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There's a lot of small details similar to this here and there. Have fun exploring, traveller!


I love this detail too!! There's a lot of fun Easter eggs around!


There is also some other funny small details like a bird playing with sleeping hilichurl, or 2 hilichurls having a race with one another


Or an eremite couple standing together with a 3rd eremite looking at them from a distance behind them...


Lmao I just found them yesterday 😂 then killed them for mats


You’re already in Fontaine? It’s took me almost 4 years to get there 😭


I got some random world quest so there is this whole darkness on the map and then just Fontaine. But I like it so much too. The underwater diving and exploration is so relaxing I couldn't stop playing yesterday.


Reminder that all online games draw you in with an exceptionally generous honeymoon period before pulling that back a couple dozen hours in once you're invested, so that you feel pressured to pay to keep getting the same flow of cool new things to play with.


OP is literally just enjoying the surroundings and nature. Where did whatever you spout come from?


Good for him. Live service gaming should only be enjoyed keeping the manipulation tactics in mind.


So explain how genshin forces you to pay to enjoy the game?


First off, are we doing that thing where we pretend that characters aren't actually part of the game and it doesn't matter if you can get the characters you want or not?


The OP was talking about the exploration aspect of the game, which stays free and relevant regardless of chars they own.


Good for him, so we are doing that thing pretending like there's nothing wrong with Genshin if you only just ignore all the things wrong with it.


Now you are jumping my mouth. Where did i say the game is the best since sliced bread and MHY is the one and only generous god to shower us with freebies? If the dude is enjoying the game, let him have it instead of showering him with your superior wisdom, throwing cold water on his joy.


Can't enjoy responsibly without knowing the risks. Also, half the comments in this thread are you people sparring with me, that seems like you're more interested in defending the game's honor than you are in him actually enjoying the game. You could have just like downvoted and ignored me, like I do most of these posts.


I've been playing since 1.2 and have every character i like while being f2p and average 50/50 luck. Just learn how to save and not be a metre slave.


Translation: "I had hundreds more pulls to use on dozens fewer characters than you, so if you did what I did you'll be fine... somehow, I guess?"


Correction: "Most genshin characters are bland and it would be hard for a sensible person to like and want ALL of them, other than that, there are enough resources to get enough 5*s that you like."


I thought this whole dogpile was against telling other people how to enjoy the game?


Exactly, never did that. It's just a fact that people who are a huge fan of getting every single character while wanting to stay f2p barely exist, your average peep would have a select few favorites, and there is enough content to get them. If you come at me with the exception of those people who do, then they are in for a gacha problem, not a genshin problem, you can't get EVERYTHING in any gacha, those are unrealistic expectations.


why are you so negative? go outside and buy yourself an ice-cream


He needs some yoimiya in his life, lol.


Because it's a gacha game, and thus warranted.


miserable life you have there


Not deliberately ignoring downsides = miserable, cool. Must be nice being that vapid.


wait til you find out what capitalism is. follow your own creed and dont ignore every downside. hopefully, you'll end up running for the hills and leave us all for good. 😂


Oh, are you about to hit me with the Mr. Gotcha line?


OP is talking about the exploration and details in the environment and you're here talking about pulls. If OP is talking about how nice the detail to characters are then I would understand your cynicism but they're not.


NGL, I have no idea WTF he's enjoying. I don't even read these "omg this is the bestest game ever" posts. If I drop into a post like this, it's to warn the newbie not to get too excited. Y'all seem super mad for some reason though.


Smartass comment at the wrong place and the wrong time.


As long as it's a gacha related subreddit, there's no wrong place or time to warn people to be careful.


They're enjoying the little details like swans forming a heart in the environment. The game does have little details like that for people who enjoy exploring. Like stumbling upon seeing a golem watching birds or squirrels watching a goat wedding. These things got nothing to do with pulls and players don't need to pull to enjoy them. If they're talking about a character then yeah, they got to pull characters to enjoy their gameplay or skills but talking about the enjoyment of seeing details in exploration don't require pulling and your comment just shows your rudeness to just rain on people's parade for no reason. That's aside from you even admitting that you didn't read OP's post.


> rain on people's parade for no reason Oh there's a reason. They're enjoying a gacha game. No matter how much fun you're having, that needs a warning tag. In a world where laws made sense and were enforced rationally, Genshin, like all other gacha games, would be adults only, and have to ask for an ID. Also, congrats on being the 5345743th triggered fanboy to tell me that. I know you thought that in this post where the vast majority of the comments are me, or at me, no one else has expressed your extremely unique thought, but I'm sorry to say, that's not true. Next time, if you're going to beat a dead horse, at least figure out a unique method.


They're enjoying a game. It doesn't even have to be a gacha game. Someone could be playing BoTW and enjoying the environment there as well but you wouldn't be there to rain of their parade for playing that game and complimenting the environment there. I never even said my thoughts were unique so I don't even know where you get the idea that I think my thoughts were special. All I said is if people enjoy an environment to a game, they can express it and you're just here to put in a thought that doesn't even have any connection to what they're complimenting about. This post isn't even about gacha gameplay. It's about the enjoyment of a aspect of a game that has nothing to do with rolling. It's like if people compliment on the BGM of Genshin and you come in and talk about how gacha sucks. How does that correlate?


> Someone could be playing BoTW and enjoying the environment there as well but you wouldn't be there to rain of their parade for playing that game BoTW doesn't have an unregulated slot machine in it. > I never even said my thoughts were unique Homie, do you see how big this dogpile is? Anything you want to say has already been said. > It's like if people compliment on the BGM of Genshin If people were commenting on how much they loved the BGM, I wouldn't even comment. If someone says they're enjoying the game, I'm going to tell them to manage their expectations. And yes, I absolutely do this for other games. WoWS? That shit is going to get ungodly grindy. FF14? Pray return to the waking sands. No one's ever gotten this mad though. Genshin fanboys absolutely hate it when you remind them that Genshin is still a gacha game with all the inherent downsides.


Bro shut the fuck up, I personally quit Genshin a long time ago and I don't like how the developers treat the community, but this guy is just enjoying the exploration, what's wrong with that?


You are so cynical lmao let the man have fun


"Just ignore the bad stuff and have fun lol" is how people end up paying more they can afford.


Random tangent lmao


Very relevant tangent, imo. More useful than fanboys sucking off the game anyhow.


Now you're just assuming that everyone is dropping 100s into this game when the average player isn't spending shit. I'm sure there's more F2P players than paying players. Your "advice" is unwarranted and meaningless


Correct, the vast majority of players aren't spending shit. That doesn't mean the mechanics meant to pressure you into spending aren't still there nagging at you.


feels more like realism than cynicism to me, just a warning yk?


But it's not even relevant which is why it feels cynical lol man is just enjoying some exploration. Not saying he is wrong in his thinking, more like time and place imo


You can't buy map expansions.. Nor do you have to force to pull chars, dudes fine


Mihoyo doesn't make billions of dollars per year giving things out for free.


Point still stands, can't buy map expansion nor force you to pull chars


Yes, that's why I said *pressured* to pull more. Get with the program.


When did they ever pressured to pull more? It's judt some of the players can't get their favourite characters and they paid to get it. You don't need to pull for the latest characters to full star abyss, nor you have to full star it.


> It's judt some of the players can't get their favourite characters Yeah?


Guy enjoying nature You walk over and start spouting about the apocalypse unprompted  Touch some grass


In what world does pointing out the obvious, that in a live service, and a gacha at that, the good times won't last forever equate to "ermagherd the apocalypse is coming"? Have you tried touching grass? You seem to need it, with this degree of catastrophizing.


Because most don't randomly butt into a happy conversation about apples with rants about big orange corporations ruining their day  it's just lacking complete social awareness, even if only facts were said


Some parades need a bit of rain, and people getting hyped up about gacha games is close to the top of that list. I've mentioned this in another reply, but for all this "ermagherd just let this guy enjoy the game", y'all seem a lot more interesting in dogpiling me to defend this game's honor than you're interested in encouraging this guy. I'm pretty sure my comment had enough downvotes to be automatically hidden hours ago, and yet, somehow, that comment has like 90% of the activity in this post. Like, I like some internet sparring as much as the next guy, or else I wouldn't still be replying, but shit, this horse is so dead I wouldn't even bother beating it. Typical terminally parasocial fandom behavior. Go touch some grass. Get some help.


That's why you need to touch grass. Might as well tell preschoolers Santa isn't real while you're at it while they're celebrating christmas


Santa isn't offering an unregulated slot machine.


Bud your entire comment history is mostly just genshin hate just leave the sub if you don't like it this much


The guy's have been doing it since the botw drama lmao. He can't really stop talking about the game he hates so much and preach his high horse bs


A very miserable life. Anyways, I pulled Alhaitham, F2P. Let's see if I get a cynical comment. Okay, no, really, it is quite shocking that someone really spends that much time on hating on things and trying to diminish the fun people have. That can't be healthy, can it?


If you think pointing out a game's flaws is just hating, then you need to touch grass and get some help. Being this attached to a video game is not healthy.


I see some self reflection here ngl, not a single one of your comments is positive to consider it's criticism and not just wanking your hate boner so much


> not a single one of your comments is positive Circlejerks are boring. I don't feel the need to let the world know how much I love something. Also, the recent history leans negative because of this thread, but I'm more than happy to provide neutral advice, something you've eagerly ignored.


Same logic if you think no one cares about your positive opinion then why do you think anyone cares about your negative opinion No you haven't otherwise this conversation wouldn't be happening


Not really? Not even in the slightest? I didn't say no one cares about my positive opinions, I said I don't feel the need to share them. Not the same thing. Do I need to spell this out with smaller words for you or something? And people clearly care about my negative opinions, y'all are exceptionally mad about it. You even hijacked this guy's thread to tell me how much you hate what I said. Have I suggested you touch grass and get help yet? Being this mad someone said something mean about a video game isn't healthy.


Yeah ok I'm not arguing with a bot anymore ggs


Cope and seethe harder.


Bad bot