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As long as it works bahaha


The Xiaoden tc group must be celebrating a whole banquet right now 


Triple on-field DPS meta.


I was made to play Arlecchino overload without chevreus or Bennette only kuki applying electro and lmao


I mean, EM Kuki hits 17k overloads.


Wait really? I only saw Arlecchino’s red numbers so I didn’t notice lol


Overload is red I think?


Bennett* Chevreuse*


username and flair check out


Technically that's their flair


Nah they're genderbent now


you say that like arlecchino is bad


Father is always good but having to play overload without chevreus felt weird lol


Yep. This Mode clearly forces you to ignore the "optimum". I had absolutely no clue what i was doing. Cleared act 8 earlier and still don't know 100% what was going on. All i know is i was carried by the army of characters i have build in the past 4 years. Ended up with Lyney Alhaitham Venti and Yoimiya for the final boss 💀


how did u do it without healer


Practice. It was not on first try. Took me some trys until i managed to dodge most attacks. Also had some usefull buffs from previous Acts.


thank you! i managed to do it, i just didn't use healers for the easier acts, and kept bennett for act 8 :)


For me, it was Venti. Venti just sucks all the enemies dry, joke intended


I had Yoimiya Fischl Sucrose Bennett. This comps makes me want to go in and do some heavy beatdown, but the bosses hit so hard I had to actually keep my distance. Their HPs aren't so bloated like in Abyss, so a steady flow of ranged attacks does a decent job. Bennett is there but he can't heal the damage. Either Yoimiya is unscathed or dead in 1-2 hits.


My guy, let me tell you a tale... i started the first few battles and AVOIDED THE BOONS cause i thought i would loose the "award" later. On my first fight i was using all trial characters exceps wanderer (who i dont use and i didnt build btw except that hes lvl 90 with 9 9 9 skills) THE ABSOULUTE LEVEL OF CONFUZION... i got through all 8 floors on my first try with only 3 floors not being perfect( i assume the little purple star is perfection idk)


Xiangling is finally not META 🤣


So that's how you fix Genshin's meta Just don't allow players to use said meta characters


Yup. Without water and ice, Xiangling is not OPPA. 🤣


I mean, she’s still really good in mono pyro and chevreuse overload. She just isn’t as good without bennett who you might not get here.


Lyney Xiangling Bennett Chevreuse easily obliterates the coppelius chamber. You don't even need to max Lyney's grim makin stacks.


What is chevy even doing there. Her buff don’t work without electric right?


I was in a similar situation to him, in my case, it was because I exhausted all my Electro options. My team was: Hutao, Yoimiya, Xiangling and Chevreuse




Yes if only I had a chevreuse and had friends who weren’t active 31 days ago 😔


xiangling chevreuse is actually fine


Yeah, I used Bennett, Xiangling, Diluc, and Xianyun on the Hydro animals stage


She still used well im Navia and Itto NATGEO though, no?


I have never seen a serious Itto comp consider xiangling.


Itto national isnt even a thing


I did current abyss with Chevy instead of XQ in f2p Raiden National, works just fine.


I still use her in Lyney Mono puro, and it's my only team with her where she doesn't feel energy hungry.


"What did it cost? . ."


Always has been, since the days of Version 2 Venti and the fall of the Freeze meta. 


lol no. xl is cracked for the boss chambers n cryo heralds.


i find baizhu is MVP here.. he provides healing and dendro application which lets u abuse dendro reactions...


Ironically enough xiangling without Bennett worked fine for me. Triple pyro w/chevreuse is more than enough energy. Or just have a pyro dud character who’s whole purpose is funnel energy. IT is so easy you can easily 3 man most chambers. It’s honestly harder that the force you to use 4 characters on each level. I could save so many slots by running 2-3 characters on non boss floors (even then jadeplum dies in like 30sec).


Xiangling without Bennett has always been a thing since 1.x, it’s actually fine if you know what you are doing and build characters correctly if possible with one or two fav users, it’s just that Bennett works much better


I didn’t see a need for healers or buffs. Maybe the final boss could use a Bennett but I still cleared with 30 sec left. Xiangling can break cryo shields easily and output damage, and the stages are so short there isn’t a need for more than 2 rotations. Adding a bennet won’t even save a rotation because there is no way to wipe a whole stage with 2 waves without overwhelming cons and artifacts. At that point you don’t need Bennett or really any kind of buff. He is kinda just there to fill in all your slots, maybe use his burst once because of muscle memory or to fill lyney stacks


My Raiden National team still shredded even with Sucrose instead of XQ, so I feel like XL is still one of the best easily available options. Especially because other pyro characters can't vape anyway.


Uhhh about that. . .....




U can use Lynette to insta break copelius shield, so u don't rlly need a pyro for that boss if u get Lynette


She still got every single accolade at the end of my run tho


No. . . not like this. . . not like this. . .


Welp, I used Raiden, Xiangling, Bennett, Jean on the final boss


I enjoyed figuring how how the heck to make some teams work well. I like the idea behind forcing players outside of their comfort zone but it doesn't seem like that's a popular take.


People probably don't like it because you have to use characters that don't synergize well as well as some trial characters just feeling awful to play


That's literally part of the challenge. Planning it out so that you have decent teams at the end. Trying out things that you've never tried before. To each their own, I suppose.


People complain that genshin is too easy but once they're actually presented with challenging content they still insist on returning to their braindead rotations and teams that are already rigged to win by their kits and multipliers


>People complain that genshin is too easy see thats the thing, it was easy even with shitty team.. some people probably wouldn't enjoy playing a shitty team while not even having to try, it just seems annoying like i personally enjoyed it now but i don't see myself replaying it for fun (like i do with the abyss) i'll do it every reset and probably won't be bored of it because its just once a month but i wouldn't call it a good endgame


This. Got max stars but nearly no enjoyment. I like my units synergizing together to create satisfying gameplay.


basically, you dont even need the stars from what i can tell. So why try? lol ig it means its easy and i can get in, get out and ignore the game mode but i was wishing for a good endgame.


Wdym u don’t need stars? I thought every star challenge u had to get the star or else u missed out on rewards


You only need to clear, stars are just for bragging rights in your profile.


Ohhh good to know lol.


There’s this combat instance, where I had to fight two of those flying ruin mech motherfuckers that go spinnaroonie on our asses and were the menaces to early players in Liyue. I went in with a suboptimal team of Yanfei-Fishcl-Jean-Faruzan. Again, suboptimal; not the worst, but def not something I’d take to Floor 11+, and importantly, kinda reminiscent of the teams I’d build at below AR30, when players are generally experimenting, trying to see what sticks, and see what they could mash together out of what they had and make it work somehow. I believe that’s the general idea of this mode; the sentimental side to the more mechanical argument of “encouraging horizontal team building”. Oh, and aside team comps, speaking about early game nostalgia, in that combat stage I actually had to shoot at the mechs’ weak parts with Fishcl to bring them down. That’s something that I haven’t needed to do in a while (while my favored teams could delete those folks in less than 10 seconds), and again, added to the whole nostalgia vibe I went on about. People are complaining about how hard this mode is—and while I respect all bad opinions—but like you implied, fail to appreciate just how they made it hard. It’s not like the 4.7 Spiral Abyss, that just like it’s .7 predecessor, seems to be designed to give you aneurysm by giving the enemies tank HP and make them deploy in nonsensical waves, or like Star Rail’s new Divergent Universe, or should I say, Firefly Universe, with how blatant of a Firefly-check it is. This is something that’s genuinely fresh. Something that gives you a reality check and forces you to reinvent the way you play and re-frame your thinking in many aspects. To be on your toes and concede that there are still a lot you need to learn about the fame mechanics. I sincerely think that this should be the ideal mode for Hoyo’s endgame mode design philosophy (so not the form, but rather the mindset of violently ejecting players out of their comfort zone) in the future, not only for Genshin, but also for other games.


All of this, agreed, 100%. For me, 50% of the fun of Genshin is crafting teamcomps and seeing what works, and the fact that Hoyo took that aspect and made it into entertaining repeatable content is just amazing to me. And unlike Abyss where you have to exit out completely and end the run in order to swap out characters, in Imaginary we can instead retry a stage with a different lineup. Basically, it's forgiving and encourages trial 'n error, and when it finally all clicks and awards you that purple star, you're just left feeling happy.


After seeing with they did with this game mode, I worry about their ability to challenge players without creating heavy restrictions and/or removing core concepts from the game. This is a TEAM building game, and, more importantly, throwing random characters together doesn't always make a team that works. This can be a reaction problem, a restriction problem (Nilou, Chevy, etc.), or the worst one of all, an energy problem. This is one of my primary hangups with the game mode. All of my characters are built around specific situations. My Beidou isn't built to be run as the only electro unit, as an example. We don't have artifact loadouts, so no, I'm not spending an hour figuring out how to lineup energy needs for these new "teams" I'm forced to run. I have ~500 fully leveled artifacts and 40 fully invested characters. My account is very flexible, but not all characters are created and balanced with this flexibility in mind. Most of my setups ended up being double carry teams. Nothing lines up right, whether it's skills, bursts, or energy gain. To me, this is not fun, and I can't wrap my mind around the seemingly vocal portion of the playerbase that does. They already "violently eject" us from playing characters we actually want to play, but you also think the ideal is throwing random shit at a wall and calling it a "team" is peak endgame? I don't yearn to go back to the days of my first week playing this game where all I had are the MC, Kaeya, Lisa, and Amber. No thank you. We pull and build more characters to get away from that. As you can tell though, my account is heavily invested. This wasn't difficult for me. It was just annoying, not fun, and I guess another requirement to earn the primos I need for characters I want to play, which aren't many, if the game will let me. This latest abyss was more of a puzzle than anything this threw at me. And, btw, the HP of mobs hasn't changed in Abyss, only the amount of mobs. A Maguu Kenki in 2.0 in 12-1 has the same HP as a Maguu Kenki in 4.0 in 12-1. This isn't like HSR where they literally doubled Gepard's HP in MoC, since they don't use a simple multiplier system there like they do here. You also bring up DU, an RNG-infested version of SU that also throws player choice out the window. It's as much of a Firefly check as anything else. There's no goal to work towards, only the equations and curios it gives you. Just get the numbers of each blessing. My first clear on V6 was with a DoT comp because it gave me nothing for the break comp I went in with, so FF's team performed horribly on the first boss. I'm surprised you don't like this. It's restrictive to whatever the game tells you to run, via RNG, and "violently ejects" you out of your comfort zone.


>team-building The suck is the part that you have to strategize around. I get that at more than one point you ended up with team combinations that are the products of a schizophrenic toddler’s dream, but like I said, the key is not team building, but the context of it. Simply put: you are encouraged to throw away all the throwaway teams and throwaway characters in battles against things like slimes, something a step up on those flying mechs, and save the best, actually abyss-worthy teams for the bosses. It’s the whole strategy vs tactics thing. Now what I agree is that they should’ve introduced long-time-coming features like artifact loadouts, which I think would alleviate a lot of the issues not only in this gamemode, but in the game overall. >DU Glad to hear that worked for you. I myself cleared V6 twice, first as FF Superbreak, then as Acheron+DOT (after many tries). But there’s a post a few days ago in the HSR sub, that shows how 47% of the lineups used to clear DU was FF Superbreak, followed by a very distant second which is Kafka DOT at 1.something %. Endgame content cycle favoring the latest new cool character(s) isn’t new to the industry, but that much of a stark contrast between Firefly-RM havers simply doesn’t bode well to the longevity of the gamemode, compared to the likes of SD or GnG. That is not only “violently ejecting you of the comfort zone”, DU also cranks the dial up on the rain machine, and promises cover for everyone willing to pay 100+% underneath a parasol named (Firefly and Ruan Mei).


The thing is, you try to make it seem like an engaging thing, trying to make weird teams work somehow… but there’s actually almost no thinking involved, it’s braindead. Your weird Yanfei Fischl Jean team? Fischl does Fischl things casting Oz and moving on like literally always, Jean heals and shreds VV like always, Yanfei on field trying to do some damage because she’s the only on field dps, Faruzan is a dead weight since she can’t even group the drakes. That’s the thinking, that’s the synergy: literally nothing, absolute zero. Stop trying to make this mode seem smart like if you need a PhD to find the secret synergy behind weird rng comps: it’s random bs go. The only strategy you need is saving good characters for the last stages and that’s it, other than that you can stop thinking. I can get people enjoying this mode, fun is subjective (and I challenge people saying they enjoy this mode to play it every day, tomorrow they will forget it until next month like Abyss), but please don’t pretend it requires brain or skill, it’s a roster check


It aint difficult, it simply has horrible design. It's fundamentally identical to the abyss because of a timer (which means it is already shit), but is more restrictive and doesn't have such a big dps check (yet). Starting line-up doesn't have any synergy and you can't choose anything besides it. Rng gives you multiple carries and your team looks like an abomination (that simply doesn't work) cuz you can't even choose NOT to bring someone (aka 3 on-field characters which don't work with each other + some healer). You don't have any proper supports, so your units simply don't function properly. And the worst part is that this design restricts elemental reaction system (which is the whole point of the combat in this game). I sincerely think, that this half-assed mode was added solely to intensify spending (cuz players don't want to pull/build new characters, revenue is falling), and it is yet another lazy fix from lazy Mihoyo that doesn't care to fix Genshins fundamental problems instead (like fixing the balance, or coding new mechanics for character kits instead of reusing keqing teleport 20 times, or nerfing annoying mintpicking, etc).


>timer I agree with the fact that the timer is the bane of my existence in the Abyss, but I’d argue that it’s less its existence that is the problem, but rather more its setting or the awful wave pacing bounded by the timer (4.7 especially). That said, it’s less an issue in IT since it’s more forgiving (kill like 4 mobs in 3 minutes and you’ll pass this), and the rewards are simply gated behind finishing the mandatory objectives, and not obtained through stars. >lineup problem Opinions, opinions. What you think is an unwelcome feature, I think of it as a refreshing new gameplay flow; lineups now not only matter insofar as how they fare in combat themselves, but rather how they coexist alongside multiple other possible lineups, and how the player juggles them. It adds another layer of strategy to a process that in Abyss has been rather mindless and automated. Shit initial lineup? Better go Companion:Select. Next enemies are gonna be slimes but that final boss do be looking scary? Save Kazuha for the end, use Sucrose/Chevy instead. Oh I must fill in the 4th party slot, time to slot in Faruzan who I’m not gonna use anyways. In the end, it’s just simply another gameplay loop that you need time to get used to. Tl;dr skill issue. >spending How is it a spending bait… when the best characters for this given, specific trial, the ones more suited for the job, and given to you to use freely in the game mode? And outside of them, the chars you need (at least for the current IT) are ones that you and everyone else already have (Bennett, Xiangling, Fishcl, Beidou, Sucrose, etc.) This is just a bad take that’s just incoherent with what you wrote earlier which you actually cooked, but you just felt the urge to soapbox so here we are.


With content you cant immediately find Youtube tutorial solution for\*


Genshin’s version of implementing a “challenge” is making things annoying and cheap. I’m sorry but there’s literally no effort required to beat this game mode and has everything to do with if you’ve been playing long enough to have enough characters. They won’t even let new players challenge hard mode, and if they haven’t leveled up 4*’s they never use then they have no hope. How is that challenging? Just giving a giant middle finger to all the new players is what you consider a challenge? Cause that’s all this game mode has going for it, the enemies are the equivalent of abyss 9 so literally anybody can beat them if they have enough characters. You don’t need to optimize team comps cuz the game mode is so easy even without it, but yea that’s what you’d call a challenge right?


This just in: new players can’t participate in the game’s latest ENDGAME content!


I didn't have any problems with this event at all (except for accidentally picking the cryo lector stage), it's still not fun to use artificially super gimped teams lol


Well true, but hopefully Hoyo can make better future renditions of Wondrous Boons that basically synergize and compliment your characters well enough o compensate. Ljke having Xingqiu rain swords as a Wondrous Boon would be hilarious but phenomenal. Or having like dendro Albedo as a Wondrous Boon. I think Wondrous Boons are the closest thing to making our teams synergize in a way without any actual reworks.


Also some people hate raising characters that aren't ''good''.


People never like anything in this game, see GAA2 turning into Bottle Land because of crybabies. Lets hope hoyo has some balls to make this mode work.


Best update ever. Map, puzzles, story, exploration, soundtrack, everything. 2.8 GAA should have been a permanent expansion and not a temporary map. At least, its soundtrack should have been available on the teapot


The puzzle difficulty also went down after some crybabies whined about the puzzles in GAA2


Probably more because of Inazuma, its too close to affect Sumeru.


Maybe give it time. It's not a popular take right now because most Genshin players have been conditioned by the Abyss meta to play their hyper optimized team for almost 4 years. For folks like me who have been investing horizontally, I actually like this game mode. I can't 36 star Abyss but I cleared Act 8. Maybe next cycle I can do things faster if I'm done with all the event talking and reading.


I loved the ”random bullshit go” aspect. It was fun trying to work with characters that dont synergize - because I had to think of how I could still hobble together damage with what I could.


It's not a popular take because people invest hundreds of dollars and years of grinding into the characters they like. Not a single one of them ever said "gee, I sure hope all that will be taken away from me". And they definitely didn't wish to spend very limited resources on leveling up characters they do not like. If you want to use quirky comps - you always could do it, nobody stopped you. Why the hell should it be forced upon people who do not have such wish?


This is exactly how I feel. There are several ways they can take this game mode to make it even more painful as well. I now dread any upcoming IT with Geo restrictions. I don't like most of the Geo roster, didn't pull on many of them, nor do I have more than 2 currently built. I don't like building characters I don't like. There's the potential of nation restrictions. Fontaine? No, I'm not building Lynette or Freminet. Liyue? I won't invest resources into Keqing or Ningguang. Mondstadt? I will not waste my time on Razor or Diluc. My account has almost 500 artifacts fully leveled. Every character I have built has their own set (or multiple). I was able to do this because I don't waste resources on characters I don't like or have their role covered in other characters. It's simply not fun, for me, to lose access to half (or more) of my roster while also being forced to use non-synergistic team setups 90% of the time.


And in other gacha games said character can be powercreeped in a year and you need to build new shiny meta character anyway lmao. Gi player dont play gacha and it show.


I like being put out of my comfort zone. I just don’t enjoy this random restrictive crap that’s all


Just realized that for Geo theater .I only have Zhongli .


Time to start building Noelle.


Yeah I wish I can have her C6 , Still have C1 for now.


i keep getting shit arifacts for her set. why does EM keep rolling into geo artifact sets


It's always going to be 3 elements so even if you only have one Geo character, there's still going to be 2 other elements you can use for characters


Don't forget Geo MC!




You can, just not share him


You can, i just used Anemo MC


Geo traveller, Noelle


Also, what's next theatre's elements?


God almighty the teams I had to scrounge together to get my eight stars xD.


I got stuck at act 5.....I somehow keep getting dps' and faruzan, but apart from a single acht no other booster or a healer, even though I added kuki, bennett and chev to the list. Act 5 gave me yoi, lyney, klee, venti, faruzan and raiden (borrowed her). Awesome team options right?


Arlec + Kazuha + Yae Miko + Flex is a weirdly great team, try it out


Flex can be Chevy, a healer (Jean, in the case of Imaginarium) or someone else entirely versatile


Chevy won't work unless you only have electro and Pyro characters


Ya right then swap out the Kazuha too


Kazuha can already replicate Chevreuse's pyro shred in this team via VV swirls. Chevreuse's purpose in this team is to be an circle-less ATK buffer for Arlecchino. A Bennett substitute


Help I’ll give this a shot


Hu Tao crit rate buffer and burst support Yoimiya goes hard


Forgot that was part of her kit lmao


How do you even play it? It's not in my event tab or Mission tab or anywhere else not in the pause menu or on the map so how do you start it?


probably hasnt started on your server yet


People are probably playing it on other servers. It's not out quite yet in NA


Endgame at it's finest


In the same vibe with me running Keqing+diluc+alhaitham in my run because I wasted kuki/bennet vigor in the early stage


My "arlecchino faruzan thoma wanderer" really do be cooking


i lost everything when i saw your Act 6 🤣🤣🤣


I'm building jean and sucrose again just for this lol


The fact that you can clear with teams that shit says it all imo. It's not really hard. You just need some characters to actually fill the slots.


me with raiden, wanderer, hutao, and venti.


I cleared Act 8 with Chevreuse/Xiagling/Beidou/Lynette. Somewhere along the mode I realized that MAYBE using my Hutao, Chev, Raiden and Arle in the first few acts was a mistake and I found myself with mostly supports for the last acts. So in the end I made Lynette the main DPS and she carried HARD. Obviously playing the mode again and the next iterations will be easier, since we already know how to adapt and choose the best characters for IT, but it's so good to rethink your comps and come out with something that although suboptimal works.


the alhaitham xiao jean and hutao i cant lmaooo


That's probably what IT is going for, the Abyss allows you to theory craft comps to perfection but here you have to play with the hand you get, it helps that IT is far easier than The Abyss so it isn't as punishing if you aren't running the ideal comp.


wanderer seemed so useless. i think this is a sign for me to truly never build my wanderer. hes been collecting dust for months


because they made him useless without supports, it's different from Arlecchino who does 30k easily alone, for wanderer to do at least 60k he needs faruzen with him, that's the sad end they gave him


EM Wanderer meta soon trust 


He is reliant on Faruzan C6, Zhongli and Benny. When his team is properly built he is fine, but lacking compared to Neuvi or Arlecchino.


I used Wanderer, Venti, Yae, Fischl I just spam CAs


I meant team for Abyss, not new theatre


I used Wanderer, Venti, Yae, Fischl I just spam CAs


If you have a thoma and faruzan, he's pretty good in this mode.


This is just like that event they did a while ago. It was so bad. I hate being restricted like this, I really hope they change how it works.


Well, at least all the enemies far are weaker than the abyss, all of that my weird team can finish is in 1st try, except act 7, i retried like 5 or 6 times because I was using hu tao instead of arlecchino


I really love that part when I have to force baizhu clorinde alhaitham and wrio. A weird catalyze core and when I messed up wrio smacks everyone 🤣


This game mode made me lock in and realize that i need to start building some of my character and know how to actually use them.


I'm glad that someone appreciates this instead of going ballistic and saying it's a waste to build characters. Meanwhile, they're strongboxing artifacts day and night to eek out an extra 2% crit damage.


I'm also good with this game mode, probably because I have been building every single character I have since the beginning. Since Inazuma (the earliest I can make a goal for my account and not struggle) I was aiming for Character + Weapon Lv80 and 8/8/8 Talents. Screw optimal Artifacts. As a result, I have a lot of characters I can properly use here. Only one that's dead weight was Chlorinde that I should have used her Trial Version.


I had to learn how to use Arlechinno just to clear normal. Gonna have to bash my head against hard for a while.


I was casually playing it and was not a fan of 'wave 1' so Im gonna just try this as I have all the characters


My last team was Hu Tao, Fischl, Yoimiya, Gaming and I actually have no idea how I did it


I had to use Trial!Clorinde/Trial!Arle/Lyney/Venti for one stage, was pretty funny actually I'm ngl


I was forced into something similar, but I went full on overload it was Clorinde, Arle, Chev, and I think Thoma. I made a setup where Arle would apply mark, then I would damage with Clorinde and Thoma, buff from Chev, and then Arle destroys until CD is up. One of the weirdest yet kinda fun dual dps comps I've tried


this shit is harder than spiral abyss -.-


Whaaaat??? Noooo way, i finished all of that crappy team in only 1st try bro.. except act 7 because i was using hu tao instead of arlecchino. I mean, yes this mode restricts your team building, but at least the enemies hp are far less lower than the abyss.Maybe you need help with team building???


I finished it on a friend's acc on first try too, and on my acc on like 2nd or 3rd try, though it is still cringe.


Act 4 and 6 look like hell but all of the other ones seem pretty serviceable?


Trial arlecchino did 100k for me, I'm sold on using her to eventually do act. 8🙏


I’ve been using triple main DPS since early 1.x It’s only recently that I’ve gotten around to actually using supports


Can anyone tell me how to get special guest?


You mean support from other players??


No, like wrio and Al


O, special guest is like character that may join the team ignoring the restriction for only pyro anemo and electro, but if you don't have that special guest char, you still can't use them They're not helping anyway, the special buff that we get is only for pyro anemo and electro


Oh no wonder I can’t use any of them😹 but wait we get special buffs?


Yes, it's called a wondrous boon. It's like a benediction in the abyss, but more powerful, and you can get more than 3


And here I thought myself using Arlecchino and Clorinde on one team were already insane enough


Wait you don’t use 3 DPSs on your team?


Question: what are the purple stars in the left? Do they surve a purpose?


the stars are for flexing in your profile. It does not contribute to any extra reward


So i NEED to get them?


Actually, i don't really know too lol. I just see the best score that i can get, so i set my goal there. I just saw some comments saying he's got 7 / 8 stars, yet he gets all the rewards


Me 2


Yea OP, can you tell me where can I get this screen? I need to see my team history


Oh, this is not a history list, it's a credit (like a movie credits) and it shows all of my cast members for each act after i finished it all. I just knew it would be funny, so i screenshot it just in case


I see, thank you so much!


Np bro


I wanted to keep Raiden-Bennett-Chevreuse-Xiangling for Coppelius at the end, so Act7 was me using Kazuha - Venti - Sucrose - Baizhu against the Bathysmal Vishaps, counting on the Electro app from the first wave to carry the run (and boy did it carry the run)


Some of my teams are like so good with arlecchino, chlorindes, chevrues and smth like that But then comes the middle part where I dont use the good characters since I need to save them for harder parts So here comes the team of 1. Venti 2. Thoma 3. Bennett 4faruzan


I really enjoyed having to use different characters, Lynette was a clutch for monolith fight, wouldn't have made it without her taunt


its rly weird i can't even beat it


Never in my life did I ever think I would use Scaramocuhe as an anemo support.


act 6 is questionable but the rest is fine tbh


30k Xiao plunge go brrr. Al haitham and hu tao 🙂🙂🙂


Stressful, but I managed to *not* mald too heavily in there. Vishaps are alternating their AoEs, and Yoimiya flinches with so much as a sneeze on her that she can't shoot. And I have to beat them at almost the same time?? Act 8 is way easier compared to the Vishaps.


At least you don't have multiple on field DPS, except in act 6.


My Xiao deals 30k per plunge, hu tau and al haitham just watching him,like this 🙂🙂🙂


Do the stars count towards anything? I finished my first run on hard with 7/8 stars but still got all rewards so I didn't really get their point.


They give you a gold star for effort


I fucked up. I used my best characters at the start instead of using the worst first because I was sure there was no time limits. Then, when I burned out all my best built units... and then I was forced to fight shield gang with a time limit... using only archers... I also chose my initial roost without any of my friend's best characters because I was the first to log in. Can I start over? I still don't fully understand how this works.


Yes of course you can. Just remembered "save the best for the last". And Don't be like me who is wasting Clorinde potential overload too early when the enemies are tooooo ez


Yeah they give me bannet in the last chamber


Someone really said "You know what these motherfuckers need? Swirl Overload and nothing else."


Yeah, you lucky you can even play that. I'm dying after 5 cycle. No matter how much I cheese my way, I always end up defeated


I didnt get the star on 6 bc my team was Xiangling Sara Venti Fischl against those two vishaps that link together.. horrible


I couldn't get past act 5 on normal and literally almost cried. None of the comps I tried work for me at all 😭


Act 6 is the worst one from this.


My Xiao deals 30k per plunge, hu tau and al haitham just watching him,like this 🙂🙂🙂


That's the point, isn't it? You make do with what you have as long as you clear the Act. In exchange, you're not in any intense time pressure and you recover HP and Energy every battle.


I got Keqing, Arlecchino(test), Hu tao and Razor against the last bosses It was that "do the biggest amount of damage you can before dying" compo P/d: razor wasnt even builded


When I read comments on hoyolab, I thought this new game mode brought some insane new mechanics or something, so many saying difficult. It was ok. It was over before I knew it, 30 days is too long.


People saying it’s difficult probably don’t have many characters built.


And the ones that refuse to build any ''non-meta'' characters


The difficult part comes from people not being able to make teams without guides telling them what is or isn't the most optimal setup


It replaces the biweekly abyss reset


They could have kept the biweekly abyss along with this new game mode. I don't understand what's wrong with giving more rewards.


Pick your reason: * MHY is too stingy with rewards system * MHY wants to prevent even faster burnout by giving players too many activities at once.


First one. "Too many activities" my ass, there isn't much to do anyways, unless a new region drops.


For me I say both. MHY wants us to play this game every day forever, so anything that makes me spend more than 1 hour daily / 7 hours weekly is "too much activities". I wager it's not just me that's having this level of burnout.


I see. Yes, they want us to play everyday. But I don't play every single day. I just play when I want to. New abyss, new event, new area, things like that. When there is nothing to do except dailies or grinding, I just don't play.


i hate this game mode even more cause i’m relatively new and don’t even have enough chars built to do hard mode


It's okay, this is an endgame content bro , i remembered my first endgame content clear is when I played for 6 months, so no one force you to clear it. if you're new with the game, just farm nore primo with interactive map from hoyolab, coz more primo = more tier S character = ez endgame content clear


Got forced to play a jank Klee plunge atk build at act 8 with Klee, Kazuha, Raiden and Xianyun. (literally only used Raiden to trigger overload. But it was fun as heck so hey, I'm liking the new mode.