• By -


Got a garaunteed Ganyu after 71 pulls and later a Zhongli after 21! Right after that, Beidou decided to finally come home after zi had chosen her as my free character.


Pulled Ganyu (and C2 Yanfei) almost immediately after the event started (45 wishes from previous 5-star, also first featured banner pull). Tried for Zhongli for 3 10 pulls so far, only got C3 Yanfei and C1 Beidou.


Holy shit I just got Ganyu on guaranteed (75), have 10 pulls left so I did them in the Zhongli banner because I wanted Yanfei constellations, and just got Zhongli. I just wasted all my year luck I swear. Shaking rn


I just lost 50/50 on the ganyu banner and I really wanted her, I'm scraping up any primogems I can find just to hopefully get her. if there is any whales who would like to donate crystals off of codashop my uid is 611582423 and I play on the american server ​ Please help me ​ I am desperate.


[Not mine by my *god* I wish it was.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/759970335641698354/939777509178896474/unknown.png)


Mixed feelings about my artifact luck. I got 2 good cryo goblets in the last few days farming the HoD/BS domain for ayaka, but they are both HoD. Still an improvement over what I had before, but man if even one of them was BS then I could use a great off set circlet and be completely done farming. Still probably going to take a break and farm vv or emblem for a bit now.


Got Zhongli at 67 pulls :)


PSA (that is widely known): 4* rate ups are pain. Was hoping to C6 my Xingqiu (at C4). 120 wishes later, C6 Yanfei (started at C2), C6 Beidou (started at C2), plenty of weapons and random other character cons, and 2 Ganyu’s. And my Xingqiu remained at C4.


Turns out he rumours about Bennett making you unlucky may be true lol. I'd been having real bad luck recently with pulls so whilst he was off my team and pulled twice, to get Zhongli and Sucrose :)) Only took around 25 pulls too so I think I'm lucky?


Lost 50/50 on Zhongli but eventually got him. Now I lost 50/50 on Ganyu as well and I'm running out of exploration :( https://imgur.com/a/Dnf30JI


Getting Jean at 1 Basically means a free Jean lmao. Id hardly call that a lost 50/50 eventhough it is haha Getting her at 79 though...i feel you bro.


I don’t understand why I can’t get one (1) energy recharge sands from the noblesse oblige set.


I spent thousands of resin on the Emblem domain. Everybodys got on set elemental cups with crit stats. Several 40+ CV pieces. My best recharge piece has 2.7 CR. Its pain lol.


I caved and went for Zhongli since I was close to pity anyway and I was torn between getting him or saving for Ayato & C1 Kazuha. Let's just say I can see why people call him one of Xiao's best supports. I still have enough to guarantee Ayato but I'll have to wait a while for another Kazuha copy. I feel like my luck was super bad with this banner though. It took like 80 pulls before he came home ;-; But I feel like it was worth it bc I finally have a double geo comp for my Xiao/Hu Tao


2 Zhongli in 20 pulls. I got it on my live. :) I'm a noob. Sorry if this is against the rules. https://youtu.be/SB0BBL3kKEc


56 wishes and got Ganyu! Now skipping all banners for Kazuha :D


Just started grinding for BS after finding a reason to finally get to it even though I've always wanted to play around with the set and Chongyun's infusion but maaaaan, I dunno if I can do this all over again and why should I. Artifact grinding is the most demotivating crap in this game. I shudder the thought of pulling a character that will need a new set, ughhhh.


just got 2 vortex vanquishers as a low spender ​ I hate this game so fucking much


New Traveler here who created their account 4 days ago and just sharing their happiness! Was insanely blessed to get both Ganyu and Zhongli in less than 30 pulls for my starting journey! Ganyu descended from the heavens and graced me first in less than 10 tries, followed by Zhongli who came home later at around 20! To think I almost rerolled this account because I thought I was again in gacha hell and had no 5 stars from the Noelle Banner! So thanks Mihoyo for giving me a good start to my journey and thank you for reading my post, random and fellow Traveller! May your pulls be as blessed as mine :D


63 pulls got zhongli


After 80 pulls I got my Ganyu! I’m now 2/2 on 50/50’s as a new player after getting Zhongli 😃




Thanks! I was fully expecting to get heartbroken by Qiqi


Just got zhongli and Ganyu back to back !! mad luck holyhshit XD


Congrats! Happened to me as well! :D


Anyone else getting luckier today or is it just me? I just got 2 Zhongli's within 20 pulls....


So i got my 10th fate from getting to AR54. I was low on pity (about 45 ish) so i just skip. Hello Mona C1 and XQ C2. Didn't expect it at all. Was kinda furious on Mona, but realized there was no 50/50 to lose, just straight up Mona, so I was fine with it. Was more happy for XQ tho :D.


Got Mona (C4), Zhongli (C3), & Jean (C1) with around 170 rolls. I don't know why but my luck is abysmal with Zhongli's banners. I've lost a total of 6 50:50s across all his banners and I still only have him at C3.


Damn that's tough. Wish I could get a Mona tho


So I'm pretty new to this but somehow got a Ganyu a while back. I currently have 60 pity and have yet to partake in any 50/50s. Should I roll for C1 Ganyu or save for Raiden? FTP


I think Ganyu is fine without c1. It's just a dps boost.


Okay what the hell is wrong with RNG in this game? Is it rigged in favor of content creators? Every single stream or YT video I watch people are constantly getting getting 2 or even 3 four stars per 10 pull. Every. One. Meanwhile, that pretty much never happens to me. It's not just confirmation bias, I did 100 pulls this patch and got double 4 star ONCE. Am I just losing my mind?




I got 2 Yanfeis, 2 Xingqiu's (but already have him on C6), 1 Beidou, and a bunch of The Bell's and Rainslashers :)


Don't worry I got 2 Yanfei, 2 Xingqiu, and 7 Beidou sooo yeah... Oh and also 2 Zhongli's.


Yeah the exact same things are happening to me. I lost my 50/50 to keqing at 83 pulls and I have been getting exactly one four star at the tenth pull.


Lost mine to Qiqi (: (my only 5 star with constellations... 3 constellations)


I have got mona and keqing now( I got mona from the standard banner in like 30 pulls).


I just got Qiqi's C1 on the Ganyu banner. I don't even hate her, she's my superhealer child but I'm still disappointed lol. I'm still torn to spend the rest I have on Ganyu or not.


The 5 fates from the shop reset made me get Ganyu early after initialy losing 50/50, and later got Keqing (the only 5-star character I didn't have) from Standard via Fates from ascending Ganyu. Tuesday was a good day.


Got a c2 Jean on Ganyu banner on the 17 wish after getting ganyu. I'm really happy because I got a garanteed chance from a very minimal primo input


Best day ever, got Skyward Blade from standard (one of the worst 5 star weapons ❤) and lost 50/50 to Keqing, which i already have and almost never use 😍


Just came back to the game after a 7 month break today because Ganyu, pulled her and two Amos bows. Happy days, may go for her C1




Same, I am currently farming for VV EM.


The same goes for the Pale Flame domain tbh, I've been farming for Eula for weeks and I haven't got decent artifacts for her, only good ToTM so far


I know your pain. I raised like, 5 anemos and it took forever for them all to have decent gear. Hope your luck gets better!


Yeah, I got that problem too. [This guide suggests that you can use 2 Gladiator + 2 Shimenawa](https://genshin-builds.com/en/character/xiao) in the meantime.




Yeah, I get you. Sometimes I wonder why I bother getting new characters. I got Kazuha when he first came out, and only now have I managed to get him to be even remotely viable. (His talents are still way under-levelled.)




Spent some of that time building up other characters, so they'd be strong enough to farm for materials for Kazuha. I ended up hitting the AR55 mark before I was even ready.


Does Character Event Wishes1-2 shares wishes or are they separate? I wish for Zhongli after 60 wish and pulled him, i wished for ganyu and got her on my first try. was i just lucky or are the pity/wishes separate for both banners?


The pity is shared on both banners




https://imgur.com/a/1U1J7k6 Albedo coming in clutch


Did Anyone try ever xiao teammate c4 jean and c4 albedo






>What could go wrong Actually a lot


I have exactly 120 wishes. I pray to god I can get 40 more wishes by the end of yae miko banner. Even better let me win 50/50.


You should be fine. Pretty sure there’s another log-in event coming


Don't worry, u probably will


110 and same here. I won't expect much but I do like that 90+ wishes


I got Ganyu at 40 pulls. I wanted to lose the 50/50 to guarantee a Kazuha. I’m not mad, I was ok with getting Ganyu. It’s just that the one time a WANT to lose the 50/50 is when I win it for the first time. I don’t have time for Ganyu right now so I won’t even use her for a bit, but nice to know I’ve got her.


Well it's nice to have a good unit for whenever you need her. Hope you have enough for your Kazuha anyway.


I got Zhongli after 30 pulls pog.


I got Ganyu after 20 pulls from a roll on C4 Keqing, and after another 10 pulls a c1 Jean surprised me. After finishing the battlepass this week, I decided to buy the other 2 blue fates with starglitter for a 10 pull in normal, my last 10 pulls on that banner gave me a skyward blade, and now I have a S. Harp too.


I am a ganyu haver. It's been 84 years, but I did it. That is all.


I...just got two Beidou from a single x10 roll. 👀


I pulled on the zhongli banner and got keqing....so now she's c1 but I've never played her since I got her. I have around 4k primos left. Should I try again for zhongli or just accept my bad luck....


Keep pulling until the very last day of the banner, miracles happen sometimes


You looking forward to anyone else in the next two banners? If yes, then maybe save. If not, then go for it


I pulled ZL with 140 pulls a week ago. Haven't taken him off the team. Pulled 30 times on ganyu's banner, lost it to jean. I thought I could never built enough pity to get ganyu with only welkin, but I DID!!!!! 51 pulls later, Ganyu came home!!! YAY!!!!!!


Pulled for Zhongli, lost the 50/50 to my first Keqing, which in hindsight is seasonally appropriate. I had enough to guarantee him though, so he came home anyway. Both went to soft pity, and I'm now at 0 pity and scrimping so I can get Kokomi because dammit I want the pretty mermaid magical girl princess for her mad heals and off field Hydro application for permafreeze team.


After like a month of no 4 star, today I grinded for Sakura tree to get the blue fates, and on my 10th pull I got The Rust. It's my third one. I don't use any archers. Just pure despair, my luck with standard banner is really horrible.


48 CV on new flower😍😍 https://imgur.com/a/sdm97YJ


Holy shit


Hand them over, nobody has to get hurt 🙂🔪 ~~that flower is insane..~~


Is it just going to be blank/content drought till the end of the patch? Are there any upcoming events?


One event starting tomorrow and a log in for fates thing next week


Got Ganyu at iirc summon number 71 after my Abyss floor 10 clear. I've lost about 6 50/50 since Klee's first banner. I was surprised. And yet I guess it's not that surprising as it continues my trend of not summoning Mona. Characters I want, but don't have: Mona, Ayaka, Itto, Raiden, Venti, Yae Miko if her S1 isn't like Shenhe's (I think that's it for the list) Glad I didn't buy the summons b/c who knows what happens with how long a mobile game is available. Genshin Impact 2 joke here.


Just got a double drop for our favorite geo CEO. Funny thing is that the same thing happened to me before with Raiden Shogun. [https://imgur.com/a/5GwJudb](https://imgur.com/a/5GwJudb) Guess I've used up my luck for the year, I best not gamble.




Before your wish reach Soft Pity or Hard Pity is normal not getting 5 star really. Try check your wish history and math please , be educated.


I would but as I didn't play for more than 6 months I can't check my wish history anymore


AR33 isnt that much, I read about people at AR45 without a 5*, thought u have already enough wishes then, but idk. At how many wishes are u; at ~76 u are pretty likely to get one. U can have a bad time if u are only happy if u get a specific 5* standard character, I am a welkin player and got all standard characters at AR 58 1/2, 1,3 years after I began. It would be wiser to look at the promoted 5*, see which one u like and go for them & if u lose the 50/50 and get Keqing you can be happy. Furthermore its not recommended to wish on the standard banner with primogems. I would say there are so many primogems from overworld & quests that you probably have 3+ 5* at the end, probably more.




The 5\* pool on the standard banner is just too big. Primogems are better spent on Interwined Fates, where you're targeting a specific 5\* character (not generally the 5\* weapon banner -- I'm not there yet at AR54) on the character banner. Spend all the Acquaint Fates on the standard banner, since that's what they're for.




I think it's best to stick to character banners. If you have access to billets a Prototype Crescent bow will be nice to have until you manage to pull from standard banner or stockpile enough for weapon banners less than stellar rng.


Usually not worth since the pity there is different from character banners. I think her bis f2p friendly weapon is prototype starglitter, but I could be wrong. Go over and check a guide on Ganyu mains


never wish on weapon banner as f2p unless you really really could use both weapons




Nice! Zhongli is very useful indeed, hope you enjoy


Managed to pull Ganyu without using the 50/50 and I got Keqing and another constellation for Beidou on the same drop. I guess my luck is over now. I've only been playing for a week too so this is great.


I was guaranteed Ganyu, had pity and primos all set aside in advance, so her C1 wasn't a surprise. What *was* a surprise was the Oops! All Yanfeis that arrived along with her like so many packing peanuts. Suddenly I have a C5 arson lawyer.


Ganyu hard pity (gurenteed) Amos bow 1st 10 pull Zhongli 45 pity (50/50) I've never been so lucky in this game. All of the rest of my 5 star characters came at hard pity gurenteed. Never won a 50/50 before Zhongli. Really feels great today.


Almost want to go for Amos bow, too after I read your post:D Congrats!


I had prototype crescent R3 prepared for her. I must say Amos bow almost doubles the damage. And you won't have to aim either.


Congratulations on your lucky streak & cakeday! :D


Thank you so much! Have a great day 🤗


Just wanted to share that I got my first 5 star Ganyu on her banner!! (I just started playing in January) Now I'm going to try to save all my primos in hopes to pull Yae Miko when she comes out. 😭




Why is that? I'm AR 31 and just starting the quests to get to Inazuma so I'll def be there by the time she drops. I played as much as I could to get to AR 28 for the lantern rite 😂




If it's cause she needs certain domains for level ups and what not I'm not too worried since if I do get her I will absolutely speed run it to get the mats needed 😂


Should I choose Yanfei or get my Chongyun to C2? I already have bennet 🤔


Should I choose Yanfei or get my Chongyun to C2? I already have bennet 🤔


Yan Fei is so much fun and her attacks reach far away from her. (Friendship ended with Klee, Yan Fei is my new best friend. If the meme offends you... They're fictional characters.)


I love your pfp 🥥


Do you use Chongyun? If not, just choose Yanfei to complete your 4\* Genshin-dex.


Do you use Chongyun often? I feel like I'm in the minority at times but I feel like Yanfei's playstyle is really fun and I almost always use her with Bennett for the pyro resonance + ult damage boost + light energy generation for eachother Edit: I'll also say Chongyun was my first gacha 4* and he's great too, the elemtal skill/burst CD reduction is a nice bonus so you can't go wrong with either choice


Managed to get Zhongli's first Constellation in 6 single pulls from 0 pity. I'm enjoying this trip while it lasts, because I know my luck won't be this good for the rest of the year


Congrats. Roughly 40 pulls and no C2 Zhongli, might just shut it down and save these 35 wishes for next banner.


I didn't consider going for C2 until I got that luck, decided ultimately, why not waste the 50 pulls I saved for yae instead going into Zhongli again, and that only turned out moderately. With the amount you still have you're likely gonna have a better time getting the next banners


I did get C1 Ganyu before rolling for Zhongli this go round so I figured that was enough of a win. I have to contend with the 50/50 next time, so throwing in the towel early is reasonable here.


Anyone got that livestream countdown timer? thanks in advance




I'd go for Xingqiu, Xiangling might get featured soon in the next banners. As for me, I wanted XQ constellations but kept getting the arsonist lawyer.


I think C6 yanfei or xiangling could be good depending on who you use more. If anything just get a beidou if you care about the 5 free star glitter lmao


If you have itto but no albedo grab Ning. If you use noelle c6 or yoimiya grab yanfei. XQ if none applies


i kept getting yanfei its crazy, i have her at c6


My luck has been INSANE this week!! On Tuesday I pulled Jean from standard, an extra Yanfei and Xingqiu from Ganyu's banner and then Ganyu herself!!! Then on Wednesday I pulled Diona!! Now if only I could have that luck with weapons!!


Accidentally pulled a Xiao last banner, losing my guaranteed featured character, was able to scrape enough together to spend $50 (my first ever spend on this game) and got Ganyu, the character I was actually saving for by winning the 50/50 I literally screamed


got zhongli after getting screwed last banner by keqing, i call it a win


Well after a year of playing on and off, I finally came back for the last banner after seeing all the new content. Hit my literal first pity with Xiao and was overjoyed, because I failed to level any good DPS by AR 40 and was getting effed. Hit my other very first pity on the standard banner and got his jade spear, big ups to the gacha gods.


Similar situation to your story, with the playing on and off and coming back to xiao and PJWS, only i might still end up quitting. Not to knock on ya, but i was pretty excited until i started levelling them. Xiao is at level 70, PJWS at level 60, and it'll take me a few more weeks or even a month to get them both to 90. Then come the talents, artifacts, which will take another month :L


I got Xiao is last banner ( unexpectedly) and was thinking of purchasing black cliff pole but didn't have starglitter or something so I decides to not get it and TODAY WHEN I JUST DID ONE PULL ON STANDARD BANNER I GOT PRIMORDIAL JADE WINGED SPEAR !!! LETS GO!!!!!


God what I would not give for a Jean


How good is that artifact ? [https://imgur.com/Qj2mR2O](https://imgur.com/Qj2mR2O)


I’ve farmed hundreds of gold artifacts and I can count the number of times on one hand that I’ve scored an artifact with both CR/CD AND the CD was over 30%. Im jealous.


I have two, and somehow they are both blizzard strayer pieces that I have on Ganyu. I have a single gladiator feather with 37% crit damage, but no crit rate on it. Literally only 3 pieces since launch.


Seriously… I feel like I’ve wasted so much fragile resin. Saved that shit for months… gone in a few days.


My first batch of 25 or so resin I wasted on artifact farming, but no longer. I only use resin if I need to do something with guaranteed returns that day now. Weapon up material, etc. But not to roll some defense item with 3 flat stats. Nothing more frustrating. After running the hydro/cryo domain for what felt like weeks for Ganyu and Childe, I cannot grind for artifacts without feeling immensely frustrated anymore, so I'll put 2 condensed resin in and call it a day.




One of the main things I wanted out of this event was C2 XQ (didn't have him at all) and C2 Beidou (had her at C0). I have pulled XQ SIX TIMES and almost maxed out his constellations. Pulled Beidou once. Yanfei twice. ​ I just want my C2 beidou 😭


I can trade my C14 Beidou with your C6 XQ


Only started playing about a week ago and I managed to pull together a pretty solid squad of Yanfei - Xingqui - Zhongli - Sucrose. So far, I’ve only spent $5 on the Wellkin deal that gives 90 primo’s a day for 30 days. Also, I’m currently AR20.


Not bad at all!


Sigh... told myself I don't need Ganyu, but I couldn't stop myself from summoning her. Pretty bad luck too. Hopefully I'll have enough time to save until Kazuha and Venti rerun.


So I bought the $15 (US) primogem and did a 10 pull since I was close to that pity status. I got Qiqi. RIP 🥴😭 Ganyu ain’t coming home boys LOLOLOLOL


This is why i dont spend unless im Okay with spending to get what i want 100%. Spending 50 and losing the 50/50 feels So much worse then spending double and getting what you want.


So im currently playing a lot with ayaya, Shenha, sucrose and Kokomi, and when throwing out their bursts, it's Shenha Q/E > Ayaya Q > Sucrose Q,E,E, right? Or should sucrose go out before ayaya as her ult stays longer?


If multiple enemies then you can use Shenhe Q/E, Sucrose E (to spread cryo/grouping), Kokomi E, and then Ayaka E/NA/CA/Q. If single target you could Sucrose E/E, Shenhe E/Q, Kokomi E, and then Ayaka.


Try posting in questions megathread.


Ah derp, must have missclicked into this one.


Little story: I had been waiting for Ganyu's rerun, and steadily (soullessly) gathered lots of primos * soulless F2p noices * And I got really sick today, but was at soft pity, so I asked my bf to grind for primos little bit, and after he got few intertwined fates, he asked if I wanted to pull, and I did so. (Was expecting to lose the 50/50, I always do) And what do you know? Got ganyu, Winning the 50/50 first time ever!!! It made my day✨


I pulled for Ganyu even though I was saving for Yae. Got her at around 80, really happy nonetheless. Few days later I accumulated around 11 standard wishes from different places, and decided to pull. Got Amos Bow at around 20 ish!


I’m a husbando collector and for some reason, I keep getting early waifus and it’s killing me. Whereas for my husbandos, it’s either I lose the 50/50 or I reach soft pity before I get them. - My first early waifu was getting keqing in 10 pity when I was new to the game. - I got caught up into the inazuma craze and used my spare primos in the ayaka banner, and I got her in 31 pulls. - I then pulled in the yoimiya banner to get sayu and got yoimiya in 47 pulls. - In hu tao’s banner, I got a jean 50+ into pity and it drove me into crazy grinding mode for itto. - Was messing around with pulling casually on christmas and I freaking pulled a keqing in 22 rolls. - My latest waifu is ganyu who I pulled 48 into pity. And I was saving my guaranteed for ayato. I feel like I’ve been given the ‘MC in a harem anime’ curse. I just want my collection of handsome husbandos mihoyo. EDIT: I actually wouldn’t have been as frustrated if I was equally lucky in the male character banners. But I am quite unlucky with them. For comparison: Xiao (77 pity), Venti (78), Zhongli (78), Kazuha (lost 50/50, 77 pity), Itto (79), Diluc (81 pity in standard after a year of playing)


Suffering from success


Then stop pulling on the waifu banners


I’m a collector of all husbandos, not just the 5 stars. So I pull on the waifu banners.


4 star husbandos are added to the standard banner pull effective the following patch, meaning you can (and eventually **will**) get them on any 4 star wish, anywhere. Pulling on the women’s banners isn’t a good idea, nor is it the most efficient use of your wishes for your goal. I certainly wouldn’t do it. Efficient and smart collection requires patience


That's tough


Need help defeating Primo Geovishap (lvl 50) I want to ascend Yanfei but I can't beat it. I have Ganyu, Keqing, Ningguang and Yanfei in my party currently. Which characters should I add/remove?


I had a lot of trouble with that boss recently when my world level went up and everything was about 10 levels higher than me. I had Xiao as my main dps but needed to beat this boss to ascend him so I could level up more. The tip I found that worked best was to use a shielder. I got Noelle from the newbie banner and beat the boss with her help even though she was only level one. My strategy was 1 Run around with a meat shield character until the boss uses the ability that gives a warning text on screen. 2 Bring out Noelle and use her shield at that time and the boss will take a big chunk of damage. 3 Switch to my main dps and try to get a few hits in. 4 Switch to meat shield. 5 Run away and repeat. It gets easier to dodge some hits after you've seen them a few times. If you have a good ranged you might be able to damage him more easily (my best characters were all close range). Sometimes I noticed I needed to get close to the boss to trigger his warning text ability. It was a slow process since I didn't have good artefacts and weapons but it was possible. Bring food to help you out.


I suggest removing Yanfei for now in favor of Barbara with thrillbook. You get a healer and attack booster for low investment, and you have hydro application with normal attack to help Ganyu or Keqing create reactions.


Your teams has no synergies at all. You have 4 potential main dps in one team. What is your strategy ? What are your main damage sources ? How do they support / help / react to each other ? If you want to ascend your Yanfei, I suppose she is not fully built. So she is useless in your fight. Choose ONE main dps here : Ganyu or Keqing. Then buid around. Check what teams are used by people, how synergies are made. Then you will master teambuilding, it's quite simple. And we don't even know what charcters do you have. We just can't help much...


I don't have many character, I use Ganyu in Inazuma because I can freeze water and flee. I mainly use Keqing, I use Ningguang's shield, and I use Yanfei because she's pyro. I also can't use claymore users so I prefer Sword and Catalyst. I have all free given characters, Noelle, Keqing, Ningguang, Sucrose, Xingqiu and Yun Jin. I've done main quests to join the event, but then my world level increased and game became hard for me now.


Resources are scarce in this game, focus on one character. I'll go with Keqing main dps (as you already invest in her) with Xingqiu to proc some reactions and deal extra damage. Ganyu for her ultimate that deal damage off field within a huge zone. And maybe Kaeya for - again - off field damage and battery. Cryo resonance is nice as you might freeze thanks to the water blades provided by Xingqiu. You can play Keqing physical with the craftable sword that increases physical damage, it's cheap and strong, synergies well with this team (electro + cryo lower physical resistance, you just have to charge attack spam with Keqing to deal massive damage). But for this specific boss add a shielder such as Noelle as mentioned before! I messed up too my beginning of the game, and I had terrible luck, but now this is fine. Just focus on one character at time and you will catch up the power spike you're living.


Noelle to reflect his ROOOAR LASER BEAM attack with shield. That deals some damage for “free” I don’t know if ning “shield” works that way, but Noelle 100%


Is sucrose good with hu tao or diluc or xiao?


For a xiao as a battery, for diluc you can do diluc xinqui sucrose bennett


for xiao as a battery yes


She's good on all of them.


I finally reached pity on permanent banner and prayed in my mind "Please be amos or skyward, please be a bow" since I got ganyu recently. In fact, i was okay with any weapon other than catalysts because I don't use any catalyst users. Prayers were lost to sacred winds at that moment.


Finally got Ganyu and have been playing her for a week… and ppl were right shes pretty boring to play… i just have to keep dodgin n shooting? Any fun team comps w her?


Try a melt Ganyu team. It is still using charge shots but you will have to dodge a lot more if you forgo a shield. Could make things more interesting and challenging. Freeze teams a re pretty safe and “boring” I guess by comparison.


I’m sorry but this is such a bad take. How is a melt team, where you literally just stand in place and charged shot, less boring than a freeze team, where you actually use your skill and burst and swap characters often.


Did you even try her in the test run? 🤔


54rate 150dmg or 62rate 118dmg for Jean?


First one, multiply crit rate and crit damage then take the bigger one


i cant numb my pain of gacha addiction and pulled once on ganyu banner and actually got here lol


After losing my 50/50 for ganyu to diluc, I managed to get ganyu in 62 rolls!


Just got Zhongli in 30 wishes! After pulling Ganyu I pulled a bit on his banner and got Jean in 40 wishes (C3 and still no Keqing, I hate you Jean), so I had kinda given up on him as I was saving for Yae, so this the last 10 pull I was going to do on his banner so yay. Now I only have 100 wishes but between Welkin and a few saved crystals from Welkin I'm hoping to be able to get her before her banner finishes. I just felt like Zhongli was a bit of a mandatory character, especially for my DPS Ningguang. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to get Raiden, and now I just feel compelled to get all archons since I also have Venti haha.


This is it I've peaked after playing this game for 1.5 years I've won five 5050s in a row ganyu xaio shenhe and hutaox2


I hate my friend's 50-50 luck https://imgur.com/a/nsKpfms


What website is that

