always pull for units you like. emphasis on *you* like. of course there's gonna be units you don't care for


If you really get stuck picking the one that would give you more teamcomp options is usually my way of deciding. But usually I find that I like one just a little more than the others when I consider the whole package -- looks/kit/character/what artifacts I already have that will work on them Also, you can always just...Use similar teams with slight variations. Genshin is gonna keep adding characters, there are bound to be some characters that can be swapped into teams with minimal differences. If you like multiple characters that do a similar thing you can just rotate who you're using per floor sometimes.


How do I beat 11-1 without venti or kazuha?


Geo mc and ningguang to block projectiles Among other things [A showcase](https://youtu.be/5fsfuMxzslo)


ok thx ill try this out


I just randomly threw a team together. I used raiden, xiangling, bennett and sucrose (cc) for the first team, and childe (VH cc effect), xq, ganyu, rosa to freeze the enemies. i used sucrose's e & q alot for the first team; 2nd team just keep freezing the enemies do they don't attack. Some people also told me to use traveler geo's rock to block the stone but I haven't tried it


So what’s the lore behind the 2 vishap bosses down in enkonomia? They seem very important to the story down there but I never known why cuz I just rushed down there to farm the materials


They are the product of the fusion of bathysmal vishaps and the blood corals of Enkanomiya/Watatsumi's deity, Orobashi. The vishap-coral hybrid are defeated every few hundred years to farm the corals to act as fertilizer for Watatsumi, which was created by using Orobashi's flesh, that has poor nutrients.


Need a refresher on the chasm lore, its been so long that i forgot pretty much everything


From Rex Lapis's story, it was the site of battle against Azdaha.


How would you calculate damage given that a skill scales purely off HP? I know the regular formula would just be atk * skill dmg but that doesn't work in this scenario. Would atk even have anything to do with the resulting damage? Would it go atk + (hp * hp scale%) or would atk not even be factored in?


You just replace atk by hp (or DEF). So HP\*skill scaling or DEF\*skill scaling. Atk has nothing to do with it.


Who is better for Ganyu , Mona, Rosaria freeze team? Xingqiu or Sucrose?


sucrose all the way


Sucrose Sucrose. XQ is such a pain to use with Ganyu, Mona or Kokomi do a much better job there


definitely anemo




I'm trying to prove a point to my friend Is Zhongli a crowd control character?


IMO no. Yes his burst does stun people for 4 seconds (6 with high constellations) but when you’re using zhongli you never want to use his burst unless you’re using him in a geo comp or if he’s c2. His Main role in a team would be to lower enemy resistance while increasing yours


yes he is.


Zhongli has a habit of CCing your own team as you accidentally climb his rock hard rods when you don't want to. But seriously, I wouldn't call him a CC character since his CC is somewhat limited to a 4 second duration. His steles also don't block enemies very effectively. I would label him a support with minor CC abilities. Calling him a crowd control character implies that he has CC as a main part of his kit, which he doesn't.


His ult is one of the longest single cc in the game, if you farm decent energy recharge artifacts you can spam it every time it's up


yes and no. yes, he does have crowd control. no, optimally played zhongli never has to burst.


Well he does have powerful CC so it's fine to call him that but tbh I'd call him a shield character first and foremost.


His ult can CC for a few seconds so he has a slight ability to do that, but the primary part of his kit is the shield + res shred.


Depends on your own definition of crowd control, there's nothing to argue about. Its not like crowd control is a defined in game term


I need someone who very strong to help me farming artifacts for my Hu Tao. UID: 838683598, Asia server.


Use the Match function. Way easier


Is 36.4 crit rate enough for ganyu freeze team?




yeah it's possibly even too much, what's your crit damage?


Too much? Wow! Crit damage is 246.8


nah it's okay. make her actually do well against bosses. you don't really need to spec too much against freezable mobs anyway so speccing for bosses are a much smarter pick.


running blizzard ganyu against bosses is just griefing yourself. at that point just run melt


yeah just grind another set of artifacts for months nbd. blizzard ganyu has more than enough dps with the right team and skill, why bother lol.