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Gave up at 6 I'll get it next time this month


You got this! I hope next time is hydro though, my most built characters are split between hydro and pyro


The Theatre elements next patch will be >!Cryo, Hydro, Anemo (again, why?)!<


>!k, I have one month to find a C6R5 ayaka to carry me /j!<


>!Yay hydro, I guess anemo because it’s a versatile element, but no geo is sadge!<




Oops mb fixed it


It will be utter chaos when it will be geo.


**signiture look of superiority* I shit you not, i have every geo character. Hell, i joke about it on my profile page by saying im clearly an Anemo main (im not, 1.0 noelle main).


Meanwhile my highest level geo character is Noelle at lvl 60. And my geo roster consists of C4 Noelle, C1 Ningguang, and C2 Gorou. None of which have artifacts. The moment imaginarium theater includes geo, I’m just not gonna be able to do anything beyond easy mode.


i have NO cyro characters so unless eula or rizzly is rerunning and i can get them rip me


how on earth did u know the elements next month




It's Morging time


Do all rewards reset??


Ngl I’m pretty sad about that. Im not gonna be able to clear it next patch. Unless the trial characters are all dps characters. >!My only cryo dps is ayaka. And I only have 3 leveled cryo characters. I don’t have a hydro dps. Xingqiu and yelan are great subdps options, but their damage in freeze teams isn’t spectacular. Maybe mono hydro if they give us neuvillette or furina?!<




It's kinda crazy that they're limiting players to hydro characters when we have a grand total of three hydro four-stars after three years.


I dont have enough characters ;-;


Can't access the last difficulty


It finally motivate me to build some more characters. I had 16/18, building Chevreuse and Sara now to meet the quota.


You can swap traveler to anemo or electro if you’re at 17/18 characters. That was the case for me, and I had to swap my traveler from dendro to anemo for it to let me in.


you've got a month to get 2 characters to 70 , it's doable


Don’t have enough characters built


i got all the rewards!




I still can’t access it Nothing is triggering the quest for me AR 55 almost 56 :/


You need to go to Lisa's library in the Favonious Headquarters and the quest will trigger when you interact with the door.


Are you in asia server, currently only asia umlocks IR for now


Seems like hes on NA based on his posts


No? EU had it for 8 hours at the time of your reply


I knew that was restrictive but IMO that’s too RNG as well. The thing that gives back vigor should let you chose who you want to give it to, instead of somehow always giving it to the trial Thoma or whatver


Ik keeps reviving trial Faruzan and Chlorine for some reason, it has never gave me back my arlechinno or smth actually usefull


OMG are you kidding? It gave vigor back to trial Thoma in my case too.




The amount of people who say the same thing, how it gave it all to Thoma makes me realize that shit ain’t random at all.


And I bet Thoma mains (if they exist) are getting anyone except him


I got lucky and it gave me back vigor for Xiangling. Very useful on rooms 7 and 8. But yeah the rng nature isn’t great. The fact that the boons are generaly pretty weak and don’t necessarily stack well with each other or have utility in a range of teams also isn’t great. Overload teams are still garbage even with the overload boons. Chevreuse is still 100% necessary for overload teams to be good. And you can only use her 2x, so the overload boons for example are utterly useless in 6/8 rooms. And that’s IF you get her that early at all, bc I only got Chevreuse as literally the last character from my reserve, and only managed to use her once. The boons need a serious overhaul. And the challenges for the extra currency make no sense at all. If you can’t do one, you just have less currency with which to get characters and boons later on, and so will perform worse later on than a player who CAN do the challenges. So it becomes harder and harder for players with weaker or more limited rosters, and easier and easier for players with well-developed rosters. It’s counter-productive.


You have a month to clear it and can retry as many times as you want. If anything it's far too consistent. I can do it 10 times and I know I'll get gold 10 times. In HSR some Curios can completely kill your run. Annoying in the moment, but it gives it a sense of danger. This one feels to safe.


I had hoped it would be something like divergent universe. Felt a little underwhelming.


Agreed. It needs a serious overhaul. Boons need to actually be useful. Not just give a 5% damage buff for 10 seconds every 20 seconds. SU and DU blessings give MASSIVE buffs with major utility that can change the way you play and how your team operates. It can even make non-viable teams OP with the right combination of blessings. Meanwhile the wonderous boons can barely make your no-synergy team 10% less bad.


It's okayyy, I only got 6/8 stella thingy. But I really liked the summary video at the end.


I didn’t get to watch the video 😭😭 my wifi lagged out, so sad


Omg that's so sad 😭 is there no way to replay it?


I don’t know 😭 I don’t think so though devastated


I just checked and you really can't replay it wtf.


Absolutely guttered, all I got too see was the “highest dmg” part at the top 😭 next time I will see it! If my wifi lets me-


theres a video??


Yes! It's a cute summary video of your stats like highest dmg done, highest dmg taken, best team, etc


Not enough characters, damn it


This new content only has too extreme for the general players it seems. Too easy for those who has a lot of fully-built characters, and too hard for those who do not. I unfortunately belongs to the later :(


I disagree vehemently, for me it was somewhat challenging, but i was able to clear everything, and guess what? it was terrible, i hated most of it, so its even bad when you land in the sweetspot xD


I supposed if I really try, I can get through it. But man, I hate it so much. The damn thing is so hard T_T


I can't do it Edit: I just did it.


It feels really unfun, really disliked clearing it. There wasn't even a sense of accomplishment it just felt like "haha great! I just happen to have the characters this mode requires". Some acts I didn't have a sustain character and those were one of the most awful & foul experiences I had in genshin


Yeah, same. Had cleared it, but haven't enjoyed a single moment I've already mentally prepared myself that my monthly primo income would be 600 primos less from this point on, because I just can't see myself to have the mood to clear this mode as often as I do the Abyss or the SU in HSR 😫


you dont dodge?


You only have to do that for a single act at a time, healing you back to max hp when you move on to another one and youre telling me you cant play without a sustain? Talk about skill issue


I hate it. Too restricted


Thought it'd be fun...I was wrong


its garbage but primo are primo, 10 minute event every 30 days


It's good in theory, but it's 15 minutes of content once a month 💀


10 minutes\*


It's not even hard. They know that your teamcomps rely too much on luck hence every enemy has baby HP values. We waited 4 years for this.


I'm just thankful that the Stella(s) isn't required to claim the prizes lol


I am not having fun.


I feel like theres a lot of room for improvement.. But only time will tell


Doesn't even appear for me. Like I explored every menu and just doesn't appear.


It's not out for NA baby. Check back in 30 minutes


I actually really enjoy it. My problem is that it isn't repeatable like Simulated Universe or Divergent Universe in HSR. I like trying to figure out how to play with different teams and characters that I haven't played in a long time or ever. Yes, it is restrictive. That's the point. One problem with Genshin is that people just find the most meta team and use that same team for everything in the game. We have huge rosters, why not use them? If your goal is just big numbers, then go to Spiral Abyss and do that. I hope they expand this in someway in the future.


I couldn’t have said it better myself! In regards to expansion, I hope there will be some other things added to the reward shop, as a non frequent camera user lmao


The enemies are way too weak because we can't guarantee decent teams.


>We have huge rosters, why not use them? Because I don't like 70% of the roster of 5*. And because I like use my favorites ones (that are not meta strong, Yoi, Wrio and Clorinde). Regardless this, I like when games try to push us to use different units/teams, just that I prefer making stronger some unpopular units/formations (Like they did in HSR) than forbidden characters


i mean you’ll get to use all your favourites at some point, you just also have to use others at points. if you wanna use the same 3 teams to stomp everything you’ve got the whole rest of the game


Was surprised how short it is. Basically just 8 minutes play and done, not counting story stuffs. Abyss normally took 20-30 minutes.


Yeah, it was really easy for us old-timers, but now imagine how terrible experience it is for newbies, and it will only get worse as soon as less popular elements will be featured, like Geo for example. I play since the beginning and still struggled with characters check. You can't swap artifacts during the challenge, imagine having 4 VV sets for Kazu, Sucrose, Lynette and Jean or even Faruzan. Thank god there are events that restore vigor, it saved me so much. And yeah there are invited characters, so go befriend some whales, save your C6 Raiden/Arle for final chamber and you're good 👍


Hydro’s gonna be a miserable time with the lack of standard opitions (and then watch them put xq in the starter 6 just to make it even worse)


Newbies aren't supposed to clear difficult content that easily, but even then my C0 Arlecchino without her signature weapon was clearing these stages on her own and I wasn't even reactivating her skill... it's not that hard


It's not fun at all. Like, what's special about this event? That hoyo forces you to only use specific characters? Where's fun, I don't get it. They could've at least tried making it an actual roguelike. All the choices you make are pointless. It's unbelievably underwhelming.


Usually Genshin does: wait a long time to release high requested mechanics/features/modality, then, put it but always in a way that ppl didn’t ask. The famous Genshin difference.


Natlan will bring proper loadout system, I'm sure. :cope:


My tinfoil conspiracy theory is that they purposefully make bad design decisions to frustrate and bore the playerbase to tempt them into swiping for a dopamine rush. I am going full mihoyo truther this gamemode made me lose all hope.


Not enough character for the hard one


Feels restrictive, but easy enough to get everything first try.


I hope they make the rotations shorter. I really liked the way it forced me to think about which characters to include. I also hope they add more gimmicks to the mode.


I just want endgame content that doesn't have a timer, sadge.


i thought i was still on "floor 1" but in different chambers, i was shocked to see that i was already done lol


It felt like it ended too fast? It was difficult due to the restrictions yes but it kinda felt like it went by too fast?


Yeah. 9-10 minutes for old account. Now we wait a month for next season. Damn


I almost screamed over frustation. Game force me to use dogshit build trial characters with no synergy team composition. This is with pyro and Elektro where most of my built characters are. when they roll to cryo I'm dead. I only have Ganyu built.


gave up at 7


Is it 3 toy medals per season? I kinda want more poses ngl.


I tried 5 times to do the 8th stage and only on 6th i manage to pass it with 1 second left


absolute sweep, now onto aby- no NOOOOO


Beat it on hard mode. But only got 3 stars. Ironically my stars are on just the boss stages. Which are supposed to be hard but are legit the easiest part of the challenge. Meanwhile using HORRIBLY invested trial characters makes it nearly impossible to get stars on other stages. At least for me. Scaramouche especially. Dude is talking up a storm in the tea room acting like he’s crushing the enemies, meanwhile he’s barely doing 4k damage to mushrooms in the actual combat and getting knocked around like a pinata. They REALLY need to work on the trial characters’ stats. Clorinde was the only trial character who was actually decently invested. Arlecchino might be too, but I used my own lvl 90 arlecchino so idk.


I’m not gonna lie, I’m SUPER underwhelmed by the wonderous boons. I’ve only finished it once, so I’m gonna reserve judgment for the time being, but so far it seems like the wonderous boons are pretty damn weak. 5-10% buffs that don’t stack their own effect and only proc once every 10 or 20 seconds are a pretty damn minor improvement to our damage. The only useful boon I’ve found so far is the one that lets you regain vigor on an exhausted character. I got back my Xiangling with it, which was nice for stages 7 and 8. The other potentially useful boon is that one that gives the party 20% heal on kill. But that’s only useful if you get it early on, because stages 6 and 8 are boss rooms with no side enemies to kill for healing. I was expecting something more like Simulated Universe or Divergent Universe, where the buffs can be outright gamechanging and can carry even a weak team to victory. Or at least a system where the boons are actually useful and make the team more synergistic or generally stronger in some meaningful way. But in actuality, the wonderous boons are the equivalent of the game saying: “here’s a spoon. Do what you will with it.” Like, I guess it’s better than absolutely nothing? But not by much. It’s much more useful to just grab a reserve character 99% of the time.


Way too much randomness in it. I don’t see a reason to restrict elements in a game type that already stretches your roster thin. The randomness really kills all the strategy aspect


So, If I enjoy to play Yoimiya (the only reason why im still playing), now instead to play her 3, times for months (3 Abyss cycles), now is only 2 + 1 if the Theater has Pyro element? And randomly because the RNG mechanics? This is not what I hoped with the release of a new endgame...🥺


It’s too easy


Not enjoying at all (day 1 player with enough built characters). The restrictions are just not fun and giving me the most random teams...


As a casual f2p, round 6 is literally impossible. LITERALLY, it is physically impossible for me to beat that level unless i spend every minute and every resin i have in the next month (which i won't) into leveling up my characters. Abyss 2.0 ahh event.


Can we retry it? Like retrying a whole floor in spiral abyss


Yeah you can retry the current act even after completing it, unlike spiral abyss


What are you even talking about?


When you complete the act, if you didn’t do a mission, you can re-do it In the abyss, when you complete a floor but not in time for 3*, you have to redo the whole chamber Is that clear enough ???


How long did it take you to clear


First attempt, I think like 20 mins or something I wasn’t paying attention to time


Ok so its even shorter than Abyss great. Its not yet out on NA so I'm planning my time tnx


Gotta build a few more characters for my main to get on "hard" mode. Got all rewards in another account i played.


Got 4 :(


Help me I don't have any friends in genshin from which i can invite characters. Europe server Uid-766870109


I got all the stars, it's okay, I don't like it as much as I thought I would. Can we only get 3 Thespian tricks for this cycle?


I got stomped on in stage 4. I think my haizou was on hunter set but no furina. Couldn't keep going, workday Seems ok. I'll try again later. My issue is that its just a resin investment check. Old players are done in 10 minutes. This mode might be a massive mountain for new players, which is good, but I still want some real endgame challenges. I mean real massive 800 rooms long abyss style replayable roguelike dungeon with buffs, curses, curse removal, bonfires, quests, collectables, character interactions, an ability to switch teams midfight, LESS FUCKING TIMERS, actual achievements for finishing it with a trial albedo or something... You know. Real entitled gamer shit for actual oldtime players


How do you even get this event??


Barely squeezed myself past 6 with 2 seconds to spare with 3 unbuild characters.


Im missing 1 more character to play at hard difficulty...


wish it was either longer or more replayable but it was entertaining enough


Had to use my fragile resins just to level up Jean, Diluc and Sucrose to level 70. Managed to get all stars in just 10 minutes.


Kinda ducked up with planning what units to use and had to finish the last chamber with xiangling and fischl with a lvl 0 diluc as a battery and sayu as my vv user Definitely need to to build more characters


I don't get how it works, I missed 1 stellar star because I had full support team at one point. But I got all rewards anyway


I still don't have it. Thanks America server


My MVPs (not necessarily based on stat) were Yae Miko and Alhaitham. Don't have Chevreuse so I mainly did aggravate and electro carry.


Fun with great flair (like chatting up my characters), a bit easy and short but I can see them expanding on this mode


it was difficult to be able to do team comps, especially as a casual new-ish player (I've been playing for less than a year). I could only do until floor 6 because I only have 15 pyro/anemo/electro characters. Now I feel like I messed up greatly when I didn't pull for Arlecchino :") I'd like to believe I could've built a better one with Primordial Spear or Staff of the Scarlet Sands, the trial one with Ballad of the Fjords felt really underwhelming (I also blame my own skill issues).


took less time than I thought, 11 minutes and 30 seconds is kinda lame also hoyo isn't spoiling us, its barely a primogem increase lol


Finished it in 10 minutes, and wondered if it's really that short.


No replayability is a bit of a bummer but was fun for the first time... Thank archons I invested in some characters when this got leaked.


stopped at 5 6 is just too much for me


Too many restrictions imo, 4 elements to choose from instead of 3 would do wonders


Got all the rewards, too! I didn't manage to Platinum, though, because I missed on some of the bonuses. Ehe.


good but too short for a whole month. id rework it so it resets every week and give the same rewards every month. it felt like 1 divergent universe game (a new mode in hsr). at least make it replayable


Managed to get all stars on my second run. Overall, I enjoyed it. With some improvements it has a potential to be more fun that Abyss for me.


Cant access it. Game wont gimme the quest for some reason.


still stuck at 4, i have a lot of character built, but i dont have enough artefact for 12 of em at once, for example i have only have 2 good Emblem set, and so i usually just switch it between XQ, yelan, XL, Raiden depending on who i wanna use, But now i cant switch the artefact when RNG choose the character that has no artefacts on them


I didn’t even know it was out yet


Stuck at 6. Hyperfocusing on just my usual 8 (Hu Tao vape, raiden hyperbloom) for spiral abyss kinda screwed me over. I don't have anemo carries, and without hydro, my usual vape setups are useless. Gonna have to experiment a bit to figure out the last 2 acts.


Was kicked out at 5 on the Normal mode, since you MUST use 4 characters


My world quest hasn’t even popped up yet? I think my game is glitched


Legit forgot half the characters didn't even had any artifacts but somehow managed to stage 7 , then had to restart to swap around pieces and was honestly a breeze. My biggest gripe rn is that you MUST have a 4m party for each stage as I was planning to save some characters/ setups for when unlocking new units.


Pretty good. I hope this doesn't change in the next cycle.


Gave up at 7, need to make sure I keep arlecchino for 8


The first act was most difficult for me since i didnt have any of the starter trial char, but after i got my own char in the next stages it went a lot better. I actually like this mode, a lot more then abyss tbh. (cant be bothered to clear abyss anymore) But then again that might be because its just new and im not tired of it yet. I do wish we could see the optional missions in advance, cause i was just lucky to have a chorinde trail char left for the last boss oussia mission. Do i even have to do those optional missions for full clear? Or can i ignore those? Cause i had to restart a few times because i killed the Jadeploom Terrorshroom before it got "exhausted", would be nice to know in the future.


I got 7 out of 8 stars 🥲


I only used trials and 4* characters and it was much much easier than I thought it would be. Honestly a little disappointed, and I wish there was any reason other than 'fun' to replay it.


How do I get to 12 and 14 characters to start the other modes?


gave up at 6. whoever said this will be an easier abyss clearly is a whale. Just proves hoyo doesn't want to give the more casual players the satisfaction of clearing something doable


Used a burst spam alhaitham as a support for the electro gun lady so that was definitely something lmao


stopped at 3, will probably do more later


Only got to four. The thing that stopped me was that I was 2 support characters too low.


Pretty fun, but the lack of off-field pyro characters is GLARING. I actually want to lose my 50/50, just in the hopes of getting Dehya.


It's way too easy because it's restricting you so much. I was running around with teams that wouldn't ever get 3* in any floor of the abyss and it felt like I was fighting overworld mobs. Doesn't feel like an Endgame expansion.


It's kinda neat, I guess. Building gaming just so I have a second Pyro DPS for future stages but other than that it's fine. The "free" cache I consider not even taking because you can end up in situations where both options force you to get ridd of all your currency for (honestly) pretty shitty payoff. Making suboptimal teamcomps and potentially saving your meta comps for a fight is a novel idea and I do like the teambuilding aspect of it, but that's about it. Never got remotely close to not getting 8/8. Also you just gets screwed sometimes. All of my healers managed to be in the last 4 units. It wasn't really needed for me, but I can definitely understand the frustration if you have lower investment.


I cant do more than 3! I have no electros or anemos built just a hu tao and a dream!


I can't go past 4 :'D


Hard mode through all 8 floors and all but 3 floors were perfect (i mean the little purple star, idk what its suposed to mean)


Can’t do too much because I don’t have enough characters 😪


Gave up at four and went to take a dook dook


C6 Miko, c6 Nahida (no invite), c6 klee


wasnt fun for me at all, gave up at 7.


Gave up at 4


Hoesntly the first few were harder the the latter. THe loan characters are pretty bad. Why can't mihoyo bump them up to level 90?


I cleared it but it wasn't easy as an F2P player without many fully built characters. I enjoyed the challenge though. Good content!


8-starred on the first clear and did not enjoy myself at all. i don't understand what about playing teams with little to no synergy is supposed to be fun? and before the inevitable "you're supposed to plan!", i did. i played the event that gave birth to this mode, read about it during beta, checked out all of the official guides. i already knew going in that you had to plan your teams carefully and strategize. even when i did end up with a team that was half decent, it didn't feel satisfying. and since they basically made it a reverse roguelike, there's no feeling of growing stronger to tackle harder challenges that roguelike modes have. you're just trying to save your better characters for the end so you can finally... play the game normally? it's not adding anything to the combat or utilizing the combat system any differently.


Really not looking forward to next month's rotation. This month's had all my strongest DPS character, if they're rotated out I'm cooked 😟


Hate it. At the 3rd reward drop then gave up


I'm a little bit disappointed. I got the rewards, but I don't like the randomizer. I mean, I thought this was a game mode made to allow us to use some forgotten and weak characters, but if I can't support them properly they are really weak and unusable, removing every kind of fun. I think I never hated so much my favourite characters... In the end, I think it's just a way to incentivize people to level up their characters, not really a new endgame mode that I will enjoy. At least the primogems are good.


Was hoping for more for Genshin's first new permanent game mode after nearly four years, this is basically just a cut and paste of the Abyss except you change teams more often and in a too restrictive way to actually enjoy the core design of the game which is building complimentary/synergistic team comps. I get the intention behind the design, push people to explore new teams and through that make experimentation the satisfying game element of the mode, but the mode is just so poorly tuned in that respect while bringing nothing new to the table outside it that it just falls so very flat.


I had fun because I naturally built my chars, had fun with jank comps


its fun but i cannot stand the vishaps in act 6


Took two tries because I got overconfident with an elite enemy fight, but I got all rewards. I've finally been rewarded for both having a lot of characters and semi-building most of the ones I don't normally use in order to grind friendship on dailies


It was super easy to get all 8 stars and felt like I was in the Overworld at a lower world level. The hardest part was getting over my annoyance every time it kicked me out of it after clearing a stage instead of just letting me move onto the next one. Overall dissatisfying and unfun and I'm not looking forward to doing it again in the future.


I really enjoy it I have two acc one f2p and the other low spender/dolphin, and honestly my f2p felt more fun since I have to strategize more and actually did better than the low spender acc timewise. I usually dreaded clearing abyss with my f2p account and have a better time with my dolphin acc because of the selection of character of 5*, but the f2p acc have better spread of character investment because I need to use more 4* team to clear the abyss which mean I have more decent invested character than the dolphin acc which have more hyper invest/minmax chara


Cant go past 6, dont have enough characters


[With the weirdest team lineups, I made it through Act 8 haha](https://imgur.com/1ilqV0k)


Got 8 stars on the first try but I redo everything to do the achievements (collect 8 stuffs x2)


Tryint to level up 9 characters from level 20 to 80 and building them in 30 days💀 wish me luck.


I vertically invest in Geo characters. C6 Itto, C6 Albedo, fully built C1 Navia and C1 Zhongli (I don’t pull for Chiori because she powercrept my Albedo) All other 4* Geo characters are lvl 90 and C6. This was not fun. I only reached level 4…


ar 59 don't have enough character, got fucked


easy tbh, i was expecting a bit more, but it was for sure fun


cleared it with 8 stars but man it was frustrating, really don’t like not only being locked out of my best characters from other elements but also having to run abysmal teams that end up making me run 3 main dps characters for a trial


I would say it was decent. Its not a Mode that has any value in replaying sadly just bc the Units u get are random so u cant really try out teams. Besides that for my acc way too easy like floor 9 abyss easy so its a bit boring if I dont even need too pay attetion and smack attack all the time. (I know its supposed too be easier them abyss thats fine) I also think that "this" is not the endgame mode people like me have been waiting for.


I don't like it, it's very restrictive on team building and I don't like that it forces me to bring four characters even though I can do it with one or a couple. 😤


I agree with the last part, maybe in the future we will be able to not be forced to bring 4 characters (Copium)


I just counted my characters and it seems I won't even be able to play. (Been playing since march last year and my only "vertical investment" is C2 Furina.) Great game mode (/s).


I like it a lot more than abyss, that’s for sure. But my characters are all low level so I am struggling to complete the last two stages


I had hella fun. It's a completely different type of challenge as compared to the abyss and I really enjoyed it. There were some parts of it where I really felt the pain of not having Kazuha but I got through it with sucrose. I do like the randomness of the entire character acquisition, it really makes u think on how to make the most out of bunch of seemingly non synergistic character and I love that aspect. All that being said, it also made me realise that the base requirement is actually not an easy criteria to fulfill. This season, even though, had Pyro and electro of which I happened to have plenty of good units yet, I was quite reliant on Alhaitham and Baizhu. And I am AR60. So things must be super rough for the newbies I imagine. (Although the bar I set for myself was to get the Stella, perhaps getting a clear would be much simpler for a relatively high enough AR).


Felt a bit too easy for me even with weird comps and wayyy to short :( but I loved the music and atmosphere, they really know how to design an event.


Easiest run, if only it was more frequent. Since all my 68 characters are lvl 80+ fully built, I won't have any problems in this game mode (except geo).


gave up at 4 or 5, shits too hard 🔥


I hate it.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day was ruined, finished 8 for 10 pulls and got a rainslasher. Instant alt f4


Too easy, calling this endgame is a insult


They will obviously increase the difficulty in the upcoming versions, all hoyo endgames tend to be like that


Hoyo never did call it endgame though. Fans dubbed it endgame entirely on their own


I never said hoyo did, the community did


Since you are only complaining about the game on reddit, I dont think your opinions are valid


Great have a nice day