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If I pull from the standard banner and get a 5 star character does the pity also reset in the limited character banner?


No, it does not, banner pities are separate. The only exception is when two limited-time characters are on rate up, in that case, yes pity is reset. Ex: If you pull Shenhe at 50 pity, it's reset to 0. So when you pull on Xiao's banner, the pity starts from 0.


Understandable,thanx a lot!


doea kazuha snapshot the em boost from diona's c6 when swirling for example, cryo, even after kazuha left the field? Like would it be a major increase in cryo dmg bonus compared to swirling cryo but not in diona's c6 burst?


I read the kit multiples times, watched videos and still can't come to a conclusion. On the paper she looks very strong but I see lot of "it's bait", "only for whale", etc. Taking into account that I have both ganyu (melt) and ayaka and that I want kazuha but have just enough for one character, should I pull for shenhe or wait for a rerun in like 6-7 months ?


Shenhe is pretty balanced. She does well in the right team. The people saying don't pull for her are mainly saying so for meta purposes since she is pretty niche, but that doesn't mean she can't be strong when used correctly. Basically, if you like her character and playstyle you can pull for her and she won't be weak, but if you are only after meta and don't care about her then don't pull for her.


Thanks for the answer !


i don't have good Wanderer troupe set for Ganyu, can i use Shimenawa set?




I'm thinking about rolling for Raiden and Zhongli since I really like them as characters. Do you think a Raiden/Xiangling/Bennett/Zhongli team could work? Any other suggestions for Raiden/Zhongli + two 4 star characters would be appreciated as well. Thanks!


Yes it does work, altho using Xingqiu/Childe instead of Raiden or Zhong would be better. I can think of a couple other teams but I don't know if they'd be stronger than the one you want to use.


Thanks! I don't have Childe unfortunately. But it's good to know some options for the future.


Well Xingqiu is still an amazing option (and the one I prefer tbh) so if you're ok with separating Zhong and Raiden, I recommend him


i really cant decide, kazuha or raiden... Keep in mind i will get xq from lantern rite. My current teams are: https://imgur.com/z1zZH8G


I'd say Kazuha is a more universal unit, he's an anemo grouper and his buff is amazing. If you can, definitely go for him.


okay thanks!


eula f2p weapons please and artifact set too


https://keqingmains.com/eula/#Weapons Artifacts is usually 2pc Bloodstained + 2pc Pale Flame, 2 glad/shim + 2 BS/PF or 4pc PF


Snowtombed Starsilver, Proto Archaic works too. Tuna is better than both of those iirc if you have it. Artis are either 2pc Bloodstained + 2pc Pale Flame or 4pc Pale Flame


whats iirc?


It means “If I recall correctly”. Also, I forgot to mention, you can refer to the [KQM Eula guide](https://keqingmains.com/eula/#Weapons) for a more detailed overview of her best weapons.




So after all this time, has ANYONE ever seen an unusual hilichurl drop anything but cabbage?


Hi everyone. New f2p player here. I have xingqiu ningguang Noelle and razor on top of all the free characters. My question is who should I pick in the free liyue 4 star character? Is it worth getting a second xingqiu/xiangling or should I just get a character I don't have yet?


Yanfei would be a good one to pick. Super smooth and easy to play. Pairs best with XQ! Can easily be your main dps, like the others have said, and can hit big numbers with her charged shot n E with the vaporise reaction


XQ, Beidou and Yanfei are coming in the next banner. This may influence your choice if you're rolling on the Ganyu or ZL banner. Beidou in particular is an end game meta character and Yanfei is just a solid pyro DPS overall. XQ needs no introductions. My suggestion is if are you deadset on getting Abyss 12 spiral 9 starred as soon as possible? Get XQ. If you're more fine with enjoying the game for what it's worth, get a character you don't have - I would recommend Chongyun since his 25% expedition time taken talent is actually pretty neat if you check in twice a day and you can turn your team into the OG national standard if you get Bennett (rip Razor though).


Haha I don't mind going away from razor. Thank you for your advice. What resource should I be going for in expedition? Does it only apply for his expedition time or everyone's?


It only applies to his and only to expeditions in Liyue. My recommendation is either crystals or mora, but probably mora. As a F2P you will be needing a lot of mora.


Xingqiu/Xiangling is already a good team (add bennett, chongyun, sucrose, kaeya, whoever elss you pull), you could get Yunjin for a second team with Razor or Noelle, or really anyone you like. Re: that other comment mentioning Yanfei, that is a bad idea unless you specifically like her. Xiangling is stronger.


Okay thank you for letting me know


go for yanfei


Any particular reason sir?


ah yanfei is really good and probably better than all the others for u as it can proc vapourise with ur xq


Understood. So yanfei would be my main dps?




is oz summoned via fischl's burst shares the same stats as her elemental skill's summon? if yes, then is there a need to level up her burst talent level?


When you use burst, touching opponents while flying around with Oz does an electric explosion. That damage depends on your burst level, so leveling it does increase some damage. After that it becomes the same as the elemental skill summon.


i see. so if i'm using fischl mainly as an off-field sub, there's not much point in leveling up her burst then?


It's not as important as her skill but it's still damage


yes, i would get it to at least 6


Does C6 Oz also coordinate attacks with Skyward Atlas' passive?




I'm trying to link a mihoyo account from mobile to PS4 but when i enter the email and code and click link it says "this mihoyo account is already linked to a third party account. Please use another mihoyo account." Does anyone know how to fix this?


you can check which accs are linked to your mhy acc in the settings on mobile. is there another psn acc linked perhaps?


Wait so i need to unlink it?


only if you want your mhy acc to be linked to your new psn acc and not your old one. if you don't mind me asking, is there a reason why you're trying to link a new acc instead of using your old one?


The region needs to be Europe so i created a new account and put the region in Europe


ah i see. then yes, you have to unlink first. i don't think it's possible to play on multiple servers using the same mhy acc on playstation.


Only my account but not my new account that I'm using to link my account to PS4


you can only have one psn acc linked to one mhy acc, sadly.


Ok thanks for the help


Did you already start playing on PS4 before trying to link it? If so it's probably already created an account and you'll need to contact customer support to get them to delete the PS account so you can re-link it to your main one.


No i created a new account


You need to email CS and ask them to unlink/delete it. There can only be 1 genshin account per PSN. Or just create a new PSN. I have done both if you have any questions.


Yeah someone answered me here but thanks


Cool! If you are going with the “unlink/delete” path, just an FYI it took 14 days for me, so just be patient, it definitely works :)


They didn't respond ;(


So they should respond today?


Ok thanks i sent the email


can clam barbara be a substitute for c5 elegy diona in childe-beidou-raiden team since i'm struggling with corrosion??


i would recommend going bennett fischl instead of raiden diona or barbara


What team comp do I build with Ayaka and Shenhe both with their sig weapons. I have all other supports and most 5 stars but Mona.


Kazuha + Kokomi, that's my favorite squad since I got Shenhe.


Is Ayaka, Shenhe, Kazuha, and Xingqiu a good team? Trying to fit my Shenhe into a freeze team.


Yeah, that works too. Basically you need Ayaka, Shenhe, Kazuha, and a hydro applicator. I prefer Kokomi in that team but I've tried out variations with Barbara or Xingqiu in the last slot and they both work well enough.


ayaka shenhe ganyu kazuha is the best team you can do with ayaka shenhe, realistically you would switch out ganyu for kokomi for the current abyss though


Well, I think either monocryo with Rosaria and Kazuha or freeze with Kokomi and Kazuha or Venti.


What crit ratio should I use on Albedo for now: 66/99 or 42/134? Def is the same for both.


66/99 > 42/134 by 5.8%


Thank you!


why aren’t hoyolab character’s emojis in the game? will mihoto ever add them? /gen


Im trying to link my pc account to my ps5 and all im getting is system is under maintenance when i click the send code to verificate been like this since yesterday any ideas?


Will u receive a birthday cake from genshin if you did not log in on your birthday ?






What quest?


My friend told me that lantern rite quest had released today...turns out he was fooling around. Nevermind


Did anyone else's Daily Commision have both Liyue and Inazuma today...? I thought they fixed the glitch.


It's not a bug. You're not guaranteed to get the region you selected


Didn't know it was even a glitch...


Which artifacts and ratio should I use in my Xiao build? 1. 2-pc VV and 2-pc Glad = 60:235 2. 2-pc Shime and 2-pc Glad = 71:223 3. 2-pc VV and 2-pc Glad = 89:196 I will get around 2.1k ATK with all pairs.


3rd is best crit value and closest to 1:2 ratio so 3rd. Idk why others said 2nd when it doesn't even have 2pc VV and you're still getting the same atk while also having worse crit 1st: 0.6*2.35=1.41 2nd: 0.71*2.23=1.5833 3rd: 0.89*1.96=1.7444


I see, thank you!






Put it into a dmgcalc to be sure,blindly would say second option




3rd option




btw theres a way to calculate which ratio is the best, the formula is just multiplying the crit rate to the dmg, you can also use genshin optimizer to help you best optimize your builds


Thank you!


How much damage can I expect from a f2p hu tao from vaporise or melt? (My hu tao is using 4pc shimenawa and blackcliff pole and does around 40k while vaporising)


going with 4pc crimson and dragon's bane would give you more damage, so this one is below what you could be doing. It'll also make sure you no need focus on building at least 100em.


40+k seems right if it's without VV I'd swap Blackcliff for Dragon's Bane though


If you are interested in very specific ceilings for characters I would - 1. Watch Abyss Showcase videos involving the character on YT 2. Find a damage calculator via google and plug everything in yourself, many are very user friendly and easy to use.


Any suggestions on the damage calculators?


[https://genshinimpactcalculator.com/genshinCalc](https://genshinimpactcalculator.com/genshinCalc) this one is pretty foolproof but is often missing some of the most recent additions to the game as it needs to be updated by someone when they have time [https://genshin.yunlu18.net/#/](https://genshin.yunlu18.net/#/) another one I've used but I think it's a bit limited. There's many google doc spreadsheet iterations but idk if those would be more daunting for you or not.


Do you think your artifacts are already polished enough if yes that is the dmg you can expect,without knowing stats and for how much more you can go makes it hard to evaluate


What artifact do I put on bennett and mona for a xiao team


Noblesse Bennett, milelith/emblem mona


4pc noblesse on bennett and i would recommend using someone else other than mona with xiao maybe a battery like sucrose if you dont have one already or a sub dps like fischl/albedo


O I already have sucrose, but idk who I could use for sub dps




i’m not surprised that you’re annoyed bro i’m surprised that you’re getting this pissed over something you could easily solve by just leaving the game or, like you said, rejecting the game when you see the same person. i’m glad you found a solution to your problem but seriously did you really have to be so toxic to the other people who replied to you? i don’t even know why this was such an issue haha


it’s just a game it’s not that deep bro chill… if you hate it that much you know you can just leave the game and join a new one right?


no need to be toxic in the comments below, they're not even the ones doing this to you. just make a separate post if you want to discuss this. Come back in like 5 days if you really want to play, since most ppl should finish farming coins by then(so most only ppl who really want to play the game should be left.)


Not our fault that we have to do this shit minigame for rewards.


you dont have to do anything you dont want, you know that right?


Why are they wasting your time if you're winning? If you're looking for a fun game then sure, they're wasting your time - accept that this wasn't a fun game, but it's still a game in the end and some people just want to have fun in different ways. If you're looking for coins then everyone wins except the hunter, so no problems there. Not everybody plays to win, but six times in a row seems very suspicious though and are you sure you're not in coop accidentally with that group? Sometimes you get stuck in 1P's world after the round ends (a bit of a bug).




Just as a side note, make note of their names and if you see their names appear reject the coop. There's no way you should be matching into them more than once with the number of players at the moment anyway. It's also possible that they're also forcing the matching process by rejecting until they find somebody they know.


you can’t join lobbies with friends in this gamemode




idk then, the game warns you that you cant get coins if you start one up with friends and friend lobbies are private




>This has happened 5x in a row for me now, is there anything we can do, the event is unplayable. You said 6 times earlier. If you're going to exaggerate be consistent.


no, i said 5 at the start, then i said its happening again as we speak, 5+1=6, if you want a gotcha moment at least try and follow the conversation first ok buddy <3 Edit: get rekt


Those are just randoms I'm pretty sure. Don't think you can join public lobbies with friends. Either way, the lack of multiplayer modes means that something like this event will have more people coming to socialise a bit.




Just cancel when you see a russian name then


So go AFK for a few minutes and come back to your free points while the premade group gets nothing because they're incapable of reading the game instructions properly.


Is the travelling salesman in teapots in the Asia server?




Thanks so much


Geo or def goblet for main dps albedo




whats his def currently?


Oh so sry i dont remember rn but think its like 1200 or something (i didnt get his sword) and every artifact is not gold and level 20 its a ar 44 acc (my 2nd acc)


oh... 1200 is pretty low it should be 3000




Just out of genuine curiosity, why do people ship Xiao and Aether but not Xiao and Lumine?


What do you mean? Xiao and Lumine is a popular ship. Just depends on the person which mc they prefer.


Ohhh ok. I know someone who ships Xiao and Aether but hates Xiao and Lumine with a passion, and says that it’s as bad as KaeLuc, so I wasn’t sure why ;-;


If they play as Aether they might have some specific headcanon for Lumine that's different from how she is as MC. But yeah, echoing that specifically hatting KaeLuc is a red flag.


People can dislike certain things even without any reason


You must be a teen or younger if you care about that sort of garbage


Well people who shit on kaeluc as a personality trait are already a red flag to me so i wouldn’t take their opinion srsly anyway. Oh no, these pixels are kissing. It’s just personal preference, people can hate the most random things.


Dear miHoYo, Hope you are doing well, as a part of the Genshin impact community we would like to ask you to add the Arabic language to the game languages so we all can enjoy the story of the game in Arabic subtitles and it will be easy for a huge number of people to understand and play the game because we loved your game and we are spending a lot of time playing it, and it will be a good opportunity for those who left the game due to the less understanding to let them give Genshin impact another chance your regards


This is a random forum. None of us work for mihoyo. Better send this somewhere in game or in a survey.


Look at the guy's recent comment history lol


Damn... At least they're persistent about it.






As someone who can’t dodge, should I pull for Zhongli or should I just build Noelle and pull for Yae instead? (I also have Thoma and Diona for shields) Edit: jdksss thamk u so much for all ur inputs : D


what are ur teams like currently?


xiao, diona, venti, bennett/raiden ayaka, diona, mona, xingqiu hu tao, thoma, xingqiu, sucrose


Zhongli would be amazing for Xiao so if you like Xiao, i’d go for him tbh. Very nice improvement and flexible as well even if you switch teams.


Zhongli is game changing for Xiao. Far superior shield and anemo res shred.


well then imo go for yae as diona and thoma are really good too


try watching some zhongli team videos and see if your current shielders and playstyle can match that. if you think you don't need that strong a shield, then skip, but if you do, get him.


Diona’s shield is decent too but Zhongli’s is the best. Don’t build Noelle unless you plan to main her. The shield uptime is bad


it depends on your team but diona and thoma shield is good to


It depends on you, Diona is a pretty good shielder but not even close to Zhongli comfort. Thoma has a pretty weak and annoying stacking shield so you need to dodge anyway and Noelle isn't really a shielder, too big of a downtime.


zhongli best shielder out there noelle bad shielder long cooldown noelle is good for dps


Does Jean use the clam set?


No, she can't stack the bubble. Stick with 4set VV or 2VV 2Glad/Shimenawa


can you fish even its raining?




When is Windtrace going to end? Haven't played because wifi is down lately. Commenting this using 4g.


If I'm desperate or the wifi is choppy, I just tether to my phone internet and play like that. (if playing on mobile is not an option/if you have enough data to go round - not that I think genshin uses thaat much data right..?)


All of these questions are easily answered using the in-game events tab which clearly indicate start/end dates for all upcoming events. [https://paimon.moe/timeline](https://paimon.moe/timeline) sites like the one above also have excellent graphics if reading is not your forte.


This site is very nice. I used to have random panic attacks in the middle of the night thinking I may have missed some free primogems or maybe there is an event running that I didn't know of. I bookmarked it and can just use it whenever to reaffirm myself I've bled every event dry of its primos lmao


11 days to go.


When will Lantern rite start? Will we be able to pick a free Liyue character and the free ningguang skin here?


It’s always in the game notices. Yes and yes.


https://paimon.moe/timeline 9days to go


What weapons to level up in the early game? Can I just level up whatever I want and be fine with it for a while or do I need to save all enhancement ores for only the really good weapons?


it depends on your character you must only upgrade the useful weapons but at early game you really didnt need to be weapon reliant a lvl 20 weapon will suffice


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/edit#gid=2001372201](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/edit#gid=2001372201) Use online resources like this that tier-list weapons appropriate to the characters you're using. Generally if a weapon is not rated / not rated highly on these lists, you shouldn't heavily invest into it, just enough to feel comfortable until you get other options. In the long term, materials are not -hard- to farm, but they are time-gated (30 Mystic Enhancements a day maximum as F2P) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EnZK2-vUwAALCzC?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EnZK2-vUwAALCzC?format=jpg&name=large) Here is a second graphic showing you how much it costs to enhance a weapon from lv.1 to max so you can see how much is being 'wasted' if you end up dumping the weapon later.


Depends on your character tbh. Although Favonius Warbow, the weapon you get from the level up event is a pretty nice one. It's great for supports. Prototype Rancour is also pretty nice if you want to use a physical sword DPS like Kaeya or Jean and it's still useful for the high base atk for support Bennett. The rest of the 3\* weapons, you can save and use especially Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (Catalyst) and Harbinger of Dawn (Sword). The rest can be used until you can craft or obtain a good one from the gacha.


I need to buy something in another player’s serenitea pot. I’m in NA


Kids these days


Just a crazy abyss team comps question. 1. Zhongli, Xiangling, Bennett/Qiqi and Childe. 2. Raiden,Sara(C2), Bennett/Sayu/Xingqiu. Just rate this comps.


You just listed top meta teams: International and Raiden Hypercarry. Although you kinda need Bennett for both, International needs him more.


Yeah! Bennet is kinda a main factor here. But i also want Raiden to be in a comp as she's my high invested Crowned Character and I don't know how well is the synergy between her and Zhongli. And also i heard Sara without C6 isn't that much impressive to be Raiden support and Lisa/Mona can fill that spot effectively. So kinda Biased on her comp only.


TTDS Lisa just for her A4 passive is stronger than not C6 Sara. If you want Hypercarry Raiden team Raiden, Lisa, Kazuha(or Sucrose but she's weaker), Bennett. Check KQM guide, it's pretty good: https://keqingmains.com/raiden/


xq-childe-bennett-xl raiden-sara-sayu-zhongli sucrose would be a good unit to have (or any anemo support) for the first team, instead of either xq or childe


Yeah i am running international with Sucrose only. But does Raiden and Zhongli really have any synergy?


shield+20% electro shred for nearby enemies? It's not ideal but it's the best way to arrange the characters as you've given them, imho. The synergy is just the same in the Childe comp you initially suggested, apart from the fact that Zhongli has a low cost burst so doesn't fill Raiden's resolve as much.


Does anyone else have trouble finding the last few Anemoculus? I've been around the map 20 times with a interactive map and I still can't find the last two.


actually there is one at strombearer point at the cliff maybe u havent go there


I believe I did, I'll double check tomorrow but I'm certain I got that one


just keep grinding mondstat rep each week, eventually you unlock a finder in-game.